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1 % Copyright (C) 2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \begin{code}
19 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fno-warn-deprecations -fno-warn-orphans -fglasgow-exts #-}
20 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
22 #include "gadts.h"
24 module Darcs.Patch.Unit ( run_patch_unit_tests ) where
26 import Control.Monad ( unless )
27 import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
28 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( pack )
29 import Darcs.Sealed
30 import Darcs.Patch
31 import Darcs.Patch.Patchy ( mergeFL, Invert )
32 import Darcs.Patch.Real ( RealPatch, prim2real, is_consistent, is_forward, is_duplicate )
33 import Darcs.Patch.Test () -- for instance Eq Patch
34 import Darcs.Ordered
35 import Darcs.Patch.Properties ( recommute, commute_inverses, permutivity, partial_permutivity,
36 inverse_doesnt_commute, patch_and_inverse_commute,
37 merge_commute, merge_consistent, merge_arguments_consistent,
38 merge_either_way, show_read,
39 join_inverses, join_commute )
40 import Darcs.Patch.Prim ( join )
41 import Darcs.Patch.QuickCheck
42 import Printer ( Doc, redText, ($$) )
43 --import Printer ( greenText )
44 --import Darcs.ColorPrinter ( traceDoc )
45 --import Darcs.ColorPrinter ( errorDoc )
46 import Darcs.ColorPrinter () -- for instance Show Doc
48 -- import Debug.Trace
49 -- #include "impossible.h"
50 \end{code}
52 \begin{code}
53 run_patch_unit_tests :: IO Int
54 run_patch_unit_tests =
55 run_some_tests ""
56 [--do putStr "Checking with quickcheck that real patches have consistent flattenings... "
57 -- quickCheck (not . isBottomTimeOut (Just 10) . prop_consistent_tree_flattenings) >> return 0
58 run_primitive_tests "prim join inverses"
59 (\(a:\/:_) -> join_inverses join a) mergeables
60 ,do putStr "Checking prim join inverses using QuickCheck... "
61 simpleCheck (join_inverses join)
62 ,run_primitive_tests "prim inverse doesn't commute"
63 (\(a:\/:_) -> inverse_doesnt_commute a) mergeables
64 -- The following fails because of setpref patches...
65 --,do putStr "Checking prim inverse doesn't commute using QuickCheck... "
66 -- simpleCheck (inverse_doesnt_commute :: Prim -> Maybe Doc)
67 ,run_primitive_tests "join commute" (join_commute join) prim_permutables
68 ,do putStr "Checking prim join commute using QuickCheck... "
69 simpleCheck (unseal2 (join_commute join))
71 ,run_primitive_tests "prim recommute"
72 (recommute commute) $ map mergeable2commutable mergeables
73 ,run_primitive_tests "prim patch and inverse commute"
74 (patch_and_inverse_commute commute) $ map mergeable2commutable mergeables
75 ,run_primitive_tests "prim inverses commute"
76 (commute_inverses commute) $ map mergeable2commutable mergeables
78 -- ,do putStr "Checking prim recommute using QuickCheck... "
79 -- simpleCheck (recommute
80 -- (commute :: Prim :> Prim
81 -- -> Maybe (Prim :> Prim)))
83 ,run_primitive_tests "FL prim recommute"
84 (recommute commute) $ map mergeable2commutable mergeablesFL
85 ,run_primitive_tests "FL prim patch and inverse commute"
86 (patch_and_inverse_commute commute) $ map mergeable2commutable mergeablesFL
87 ,run_primitive_tests "FL prim inverses commute"
88 (commute_inverses commute) $ map mergeable2commutable mergeablesFL
90 ,run_primitive_tests "fails" (commute_fails commute) ([] :: [Prim :> Prim])
92 ,run_primitive_tests "read and show work on Prim" show_read prim_patches
93 ,run_primitive_tests "read and show work on RealPatch" show_read real_patches
94 ,do putStr "Checking that readPatch and showPatch work on RealPatch... "
95 simpleCheck (unseal $ patchFromTree $ (show_read :: RealPatch -> Maybe Doc))
96 ,do putStr "Checking that readPatch and showPatch work on FL RealPatch... "
97 simpleCheck (unseal2 $ (show_read :: FL RealPatch -> Maybe Doc))
99 ,run_primitive_tests "example flattenings work"
100 (\x -> if prop_consistent_tree_flattenings x
101 then Nothing
102 else Just $ redText "oops")
103 real_patch_loop_examples
104 ,do putStr "Checking that tree flattenings are consistent... "
105 simpleCheck ((\b -> if b then Nothing else Just False) . prop_consistent_tree_flattenings)
107 ,do putStr "Checking with quickcheck that real patches are consistent... "
108 simpleCheck (unseal $ patchFromTree $ is_consistent)
109 ,run_primitive_tests "real merge input consistent"
110 (merge_arguments_consistent is_consistent) real_mergeables
111 ,run_primitive_tests "real merge input is forward"
112 (merge_arguments_consistent is_forward) real_mergeables
113 ,run_primitive_tests "real merge output is forward"
114 (merge_consistent is_forward) real_mergeables
115 ,run_primitive_tests "real merge output consistent"
116 (merge_consistent is_consistent) real_mergeables
117 ,run_primitive_tests "real merge either way" merge_either_way real_mergeables
118 ,run_primitive_tests "real merge and commute" merge_commute real_mergeables
120 ,run_primitive_tests "real recommute" (recommute commute) real_commutables
121 ,run_primitive_tests "real inverses commute" (commute_inverses commute) real_commutables
123 ,run_primitive_tests "real permutivity" (permutivity commute) $
124 filter (not_duplicatestriple) real_triples
125 ,run_primitive_tests "real partial permutivity" (partial_permutivity commute) $
126 filter (not_duplicatestriple) real_triples
128 ,do putStr "Checking we can do merges using QuickCheck... "
129 simpleCheck (prop_is_mergeable ::
130 Sealed (WithStartState RepoModel (Tree Prim))
131 -> Maybe (Tree RealPatch C(x)))
132 ,do putStr "Checking again we can do merges using QuickCheck... "
133 thoroughCheck 1000 (prop_is_mergeable ::
134 Sealed (WithStartState RepoModel (Tree Prim))
135 -> Maybe (Tree RealPatch C(x)))
137 ,do putStr "Checking recommute using QuickCheck Tree generator... "
138 simpleCheck (unseal $ commutePairFromTree $
139 (recommute
140 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch
141 -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch))))
142 ,do putStr "Checking recommute using QuickCheck TWFP generator... "
143 simpleCheck (unseal $ commutePairFromTWFP $
144 (recommute
145 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch
146 -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch))))
147 ,do putStr "Checking nontrivial recommute... "
148 simpleConditionalCheck (unseal $ commutePairFromTree $ nontrivial_reals)
149 (unseal $ commutePairFromTree $
150 (recommute
151 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch
152 -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch))))
153 ,do putStr "Checking nontrivial recommute using TWFP... "
154 simpleConditionalCheck (unseal $ commutePairFromTWFP $ nontrivial_reals)
155 (unseal $ commutePairFromTWFP $
156 (recommute
157 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch
158 -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch))))
160 ,do putStr "Checking inverses commute using QuickCheck Tree generator... "
161 simpleCheck (unseal $ commutePairFromTree $
162 (commute_inverses
163 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch
164 -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch))))
165 ,do putStr "Checking inverses commute using QuickCheck TWFP generator... "
166 simpleCheck (unseal $ commutePairFromTWFP $
167 (commute_inverses
168 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch
169 -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch))))
170 ,do putStr "Checking nontrivial inverses commute... "
171 simpleConditionalCheck (unseal $ commutePairFromTree $ nontrivial_reals)
172 (unseal $ commutePairFromTree $
173 (commute_inverses
174 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch
175 -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch))))
176 ,do putStr "Checking nontrivial inverses commute using TWFP... "
177 simpleConditionalCheck (unseal $ commutePairFromTWFP $ nontrivial_reals)
178 (unseal $ commutePairFromTWFP $
179 (commute_inverses
180 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch
181 -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch))))
183 ,do putStr "Checking merge either way using QuickCheck TWFP generator... "
184 simpleCheck (unseal $ mergePairFromTWFP $
185 (merge_either_way :: RealPatch :\/: RealPatch -> Maybe Doc))
186 ,do putStr "Checking merge either way using QuickCheck Tree generator... "
187 simpleCheck (unseal $ mergePairFromTree $
188 (merge_either_way :: RealPatch :\/: RealPatch -> Maybe Doc))
189 ,do putStr "Checking nontrivial merge either way... "
190 simpleConditionalCheck (unseal $ mergePairFromTree $ nontrivial_merge_reals)
191 (unseal $ mergePairFromTree $
192 (merge_either_way :: RealPatch :\/: RealPatch -> Maybe Doc))
193 ,do putStr "Checking nontrivial merge either way using TWFP... "
194 simpleConditionalCheck (unseal $ mergePairFromTWFP $ nontrivial_merge_reals)
195 (unseal $ mergePairFromTWFP $
196 (merge_either_way :: RealPatch :\/: RealPatch -> Maybe Doc))
198 ,do putStr "Checking permutivity... "
199 simpleConditionalCheck (unseal $ commuteTripleFromTree not_duplicatestriple)
200 (unseal $ commuteTripleFromTree $ permutivity
201 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch)))
202 ,do putStr "Checking partial permutivity... "
203 simpleConditionalCheck (unseal $ commuteTripleFromTree not_duplicatestriple)
204 (unseal $ commuteTripleFromTree $ partial_permutivity
205 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch)))
206 ,do putStr "Checking nontrivial permutivity... "
207 simpleConditionalCheck (unseal $ commuteTripleFromTree
208 (\t -> nontrivial_triple t && not_duplicatestriple t))
209 (unseal $ commuteTripleFromTree $
210 (permutivity
211 (commute :: RealPatch :> RealPatch
212 -> Maybe (RealPatch :> RealPatch))))
215 not_duplicatestriple :: RealPatch :> RealPatch :> RealPatch -> Bool
216 not_duplicatestriple (a :> b :> c) = not $ any is_duplicate [a,b,c]
218 --not_duplicates_pair :: RealPatch :> RealPatch -> Bool
219 --not_duplicates_pair (a :> b) = not $ any is_duplicate [a,b]
221 nontrivial_triple :: RealPatch :> RealPatch :> RealPatch -> Bool
222 nontrivial_triple (a :> b :> c) =
223 case commute (a :> b) of
224 Nothing -> False
225 Just (b' :> a') ->
226 case commute (a' :> c) of
227 Nothing -> False
228 Just (c'' :> a'') ->
229 case commute (b :> c) of
230 Nothing -> False
231 Just (c' :> b'') -> (not (a `unsafeCompare` a') || not (b `unsafeCompare` b')) &&
232 (not (c' `unsafeCompare` c) || not (b'' `unsafeCompare` b)) &&
233 (not (c'' `unsafeCompare` c) || not (a'' `unsafeCompare` a'))
235 nontrivial_reals :: RealPatch :> RealPatch -> Bool
236 nontrivial_reals = nontrivial_commute
238 nontrivial_commute :: Patchy p => p :> p -> Bool
239 nontrivial_commute (x :> y) = case commute (x :> y) of
240 Just (y' :> x') -> not (y' `unsafeCompare` y) ||
241 not (x' `unsafeCompare` x)
242 Nothing -> False
244 nontrivial_merge_reals :: RealPatch :\/: RealPatch -> Bool
245 nontrivial_merge_reals = nontrivial_merge
247 nontrivial_merge :: Patchy p => p :\/: p -> Bool
248 nontrivial_merge (x :\/: y) = case merge (x :\/: y) of
249 y' :/\: x' -> not (y' `unsafeCompare` y) ||
250 not (x' `unsafeCompare` x)
252 run_some_tests :: String -> [IO Int] -> IO Int
253 run_some_tests name ts = do unless (null name) $ putStr $ "Testing " ++ name ++ "... "
254 errs <- sum `fmap` sequence ts
255 unless (null name) $
256 if errs < 1
257 then putStrLn "passed."
258 else putStrLn $ "failed " ++ name ++" in "++ show errs ++ " tests."
259 return errs
261 run_primitive_tests :: (Show a, Show b) => String -> (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> IO Int
262 run_primitive_tests name test datas = run_some_tests name $ map test' datas
263 where test' d = case test d of
264 Just e -> do putStrLn $ name ++ " failed!"
265 putStrLn $ "Input: " ++ show d
266 putStrLn $ "Output: " ++ show e
267 return 1
268 Nothing -> return 0
270 \end{code}
272 \begin{code}
273 quickhunk :: Int -> String -> String -> Prim
274 quickhunk l o n = hunk "test" l (map (\c -> BC.pack [c]) o)
275 (map (\c -> BC.pack [c]) n)
276 \end{code}
278 \begin{code}
279 prim_permutables :: [Prim :> Prim :> Prim]
280 prim_permutables =
281 [quickhunk 0 "e" "bo" :> quickhunk 3 "" "x" :> quickhunk 2 "f" "qljo"]
283 mergeables :: [Prim :\/: Prim]
284 mergeables = [quickhunk 1 "a" "b" :\/: quickhunk 1 "a" "c",
285 quickhunk 1 "a" "b" :\/: quickhunk 3 "z" "c",
286 quickhunk 0 "" "a" :\/: quickhunk 1 "" "b",
287 quickhunk 0 "a" "" :\/: quickhunk 1 "" "b",
288 quickhunk 0 "a" "" :\/: quickhunk 1 "b" "",
289 quickhunk 0 "" "a" :\/: quickhunk 1 "b" ""
292 mergeablesFL :: [FL Prim :\/: FL Prim]
293 mergeablesFL = map (\ (x:\/:y) -> (x :>: NilFL) :\/: (y :>: NilFL)) mergeables ++
294 [] -- [(quickhunk 1 "a" "b" :>: quickhunk 3 "z" "c" :>: NilFL)
295 -- :\/: (quickhunk 1 "a" "z" :>: NilFL),
296 -- (quickhunk 1 "a" "b" :>: quickhunk 1 "b" "c" :>: NilFL)
297 -- :\/: (quickhunk 1 "a" "z" :>: NilFL)]
299 mergeable2commutable :: Invert p => p :\/: p -> p :> p
300 mergeable2commutable (x :\/: y) = invert x :> y
302 prim_patches :: [Prim]
303 prim_patches = concatMap mergeable2patches mergeables
304 where mergeable2patches (x:\/:y) = [x,y]
306 real_patches :: [RealPatch]
307 real_patches = concatMap commutable2patches real_commutables
308 where commutable2patches (x:>y) = [x,y]
310 real_triples :: [RealPatch :> RealPatch :> RealPatch]
311 real_triples = [ob' :> oa2 :> a2'',
312 oa' :> oa2 :> a2''] ++ triple_examples
313 ++ map unsafeUnseal2 (concatMap getTriples realFLs)
314 where oa = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "o" "aa"
315 oa2 = oa
316 a2 = prim2real $ quickhunk 2 "a34" "2xx"
317 ob = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "o" "bb"
318 ob' :/\: oa' = merge (oa :\/: ob)
319 a2' :/\: _ = merge (ob' :\/: a2)
320 a2'' :/\: _ = merge (oa2 :\/: a2')
322 realFLs :: [FL RealPatch]
323 realFLs = [oa :>: invert oa :>: oa :>: invert oa :>: ps +>+ oa :>: invert oa :>: NilFL]
324 where oa = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "o" "a"
325 ps :/\: _ = merge (oa :>: invert oa :>: NilFL :\/: oa :>: invert oa :>: NilFL)
327 real_commutables :: [RealPatch :> RealPatch]
328 real_commutables = commute_examples ++ map mergeable2commutable real_mergeables++
329 [invert oa :> ob'] ++ map unsafeUnseal2 (concatMap getPairs realFLs)
330 where oa = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "o" "a"
331 ob = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "o" "b"
332 _ :/\: ob' = mergeFL (ob :\/: oa :>: invert oa :>: NilFL)
334 real_mergeables :: [RealPatch :\/: RealPatch]
335 real_mergeables = map (\ (x :\/: y) -> prim2real x :\/: prim2real y) mergeables
336 ++ real_igloo_mergeables
337 ++ real_quickcheck_mergeables
338 ++ merge_examples
339 ++ catMaybes (map pair2m (concatMap getPairs realFLs))
340 ++ [(oa :\/: od),
341 (oa :\/: a2'),
342 (ob' :\/: od''),
343 (oe :\/: od),
344 (of' :\/: oe'),
345 (ob' :\/: oe'),
346 (oa :\/: oe'),
347 (ob' :\/: oc'),
348 (b2' :\/: oc'''),
349 (ob' :\/: a2),
350 (b2' :\/: og'''),
351 (oc''' :\/: og'''),
352 (oc'' :\/: og''),
353 (ob'' :\/: og''),
354 (ob'' :\/: oc''),
355 (oc' :\/: od'')]
356 where oa = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "o" "aa"
357 a2 = prim2real $ quickhunk 2 "a34" "2xx"
358 og = prim2real $ quickhunk 3 "4" "g"
359 ob = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "o" "bb"
360 b2 = prim2real $ quickhunk 2 "b" "2"
361 oc = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "o" "cc"
362 od = prim2real $ quickhunk 7 "x" "d"
363 oe = prim2real $ quickhunk 7 "x" "e"
364 pf = prim2real $ quickhunk 7 "x" "f"
365 od'' = prim2real $ quickhunk 8 "x" "d"
366 ob' :>: b2' :>: NilFL :/\: _ = mergeFL (oa :\/: ob :>: b2 :>: NilFL)
367 a2' :/\: _ = merge (ob' :\/: a2)
368 ob'' :/\: _ = merge (a2 :\/: ob')
369 og' :/\: _ = merge (oa :\/: og)
370 og'' :/\: _ = merge (a2 :\/: og')
371 og''' :/\: _ = merge (ob' :\/: og')
372 oc' :/\: _ = merge (oa :\/: oc)
373 oc'' :/\: _ = merge (a2 :\/: oc)
374 oc''' :/\: _ = merge (ob' :\/: oc')
375 oe' :/\: _ = merge (od :\/: oe)
376 of' :/\: _ = merge (od :\/: pf)
377 pair2m :: Sealed2 (RealPatch :> RealPatch)
378 -> Maybe (RealPatch :\/: RealPatch)
379 pair2m (Sealed2 (xx :> y)) = do y' :> _ <- commute (xx :> y)
380 return (xx :\/: y')
382 real_igloo_mergeables :: [RealPatch :\/: RealPatch]
383 real_igloo_mergeables = [(a :\/: b),
384 (b :\/: c),
385 (a :\/: c),
386 (x :\/: a),
387 (y :\/: b),
388 (z :\/: c),
389 (x' :\/: y'),
390 (z' :\/: y'),
391 (x' :\/: z'),
392 (a :\/: a)]
393 where a = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "1" "A"
394 b = prim2real $ quickhunk 2 "2" "B"
395 c = prim2real $ quickhunk 3 "3" "C"
396 x = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "1BC" "xbc"
397 y = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "A2C" "ayc"
398 z = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "AB3" "abz"
399 x' :/\: _ = merge (a :\/: x)
400 y' :/\: _ = merge (b :\/: y)
401 z' :/\: _ = merge (c :\/: z)
403 real_quickcheck_mergeables :: [RealPatch :\/: RealPatch]
404 real_quickcheck_mergeables = [-- invert k1 :\/: n1
405 --, invert k2 :\/: n2
406 hb :\/: k
407 , b' :\/: b'
408 , n' :\/: n'
409 , b :\/: d
410 , k' :\/: k'
411 , k3 :\/: k3
412 ] ++ catMaybes (map pair2m pairs)
413 where hb = prim2real $ quickhunk 0 "" "hb"
414 k = prim2real $ quickhunk 0 "" "k"
415 n = prim2real $ quickhunk 0 "" "n"
416 b = prim2real $ quickhunk 1 "b" ""
417 d = prim2real $ quickhunk 2 "" "d"
418 d':/\:_ = merge (b :\/: d)
419 --k1 :>: n1 :>: NilFL :/\: _ = mergeFL (hb :\/: k :>: n :>: NilFL)
420 --k2 :>: n2 :>: NilFL :/\: _ =
421 -- merge (hb :>: b :>: NilFL :\/: k :>: n :>: NilFL)
422 k' :>: n' :>: NilFL :/\: _ :>: b' :>: _ = merge (hb :>: b :>: d' :>: NilFL :\/: k :>: n :>: NilFL)
423 pairs = getPairs (hb :>: b :>: d' :>: k' :>: n' :>: NilFL)
424 pair2m :: Sealed2 (RealPatch :> RealPatch)
425 -> Maybe (RealPatch :\/: RealPatch)
426 pair2m (Sealed2 (xx :> y)) = do y' :> _ <- commute (xx :> y)
427 return (xx :\/: y')
429 i = prim2real $ quickhunk 0 "" "i"
430 x = prim2real $ quickhunk 0 "" "x"
431 xi = prim2real $ quickhunk 0 "xi" ""
432 d3 :/\: _ = merge (xi :\/: d)
433 _ :/\: k3 = mergeFL (k :\/: i :>: x :>: xi :>: d3 :>: NilFL)
435 \end{code}
437 \begin{code}
438 commute_fails :: (MyEq p, Patchy p) => (p :> p -> Maybe (p :> p)) -> p :> p
439 -> Maybe Doc
440 commute_fails c (x :> y) = do y' :> x' <- c (x :> y)
441 return $ redText "x" $$ showPatch x $$
442 redText ":> y" $$ showPatch y $$
443 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y' $$
444 redText ":> x'" $$ showPatch x'
446 \end{code}