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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Progress.lhs
1 % Various utility functions that do not belong anywhere else.
3 \begin{code}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
7 #include "gadts.h"
9 module Darcs.Progress ( beginTedious, endTedious, tediousSize,
10 debugMessage, debugFail, withoutProgress,
11 progress, finishedOne, finishedOneIO,
12 progressList, progressFL, progressRL,
13 setProgressMode ) where
15 import Prelude hiding (lookup, catch)
17 import Control.Exception ( catch, throw )
18 import Control.Monad ( when )
19 import System.IO ( stdout, stderr, hFlush, hPutStr, hPutStrLn,
20 hSetBuffering, hIsTerminalDevice,
21 Handle, BufferMode(LineBuffering) )
22 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
23 import Data.Char ( toLower )
24 import Data.Map ( Map, empty, adjust, insert, delete, lookup )
25 import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
26 import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, threadDelay )
27 import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, modifyIORef )
29 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..), RL(..), lengthRL, lengthFL )
30 import Darcs.Global ( withDebugMode, debugMessage, putTiming, debugFail )
32 handleProgress :: IO ()
33 handleProgress = do threadDelay 1000000
34 handleMoreProgress "" 0
36 handleMoreProgress :: String -> Int -> IO ()
37 handleMoreProgress k n = withProgressMode $ \m ->
38 if m then do s <- getProgressLast
39 mp <- getProgressData s
40 case mp of
41 Nothing -> do threadDelay 1000000
42 handleMoreProgress k n
43 Just p -> do when (k /= s || n < sofar p) $ whenProgressMode $ printProgress s p
44 threadDelay 1000000
45 handleMoreProgress s (sofar p)
46 else do threadDelay 1000000
47 handleMoreProgress k n
49 printProgress :: String -> ProgressData -> IO ()
50 printProgress k (ProgressData {sofar=s, total=Just t, latest=Just l}) =
51 myput (k++" "++show s++"/"++show t++" : "++l) (k++" "++show s++"/"++show t)
52 printProgress k (ProgressData {latest=Just l}) =
53 myput (k++" "++l) k
54 printProgress k (ProgressData {sofar=s, total=Just t}) | t >= s =
55 myput (k++" "++show s++"/"++show t) (k++" "++show s)
56 printProgress k (ProgressData {sofar=s}) =
57 myput (k++" "++show s) k
59 myput :: String -> String -> IO ()
60 myput l s = withDebugMode $ \debugMode ->
61 if debugMode
62 then putTiming >> hPutStrLn stderr l
63 else if '\n' `elem` l
64 then myput (takeWhile (/= '\n') l) s
65 else if length l < 80 then putTiming >> simpleput l
66 else putTiming >> simpleput (take 80 s)
68 {-# NOINLINE simpleput #-}
69 simpleput :: String -> IO ()
70 simpleput = unsafePerformIO $ mkhPutCr stderr
72 beginTedious :: String -> IO ()
73 beginTedious k = do debugMessage $ "Beginning " ++ lower k
74 setProgressData k $ ProgressData { sofar = 0,
75 latest = Nothing,
76 total = Nothing }
78 endTedious :: String -> IO ()
79 endTedious k = whenProgressMode $ do p <- getProgressData k
80 modifyIORef _progressData (\(a,m) -> (a,delete k m))
81 when (isJust p) $ debugMessage $ "Done "++lower k
83 lower :: String -> String
84 lower (x:xs) = toLower x:xs
85 lower "" = ""
87 beginOrEndTedious :: String -> Int -> IO ()
88 beginOrEndTedious k l = do mp <- getProgressData k
89 case mp of
90 Nothing -> do beginTedious k
91 tediousSize k l
92 Just p -> if total p == Just l
93 then endTedious k
94 else return ()
96 tediousSize :: String -> Int -> IO ()
97 tediousSize k s = updateProgressData k uptot
98 where uptot p = case total p of Just t -> seq ts $ p { total = Just ts }
99 where ts = t + s
100 Nothing -> p { total = Just s }
102 minlist :: Int
103 minlist = 4
105 progressList :: String -> [a] -> [a]
106 progressList _ [] = []
107 progressList k (x:xs) = if l < minlist then x:xs
108 else startit x : pl xs
109 where l = length (x:xs)
110 startit y = unsafePerformIO $ do beginOrEndTedious k l
111 return y
112 pl [y] = [startit y]
113 pl [] = []
114 pl (y:ys) = progress k y : pl ys
116 progressFL :: String -> FL a C(x y) -> FL a C(x y)
117 progressFL _ NilFL = NilFL
118 progressFL k (x:>:xs) = if l < minlist then x:>:xs
119 else startit x :>: pl xs
120 where l = lengthFL (x:>:xs)
121 startit y = unsafePerformIO $ do beginOrEndTedious k l
122 return y
123 pl :: FL a C(x y) -> FL a C(x y)
124 pl (y:>:NilFL) = (startit y) :>: NilFL
125 pl NilFL = NilFL
126 pl (y:>:ys) = progress k y :>: pl ys
128 progressRL :: String -> RL a C(x y) -> RL a C(x y)
129 progressRL _ NilRL = NilRL
130 progressRL k (x:<:xs) = if l < minlist then x:<:xs
131 else startit x :<: pl xs
132 where l = lengthRL (x:<:xs)
133 startit y = unsafePerformIO $ do beginOrEndTedious k l
134 return y
135 pl :: RL a C(x y) -> RL a C(x y)
136 pl (y:<:NilRL) = (startit y) :<: NilRL
137 pl NilRL = NilRL
138 pl (y:<:ys) = progress k y :<: pl ys
140 progress :: String -> a -> a
141 progress k a = unsafePerformIO $ progressIO k >> return a
143 progressIO :: String -> IO ()
144 progressIO "" = return ()
145 progressIO k = do updateProgressData k (\p -> p { sofar = sofar p + 1,
146 latest = Nothing })
147 putDebug k ""
149 finishedOne :: String -> String -> a -> a
150 finishedOne k l a = unsafePerformIO $ finishedOneIO k l >> return a
152 finishedOneIO :: String -> String -> IO ()
153 finishedOneIO "" _ = return ()
154 finishedOneIO k l = do updateProgressData k (\p -> p { sofar = sofar p + 1,
155 latest = Just l })
156 putDebug k l
158 putDebug :: String -> String -> IO ()
159 putDebug _ _ = return ()
160 --putDebug k "" = when (False && debugMode) $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "P: "++k
161 --putDebug k l = when (False && debugMode) $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "P: "++k++" : "++l
163 {-# NOINLINE _progressMode #-}
164 _progressMode :: IORef Bool
165 _progressMode = unsafePerformIO $ do hSetBuffering stderr LineBuffering
166 newIORef True
168 {-# NOINLINE _progressData #-}
169 _progressData :: IORef (String, Map String ProgressData)
170 _progressData = unsafePerformIO $ do forkIO handleProgress
171 newIORef ("", empty)
173 mkhPutCr :: Handle -> IO (String -> IO ())
174 mkhPutCr fe = do
175 isTerm <- hIsTerminalDevice fe
176 stdoutIsTerm <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout
177 return $ if isTerm then \s -> do hPutStr fe $ '\r':s++"\r"
178 hFlush fe
179 let spaces = '\r':take (length s) (repeat ' ')++"\r"
180 hPutStr fe spaces
181 when stdoutIsTerm $ hPutStr stdout spaces
182 else \s -> when (not $ null s) $ do hPutStrLn fe s
183 hFlush fe
185 setProgressMode :: Bool -> IO ()
186 setProgressMode m = writeIORef _progressMode m
188 withoutProgress :: IO a -> IO a
189 withoutProgress j = withProgressMode $ \m -> do debugMessage "Disabling progress reports..."
190 setProgressMode False
191 a <- j `catch` \e -> setProgressMode m >> throw e
192 if m then debugMessage "Reenabling progress reports."
193 else debugMessage "Leaving progress reports off."
194 setProgressMode m
195 return a
197 updateProgressData :: String -> (ProgressData -> ProgressData) -> IO ()
198 updateProgressData k f = whenProgressMode $ modifyIORef _progressData (\(_,m) -> (k,adjust f k m))
200 setProgressData :: String -> ProgressData -> IO ()
201 setProgressData k p = whenProgressMode $ modifyIORef _progressData (\(a,m) -> (a,insert k p m))
203 getProgressData :: String -> IO (Maybe ProgressData)
204 getProgressData k = withProgressMode $ \p -> if p then (lookup k . snd) `fmap` readIORef _progressData
205 else return Nothing
207 getProgressLast :: IO String
208 getProgressLast = withProgressMode $ \p -> if p then fst `fmap` readIORef _progressData
209 else return ""
211 whenProgressMode :: IO a -> IO ()
212 whenProgressMode j = withProgressMode $ const $ j >> return ()
214 withProgressMode :: (Bool -> IO a) -> IO a
215 withProgressMode j = readIORef _progressMode >>= j
217 data ProgressData = ProgressData { sofar :: !Int,
218 latest :: !(Maybe String),
219 total :: !(Maybe Int)}
221 \end{code}