Follow upstream changes -- rest
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / preproc.hs
1 import System.Environment ( getArgs )
2 import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
3 import Text.Regex ( matchRegex, mkRegex )
5 import Darcs.Commands
6 import Darcs.Arguments
7 import Darcs.Commands.Help ( command_control_list )
8 import Darcs.FilePathUtils ( (///) )
9 import Autoconf ( darcs_version )
11 the_commands :: [DarcsCommand]
12 the_commands = extract_commands command_control_list
14 main :: IO ()
15 main = do
16 args <- getArgs
17 if length args < 1
18 then exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
19 else return ()
20 putStrLn "%% This file was automatically generated by preproc."
21 c <- preproc ["\\input{"++head args++"}"]
22 mapM_ putStrLn c
24 am_html :: IO Bool
25 am_html = do args <- getArgs
26 case args of
27 [_,"--html"] -> return True
28 _ -> return False
30 preproc :: [String] -> IO [String]
31 preproc ("\\usepackage{html}":ss) = -- only use html package with latex2html
32 do rest <- preproc ss
33 ah <- am_html
34 if ah then return $ "\\usepackage{html}" : rest
35 else return $ "\\newcommand{\\htmladdnormallink}[2]{#1}" :
36 "\\newcommand{\\htmladdnormallinkfoot}[2]{#1\\footnotetext{\\tt #2}}"
37 : rest
38 preproc ("\\begin{code}":ss) = ignore ss
39 preproc ("\\begin{options}":ss) =
40 do rest <- preproc ss
41 ah <- am_html
42 if ah then return $ "\\begin{rawhtml}" : "<div class=\"cmd-opt-hdr\">" : rest
43 else return $ ("\\begin{Verbatim}[frame=lines,xleftmargin=1cm," ++
44 "xrightmargin=1cm]") : rest
45 preproc ("\\end{options}":ss) =
46 do rest <- preproc ss
47 ah <- am_html
48 if ah then return $ "</div>" : "\\end{rawhtml}" : rest
49 else return $ "\\end{Verbatim}" : rest
50 preproc (s:ss) = do
51 rest <- preproc ss
52 case matchRegex (mkRegex "^\\\\input\\{(.+)\\}$") s of
53 Just (fn:_) -> do cs <- readFile $ "src" /// fn -- ratify readFile: not part of
54 -- darcs executable
55 this <- preproc $ lines cs
56 return $ this ++ rest
57 _ -> case matchRegex (mkRegex "^(.*)\\\\haskell\\{(.+)\\}(.*)$") s of
58 Just (before:var:after:_) ->
59 case breakLast '_' var of
60 (cn,"help") -> return $ (before++gh cn++after):rest
61 (cn,"description") -> return $ (before++gd cn++after):rest
62 ("darcs","version") -> return $ (before++darcs_version++after):rest
63 aack -> error $ show aack
64 _ -> case matchRegex (mkRegex "^(.*)\\\\options\\{(.+)\\}(.*)$") s of
65 Just (before:comm:after:_) ->
66 return $ (before++get_options comm++after):rest
67 _ -> case matchRegex (mkRegex "^(.*)\\\\example\\{(.+)\\}(.*)$") s of
68 Just (before:fn:after:_) -> do
69 filecont <- readFile fn -- ratify readFile: not part of
70 -- darcs executable
71 return $ (before++"\\begin{verbatim}"++
72 filecont++"\\end{verbatim}"
73 ++after):rest
74 _ -> return $ s : rest
75 where breakLast chr str = (reverse $ tail l, reverse f)
76 where (f, l) = break (==chr) $ reverse str
78 preproc [] = return []
80 get_options :: String -> String
81 get_options comm = get_com_options $ get_c names the_commands
82 where names = words comm
84 get_c :: [String] -> [DarcsCommand] -> [DarcsCommand]
85 get_c (name:ns) commands =
86 case ns of
87 [] -> [get name commands]
88 _ -> case get name commands of
89 c@SuperCommand { } ->
90 c:(get_c ns $ extract_commands $ command_sub_commands c)
91 _ ->
92 error $ "Not a supercommand: " ++ name
93 where get n (c:cs) | command_name c == n = c
94 | otherwise = get n cs
95 get n [] = error $ "No such command: "++n
96 get_c [] _ = error "no command specified"
98 get_com_options :: [DarcsCommand] -> String
99 get_com_options c =
100 "\\verb!Usage: darcs " ++ cmd ++ " [OPTION]... " ++
101 args ++ "!\n\n" ++ "Options:\n\n" ++ options_latex opts1 ++
102 (if null opts2 then "" else "\n\n" ++ "Advanced options:\n\n" ++ options_latex opts2)
103 where cmd = unwords $ map command_name c
104 args = unwords $ command_extra_arg_help $ last c
105 opts1 = command_basic_options $ last c
106 opts2 = command_advanced_options $ last c
108 ignore :: [String] -> IO [String]
109 ignore ("\\end{code}":ss) = preproc ss
110 ignore (_:ss) = ignore ss
111 ignore [] = return []
113 command_property :: (DarcsCommand -> String) -> [DarcsCommand] -> String
114 -> String
115 command_property property commands name =
116 property $ last c
117 where words_ :: String -> [String] -- "word" with '_' instead of spaces
118 words_ s =
119 case dropWhile (=='_') s of
120 "" -> []
121 s' -> w : words_ s''
122 where (w, s'') = break (=='_') s'
123 names = words_ name
124 c = get_c names commands
126 gh :: String -> String
127 gh = command_property command_help the_commands
128 gd :: String -> String
129 gd = command_property command_description the_commands