Find git executable at run time
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Patch / Test.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2003,2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 \begin{code}
20 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fno-warn-deprecations -fglasgow-exts -fno-warn-orphans #-}
21 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
23 #include "gadts.h"
25 module Darcs.Patch.Test
26 ( prop_read_show,
27 prop_inverse_composition, prop_commute_twice,
28 prop_inverse_valid, prop_other_inverse_valid,
29 prop_commute_equivalency, prop_commute_either_order,
30 prop_commute_either_way, prop_merge_is_commutable_and_correct,
31 prop_merge_is_swapable, prop_merge_valid,
32 prop_unravel_three_merge, prop_unravel_seq_merge,
33 prop_unravel_order_independent,
34 prop_simple_smart_merge_good_enough,
35 prop_elegant_merge_good_enough,
36 prop_patch_and_inverse_is_identity,
37 quickmerge, check_patch, check_a_patch, verbose_check_a_patch,
38 prop_resolve_conflicts_valid,
39 test_patch, prop_commute_inverse,
40 subcommutes_inverse, subcommutes_nontrivial_inverse,
41 subcommutes_failure,
42 join_patches
43 ) where
45 import Prelude hiding ( pi )
46 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
47 import Test.QuickCheck
48 import Control.Monad ( liftM, liftM2, liftM3, liftM4, replicateM )
50 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, patchinfo )
51 import Darcs.Patch.Check ( PatchCheck, Possibly(..),
52 check_move, remove_dir, create_dir,
53 is_valid, insert_line, file_empty, file_exists,
54 delete_line, modify_file, create_file, remove_file,
55 do_check, do_verbose_check,
57 import RegChars ( regChars )
58 import ByteStringUtils ( linesPS )
59 import qualified Data.ByteString as B ( ByteString, null, concat )
60 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( break, pack )
61 import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( fn2fp )
63 import Darcs.Patch.Patchy ( Commute )
64 import Darcs.Patch ( addfile, adddir, move, showPatch,
65 hunk, tokreplace, joinPatches, binary,
66 changepref, is_merger, invert, commute, commutex, merge,
67 readPatch, resolve_conflicts,
68 effect, fromPrims,
69 unravel, merger, elegant_merge )
70 import Darcs.Patch.Core ( Patch(..) )
71 import Darcs.Patch.Prim ( Prim(..), DirPatchType(..), FilePatchType(..),
72 CommuteFunction, Perhaps(..),
73 subcommutes )
74 import Printer ( renderPS )
75 import Darcs.Ordered
76 import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed(Sealed), unsafeUnseal, unseal )
78 #include "impossible.h"
80 instance Eq Patch where
81 x == y = IsEq == (x =\/= y)
83 instance Eq Prim where
84 x == y = IsEq == (x =\/= y)
86 instance (Commute a, MyEq a) => Eq (FL a) where
87 x == y = IsEq == (x =\/= y)
89 instance Arbitrary Patch where
90 arbitrary = sized arbpatch
91 -- coarbitrary p = coarbitrary (show p)
93 instance Arbitrary Prim where
94 arbitrary = onepatchgen
95 -- coarbitrary = impossible
96 \end{code}
98 \begin{code}
99 hunkgen :: Gen Prim
100 hunkgen = do
101 i <- frequency [(1,choose (0,5)),(1,choose (0,35)),
102 (2,return 0),(3,return 1),(2,return 2),(1,return 3)]
103 j <- frequency [(1,choose (0,5)),(1,choose (0,35)),
104 (2,return 0),(3,return 1),(2,return 2),(1,return 3)]
105 if i == 0 && j == 0 then hunkgen
106 else liftM4 hunk filepathgen linenumgen
107 (replicateM i filelinegen)
108 (replicateM j filelinegen)
110 tokreplacegen :: Gen Prim
111 tokreplacegen = do
112 f <- filepathgen
113 o <- tokengen
114 n <- tokengen
115 if o == n
116 then return $ tokreplace f "A-Za-z" "old" "new"
117 else return $ tokreplace f "A-Za-z_" o n
119 twofilegen :: (FilePath -> FilePath -> Prim) -> Gen Prim
120 twofilegen p = do
121 n1 <- filepathgen
122 n2 <- filepathgen
123 if n1 /= n2 && (check_a_patch $ fromPrims $ (p n1 n2 :>: NilFL))
124 then return $ p n1 n2
125 else twofilegen p
127 chprefgen :: Gen Prim
128 chprefgen = do
129 f <- oneof [return "color", return "movie"]
130 o <- tokengen
131 n <- tokengen
132 if o == n then return $ changepref f "old" "new"
133 else return $ changepref f o n
135 simplepatchgen :: Gen Prim
136 simplepatchgen = frequency [(1,liftM addfile filepathgen),
137 (1,liftM adddir filepathgen),
138 (1,liftM3 binary filepathgen arbitrary arbitrary),
139 (1,twofilegen move),
140 (1,tokreplacegen),
141 (1,chprefgen),
142 (7,hunkgen)
145 onepatchgen :: Gen Prim
146 onepatchgen = oneof [simplepatchgen, (invert) `fmap` simplepatchgen]
148 norecursgen :: Int -> Gen Patch
149 norecursgen 0 = PP `fmap` onepatchgen
150 norecursgen n = oneof [PP `fmap` onepatchgen,flatcompgen n]
152 arbpatch :: Int -> Gen Patch
153 arbpatch 0 = PP `fmap` onepatchgen
154 arbpatch n = frequency [(3,PP `fmap` onepatchgen),
155 -- (1,compgen n),
156 (2,flatcompgen n),
157 (0,raw_merge_gen n),
158 (0,mergegen n),
159 (1,PP `fmap` onepatchgen)
162 unempty :: Arbitrary a => Gen [a]
163 unempty = do
164 as <- arbitrary
165 case as of
166 [] -> unempty
167 _ -> return as
169 join_patches :: [Patch] -> Patch
170 join_patches = joinPatches . unsafeFL
172 raw_merge_gen :: Int -> Gen Patch
173 raw_merge_gen n = do p1 <- arbpatch len
174 p2 <- arbpatch len
175 if (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]) &&
176 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p2,p1])
177 then case merge (p2 :\/: p1) of
178 _ :/\: p2' -> return p2'
179 else raw_merge_gen n
180 where len = if n < 15 then n`div`3 else 3
182 mergegen :: Int -> Gen Patch
183 mergegen n = do
184 p1 <- norecursgen len
185 p2 <- norecursgen len
186 if (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]) &&
187 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p2,p1])
188 then case merge (p2:\/:p1) of
189 p1' :/\: p2' ->
190 if check_a_patch $ join_patches [p1,p2']
191 then return $ join_patches [p1,p2']
192 else return $ join_patches [PP $ addfile "Error_in_mergegen",
193 PP $ addfile "Error_in_mergegen",
194 p1,p2,p1',p2']
195 else mergegen n
196 where len = if n < 15 then n`div`3 else 3
198 arbpi :: Gen PatchInfo
199 arbpi = do n <- unempty
200 a <- unempty
201 l <- unempty
202 d <- unempty
203 return $ unsafePerformIO $ patchinfo n d a l
205 instance Arbitrary PatchInfo where
206 arbitrary = arbpi
207 -- coarbitrary pi = coarbitrary (show pi)
209 instance Arbitrary B.ByteString where
210 arbitrary = liftM BC.pack arbitrary
211 -- coarbitrary ps = coarbitrary (unpackPS ps)
214 plistgen :: Int -> Int -> Gen [Patch]
215 plistgen s n
216 | n <= 0 = return []
217 | otherwise = do
218 next <- arbpatch s
219 rest <- plistgen s (n-1)
220 return $ next : rest
222 compgen :: Int -> Gen Patch
223 compgen n = do
224 size <- choose (0,n)
225 myp <- liftM join_patches $ plistgen size ((n+1) `div` (size+1))
226 -- here I assume we only want to consider valid patches...
227 if check_a_patch myp
228 then return myp
229 else compgen n
232 flatlistgen :: Int -> Gen [Patch]
233 flatlistgen n = replicateM n (PP `fmap` onepatchgen)
235 flatcompgen :: Int -> Gen Patch
236 flatcompgen n = do
237 myp <- liftM (join_patches . regularize_patches) $ flatlistgen n
238 if check_a_patch myp
239 then return myp
240 else flatcompgen n
242 -- resize to size 25, that means we'll get line numbers no greater
243 -- than 1025 using QuickCheck 2.1
244 linenumgen :: Gen Int
245 linenumgen = frequency [(1,return 1), (1,return 2), (1,return 3),
246 (3,liftM (\n->1+abs n) (resize 25 arbitrary)) ]
248 tokengen :: Gen String
249 tokengen = oneof [return "hello", return "world", return "this",
250 return "is", return "a", return "silly",
251 return "token", return "test"]
253 toklinegen :: Gen String
254 toklinegen = liftM unwords $ replicateM 3 tokengen
256 filelinegen :: Gen B.ByteString
257 filelinegen = liftM BC.pack $
258 frequency [(1,map fromSafeChar `fmap` arbitrary),(5,toklinegen),
259 (1,return ""), (1,return "{"), (1,return "}") ]
261 filepathgen :: Gen String
262 filepathgen = liftM fixpath badfpgen
264 fixpath :: String -> String
265 fixpath "" = "test"
266 fixpath p = fpth p
268 fpth :: String -> String
269 fpth ('/':'/':cs) = fpth ('/':cs)
270 fpth (c:cs) = c : fpth cs
271 fpth [] = []
273 newtype SafeChar = SS Char
274 instance Arbitrary SafeChar where
275 arbitrary = oneof $ map (return . SS) (['a'..'z']++['A'..'Z']++['1'..'9']++"0")
277 fromSafeChar :: SafeChar -> Char
278 fromSafeChar (SS s) = s
280 badfpgen :: Gen String
281 badfpgen = frequency [(1,return "test"), (1,return "hello"), (1,return "world"),
282 (1,map fromSafeChar `fmap` arbitrary),
283 (1,liftM2 (\a b-> a++"/"++b) filepathgen filepathgen) ]
286 instance Arbitrary Char where
287 arbitrary = oneof $ map return
288 (['a'..'z']++['A'..'Z']++['1'..'9']++['0','~','.',',','-','/'])
290 -- coarbitrary c = coarbitrary (ord c)
291 \end{code}
293 \begin{code}
294 check_patch :: Patch -> PatchCheck Bool
295 check_a_patch :: Patch -> Bool
296 check_a_patch p = do_check $ do check_patch p
297 check_patch $ invert p
298 verbose_check_a_patch :: Patch -> Bool
299 verbose_check_a_patch p = do_verbose_check $ do check_patch p
300 check_patch $ invert p
302 check_patch p | is_merger p = do
303 check_patch $ fromPrims $ effect p
304 check_patch (Merger _ _ _ _) = impossible
305 check_patch (Regrem _ _ _ _) = impossible
306 check_patch (ComP NilFL) = is_valid
307 check_patch (ComP (p:>:ps)) =
308 check_patch p >> check_patch (ComP ps)
309 check_patch (PP Identity) = is_valid
310 check_patch (PP (Split NilFL)) = is_valid
311 check_patch (PP (Split (p:>:ps))) =
312 check_patch (PP p) >> check_patch (PP (Split ps))
314 check_patch (PP (FP f RmFile)) = remove_file $ fn2fp f
315 check_patch (PP (FP f AddFile)) = create_file $ fn2fp f
316 check_patch (PP (FP f (Hunk line old new))) = do
317 file_exists $ fn2fp f
318 mapM (delete_line (fn2fp f) line) old
319 mapM (insert_line (fn2fp f) line) (reverse new)
320 is_valid
321 check_patch (PP (FP f (TokReplace t old new))) =
322 modify_file (fn2fp f) (try_tok_possibly t old new)
323 -- note that the above isn't really a sure check, as it leaves PSomethings
324 -- and PNothings which may have contained new...
325 check_patch (PP (FP f (Binary o n))) = do
326 file_exists $ fn2fp f
327 mapM (delete_line (fn2fp f) 1) (linesPS o)
328 file_empty $ fn2fp f
329 mapM (insert_line (fn2fp f) 1) (reverse $ linesPS n)
330 is_valid
332 check_patch (PP (DP d AddDir)) = create_dir $ fn2fp d
333 check_patch (PP (DP d RmDir)) = remove_dir $ fn2fp d
335 check_patch (PP (Move f f')) = check_move (fn2fp f) (fn2fp f')
336 check_patch (PP (ChangePref _ _ _)) = return True
338 regularize_patches :: [Patch] -> [Patch]
339 regularize_patches patches = rpint [] patches
340 where rpint ok_ps [] = ok_ps
341 rpint ok_ps (p:ps) =
342 if check_a_patch (join_patches $ p:ok_ps)
343 then rpint (p:ok_ps) ps
344 else rpint ok_ps ps
345 \end{code}
347 \begin{code}
348 prop_inverse_composition :: Patch -> Patch -> Bool
349 prop_inverse_composition p1 p2 =
350 invert (join_patches [p1,p2]) == join_patches [invert p2, invert p1]
351 prop_inverse_valid :: Patch -> Bool
352 prop_inverse_valid p1 = check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p1]
353 prop_other_inverse_valid :: Patch -> Bool
354 prop_other_inverse_valid p1 = check_a_patch $ join_patches [p1,invert p1]
355 \end{code}
357 \begin{code}
358 prop_commute_twice :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
359 prop_commute_twice p1 p2 =
360 (does_commute p1 p2) ==> (Just (p2:<p1) == (commutex (p2:<p1) >>= commutex))
361 does_commute :: Patch -> Patch -> Bool
362 does_commute p1 p2 =
363 commutex (p2:<p1) /= Nothing && (check_a_patch $ join_patches [p1,p2])
364 prop_commute_equivalency :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
365 prop_commute_equivalency p1 p2 =
366 (does_commute p1 p2) ==>
367 case commutex (p2:<p1) of
368 Just (p1':<p2') -> check_a_patch $ join_patches [p1,p2,invert p1',invert p2']
369 _ -> impossible
370 \end{code}
372 \begin{code}
373 prop_commute_either_way :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
374 prop_commute_either_way p1 p2 =
375 does_commute p1 p2 ==> does_commute (invert p2) (invert p1)
376 \end{code}
378 \begin{code}
379 prop_commute_either_order :: Patch -> Patch -> Patch -> Property
380 prop_commute_either_order p1 p2 p3 =
381 check_a_patch (join_patches [p1,p2,p3]) &&
382 does_commute p1 (join_patches [p2,p3]) &&
383 does_commute p2 p3 ==>
384 case commutex (p2:<p1) of
385 Nothing -> False
386 Just (p1':<p2') ->
387 case commutex (p3:<p1') of
388 Nothing -> False
389 Just (_:<p3') ->
390 case commutex (p3':<p2') of
391 Nothing -> False
392 Just (_:< p3'') ->
393 case commutex (p3:<p2) of
394 Nothing -> False
395 Just (_:<p3'a) ->
396 case commutex (p3'a:<p1) of
397 Just (_:<p3''a) -> p3''a == p3''
398 Nothing -> False
399 \end{code}
401 \begin{code}
402 prop_patch_and_inverse_is_identity :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
403 prop_patch_and_inverse_is_identity p1 p2 =
404 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [p1,p2]) && (commutex (p2:<p1) /= Nothing) ==>
405 case commutex (p2:<p1) of
406 Just (_:<p2') -> case commutex (p2':<invert p1) of
407 Nothing -> True -- This is a subtle distinction.
408 Just (_:<p2'') -> p2'' == p2
409 Nothing -> impossible
410 \end{code}
412 \begin{code}
413 quickmerge :: (Patch :\/: Patch) -> Patch
414 quickmerge (p1:\/:p2) = case merge (p1:\/:p2) of
415 _ :/\: p1' -> p1'
416 \end{code}
418 \begin{code}
419 prop_merge_is_commutable_and_correct :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
420 prop_merge_is_commutable_and_correct p1 p2 =
421 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]) ==>
422 case merge (p2:\/:p1) of
423 p1' :/\: p2' ->
424 case commutex (p2':<p1) of
425 Nothing -> False
426 Just (p1'':<p2'') -> p2'' == p2 && p1' == p1''
427 prop_merge_is_swapable :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
428 prop_merge_is_swapable p1 p2 =
429 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]) ==>
430 case merge (p2:\/:p1) of
431 p1' :/\: p2' ->
432 case merge (p1:\/:p2) of
433 p2''' :/\: p1''' -> p1' == p1''' && p2' == p2'''
435 prop_merge_valid :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
436 prop_merge_valid p1 p2 =
437 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]) ==>
438 case merge (p2:\/:p1) of
439 _ :/\: p2' ->
440 check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2,invert p2,p1,p2']
441 \end{code}
443 \begin{code}
444 prop_simple_smart_merge_good_enough :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
445 prop_simple_smart_merge_good_enough p1 p2 =
446 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]) ==>
447 smart_merge (p2:\/:p1) == simple_smart_merge (p2:\/:p1)
449 smart_merge :: (Patch :\/: Patch) -> Maybe (Patch :< Patch)
450 smart_merge (p1 :\/: p2) =
451 case simple_smart_merge (p1:\/:p2) of
452 Nothing -> Nothing
453 Just (p1'a:<p2a) ->
454 case simple_smart_merge (p2 :\/: p1) >>= commutex of
455 Nothing -> Nothing
456 Just (p1'b :< p2b) ->
457 if p1'a == p1'b && p2a == p2b && p2a == p2
458 then Just (p1'a :< p2)
459 else Nothing
460 simple_smart_merge :: (Patch :\/: Patch) -> Maybe (Patch :< Patch)
461 simple_smart_merge (p1 :\/: p2) =
462 case commutex (p1 :< invert p2) of
463 Just (_:<p1') ->
464 case commutex (p1':< p2) of
465 Just (_:< p1o) ->
466 if p1o == p1 then Just (p1' :< p2)
467 else Nothing
468 Nothing -> Nothing
469 Nothing -> Nothing
471 prop_elegant_merge_good_enough :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
472 prop_elegant_merge_good_enough p1 p2 =
473 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]) ==>
474 (fst' `fmap` smart_merge (p2:\/:p1)) ==
475 (snd'' `fmap` elegant_merge (p2:\/:p1))
477 fst' :: p :< p -> p
478 fst' (x:<_) = x
480 snd'' :: q :/\: p -> p
481 snd'' (_:/\:x) = x
483 instance Eq p => Eq (p :< p) where
484 (x:<y) == (x':<y') = x == x' && y == y'
486 instance Show p => Show (p :< p) where
487 show (x :< y) = show x ++ " :< " ++ show y
488 \end{code}
490 \begin{code}
491 test_patch :: String
492 test_patch = test_str ++ test_note
493 tp1, tp2 :: Patch
494 tp1 = unsafeUnseal . fst . fromJust . readPatch $ BC.pack "\nmove ./test/test ./hello\n"
495 tp2 = unsafeUnseal . fst . fromJust . readPatch $ BC.pack "\nmove ./test ./hello\n"
496 tp1', tp2' :: Patch
497 tp2' = quickmerge (tp2:\/:tp1)
498 tp1' = quickmerge (tp1:\/:tp2)
499 test_note :: String
500 test_note = (if commutex (tp2':<tp1) == Just (tp1':<tp2)
501 then "At least they commutex right.\n"
502 else "Argh! they don't even commutex right.\n")
503 ++(if check_a_patch $ tp2
504 then "tp2 itself is valid!\n"
505 else "Oh my! tp2 isn't even valid!\n")
506 ++(if check_a_patch $ tp2'
507 then "tp2' itself is valid!\n"
508 else "Aaack! tp2' itself is invalid!\n")
509 ++(if check_a_patch $ join_patches [tp1, tp2']
510 then "Valid merge tp2'!\n"
511 else "Bad merge tp2'!\n")
512 ++ (if check_a_patch $ join_patches [tp2, tp1']
513 then "Valid merge tp1'!\n"
514 else "Bad merge tp1'!\n")
515 ++ (if check_a_patch $ join_patches [tp2,tp1',invert tp2',invert tp1]
516 then "Both agree!\n"
517 else "The two merges don't agree!\n")
518 ++ (if check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert tp2, tp1]
519 then "They should be mergable!\n"
520 else "Wait a minute, these guys can't be merged!\n")
521 tp :: Patch
522 tp = tp1'
524 test_str :: String
525 test_str = "Patches are:\n"++(show tp)
526 ++(if check_a_patch tp
527 then "At least the patch itself is valid.\n"
528 else "The patch itself is bad!\n")
529 ++"commutex of tp1' and tp2 is "++show (commutex (tp1':<tp2))++"\n"
530 ++"commutex of tp2' and tp1 is "++show (commutex (tp2':<tp1))++"\n"
531 {-++ "\nSimply flattened, it is:\n"
532 ++ (show $ mapFL (joinPatches.flattenFL.merger_equivalent) $ flattenFL tp)
533 ++ "\n\nUnravelled, it gives:\n" ++ (show $ map unravel $ flatten tp)
534 ++ "\n\nUnwound, it gives:\n" ++ (show $ mapFL unwind $ flattenFL tp)
535 ++(if check_a_patch (join_patches$ reverse $ unwind tp)
536 then "Unwinding is valid.\n"
537 else "Bad unwinding!\n")
538 ++(if check_a_patch $ join_patches [tp,invert tp]
539 then "Inverse is valid.\n"
540 else "Bad inverse!\n")
541 ++(if check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert tp, tp]
542 then "Other inverse is valid.\n"
543 else "Bad other inverse!\n")-}
544 \end{code}
546 The conflict resolution code (glump) begins by ``unravelling'' the merger
547 into a set of sequences of patches. Each sequence of patches corresponds
548 to one non-conflicted patch that got merged together with the others. The
549 result of the unravelling of a series of merges must obviously be
550 independent of the order in which those merges are performed. This
551 unravelling code (which uses the unwind code mentioned above) uses probably
552 the second most complicated algorithm. Fortunately, if we can successfully
553 unravel the merger, almost any function of the unravelled merger satisfies
554 the two constraints mentioned above that the conflict resolution code must
555 satisfy.
557 \begin{code}
558 prop_unravel_three_merge :: Patch -> Patch -> Patch -> Property
559 prop_unravel_three_merge p1 p2 p3 =
560 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2,invert p2,p3]) ==>
561 (unravel $ merger "0.0" (merger "0.0" p2 p3) (merger "0.0" p2 p1)) ==
562 (unravel $ merger "0.0" (merger "0.0" p1 p3) (merger "0.0" p1 p2))
563 \end{code}
564 \begin{code}
565 prop_unravel_seq_merge :: Patch -> Patch -> Patch -> Property
566 prop_unravel_seq_merge p1 p2 p3 =
567 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2,p3]) ==>
568 (unravel $ merger "0.0" p3 $ merger "0.0" p2 p1) ==
569 (unravel $ merger "0.0" (merger "0.0" p2 p1) p3)
570 \end{code}
571 \begin{code}
572 prop_unravel_order_independent :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
573 prop_unravel_order_independent p1 p2 =
574 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]) ==>
575 (unravel $ merger "0.0" p2 p1) == (unravel $ merger "0.0" p1 p2)
576 \end{code}
578 \begin{code}
579 prop_resolve_conflicts_valid :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
580 prop_resolve_conflicts_valid p1 p2 =
581 (check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]) ==>
582 and $ map (check_a_patch.(\l-> join_patches [p,merge_list l]))
583 $ resolve_conflicts p
584 where p = case merge (p1:\/:p2) of
585 _ :/\: p1' -> join_patches [p2,p1']
587 merge_list :: [Sealed (FL Prim C(x))] -> Patch
588 merge_list patches = fromPrims `unseal` doml NilFL patches
589 where doml mp (Sealed p:ps) =
590 case commute (invert p :> mp) of
591 Just (mp' :> _) -> doml (effect p +>+ effect mp') ps
592 Nothing -> doml mp ps -- This shouldn't happen for "good" resolutions.
593 doml mp [] = Sealed mp
594 \end{code}
596 \begin{code}
597 try_tok_possibly :: String -> String -> String
598 -> [Possibly B.ByteString] -> Maybe [Possibly B.ByteString]
599 try_tok_possibly t o n mss =
600 mapM (silly_maybe_possibly $ liftM B.concat .
601 try_tok_internal t (BC.pack o) (BC.pack n))
602 $ take 1000 mss
604 silly_maybe_possibly :: (B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString) ->
605 (Possibly B.ByteString -> Maybe (Possibly B.ByteString))
606 silly_maybe_possibly f =
607 \px -> case px of
608 PNothing -> Just PNothing
609 PSomething -> Just PSomething
610 PJust x -> case f x of
611 Nothing -> Nothing
612 Just x' -> Just $ PJust x'
614 try_tok_internal :: String -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
615 -> B.ByteString -> Maybe [B.ByteString]
616 try_tok_internal _ _ _ s | B.null s = Just []
617 try_tok_internal t o n s =
618 case BC.break (regChars t) s of
619 (before,s') ->
620 case BC.break (not . regChars t) s' of
621 (tok,after) ->
622 case try_tok_internal t o n after of
623 Nothing -> Nothing
624 Just rest ->
625 if tok == o
626 then Just $ before : n : rest
627 else if tok == n
628 then Nothing
629 else Just $ before : tok : rest
630 \end{code}
632 \begin{code}
633 prop_read_show :: Patch -> Bool
634 prop_read_show p = case readPatch $ renderPS $ showPatch p of
635 Just (Sealed p',_) -> p' == p
636 Nothing -> False
637 \end{code}
639 %In order for merges to work right with commuted patches, inverting a patch
640 %past a patch and its inverse had golly well better give you the same patch
641 %back again.
642 \begin{code}
643 prop_commute_inverse :: Patch -> Patch -> Property
644 prop_commute_inverse p1 p2 =
645 does_commute p1 p2 ==> case commutex (p2:< p1) of
646 Nothing -> impossible
647 Just (p1':<_) ->
648 case commutex (invert p2:< p1') of
649 Nothing -> False
650 Just (p1'':<_) -> p1'' == p1
651 \end{code}
653 \begin{code}
654 subcommutes_inverse :: [(String, Prim -> Prim -> Property)]
655 subcommutes_inverse = zip names (map prop_subcommute cs)
656 where (names, cs) = unzip subcommutes
657 prop_subcommute c p1 p2 =
658 does c p1 p2 ==>
659 case c (p2:< p1) of
660 Succeeded (p1':<p2') ->
661 case c (invert p2:< p1') of
662 Succeeded (p1'':<ip2x') -> p1'' == p1 &&
663 case c (invert p1:< invert p2) of
664 Succeeded (ip2':< ip1') ->
665 case c (p2':< invert p1) of
666 Succeeded (ip1o':< p2o) ->
667 invert ip1' == p1' && invert ip2' == p2' &&
668 ip1o' == ip1' && p2o == p2 &&
669 p1'' == p1 && ip2x' == ip2'
670 _ -> False
671 _ -> False
672 _ -> False
673 _ -> False
675 subcommutes_nontrivial_inverse :: [(String, Prim -> Prim -> Property)]
676 subcommutes_nontrivial_inverse = zip names (map prop_subcommute cs)
677 where (names, cs) = unzip subcommutes
678 prop_subcommute c p1 p2 =
679 nontrivial c p1 p2 ==>
680 case c (p2:< p1) of
681 Succeeded (p1':<p2') ->
682 case c (invert p2:< p1') of
683 Succeeded (p1'':<ip2x') -> p1'' == p1 &&
684 case c (invert p1:< invert p2) of
685 Succeeded (ip2':< ip1') ->
686 case c (p2':< invert p1) of
687 Succeeded (ip1o':< p2o) ->
688 invert ip1' == p1' && invert ip2' == p2' &&
689 ip1o' == ip1' && p2o == p2 &&
690 p1'' == p1 && ip2x' == ip2'
691 _ -> False
692 _ -> False
693 _ -> False
694 _ -> False
696 subcommutes_failure :: [(String, Prim -> Prim -> Property)]
697 subcommutes_failure = zip names (map prop cs)
698 where (names, cs) = unzip subcommutes
699 prop c p1 p2 =
700 does_fail c p1 p2 ==> case c (invert p1 :< invert p2) of
701 Failed -> True
702 _ -> False
704 does_fail :: CommuteFunction -> Prim -> Prim -> Bool
705 does_fail c p1 p2 =
706 fails (c (p2:<p1)) && (check_a_patch $ fromPrims $ unsafeFL [p1,p2])
707 where fails Failed = True
708 fails _ = False
710 does :: CommuteFunction -> Prim -> Prim -> Bool
711 does c p1 p2 =
712 succeeds (c (p2:<p1)) && (check_a_patch $ fromPrims $ unsafeFL [p1,p2])
713 where succeeds (Succeeded _) = True
714 succeeds _ = False
716 nontrivial :: CommuteFunction -> Prim -> Prim -> Bool
717 nontrivial c p1 p2 =
718 succeeds (c (p2:<p1)) && (check_a_patch $ fromPrims $ unsafeFL [p1,p2])
719 where succeeds (Succeeded (p1' :< p2')) = p1' /= p1 || p2' /= p2
720 succeeds _ = False
721 \end{code}