Find git executable at run time
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Patch / Info.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \begin{code}
19 module Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, patchinfo, invert_name, is_inverted,
20 idpatchinfo, add_junk,
21 make_filename, make_alt_filename, readPatchInfo,
22 just_name, just_author, repopatchinfo, RepoPatchInfo,
23 human_friendly, to_xml, pi_date, set_pi_date,
24 pi_name, pi_rename, pi_author, pi_tag, pi_log,
25 showPatchInfo,
26 ) where
27 import Text.Html hiding (name, text)
28 import System.Random ( randomRIO )
29 import Numeric ( showHex )
30 import Control.Monad ( when )
32 import ByteStringUtils
33 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (length, splitAt, null, drop
34 ,isPrefixOf, tail, concat, ByteString )
35 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (index, head, unpack, pack, break)
37 import Printer ( renderString, Doc, packedString,
38 empty, ($$), (<>), (<+>), vcat, text, blueText, prefix )
39 import OldDate ( readUTCDate, showIsoDateTime )
40 import System.Time ( CalendarTime(ctTZ), calendarTimeToString, toClockTime,
41 toCalendarTime )
42 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
43 import SHA1 ( sha1PS )
44 import Darcs.Utils ( promptYorn )
45 import Prelude hiding (pi, log)
47 data RepoPatchInfo = RPI String PatchInfo
49 repopatchinfo :: String -> PatchInfo -> RepoPatchInfo
50 repopatchinfo r pi = RPI r pi
52 data PatchInfo = PatchInfo { _pi_date :: !B.ByteString
53 , _pi_name :: !B.ByteString
54 , _pi_author :: !B.ByteString
55 , _pi_log :: ![B.ByteString]
56 , is_inverted :: !Bool
58 deriving (Eq,Ord)
60 idpatchinfo :: PatchInfo
61 idpatchinfo = PatchInfo myid myid myid [] False
62 where myid = BC.pack "identity"
64 patchinfo :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> IO PatchInfo
65 patchinfo date name author log =
66 add_junk $ PatchInfo { _pi_date = BC.pack date
67 , _pi_name = BC.pack name
68 , _pi_author = BC.pack author
69 , _pi_log = map BC.pack log
70 , is_inverted = False }
72 add_junk :: PatchInfo -> IO PatchInfo
73 add_junk pinf =
74 do x <- randomRIO (0,2^(128 ::Integer) :: Integer)
75 when (_pi_log pinf /= ignore_junk (_pi_log pinf)) $
76 do yorn <- promptYorn "Lines beginning with 'Ignore-this: ' will be ignored.\nProceed? "
77 when (yorn == 'n') $ fail "User cancelled because of Ignore-this."
78 return $ pinf { _pi_log = BC.pack (head ignored++showHex x ""):
79 _pi_log pinf }
81 ignored :: [String] -- this is a [String] so we can change the junk header.
82 ignored = ["Ignore-this: "]
84 ignore_junk :: [B.ByteString] -> [B.ByteString]
85 ignore_junk = filter isnt_ignored
86 where isnt_ignored x = doesnt_start_with x (map BC.pack ignored) -- TODO
87 doesnt_start_with x ys = not $ any (`B.isPrefixOf` x) ys
89 \end{code}
91 \section{Patch info formatting}
94 \begin{code}
95 invert_name :: PatchInfo -> PatchInfo
96 invert_name pi = pi { is_inverted = not (is_inverted pi) }
97 \end{code}
99 \begin{code}
100 just_name :: PatchInfo -> String
101 just_name pinf = if is_inverted pinf then "UNDO: " ++ BC.unpack (_pi_name pinf)
102 else BC.unpack (_pi_name pinf)
104 just_author :: PatchInfo -> String
105 just_author = BC.unpack . _pi_author
107 human_friendly :: PatchInfo -> Doc
108 human_friendly pi =
109 text (friendly_d $ _pi_date pi) <> text " " <> packedString (_pi_author pi)
110 $$ hfn (_pi_name pi)
111 $$ vcat (map ((text " " <>) . packedString) (ignore_junk $ _pi_log pi))
112 where hfn x = case pi_tag pi of
113 Nothing -> inverted <+> packedString x
114 Just t -> text " tagged" <+> text t
115 inverted = if is_inverted pi then text " UNDO:" else text " *"
117 -- note the difference with just_name
118 pi_name :: PatchInfo -> String
119 pi_name = BC.unpack . _pi_name
121 pi_rename :: PatchInfo -> String -> PatchInfo
122 pi_rename x n = x { _pi_name = BC.pack n }
124 pi_author :: PatchInfo -> String
125 pi_author = BC.unpack . _pi_author
127 -- | Note: we ignore timezone information in the date string,
128 -- systematically treating a time as UTC. So if the patch
129 -- tells me it's 17:00 EST, we're actually treating it as
130 -- 17:00 UTC, in other words 11:00 EST. This is for
131 -- backwards compatibility to darcs prior to 2003-11, sometime
132 -- before 1.0. Fortunately, newer patch dates are written in
133 -- UTC, so this timezone truncation is harmless for them.
134 readPatchDate :: B.ByteString -> CalendarTime
135 readPatchDate = ignoreTz . readUTCDate . BC.unpack
136 where ignoreTz ct = ct { ctTZ = 0 }
138 pi_date :: PatchInfo -> CalendarTime
139 pi_date = readPatchDate . _pi_date
141 set_pi_date :: String -> PatchInfo -> PatchInfo
142 set_pi_date date pi = pi { _pi_date = BC.pack date }
144 pi_log :: PatchInfo -> [String]
145 pi_log = map BC.unpack . ignore_junk . _pi_log
147 pi_tag :: PatchInfo -> Maybe String
148 pi_tag pinf =
149 if l == t
150 then Just $ BC.unpack r
151 else Nothing
152 where (l, r) = B.splitAt (B.length t) (_pi_name pinf)
153 t = BC.pack "TAG "
155 friendly_d :: B.ByteString -> String
156 --friendly_d d = calendarTimeToString . readPatchDate . d
157 friendly_d d = unsafePerformIO $ do
158 ct <- toCalendarTime $ toClockTime $ readPatchDate d
159 return $ calendarTimeToString ct
160 \end{code}
162 \begin{code}
163 to_xml :: PatchInfo -> Doc
164 to_xml pi =
165 text "<patch"
166 <+> text "author='" <> escapeXML (just_author pi) <> text "'"
167 <+> text "date='" <> escapeXML (BC.unpack $ _pi_date pi) <> text "'"
168 <+> text "local_date='" <> escapeXML (friendly_d $ _pi_date pi) <> text "'"
169 <+> text "inverted='" <> text (show $ is_inverted pi) <> text "'"
170 <+> text "hash='" <> text (make_filename pi) <> text "'>"
171 $$ prefix "\t" (
172 text "<name>" <> escapeXML (pi_name pi) <> text "</name>"
173 $$ comments_as_xml (_pi_log pi))
174 $$ text "</patch>"
176 comments_as_xml :: [B.ByteString] -> Doc
177 comments_as_xml comments
178 | B.length comments' > 0 = text "<comment>"
179 <> escapeXML (BC.unpack comments')
180 <> text "</comment>"
181 | otherwise = empty
182 where comments' = unlinesPS comments
184 -- escapeXML is duplicated in Patch.lhs and Annotate.lhs
185 -- It should probably be refactored to exist in one place.
186 escapeXML :: String -> Doc
187 escapeXML = text . strReplace '\'' "&apos;" . strReplace '"' "&quot;" .
188 strReplace '>' "&gt;" . strReplace '<' "&lt;" . strReplace '&' "&amp;"
191 strReplace :: Char -> String -> String -> String
192 strReplace _ _ [] = []
193 strReplace x y (z:zs)
194 | x == z = y ++ (strReplace x y zs)
195 | otherwise = z : (strReplace x y zs)
196 \end{code}
198 \begin{code}
199 make_alt_filename :: PatchInfo -> String
200 make_alt_filename pi@(PatchInfo { is_inverted = False }) =
201 fix_up_fname (midtrunc (pi_name pi)++"-"++just_author pi++"-"++BC.unpack (_pi_date pi))
202 make_alt_filename pi@(PatchInfo { is_inverted = True}) =
203 make_alt_filename (pi { is_inverted = False }) ++ "-inverted"
205 -- This makes darcs-1 (non-hashed repos) filenames, and is also generally used in both in
206 -- hashed and non-hashed repo code for making patch "hashes"
207 make_filename :: PatchInfo -> String
208 make_filename pi =
209 showIsoDateTime d++"-"++sha1_a++"-"++sha1PS sha1_me++".gz"
210 where b2ps True = BC.pack "t"
211 b2ps False = BC.pack "f"
212 sha1_me = B.concat [_pi_name pi,
213 _pi_author pi,
214 _pi_date pi,
215 B.concat $ _pi_log pi,
216 b2ps $ is_inverted pi]
217 d = readPatchDate $ _pi_date pi
218 sha1_a = take 5 $ sha1PS $ _pi_author pi
220 midtrunc :: String -> String
221 midtrunc s
222 | length s < 73 = s
223 | otherwise = (take 40 s)++"..."++(reverse $ take 30 $ reverse s)
224 fix_up_fname :: String -> String
225 fix_up_fname = map munge_char
227 munge_char :: Char -> Char
228 munge_char '*' = '+'
229 munge_char '?' = '2'
230 munge_char '>' = '7'
231 munge_char '<' = '2'
232 munge_char ' ' = '_'
233 munge_char '"' = '~'
234 munge_char '`' = '.'
235 munge_char '\'' = '.'
236 munge_char '/' = '1'
237 munge_char '\\' = '1'
238 munge_char '!' = '1'
239 munge_char ':' = '.'
240 munge_char ';' = ','
241 munge_char '{' = '~'
242 munge_char '}' = '~'
243 munge_char '(' = '~'
244 munge_char ')' = '~'
245 munge_char '[' = '~'
246 munge_char ']' = '~'
247 munge_char '=' = '+'
248 munge_char '#' = '+'
249 munge_char '%' = '8'
250 munge_char '&' = '6'
251 munge_char '@' = '9'
252 munge_char '|' = '1'
253 munge_char c = c
254 \end{code}
257 \begin{code}
258 instance HTML RepoPatchInfo where
259 toHtml = htmlPatchInfo
260 instance Show PatchInfo where
261 show pi = renderString (showPatchInfo pi)
262 \end{code}
264 \paragraph{Patch info}
265 Patch is stored between square brackets.
266 \begin{verbatim}
267 [ <patch name>
268 <patch author>*<patch date>
269 <patch log (may be empty)> (indented one)
270 <can have multiple lines in patch log,>
271 <as long as they're preceded by a space>
272 <and don't end with a square bracket.>
274 \end{verbatim}
275 \begin{code}
276 -- note that below I assume the name has no newline in it.
277 showPatchInfo :: PatchInfo -> Doc
278 showPatchInfo pi =
279 blueText "[" <> packedString (_pi_name pi)
280 $$ packedString (_pi_author pi) <> text inverted <> packedString (_pi_date pi)
281 <> myunlines (_pi_log pi) <> blueText "] "
282 where inverted = if is_inverted pi then "*-" else "**"
283 myunlines [] = empty
284 myunlines xs = mul xs
285 where mul [] = text "\n"
286 mul (s:ss) = text "\n " <> packedString s <> mul ss
289 -- Note, Data.ByteString rewrites break ((==) x) into the memchr-based
290 -- breakByte. For this rule to fire, we keep it in prefix application form
293 readPatchInfo :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (PatchInfo, B.ByteString)
294 readPatchInfo s | B.null (dropSpace s) = Nothing
295 readPatchInfo s =
296 if BC.head (dropSpace s) /= '[' -- ]
297 then Nothing
298 else case BC.break ((==) '\n') $ B.tail $ dropSpace s of
299 (name,s') ->
300 case BC.break ((==) '*') $ B.tail s' of
301 (author,s2) ->
302 case BC.break (\c->c==']'||c=='\n') $ B.drop 2 s2 of
303 (ct,s''') ->
304 do (log, s4) <- lines_starting_with_ending_with ' ' ']' $ dn s'''
305 return $ (PatchInfo { _pi_date = ct
306 , _pi_name = name
307 , _pi_author = author
308 , _pi_log = log
309 , is_inverted = BC.index s2 1 /= '*'
310 }, s4)
311 where dn x = if B.null x || BC.head x /= '\n' then x else B.tail x
312 \end{code}
314 \begin{code}
315 lines_starting_with_ending_with :: Char -> Char -> B.ByteString
316 -> Maybe ([B.ByteString],B.ByteString)
317 lines_starting_with_ending_with st en s = lswew s
318 where
319 lswew x | B.null x = Nothing
320 lswew x =
321 if BC.head x == en
322 then Just ([], B.tail x)
323 else if BC.head x /= st
324 then Nothing
325 else case BC.break ((==) '\n') $ B.tail x of
326 (l,r) -> case lswew $ B.tail r of
327 Just (ls,r') -> Just (l:ls,r')
328 Nothing ->
329 case breakLastPS en l of
330 Just (l2,_) ->
331 Just ([l2], B.drop (B.length l2+2) x)
332 Nothing -> Nothing
333 \end{code}
335 \begin{code}
336 htmlPatchInfo :: RepoPatchInfo -> Html
337 htmlPatchInfo (RPI r pi) =
338 toHtml $ (td << patch_link r pi) `above`
339 ((td ! [align "right"] << mail_link (just_author pi)) `beside`
340 (td << (friendly_d $ _pi_date pi)))
342 patch_link :: String -> PatchInfo -> Html
343 patch_link r pi =
344 toHtml $ hotlink
345 ("darcs?"++r++"**"++make_filename pi)
346 [toHtml $ pi_name pi]
347 mail_link :: String -> Html
348 mail_link email = toHtml $ hotlink ("mailto:"++email) [toHtml email]
349 \end{code}