Find git executable at run time
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Commands / Convert.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2005,2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \subsection{darcs convert}
19 \begin{code}
20 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
21 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
22 -- , MagicHash #-}
24 #include "gadts.h"
26 module Darcs.Commands.Convert ( convert ) where
28 import System.Directory ( setCurrentDirectory, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist,
29 createDirectory )
30 import Workaround ( getCurrentDirectory )
31 import Control.Monad ( when )
32 import GHC.Base ( unsafeCoerce# )
33 import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
35 import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, n2pia, info, hopefully )
36 import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults )
37 import Darcs.Commands.Init ( initialize )
38 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag( AllowConflicts, WorkDir,
39 SetScriptsExecutable, UseFormat2, NoUpdateWorking,
40 Verbose, Quiet ),
41 reponame,
42 set_scripts_executable,
43 network_options )
44 import Darcs.Repository ( Repository, withRepoLock, ($-), withRepositoryDirectory, read_repo,
45 slurp_recorded, optimizeInventory,
46 tentativelyMergePatches, patchSetToPatches,
47 createPristineDirectoryTree,
48 revertRepositoryChanges, finalizeRepositoryChanges, sync_repo )
49 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
50 import Darcs.FilePathUtils ( absolute_dir )
51 import Darcs.Patch ( RealPatch, Patch, Named, showPatch, patch2patchinfo, fromPrims, infopatch,
52 modernize_patch,
53 adddeps, getdeps, effect, flattenFL, is_merger, patchcontents )
54 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..), RL(..), EqCheck(..), (=/\=), bunchFL, mapFL, mapFL_FL,
55 concatFL, concatRL, mapRL )
56 import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( is_tag )
57 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( pi_rename, pi_tag )
58 import Darcs.Patch.Commute ( public_unravel )
59 import Darcs.Patch.Real ( mergeUnravelled )
60 import Darcs.Repository.Motd ( show_motd )
61 import Darcs.Utils ( clarify_errors, askUser )
62 import Darcs.Progress ( progressFL )
63 import Darcs.Sealed ( FlippedSeal(..) )
64 import Printer ( text, putDocLn, ($$) )
65 import Darcs.ColorPrinter ( traceDoc )
66 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( list_slurpy_files )
67 import Darcs.Lock ( writeBinFile )
68 import Workaround ( setExecutable )
69 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (isPrefixOf, readFile)
70 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (pack)
72 convert_description :: String
73 convert_description =
74 "Convert a repository to darcs-2 format."
75 \end{code}
77 \options{convert}
79 You may specify the name of the repository created by providing a second
80 argument to convert, which is a directory name.
82 \begin{code}
83 convert_help :: String
84 convert_help =
85 "Convert is used to convert a repository to darcs-2 format.\n\n" ++
86 "The recommended way to convert an existing project from darcs 1 to\n" ++
87 "darcs 2 is to merge all branches, `darcs convert' the resulting\n" ++
88 "repository, re-create each branch by using `darcs get' on the\n" ++
89 "converted repository, then using `darcs obliterate' to delete patches\n" ++
90 "of branches.\n"
91 \end{code}
92 \begin{code}
93 convert :: DarcsCommand
94 convert = DarcsCommand {command_name = "convert",
95 command_help = convert_help,
96 command_description = convert_description,
97 command_extra_args = -1,
98 command_extra_arg_help = ["<REPOSITORY>", "[<DIRECTORY>]"],
99 command_command = convert_cmd,
100 command_prereq = \_ -> return $ Right (),
101 command_get_arg_possibilities = return [],
102 command_argdefaults = nodefaults,
103 command_advanced_options = network_options,
104 command_basic_options = [reponame,set_scripts_executable]}
105 \end{code}
106 \begin{code}
107 convert_cmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
108 convert_cmd opts [inrepodir, outname] = convert_cmd (WorkDir outname:opts) [inrepodir]
109 convert_cmd orig_opts [inrepodir] = do
110 putDocLn $ text "WARNING: the repository produced by this command is not understood by" $$
111 text "the darcs 1 program, and patches cannot be exchanged between" $$
112 text "repositories in darcs 1 and darcs 2 formats.\n" $$
113 text "Furthermore, darcs 2 repositories created by different invocations of" $$
114 text "this command SHOULD NOT exchange patches, unless those repositories" $$
115 text "had no patches in common when they were converted. (That is, within a" $$
116 text "set of repos that exchange patches, no patch should be converted more" $$
117 text "than once.)\n" $$
118 text "This command DOES NOT modify the source repository. It is safe to run" $$
119 text "this command more than once on a single repository, but the resulting" $$
120 text "repositories will not be able to exchange patches.\n" $$
121 text "Please confirm that you have read and understood the above"
122 let vow = "I understand the consequences of my action"
123 vow' <- askUser ("by typing `" ++ vow ++ "': ")
124 when (vow' /= vow) $ fail "User didn't understand the consequences."
125 let opts = UseFormat2:orig_opts
126 repodir <- absolute_dir inrepodir
127 show_motd opts repodir
128 mysimplename <- make_repo_name opts repodir
129 createDirectory mysimplename
130 setCurrentDirectory mysimplename
131 (command_command initialize) opts []
132 writeBinFile (darcsdir++"/hashed_inventory") ""
133 withRepoLock (NoUpdateWorking:opts) $- \repositoryfoo ->
134 withRepositoryDirectory opts repodir $- \themrepobar -> do
135 -- We really ought to have special versions of withRepoLock and
136 -- withRepositoryDirectory that check at runtime that it's the right
137 -- sort of repository and accept a function of (Repository Patch) or
138 -- (Repository (FL RealPatch)), but that seems like a lot of work
139 -- when these functions would be used exactly once, right here. So I
140 -- go with a horrible evil hack.
142 -- The other alternative (which is what we used to do) is to use
143 -- "universal" functions to do the conversion, but that's also
144 -- unsatisfying.
146 let repository = unsafeCoerce# repositoryfoo :: Repository (FL RealPatch)
147 themrepo = unsafeCoerce# themrepobar :: Repository Patch
148 theirstuff <- read_repo themrepo
149 let patches = mapFL_FL convertNamed $ patchSetToPatches theirstuff
150 inOrderTags = iot theirstuff
151 where iot ((t:<:NilRL):<:r) = info t : iot r
152 iot (NilRL:<:r) = iot r
153 iot NilRL = []
154 iot ((_:<:x):<:y) = iot (x:<:y)
155 outOfOrderTags = catMaybes $ mapRL oot $ concatRL theirstuff
156 where oot t = if is_tag (info t) && not (info t `elem` inOrderTags)
157 then Just (info t, getdeps $ hopefully t)
158 else Nothing
159 fixDep p = case lookup p outOfOrderTags of
160 Just d -> p : concatMap fixDep d
161 Nothing -> [p]
162 convertOne :: Patch -> FL RealPatch
163 convertOne x | is_merger x = case mergeUnravelled $ public_unravel $ modernize_patch x of
164 Just (FlippedSeal y) ->
165 case effect y =/\= effect x of
166 IsEq -> y :>: NilFL
167 NotEq ->
168 traceDoc (text "lossy conversion:" $$
169 showPatch x)
170 fromPrims (effect x)
171 Nothing -> traceDoc (text
172 "lossy conversion of complicated conflict:" $$
173 showPatch x)
174 fromPrims (effect x)
175 | otherwise = case flattenFL x of
176 NilFL -> NilFL
177 (x':>:NilFL) -> fromPrims $ effect x'
178 xs -> concatFL $ mapFL_FL convertOne xs
179 convertNamed :: Named Patch -> PatchInfoAnd (FL RealPatch)
180 convertNamed n = n2pia $
181 adddeps (infopatch (convertInfo $ patch2patchinfo n) $
182 convertOne $ patchcontents n)
183 (map convertInfo $ concatMap fixDep $ getdeps n)
184 convertInfo n | n `elem` inOrderTags = n
185 | otherwise = maybe n (\t -> pi_rename n ("old tag: "++t)) $ pi_tag n
186 applySome xs = do tentativelyMergePatches repository "convert" (AllowConflicts:opts) NilFL xs
187 finalizeRepositoryChanges repository -- this is to clean out pristine.hashed
188 revertRepositoryChanges repository
189 sequence_ $ mapFL applySome $ bunchFL 100 $ progressFL "Converting patch" patches
190 revertable $ createPristineDirectoryTree repository "."
191 when (SetScriptsExecutable `elem` opts) $
192 do putVerbose $ text "Making scripts executable"
193 c <- list_slurpy_files `fmap` slurp_recorded repository
194 let setExecutableIfScript f =
195 do contents <- B.readFile f
196 when (BC.pack "#!" `B.isPrefixOf` contents) $ do
197 putVerbose $ text ("Making executable: " ++ f)
198 setExecutable f True
199 mapM_ setExecutableIfScript c
200 sync_repo repository
201 optimizeInventory repository
202 putInfo $ text "Finished converting."
203 where am_verbose = Verbose `elem` orig_opts
204 am_informative = not $ Quiet `elem` orig_opts
205 putVerbose s = when am_verbose $ putDocLn s
206 putInfo s = when am_informative $ putDocLn s
207 revertable x = x `clarify_errors` unlines
208 ["An error may have left your new working directory an inconsistent",
209 "but recoverable state. You should be able to make the new",
210 "repository consistent again by running darcs revert -a."]
212 convert_cmd _ _ = fail "You must provide 'convert' with either one or two arguments."
213 \end{code}
215 \begin{code}
216 make_repo_name :: [DarcsFlag] -> FilePath -> IO String
217 make_repo_name (WorkDir n:_) _ =
218 do exists <- doesDirectoryExist n
219 file_exists <- doesFileExist n
220 if exists || file_exists
221 then fail $ "Directory or file named '" ++ n ++ "' already exists."
222 else return n
223 make_repo_name (_:as) d = make_repo_name as d
224 make_repo_name [] d =
225 case dropWhile (=='.') $ reverse $
226 takeWhile (\c -> c /= '/' && c /= ':') $
227 dropWhile (=='/') $ reverse d of
228 "" -> modify_repo_name "anonymous_repo"
229 base -> modify_repo_name base
231 modify_repo_name :: String -> IO String
232 modify_repo_name name =
233 if head name == '/'
234 then mrn name (-1)
235 else do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
236 mrn (cwd ++ "/" ++ name) (-1)
237 where
238 mrn :: String -> Int -> IO String
239 mrn n i = do
240 exists <- doesDirectoryExist thename
241 file_exists <- doesFileExist thename
242 if not exists && not file_exists
243 then do when (i /= -1) $
244 putStrLn $ "Directory '"++ n ++
245 "' already exists, creating repository as '"++
246 thename ++"'"
247 return thename
248 else mrn n $ i+1
249 where thename = if i == -1 then n else n++"_"++show i
251 \end{code}