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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / SelectChanges.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \begin{code}
19 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fffi -fglasgow-exts #-}
20 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
21 -- , ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, PatternGuards #-}
23 #include "gadts.h"
25 module Darcs.SelectChanges ( with_selected_changes',
26 with_selected_changes_to_files',
27 with_selected_last_changes_to_files',
28 with_selected_last_changes_reversed',
29 with_selected_changes,
30 with_selected_changes_to_files,
31 with_selected_changes_reversed,
32 with_selected_last_changes_to_files,
33 with_selected_last_changes_to_files_reversed,
34 with_selected_last_changes_reversed,
35 view_changes,
36 with_selected_patch_from_repo,
37 ) where
38 import System.IO
39 import Data.List ( intersperse )
40 import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
41 import Data.Char ( toUpper )
42 import Control.Monad ( when )
43 import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(ExitSuccess) )
45 import English ( Noun(..), englishNum )
46 import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, hopefully )
47 import Darcs.Repository ( Repository, read_repo )
48 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, Patchy, Prim, summary,
49 invert, list_touched_files,
50 commuteFL )
51 import qualified Darcs.Patch ( thing, things )
52 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..), RL(..), (:>)(..),
53 (+>+), lengthFL, concatRL, mapFL_FL,
54 spanFL, reverseFL, (+<+), mapFL,
55 unsafeCoerceP )
56 import Darcs.Patch.Choices ( PatchChoices, patch_choices, patch_choices_tps,
57 force_first, force_last, make_uncertain, tag,
58 get_choices,
59 separate_first_middle_from_last,
60 separate_first_from_middle_last,
61 patch_slot,
62 select_all_middles,
63 force_matching_last,
64 force_matching_first, make_everything_later,
65 TaggedPatch, tp_patch, Slot(..),
67 import Darcs.Patch.TouchesFiles ( deselect_not_touching, select_not_touching )
68 import Darcs.PrintPatch ( printFriendly, printPatch, printPatchPager )
69 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( Slurpy )
70 import Darcs.Match ( have_nonrange_match, match_a_patch, match_a_patchread )
71 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( Summary, DontGrabDeps, Verbose, DontPromptForDependencies), isInteractive )
72 import Darcs.Sealed ( FlippedSeal(..), flipSeal, seal2, unseal2 )
73 import Darcs.Utils ( askUser, promptCharFancy, without_buffering )
74 import Printer ( prefix, putDocLn )
75 #include "impossible.h"
76 \end{code}
78 \begin{code}
79 data WhichChanges = Last | LastReversed | First | FirstReversed deriving (Eq, Show)
81 type MatchCriterion p = FORALL(u v) WhichChanges -> [DarcsFlag] -> (p C(u v)) -> Bool
83 type WithPatches p a C(x y) =
84 String -- jobname
85 -> [DarcsFlag] -- opts
86 -> Slurpy -- directory
87 -> FL p C(x y) -- patches to select among
88 -> ((FL p :> FL p) C(x y) -> IO a) -- job
89 -> IO a -- result of running job
91 -- | The only difference with 'WithPatches' is the [FilePath] argument
92 type WithPatchesToFiles p a C(x y) =
93 String -- jobname
94 -> [DarcsFlag] -- opts
95 -> Slurpy -- directory
96 -> [FilePath] -- files
97 -> FL p C(x y) -- patches to select among
98 -> ((FL p :> FL p) C(x y) -> IO a) -- job
99 -> IO a -- result of running job
101 with_selected_changes'
102 :: WithPatches Prim a C(x y)
103 with_selected_changes_to_files'
104 :: WithPatchesToFiles Prim a C(x y)
105 with_selected_last_changes_to_files'
106 :: WithPatchesToFiles Prim a C(x y)
107 with_selected_last_changes_reversed'
108 :: WithPatches Prim a C(x y)
110 -- Common match criteria
111 triv :: MatchCriterion p
112 triv _ _ _ = True
114 iswanted :: Patchy p => MatchCriterion (PatchInfoAnd p)
115 iswanted First opts p = match_a_patch opts . hopefully $ p
116 iswanted LastReversed opts p = match_a_patch opts . hopefully . invert $ p
117 iswanted Last _ _ = bug "don't support patch matching with Last in wasp"
118 iswanted FirstReversed _ _ = bug "don't support patch matching with FirstReversed in wasp"
120 with_selected_changes' = wasc First triv
121 with_selected_changes_to_files' = wasc_ First triv
122 with_selected_last_changes_to_files' = wasc_ Last triv
123 with_selected_last_changes_reversed' = wasc LastReversed triv
125 with_selected_changes :: RepoPatch p => WithPatches (PatchInfoAnd p) a C(x y)
126 with_selected_changes_to_files :: RepoPatch p => WithPatchesToFiles (PatchInfoAnd p) a C(x y)
127 with_selected_changes_reversed :: RepoPatch p => WithPatches (PatchInfoAnd p) a C(x y)
128 with_selected_last_changes_to_files :: RepoPatch p => WithPatchesToFiles (PatchInfoAnd p) a C(x y)
129 with_selected_last_changes_to_files_reversed :: RepoPatch p => WithPatchesToFiles (PatchInfoAnd p) a C(x y)
130 with_selected_last_changes_reversed :: RepoPatch p => WithPatches (PatchInfoAnd p) a C(x y)
132 with_selected_changes = wasc First iswanted
133 with_selected_changes_to_files = wasc_ First iswanted
134 with_selected_changes_reversed = wasc FirstReversed iswanted
135 with_selected_last_changes_to_files = wasc_ Last iswanted
136 with_selected_last_changes_to_files_reversed = wasc_ LastReversed iswanted
137 with_selected_last_changes_reversed = wasc LastReversed iswanted
139 -- | wasc and wasc_ are just shorthand for with_any_selected_changes
140 wasc :: Patchy p => WhichChanges -> MatchCriterion p -> WithPatches p a C(x y)
141 wasc mwch crit j o s = wasc_ mwch crit j o s []
142 wasc_ :: Patchy p => WhichChanges -> MatchCriterion p -> WithPatchesToFiles p a C(x y)
143 wasc_ = with_any_selected_changes
145 with_any_selected_changes :: Patchy p => WhichChanges -> MatchCriterion p -> WithPatchesToFiles p a C(x y)
146 with_any_selected_changes Last crit jn opts s fs =
147 with_any_selected_changes_last
148 (patches_to_consider_last' fs opts crit)
149 crit jn opts s fs
150 with_any_selected_changes First crit jn opts s fs =
151 with_any_selected_changes_first
152 (patches_to_consider_first' fs opts crit)
153 crit jn opts s fs
154 with_any_selected_changes FirstReversed crit jn opts s fs =
155 with_any_selected_changes_first_reversed
156 (patches_to_consider_first_reversed' fs opts crit)
157 crit jn opts s fs
158 with_any_selected_changes LastReversed crit jn opts s fs =
159 with_any_selected_changes_last_reversed
160 (patches_to_consider_last_reversed' fs opts crit)
161 crit jn opts s fs
164 view_changes :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> Slurpy -> [FilePath] -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -> IO ()
165 view_changes opts _ fp ps =
166 case patches_to_consider_nothing' fp opts iswanted ps of
167 ps_to_consider :> _ -> vc ps_to_consider
168 where
169 vc :: RepoPatch p => FL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -> IO ()
170 vc p = without_buffering $ do text_view opts ps_len 0 NilRL init_tps init_pc
171 return ()
172 where (init_pc, init_tps) = patch_choices_tps p
173 ps_len = lengthFL init_tps
174 \end{code}
176 \begin{code}
177 data KeyPress a = KeyPress { kp :: Char
178 , kpHelp :: String }
180 helpFor :: String -> [[KeyPress a]] -> String
181 helpFor jobname options =
182 unlines $ [ "How to use "++jobname++":" ]
183 ++ (concat $ intersperse [""] $ map (map help) options)
184 ++ [ ""
185 , "?: show this help"
186 , ""
187 , "<Space>: accept the current default (which is capitalized)"
189 where help i = kp i:(": "++kpHelp i)
191 keysFor :: [[KeyPress a]] -> [Char]
192 keysFor = concatMap (map kp)
193 \end{code}
195 \begin{code}
196 with_selected_patch_from_repo :: forall p C(r u t). RepoPatch p => String -> Repository p C(r u t) -> [DarcsFlag]
197 -> (FORALL(a) (FL (PatchInfoAnd p) :> PatchInfoAnd p) C(a r) -> IO ()) -> IO ()
198 with_selected_patch_from_repo jn repository opts job = do
199 p_s <- read_repo repository
200 sp <- without_buffering $ wspfr jn (match_a_patchread opts)
201 (concatRL p_s) NilFL
202 case sp of
203 Just (FlippedSeal (skipped :> selected)) -> job (skipped :> selected)
204 Nothing -> do putStrLn $ "Cancelling "++jn++" since no patch was selected."
206 -- | This ensures that the selected patch commutes freely with the skipped patches, including pending
207 -- and also that the skipped sequences has an ending context that matches the recorded state, z,
208 -- of the repository.
209 wspfr :: RepoPatch p => String -> (FORALL(a b) (PatchInfoAnd p) C(a b) -> Bool)
210 -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(y u)
211 -> IO (Maybe (FlippedSeal (FL (PatchInfoAnd p) :> (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(u)))
212 wspfr _ _ NilRL _ = return Nothing
213 wspfr jn matches (p:<:pps) skipped
214 | not $ matches p = wspfr jn matches pps (p:>:skipped)
215 | otherwise =
216 case commuteFL (p :> skipped) of
217 Left _ -> do putStrLn "\nSkipping depended-upon patch:"
218 printFriendly [] p
219 wspfr jn matches pps (p:>:skipped)
220 Right (skipped' :> p') -> do
221 printFriendly [] p
222 let repeat_this = wspfr jn matches (p:<:pps) skipped
223 options = [[ KeyPress 'y' (jn++" this patch")
224 , KeyPress 'n' ("don't "++jn++" it")
225 , KeyPress 'v' "view this patch in full"
226 , KeyPress 'p' "view this patch in full with pager"
227 , KeyPress 'x' "view a summary of this patch"
228 , KeyPress 'q' ("cancel "++jn)
230 let prompt = "Shall I "++jn++" this patch?"
231 yorn <- promptCharFancy prompt (keysFor options) (Just 'n') "?h"
232 case yorn of
233 'y' -> return $ Just $ flipSeal $ skipped' :> p'
234 'n' -> wspfr jn matches pps (p:>:skipped)
235 'v' -> printPatch p >> repeat_this
236 'p' -> printPatchPager p >> repeat_this
237 'x' -> do putDocLn $ prefix " " $ summary p
238 repeat_this
239 'q' -> do putStrLn $ jn_cap++" cancelled."
240 exitWith $ ExitSuccess
241 _ -> do putStrLn $ helpFor jn options
242 repeat_this
243 where jn_cap = (toUpper $ head jn) : tail jn
244 \end{code}
246 \begin{code}
247 with_any_selected_changes_last :: forall p a C(x y). Patchy p
248 => (FL p C(x y) -> (FL p :> FL p) C(x y))
249 -> MatchCriterion p
250 -> WithPatchesToFiles p a C(x y)
251 with_any_selected_changes_last p2c crit jobname opts _ _ ps job =
252 case p2c ps of
253 ps_to_consider :> other_ps ->
254 if not $ isInteractive opts
255 then job $ ps_to_consider :> other_ps
256 else do pc <- without_buffering $
257 tentatively_text_select "" jobname (Noun "patch") Last crit
258 opts ps_len 0 NilRL init_tps init_pc
259 job $ selected_patches_last rejected_ps pc
260 where rejected_ps = ps_to_consider
261 ps_len = lengthFL init_tps
262 (init_pc, init_tps) = patch_choices_tps $ other_ps
264 with_any_selected_changes_first :: forall p a C(x y). Patchy p
265 => (FL p C(x y) -> (FL p :> FL p) C(x y))
266 -> MatchCriterion p
267 -> WithPatchesToFiles p a C(x y)
268 with_any_selected_changes_first p2c crit jobname opts _ _ ps job =
269 case p2c ps of
270 ps_to_consider :> other_ps ->
271 if not $ isInteractive opts
272 then job $ ps_to_consider :> other_ps
273 else do pc <- without_buffering $
274 tentatively_text_select "" jobname (Noun "patch") First crit
275 opts ps_len 0 NilRL init_tps init_pc
276 job $ selected_patches_first rejected_ps pc
277 where rejected_ps = other_ps
278 ps_len = lengthFL init_tps
279 (init_pc, init_tps) = patch_choices_tps $ ps_to_consider
281 with_any_selected_changes_first_reversed :: forall p a C(x y). Patchy p
282 => (FL p C(x y) -> (FL p :> FL p) C(y x))
283 -> MatchCriterion p
284 -> WithPatchesToFiles p a C(x y)
285 with_any_selected_changes_first_reversed p2c crit jobname opts _ _ ps job =
286 case p2c ps of
287 ps_to_consider :> other_ps ->
288 if not $ isInteractive opts
289 then job $ invert other_ps :> invert ps_to_consider
290 else do pc <- without_buffering $
291 tentatively_text_select "" jobname (Noun "patch") FirstReversed crit
292 opts ps_len 0 NilRL init_tps init_pc
293 job $ selected_patches_first_reversed rejected_ps pc
294 where rejected_ps = ps_to_consider
295 ps_len = lengthFL init_tps
296 (init_pc, init_tps) = patch_choices_tps other_ps
298 with_any_selected_changes_last_reversed :: forall p a C(x y). Patchy p
299 => (FL p C(x y) -> (FL p :> FL p) C(y x))
300 -> MatchCriterion p
301 -> WithPatchesToFiles p a C(x y)
302 with_any_selected_changes_last_reversed p2c crit jobname opts _ _ ps job =
303 case p2c ps of
304 ps_to_consider :> other_ps ->
305 if not $ isInteractive opts
306 then job $ invert other_ps :> invert ps_to_consider
307 else do pc <- without_buffering $
308 tentatively_text_select "" jobname (Noun "patch") LastReversed crit
309 opts ps_len 0 NilRL init_tps init_pc
310 job $ selected_patches_last_reversed rejected_ps pc
311 where rejected_ps = other_ps
312 ps_len = lengthFL init_tps
313 (init_pc, init_tps) = patch_choices_tps ps_to_consider
316 patches_to_consider_first' :: Patchy p
317 => [FilePath] -- ^ files
318 -> [DarcsFlag] -- ^ opts
319 -> MatchCriterion p
320 -> FL p C(x y) -- ^ patches
321 -> (FL p :> FL p) C(x y)
322 patches_to_consider_first' fs opts crit ps =
323 let deselect_unwanted pc =
324 if have_nonrange_match opts
325 then if DontGrabDeps `elem` opts
326 then force_matching_last (not.iswanted_) pc
327 else make_everything_later $ force_matching_first iswanted_ pc
328 else pc
329 iswanted_ = crit First opts . tp_patch
330 in if null fs && not (have_nonrange_match opts)
331 then ps :> NilFL
332 else tp_patches $ separate_first_middle_from_last $ deselect_not_touching fs
333 $ deselect_unwanted $ patch_choices ps
335 patches_to_consider_last' :: Patchy p
336 => [FilePath] -- ^ files
337 -> [DarcsFlag] -- ^ opts
338 -> MatchCriterion p
339 -> FL p C(x y) -- ^ patches
340 -> (FL p :> FL p) C(x y)
341 patches_to_consider_last' fs opts crit ps =
342 let deselect_unwanted pc =
343 if have_nonrange_match opts
344 then if DontGrabDeps `elem` opts
345 then force_matching_last (not.iswanted_) pc
346 else make_everything_later $ force_matching_first iswanted_ pc
347 else pc
348 iswanted_ = crit Last opts . tp_patch
349 in if null fs && not (have_nonrange_match opts)
350 then NilFL :> ps
351 else case get_choices $ select_not_touching fs $ deselect_unwanted $ patch_choices ps of
352 fc :> mc :> lc -> tp_patches $ fc :> mc +>+ lc
354 patches_to_consider_first_reversed' :: Patchy p
355 => [FilePath] -- ^ files
356 -> [DarcsFlag] -- ^ opts
357 -> MatchCriterion p
358 -> FL p C(x y) -- ^ patches
359 -> (FL p :> FL p) C(y x)
360 patches_to_consider_first_reversed' fs opts crit ps =
361 let deselect_unwanted pc =
362 if have_nonrange_match opts
363 then if DontGrabDeps `elem` opts
364 then force_matching_last (not.iswanted_) pc
365 else make_everything_later $ force_matching_first iswanted_ pc
366 else pc
367 iswanted_ = crit FirstReversed opts . tp_patch
368 in if null fs && not (have_nonrange_match opts)
369 then NilFL :> (invert ps)
370 else case get_choices $ select_not_touching fs $ deselect_unwanted $ patch_choices $ invert ps of
371 fc :> mc :> lc -> tp_patches $ fc :> mc +>+ lc
373 patches_to_consider_last_reversed' :: Patchy p
374 => [FilePath] -- ^ files
375 -> [DarcsFlag] -- ^ opts
376 -> MatchCriterion p
377 -> FL p C(x y) -- ^ patches
378 -> (FL p :> FL p) C(y x)
379 patches_to_consider_last_reversed' fs opts crit ps =
380 let deselect_unwanted pc =
381 if have_nonrange_match opts
382 then if DontGrabDeps `elem` opts
383 then force_matching_last (not.iswanted_) pc
384 else make_everything_later $ force_matching_first iswanted_ pc
385 else pc
386 iswanted_ = crit LastReversed opts . tp_patch
388 if null fs && not (have_nonrange_match opts)
389 then (invert ps) :> NilFL
390 else tp_patches $ separate_first_middle_from_last $ deselect_not_touching fs
391 $ deselect_unwanted $ patch_choices $ invert ps
393 patches_to_consider_nothing' :: RepoPatch p
394 => [FilePath] -- ^ files
395 -> [DarcsFlag] -- ^ opts
396 -> MatchCriterion (PatchInfoAnd p)
397 -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x y) -- ^ patches
398 -> (FL (PatchInfoAnd p) :> FL (PatchInfoAnd p)) C(x y)
399 patches_to_consider_nothing' fs opts crit ps =
400 let deselect_unwanted pc =
401 if have_nonrange_match opts
402 then if DontGrabDeps `elem` opts
403 then force_matching_last (not.iswanted_) pc
404 else make_everything_later $ force_matching_first iswanted_ pc
405 else pc
406 iswanted_ = crit First opts . tp_patch
407 in if null fs && not (have_nonrange_match opts)
408 then ps :> NilFL
409 else tp_patches $ separate_first_middle_from_last $ deselect_not_touching fs
410 $ deselect_unwanted $ patch_choices ps
412 -- | Returns the results of a patch selection user interaction
413 selected_patches_last :: Patchy p => FL p C(x y) -> PatchChoices p C(y z)
414 -> (FL p :> FL p) C(x z)
415 selected_patches_last other_ps pc =
416 case get_choices pc of
417 fc :> mc :> lc -> other_ps +>+ mapFL_FL tp_patch (fc +>+ mc) :> mapFL_FL tp_patch lc
419 selected_patches_first :: Patchy p => FL p C(y z) -> PatchChoices p C(x y)
420 -> (FL p :> FL p) C(x z)
421 selected_patches_first other_ps pc =
422 case separate_first_from_middle_last pc of
423 xs :> ys -> mapFL_FL tp_patch xs :> mapFL_FL tp_patch ys +>+ other_ps
425 selected_patches_last_reversed :: Patchy p => FL p C(y x) -> PatchChoices p C(z y)
426 -> (FL p :> FL p) C(x z)
427 selected_patches_last_reversed other_ps pc =
428 case separate_first_from_middle_last pc of
429 xs :> ys -> invert (mapFL_FL tp_patch ys +>+ other_ps) :> invert (mapFL_FL tp_patch xs)
431 selected_patches_first_reversed :: Patchy p => FL p C(z y) -> PatchChoices p C(y x)
432 -> (FL p :> FL p) C(x z)
433 selected_patches_first_reversed other_ps pc =
434 case get_choices pc of
435 fc :> mc :> lc -> invert (mapFL_FL tp_patch lc) :> invert (other_ps +>+ mapFL_FL tp_patch (fc +>+ mc))
437 text_select :: forall p C(x y z). Patchy p => String -> WhichChanges
438 -> MatchCriterion p -> [DarcsFlag] -> Int -> Int
439 -> RL (TaggedPatch p) C(x y) -> FL (TaggedPatch p) C(y z) -> PatchChoices p C(x z)
440 -> IO ((PatchChoices p) C(x z))
442 text_select _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NilFL pc = return pc
443 text_select jn whichch crit opts n_max n
444 tps_done tps_todo@(tp:>:tps_todo') pc = do
445 (printFriendly opts) `unseal2` viewp
446 repeat_this -- prompt the user
447 where
448 do_next_action ja je = tentatively_text_select ja jn je whichch crit opts
449 n_max
450 (n+1) (tp:<:tps_done) tps_todo'
451 do_next = do_next_action "" (Noun "patch")
452 helper :: PatchChoices p C(a b) -> p C(a b)
453 helper = undefined
454 thing = Darcs.Patch.thing (helper pc)
455 things = Darcs.Patch.things (helper pc)
456 options_basic =
457 [ KeyPress 'y' (jn++" this "++thing)
458 , KeyPress 'n' ("don't "++jn++" it")
459 , KeyPress 'w' ("wait and decide later, defaulting to no") ]
460 options_file =
461 [ KeyPress 's' ("don't "++jn++" the rest of the changes to this file")
462 , KeyPress 'f' (jn++" the rest of the changes to this file") ]
463 options_view =
464 [ KeyPress 'v' ("view this "++thing++" in full")
465 , KeyPress 'p' ("view this "++thing++" in full with pager") ]
466 options_summary =
467 [ KeyPress 'x' ("view a summary of this "++thing) ]
468 options_quit =
469 [ KeyPress 'd' (jn++" selected "++things++", skipping all the remaining "++things)
470 , KeyPress 'a' (jn++" all the remaining "++things)
471 , KeyPress 'q' ("cancel "++jn) ]
472 options_nav =
473 [ KeyPress 'j' ("skip to next "++thing)
474 , KeyPress 'k' ("back up to previous "++thing) ]
475 options = [options_basic]
476 ++ (if is_single_file_patch then [options_file] else [])
477 ++ [options_view ++
478 if Summary `elem` opts then [] else options_summary]
479 ++ [options_quit]
480 ++ [options_nav ]
481 prompt = "Shall I "++jn++" this "++thing++"? "
482 ++ "(" ++ show (n+1) ++ "/" ++ show n_max ++ ") "
483 repeat_this :: IO ((PatchChoices p) C(x z))
484 repeat_this = do
485 yorn <- promptCharFancy prompt (keysFor options) (Just the_default) "?h"
486 case yorn of
487 'y' -> do_next $ force_yes (tag tp) pc
488 'n' -> do_next $ force_no (tag tp) pc
489 'w' -> do_next $ make_uncertain (tag tp) pc
490 's' -> do_next_action "Skipped" (Noun "change") $ skip_file
491 'f' -> do_next_action "Included" (Noun "change") $ do_file
492 'v' -> printPatch `unseal2` viewp >> repeat_this
493 'p' -> printPatchPager `unseal2` viewp >> repeat_this
494 'x' -> do (putDocLn . prefix " " . summary) `unseal2` viewp
495 repeat_this
496 'd' -> return pc
497 'a' -> do ask_confirmation
498 return $ select_all_middles (whichch == Last || whichch == FirstReversed) pc
499 'q' -> do putStrLn $ jn_cap++" cancelled."
500 exitWith $ ExitSuccess
501 'j' -> case tps_todo' of
502 NilFL -> -- May as well work out the length now we have all
503 -- the patches in memory
504 text_select jn whichch crit opts
505 n_max n tps_done tps_todo pc
506 _ -> text_select jn whichch crit opts
507 n_max (n+1) (tp:<:tps_done) tps_todo' pc
508 'k' -> case tps_done of
509 NilRL -> repeat_this
510 (tp':<:tps_done') ->
511 text_select jn whichch crit opts
512 n_max (n-1) tps_done' (tp':>:tps_todo) pc
513 'c' -> text_select jn whichch crit opts
514 n_max n tps_done tps_todo pc
515 _ -> do putStrLn $ helpFor jn options
516 repeat_this
517 force_yes = if whichch == Last || whichch == FirstReversed then force_last else force_first
518 force_no = if whichch == Last || whichch == FirstReversed then force_first else force_last
519 patches_to_skip = (tag tp:) $ catMaybes
520 $ mapFL (\tp' -> if list_touched_files tp' == touched_files
521 then Just (tag tp')
522 else Nothing) tps_todo'
523 skip_file = foldr force_no pc patches_to_skip
524 do_file = foldr force_yes pc patches_to_skip
525 the_default = get_default (whichch == Last || whichch == FirstReversed) $ patch_slot tp pc
526 jn_cap = (toUpper $ head jn) : tail jn
527 touched_files = list_touched_files $ tp_patch tp
528 is_single_file_patch = length touched_files == 1
529 viewp = if whichch == LastReversed || whichch == FirstReversed then seal2 $ invert (tp_patch tp) else seal2 $ tp_patch tp
530 ask_confirmation =
531 if jn `elem` ["unpull", "unrecord", "obliterate"]
532 then do yorn <- askUser $ "Really " ++ jn ++ " all undecided patches? "
533 case yorn of
534 ('y':_) -> return ()
535 _ -> exitWith $ ExitSuccess
536 else return ()
538 text_view :: forall p C(x y u r s). Patchy p => [DarcsFlag] -> Int -> Int
539 -> RL (TaggedPatch p) C(x y) -> FL (TaggedPatch p) C(y u) -> PatchChoices p C(r s)
540 -> IO ((PatchChoices p) C(r s))
541 text_view _ _ _ _ NilFL _ = return $ patch_choices $ unsafeCoerceP NilFL --return pc
542 text_view opts n_max n
543 tps_done tps_todo@(tp:>:tps_todo') pc = do
544 printFriendly opts (tp_patch tp)
545 putStr "\n"
546 repeat_this -- prompt the user
547 where
548 prev_patch = case tps_done of
549 NilRL -> repeat_this
550 (tp':<:tps_done') ->
551 text_view opts
552 n_max (n-1) tps_done' (tp':>:tps_todo) pc
553 next_patch = case tps_todo' of
554 NilFL -> -- May as well work out the length now we have all
555 -- the patches in memory
556 text_view opts n_max
557 n tps_done NilFL pc
558 _ -> text_view opts n_max
559 (n+1) (tp:<:tps_done) tps_todo' pc
560 options_yn =
561 [ KeyPress 'y' "view this patch and go to the next"
562 , KeyPress 'n' "skip to the next patch" ]
563 options_view =
564 [ KeyPress 'v' "view this patch in full"
565 , KeyPress 'p' "view this patch in full with pager" ]
566 options_summary =
567 [ KeyPress 'x' "view a summary of this patch" ]
568 options_nav =
569 [ KeyPress 'q' ("quit view changes")
570 , KeyPress 'k' "back up to previous patch"
571 , KeyPress 'j' "skip to next patch" ]
572 options = [ options_yn ]
573 ++ [ options_view ++
574 if Summary `elem` opts then [] else options_summary ]
575 ++ [ options_nav ]
576 prompt = "Shall I view this patch? "
577 ++ "(" ++ show (n+1) ++ "/" ++ show n_max ++ ")"
578 repeat_this :: IO ((PatchChoices p) C(r s))
579 repeat_this = do
580 yorn <- promptCharFancy prompt (keysFor options) (Just 'n') "?h"
581 case yorn of
582 'y' -> printPatch (tp_patch tp) >> next_patch
583 'n' -> next_patch
584 'v' -> printPatch (tp_patch tp) >> repeat_this
585 'p' -> printPatchPager (tp_patch tp) >> repeat_this
586 'x' -> do putDocLn $ prefix " " $ summary (tp_patch tp)
587 repeat_this
588 'q' -> exitWith ExitSuccess
589 'k' -> prev_patch
590 'j' -> next_patch
591 'c' -> text_view opts
592 n_max n tps_done tps_todo pc
593 _ -> do putStrLn $ helpFor "view changes" options
594 repeat_this
595 tentatively_text_select :: Patchy p => String -> String -> Noun -> WhichChanges
596 -> MatchCriterion p -> [DarcsFlag]
597 -> Int -> Int -> RL (TaggedPatch p) C(x y) -> FL (TaggedPatch p) C(y z)
598 -> PatchChoices p C(x z)
599 -> IO ((PatchChoices p) C(x z))
600 tentatively_text_select _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NilFL pc = return pc
601 tentatively_text_select jobaction jobname jobelement whichch crit
602 opts n_max n ps_done ps_todo pc =
603 case spanFL (\p -> decided $ patch_slot p pc) ps_todo of
604 skipped :> unskipped -> do
605 when (numSkipped > 0) show_skipped
606 let (boringThenInteresting) =
607 if DontPromptForDependencies `elem` opts
608 then spanFL (not.(crit whichch opts).tp_patch) unskipped
609 else NilFL :> unskipped
610 case boringThenInteresting of
611 boring :> interesting -> do
612 let numNotConsidered = lengthFL boring + numSkipped
613 text_select jobname whichch crit opts n_max (n + numNotConsidered)
614 (reverseFL boring +<+ reverseFL skipped +<+ ps_done) interesting pc
615 where
616 numSkipped = lengthFL skipped
617 show_skipped = do putStrLn $ _doing_ ++ _with_ ++ "."
618 when (Verbose `elem` opts) $ showskippedpatch skipped
619 where
620 _doing_ = _action_ ++ " " ++ jobname
621 _with_ = " of " ++ show numSkipped ++ " " ++ _elem_ ""
622 _action_ = if (length jobaction) == 0 then "Skipped" else jobaction
623 _elem_ = englishNum numSkipped jobelement
624 showskippedpatch :: Patchy p => FL (TaggedPatch p) C(y t) -> IO ()
625 showskippedpatch (tp:>:tps) = (putDocLn $ prefix " " $ summary (tp_patch tp)) >> showskippedpatch tps
626 showskippedpatch NilFL = return ()
628 decided :: Slot -> Bool
629 decided InMiddle = False
630 decided _ = True
632 get_default :: Bool -> Slot -> Char
633 get_default _ InMiddle = 'w'
634 get_default True InFirst = 'n'
635 get_default True InLast = 'y'
636 get_default False InFirst = 'y'
637 get_default False InLast = 'n'
638 \end{code}
640 \begin{code}
641 tp_patches :: (FL (TaggedPatch p) :> FL (TaggedPatch p)) C(x y)
642 -> (FL p :> FL p) C(x y)
643 tp_patches (x:>y) = mapFL_FL tp_patch x :> mapFL_FL tp_patch y
644 \end{code}