10 darcs record
-a -m hellofoo
12 echo goodbye world
>> foo
13 darcs record
-a -m goodbyefoo
15 darcs replace world bar foo
16 echo Hi there foo
> bar
18 darcs record
-a -m addbar
21 darcs replace bar baz foo
22 darcs record
-a -m bar2baz
24 echo Do not love the baz
, or anything
in the baz.
>> foo
25 darcs record
-a -m nolove
28 darcs replace baz world foo
29 darcs record
-a -m baz2world
31 darcs whatsnew |
grep 'No changes'
33 grep 'love the world' foo
35 echo y | darcs unpull
-p baz2world
37 darcs whatsnew |
grep 'No changes'
39 grep 'love the baz' foo
41 echo y | darcs unpull
-p bar2baz
43 grep 'love the bar' foo
45 echo y | darcs unpull
-p nolove
47 grep 'love' foo
&& exit 1 || true