1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2005,2007-2008 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \chapter{DarcsRepo format}
19 \label{repository_format}
21 A repository consists of a working directory, which has within it a
22 directory called \verb!_darcs!. There must also be a subdirectory within
23 \verb!_darcs! named \verb!patches!. The \verb!patches! directory contains
24 the actual patches which are in the repository. There must also be a
25 \emph{pristine tree}, which may either be a directory containing a cache of
26 the version of the tree which has been recorded, or a stub, and may be
27 named either ``current'' or ``pristine''.
29 \emph{WARNING!} Viewing files in the pristine cache is perfectly
30 acceptable, but if you view them with an editor (e.g.\ vi or Emacs), that
31 editor may create temporary files in the pristine tree
32 (\verb|_darcs/pristine/| or \verb|_darcs/current/|), which will temporarily
33 cause your repository to be inconsistent. So \emph{don't record any
34 patches while viewing files in \_darcs/current with an editor!} A better
35 plan would be to restrict yourself to viewing these files with a pager such
38 Also within \verb!_darcs! is the \verb!inventory! file, which lists all the
39 patches that are in the repository. Moreover, it also gives the order of the
40 representation of the patches as they are stored. Given a source of patches,
41 i.e.\ any other set of repositories which have between them all the patches
42 contained in a given repository, that repository can be reproduced based on only the
43 information in the \verb!inventory! file. Under those circumstances, the
44 order of the patches specified in the \verb!inventory! file would be
45 unimportant, as this order is only needed to provide context for the
46 interpretation of the stored patches in this repository.
49 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
50 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
54 module Darcs.Repository.DarcsRepo ( write_inventory, write_inventory_and_patches,
55 add_to_inventory, add_to_tentative_pristine,
56 add_to_tentative_inventory, remove_from_tentative_inventory,
57 finalize_tentative_changes, finalize_pristine_changes,
58 revert_tentative_changes,
59 read_repo, read_tentative_repo, write_and_read_patch,
63 import System.Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, createDirectoryIfMissing )
64 import Workaround ( renameFile )
65 import Darcs.Utils ( clarify_errors )
66 import Darcs.Progress ( debugMessage, beginTedious, endTedious, finishedOneIO )
67 import Darcs.FilePathUtils ( absolute_dir )
68 import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
69 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
70 import Control.Monad ( liftM, when, unless )
71 import Darcs.Hopefully ( Hopefully, PatchInfoAnd,
72 patchInfoAndPatch, info,
73 actually, hopefully, unavailable, n2pia )
74 import Darcs.SignalHandler ( withSignalsBlocked )
76 import ByteStringUtils ( gzReadFilePS )
77 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, null, readFile, empty)
78 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (break, pack)
80 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( Slurpy, empty_slurpy )
81 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, Effect, Prim, Named, Patch, invert,
86 writePatch, gzWritePatch, showPatch )
87 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..), RL(..), (:<)(..),
88 reverseFL, mapFL, unsafeCoerceP,
89 reverseRL, concatRL, mapRL, mapRL_RL )
90 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, make_filename, readPatchInfo,
93 import Darcs.Patch.Set ( PatchSet, SealedPatchSet )
94 import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( is_tag )
95 import Darcs.External ( gzFetchFilePS, fetchFilePS, copyFilesOrUrls, Cachable(..),
97 import Darcs.Lock ( writeBinFile, writeDocBinFile, appendDocBinFile, appendBinFile )
98 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag( NoCompress ) )
99 import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( slightly_optimize_patchset, commute_to_end, deep_optimize_patchset )
100 import Darcs.Repository.Pristine ( identifyPristine, applyPristine )
101 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
102 import Darcs.Utils ( catchall )
103 import Darcs.Progress ( progressFL )
104 import Printer ( text, (<>), Doc, ($$), empty )
105 import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed(Sealed), seal, unseal )
108 There is a very special patch which may be stored in \verb!patches! which
109 is called `pending'. This patch describes any changes which have not yet
110 been recorded, and cannot be determined by a simple diff. For example, file
111 additions or renames are placed in pending until they are recorded.
112 Similarly, token replaces are stored in pending until they are recorded.
115 write_patch :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> Named p C(x y) -> IO FilePath
117 do let writeFun = if NoCompress `elem` opts
120 pname = darcsdir++"/patches/"++make_filename (patch2patchinfo p)
124 write_and_read_patch :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchInfoAnd p C(x y)
125 -> IO (PatchInfoAnd p C(x y))
126 write_and_read_patch opts p = do fn <- write_patch opts $ hopefully p
127 unsafeInterleaveIO $ parse fn
128 where parse fn = do debugMessage ("Reading patch file: "++ fn)
129 ps <- gzReadFilePS fn
130 Sealed pp <- case readPatch ps of
131 Just (x,_) -> return x
132 Nothing -> fail ("Couldn't parse patch file "++fn)
133 return $ n2pia $ unsafeCoerceP pp
138 --format_inventory is not exported for use outside of the DarcsRepo module
140 format_inventory :: [PatchInfo] -> Doc
141 format_inventory [] = empty
142 format_inventory (pinfo:ps) = showPatchInfo pinfo $$ format_inventory ps
144 write_inventory :: RepoPatch p => FilePath -> PatchSet p C(x) -> IO ()
145 -- Note that write_inventory optimizes the inventory it writes out by
146 -- checking on tag dependencies.
147 -- FIXME: There is also a problem that write_inventory always writes
148 -- out the entire inventory, including the parts that you haven't
150 write_inventory dir ps = withSignalsBlocked $ do
151 createDirectoryIfMissing False (dir++"/"++darcsdir++"/inventories")
152 simply_write_inventory "inventory" dir $ slightly_optimize_patchset ps
154 simply_write_inventory :: RepoPatch p => String -> FilePath -> PatchSet p C(x) -> IO ()
155 simply_write_inventory name dir NilRL =
156 writeBinFile (dir++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++name) ""
157 simply_write_inventory name dir (ps:<:NilRL) = do
158 writeDocBinFile (dir++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++name) $ format_inventory $ mapFL info $ reverseRL ps
159 simply_write_inventory _ _ (NilRL:<:_) =
160 fail $ "Bug in simply_write_inventory, please report!"
161 simply_write_inventory name dir (ps:<:pss) = do
162 tagname <- return $ make_filename $ last $ mapRL info ps
163 simply_write_inventory ("inventories/"++tagname) dir pss
164 writeDocBinFile (dir++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++name) $ text "Starting with tag:"
165 $$ format_inventory (mapFL info $ reverseRL ps)
167 write_inventory_and_patches :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> PatchSet p C(x) -> IO ()
168 write_inventory_and_patches opts ps = do write_inventory "." ps
169 sequence_ $ mapRL (write_patch opts . hopefully) $ concatRL ps
171 add_to_inventory :: FilePath -> [PatchInfo] -> IO ()
172 add_to_inventory dir pinfos =
173 appendDocBinFile (dir++"/"++darcsdir++"/inventory") $ text "\n" <> pidocs pinfos
176 pidocs (p:ps) = showPatchInfo p $$ pidocs ps
178 add_to_tentative_inventory :: forall p C(x y). RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> Named p C(x y) -> IO FilePath
179 add_to_tentative_inventory opts p =
180 do appendDocBinFile (darcsdir++"/tentative_inventory") $ text "\n"
181 <> showPatchInfo (patch2patchinfo p)
182 when (is_tag $ patch2patchinfo p) $
183 do debugMessage "Optimizing the tentative inventory, since we're adding a tag."
184 realdir <- absolute_dir "."
185 let k = "Reading tentative inventory"
187 Sealed ps <- read_repo_private k opts realdir "tentative_inventory"
188 :: IO (SealedPatchSet p)
189 simply_write_inventory "tentative_inventory" "." $ slightly_optimize_patchset ps
192 add_to_tentative_pristine :: Effect p => p C(x y) -> IO ()
193 add_to_tentative_pristine p =
194 do -- Sealed p <- (fst . fromJust . readPatchCarefully) `fmap` gzReadFilePS fp
195 appendDocBinFile (darcsdir++"/tentative_pristine") $ showPatch (effect p) -- FIXME: this is inefficient!
196 appendBinFile (darcsdir++"/tentative_pristine") "\n"
198 remove_from_tentative_inventory :: RepoPatch p => Bool -> [DarcsFlag] -> FL (Named p) C(x y) -> IO ()
199 remove_from_tentative_inventory update_pristine opts to_remove =
200 do finalize_tentative_changes
201 Sealed allpatches <- read_repo opts "."
202 skipped :< unmodified <- return $ commute_to_end (unsafeCoerceP to_remove) allpatches
203 sequence_ $ mapFL (write_patch opts) skipped
204 write_inventory "." $ deep_optimize_patchset
205 $ mapRL_RL n2pia (reverseFL skipped) :<: unmodified
206 remove_from_checkpoint_inventory to_remove
207 when update_pristine $
208 do pris <- identifyPristine
209 repairable $ applyPristine pris
210 $ progressFL "Applying inverse to pristine" $ invert to_remove
211 revert_tentative_changes
213 finalize_tentative_changes :: IO ()
214 finalize_tentative_changes = renameFile (darcsdir++"/tentative_inventory") (darcsdir++"/inventory")
216 finalize_pristine_changes :: IO ()
217 finalize_pristine_changes =
218 do Sealed ps <- read_patches $ darcsdir++"/tentative_pristine"
219 pris <- identifyPristine
220 repairable $ applyPristine pris ps
222 read_patches :: String -> IO (Sealed (FL Prim C(x)))
223 read_patches f = do ps <- B.readFile f
224 return $ case readPatch ps of
226 Nothing -> seal $ NilFL
228 repairable :: IO a -> IO a
229 repairable x = x `clarify_errors` unlines
230 ["Your repository is now in an inconsistent state.",
231 "This must be fixed by running darcs repair."]
233 revert_tentative_changes :: IO ()
234 revert_tentative_changes =
235 do cloneFile (darcsdir++"/inventory") (darcsdir++"/tentative_inventory")
236 writeBinFile (darcsdir++"/tentative_pristine") ""
240 copy_patches :: [DarcsFlag] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [PatchInfo] -> IO ()
241 copy_patches opts dir out patches = do
242 realdir <- absolute_dir dir
243 copyFilesOrUrls opts (realdir++"/"++darcsdir++"/patches") (map make_filename patches)
244 (out++"/"++darcsdir++"/patches") Cachable
246 read_repo :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO (SealedPatchSet p)
247 read_repo opts d = do
248 realdir <- absolute_dir d
249 let k = "Reading inventory of repository "++d
251 read_repo_private k opts realdir "inventory" `catch`
252 (\e -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("Invalid repository: " ++ realdir)
255 read_tentative_repo :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> String -> IO (SealedPatchSet p)
256 read_tentative_repo opts d = do
257 realdir <- absolute_dir d
258 let k = "Reading tentative inventory of repository "++d
260 read_repo_private k opts realdir "tentative_inventory" `catch`
261 (\e -> do hPutStrLn stderr ("Invalid repository: " ++ realdir)
264 read_repo_private :: RepoPatch p => String -> [DarcsFlag] -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO (SealedPatchSet p)
265 read_repo_private k opts d iname = do
266 i <- fetchFilePS (d++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++iname) Uncachable
267 finishedOneIO k iname
268 (rest,str) <- case BC.break ((==) '\n') i of
269 (swt,pistr) | swt == BC.pack "Starting with tag:" ->
270 do r <- rr $ head $ read_patch_ids pistr
273 return (seal NilRL,i)
274 pis <- return $ reverse $ read_patch_ids str
275 isdir <- doesDirectoryExist d
276 let parse f = let fn = d ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/patches/" ++ make_filename f
277 in if isdir then parse_local fn
279 lift2Sealed (:<:) (return rest) (read_patches parse pis)
280 where rr pinfo = unsafeInterleaveIO $ read_repo_private k opts d $
281 "inventories/"++make_filename pinfo
282 -- parse_remote should really download to a temporary file removed
284 parse_remote, parse_local :: RepoPatch p => String -> IO (Sealed (Hopefully (Named p) C(x)))
285 parse_remote fn = do ps <- gzFetchFilePS fn Cachable
286 return $ hopefullyNoParseError fn (readPatch ps)
287 parse_local fn = do ps <- gzReadFilePS fn
288 return $ hopefullyNoParseError fn (readPatch ps)
289 hopefullyNoParseError :: String -> Maybe (Sealed (a C(x)), b) -> Sealed (Hopefully a C(x))
290 hopefullyNoParseError _ (Just (Sealed x, _)) = seal $ actually x
291 hopefullyNoParseError s Nothing = seal $ unavailable $ "Couldn't parse file "++s
292 read_patches :: RepoPatch p => (FORALL(b) PatchInfo -> IO (Sealed (Hopefully (Named p) C(b))))
293 -> [PatchInfo] -> IO (Sealed (RL (PatchInfoAnd p) C(x)))
294 read_patches _ [] = return $ seal NilRL
295 read_patches parse (i:is) =
296 lift2Sealed (\p rest -> i `patchInfoAndPatch` p :<: rest)
297 (read_patches parse is)
298 (parse i `catch` \e -> return $ seal $ unavailable $ show e)
299 lift2Sealed :: (FORALL(y z) q C(y z) -> p C(x y) -> r C(x z))
300 -> IO (Sealed (p C(x))) -> (FORALL(b) IO (Sealed (q C(b)))) -> IO (Sealed (r C(x)))
301 lift2Sealed f iox ioy = do Sealed x <- unseal seal `fmap` unsafeInterleaveIO iox
302 Sealed y <- unseal seal `fmap` unsafeInterleaveIO ioy
303 return $ seal $ f y x
305 read_patch_ids :: B.ByteString -> [PatchInfo]
306 read_patch_ids inv | B.null inv = []
307 read_patch_ids inv = case readPatchInfo inv of
308 Just (pinfo,r) -> pinfo : read_patch_ids r
313 read_checkpoints :: String -> IO [(PatchInfo, Maybe Slurpy)]
314 read_checkpoints d = do
315 realdir <- absolute_dir d
316 pistr <- fetchFilePS (realdir++"/"++darcsdir++"/checkpoints/inventory") Uncachable
317 `catchall` return B.empty
318 pis <- return $ reverse $ read_patch_ids pistr
319 slurpies <- sequence $ map (fetch_checkpoint realdir) pis
320 return $ zip pis slurpies
321 where fetch_checkpoint r pinfo =
322 unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
323 pstr <- gzFetchFilePS
324 (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/checkpoints/"++make_filename pinfo) Cachable
325 case fst `liftM` readPatch_ pstr of
326 Nothing -> return Nothing
327 Just (Sealed p) -> return $ apply_to_slurpy p empty_slurpy
328 readPatch_ :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (Sealed (Named Patch C(x)), B.ByteString)
329 readPatch_ = readPatch
331 remove_from_checkpoint_inventory :: RepoPatch p => FL (Named p) C(x y) -> IO ()
332 remove_from_checkpoint_inventory ps = do
333 -- only tags can be checkpoints
334 let pinfos = filter is_tag $ mapFL patch2patchinfo ps
335 unless (null pinfos) $ do
336 createDirectoryIfMissing False (darcsdir++"/checkpoints")
337 cpi <- (map fst) `liftM` read_checkpoints "."
338 writeDocBinFile (darcsdir++"/checkpoints/inventory") $
339 format_inventory $ reverse $ filter (`notElem` pinfos) cpi
342 The \verb!_darcs! directory also contains a directory called
343 ``\verb!prefs!'', which is described in Chapter~\ref{configuring}.
346 \section{Getting interesting info on change history}
348 One can query the repository for the entire markup history of a file. This
349 provides a data structure which contains a history of \emph{all} the
350 revisions ever made on a given file.