Find git executable at run time
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Commands / Put.lhs
1 \subsection{darcs put}
2 \begin{code}
3 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
4 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
6 module Darcs.Commands.Put ( put ) where
7 import System.Exit ( ExitCode( ExitSuccess, ExitFailure ), exitWith )
8 import Control.Monad ( when )
9 import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
10 import System.Directory ( createDirectory )
11 import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults )
12 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag( Quiet, Verbose,
13 UseFormat2, UseHashedInventory, UseOldFashionedInventory ),
14 applyas, match_one_context, fixUrl,
15 network_options, flagToString, get_inventory_choices,
16 set_scripts_executable, working_repo_dir, set_default
18 import Darcs.Repository ( withRepoReadLock, ($-), patchSetToPatches, read_repo, amInRepository )
19 import Darcs.Repository.Format ( identifyRepoFormat,
20 RepoProperty ( Darcs2, HashedInventory ), format_has )
21 import Darcs.Patch.Bundle ( make_bundle2 )
22 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..) )
23 import Darcs.Match ( have_patchset_match, get_one_patchset )
24 import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( get_preflist, set_defaultrepo )
25 import Darcs.URL ( is_url, is_file )
26 import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory )
27 import Darcs.Progress ( debugMessage )
28 import Darcs.FilePathUtils ( absolute_dir )
29 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( empty_slurpy )
30 import Darcs.External ( execSSH )
31 import Darcs.RemoteApply ( remote_apply )
32 import Darcs.Commands.Init ( initialize )
33 import Darcs.Email ( make_email )
34 import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed(..), seal )
35 #include "impossible.h"
36 \end{code}
37 \begin{code}
38 put_description :: String
39 put_description =
40 "Makes a copy of the repository"
41 \end{code}
42 \options{put}
43 \haskell{put_help}
44 \begin{code}
45 put_help :: String
46 put_help =
47 "Put is the opposite of get. Put copies the content of the current \n" ++
48 "repository and puts it in a newly created repository.\n"
49 \end{code}
50 \begin{code}
51 put ::DarcsCommand
52 put = DarcsCommand {command_name = "put",
53 command_help = put_help,
54 command_description = put_description,
55 command_extra_args = 1,
56 command_extra_arg_help = ["<NEW REPOSITORY>"],
57 command_command = put_cmd,
58 command_prereq = amInRepository,
59 command_get_arg_possibilities = get_preflist "repos",
60 command_argdefaults = nodefaults,
61 command_advanced_options = [applyas] ++ network_options,
62 command_basic_options = [match_one_context, set_scripts_executable,
63 get_inventory_choices,
64 set_default, working_repo_dir]}
65 \end{code}
66 \begin{code}
67 put_cmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
68 put_cmd _ [""] = fail "Empty repository argument given to put."
69 put_cmd opts [unfixedrepodir] =
70 let am_quiet = Quiet `elem` opts
71 putInfo s = when (not am_quiet) $ putStrLn s
72 putVerbose = when (Verbose `elem` opts) . putStrLn
75 repodir <- fixUrl opts unfixedrepodir
76 -- Test to make sure we aren't trying to push to the current repo
77 cur_absolute_repo_dir <- absolute_dir "."
78 req_absolute_repo_dir <- absolute_dir repodir
79 when (cur_absolute_repo_dir == req_absolute_repo_dir) $
80 fail "Can't put to current repository!"
81 when (is_url req_absolute_repo_dir) $ error "Can't put to a URL!"
83 debugMessage "Creating repository"
84 putVerbose "Creating repository"
85 rf_or_e <- identifyRepoFormat "."
86 rf <- case rf_or_e of Left e -> fail e
87 Right x -> return x
88 let initopts = if format_has Darcs2 rf
89 then UseFormat2:filter (/= UseOldFashionedInventory) opts
90 else if format_has HashedInventory rf &&
91 not (UseOldFashionedInventory `elem` opts)
92 then UseHashedInventory:filter (/= UseFormat2) opts
93 else filter (/= UseFormat2) opts
94 if is_file req_absolute_repo_dir
95 then do createDirectory req_absolute_repo_dir
96 withCurrentDirectory req_absolute_repo_dir $ (command_command initialize) initopts []
97 else do -- is_ssh req_absolute_repo_dir
98 remoteInit req_absolute_repo_dir initopts
100 withCurrentDirectory cur_absolute_repo_dir $
101 withRepoReadLock opts $- \repository -> do
102 set_defaultrepo req_absolute_repo_dir opts
103 Sealed patchset <- if have_patchset_match opts
104 then get_one_patchset repository opts -- todo: make sure get_one_patchset has the right type
105 else read_repo repository >>= (return . seal)
106 Sealed patchset2 <- if have_patchset_match opts
107 then get_one_patchset repository opts -- todo: make sure get_one_patchset has the right type
108 else read_repo repository >>= (return . seal)
109 let patches = patchSetToPatches patchset
110 patches2 = patchSetToPatches patchset2
111 nullFL NilFL = True
112 nullFL _ = False
113 when (nullFL patches) $ do
114 putInfo "No patches were selected to put. Nothing to be done."
115 exitWith ExitSuccess
116 let bundle = (make_bundle2 opts empty_slurpy [] patches patches2)
117 message = if is_file req_absolute_repo_dir
118 then bundle
119 else make_email req_absolute_repo_dir Nothing bundle Nothing
120 putVerbose "Applying patches in new repository..."
121 rval <- remote_apply opts req_absolute_repo_dir message
122 case rval of ExitFailure ec -> do putStrLn $ "Apply failed!"
123 exitWith (ExitFailure ec)
124 ExitSuccess -> putInfo "Put successful."
125 put_cmd _ _ = impossible
127 remoteInit :: FilePath -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO ()
128 remoteInit repo opts = do
129 let args = catMaybes $ map (flagToString $ command_basic_options initialize) opts
130 command = "darcs initialize --repodir='" ++ path ++ "' " ++ unwords args
131 exitCode <- execSSH addr command
132 when (exitCode /= ExitSuccess) $
133 fail "Couldn't initialize remote repository."
134 where (addr,':':path) = break (==':') repo
135 \end{code}
137 \emph{WARNING:} Put is far less optimized than get, especially for local
138 repositories. We recommend avoiding use of put except for small
139 repositories.
141 Put is used when you already have a repository and want to make a copy
142 of it. A typical use-case is when you want to branch your project.
144 Put works by first initializing a repository. If the new repository is
145 not on the local file system then darcs will login to the remote host
146 and run \verb!darcs init! there. After the new repository is created
147 all selected patches will be pushed just as with the command
148 \verb!push!.
150 \begin{options}
151 --apply-as
152 \end{options}
154 If you give the \verb!--apply-as! flag, darcs will use sudo to apply the
155 changes as a different user. This can be useful if you want to set up a
156 system where several users can modify the same repository, but you don't
157 want to allow them full write access. This isn't secure against skilled
158 malicious attackers, but at least can protect your repository from clumsy,
159 inept or lazy users.
161 \begin{options}
162 --context, --tag, --to-patch, --to-match
163 \end{options}
164 If you want to put a specific version of a repository, you have a few
165 options. You can either use the \verb!--tag!, \verb!--to-patch! or
166 \verb!--to-match! options, or you can use the \verb!--context=FILENAME!
167 option, which specifies a file containing a context generated with
168 \verb!darcs changes --context!. This allows you (for example) to include in
169 your compiled program an option to output the precise version of the
170 repository from which it was generated, and then perhaps ask users to
171 include this information in bug reports.
173 Note that when specifying \verb!--to-patch! or \verb!--to-match!, you may
174 get a version of your code that has never before been seen, if the patches
175 have gotten themselves reordered. If you ever want to be able to precisely
176 reproduce a given version, you need either to tag it or create a context
177 file.