3 # The Z Shell is copyright (c) 1992-2004 Paul Falstad, Richard Coleman,
4 # Zoltán Hidvégi, Andrew Main, Peter Stephenson, Sven Wischnowsky, and
5 # others. All rights reserved. Individual authors, whether or not
6 # specifically named, retain copyright in all changes; in what follows, they
7 # are referred to as `the Zsh Development Group'. This is for convenience
8 # only and this body has no legal status. The Z shell is distributed under
9 # the following licence; any provisions made in individual files take
12 # Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without
13 # licence or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
14 # software and to distribute modified versions of this software for any
15 # purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following
16 # two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
18 # In no event shall the Zsh Development Group be liable to any party for
19 # direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out
20 # of the use of this software and its documentation, even if the Zsh
21 # Development Group have been advised of the possibility of such damage.
23 # The Zsh Development Group specifically disclaim any warranties, including,
24 # but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness
25 # for a particular purpose. The software provided hereunder is on an "as is"
26 # basis, and the Zsh Development Group have no obligation to provide
27 # maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.
29 # This completion module is based on section 6.8 of 'A User's Guide to the Z-Shell'
30 # by Peter Stephenson and on the tla completion module by Jason McCarty.
32 # EXTENDED_GLOB is required fr pattern backreferences.
37 # test whether to hide short options from completion
40 if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}" hide-shortopts hide_short; then
42 true|yes|on|1) hide_short='!' ;;
46 is-at-least 4.1 || hide_short='!'
54 local curcontext="$curcontext"
56 if (( CURRENT > 2 )); then
58 local var_cmd=cmd_${cmd//-/_}
59 curcontext="${curcontext%:*:*}:darcs-${cmd}:"
63 local short long arg desc action
71 # Collect all help lines which have a leading space.
73 input=(${(f)"$($DARCS $cmd -h)"})
74 input=(${input:#[^\ ]*})
76 for (( i=1 ; i <= ${#input} ; i++ )); do
77 # Assumption: the the argument descriptions from `darcs cmd -h`
78 # have the following format:
79 # [spaces]<-f>[spaces][--flag]<=<spaces>argument>[spaces][description]
80 [[ "$input[i]" = (#b)' '#(-?|)' '#([^' ']#|)' '#(--[^=' ']#)(=([^' ']#)|)' '#(*) ]] \
81 || _message -e messages "cannot parse command help output." || return 1
87 desc[i]="${${desc[i]//\[/\\[}//\]/\\]}" # escape brackets
91 action[i]='_files -/' ;;
97 action[i]='_email_addresses' ;;
103 # Compute the exludes for _arguments
105 local excluded short_excluded long_excluded k
107 for (( i=1 ; i <= ${#input} ; i++ )); do
109 for opt (${=excludes[$long[i]]}); do
111 excluded=($excluded $short[k] $long[k])
114 # Generate arguments for _arguments.
115 # Make long and short options mutually exclusive.
116 short_excluded=($long[i] $excluded)
117 long_excluded=($short[i] $excluded)
118 [ $short[i] ] && arguments=("$arguments[@]"
119 "${hide_short}(${short_excluded})${short[i]}[${desc[i]}]${arg[i]:+:$arg[i]:$action[i]}")
120 [ $long[i] ] && arguments=("$arguments[@]"
121 "(${long_excluded})${long[i]}${arg[i]:+=}[${desc[i]}]${arg[i]:+:$arg[i]:$action[i]}")
124 arguments=("$arguments[@]" "${(@P)var_cmd-*:FILE:_files}")
128 _call_program help-commands darcs --help | while read -A hline; do
129 (( ${#hline} < 2 )) && continue
130 [[ $hline[1] == darcs ]] && continue
131 [[ $hline[1] == Usage: ]] && continue
132 [[ $hline[1] == Use ]] && continue
133 cmdlist=( $cmdlist "${hline[1]}:${hline[2,-1]}" )
135 arguments=(':commands:(($cmdlist))')
138 _arguments -S -A '-*' \
145 # Command argument definitions
147 local -a cmd_initialize cmd_get
149 cmd_get=(':repository:_files -/' ':new repository name:_files -/')
151 local -a cmd_add cmd_remove cmd_move cmd_replace
152 cmd_add=('*:new files:_darcs_new_file_or_tree')
153 cmd_remove=('*:existing controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files -e')
154 cmd_move=('*:existing controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files -e')
155 cmd_replace=(':old token:' ':new token:' '*:existing controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files -e')
157 local -a cmd_record cmd_pull cmd_push cmd_send cmd_apply
158 cmd_record=('*:controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files')
159 cmd_pull=(':repository:_darcs_repository_or_tree')
160 cmd_push=(':repository:_darcs_repository_or_tree')
161 cmd_send=(':repository:_darcs_repository_or_tree')
162 cmd_apply=(':patch file:_files')
164 local -a cmd_whatsnew cmd_changes
165 cmd_whatsnew=('*:controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files')
166 cmd_changes=('*:controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files')
168 local -a cmd_tag cmd_setpref cmd_check cmd_optimize
170 cmd_setpref=(':preference key:(test predist boringfile binaries)' ':value:_files')
174 local -a cmd_amend_record cmd_rollback cmd_unrecord cmd_unpull cmd_revert cmd_unrevert
175 cmd_amend_record=('*:controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files')
179 cmd_revert=('*:controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files')
182 local -a cmd_diff cmd_annotate
183 cmd_diff=('*:controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files')
184 cmd_annotate=('*:controlled files:_darcs_controlled_files')
186 local -a cmd_resolve cmd_dist cmd_trackdown cmd_repair
189 cmd_trackdown=(':initialization:' ':command:')
194 # Completion functions
197 (( $+functions[_darcs_new_files] )) ||
198 _darcs_new_files () {
201 local in_tree_head in_tree_tail
202 _darcs_make_tree_path in_tree_head in_tree_tail || return 1
203 new_files=(${(f)"$(cd $(_darcs_absolute_tree_root)/$in_tree_head; $DARCS whatsnew -sl .)"})
204 new_files=(${${new_files:#[^a]*}//a /})
207 for file ($new_files); do
208 [[ $file:h = $in_tree_head && $file:t = ${in_tree_tail}* ]] && local_files+=$file:t
212 _description new_files expl "new files"
213 compadd "$expl[@]" "$local_files[@]"
219 # _darcs_controlled_files [-e|r] [-f|d]
221 # Adds controlled files to the completion. Can take either
222 # -e or -r as flags which respectively only add the existing
223 # files or the deleted files. Can take either -f or -d which
224 # respectively add only the files or directories.
225 (( $+functions[_darcs_controlled_files] )) ||
226 _darcs_controlled_files() {
227 local abs_root=$(_darcs_absolute_tree_root)
228 local only_removed only_existing only_files only_dirs
230 'r=only_removed' 'e=only_existing' \
231 'f=only_files' 'd=only_dirs'
233 local in_tree_head in_tree_tail
234 _darcs_make_tree_path in_tree_head in_tree_tail
236 if [[ -d $abs_root/_darcs/current ]]; then
237 recorded_dir="$abs_root/_darcs/current/$in_tree_head"
239 recorded_dir="$abs_root/_darcs/pristine/$in_tree_head"
241 local -a controlled_files controlled_dirs existing_files existing_dirs
242 local -a dir_display_strs removed_dir_display_strs
243 controlled_files=${(z)$(print $recorded_dir/$in_tree_tail*(.:t))}
244 controlled_dirs=${(z)$(print $recorded_dir/$in_tree_tail*(/:t))}
245 existing_files=() existing_dirs=()
246 removed_files=() removed_dirs=()
247 dir_display_strs=() removed_dir_display_strs=()
249 for dir ($controlled_dirs); do
250 if [[ -e $abs_root/$in_tree_head/$dir ]]; then
251 existing_dirs+="$dir"
252 dir_display_strs+="$dir/"
255 removed_dir_display_strs+="$dir/"
258 for file ($controlled_files); do
259 if [[ -e $abs_root/$in_tree_head/$file ]]; then
260 existing_files+="$file"
262 removed_files+="$file"
267 if (( ! ${#only_removed} )); then
268 _description controlled_files expl "existing revision controlled files"
269 (( ! ${#only_dirs} )) && compadd "$expl[@]" $existing_files
270 (( ! ${#only_files} )) \
271 && compadd "$expl[@]" -q -S / -d dir_display_strs -a -- existing_dirs
273 if (( ! ${#only_existing} )); then
274 _description removed_files expl "removed revision controlled files"
275 (( ! ${#only_dirs} )) && compadd "$expl[@]" $removed_files
276 (( ! ${#only_files} )) \
277 && compadd "$expl[@]" -q -S / -d removed_dir_display_strs -a -- removed_dirs
281 (( $+functions[_darcs_repositories] )) ||
282 _darcs_repositories() {
283 local local_repos_path="$(_darcs_absolute_tree_root)/_darcs/prefs/repos"
284 local global_repos_path="$HOME/.darcs/repos"
285 local -a local_repos global_repos
286 local -a global_repos
287 [[ -e $local_repos_path ]] && cat $local_repos_path | read -A local_repos
288 [[ -e $global_repos_path ]] && cat $global_repos_path | read -A global_repos
289 local_repos=${local_repos:# #}
290 global_repos=${global_repos:# #}
291 _description repositories expl "repositories"
292 (( ${#local_repos} )) && compadd "$expl[@]" -- "$local_repos[@]"
293 (( ${#global_repos} )) && compadd "$expl[@]" -- "$global_repos[@]"
298 # Combination completion functions
300 (( $+functions[_darcs_new_file_or_tree] )) ||
301 _darcs_new_file_or_tree() {
302 local base_dir=$( cd ${$(_darcs_repodir):-.}; pwd -P)
303 [[ -z $(_darcs_absolute_tree_root $base_dir) ]] && return 1
304 local -a ignored_files
305 ignored_files=(_darcs)
306 _alternative 'newfiles:new file:_darcs_new_files' \
307 "directories:tree:_path_files -/ -W$base_dir -Fignored_files"
310 (( $+functions[_darcs_repository_or_tree] )) ||
311 _darcs_repository_or_tree() {
312 local -a ignored_files
313 ignored_files=(_darcs)
314 _alternative 'repository:repository:_darcs_repositories' \
315 "directories:directories:_path_files -/ -Fignored_files"
320 # Mutually exclusive options
326 --summary '--no-summary'
327 --no-summary '--summary'
328 --context ' --xml-output --human-readable --unified'
329 --xml-output '--context --human-readable --unified'
330 --human-readable '--context --xml-output --unified'
331 --unified '--context --xml-output --human-readable '
334 --verbose ' --quiet --standard-verbosity'
335 --quiet '--verbose --standard-verbosity'
336 --standard-verbosity '--verbose --quiet '
339 --recursive '--not-recursive'
340 --not-recursive '--recursive'
341 --look-for-adds '--dont-look-for-adds'
342 --dont-look-for-adds '--look-for-adds'
345 --from-match ' --from-patch --from-tag'
346 --from-patch '--from-match --from-tag'
347 --from-tag '--from-patch --from-match '
348 --to-match ' --to-patch -to-tag'
349 --to-patch '--to-match -to-tag'
350 --to-tag '--to-match --to-patch '
352 # Repository Properties
353 --plain-pristine-tree '--no-pristine-tree'
354 --no-pristine-tree '--plain-pristine-tree'
355 --parial '--complete'
356 --complete '--partial'
357 --compress '--dont-compress'
358 --dont-compress '--compress'
359 --set-default '--no-set-default'
360 --no-set-default '--set-default'
363 --edit-long-comment '--skip-long-comment --leave-test-directory'
364 --skip-long-comment '--edit-long-comment --leave-test-directory'
365 --prompt-long-comment '--edit-long-comment --skip-long-comment'
368 --sign ' --sign-as --sign-ssl --dont-sign'
369 --sign-as '--sign --sign-ssl --dont-sign'
370 --sign-ssl '--sign --sign-as --dont-sign'
371 --dont-sign '--sign --sign-as --sign-ssl '
372 --verify ' --verify-ssl --no-verify'
373 --verify-ssl '--verify --no-verify'
374 --no-verify '--verify --verify-ssl '
375 --apply-as '--apply-as-myself'
376 --apply-as-myself '--apply-as'
379 --mark-conflicts '--allow-conflicts --no-resolve-conflicts --dont-allow-conflicts'
380 --allow-conflicts '--mark-conflicts --no-resolve-conflicts --dont-allow-conflicts'
381 --no-resolve-conflicts '--mark-conflicts --allow-conflicts --dont-allow-conflicts'
382 --dont-allow-conflicts '--mark-conflicts --allow-conflicts --no-resolve-conflicts '
387 --leave-test-directory '--remove-test-directory'
388 --remove-test-directory '--leave-test-directory'
393 --ask-deps '--no-ask-deps'
394 --no-ask-deps '--ask-deps'
395 --date-trick '--no-date-trick'
396 --no-date-trick '--date-trick'
397 --set-scripts-executable '--dont-set-scripts-executable'
398 --dont-set-scripts-executable '--set-scripts-executable'
407 # _darcs_make_tree_path in_tree_head_name in_tree_tail_name path
408 # Set in_tree_head_name in_tree_tail_name to the corresponding path
409 # parts from inside the current darcs tree.
410 _darcs_make_tree_path () {
411 [[ -z $3 || $3 = '.' ]] && 3=${PREFIX:-./}
412 local _in_tree=$(_darcs_path_from_root ${$(_darcs_repodir):-.}/$3)
413 [[ -z $_in_tree ]] && return 1
415 if [[ ${3[-1]} = / ]]; then
419 [[ $_in_tree:t != . ]] && 5=$_in_tree:t
426 local index=$words[(i)--repodir*]
427 if (( index < CURRENT )); then
428 if [[ $words[$index] = --repodir ]]; then
432 print ${words[$index]#*=}
437 _darcs_absolute_tree_root () {
438 local root=$(_darcs_repodir)
439 [[ -z $root ]] && root=$(pwd -P)
440 while [[ ! $root -ef / ]]; do
441 [[ -d $root/_darcs ]] && break
444 [[ $root -ef / ]] || print $(cd $root; pwd -P)
447 _darcs_tree_root () {
448 local abs=$(_darcs_absolute_tree_root)
449 local rel=$(_darcs_relative_path $abs $(pwd -P))
450 [[ -n $abs ]] && print $rel
453 # _darcs_paths_from_root name paths
454 # Sets name to the paths relative to the darcs tree root.
455 # If no argument is given then the current directory
457 _darcs_paths_from_root () {
459 abs=$(_darcs_absolute_tree_root)
460 [[ -z $abs ]] && set -A "$name" && return 1
464 _darcs_filter_for_subpaths subpaths $abs $*
466 for (( i=1; i<=${#subpaths}; i++ )); do
467 [[ $subpaths[$i] != '.' ]] && subpaths[$i]="./$subpaths[$i]"
469 set -A "$name" "$subpaths[@]"
472 _darcs_path_from_root() {
474 _darcs_paths_from_root path $1
475 [[ -n $path ]] && print "$path"
478 # _darcs_filter_for_in_dir name dir paths
479 # Sets name to the relative paths from dir to the given paths which
480 # traverse dir. It ignores paths which are not in dir.
481 _darcs_filter_for_subpaths () {
485 local -a accepted_paths
488 rel=$(_darcs_path_difference $p $dir)
489 [[ -n $rel ]] && accepted_paths+="$rel"
491 set -A "$name" "$accepted_paths[@]"
494 # _darcs_path_difference p1 p2
495 # Print the path from p2 to p1. If p2 is not an ancestor of p1 then it
496 # prints a blank string. If they point to the same directory then it returns
497 # a single period. p2 needs to be a directory path.
498 _darcs_path_difference () {
499 local diff=$(_darcs_relative_path $1 $2)
500 [[ ${diff%%/*} != .. ]] && print $diff || return 1
504 # Print the a relative path from the second directory to the first,
505 # defaulting the second directory to $PWD if none is specified.
506 # Taken from the zsh mailing list.
507 _darcs_relative_path () {
509 [[ -d $2 && -d $1:h ]] || return 1
510 [[ ! -d $1 ]] && 3=$1:t 1=$1:h
513 [[ $1 -ef $2 ]] && print ${3:-.} && return
516 cur=(${(s:/:)2}) # Split 'current' directory into cur
517 abs=(${(s:/:)1} $3) # Split target directory into abs
519 # Compute the length of the common prefix, or discover a subdiretory:
521 while [[ i -le $#abs && $abs[i] == $cur[i] ]]
523 ((++i > $#cur)) && print ${(j:/:)abs[i,-1]} && return
526 2=${(j:/:)cur[i,-1]/*/..} # Up to the common prefix directory and
527 1=${(j:/:)abs[i,-1]} # down to the target directory or file
532 # Code to make sure _darcs is run when we load it