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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Workaround.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
4 module Workaround ( renameFile, setExecutable, getCurrentDirectory,
5 installHandler, raiseSignal, Handler(..), Signal,
6 sigINT, sigHUP, sigABRT, sigALRM, sigTERM, sigPIPE ) where
9 import System.Posix.Signals(installHandler, raiseSignal, Handler(..), Signal,
10 sigINT, sigHUP, sigABRT, sigALRM, sigTERM, sigPIPE,)
11 #endif
13 #ifdef WIN32
14 import qualified System.Directory ( renameFile, getCurrentDirectory, removeFile )
15 import qualified Control.Exception ( block )
16 import qualified System.IO.Error ( isDoesNotExistError, ioError, catch )
17 #else
18 import System.Directory ( renameFile, getCurrentDirectory )
19 import System.Posix.Files (fileMode,getFileStatus, setFileMode,
20 setFileCreationMask,
21 ownerReadMode, ownerWriteMode, ownerExecuteMode,
22 groupReadMode, groupWriteMode, groupExecuteMode,
23 otherReadMode, otherWriteMode, otherExecuteMode)
24 import Data.Bits ( (.&.), (.|.), complement )
25 #endif
27 #ifndef HAVE_SIGNALS
28 -- Dummy implementation of POSIX signals
29 data Handler = Default | Ignore | Catch (IO ())
30 type Signal = Int
32 installHandler :: Signal -> Handler -> Maybe () -> IO ()
33 installHandler _ _ _ = return ()
35 raiseSignal :: Signal -> IO ()
36 raiseSignal _ = return ()
38 sigINT, {- sigKILL, -} sigHUP, {- sigQUIT, -} sigABRT, sigALRM, sigTERM, sigPIPE :: Signal
39 sigINT = 0
40 -- not used: sigKILL = 0
41 sigHUP = 0
42 -- not used: sigQUIT = 0
43 sigABRT = 0
44 sigTERM = 0
45 sigPIPE = 0
46 sigALRM = 0
47 #endif
49 #ifdef WIN32
51 System.Directory.renameFile incorrectly fails when the new file already
52 exists. This code works around that bug at the cost of losing atomic
53 writes.
56 renameFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
57 renameFile old new = Control.Exception.block $
58 System.Directory.renameFile old new
59 `System.IO.Error.catch` \_ ->
60 do System.Directory.removeFile new
61 `System.IO.Error.catch`
62 (\e -> if System.IO.Error.isDoesNotExistError e
63 then return ()
64 else System.IO.Error.ioError e)
65 System.Directory.renameFile old new
67 setExecutable :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
68 setExecutable _ _ = return ()
71 System.Directory.getCurrentDirectory returns a path with backslashes in it
72 under windows, and some of the code gets confused by that, so we override
73 getCurrentDirectory and translates '\\' to '/'
76 getCurrentDirectory :: IO FilePath
77 getCurrentDirectory = do d <- System.Directory.getCurrentDirectory
78 return $ map rb d
79 where rb '\\' = '/'
80 rb c = c
82 #else
84 setExecutable :: FilePath -> Bool -> IO ()
85 setExecutable f ex =
86 do st <- getFileStatus f
87 umask <- setFileCreationMask 0
88 setFileCreationMask umask
89 let rw = fileMode st .&.
90 (ownerReadMode .|. ownerWriteMode .|.
91 groupReadMode .|. groupWriteMode .|.
92 otherReadMode .|. otherWriteMode)
93 total = if ex then rw .|.
94 ((ownerExecuteMode .|. groupExecuteMode .|. otherExecuteMode)
95 .&. complement umask)
96 else rw
97 setFileMode f total
99 #endif