1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2004 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \chapter{SlurpDirectory}
20 \section{Introduction}
22 SlurpDirectory is intended to give a nice lazy way of traversing directory
26 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
29 module Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( Slurpy(..), FileContents, empty_slurpy,
30 slurp, mmap_slurp, slurp_unboring, co_slurp,
31 slurp_name, is_file, is_dir,
32 get_filecontents, get_dircontents, get_mtime,
33 get_length, get_slurp,
34 get_slurp_context, get_slurp_context_maybe,
35 get_slurp_context_list,
36 slurp_removefile, slurp_removedir,
38 slurp_modfile, slurp_hasfile, slurp_hasdir,
39 slurp_has_anycase, wait_a_moment, undefined_time,
41 slurp_has, list_slurpy, list_slurpy_files,
45 doesFileReallyExist, doesDirectoryReallyExist,
46 SlurpMonad, withSlurpy, write_files,
51 import System.Directory hiding ( getCurrentDirectory, renameFile )
52 import Workaround ( getCurrentDirectory )
53 import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory, formatPath )
54 import Darcs.RepoPath ( FilePathLike, toPath )
55 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
56 import Data.List ( sort, tails, isPrefixOf )
57 import Control.Monad ( MonadPlus(..) )
58 import Data.Char ( toLower )
59 import System.Posix.Types ( EpochTime )
60 import System.Posix.Files
61 ( getSymbolicLinkStatus, modificationTime,
63 isRegularFile, isDirectory, isSymbolicLink
65 import System.Posix ( sleep )
66 import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, isJust, maybeToList )
68 import Darcs.SignalHandler ( tryNonSignal )
69 import Darcs.CheckFileSystem ( can_I_use_mmap )
70 import Darcs.IO ( ReadableDirectory(..), WriteableDirectory(..) )
72 import ByteStringUtils
73 import qualified Data.ByteString as B
75 import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( FileName, fn2fp, fp2fn, norm_path, break_on_dir,
76 own_name, super_name )
78 import Data.Int ( Int64 )
80 import System.Posix.Types ( FileOffset )
83 #include "impossible.h"
86 type FileOffset = Int64
89 data Slurpy = SlurpDir FileName (Maybe String) [Slurpy]
90 | SlurpFile FileName (Maybe String,EpochTime,FileOffset) FileContents
91 type FileContents = B.ByteString
93 instance Show Slurpy where
94 show (SlurpDir fn _ l) =
95 "Dir " ++ (fn2fp fn) ++ "\n" ++
96 concat (map show l) ++ "End Dir " ++ (fn2fp fn) ++ "\n"
97 show (SlurpFile fn _ _) = "File " ++ (fn2fp fn) ++ "\n"
99 slurp :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO Slurpy
100 mmap_slurp :: FilePath -> IO Slurpy
101 slurp_unboring :: (FilePath->Bool) -> FilePath -> IO Slurpy
102 empty_slurpy :: Slurpy
103 empty_slurpy = SlurpDir (fp2fn ".") Nothing []
104 slurp_name :: Slurpy -> FilePath
105 is_file :: Slurpy -> Bool
106 is_dir :: Slurpy -> Bool
108 get_filecontents :: Slurpy -> FileContents
109 get_dircontents :: Slurpy -> [Slurpy]
110 get_mtime :: Slurpy -> EpochTime
111 get_length :: Slurpy -> FileOffset
113 instance Eq Slurpy where
114 s1 == s2 = (slurp_name s1) == (slurp_name s2)
115 instance Ord Slurpy where
116 s1 <= s2 = (slurp_name s1) <= (slurp_name s2)
120 data SlurpMonad a = SM ((Either String Slurpy)
121 -> Either String (Slurpy, a))
122 mksm :: (Slurpy -> Either String (Slurpy, a)) -> SlurpMonad a
123 mksm x = SM sm where sm (Left e) = Left e
126 instance Functor SlurpMonad where
127 fmap f m = m >>= return . f
129 instance Monad SlurpMonad where
131 where sm e = case p e of
133 Right (s, a) -> case k a of
134 (SM q) -> q (Right s)
135 return a = SM ( \s -> case s of
137 Right x -> Right (x, a) )
138 fail e = SM ( \s -> case s of
142 instance MonadPlus SlurpMonad where
143 mzero = fail "SlurpMonad mzero"
144 (SM p) `mplus` (SM q) = SM sm
145 where sm e = case p e of
149 instance ReadableDirectory SlurpMonad where
150 mDoesDirectoryExist d = smDoesDirectoryExist d
151 mDoesFileExist f = smDoesFileExist f
152 mInCurrentDirectory = smInSlurpy
153 mGetDirectoryContents = smGetDirContents
154 mReadFilePS = smReadFilePS
155 mReadFilePSs = smReadFilePSs
157 instance WriteableDirectory SlurpMonad where
158 mWithCurrentDirectory = modifySubSlurpy
159 mSetFileExecutable _ _ = return ()
160 mWriteFilePS = smWriteFilePS
161 mCreateDirectory = smCreateDirectory
163 mRemoveDirectory = smRemoveDirectory
164 mRemoveFile = smRemoveFile
170 write_file :: Slurpy -> FileName -> IO ()
171 write_file s fn = case withSlurpy s $ smReadFilePS fn of
174 ensureDirectories (super_name fn)
177 try_write_file :: Slurpy -> FilePath -> IO ()
178 try_write_file s fp = let fn = fp2fn fp in
179 if slurp_hasfile fn s
181 else if slurp_hasdir fn s
182 then ensureDirectories fn
185 ensureDirectories :: WriteableDirectory m => FileName -> m ()
186 ensureDirectories d = do
187 isPar <- mDoesDirectoryExist d
190 else ensureDirectories (super_name d) >> (mCreateDirectory d)
192 write_files :: Slurpy -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
193 write_files s fps = mapM_ (try_write_file s) fps
195 -- don't overwrite non-empty directories unless explicitly asked by
196 -- being passed "." (which always exists)
197 writeSlurpy :: Slurpy -> FilePath -> IO ()
198 writeSlurpy s "." = withCurrentDirectory "." $ write_files s (list_slurpy s)
201 withCurrentDirectory d $ write_files s (list_slurpy s)
203 withSlurpy :: Slurpy -> SlurpMonad a -> Either String (Slurpy, a)
204 withSlurpy s (SM f) = f (Right s)
206 smDoesDirectoryExist :: FileName -> SlurpMonad Bool
207 smDoesDirectoryExist d = mksm $ \s -> (Right (s, slurp_hasdir d s))
209 smDoesFileExist :: FileName -> SlurpMonad Bool
210 smDoesFileExist f = mksm $ \s -> (Right (s, slurp_hasfile f s))
212 -- smInSlurpy doesn't make any changes to the subdirectory.
213 smInSlurpy :: FileName -> SlurpMonad a -> SlurpMonad a
214 smInSlurpy d job = mksm sm
215 where sm s = case get_slurp d s of
216 Just s' | is_dir s' -> case withSlurpy s' job of
218 Right (_,a) -> Right (s, a)
219 _ -> Left $ "smInSlurpy: Couldn't find directory " ++
222 fromSlurpFile :: FileName -> (Slurpy -> a) -> SlurpMonad a
223 fromSlurpFile f job = mksm sm
224 where sm s = case get_slurp f s of
225 Just s' | is_file s' -> Right (s, job s')
226 _ -> Left $ "fromSlurpFile: Couldn't find file " ++
229 modifySubSlurpy :: FileName -> SlurpMonad a -> SlurpMonad a
230 modifySubSlurpy d job = mksm sm
231 where sm s = case get_slurp_context d s of
232 Just (ctx, sub@(SlurpDir _ _ _)) ->
233 case withSlurpy sub job of
235 Right (sub',a) -> Right (ctx sub', a)
236 _ -> Left $ "modifySubSlurpy: Couldn't find directory " ++
239 modifyFileSlurpy :: FileName -> (Slurpy -> Slurpy) -> SlurpMonad ()
240 modifyFileSlurpy f job = mksm sm
241 where sm s = case get_slurp_context f s of
242 Just (ctx, sf@(SlurpFile _ _ _)) -> Right (ctx $ job sf, ())
243 _ -> Left $ "modifyFileSlurpy: Couldn't find file " ++
246 insertSlurpy :: FileName -> Slurpy -> SlurpMonad ()
247 insertSlurpy f news = mksm $ \s ->
248 if slurp_hasfile f s || slurp_hasdir f s || not (slurp_hasdir (super_name f) s)
249 then Left $ "Error creating file "++fn2fp f
250 else Right (addslurp f news s, ())
252 smReadFilePS :: FileName -> SlurpMonad B.ByteString
253 smReadFilePS f = fromSlurpFile f get_filecontents
255 smReadFilePSs :: FileName -> SlurpMonad [B.ByteString]
256 smReadFilePSs f = fromSlurpFile f (linesPS . get_filecontents)
258 smGetDirContents :: SlurpMonad [FileName]
259 smGetDirContents = mksm $ \s -> Right (s, map slurp_fn $ get_dircontents s)
261 smWriteFilePS :: FileName -> B.ByteString -> SlurpMonad ()
262 smWriteFilePS f ps = -- this implementation could be made rather more direct
263 -- and limited to a single pass down the Slurpy
264 modifyFileSlurpy f (\_ -> sl)
265 `mplus` insertSlurpy f sl
266 where sl = SlurpFile (own_name f) undef_time_size ps
268 smCreateDirectory :: FileName -> SlurpMonad ()
269 smCreateDirectory a = mksm sm
270 where sm s = case slurp_adddir a s of
271 Just s' -> Right (s', ())
272 Nothing -> Left $ "Error creating directory "++fn2fp a
274 smRename :: FileName -> FileName -> SlurpMonad ()
275 smRename a b = mksm sm
276 where sm s = case slurp_move a b s of
277 Just s' -> Right (s', ())
279 -- Workaround for some old patches having moves when the source file doesn't exist.
280 if (slurp_has (fn2fp a) s)
281 then Left $ "Error moving "++fn2fp a++" to "++fn2fp b
284 smRemove :: FileName -> SlurpMonad ()
286 where sm s = case slurp_remove f s of
287 Nothing -> Left $ fn2fp f++" does not exist."
288 Just s' -> Right (s', ())
290 smRemoveFile :: FileName -> SlurpMonad ()
292 do exists <- mDoesFileExist f
293 if exists then smRemove f
294 else fail $ "File "++fn2fp f++" does not exist."
296 smRemoveDirectory :: FileName -> SlurpMonad ()
297 smRemoveDirectory f =
298 do exists <- mDoesDirectoryExist f
299 if exists then smRemove f
300 else fail $ "Directory "++fn2fp f++" does not exist."
303 Here are a few access functions.
306 slurp_name (SlurpFile f _ _) = fn2fp f
307 slurp_name (SlurpDir d _ _) = fn2fp d
308 slurp_fn :: Slurpy -> FileName
309 slurp_fn (SlurpFile f _ _) = f
310 slurp_fn (SlurpDir d _ _) = d
311 slurp_setname :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Slurpy
312 slurp_setname f (SlurpDir _ x c) = SlurpDir f x c
313 slurp_setname f (SlurpFile _ m c) = SlurpFile f m c
315 is_file (SlurpDir _ _ _) = False
316 is_file (SlurpFile _ _ _) = True
318 is_dir (SlurpDir _ _ _) = True
319 is_dir (SlurpFile _ _ _) = False
321 get_filecontents (SlurpFile _ _ c) = c
322 get_filecontents _ = bug "Can't get_filecontents on SlurpDir."
324 get_dircontents (SlurpDir _ _ c) = sort c
325 get_dircontents _ = bug "Can't get_dircontents on SlurpFile."
327 get_mtime (SlurpFile _ (_,t,_) _) = t
328 get_mtime _ = bug "can't get_mtime on SlurpDir."
329 get_length (SlurpFile _ (_,_,l) _) = l
330 get_length _ = bug "can't get_length on SlurpDir."
332 undefined_time :: EpochTime
334 undefined_size :: FileOffset
336 undef_time_size :: (Maybe String, EpochTime, FileOffset)
337 undef_time_size = (Nothing, undefined_time, undefined_size)
339 wait_a_moment :: IO ()
340 wait_a_moment = do { sleep 1; return () }
341 -- HACKERY: In ghc 6.1, sleep has the type signature IO Int; it
342 -- returns an integer just like sleep(3) does. To stay compatible
343 -- with older versions, though, we just ignore sleep's return
344 -- value. Hackery, like I said.
346 isFileReallySymlink :: FilePath -> IO Bool
347 isFileReallySymlink f = do fs <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
348 return (isSymbolicLink fs)
350 doesFileReallyExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
351 doesFileReallyExist f = do fs <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
352 return (isRegularFile fs)
354 doesDirectoryReallyExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
355 doesDirectoryReallyExist f = do fs <- getSymbolicLinkStatus f
356 return (isDirectory fs)
359 slurp is how we get a slurpy in the first place\ldots
362 slurp = slurp_unboring (\_->True) . toPath
363 mmap_slurp d = do canmmap <- can_I_use_mmap
364 if canmmap then genslurp True (\_->True) d
365 else genslurp False (\_->True) d
366 slurp_unboring = genslurp False
367 genslurp :: Bool -> (FilePath -> Bool)
368 -> FilePath -> IO Slurpy
369 genslurp usemm nb dirname = do
370 isdir <- doesDirectoryExist dirname
372 then withCurrentDirectory dirname $
373 do actualname <- getCurrentDirectory
374 genslurp_helper usemm nb (reverse actualname) "" "."
375 else do former_dir <- getCurrentDirectory
376 genslurp_helper usemm nb (reverse former_dir) "" dirname
379 Nothing -> fail $ "Unable to read directory " ++ dirname ++
380 " (it appears to be neither file nor directory)"
382 unsafeInterleaveMapIO :: (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b]
383 unsafeInterleaveMapIO _ [] = return []
384 unsafeInterleaveMapIO f (x:xs)
386 xs' <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ unsafeInterleaveMapIO f xs
389 genslurp_helper :: Bool -> (FilePath -> Bool)
390 -> FilePath -> String -> String -> IO (Maybe Slurpy)
391 genslurp_helper usemm nb formerdir fullpath dirname = do
392 fs <- getSymbolicLinkStatus fulldirname
394 then do let mtime = (Nothing, modificationTime fs, fileSize fs)
395 ls <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ myReadFileLinesPSetc fulldirname
396 return $ Just $ SlurpFile (fp2fn dirname) mtime ls
397 else if isDirectory fs || (isSymbolicLink fs && dirname == ".")
398 then do sl <- unsafeInterleaveIO $
399 do fnames <- getDirectoryContents fulldirname
400 unsafeInterleaveMapIO
401 (\f -> genslurp_helper usemm nb fulldirname'
403 $ filter (nb . (fullpath///)) $ filter not_hidden fnames
404 return $ Just $ SlurpDir (fp2fn dirname) Nothing $ catMaybes sl
406 where fulldirname' = formerdir\\\dirname
407 fulldirname = reverse fulldirname'
408 myReadFileLinesPSetc = if usemm then mmapFilePS
411 not_hidden :: FilePath -> Bool
412 not_hidden "." = False
413 not_hidden ".." = False
416 (\\\) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
419 (\\\) d subdir = reverse subdir ++ "/" ++ d
421 (///) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
424 (///) d subdir = d ++ "/" ++ subdir
426 co_slurp :: Slurpy -> FilePath -> IO Slurpy
427 co_slurp guide dirname = do
428 isdir <- doesDirectoryExist dirname
430 then withCurrentDirectory dirname $ do
431 actualname <- getCurrentDirectory
432 Just slurpy <- co_slurp_helper (reverse actualname) guide
434 else error "Error coslurping!!! Please report this."
436 co_slurp_helper :: FilePath -> Slurpy -> IO (Maybe Slurpy)
437 co_slurp_helper former_dir (SlurpDir d _ c) = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
439 fn' = former_dir\\\d'
441 efs <- tryNonSignal $ getSymbolicLinkStatus fn
444 | isDirectory fs || (isSymbolicLink fs && d' == ".") ->
445 do sl <- unsafeInterleaveIO
446 $ unsafeInterleaveMapIO (co_slurp_helper fn') c
447 return $ Just $ SlurpDir d Nothing $ catMaybes sl
449 co_slurp_helper former_dir (SlurpFile f _ _) = unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
450 let fn' = former_dir\\\fn2fp f
452 efs <- tryNonSignal $ getSymbolicLinkStatus fn
455 | isRegularFile fs ->
456 do let mtime = (Nothing, modificationTime fs, fileSize fs)
457 ls <- unsafeInterleaveIO $ B.readFile fn
458 return $ Just $ SlurpFile f mtime ls
463 get_slurp_context_generic :: (Slurpy -> a) -> (a -> [Slurpy]) -> FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe (a -> a, Slurpy)
464 get_slurp_context_generic h1 h2 fn0 s0 =
465 let norm_fn0 = norm_path fn0 in
468 else slurp_context_private norm_fn0 id s0
470 slurp_context_private f ctx s@(SlurpFile f' _ _) =
471 if f == f' then Just (ctx, s)
473 slurp_context_private f ctx s@(SlurpDir d _ c)
474 | f == d = Just (ctx, s)
476 case break_on_dir f of
477 Just (dn,fn) | dn == dot ->
482 case break_on_dir f of
490 let l = [ slurp_context_private
492 (\x -> ctx (h1 (SlurpDir d Nothing (pre ++ h2 x ++ post))))
494 | (pre, this:post) <- zip (inits' c) (tails c)
497 case filter isJust l of
502 -- a lazier implementation of inits
503 inits' l = [ take i l | i <- [0 .. length l] ]
509 -- |get_slurp_context navigates to a specified filename in the given slurpy,
510 -- and returns the child slurpy at that point together with a update function that can be used
511 -- to reconstruct the original slurpy from a replacement value for the child slurpy.
512 get_slurp_context :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe (Slurpy -> Slurpy, Slurpy)
513 get_slurp_context = get_slurp_context_generic id return
515 -- |A variant of 'get_slurp_context' that allows for removing the child slurpy
516 -- altogether by passing in 'Nothing' to the update function.
517 -- If the child slurpy happened to be at the top level and 'Nothing' was passed in,
518 -- then the result of the update function will also be 'Nothing', otherwise it will always
519 -- be a 'Just' value.
520 get_slurp_context_maybe :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe (Maybe Slurpy -> Maybe Slurpy, Slurpy)
521 get_slurp_context_maybe = get_slurp_context_generic Just maybeToList
523 -- |A variant of 'get_slurp_context' that allows for replacing the child slurpy by
524 -- a list of slurpies. The result of the update function will always be a singleton
525 -- list unless the child slurpy was at the top level.
526 get_slurp_context_list :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe ([Slurpy] -> [Slurpy], Slurpy)
527 get_slurp_context_list = get_slurp_context_generic return id
530 It is important to be able to readily modify a slurpy.
533 slurp_remove :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe Slurpy
534 slurp_remove fname s@(SlurpDir _ _ _) =
535 case get_slurp_context_maybe fname s of
536 Just (ctx, _) -> ctx Nothing
538 slurp_remove _ _ = bug "slurp_remove only acts on SlurpDirs"
540 slurp_removefile :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe Slurpy
541 slurp_removefile f s =
543 then case slurp_remove f s of
544 Just (SlurpDir d x c) -> Just $ SlurpDir d x c
550 slurp_move :: FileName -> FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe Slurpy
552 if not (slurp_has (fn2fp f') s) && slurp_hasdir (super_name f') s
553 then case get_slurp f s of
556 case slurp_remove f s of
558 Just (SlurpDir d x c) ->
559 Just $ addslurp f' (slurp_setname (own_name f') sf)
564 addslurp :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Slurpy -> Slurpy
565 addslurp fname s s' =
566 case get_slurp_context (super_name fname) s' of
567 Just (ctx, SlurpDir d _ c) -> ctx (SlurpDir d Nothing (s:c))
570 get_slurp :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe Slurpy
571 get_slurp f s = fmap snd (get_slurp_context f s)
575 slurp_removedir :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe Slurpy
576 slurp_removedir f s =
577 case get_slurp f s of
578 Just (SlurpDir _ _ []) ->
579 case slurp_remove f s of
580 Just (SlurpDir d x c) -> Just $ SlurpDir d x c
586 slurp_adddir :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe Slurpy
588 if slurp_hasfile f s || slurp_hasdir f s || not (slurp_hasdir (super_name f) s)
590 else Just $ addslurp f (SlurpDir (own_name f) Nothing []) s
593 Code to modify a given file in a slurpy.
596 slurp_modfile :: FileName -> (FileContents -> Maybe FileContents)
597 -> Slurpy -> Maybe Slurpy
598 slurp_modfile fname modify sl =
599 case get_slurp_context fname sl of
600 Just (ctx, SlurpFile ff _ c) ->
603 Just c' -> Just (ctx (SlurpFile ff undef_time_size c'))
609 slurp_hasfile :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Bool
611 case get_slurp f s of
612 Just s' | is_file s' -> True
615 slurp_has :: FilePath -> Slurpy -> Bool
616 slurp_has f s = isJust (get_slurp (fp2fn f) s)
618 slurp_has_anycase :: FilePath -> Slurpy -> Bool
619 slurp_has_anycase fname (SlurpDir _ _ contents) =
620 seq normed_name $ or $ map (hasany_private normed_name) contents
621 where normed_name = norm_path $ fp2fn $ map toLower fname
622 hasany_private f (SlurpFile f' _ _) = f == tolower f'
623 hasany_private f (SlurpDir d _ c)
624 | f == tolower d = True
626 case break_on_dir f of
627 Just (dn,fn) -> if tolower dn == tolower d
628 then or $ map (hasany_private fn) c
631 slurp_has_anycase f (SlurpFile f' _ _) =
632 (norm_path $ fp2fn $ map toLower f) == tolower f'
633 tolower :: FileName -> FileName
634 tolower = fp2fn . (map toLower) . fn2fp
636 slurp_hasdir :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Bool
637 slurp_hasdir d _ | norm_path d == fp2fn "" = True
638 slurp_hasdir f (SlurpDir _ _ c) =
639 seq f $ or $ map (slurp_hasdir_private $ norm_path f) c
640 slurp_hasdir _ _ = False
642 slurp_hasdir_private :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Bool
643 slurp_hasdir_private _ (SlurpFile _ _ _) = False
644 slurp_hasdir_private f (SlurpDir d _ c)
647 case break_on_dir f of
650 then or $ map (slurp_hasdir_private fn) c
656 get_path_list :: Slurpy -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
657 get_path_list s fp = get_path_list' s ("./" ++ fp)
659 get_path_list' :: Slurpy -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
660 get_path_list' s "" = list_slurpy s
661 get_path_list' (SlurpFile f _ _) fp
664 get_path_list' (SlurpDir d _ ss) fp
665 | (d' ++ "/") `isPrefixOf` (fp ++ "/")
666 = let fp' = drop (length d' + 1) fp
667 in map (d' ///) $ concatMap (\s -> get_path_list' s fp') ss
669 get_path_list' _ _ = []
671 list_slurpy :: Slurpy -> [FilePath]
672 list_slurpy (SlurpFile f _ _) = [fn2fp f]
673 list_slurpy (SlurpDir dd _ ss) = d : map (d ///) (concatMap list_slurpy ss)
676 list_slurpy_files :: Slurpy -> [FilePath]
677 list_slurpy_files (SlurpFile f _ _) = [fn2fp f]
678 list_slurpy_files (SlurpDir dd _ ss) =
679 map ((fn2fp dd) ///) (concatMap list_slurpy_files ss)
681 list_slurpy_dirs :: Slurpy -> [FilePath]
682 list_slurpy_dirs (SlurpFile _ _ _) = []
683 list_slurpy_dirs (SlurpDir dd _ ss) =
684 d : map (d ///) (concatMap list_slurpy_dirs ss)