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1 % Copyright (C) 2006-2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 % Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
16 \chapter{Hashed inventory format}
17 \label{hashed_format}
19 The hashed inventory format is similar to the ``DarcsRepo'' format (see
20 Chapter~\ref{repository_format}), but I haven't gotten around to
21 documenting it.
23 \begin{code}
24 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
25 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
27 #include "gadts.h"
29 module Darcs.Repository.HashedRepo ( revert_tentative_changes, finalize_tentative_changes,
30 slurp_pristine, sync_repo, clean_pristine,
31 copy_pristine, copy_partials_pristine, pristine_from_working,
32 apply_to_tentative_pristine, replacePristine,
33 replacePristineFromSlurpy,
34 add_to_tentative_inventory, remove_from_tentative_inventory,
35 read_repo, read_tentative_repo, write_and_read_patch,
36 write_tentative_inventory, copy_repo, slurp_all_but_darcs,
37 readHashedPristineRoot
38 ) where
40 import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, createDirectoryIfMissing )
41 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
42 import System.IO ( stderr, hPutStrLn )
43 import Data.List ( delete )
44 import Control.Monad ( unless )
46 import Workaround ( renameFile )
47 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag, Compression )
48 import Darcs.Patch.Set ( PatchSet, SealedPatchSet )
49 import Darcs.FilePathUtils ( absolute_dir )
50 import Darcs.RepoPath ( FilePathLike )
51 import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( Cache, fetchFileUsingCache, speculateFileUsingCache,
52 writeFileUsingCache,
53 unionCaches, repo2cache, okayHash, takeHash,
54 HashedDir(..), hashedDir )
55 import Darcs.Repository.HashedIO ( applyHashed, slurpHashedPristine,
56 copyHashed, syncHashedPristine, copyPartialsHashed,
57 writeHashedPristine, clean_hashdir )
58 import Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes ( Repository(..), extractCache )
59 import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, patchInfoAndPatch, n2pia, info,
60 extractHash, createHashed )
61 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( Slurpy, empty_slurpy, slurp_remove, slurp )
62 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, Patchy, Named, showPatch, patch2patchinfo, readPatch )
63 import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( commute_to_end, slightly_optimize_patchset )
64 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, showPatchInfo, human_friendly, readPatchInfo )
65 import Darcs.Ordered ( unsafeCoerceP, (:<)(..) )
66 import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( fp2fn )
68 import ByteStringUtils ( gzReadFilePS, dropSpace )
69 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (null, length, readFile, empty
70 ,tail, take, drop, ByteString)
71 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack, dropWhile, break, pack)
73 import Printer ( Doc, hcat, (<>), ($$), renderString, renderPS, text, invisiblePS )
74 import SHA1 ( sha1PS )
75 import Darcs.External ( copyFileOrUrl, cloneFile, fetchFilePS, Cachable( Uncachable ) )
76 import Darcs.Lock ( writeBinFile, writeDocBinFile, writeAtomicFilePS, appendBinFile, appendDocBinFile )
77 import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory )
78 import Darcs.Progress ( beginTedious, tediousSize, endTedious, debugMessage, finishedOneIO )
79 #include "impossible.h"
80 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..), RL(..),
81 mapRL, mapFL, lengthRL )
82 import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed(..), seal, unseal )
83 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
85 revert_tentative_changes :: IO ()
86 revert_tentative_changes =
87 do cloneFile (darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory") (darcsdir++"/tentative_hashed_inventory")
88 i <- gzReadFilePS (darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory")
89 writeBinFile (darcsdir++"/tentative_pristine") $ "pristine:" ++ inv2pris i
91 finalize_tentative_changes :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> Compression -> IO ()
92 finalize_tentative_changes r compr =
93 do let t = darcsdir++"/tentative_hashed_inventory"
94 -- first let's optimize it...
95 debugMessage "Optimizing the inventory..."
96 ps <- read_tentative_repo r "."
97 write_tentative_inventory (extractCache r) compr ps
98 -- then we'll add in the pristine cache,
99 i <- gzReadFilePS t
100 p <- gzReadFilePS $ darcsdir++"/tentative_pristine"
101 writeDocBinFile t $ pris2inv (inv2pris p) i
102 -- and rename it to its final value
103 renameFile t $ darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory"
104 -- note: in general we can't clean the pristine cache, because a
105 -- simultaneous get might be in progress
107 readHashedPristineRoot :: Repository p C(r u t) -> IO (Maybe String)
108 readHashedPristineRoot (Repo d _ _ _) =
109 withCurrentDirectory d $ do
110 i <- (Just `fmap` gzReadFilePS (darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory")) `catch` (\_ -> return Nothing)
111 return $ inv2pris `fmap` i
113 clean_pristine :: Repository p C(r u t) -> IO ()
114 clean_pristine r@(Repo d _ _ _) = withCurrentDirectory d $
115 do -- we'll remove obsolete bits of our pristine cache
116 debugMessage "Cleaning out the pristine cache..."
117 i <- gzReadFilePS (darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory")
118 clean_hashdir (extractCache r) HashedPristineDir [inv2pris i]
120 add_to_tentative_inventory :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression -> PatchInfoAnd p C(x y) -> IO FilePath
121 add_to_tentative_inventory c compr p =
122 do hash <- snd `fmap` write_patch_if_necesary c compr p
123 appendDocBinFile (darcsdir++"/tentative_hashed_inventory") $ showPatchInfo $ info p
124 appendBinFile (darcsdir++"/tentative_hashed_inventory") $ "\nhash: " ++ hash ++ "\n"
125 return $ darcsdir++"/patches/" ++ hash
127 remove_from_tentative_inventory :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> Compression
128 -> FL (Named p) C(x t) -> IO ()
129 remove_from_tentative_inventory repo compr to_remove =
130 -- FIXME: This algorithm should be *far* simpler. All we need do is
131 -- to to remove the patches from a patchset and then write that
132 -- patchset. The commutation behavior of PatchInfoAnd should track
133 -- which patches need to be rewritten for us.
134 do allpatches <- read_tentative_repo repo "."
135 skipped :< _ <- return $ commute_to_end to_remove allpatches
136 okay <- simple_remove_from_tentative_inventory repo compr
137 (mapFL patch2patchinfo to_remove ++ mapFL patch2patchinfo skipped)
138 unless okay $ bug "bug in HashedRepo.remove_from_tentative_inventory"
139 sequence_ $ mapFL (add_to_tentative_inventory (extractCache repo) compr . n2pia) skipped
141 simple_remove_from_tentative_inventory :: forall p C(r u t). RepoPatch p =>
142 Repository p C(r u t) -> Compression -> [PatchInfo] -> IO Bool
143 simple_remove_from_tentative_inventory repo compr pis = do
144 inv <- read_tentative_repo repo "."
145 case cut_inv pis inv of
146 Nothing -> return False
147 Just (Sealed inv') -> do write_tentative_inventory (extractCache repo) compr inv'
148 return True
149 where cut_inv :: [PatchInfo] -> PatchSet p C(x) -> Maybe (SealedPatchSet p)
150 cut_inv [] x = Just $ seal x
151 cut_inv x (NilRL:<:rs) = cut_inv x rs
152 cut_inv xs ((hp:<:r):<:rs) | info hp `elem` xs = cut_inv (info hp `delete` xs) (r:<:rs)
153 cut_inv _ _ = Nothing
155 writeHashFile :: Cache -> Compression -> HashedDir -> Doc -> IO String
156 writeHashFile c compr subdir d = do debugMessage $ "Writing hash file to "++(hashedDir subdir)
157 writeFileUsingCache c compr subdir $ renderPS d
159 read_repo :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> String -> IO (PatchSet p C(r))
160 read_repo repo d = do
161 realdir <- absolute_dir d
162 Sealed ps <- read_repo_private repo realdir "hashed_inventory" `catch`
163 (\e -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("Invalid repository: " ++ realdir)
164 ioError e)
165 return $ unsafeCoerceP ps
167 read_tentative_repo :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> String -> IO (PatchSet p C(t))
168 read_tentative_repo repo d = do
169 realdir <- absolute_dir d
170 Sealed ps <- read_repo_private repo realdir "tentative_hashed_inventory" `catch`
171 (\e -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("Invalid repository: " ++ realdir)
172 ioError e)
173 return $ unsafeCoerceP ps
175 read_repo_private :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t)
176 -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (SealedPatchSet p)
177 read_repo_private repo d iname =
178 do inventories <- read_inventory_private repo (d++"/"++darcsdir) iname
179 parseinvs inventories
180 where read_patches :: RepoPatch p => [(PatchInfo, String)] -> IO (Sealed (RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x)))
181 read_patches [] = return $ seal NilRL
182 read_patches allis@((i1,h1):is1) =
183 lift2Sealed (\p rest -> i1 `patchInfoAndPatch` p :<: rest)
184 (rp is1)
185 (createHashed h1 (const $ speculate h1 allis >> parse i1 h1))
186 where rp :: RepoPatch p => [(PatchInfo, String)] -> IO (Sealed (RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x)))
187 rp [] = return $ seal NilRL
188 rp [(i,h),(il,hl)] =
189 lift2Sealed (\p rest -> i `patchInfoAndPatch` p :<: rest)
190 (rp [(il,hl)])
191 (createHashed h (const $ speculate h (reverse allis) >> parse i h))
192 rp ((i,h):is) = lift2Sealed (\p rest -> i `patchInfoAndPatch` p :<: rest)
193 (rp is)
194 (createHashed h (parse i))
195 speculate :: String -> [(PatchInfo, String)] -> IO ()
196 speculate h is = do already_got_one <- doesFileExist (d++"/"++darcsdir++"/patches/"++h)
197 unless already_got_one $
198 mapM_ (speculateFileUsingCache (extractCache repo) HashedPatchesDir . snd) is
199 parse :: Patchy p => PatchInfo -> String -> IO (Sealed (p C(x)))
200 parse i h = do debugMessage ("Reading patch file: "++ show (human_friendly i))
201 (fn,ps) <- fetchFileUsingCache (extractCache repo) HashedPatchesDir h
202 case readPatch ps of
203 Just (p,_) -> return p
204 Nothing -> fail $ unlines ["Couldn't parse file "++fn,
205 "which is patch",
206 renderString $ human_friendly i]
207 parseinvs :: RepoPatch p => [[(PatchInfo, String)]] -> IO (SealedPatchSet p)
208 parseinvs [] = return $ seal NilRL
209 parseinvs (i:is) = lift2Sealed (:<:) (parseinvs is) (read_patches i)
210 lift2Sealed :: (FORALL(y z) q C(y z) -> p C(x y) -> r C(x z))
211 -> IO (Sealed (p C(x))) -> (FORALL(b) IO (Sealed (q C(b)))) -> IO (Sealed (r C(x)))
212 lift2Sealed f iox ioy = do Sealed x <- unseal seal `fmap` unsafeInterleaveIO iox
213 Sealed y <- unseal seal `fmap` unsafeInterleaveIO ioy
214 return $ seal $ f y x
216 write_and_read_patch :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression -> PatchInfoAnd p C(x y)
217 -> IO (PatchInfoAnd p C(x y))
218 write_and_read_patch c compr p = do (i,h) <- write_patch_if_necesary c compr p
219 Sealed x <- createHashed h (parse i)
220 return $ patchInfoAndPatch i $ unsafeCoerceP x
221 where parse i h = do debugMessage ("Reading patch file: "++ show (human_friendly i))
222 (fn,ps) <- fetchFileUsingCache c HashedPatchesDir h
223 case readPatch ps of
224 Just (x,_) -> return x
225 Nothing -> fail $ unlines ["Couldn't parse patch file "++fn,
226 "which is",
227 renderString $ human_friendly i]
229 write_tentative_inventory :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression -> PatchSet p C(x) -> IO ()
230 write_tentative_inventory c compr = write_either_inventory c compr "tentative_hashed_inventory"
232 copy_repo :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO ()
233 copy_repo repo@(Repo outr _ _ _) opts inr = do
234 createDirectoryIfMissing False (outr++"/"++darcsdir++"/inventories")
235 copyFileOrUrl opts (inr++"/"++darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory") (outr++"/"++darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory")
236 Uncachable -- no need to copy anything but hashed_inventory!
237 appendBinFile (outr++"/"++darcsdir++"/prefs/sources") (show $ repo2cache inr `unionCaches` extractCache repo)
238 debugMessage "Done copying hashed inventory."
240 write_either_inventory :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression -> String -> PatchSet p C(x) -> IO ()
241 write_either_inventory c compr iname x =
242 do createDirectoryIfMissing False $ darcsdir++"/inventories"
243 let k = "Writing inventory"
244 beginTedious k
245 tediousSize k (lengthRL x)
246 hsh <- write_inventory_private k c compr $ slightly_optimize_patchset x
247 endTedious k
248 case hsh of
249 Nothing -> writeBinFile (darcsdir++"/"++iname) ""
250 Just h -> gzReadFilePS (darcsdir++"/inventories/"++h) >>= writeAtomicFilePS (darcsdir++"/"++iname)
252 write_inventory_private :: RepoPatch p => String -> Cache -> Compression
253 -> PatchSet p C(x) -> IO (Maybe String)
254 write_inventory_private _ _ _ NilRL = return Nothing
255 write_inventory_private _ _ _ (NilRL:<:NilRL) = return Nothing
256 write_inventory_private _ _ _ (NilRL:<:_) = -- This shouldn't be possible, so best to check...
257 bug "malformed PatchSet in HashedRepo.write_inventory_private"
258 write_inventory_private k c compr (x:<:xs) =
259 do resthash <- write_inventory_private k c compr xs
260 finishedOneIO k (case resthash of Nothing -> ""; Just h -> h)
261 inventory <- sequence $ mapRL (write_patch_if_necesary c compr) x
262 let inventorylist = hcat (map pihash $ reverse inventory)
263 inventorycontents = case resthash of
264 Just lasthash -> text ("Starting with inventory:\n"++lasthash) $$
265 inventorylist
266 _ -> inventorylist
267 hash <- writeHashFile c compr HashedInventoriesDir inventorycontents
268 return $ Just hash
270 write_patch_if_necesary :: RepoPatch p => Cache -> Compression
271 -> PatchInfoAnd p C(x y) -> IO (PatchInfo, String)
272 write_patch_if_necesary c compr hp =
273 case extractHash hp of
274 Right h -> return (info hp, h)
275 Left p -> fmap (\h -> (info hp, h)) $ writeHashFile c compr HashedPatchesDir $ showPatch p
277 pihash :: (PatchInfo,String) -> Doc
278 pihash (pinf,hash) = showPatchInfo pinf $$ text ("hash: " ++ hash ++ "\n")
280 read_inventory_private :: Repository p C(r u t) -> String -> String
281 -> IO [[(PatchInfo, String)]]
282 read_inventory_private repo d iname = do
283 i <- skip_pristine `fmap` fetchFilePS (d++"/"++iname) Uncachable
284 (rest,str) <- case BC.break ((==)'\n') i of
285 (swt,pistr) | swt == BC.pack "Starting with inventory:" ->
286 case BC.break ((==)'\n') $ B.tail pistr of
287 (h,thisinv) | okayHash $ BC.unpack h ->
288 do r <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ read_inventories
289 (extractCache repo) (BC.unpack h) -- don't unpack twice!
290 return (r,thisinv)
291 _ -> fail $ "Bad hash in " ++ d ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ iname
292 _ -> return ([],i)
293 return $ reverse (read_patch_ids str) : rest
295 read_inventories :: Cache -> String -> IO [[(PatchInfo, String)]]
296 read_inventories cache ihash = do
297 (fn,i_and_p) <- fetchFileUsingCache cache HashedInventoriesDir ihash
298 let i = skip_pristine i_and_p
299 (rest,str) <- case BC.break ((==)'\n') i of
300 (swt,pistr) | swt == BC.pack "Starting with inventory:" ->
301 case BC.break ((==)'\n') $ B.tail pistr of
302 (h,thisinv) | okayHash $ BC.unpack h ->
303 do r <- unsafeInterleaveIO $
304 read_inventories cache (BC.unpack h) -- again. no.
305 return (r,thisinv)
306 _ -> fail $ "Bad hash in file " ++ fn
307 _ -> return ([],i)
308 return $ reverse (read_patch_ids str) : rest
310 read_patch_ids :: B.ByteString -> [(PatchInfo, String)]
311 read_patch_ids inv | B.null inv = []
312 read_patch_ids inv = case readPatchInfo inv of
313 Nothing -> []
314 Just (pinfo,r) ->
315 case readHash r of
316 Nothing -> []
317 Just (h,r') -> (pinfo,h) : read_patch_ids r'
319 readHash :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (String, B.ByteString)
320 readHash s = let s' = dropSpace s
321 (l,r) = BC.break ((==)'\n') s'
322 (kw,h) = BC.break ((==)' ') l
323 in if kw /= BC.pack "hash:" || B.length h <= 1
324 then Nothing
325 else Just (BC.unpack $ B.tail h,r)
327 apply_pristine :: Patchy q => Cache -> [DarcsFlag] -> String -> String -> q C(x y) -> IO ()
328 apply_pristine c opts d iname p =
329 do i <- gzReadFilePS (d++"/"++iname)
330 h <- applyHashed c opts (inv2pris i) p
331 writeDocBinFile (d++"/"++iname) $ pris2inv h i
333 apply_to_tentative_pristine :: Patchy q => Cache -> [DarcsFlag] -> q C(x y) -> IO ()
334 apply_to_tentative_pristine c opts p = apply_pristine c opts "." (darcsdir++"/tentative_pristine") p
336 slurp_pristine :: Cache -> Compression -> String -> String -> IO Slurpy
337 slurp_pristine c compr d iname = do
338 i <- fetchFilePS (d++"/"++iname) Uncachable
339 slurp_pristine_private c compr i
341 slurp_pristine_private :: Cache -> Compression -> B.ByteString -> IO Slurpy
342 slurp_pristine_private c compr inv = case inv2pris inv of
343 h | h == sha1PS B.empty -> return empty_slurpy
344 | otherwise -> slurpHashedPristine c compr h
346 pristine_from_working :: Cache -> Compression -> IO ()
347 pristine_from_working c compr = replacePristine c compr "."
349 replacePristine :: Cache -> Compression -> FilePath -> IO ()
350 replacePristine c compr d = do s <- slurp_all_but_darcs d
351 replacePristineFromSlurpy c compr s
353 replacePristineFromSlurpy :: Cache -> Compression -> Slurpy -> IO ()
354 replacePristineFromSlurpy c compr s = do
355 h <- writeHashedPristine c compr s
356 let t = darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory"
357 i <- gzReadFilePS t
358 writeDocBinFile t $ pris2inv h i
360 copy_pristine :: Cache -> Compression -> String -> String -> IO ()
361 copy_pristine c compr d iname = do
362 i <- fetchFilePS (d++"/"++iname) Uncachable
363 debugMessage $ "Copying hashed pristine tree: "++inv2pris i
364 let k = "Copying pristine"
365 beginTedious k
366 copyHashed k c compr $ inv2pris i
367 endTedious k
369 sync_repo :: Cache -> IO ()
370 sync_repo c = do i <- B.readFile $ darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory"
371 s <- slurp_all_but_darcs "."
372 beginTedious "Synchronizing pristine"
373 syncHashedPristine c s $ inv2pris i
376 copy_partials_pristine :: FilePathLike fp =>
377 Cache -> Compression -> String -> String -> [fp] -> IO ()
378 copy_partials_pristine c compr d iname fps =
379 do i <- fetchFilePS (d++"/"++iname) Uncachable
380 copyPartialsHashed c compr (inv2pris i) fps
382 inv2pris :: B.ByteString -> String
383 inv2pris inv | B.take pristine_name_length inv == pristine_name =
384 case takeHash $ B.drop pristine_name_length inv of
385 Just (h,_) -> h
386 Nothing -> error "Bad hash in inventory!"
387 | otherwise = sha1PS B.empty
389 pris2inv :: String -> B.ByteString -> Doc
390 pris2inv h inv = invisiblePS pristine_name <> text h $$ invisiblePS (skip_pristine inv)
392 pristine_name :: B.ByteString
393 pristine_name = BC.pack "pristine:"
395 skip_pristine :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
396 skip_pristine ps
397 | B.take pristine_name_length ps == pristine_name = B.drop 1 $ BC.dropWhile (/= '\n') $
398 B.drop pristine_name_length ps
399 | otherwise = ps
401 pristine_name_length :: Int
402 pristine_name_length = B.length pristine_name
404 slurp_all_but_darcs :: FilePath -> IO Slurpy
405 slurp_all_but_darcs d = do s <- slurp d
406 case slurp_remove (fp2fn $ "./"++darcsdir) s of
407 Nothing -> return s
408 Just s' -> return s'
410 \end{code}