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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Repository / Prefs.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 \begin{code}
20 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
21 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
23 #include "gadts.h"
25 module Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( add_to_preflist, get_preflist, set_preflist,
26 get_global,
27 defaultrepo, set_defaultrepo,
28 get_prefval, set_prefval, change_prefval,
29 def_prefval,
30 write_default_prefs,
31 boring_file_filter, darcsdir_filter,
32 FileType(..), filetype_function,
33 getCaches,
34 ) where
36 import System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError )
37 import Control.Monad ( liftM, unless, when, mplus )
38 import Text.Regex ( Regex, mkRegex, matchRegex, )
39 import Data.Char ( toUpper )
40 import Data.Maybe ( isNothing, isJust, catMaybes )
41 import Data.List ( nub, isPrefixOf )
42 import System.Directory ( getAppUserDataDirectory )
43 import System.FilePath ( (</>) )
45 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( NoCache, NoSetDefault, DryRun, Ephemeral, RemoteRepo ) )
46 import Darcs.RepoPath ( AbsolutePath, ioAbsolute, makeRelative, toFilePath,
47 getCurrentDirectory )
48 import Darcs.Utils ( catchall, stripCr )
49 import Darcs.IO ( ReadableDirectory(..), WriteableDirectory(..) )
50 import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( fp2fn )
51 import Darcs.External ( gzFetchFilePS, Cachable( Cachable ) )
52 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( unpack )
53 import qualified Data.ByteString as B ( empty )
54 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
55 import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( Cache(..), CacheType(..), CacheLoc(..),
56 WritableOrNot(..) )
57 import Darcs.URL ( is_file )
58 \end{code}
60 \section{prefs}
62 The \verb!_darcs! directory contains a \verb!prefs! directory. This
63 directory exists simply to hold user configuration settings specific to
64 this repository. The contents of this directory are intended to be
65 modifiable by the user, although in some cases a mistake in such a
66 modification may cause darcs to behave strangely.
70 \input{Darcs/ArgumentDefaults.lhs}
72 \begin{code}
73 write_default_prefs :: IO ()
74 write_default_prefs = do set_preflist "boring" default_boring
75 set_preflist "binaries" default_binaries
76 set_preflist "motd" []
77 \end{code}
79 \paragraph{repos}
80 The \verb!_darcs/prefs/repos! file contains a list of repositories you have
81 pulled from or pushed to, and is used for autocompletion of pull and push
82 commands in bash. Feel free to delete any lines from this list that might
83 get in there, or to delete the file as a whole.
85 \paragraph{author}\label{author_prefs}
86 The \verb!_darcs/prefs/author! file contains the email address (or name) to
87 be used as the author when patches are recorded in this repository,
88 e.g.\ \verb!David Roundy <>!. This
89 file overrides the contents of the environment variables
90 \verb!$DARCS_EMAIL! and \verb!$EMAIL!.
92 \paragraph{boring}\label{boring}
93 The \verb!_darcs/prefs/boring! file may contain a list of regular
94 expressions describing files, such as object files, that you do not expect
95 to add to your project. As an example, the boring file that I use with
96 my darcs repository is:
97 \begin{verbatim}
98 \.hi$
99 \.o$
100 ^\.[^/]
103 (^|/)CVS($|/)
104 \end{verbatim}
105 A newly created repository has a longer boring file that
106 includes many common source control, backup, temporary, and compiled files.
108 You may want to have the boring file under version
109 control. To do this you can use darcs setpref to set the value
110 ``boringfile'' to the name of your desired boring file
111 (e.g.\ \verb-darcs setpref boringfile .boring-, where \verb-.boring-
112 is the repository path of a file
113 that has been
114 darcs added to your repository). The boringfile preference overrides
115 \verb!_darcs/prefs/boring!, so be sure to copy that file to the boringfile.
117 You can also set up a ``boring'' regexps
118 file in your home directory, named \verb!~/.darcs/boring!, which will be
119 used with all of your darcs repositories.
121 Any file not already managed by darcs and whose repository path (such
122 as \verb!manual/index.html!) matches any of
123 the boring regular expressions is considered boring. The boring file is
124 used to filter the files provided to darcs add, to allow you to use a
125 simple \verb-darcs add newdir newdir/*-
126 without accidentally adding a bunch of
127 object files. It is also used when the \verb!--look-for-adds! flag is
128 given to whatsnew or record.
129 Note that once a file has been added to darcs, it is not considered
130 boring, even if it matches the boring file filter.
132 \begin{code}
133 {-# NOINLINE default_boring #-}
134 default_boring :: [String]
135 default_boring = ["# Boring file regexps:",
137 "### compiler and interpreter intermediate files",
138 "# haskell (ghc) interfaces",
139 "\\.hi$", "\\.hi-boot$", "\\.o-boot$",
140 "# object files",
141 "\\.o$","\\.o\\.cmd$",
142 "# profiling haskell",
143 "\\.p_hi$", "\\.p_o$",
144 "# haskell program coverage resp. profiling info",
145 "\\.tix$", "\\.prof$",
146 "# fortran module files",
147 "\\.mod$",
148 "# linux kernel",
149 "\\.ko\\.cmd$","\\.mod\\.c$",
150 "(^|/)\\.tmp_versions($|/)",
151 "# *.ko files aren't boring by default because they might",
152 "# be Korean translations rather than kernel modules",
153 "# \\.ko$",
154 "# python, emacs, java byte code",
155 "\\.py[co]$", "\\.elc$","\\.class$",
156 "# objects and libraries; lo and la are libtool things",
157 "\\.(obj|a|exe|so|lo|la)$",
158 "# compiled zsh configuration files",
159 "\\.zwc$",
160 "# Common LISP output files for CLISP and CMUCL",
161 "\\.(fas|fasl|sparcf|x86f)$",
163 "### build and packaging systems",
164 "# cabal intermediates",
165 "\\.installed-pkg-config",
166 "\\.setup-config",
167 "# standard cabal build dir, might not be boring for everybody",
168 "# ^dist(/|$)",
169 "# autotools",
170 "(^|/)autom4te\\.cache($|/)", "(^|/)config\\.(log|status)$",
171 "# microsoft web expression, visual studio metadata directories",
172 "\\_vti_cnf$",
173 "\\_vti_pvt$",
174 "# gentoo tools",
175 "\\.revdep-rebuild.*",
176 "# generated dependencies",
177 "^\\.depend$",
179 "### version control systems",
180 "# cvs",
181 "(^|/)CVS($|/)","\\.cvsignore$",
182 "# cvs, emacs locks",
183 "^\\.#",
184 "# rcs",
185 "(^|/)RCS($|/)", ",v$",
186 "# subversion",
187 "(^|/)\\.svn($|/)",
188 "# mercurial",
189 "(^|/)\\.hg($|/)",
190 "# git",
191 "(^|/)\\.git($|/)",
192 "# bzr",
193 "\\.bzr$",
194 "# sccs",
195 "(^|/)SCCS($|/)",
196 "# darcs",
197 "(^|/)"++darcsdir++"($|/)", "(^|/)\\.darcsrepo($|/)",
198 "^\\.darcs-temp-mail$",
199 "-darcs-backup[[:digit:]]+$",
200 "# gnu arch",
201 "(^|/)(\\+|,)",
202 "(^|/)vssver\\.scc$",
203 "\\.swp$","(^|/)MT($|/)",
204 "(^|/)\\{arch\\}($|/)","(^|/).arch-ids($|/)",
205 "# bitkeeper",
206 "(^|/)BitKeeper($|/)","(^|/)ChangeSet($|/)",
208 "### miscellaneous",
209 "# backup files",
210 "~$","\\.bak$","\\.BAK$",
211 "# patch originals and rejects",
212 "\\.orig$", "\\.rej$",
213 "# X server",
214 "\\..serverauth.*",
215 "# image spam",
216 "\\#", "(^|/)Thumbs\\.db$",
217 "# vi, emacs tags",
218 "(^|/)(tags|TAGS)$",
219 "#(^|/)\\.[^/]",
220 "# core dumps",
221 "(^|/|\\.)core$",
222 "# partial broken files (KIO copy operations)",
223 "\\.part$",
224 "# waf files, see",
225 "(^|/)\\.waf-[[:digit:].]+-[[:digit:]]+($|/)",
226 "(^|/)\\.lock-wscript$",
227 "# mac os finder",
228 "(^|/)\\.DS_Store$" ]
230 darcsdir_filter :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
231 darcsdir_filter = filter (not.is_darcsdir)
232 is_darcsdir :: FilePath -> Bool
233 is_darcsdir ('.':'/':f) = is_darcsdir f
234 is_darcsdir "." = True
235 is_darcsdir "" = True
236 is_darcsdir ".." = True
237 is_darcsdir "../" = True
238 is_darcsdir fp = darcsdir `isPrefixOf` fp
239 boring_file_filter :: IO ([FilePath] -> [FilePath])
241 global_prefs_dir :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
242 global_prefs_dir = (getAppUserDataDirectory "darcs" >>= return.Just)
243 `catchall` (return Nothing)
245 get_global f = do
246 dir <- global_prefs_dir
247 case dir of
248 (Just d) -> get_preffile $ d </> f
249 Nothing -> return []
251 global_cache_dir :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
252 global_cache_dir = global_prefs_dir >>= return.(maybe Nothing (Just.(</> "cache")))
254 boring_file_filter = do
255 borefile <- def_prefval "boringfile" (darcsdir ++ "/prefs/boring")
256 bores <- get_lines borefile `catchall` return []
257 gbs <- get_global "boring"
258 return $ actual_boring_file_filter $ map mkRegex (bores++gbs)
260 noncomments :: [String] -> [String]
261 noncomments ss = filter is_ok ss
262 where is_ok "" = False
263 is_ok ('#':_) = False
264 is_ok _ = True
266 get_lines :: ReadableDirectory m => FilePath -> m [String]
267 get_lines f = (notconflicts . noncomments . map stripCr . lines)
268 `liftM` mReadBinFile (fp2fn f)
269 where notconflicts = filter nc
270 startswith [] _ = True
271 startswith (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = startswith xs ys
272 startswith _ _ = False
273 nc l | startswith "v v v v v v v" l = False
274 nc l | startswith "*************" l = False
275 nc l | startswith "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^" l = False
276 nc _ = True
278 actual_boring_file_filter :: [Regex] -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
279 actual_boring_file_filter regexps fs =
280 filter (abf (not.is_darcsdir) regexps . normalize) fs
281 where
282 abf fi (r:rs) = abf (\f -> fi f && isNothing (matchRegex r f)) rs
283 abf fi [] = fi
284 \end{code}
286 \begin{code}
287 normalize :: FilePath -> FilePath
288 normalize ('.':'/':f) = normalize f
289 normalize f = normalize_helper $ reverse f
290 where
291 normalize_helper ('/':rf) = normalize_helper rf
292 normalize_helper rf = reverse rf
293 \end{code}
295 \paragraph{binaries}
296 The \verb!_darcs/prefs/binaries! file may contain a list of regular
297 expressions describing files that should be treated as binary files rather
298 than text files. Darcs automatically treats files containing
299 \verb!^Z\! or \verb!'\0'! within the first 4096 bytes as being binary files.
300 You probably will want to have the binaries file under
301 version control. To do this you can use darcs setpref to set the value
302 ``binariesfile'' to the name of your desired binaries file
303 (e.g.\ \verb'darcs setpref binariesfile ./.binaries', where
304 \verb'.binaries' is a file that has been
305 darcs added to your repository). As with the boring file, you can also set
306 up a \verb!~/.darcs/binaries! file if you like.
308 \begin{code}
309 data FileType = BinaryFile | TextFile
310 deriving (Eq)
312 {-# NOINLINE default_binaries #-}
313 default_binaries :: [String]
314 default_binaries =
315 "# Binary file regexps:" :
316 ext_regexes ["png","gz","pdf","jpg","jpeg","gif","tif",
317 "tiff","pnm","pbm","pgm","ppm","bmp","mng",
318 "tar","bz2","z","zip","jar","so","a",
319 "tgz","mpg","mpeg","iso","exe","doc",
320 "elc", "pyc"]
321 where ext_regexes exts = concat $ map ext_regex exts
322 ext_regex e = ["\\."++e++"$", "\\."++map toUpper e++"$"]
324 filetype_function :: IO (FilePath -> FileType)
325 filetype_function = do
326 binsfile <- def_prefval "binariesfile" (darcsdir ++ "/prefs/binaries")
327 bins <- get_lines binsfile `catch`
328 (\e-> if isDoesNotExistError e then return [] else ioError e)
329 gbs <- get_global "binaries"
330 regexes <- return (map (\r -> mkRegex r) (bins ++ gbs))
331 let isbin f = or $ map (\r -> isJust $ matchRegex r f) regexes
332 ftf f = if isbin $ normalize f then BinaryFile else TextFile
334 return ftf
335 \end{code}
337 \begin{code}
338 add_to_preflist :: WriteableDirectory m => String -> String -> m ()
339 get_preflist :: ReadableDirectory m => String -> m [String]
340 set_preflist :: WriteableDirectory m => String -> [String] -> m ()
341 get_global :: String -> IO [String]
343 set_defaultrepo :: String -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
344 \end{code}
346 \begin{code}
347 -- this avoids a circular dependency with Repository
348 prefsDirectory :: ReadableDirectory m => m String
349 prefsDirectory =
350 do darcs <- mDoesDirectoryExist $ fp2fn darcsdir
351 if darcs
352 then return $ darcsdir ++ "/prefs/"
353 else fail $ "Directory " ++ darcsdir ++ "/ does not exist!"
355 withPrefsDirectory :: ReadableDirectory m => (String -> m ()) -> m ()
356 withPrefsDirectory j = do prefs <- prefsDirectory `mplus` return "x"
357 when (prefs /= "x") $ j prefs
359 add_to_preflist p s = withPrefsDirectory $ \prefs -> do
360 hasprefs <- mDoesDirectoryExist $ fp2fn prefs
361 unless hasprefs $ mCreateDirectory $ fp2fn prefs
362 pl <- get_preflist p
363 mWriteBinFile (fp2fn $ prefs ++ p) $ unlines $ add_to_list s pl
364 get_preflist p = do prefs <- prefsDirectory `mplus` return "x"
365 if (prefs /= "x") then get_preffile $ prefs ++ p
366 else return []
367 get_preffile :: ReadableDirectory m => FilePath -> m [String]
368 get_preffile f = do
369 hasprefs <- mDoesFileExist (fp2fn f)
370 if hasprefs
371 then get_lines f
372 else return []
374 set_preflist p ls = withPrefsDirectory $ \prefs -> do
375 haspref <- mDoesDirectoryExist $ fp2fn prefs
376 if haspref
377 then mWriteBinFile (fp2fn $ prefs ++ p) (unlines ls)
378 else return ()
380 add_to_list :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
381 add_to_list s [] = [s]
382 add_to_list s (s':ss) = if s == s' then (s:ss) else s': add_to_list s ss
383 \end{code}
385 \begin{code}
386 set_prefval :: WriteableDirectory m => String -> String -> m ()
387 get_prefval :: ReadableDirectory m => String -> m (Maybe String)
388 def_prefval :: String -> String -> IO String
389 def_prefval p d = do
390 pv <- get_prefval p
391 case pv of Nothing -> return d
392 Just v -> return v
393 get_prefval p =
394 do pl <- get_preflist "prefs"
395 case map snd $ filter ((==p).fst) $ map (break (==' ')) pl of
396 [val] -> case words val of
397 [] -> return Nothing
398 _ -> return $ Just $ tail val
399 _ -> return Nothing
400 set_prefval p v = do pl <- get_preflist "prefs"
401 set_preflist "prefs" $
402 filter ((/=p).fst.(break (==' '))) pl ++ [p++" "++v]
403 change_prefval :: WriteableDirectory m => String -> String -> String -> m ()
404 change_prefval p f t =
405 do pl <- get_preflist "prefs"
406 ov <- get_prefval p
407 newval <- case ov of
408 Nothing -> return t
409 Just old -> if old == f then return t else return old
410 set_preflist "prefs" $
411 filter ((/=p).fst.(break(==' '))) pl ++ [p++" "++newval]
412 \end{code}
414 \begin{code}
415 defaultrepo :: [DarcsFlag] -> AbsolutePath -> [String] -> IO [String]
416 defaultrepo opts orig [] =
417 do let fixR r | not (is_file r) = return r
418 | otherwise = do absr <- ioAbsolute r
419 return $ toFilePath $ makeRelative orig absr
420 case [r | RemoteRepo r <- opts] of
421 [] -> do defrepo <- get_preflist "defaultrepo"
422 case defrepo of
423 [r] -> (:[]) `fmap` fixR r
424 _ -> return []
425 rs -> mapM fixR rs
426 defaultrepo _ _ r = return r
427 set_defaultrepo r opts = do doit <- if (NoSetDefault `notElem` opts && DryRun `notElem` opts && r_is_not_tmp)
428 then return True
429 else do olddef <-
430 get_preflist "defaultrepo"
431 return (olddef == [])
432 when doit
433 (set_preflist "defaultrepo" [r])
434 add_to_preflist "repos" r
435 `catchall` return () -- we don't care if this fails!
436 where
437 r_is_not_tmp = not $ r `elem` [x | RemoteRepo x <- opts]
438 \end{code}
440 \paragraph{email}
441 The \verb!_darcs/prefs/email! file is used to provide the e-mail address for your
442 repository that others will use when they \verb!darcs send! a patch back to you.
443 The contents of the file should simply be an e-mail address.
446 \paragraph{sources}
447 The \verb!_darcs/prefs/sources! file is used to indicate alternative
448 locations from which to download patches when using a ``hashed''
449 repository. This file contains lines such as:
450 \begin{verbatim}
451 cache:/home/droundy/.darcs/cache
452 readonly:/home/otheruser/.darcs/cache
453 repo:
454 \end{verbatim}
455 This would indicate that darcs should first look in
456 \verb!/home/droundy/.darcs/cache! for patches that might be missing, and if
457 the patch isn't there, it should save a copy there for future use. In that
458 case, darcs will look in \verb!/home/otheruser/.darcs/cache! to see if that
459 user might have downloaded a copy, but won't try to save a copy there, of
460 course. Finally, it will look in \verb!!. Note that the
461 \verb!sources! file can also exist in \verb!~/.darcs/!. Also note that the
462 sources mentioned in your \verb!sources! file will be tried \emph{before}
463 the repository you are pulling from. This can be useful in avoiding
464 downloading patches multiple times when you pull from a remote repository
465 to more than one local repository.
467 We strongly advise that you enable a global cache directory, which will
468 allow darcs to avoid re-downloading patches (for example, when doing a
469 second darcs get of the same repository), and also allows darcs to use hard
470 links to reduce disk usage. To do this, simply
471 \begin{verbatim}
472 mkdir -p $HOME/.darcs/cache
473 echo cache:$HOME/.darcs/cache > $HOME/.darcs/sources
474 \end{verbatim}
475 Note that the cache directory should reside on the same filesystem as your
476 repositories, so you may need to vary this. You can also use multiple
477 cache directories on different filesystems, if you have several filesystems
478 on which you use darcs.
480 \begin{code}
481 getCaches :: [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO Cache
482 getCaches opts repodir =
483 do here <- parsehs `fmap` get_preffile (darcsdir ++ "/prefs/sources")
484 there <- (parsehs . lines . BC.unpack) `fmap`
485 (gzFetchFilePS (repodir ++ "/" ++ darcsdir ++ "/prefs/sources") Cachable
486 `catchall` return B.empty)
487 globalcachedir <- global_cache_dir
488 let globalcache = case (nocache,globalcachedir) of
489 (True,_) -> []
490 (_,Just d) -> [Cache Directory Writable d]
491 _ -> []
492 globalsources <- parsehs `fmap` get_global "sources"
493 thisdir <- getCurrentDirectory
494 let thisrepo = if Ephemeral `elem` opts
495 then [Cache Repo NotWritable $ toFilePath thisdir]
496 else [Cache Repo Writable $ toFilePath thisdir]
497 return $ Ca $ nub $ thisrepo ++ globalcache ++ globalsources ++
498 here ++ [Cache Repo NotWritable repodir] ++ there
499 where
500 parsehs = catMaybes . map readln . noncomments
501 readln l | take 5 l == "repo:" = Just (Cache Repo NotWritable (drop 5 l))
502 | take 9 l == "thisrepo:" = Just (Cache Repo Writable (drop 9 l))
503 | nocache = Nothing
504 | take 6 l == "cache:" = Just (Cache Directory Writable (drop 6 l))
505 | take 9 l == "readonly:" = Just (Cache Directory NotWritable (drop 9 l))
506 | otherwise = Nothing
507 nocache = NoCache `elem` opts
509 \end{code}