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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Patch / Real.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 \section{Conflictor patches}
21 \begin{code}
22 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts -fno-warn-orphans #-}
23 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
24 -- , TypeOperators, GADTs, PatternGuards #-}
26 #include "gadts.h"
28 module Darcs.Patch.Real
29 ( RealPatch(..), prim2real, is_consistent, is_forward, is_duplicate,
30 pullCommon, mergeUnravelled ) where
32 import Control.Monad ( mplus, liftM )
33 import Data.List ( partition, nub )
34 import Darcs.Patch.Prim ( Prim, FromPrim(..), ToFromPrim(..), Conflict(..), Effect(..),
35 showPrim, FileNameFormat(NewFormat),
36 sort_coalesceFL, IsConflictedPrim(..), ConflictState(..) )
37 import Darcs.Patch.Read ( readPrim )
38 import Darcs.Patch.Patchy
39 import Darcs.Ordered
40 --import Darcs.Patch.Read ()
41 --import Darcs.Patch.Viewing ()
42 --import Darcs.Patch.Apply ()
43 import Darcs.Patch.Commute ( mangle_unravelled )
44 import Darcs.Patch.Non ( Non(..), Nonable(..), unNon,
45 showNons, showNon, readNons, readNon,
46 add, addP, addPs, remP, remPs, remNons,
47 (*>), (>*), (*>>), (>>*) )
48 import Darcs.Patch.Permutations ( commuteWhatWeCanFL, commuteWhatWeCanRL,
49 genCommuteWhatWeCanRL,
50 removeRL, removeFL, remove_subsequenceFL )
51 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( unpack )
52 import Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads (work, peek_input, my_lex )
53 import Darcs.Utils ( nubsort )
54 import Darcs.Sealed ( FlippedSeal(..), Sealed(Sealed), mapSeal )
55 import Darcs.Show
56 import Printer ( Doc, renderString, blueText, redText, (<+>), ($$) )
57 import Darcs.ColorPrinter ( errorDoc, assertDoc )
58 --import Printer ( greenText )
59 --import Darcs.ColorPrinter ( traceDoc )
60 #include "impossible.h"
62 -- Duplicate x: This patch has no effect since 'x' is already present in the repository
64 -- Etacilpud x: invert (Duplicate x)
66 -- Normal prim: A primitive patch
68 -- Conflictor ix xx x:
69 -- 'ix' is the set of patches:
70 -- * that conflict with 'x' and also conflict with another patch in the repository
71 -- * that conflict with a patch that conflict with 'x'
72 -- 'xx' is the sequence of patches that conflict *only* with 'x'
73 -- 'x' is the current patch
75 -- 'ix' and 'x' are stored as "Non" objects, which include any necessary
76 -- context to uniquely define the patch that is referred to.
78 -- InvConflictor ix xx x: like invert (Conflictor ix xx x)
79 data RealPatch C(x y) where
80 Duplicate :: Non RealPatch C(x) -> RealPatch C(x x)
81 Etacilpud :: Non RealPatch C(x) -> RealPatch C(x x)
82 Normal :: Prim C(x y) -> RealPatch C(x y)
83 Conflictor :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> FL Prim C(x y) -> Non RealPatch C(x) -> RealPatch C(y x)
84 InvConflictor :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> FL Prim C(x y) -> Non RealPatch C(x) -> RealPatch C(x y)
86 is_duplicate :: RealPatch C(s y) -> Bool
87 is_duplicate (Duplicate _) = True
88 is_duplicate (Etacilpud _) = True
89 is_duplicate _ = False
91 is_forward :: RealPatch C(s y) -> Maybe Doc
92 is_forward p@(InvConflictor _ _ _) =
93 Just $ redText "An inverse conflictor" $$ showPatch p
94 is_forward p@(Etacilpud _) =
95 Just $ redText "An inverse duplicate" $$ showPatch p
96 is_forward _ = Nothing
98 mergeUnravelled :: [Sealed ((FL Prim) C(x))] -> Maybe (FlippedSeal RealPatch C(x))
99 mergeUnravelled [] = Nothing
100 mergeUnravelled [_] = Nothing
101 mergeUnravelled ws = case mergeUnravelled_private ws of
102 Nothing -> Nothing
103 Just NilRL -> bug "found no patches in mergeUnravelled"
104 Just (z:<:_) -> Just $ FlippedSeal z
105 where notNullS :: Sealed ((FL Prim) C(x)) -> Bool
106 notNullS (Sealed NilFL) = False
107 notNullS _ = True
108 mergeUnravelled_private :: [Sealed (FL Prim C(x))] -> Maybe (RL RealPatch C(x x))
109 mergeUnravelled_private xs = reverseFL `fmap` mergeConflictingNons
110 (map sealed2non $ filter notNullS xs)
112 sealed2non :: Sealed ((FL Prim) C(x)) -> Non RealPatch C(x)
113 sealed2non (Sealed xs) = case reverseFL xs of
114 y:<:ys -> Non (mapFL_FL fromPrim $ reverseRL ys) y
115 NilRL -> bug "NilFL encountered in sealed2non"
117 mergeConflictingNons :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> Maybe (FL RealPatch C(x x))
118 mergeConflictingNons ns = mcn $ map unNon ns
119 where mcn :: [Sealed (FL RealPatch C(x))] -> Maybe (FL RealPatch C(x x))
120 mcn [] = Just NilFL
121 mcn [Sealed p] = case sort_coalesce_effects p of -- this is just a safety check, and could
122 NilFL -> Just p -- be removed when we're sure of the code.
123 _ -> Nothing
124 mcn (Sealed p1:Sealed p2:zs) = case pullCommon p1 p2 of
125 Common c ps qs ->
126 case merge (ps :\/: qs) of
127 qs' :/\: _ -> mcn (Sealed (c +>+ ps +>+ qs'):zs)
129 sort_coalesce_effects :: FL RealPatch C(x y) -> FL Prim C(x y)
130 sort_coalesce_effects = sort_coalesceFL . effect
132 assertConsistent :: RealPatch C(x y) -> RealPatch C(x y)
133 assertConsistent x = assertDoc (do e <- is_consistent x
134 Just (redText "Inconsistent patch:" $$ showPatch x $$ e)) x
136 -- mergeAfterConflicting takes as input a sequence of conflicting
137 -- patches xxx (which therefore have no effect) and a sequence of
138 -- primitive patches yyy that follow said sequence of conflicting
139 -- patches, and may depend upon some of the conflicting patches (as a
140 -- resolution).
142 -- The output is two sequences of patches the first consisting of a
143 -- set of mutually-conflicting patches, and the second having the same
144 -- effect as the original primitive patch sequence in the input.
146 -- So far as I can tell, the second output is always identical to
147 -- mapFL Normal yyy
149 -- The first output is the set of patches from xxx that are depended
150 -- upon by yyy.
152 mergeAfterConflicting :: FL RealPatch C(x x) -> FL Prim C(x y)
153 -> Maybe (FL RealPatch C(x x), FL RealPatch C(x y))
154 mergeAfterConflicting xxx yyy = --traceDoc (greenText "mergeAfterConflicting xxx" $$ showPatch xxx $$
155 -- greenText "and yyy" $$ showPatch yyy) $
156 mac (reverseFL xxx) yyy NilFL
157 where mac :: RL RealPatch C(x y) -> FL Prim C(y z) -> FL RealPatch C(z a)
158 -> Maybe (FL RealPatch C(x x), FL RealPatch C(x a))
159 mac NilRL xs goneby = case sort_coalesce_effects goneby of
160 NilFL -> Just (NilFL, mapFL_FL Normal xs)
161 _z -> --traceDoc (greenText "mac1 z" $$ showPatch _z) $
162 Nothing
163 mac (p:<:ps) xs goneby = --traceDoc (greenText "mac ps" $$ showPatch ps $$
164 -- greenText "p" $$ showPatch p $$
165 -- greenText "xs" $$ showPatch xs $$
166 -- greenText "goneby" $$ showPatch goneby) $
167 case commuteFL (p :> mapFL_FL Normal xs) of
168 Left _ -> case genCommuteWhatWeCanRL commute_no_conflicts (ps :> p) of
169 a:>p':>b ->
170 do (b',xs') <- mac b xs goneby
171 --traceDoc (greenText "foo1" $$
172 -- showPatch (sort_coalesceFL $
173 -- effect $ p':<:a)) $ Just ()
174 NilFL <- return $ sort_coalesceFL $ effect $ p':<:a
175 return (reverseRL (p':<:a)+>+b', xs')
176 `mplus` do NilFL <- return goneby
177 NilFL <- return $ sort_coalesceFL $
178 effect (p:<:ps)
179 return (reverseRL (p:<:ps),
180 mapFL_FL Normal xs)
181 Right (l:>p'') ->
182 case allNormal l of
183 Just xs'' -> mac ps xs'' (p'':>:goneby)
184 Nothing ->
185 case genCommuteWhatWeCanRL commute_no_conflicts (ps :> p) of
186 a:>p':>b ->
187 do (b',xs') <- mac b xs goneby
188 --traceDoc (greenText "foo2" $$
189 -- showPatch (sort_coalesceFL $
190 -- effect $ p':<:a)) $ Just ()
191 NilFL <- return $ sort_coalesceFL $ effect $ p':<:a
192 return $ (reverseRL (p':<:a)+>+b', xs')
194 geteff :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> FL Prim C(x y) -> ([Non RealPatch C(x)], FL RealPatch C(x y))
195 geteff _ NilFL = ([],NilFL)
196 geteff ix (x:>:xs) | Just ix' <- mapM (remP (Normal x)) ix
197 = --traceDoc (greenText "I got rid of x" $$ showPatch x) $
198 case geteff ix' xs of
199 (ns,xs') -> (non (Normal x) : map (addP (Normal x)) ns,
200 Normal x :>: xs')
201 geteff ix xx = case mergeConflictingNons ix of
202 Nothing -> errorDoc $ redText "mergeConflictingNons failed in geteff with ix" $$
203 showNons ix $$ redText "xx" $$ showPatch xx
204 Just rix -> case mergeAfterConflicting rix xx of
205 Just (a,x) -> (map (addPs (reverseFL a)) $ toNons x,
206 a +>+ x)
207 Nothing -> errorDoc $ redText "mergeAfterConflicting failed in geteff"$$
208 redText "where ix" $$ showNons ix $$
209 redText "and xx" $$ showPatch xx $$
210 redText "and rix" $$ showPatch rix
212 xx2nons :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> FL Prim C(x y) -> [Non RealPatch C(x)]
213 xx2nons ix xx = fst $ geteff ix xx
215 xx2patches :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> FL Prim C(x y) -> FL RealPatch C(x y)
216 xx2patches ix xx = snd $ geteff ix xx
218 allNormal :: FL RealPatch C(x y) -> Maybe (FL Prim C(x y))
219 allNormal (Normal x:>:xs) = (x :>:) `fmap` allNormal xs
220 allNormal NilFL = Just NilFL
221 allNormal _ = Nothing
223 is_consistent :: RealPatch C(x y) -> Maybe Doc
224 is_consistent (Normal _) = Nothing
225 is_consistent (Duplicate _) = Nothing
226 is_consistent (Etacilpud _) = Nothing
227 is_consistent (Conflictor im mm m@(Non deps _))
228 | not $ everyone_conflicts im = Just $ redText "Someone doesn't conflict in im in is_consistent"
229 | Just _ <- remPs rmm m, _:>:_ <- mm = Just $ redText "m doesn't conflict with mm in is_consistent"
230 | any (\x -> any (x `conflicts_with`) nmm) im
231 = Just $ redText "mm conflicts with im in is_consistent where nmm is" $$
232 showNons nmm
233 | Nothing <- (nmm ++ im) `minus` toNons deps = Just $ redText "dependencies not in conflict:" $$
234 showNons (toNons deps) $$
235 redText "compared with deps itself:" $$
236 showPatch deps
237 | otherwise = case all_conflicts_with m im of
238 (im1,[]) | im1 `eqSet` im -> Nothing
239 (_,imnc) -> Just $ redText "m doesn't conflict with im in is_consistent. unconflicting:"
240 $$ showNons imnc
241 where (nmm, rmm) = geteff im mm
242 is_consistent c@(InvConflictor _ _ _) = is_consistent (invert c)
244 everyone_conflicts :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> Bool
245 everyone_conflicts [] = True
246 everyone_conflicts (x:xs) = case all_conflicts_with x xs of
247 ([],_) -> False
248 (_,xs') -> everyone_conflicts xs'
250 prim2real :: Prim C(x y) -> RealPatch C(x y)
251 prim2real = Normal
253 instance Patchy RealPatch
255 instance MyEq p => Eq (Sealed (p C(x))) where
256 (Sealed x) == (Sealed y) | IsEq <- x =\/= y = True
257 | otherwise = False
259 merge_with :: Non RealPatch C(x) -> [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> Sealed (FL Prim C(x))
260 merge_with p [] = effect `mapSeal` unNon p
261 merge_with p xs = mergeall $ map unNon $ (p:) $ unconflicting_of $
262 filter (\x -> not (p `depends_upon` x) && not (p `conflicts_with` x)) xs
263 where mergeall :: [Sealed (FL RealPatch C(x))] -> Sealed (FL Prim C(x))
264 mergeall [Sealed x] = Sealed $ effect x
265 mergeall [] = Sealed NilFL
266 mergeall (Sealed x:Sealed y:rest) = case merge (x :\/: y) of
267 y' :/\: _ -> mergeall (Sealed (x+>+y'):rest)
268 unconflicting_of [] = []
269 unconflicting_of (q:qs) = case all_conflicts_with q qs of
270 ([],_) -> q:qs
271 (_,nc) -> unconflicting_of nc
273 instance Conflict RealPatch where
274 conflictedEffect (Duplicate (Non _ x)) = [IsC Duplicated x]
275 conflictedEffect (Etacilpud _) = impossible
276 conflictedEffect (Conflictor _ _ (Non _ x)) = [IsC Conflicted x]
277 conflictedEffect (InvConflictor _ _ _) = impossible
278 conflictedEffect (Normal x) = [IsC Okay x]
279 resolve_conflicts (Conflictor ix xx x) = [mangle_unravelled unravelled : unravelled]
280 where unravelled = nub $ filter isn $ map (`merge_with` (x:ix++nonxx)) (x:ix++nonxx)
281 nonxx = case nonxx_aux ix xx of
282 NilRL -> []
283 Normal q:<:qs -> [Non (reverseRL qs) q]
284 _ -> []
285 nonxx_aux :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> FL Prim C(x y) -> RL RealPatch C(x y)
286 nonxx_aux a b = reverseFL $ xx2patches a b
287 isn :: Sealed (FL p C(x)) -> Bool
288 isn (Sealed NilFL) = False
289 isn _ = True
290 resolve_conflicts _ = []
292 -- cA
293 commute_no_conflicts (Duplicate x :> Duplicate y) = Just (Duplicate y :> Duplicate x)
294 commute_no_conflicts (Etacilpud x :> Duplicate y) = Just (Duplicate y :> Etacilpud x)
295 commute_no_conflicts (Duplicate x :> Etacilpud y) = Just (Etacilpud y :> Duplicate x)
296 commute_no_conflicts (Etacilpud x :> Etacilpud y) = Just (Etacilpud y :> Etacilpud x)
297 -- cB
298 commute_no_conflicts (x :> Duplicate d) = if d == addP (invert x) (non x)
299 then Just (x :> Duplicate d)
300 else do d' <- remP (invert x) d
301 return (Duplicate d' :> x)
302 commute_no_conflicts (Duplicate d' :> x) = Just (x :> Duplicate (addP (invert x) d'))
303 commute_no_conflicts c@(Etacilpud _ :> _) = invertCommuteNC c
304 commute_no_conflicts c@(_ :> Etacilpud _) = invertCommuteNC c
305 -- cE
306 commute_no_conflicts (Normal x :> Normal y) = do y' :> x' <- commute (x :> y)
307 return (Normal y' :> Normal x')
308 -- cF -- involves a conflict
309 -- cG
310 commute_no_conflicts (Normal x :> Conflictor iy yy y) =
311 case commuteFL (x :> invert yy) of
312 Right (iyy' :> x') -> do
313 y':iy' <- mapM (Normal x' >*) (y:iy)
314 return (Conflictor iy' (invert iyy') y' :> Normal x')
315 _ -> Nothing
316 -- cFi+cGi -- handle with previous two pattern matches
317 commute_no_conflicts c@(InvConflictor _ _ _ :> Normal _) = invertCommuteNC c
318 -- icG FIXME: where is icF?
319 commute_no_conflicts (Conflictor iy' yy' y' :> Normal x') =
320 do x :> iyy <- commuteRL (invertFL yy' :> x')
321 y:iy <- mapM (*> Normal x') (y':iy')
322 return (Normal x :> Conflictor iy (invertRL iyy) y)
323 -- icGi -- handle with previous pattern match
324 commute_no_conflicts c@(Normal _ :> InvConflictor _ _ _) = invertCommuteNC c
325 -- cH -- this involves a conflict commute
326 -- cI
327 commute_no_conflicts (Conflictor ix xx x :> Conflictor iy yy y) =
328 do xx' :> yy' <- commute (yy :> xx)
329 x':ix' <- mapM (yy >>*) (x:ix)
330 y':iy' <- mapM (*>> xx') (y:iy)
331 False <- return $ any (conflicts_with y) (x':ix')
332 False <- return $ any (conflicts_with x') iy
333 return (Conflictor iy' yy' y' :> Conflictor ix' xx' x')
334 -- cHi+cIi uses previous two matches
335 commute_no_conflicts c@(InvConflictor _ _ _ :> InvConflictor _ _ _) = invertCommuteNC c
336 -- cJ
337 commute_no_conflicts (InvConflictor ix xx x :> Conflictor iy yy y) =
338 do iyy' :> xx' <- commute (xx :> invert yy)
339 y':iy' <- mapM (xx' >>*) (y:iy)
340 x':ix' <- mapM (invertFL iyy' >>*) (x:ix)
341 False <- return $ any (conflicts_with y') (x':ix')
342 False <- return $ any (conflicts_with x') iy'
343 return (Conflictor iy' (invert iyy') y' :> InvConflictor ix' xx' x')
344 -- icJ
345 commute_no_conflicts (Conflictor iy' yy' y' :> InvConflictor ix' xx' x') =
346 do xx :> iyy <- commute (invert yy' :> xx')
347 y:iy <- mapM (*>> xx') (y':iy')
348 x:ix <- mapM (*>> yy') (x':ix')
349 False <- return $ any (conflicts_with y') (x':ix')
350 False <- return $ any (conflicts_with x') iy'
351 return (InvConflictor ix xx x :> Conflictor iy (invert iyy) y)
353 instance FromPrim RealPatch where
354 fromPrim = prim2real
355 instance ToFromPrim RealPatch where
356 toPrim (Normal p) = Just p
357 toPrim _ = Nothing
359 instance MyEq RealPatch where
360 (Duplicate x) =\/= (Duplicate y) | x == y = IsEq
361 (Etacilpud x) =\/= (Etacilpud y) | x == y = IsEq
362 (Normal x) =\/= (Normal y) = x =\/= y
363 (Conflictor cx xx x) =\/= (Conflictor cy yy y)
364 | map (add $ invertFL xx) cx `eqSet`
365 map (add $ invertFL yy) cy &&
366 add (invert xx) x == add (invert yy) y = xx =/\= yy
367 (InvConflictor cx xx x) =\/= (InvConflictor cy yy y)
368 | cx `eqSet` cy && x == y = xx =\/= yy
369 _ =\/= _ = NotEq
371 eqSet :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
372 eqSet [] [] = True
373 eqSet (x:xs) xys | Just ys <- remove1 x xys = eqSet xs ys
374 eqSet _ _ = False
376 remove1 :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
377 remove1 x (y:ys) | x == y = Just ys
378 | otherwise = (y :) `fmap` remove1 x ys
379 remove1 _ [] = Nothing
381 minus :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
382 minus xs [] = Just xs
383 minus xs (y:ys) = do xs' <- remove1 y xs
384 xs' `minus` ys
386 invertNon :: Non RealPatch C(x) -> Non RealPatch C(x)
387 invertNon (Non c x)
388 | Just rc' <- removeRL nix (reverseFL c) = Non (reverseRL rc') (invert x)
389 | otherwise = addPs (Normal x :<: reverseFL c) $ non nix
390 where nix = Normal $ invert x
392 nonTouches :: Non RealPatch C(x) -> [FilePath]
393 nonTouches (Non c x) = list_touched_files (c +>+ fromPrim x :>: NilFL)
395 toNons :: (Conflict p, Patchy p, ToFromPrim p, Nonable p) => FL p C(x y) -> [Non p C(x)]
396 toNons xs = map lastNon $ initsFL xs
397 where lastNon :: (Conflict p, Patchy p, Nonable p) => Sealed ((p :> FL p) C(x)) -> Non p C(x)
398 lastNon (Sealed xxx) = case lastNon_aux xxx of
399 deps :> p :> _ -> case non p of
400 Non NilFL pp -> Non (reverseRL deps) pp
401 Non ds pp -> errorDoc $ redText "Weird case in toNons" $$
402 redText "please report this bug!" $$
403 (case xxx of
404 z:>zs -> showPatch (z:>:zs)) $$
405 redText "ds are" $$ showPatch ds $$
406 redText "pp is" $$ showPatch pp
407 reverseFoo :: (p :> FL p) C(x y) -> (RL p :> p) C(x y)
408 reverseFoo (p :> ps) = rf NilRL p ps
409 where rf :: RL p C(a b) -> p C(b c) -> FL p C(c d) -> (RL p :> p) C(a d)
410 rf rs l NilFL = rs :> l
411 rf rs x (y:>:ys) = rf (x:<:rs) y ys
412 lastNon_aux :: Commute p => (p :> FL p) C(x y) -> (RL p :> p :> RL p) C(x y)
413 lastNon_aux = commuteWhatWeCanRL . reverseFoo
415 initsFL :: Patchy p => FL p C(x y) -> [Sealed ((p :> FL p) C(x))]
416 initsFL NilFL = []
417 initsFL (x:>:xs) = Sealed (x:>NilFL) : map (\ (Sealed (y:>xs')) -> Sealed (x:>y:>:xs')) (initsFL xs)
419 fromNons :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> Maybe (Sealed (FL Prim C(x)))
420 fromNons [] = Just $ Sealed $ NilFL
421 fromNons ns = do (Sealed p, ns') <- pullInContext ns
422 ns'' <- mapM (remP $ fromPrim p) ns'
423 Sealed ps <- fromNons ns''
424 return $ Sealed $ p :>: ps
426 pullInContext :: [Non RealPatch C(x)] -> Maybe (Sealed (Prim C(x)), [Non RealPatch C(x)])
427 pullInContext (Non NilFL p:ns) = Just (Sealed p, ns)
428 pullInContext (n:ns) = do (sp,ns') <- pullInContext ns
429 return (sp, n:ns')
430 pullInContext [] = Nothing
432 filterConflictsFL :: Non RealPatch C(x) -> FL Prim C(x y) -> (FL Prim :> FL Prim) C(x y)
433 filterConflictsFL _ NilFL = NilFL :> NilFL
434 filterConflictsFL n (p:>:ps)
435 | Just n' <- remP (fromPrim p) n = case filterConflictsFL n' ps of
436 p1 :> p2 -> p:>:p1 :> p2
437 | otherwise = case commuteWhatWeCanFL (p :> ps) of
438 p1 :> p' :> p2 -> case filterConflictsFL n p1 of
439 p1a :> p1b -> p1a :> p1b +>+ p' :>: p2
441 instance Invert RealPatch where
442 invert (Duplicate d) = Etacilpud d
443 invert (Etacilpud d) = Duplicate d
444 invert (Normal p) = Normal (invert p)
445 invert (Conflictor x c p) = InvConflictor x c p
446 invert (InvConflictor x c p) = Conflictor x c p
447 identity = Normal identity
449 instance Commute RealPatch where
450 -- commute (x :> y) | traceDoc (greenText "commuting x" $$ showPatch x $$
451 -- greenText "with y" $$ showPatch y) False = undefined
452 commute (x :> y) | Just (y' :> x') <- commute_no_conflicts (assertConsistent x :> assertConsistent y) = Just (y' :> x')
453 -- cF
454 commute (Normal x :> Conflictor a1'nop2 n1'x p1') -- these patches conflicted
455 | Just rn1' <- removeRL x (reverseFL n1'x) =
456 do let p2:n1nons = reverse $ xx2nons a1'nop2 $ reverseRL (x:<:rn1')
457 a2 = p1':a1'nop2++n1nons
458 case (a1'nop2, reverseRL rn1', p1') of
459 ([], NilFL, Non c y) | NilFL <- sort_coalesce_effects c ->
460 Just (Normal y :> Conflictor a1'nop2 (y:>:NilFL) p2)
461 (a1,n1,_) -> Just (Conflictor a1 n1 p1' :> Conflictor a2 NilFL p2)
462 -- cFi -- handle with previous pattern match
463 commute c@(InvConflictor _ _ _ :> Normal _) = invertCommute c
464 -- cH
465 commute (Conflictor a1 n1 p1 :> Conflictor a2 n2 p2)
466 | Just a2_minus_p1 <- remove1 p1' a2,
467 not (p2 `depends_upon` p1') =
468 do let n1nons = map (add n2) $ xx2nons a1 n1
469 n2nons = xx2nons a2 n2
470 Just a2_minus_p1n1 = a2_minus_p1 `minus` n1nons
471 n2n1 = n2 +>+ n1
472 a1' = map (add n2) a1
473 p2ooo = remNons a1' p2
474 n1' :> n2' <- return $ filterConflictsFL p2ooo n2n1
475 let n1'n2'nons = xx2nons a2_minus_p1n1 (n1'+>+n2')
476 n1'nons = take (lengthFL n1') n1'n2'nons
477 n2'nons = drop (lengthFL n1') n1'n2'nons
478 Just a1'nop2 = (a2++n2nons) `minus` (p1':n1'nons)
479 Just a2'o = --traceDoc (greenText "\n\nConflictor a1 n1 p1 is" $$
480 -- showPatch (assertConsistent $ Conflictor a1 n1 p1) $$
481 -- greenText "and Conflictor a2 n2 p2 is" $$
482 -- showPatch (assertConsistent $ Conflictor a2 n2 p2) $$
483 -- greenText "where n2'nons is" $$ showNons n2'nons $$
484 -- greenText "and others are" $$
485 -- showNons (fst $ all_conflicts_with p2 $ a2_minus_p1++n2nons) $$
486 -- greenText "These came from" $$
487 -- showNons (a2_minus_p1++n2nons) $$
488 -- greenText "n1'n2'nons" $$ showNons n1'n2'nons $$
489 -- greenText "from n1' :> n2'" $$
490 -- showPatch n1' $$ greenText ":>" $$ showPatch n2' $$
491 -- greenText "p2" $$ showNon p2 $$
492 -- greenText "p2 fixed" $$ showNon p2ooo $$
493 -- -- greenText "pren1" $$ showPatch pren1 $$
494 -- greenText "n1'" $$ showPatch n1' $$
495 -- greenText "p2" $$ showNon p2
496 -- )
497 (fst $ all_conflicts_with p2 $ a2_minus_p1++n2nons) `minus` n2'nons
498 Just a2' = mapM (remPs (xx2patches a1'nop2 n1')) $
499 a2'o
500 Just p2' = remPs (xx2patches a1'nop2 n1') p2
501 case (a2', n2', p2') of
502 ([], NilFL, Non c x) | NilFL <- sort_coalesce_effects c ->
503 Just (Normal x :> Conflictor a1'nop2 (n1'+>+x:>:NilFL) p1')
504 | otherwise -> impossible
505 _ -> Just (Conflictor a2' n2' p2' :> Conflictor (p2:a1'nop2) n1' p1')
506 where (_,rpn2) = geteff a2 n2
507 p1' = addPs (reverseFL rpn2) p1
508 -- cHi -- uses previous match
509 commute c@(InvConflictor _ _ _ :> InvConflictor _ _ _) = invertCommute c
510 commute _ = Nothing
512 merge (InvConflictor _ _ _ :\/: _) = impossible
513 merge (_ :\/: InvConflictor _ _ _) = impossible
514 merge (Etacilpud _ :\/: _) = impossible
515 merge (_ :\/: Etacilpud _) = impossible
516 -- merge (x :\/: y) | traceDoc (greenText "merging x" $$ showPatch x $$
517 -- greenText "with y" $$ showPatch y) False = impossible
518 -- mA
519 merge (Duplicate a :\/: Duplicate b) = Duplicate b :/\: Duplicate a
520 -- mB
521 merge (Duplicate a :\/: b) = b :/\: Duplicate (addP (invert b) a) -- FIXME ???
522 -- smB
523 merge m@(_ :\/: Duplicate _) = swapMerge m
524 -- mC
525 -- merge _ | traceDoc (greenText "about to look for conflictingness") False = impossible
526 merge (x :\/: y) | Just (y' :> ix') <- commute (invert (assertConsistent x) :> assertConsistent y),
527 Just (y'' :> _) <- commute (x :> y'),
528 IsEq <- y'' =\/= y = --traceDoc (greenText "These didn't conflict") $
529 assertConsistent y' :/\: invert (assertConsistent ix')
530 | IsEq <- x =\/= y,
531 n <- addP (invert x) $ non x =
532 --traceDoc (greenText "Found duplicate") $
533 Duplicate n :/\: Duplicate n
534 -- merge (x :\/: y) | traceDoc (greenText "trying to merging x" $$ showPatch x $$
535 -- greenText "which conflicts with y" $$ showPatch y) False = impossible
536 -- mD
537 merge (Normal x :\/: Normal y) =
538 Conflictor [] (x:>:NilFL) (non $ Normal y) :/\: Conflictor [] (y:>:NilFL) (non $ Normal x)
539 -- mG
540 merge (Normal x :\/: Conflictor iy yy y) =
541 --traceDoc (greenText "merging Normal x" $$ showPatch x $$
542 -- greenText "and Conflictor iy yy y" $$ showPatch (Conflictor iy yy y)) $
543 Conflictor iy yyx y :/\: Conflictor (y:iy++nyy) NilFL x'
544 where yyx = yy +>+ x:>:NilFL
545 (x':nyy) = reverse $ xx2nons iy yyx
546 -- smE+smG
547 merge m@(Conflictor _ _ _ :\/: Normal _) = swapMerge m
548 -- merge (x :\/: y) | traceDoc (greenText "still trying to merge x" $$ showPatch x $$
549 -- greenText "with y" $$ showPatch y) False = impossible
550 -- mH see also cH
551 merge (Conflictor ix xx x :\/: Conflictor iy yy y) =
552 case pullCommonRL (reverseFL xx) (reverseFL yy) of
553 CommonRL rxx1 ryy1 c ->
554 case commuteRLFL (ryy1 :> invertRL rxx1) of
555 Just (ixx' :> ryy') ->
556 let xx' = invert ixx'
557 yy' = reverseRL ryy'
558 y':iy' = map (add $ invertFL ixx') (y:iy)
559 x':ix' = map (add ryy') (x:ix)
560 nyy' = xx2nons iy' yy'
561 nxx' = xx2nons ix' xx'
562 icx = drop (lengthRL rxx1) $ xx2nons ix (reverseRL $ c+<+rxx1)
563 ic' = map (add ryy') icx
564 ixy' = ic' ++ (iy'+++ix')
565 -- +++ above is a more efficient version of nub
566 -- (iy'++ix') given that we know each element shows up
567 -- only once in either list.
568 in --traceDoc (greenText "here I am! and so is ixy'" $$ showNons ixy' $$
569 -- greenText "and iy" $$ showNons iy $$ greenText (show $ length iy) $$
570 -- greenText "and ix" $$ showNons ix $$
571 -- greenText "and iy'" $$ showNons iy' $$
572 -- greenText "and ix'" $$ showNons ix' $$
573 -- greenText "and ic'" $$ showNons ic'
574 -- ) $
575 Conflictor (x':ixy'++nxx') yy' y' :/\: Conflictor (y':ixy'++nyy') xx' x'
576 Nothing -> impossible pullInContext fromNons
577 -- merge _ = error "haven't finished fixing merge"
579 list_touched_files (Duplicate p) = nonTouches p
580 list_touched_files (Etacilpud p) = nonTouches p
581 list_touched_files (Normal p) = list_touched_files p
582 list_touched_files (Conflictor x c p) =
583 nubsort $ concatMap nonTouches x ++ list_touched_files c ++ nonTouches p
584 list_touched_files (InvConflictor x c p) =
585 nubsort $ concatMap nonTouches x ++ list_touched_files c ++ nonTouches p
588 all_conflicts_withFL :: FL Prim C(x y) -> [Non RealPatch C(x)]
589 -> ([Non RealPatch C(x)], [Non RealPatch C(x)])
590 all_conflicts_withFL xx ns = case partition f ns of
591 ([],nc) -> ([],nc)
592 (c,nc) -> case acw c nc of
593 (c',nc') -> (c++c',nc')
594 where acw (y:ys) zs = case all_conflicts_with y zs of
595 (c,nc) -> case acw ys nc of
596 (c',nc') -> (c++c',nc')
597 acw [] zs = ([],zs)
598 f (Non c p) = case commuteRLFL (invertFL c :> mapFL_FL Normal xx) of
599 Nothing -> True
600 Just (xx' :> _) -> case commuteFL (Normal (invert p) :> xx') of
601 Nothing -> True
602 Just _ -> False
604 all_conflicts_with :: Non RealPatch C(x) -> [Non RealPatch C(x)]
605 -> ([Non RealPatch C(x)], [Non RealPatch C(x)])
606 all_conflicts_with x ys = acw $ partition (conflicts_with x) ys
607 where acw ([],nc) = ([],nc)
608 acw (c:cs, nc) = case all_conflicts_with c nc of
609 (c1,nc1) -> case acw (cs, nc1) of
610 (xs',nc') -> (c:c1++xs',nc')
612 conflicts_with :: Non RealPatch C(x) -> Non RealPatch C(x) -> Bool
613 conflicts_with x y | x `depends_upon` y || y `depends_upon` x = False
614 conflicts_with x (Non cy y) =
615 case remPs cy x of
616 Just (Non cx' x') -> case commuteFL (fromPrim (invert y) :> cx' +>+ fromPrim x' :>: NilFL) of
617 Right _ -> False
618 Left _ -> True
619 Nothing -> True
621 depends_upon :: Non RealPatch C(x) -> Non RealPatch C(x) -> Bool
622 depends_upon (Non xs _) (Non ys y) =
623 case remove_subsequenceFL (ys +>+ fromPrim y :>: NilFL) xs of
624 Just _ -> True
625 Nothing -> False
627 (+++) :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
628 [] +++ x = x
629 x +++ [] = x
630 (x:xs) +++ xys | Just ys <- remove1 x xys = x : (xs +++ ys)
631 | otherwise = x : (xs +++ xys)
633 swapMerge :: (RealPatch :\/: RealPatch) C(x y) -> (RealPatch :/\: RealPatch) C(x y)
634 swapMerge (x :\/: y) = case merge (y :\/: x) of x' :/\: y' -> y' :/\: x'
636 invertCommute :: (RealPatch :> RealPatch) C(x y) -> Maybe ((RealPatch :> RealPatch) C(x y))
637 invertCommute (x :> y) = do ix' :> iy' <- commute (invert y :> invert x)
638 return (invert iy' :> invert ix')
640 invertCommuteNC :: (RealPatch :> RealPatch) C(x y) -> Maybe ((RealPatch :> RealPatch) C(x y))
641 invertCommuteNC (x :> y) = do ix' :> iy' <- commute_no_conflicts (invert y :> invert x)
642 return (invert iy' :> invert ix')
643 pullCommon :: Patchy p => FL p C(o x) -> FL p C(o y) -> Common p C(o x y)
644 pullCommon NilFL ys = Common NilFL NilFL ys
645 pullCommon xs NilFL = Common NilFL xs NilFL
646 pullCommon (x:>:xs) xys | Just ys <- removeFL x xys = case pullCommon xs ys of
647 Common c xs' ys' -> Common (x:>:c) xs' ys'
648 pullCommon (x:>:xs) ys = case commuteWhatWeCanFL (x :> xs) of
649 xs1:>x':>xs2 -> case pullCommon xs1 ys of
650 Common c xs1' ys' -> Common c (xs1'+>+x':>:xs2) ys'
652 data Common p C(o x y) where
653 Common :: FL p C(o i) -> FL p C(i x) -> FL p C(i y) -> Common p C(o x y)
655 pullCommonRL :: Patchy p => RL p C(x o) -> RL p C(y o) -> CommonRL p C(x y o)
656 pullCommonRL NilRL ys = CommonRL NilRL ys NilRL
657 pullCommonRL xs NilRL = CommonRL xs NilRL NilRL
658 pullCommonRL (x:<:xs) xys
659 | Just ys <- removeRL x xys = case pullCommonRL xs ys of
660 CommonRL xs' ys' c -> CommonRL xs' ys' (x:<:c)
661 pullCommonRL (x:<:xs) ys =
662 case commuteWhatWeCanRL (xs :> x) of
663 xs1:>x':>xs2 -> case pullCommonRL xs2 ys of
664 CommonRL xs2' ys' c -> CommonRL (xs2'+<+x':<:xs1) ys' c
666 data CommonRL p C(x y f) where
667 CommonRL :: RL p C(x i) -> RL p C(y i) -> RL p C(i f) -> CommonRL p C(x y f)
669 instance Apply RealPatch where
670 apply opts p = apply opts (effect p)
671 applyAndTryToFixFL (Normal p) = mapMaybeSnd (mapFL_FL Normal) `liftM` applyAndTryToFixFL p
672 applyAndTryToFixFL x = do apply [] x; return Nothing
674 instance ShowPatch RealPatch where
675 showPatch (Duplicate d) = blueText "duplicate" $$ showNon d
676 showPatch (Etacilpud d) = blueText "etacilpud" $$ showNon d
677 showPatch (Normal p) = showPrim NewFormat p
678 showPatch (Conflictor i NilFL p) =
679 blueText "conflictor" <+> showNons i <+> blueText "[]" $$ showNon p
680 showPatch (Conflictor i cs p) =
681 blueText "conflictor" <+> showNons i <+> blueText "[" $$
682 showPatch cs $$
683 blueText "]" $$
684 showNon p
685 showPatch (InvConflictor i NilFL p) =
686 blueText "rotcilfnoc" <+> showNons i <+> blueText "[]" $$ showNon p
687 showPatch (InvConflictor i cs p) =
688 blueText "rotcilfnoc" <+> showNons i <+> blueText "[" $$
689 showPatch cs $$
690 blueText "]" $$
691 showNon p
692 showContextPatch s (Normal p) = showContextPatch s p
693 showContextPatch _ c = showPatch c
695 instance ReadPatch RealPatch where
696 readPatch' want_eof =
697 do s <- peek_input
698 case fmap (BC.unpack . fst) $ my_lex s of
699 Just "duplicate" ->
700 do work my_lex
701 p <- readNon
702 return $ (Sealed . Duplicate) `fmap` p
703 Just "etacilpud" ->
704 do work my_lex
705 p <- readNon
706 return $ (Sealed . Etacilpud) `fmap` p
707 Just "conflictor" ->
708 do work my_lex
709 --let tracePeek x = do y <- peek_input
710 -- traceDoc (greenText x $$ greenText (show $ BC.unpack y)) return ()
711 i <- readNons
712 Just (Sealed ps) <- bracketedFL (fromIntegral $ fromEnum '[') (fromIntegral $ fromEnum ']')
714 Just p <- readNon
715 return $ Just $ Sealed $ Conflictor i (unsafeCoerceP ps) p
716 Just "rotcilfnoc" ->
717 do work my_lex
718 i <- readNons
719 Just (Sealed ps) <- bracketedFL (fromIntegral $ fromEnum '[') (fromIntegral $ fromEnum ']')
720 Just p <- readNon
721 return $ Just $ Sealed $ InvConflictor i ps p
722 _ -> do mp <- readPrim NewFormat want_eof
723 case mp of
724 Just p -> return $ Just $ Normal `mapSeal` p
725 Nothing -> return Nothing
727 instance Show (RealPatch C(x y)) where
728 show p = renderString $ showPatch p
730 instance Show2 RealPatch where
731 show2 = show
733 instance Nonable RealPatch where
734 non (Duplicate d) = d
735 non (Etacilpud d) = invertNon d -- FIXME !!! ???
736 non (Normal p) = Non NilFL p
737 non (Conflictor _ xx x) = add (invertFL xx) x
738 non (InvConflictor _ _ n) = invertNon n
740 instance Effect RealPatch where
741 effect (Duplicate _) = NilFL
742 effect (Etacilpud _) = NilFL
743 effect (Normal p) = effect p
744 effect (Conflictor _ e _) = invert e
745 effect (InvConflictor _ e _) = e
746 effectRL (Duplicate _) = NilRL
747 effectRL (Etacilpud _) = NilRL
748 effectRL (Normal p) = effectRL p
749 effectRL (Conflictor _ e _) = invertFL e
750 effectRL (InvConflictor _ e _) = reverseFL e
751 isHunk rp = do Normal p <- return rp
752 isHunk p
754 \end{code}