1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
20 module Darcs.Patch.Check ( PatchCheck(), do_check, file_exists, dir_exists,
21 remove_file, remove_dir, create_file, create_dir,
22 insert_line, delete_line, is_valid, do_verbose_check,
24 check_move, modify_file, Possibly(..)
27 import Text.Regex ( mkRegex, matchRegex )
28 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
29 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString)
30 import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
32 newtype PatchCheck a = PC( KnownState -> (KnownState, a) )
34 data Possibly a = PJust a | PNothing | PSomething
36 data Prop = FileEx String | DirEx String | NotEx String
37 | FileLines String [Possibly B.ByteString]
39 data KnownState = P [Prop] [Prop]
42 instance Show Prop where
43 show (FileEx f) = "FileEx "++f
44 show (DirEx d) = "DirEx "++d
45 show (NotEx f) = "NotEx"++f
46 show (FileLines f l) = "FileLines "++f++" "++show (take 10 l)
49 \section{Patch Consistency Checking}
52 instance Monad PatchCheck where
53 (PC p) >>= k = PC( \s0 -> let (s1, a) = p s0
56 return a = PC( \s -> (s, a) )
60 do_check :: PatchCheck a -> a
61 do_check (PC p) = snd $ p (P [] [])
63 do_verbose_check :: PatchCheck a -> a
64 do_verbose_check (PC p) =
66 (pc, b) -> unsafePerformIO $ do putStrLn $ show pc
69 is_valid :: PatchCheck Bool
71 where iv Inconsistent = (Inconsistent, False)
76 has :: Prop -> [Prop] -> Bool
78 has k (k':ks) = k == k' || has k ks
81 -> ([Possibly B.ByteString]-> Maybe [Possibly B.ByteString])
83 modify_file f change = do
87 Nothing -> assert_not $ FileEx f -- shorthand for "FAIL"
88 Just c' -> do set_contents f c'
91 insert_line :: String -> Int -> B.ByteString -> PatchCheck Bool
92 insert_line f n l = do
95 [] -> assert_not $ FileEx f
99 where il 1 mls = (PJust l:mls)
100 il i (ml:mls) = ml : il (i-1) mls
103 -- deletes a line from a hunk patch (third argument) in the given file (first
104 -- argument) at the given line number (second argument)
105 delete_line :: String -> Int -> B.ByteString -> PatchCheck Bool
106 delete_line f n l = do
109 Nothing -> assert_not $ FileEx f
113 where dl _ _ [] = Nothing
116 PSomething -> Just $ reverse o ++ ls
117 PNothing -> Just $ reverse o ++ ls
118 PJust l' -> if l' == l then Just $ reverse o ++ ls
122 PNothing -> dl (PSomething:o) (i-1) mls
123 _ -> dl (ml:o) (i-1) mls
125 set_contents :: String -> [Possibly B.ByteString] -> PatchCheck ()
126 set_contents f mss = PC (sc f mss)
127 sc :: String -> [Possibly B.ByteString] -> KnownState -> (KnownState,())
128 sc f mss (P ks nots) = (P (scl [] f mss ks) nots, ())
129 sc _ _ Inconsistent = (Inconsistent, ())
130 scl :: [Prop] -> String -> [Possibly B.ByteString] -> [Prop] -> [Prop]
131 scl olds f mss [] = FileLines f mss : olds
132 scl olds f mss (FileLines f' mss':ks)
133 | f == f' = FileLines f mss : (olds++ks)
134 | f /= f' = scl (FileLines f' mss':olds) f mss ks
135 scl olds f mss (k:ks) = scl (k:olds) f mss ks
137 file_contents :: String -> PatchCheck [Possibly B.ByteString]
138 file_contents f = PC fc
139 where fc Inconsistent = (Inconsistent, [])
140 fc (P ks nots) = (P ks nots, fic ks)
141 fic (FileLines f' mss:_) | f == f' = mss
143 fic [] = repeat PNothing
145 file_empty :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
148 let empty = all (PNothing ==) $ take 101 c
150 then do set_contents f []
152 -- Crude way to make it inconsistent and return false:
153 else assert_not $ FileEx f
156 movedirfilename :: String -> String -> String -> String
157 movedirfilename d d' f =
158 if (d ++ "/") `isPrefixOf` f
159 then d'++drop (length d) f
164 do_swap :: String -> String -> PatchCheck Bool
165 do_swap f f' = PC swfn
166 where swfn Inconsistent = (Inconsistent, False)
167 swfn (P ks nots) = (P (map sw ks) (map sw nots), True)
168 sw (FileEx a) | f `is_soe` a = FileEx $ movedirfilename f f' a
169 | f' `is_soe` a = FileEx $ movedirfilename f' f a
170 sw (DirEx a) | f `is_soe` a = DirEx $ movedirfilename f f' a
171 | f' `is_soe` a = DirEx $ movedirfilename f' f a
172 sw (FileLines a ls) | f `is_soe` a = FileLines (movedirfilename f f' a) ls
173 | f' `is_soe` a = FileLines (movedirfilename f' f a) ls
174 sw (NotEx a) | f `is_soe` a = NotEx $ movedirfilename f f' a
175 | f' `is_soe` a = NotEx $ movedirfilename f' f a
177 is_soe d1 d2 = -- is_superdir_or_equal
178 d1 == d2 || (d1 ++ "/") `isPrefixOf` d2
180 assert :: Prop -> PatchCheck Bool
181 assert p = PC assertfn
182 where assertfn Inconsistent = (Inconsistent, False)
183 assertfn (P ks nots) =
184 if has p nots then (Inconsistent, False)
185 else if has p ks then (P ks nots, True)
186 else (P (p:ks) nots, True)
188 assert_not :: Prop -> PatchCheck Bool
189 assert_not p = PC assertnfn
190 where assertnfn Inconsistent = (Inconsistent, False)
191 assertnfn (P ks nots) =
192 if has p ks then (Inconsistent, False)
193 else if has p nots then (P ks nots, True)
194 else (P ks (p:nots), True)
196 change_to_true :: Prop -> PatchCheck Bool
197 change_to_true p = PC chtfn
198 where chtfn Inconsistent = (Inconsistent, False)
199 chtfn (P ks nots) = (P (p:ks) (filter (p /=) nots), True)
201 change_to_false :: Prop -> PatchCheck Bool
202 change_to_false p = PC chffn
203 where chffn Inconsistent = (Inconsistent, False)
204 chffn (P ks nots) = (P (filter (p /=) ks) (p:nots), True)
208 assert_file_exists :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
209 assert_file_exists f = do assert_not $ NotEx f
212 assert_dir_exists :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
213 assert_dir_exists d = do assert_not $ NotEx d
214 assert_not $ FileEx d
216 assert_exists :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
217 assert_exists f = assert_not $ NotEx f
219 assert_no_such :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
220 assert_no_such f = do assert_not $ FileEx f
226 create_file :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
230 change_to_true (FileEx fn)
231 change_to_false (NotEx fn)
233 create_dir :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
235 substuff_dont_exist fn
238 change_to_true (DirEx fn)
239 change_to_false (NotEx fn)
241 remove_file :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
244 assert_file_exists fn
246 change_to_false (FileEx fn)
247 change_to_true (NotEx fn)
249 remove_dir :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
251 substuff_dont_exist fn
254 change_to_false (DirEx fn)
255 change_to_true (NotEx fn)
257 check_move :: String -> String -> PatchCheck Bool
267 substuff_dont_exist :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
268 substuff_dont_exist d = PC ssde
269 where ssde Inconsistent = (Inconsistent, False)
270 ssde (P ks nots) = if all noss ks
271 then (P ks nots, True)
272 else (Inconsistent, False)
273 where noss (FileEx f) = not (is_within_dir f)
274 noss (DirEx f) = not (is_within_dir f)
276 is_within_dir f = (d ++ "/") `isPrefixOf` f
278 superdirs_exist :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
280 case matchRegex (mkRegex "\\./(.+)/[^/]+") fn of
281 Just ["."] -> return True
283 a <- assert_dir_exists ("./"++d)
284 b <- superdirs_exist ("./"++d)
288 file_exists :: String -> PatchCheck Bool
291 assert_file_exists fn
293 dir_exists :: String -> PatchCheck Bool