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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Repository / Pristine.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2005 David Roundy
2 % Copyright (C) 2004 Juliusz Chroboczek
4 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
7 % any later version.
9 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 % GNU General Public License for more details.
14 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
16 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
17 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 \begin{code}
21 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
22 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
24 #include "gadts.h"
26 module Darcs.Repository.Pristine ( Pristine, flagsToPristine, nopristine,
27 createPristine, removePristine, identifyPristine,
28 checkPristine, slurpPristine,
29 applyPristine, createPristineFromWorking,
30 syncPristine, replacePristine, replacePristineFromSlurpy,
31 getPristinePop,
32 pristineDirectory, pristineToFlagString,
33 easyCreatePristineDirectoryTree,
34 easyCreatePartialsPristineDirectoryTree
35 ) where
37 import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
38 import Control.Monad ( when, liftM )
39 import System.Directory ( createDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist,
40 renameDirectory, removeFile )
41 import Darcs.Lock ( rm_recursive, writeBinFile )
42 import Darcs.Diff ( cmp, sync )
43 import Workaround ( getCurrentDirectory )
44 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( Slurpy, mmap_slurp, co_slurp, writeSlurpy )
45 import Darcs.Utils ( catchall )
47 import Darcs.PopulationData ( Population, getPopFrom )
48 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( PristinePlain, PristineNone ) )
49 import Darcs.Repository.Format ( RepoFormat, format_has,
50 RepoProperty(HashedInventory) )
51 import Darcs.IO ( WriteableDirectory(mWithCurrentDirectory) )
52 import Darcs.Patch ( Patchy, apply )
53 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo )
54 import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( fp2fn )
55 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (empty)
56 import Darcs.RepoPath ( FilePathLike, toFilePath )
57 import SHA1 ( sha1PS )
58 import Darcs.External ( cloneTree, cloneTreeExcept, clonePartialsTree )
59 import Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes ( Pristine(..) )
60 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
61 #include "impossible.h"
63 nopristine :: Pristine
64 nopristine = NoPristine "aack?"
66 pristineName :: String
67 pristineName = "pristine"
69 identifyPristine :: IO (Pristine)
70 identifyPristine = do mp <- reallyIdentifyPristine
71 case mp of
72 Nothing -> fail "Pristine tree doesn't exist."
73 Just pristine -> return pristine
75 reallyIdentifyPristine :: IO (Maybe Pristine)
76 reallyIdentifyPristine =
77 do dir <- findpristine doesDirectoryExist ""
78 none <- findpristine doesFileExist ".none"
79 hashinv <- doesFileExist $ darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory"
80 hashpris <- doesDirectoryExist hashedPristineDirectory
81 case (dir, none, hashinv && hashpris) of
82 (Nothing, Nothing, False) -> return Nothing
83 (Just n, Nothing, False) ->
84 return (Just (PlainPristine n))
85 (Nothing, Just n, False) ->
86 return (Just (NoPristine n))
87 (Nothing, Nothing, True) ->
88 return (Just HashedPristine)
89 _ -> fail "Multiple pristine trees."
90 where findpristine fn ext =
91 do e1 <- fn n1
92 e2 <- fn n2
93 case (e1, e2) of
94 (False, False) -> return Nothing
95 (True, False) -> return (Just n1)
96 (False, True) -> return (Just n2)
97 (True, True) -> fail "Multiple pristine trees."
98 where n1 = darcsdir++"/pristine" ++ ext
99 n2 = darcsdir++"/current" ++ ext
101 flagsToPristine :: [DarcsFlag] -> RepoFormat -> Pristine
102 flagsToPristine _ rf | format_has HashedInventory rf = HashedPristine
103 flagsToPristine (PristineNone : _) _ = NoPristine (darcsdir++"/" ++ pristineName ++ ".none")
104 flagsToPristine (PristinePlain : _) _ = PlainPristine (darcsdir++"/" ++ pristineName)
105 flagsToPristine (_ : t) rf = flagsToPristine t rf
106 flagsToPristine [] rf = flagsToPristine [PristinePlain] rf
108 createPristine :: Pristine -> IO Pristine
109 createPristine p =
110 do oldpristine <- reallyIdentifyPristine
111 when (isJust oldpristine) $ fail "Pristine tree already exists."
112 case p of
113 NoPristine n -> writeBinFile n "Do not delete this file.\n"
114 PlainPristine n -> createDirectory n
115 HashedPristine -> do createDirectory hashedPristineDirectory
116 writeFile (hashedPristineDirectory++"/"++sha1PS B.empty) ""
117 return p
119 hashedPristineDirectory :: String
120 hashedPristineDirectory = darcsdir++"/pristine.hashed"
122 removePristine :: Pristine -> IO ()
123 removePristine (NoPristine n) = removeFile n
124 removePristine (PlainPristine n) = rm_recursive n
125 removePristine HashedPristine = rm_recursive hashedPristineDirectory
127 checkPristine :: FilePath -> Pristine -> IO Bool
128 checkPristine _ (NoPristine _) = return True
129 checkPristine path (PlainPristine n) = do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
130 cmp (cwd ++ "/" ++ n) path
131 checkPristine _ HashedPristine =
132 bug "HashedPristine is not implemented yet."
134 slurpPristine :: Pristine -> IO (Maybe Slurpy)
135 slurpPristine (PlainPristine n) = do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
136 slurpy <- mmap_slurp (cwd ++ "/" ++ n)
137 return (Just slurpy)
138 slurpPristine (NoPristine _) = return Nothing
139 slurpPristine HashedPristine =
140 bug "HashedPristine is not implemented yet."
142 applyPristine :: Patchy p => Pristine -> p C(x y) -> IO ()
143 applyPristine (NoPristine _) _ = return ()
144 -- We don't need flags for now, since we don't care about
145 -- SetScriptsExecutable for the pristine cache.
146 applyPristine (PlainPristine n) p =
147 mWithCurrentDirectory (fp2fn n) $ apply [] p
148 applyPristine HashedPristine _ =
149 bug "3 HashedPristine is not implemented yet."
151 createPristineFromWorking :: Pristine -> IO ()
152 createPristineFromWorking (NoPristine _) = return ()
153 createPristineFromWorking (PlainPristine n) = cloneTreeExcept [darcsdir] "." n
154 createPristineFromWorking HashedPristine =
155 bug "HashedPristine is not implemented yet."
157 syncPristine :: Pristine -> IO ()
158 syncPristine (NoPristine _) = return ()
159 syncPristine (PlainPristine n) =
160 do ocur <- mmap_slurp n
161 owork <- co_slurp ocur "."
162 sync n ocur owork
163 syncPristine HashedPristine = return () -- FIXME this should be implemented!
165 replacePristine :: FilePath -> Pristine -> IO ()
166 replacePristine _ (NoPristine _) = return ()
167 replacePristine newcur (PlainPristine n) =
168 do rm_recursive nold
169 `catchall` return ()
170 renameDirectory n nold
171 renameDirectory newcur n
172 return ()
173 where nold = darcsdir ++ "/" ++ pristineName ++ "-old"
174 replacePristine _ HashedPristine =
175 bug "HashedPristine is not implemented yet."
177 replacePristineFromSlurpy :: Slurpy -> Pristine -> IO ()
178 replacePristineFromSlurpy _ (NoPristine _) = return ()
179 replacePristineFromSlurpy s (PlainPristine n) =
180 do rm_recursive nold
181 `catchall` return ()
182 writeSlurpy s ntmp
183 renameDirectory n nold
184 renameDirectory ntmp n
185 return ()
186 where nold = darcsdir ++ "/" ++ pristineName ++ "-old"
187 ntmp = darcsdir ++ "/" ++ pristineName ++ "-tmp"
188 replacePristineFromSlurpy _ HashedPristine =
189 bug "HashedPristine is not implemented yet."
191 getPristinePop :: PatchInfo -> Pristine -> IO (Maybe Population)
192 getPristinePop pinfo (PlainPristine n) =
193 Just `liftM` getPopFrom n pinfo
194 getPristinePop _ _ = return Nothing
196 pristineDirectory :: Pristine -> Maybe String
197 pristineDirectory (PlainPristine n) = Just n
198 pristineDirectory _ = Nothing
200 pristineToFlagString :: Pristine -> String
201 pristineToFlagString (NoPristine _) = "--no-pristine-tree"
202 pristineToFlagString (PlainPristine _) = "--plain-pristine-tree"
203 pristineToFlagString HashedPristine =
204 bug "HashedPristine is not implemented yet."
206 easyCreatePristineDirectoryTree :: Pristine -> FilePath -> IO Bool
207 easyCreatePristineDirectoryTree (NoPristine _) _ = return False
208 easyCreatePristineDirectoryTree (PlainPristine n) p
209 = cloneTree n p >> return True
210 easyCreatePristineDirectoryTree HashedPristine _ =
211 bug "HashedPristine is not implemented yet."
213 easyCreatePartialsPristineDirectoryTree :: FilePathLike fp => [fp] -> Pristine
214 -> FilePath -> IO Bool
215 easyCreatePartialsPristineDirectoryTree _ (NoPristine _) _ = return False
216 easyCreatePartialsPristineDirectoryTree prefs (PlainPristine n) p
217 = clonePartialsTree n p (map toFilePath prefs) >> return True
218 easyCreatePartialsPristineDirectoryTree _ HashedPristine _ =
219 bug "HashedPristine is not implemented yet."
220 \end{code}