Find git executable at run time
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Repository / Format.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2005 David Roundy
3 % This file is licensed under the GPL, version two or later.
5 \begin{code}
6 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
7 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
9 module Darcs.Repository.Format ( RepoFormat(..), RepoProperty(..), identifyRepoFormat,
10 create_repo_format, writeRepoFormat,
11 write_problem, read_problem, readfrom_and_writeto_problem,
12 format_has, format_has_together,
13 ) where
15 import Data.List ( sort )
16 import Data.Maybe ( isJust, catMaybes )
17 import Control.Monad ( msum )
19 import Darcs.SignalHandler ( catchNonSignal )
20 import Darcs.External ( fetchFilePS, Cachable( Cachable ) )
21 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag ( UseFormat2, UseHashedInventory,
22 UseOldFashionedInventory ) )
23 import Darcs.Lock ( writeBinFile )
24 import Darcs.Utils ( catchall, prettyException )
25 import Darcs.Progress ( beginTedious, endTedious, finishedOneIO )
26 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
28 import ByteStringUtils ( linesPS )
29 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (split, unpack, singleton, elemIndex, pack)
30 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, null, empty)
31 import qualified ByteStringUtils as BU ( intercalate )
33 #include "impossible.h"
35 data RepoProperty = Darcs1_0 | Darcs2 | HashedInventory
36 newtype RepoFormat = RF [[B.ByteString]] deriving ( Show )
37 \end{code}
39 \begin{code}
40 df :: FilePath
41 df = darcsdir++"/format"
43 identifyRepoFormat :: String -> IO (Either String RepoFormat)
44 identifyRepoFormat repo =
45 do let k = "Identifying repository "++repo
46 beginTedious k
47 finishedOneIO k "format"
48 dff <- fetchFilePS (repo ++ "/" ++ df) Cachable `catchall` return B.empty
49 -- below is a workaround for servers that don't return a 404 on nonexistent files
50 rf <- if B.null dff || isJust (BC.elemIndex '<' dff)
51 then do finishedOneIO k "inventory"
52 have_inventory <- doesRemoteFileExist (repo++"/"++darcsdir++"/inventory")
53 case have_inventory of
54 Right _ -> return $ Right default_repo_format
55 Left e -> return $ Left $ "Not a repository: "++repo++" ("++e++")"
56 else return $ Right $ parse_repo_format dff
57 endTedious k
58 return rf
59 where drfe x = fetchFilePS x Cachable >> return True
60 doesRemoteFileExist x = (fmap Right) (drfe x) `catchNonSignal`
61 (\e -> return (Left (prettyException e)))
64 writeRepoFormat :: RepoFormat -> FilePath -> IO ()
65 writeRepoFormat (RF rf) loc = writeBinFile loc $ unlines $
66 map (BC.unpack . BU.intercalate (BC.singleton '|')) rf
68 parse_repo_format :: B.ByteString -> RepoFormat
69 parse_repo_format ps =
70 RF $ map (BC.split '|') $ filter (not . B.null) $ linesPS ps
72 default_repo_format :: RepoFormat
73 default_repo_format = RF [[rp2ps Darcs1_0]]
75 create_repo_format :: [DarcsFlag] -> RepoFormat
76 create_repo_format fs = RF ([map rp2ps flags2inv] ++ maybe2)
77 where flags2inv | UseFormat2 `elem` fs = [HashedInventory]
78 | UseHashedInventory `elem` fs = [HashedInventory]
79 | UseOldFashionedInventory `elem` fs = [Darcs1_0]
80 | otherwise = [HashedInventory]
81 maybe2 = if UseFormat2 `notElem` fs &&
82 (UseOldFashionedInventory `elem` fs ||
83 UseHashedInventory `elem` fs)
84 then []
85 else [[rp2ps Darcs2]]
87 \end{code}
89 \begin{code}
90 -- Nothing means we can write
91 write_problem :: RepoFormat -> Maybe String
92 write_problem rf | isJust $ read_problem rf = read_problem rf
93 write_problem (RF ks) = unlines `fmap` justsOrNothing (map wp ks)
94 where wp x | all is_known x = Nothing
95 wp [] = impossible
96 wp x = Just $ unwords $ "Can't write repository format: " :
97 map BC.unpack (filter (not . is_known) x)
99 readfrom_and_writeto_problem :: RepoFormat -> RepoFormat -> Maybe String
100 readfrom_and_writeto_problem inrf outrf
101 | format_has Darcs2 inrf /= format_has Darcs2 outrf
102 = Just "Cannot mix darcs-2 repositories with older formats"
103 | otherwise = msum [read_problem inrf, write_problem outrf]
104 \end{code}
106 \begin{code}
107 read_problem :: RepoFormat -> Maybe String
108 read_problem rf | format_has Darcs1_0 rf && format_has Darcs2 rf
109 = Just "Invalid repositoryformat: format 2 is incompatible with format 1"
110 read_problem (RF ks) = unlines `fmap` justsOrNothing (map rp ks)
111 where rp x | any is_known x = Nothing
112 rp [] = impossible
113 rp x = Just $ unwords $
114 "Can't understand repository format:" : map BC.unpack x
116 is_known :: B.ByteString -> Bool
117 is_known p = p `elem` map rp2ps known_properties
119 known_properties :: [RepoProperty]
120 known_properties = [Darcs1_0, Darcs2, HashedInventory]
122 justsOrNothing :: [Maybe x] -> Maybe [x]
123 justsOrNothing mxs =
124 case catMaybes mxs of
125 [] -> Nothing
126 xs -> Just xs
127 \end{code}
129 \begin{code}
130 format_has :: RepoProperty -> RepoFormat -> Bool
131 format_has f (RF ks) = rp2ps f `elem` concat ks
133 format_has_together :: [RepoProperty] -> RepoFormat -> Bool
134 format_has_together fs (RF ks) = fht (sort $ map rp2ps fs) ks
135 where fht _ [] = False
136 fht x (y:ys) | x == sort y = True
137 | otherwise = fht x ys
138 \end{code}
140 \begin{code}
141 rp2ps :: RepoProperty -> B.ByteString
142 rp2ps Darcs1_0 = BC.pack "darcs-1.0"
143 rp2ps Darcs2 = BC.pack "darcs-2"
144 rp2ps HashedInventory = BC.pack "hashed"
145 \end{code}