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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / git-darcs-import.hs
1 -- |
2 -- Program : git-darcs-import
3 -- Copyright : (c) 2008 Bertram Felgenhauer
4 -- License : GPL2
5 --
6 -- Maintainer : Bertram Felgenhauer <>
7 -- Stability : experimental
8 -- Portability : ghc
9 --
10 -- darcs to git conversion.
12 -- git-darcs-import src dst
15 module Main (main) where
17 import System.Environment (getArgs)
18 import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, doesDirectoryExist, createDirectory)
19 import System.IO (hFlush, stdout)
20 import Control.Monad (when, liftM, forM_)
21 import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
22 import Data.Maybe (isJust)
23 import System.Console.GetOpt
25 import Darcs.Repository (read_repo, withRepositoryDirectory, Repository)
26 import Darcs.Patch.Core (Named (..))
27 import Darcs.Patch.Info (make_filename, pi_tag)
28 import Darcs.Patch.Set (PatchSet)
29 import Darcs.Ordered (mapRL)
30 import Darcs.Patch (RepoPatch)
31 import Darcs.Hopefully (PatchInfoAnd, info, hopefully)
32 import Git.Base (Git, getVerbose, modifyVerbose, failure)
33 import Git.Fast (runGit, getInventory, applyAndCommit)
34 import System.Posix.Signals (installHandler, sigPIPE, Handler (..))
35 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
37 options :: [OptDescr (Git ())]
38 options = [
39 Option "v" ["verbose"]
40 (NoArg (modifyVerbose succ))
41 "Be more verbose. This option can be given multiple times."
44 main :: IO ()
45 main = do
46 installHandler sigPIPE (CatchOnce $ putStrLn "\nCaught SIGPIPE!") Nothing
47 args <- getArgs
48 case getOpt Permute options args of
49 (opts, [src, dst], []) -> convert opts src dst
50 (opts, [src], []) -> convert opts src "."
51 (_, _, []) -> putStrLn usage
52 (_, _, es) -> mapM_ print es
54 usage :: String
55 usage = usageInfo "git-darcs-import [-v] <source> [<destination>]" options
57 -- convert a darcs repository to a git repository, or catch up on new patches
58 convert :: [Git ()] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
59 convert opts src dst0 = do
60 dst <- canonicalizePath dst0
61 dstEx <- doesDirectoryExist dst
62 when (not dstEx) $ createDirectory dst
63 withRepositoryDirectory [] src (work0 dst)
64 where
65 toList :: PatchSet p -> [PatchInfoAnd p]
66 toList = concatMap (mapRL id) . mapRL id
68 work0 :: RepoPatch p => FilePath -> Repository p -> IO ()
69 work0 dst repo = do
70 ps <- read_repo repo
71 runGit (sequence opts) dst (work (toList ps))
72 putStrLn "\ngit-darcs-import done."
74 -- the worker for convert
75 work :: RepoPatch p => [PatchInfoAnd p] -> Git ()
76 work ps = do
77 inv <- liftM reverse getInventory
78 let inv' = map (BC.unpack . fst) inv
79 case match ps inv' of
80 Nothing -> failure "Destination is not a prefix of source."
81 Just ps' -> forM_ ps' $ \(i, p@(NamedP pip _ _)) -> do
82 v <- getVerbose
83 liftIO $ do
84 putStr $ "\r" ++ show i ++ ". " ++ make_filename pip
85 ++ if v > 0 then "\n" else " "
86 hFlush stdout
87 applyAndCommit p
89 -- match the patches from the source repository (ps) with the patches in
90 -- the destination (qs). for now we assume that the latter is a prefix of
91 -- the first.
92 match :: [PatchInfoAnd p] -> [String]
93 -> Maybe [(Int, Named p)]
94 -- case 1) empty destination
95 match ps [] = Just $ reverse (zip [1..] (map hopefully ps))
96 -- case 2) q is the last patch applied to the destination
97 match ps (q:qs) = match' qs q ps [] 1
99 -- find q in ps
100 match' :: [String] -- other patches in destination
101 -> String -- last patch in destination
102 -> [PatchInfoAnd p] -- patches to check
103 -> [(Int, Named p)] -- tentative work queue
104 -> Int -- patch number
105 -> Maybe [(Int, Named p)] -- maybe result work queue
106 match' _ _ [] _ _ = Nothing
107 match' qs q (p:ps) xs i
108 | patchId p == q && samePatches ps qs = Just xs
109 | patchId p == q = Nothing
110 | otherwise = match' qs q ps ((i, hopefully p) : xs) $! i+1
112 patchId :: PatchInfoAnd p -> String
113 patchId p = make_filename (info p)
115 -- check whether the given lists are the same; we stop the scan after
116 -- the first tag for better performance
117 samePatches :: [PatchInfoAnd p] -> [String] -> Bool
118 samePatches (a:as) (b:bs) = patchId a == b && isTag a || samePatches as bs
119 samePatches [] [] = True
120 samePatches _ _ = False
122 isTag :: PatchInfoAnd p -> Bool
123 isTag = isJust . pi_tag . info