1 % Copyright (C) 2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
15 % Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
18 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
19 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
23 module Darcs.Repository.HashedIO ( HashedIO, applyHashed,
24 copyHashed, syncHashedPristine, copyPartialsHashed, listHashedContents,
25 slurpHashedPristine, writeHashedPristine,
28 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
29 import Data.List ( (\\) )
30 import System.Directory ( getDirectoryContents, createDirectoryIfMissing )
31 import System.Posix.Types ( EpochTime )
32 import Control.Monad.State ( StateT, runStateT, modify, get, put, gets, lift )
33 import Control.Monad ( when )
34 import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
35 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
37 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( Slurpy(..), withSlurpy, undefined_time, undefined_size )
38 import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( Cache, fetchFileUsingCache, writeFileUsingCache,
39 peekInCache, speculateFileUsingCache,
40 findFileMtimeUsingCache, setFileMtimeUsingCache,
41 okayHash, cleanCachesWithHint, HashedDir(..), hashedDir )
42 import Darcs.Patch ( Patchy, apply )
43 import Darcs.RepoPath ( FilePathLike, toFilePath )
44 import Darcs.IO ( ReadableDirectory(..), WriteableDirectory(..) )
45 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag, Compression( .. ), compression )
46 import Darcs.Lock ( writeAtomicFilePS, removeFileMayNotExist )
47 import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory )
48 import Darcs.Progress ( debugMessage, beginTedious, endTedious, tediousSize, finishedOneIO, progress )
49 import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( FileName, norm_path, fp2fn, fn2fp, fn2niceps, niceps2fn,
50 break_on_dir, own_name, super_name )
52 import ByteStringUtils ( linesPS, unlinesPS )
53 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, length, empty)
54 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack, pack)
56 import SHA1 ( sha1PS )
58 readHashFile :: Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO (String,B.ByteString)
59 readHashFile c subdir hash =
60 do debugMessage $ "Reading hash file "++hash++" from "++(hashedDir subdir)++"/"
61 fetchFileUsingCache c subdir hash
63 applyHashed :: Patchy q => Cache -> [DarcsFlag] -> String -> q C(x y) -> IO String
64 applyHashed c fs h p = do s <- slurpHashedPristine c (compression fs) h
65 let ms = withSlurpy s $ apply fs p
68 Right (s', ()) -> writeHashedPristine c (compression fs) s'
70 applyHashed c fs h p = do (_,hd) <- runStateT (apply fs p) $
71 HashDir { permissions = RW, cache = c,
72 options = fs, rootHash = h }
76 data HashDir r p = HashDir { permissions :: !r, cache :: !Cache,
77 compress :: !Compression, rootHash :: !String }
78 type HashedIO r p = StateT (HashDir r p) IO
83 class Readable r where
87 instance Readable RO where
91 instance ReadableDirectory (HashedIO r p) where
92 mDoesDirectoryExist fn = do thing <- identifyThing fn
93 case thing of Just (D,_) -> return True
95 mDoesFileExist fn = do thing <- identifyThing fn
96 case thing of Just (F,_) -> return True
98 mInCurrentDirectory fn j | fn' == fp2fn "" = j
100 case break_on_dir fn' of
101 Nothing -> do c <- readroot
103 Nothing -> fail "dir doesn't exist mInCurrentDirectory..."
105 Just (d,fn'') -> do c <- readroot
107 Nothing -> fail "dir doesn't exist..."
108 Just h -> inh h $ mInCurrentDirectory fn'' j
109 where fn' = norm_path fn
110 mGetDirectoryContents = map (\ (_,f,_) -> f) `fmap` readroot
111 mReadFilePS fn = mInCurrentDirectory (super_name fn) $ do
113 case geta F (own_name fn) c of
114 Nothing -> fail $ " file don't exist... "++ fn2fp fn
117 instance WriteableDirectory (HashedIO RW p) where
118 mWithCurrentDirectory fn j
119 | fn' == fp2fn "" = j
121 case break_on_dir fn' of
122 Nothing -> do c <- readroot
124 Nothing -> fail "dir doesn't exist in mWithCurrentDirectory..."
125 Just h -> do (h',x) <- withh h j
126 writeroot $ seta D fn' h' c
128 Just (d,fn'') -> do c <- readroot
130 Nothing -> fail "dir doesn't exist..."
131 Just h -> do (h',x) <- withh h $ mWithCurrentDirectory fn'' j
132 writeroot $ seta D d h' c
134 where fn' = norm_path fn
135 mSetFileExecutable _ _ = return ()
136 mWriteFilePS fn ps = do mexists <- identifyThing fn
138 Just (D,_) -> fail "can't write file over directory"
139 _ -> do h <- writeHashFile ps
141 mCreateDirectory fn = do h <- writeHashFile B.empty
142 exists <- isJust `fmap` identifyThing fn
143 when exists $ fail "can't mCreateDirectory over an existing object."
145 mRename o n = do nexists <- isJust `fmap` identifyThing n
146 when nexists $ fail "mRename failed..."
147 mx <- identifyThing o
148 -- for backwards compatibility accept rename of nonexistent files.
149 case mx of Nothing -> return ()
150 Just x -> do rmThing o
152 mRemoveDirectory = rmThing
153 mRemoveFile f = do x <- mReadFilePS f
154 when (B.length x /= 0) $
155 fail $ "Cannot remove non-empty file "++fn2fp f
158 identifyThing :: FileName -> HashedIO r p (Maybe (ObjType,String))
159 identifyThing fn | fn' == fp2fn "" = do h <- gets rootHash
161 | otherwise = case break_on_dir fn' of
162 Nothing -> getany fn' `fmap` readroot
163 Just (d,fn'') -> do c <- readroot
165 Nothing -> return Nothing
166 Just h -> inh h $ identifyThing fn''
167 where fn' = norm_path fn
169 makeThing :: FileName -> (ObjType,String) -> HashedIO RW p ()
170 makeThing fn (o,h) = mWithCurrentDirectory (super_name $ norm_path fn) $
171 seta o (own_name $ norm_path fn) h `fmap` readroot >>= writeroot
173 rmThing :: FileName -> HashedIO RW p ()
174 rmThing fn = mWithCurrentDirectory (super_name $ norm_path fn) $
176 let c' = filter (\(_,x,_)->x/= own_name (norm_path fn)) c
177 if length c' == length c - 1
179 else fail "obj doesn't exist in rmThing"
181 readhash :: String -> HashedIO r p B.ByteString
182 readhash h = do c <- gets cache
183 z <- lift $ unsafeInterleaveIO $ readHashFile c HashedPristineDir h
187 readTediousHash :: String -> String -> HashedIO r p B.ByteString
188 readTediousHash k h = do lift $ finishedOneIO k h
191 gethashmtime :: String -> HashedIO r p EpochTime
192 gethashmtime h = do HashDir _ c _ _ <- get
193 lift $ unsafeInterleaveIO $ findFileMtimeUsingCache c HashedPristineDir h
195 withh :: String -> HashedIO RW p a -> HashedIO RW p (String,a)
196 withh h j = do hd <- get
197 put $ hd { rootHash = h }
203 inh :: String -> HashedIO r p a -> HashedIO r p a
204 inh h j = do hd <- get
205 put $ hd { rootHash = h }
210 safeInterleave :: HashedIO RO p a -> HashedIO r p a
211 safeInterleave job = do HashDir _ c compr h <- get
212 z <- lift $ unsafeInterleaveIO $ runStateT job
213 (HashDir { permissions = RO, cache = c, compress = compr, rootHash = h })
217 readroot :: HashedIO r p [(ObjType, FileName, String)]
218 readroot = do haveitalready <- peekroot
219 cc <- gets rootHash >>= readdir
220 when (not haveitalready) $ speculate cc
222 where speculate :: [(a,b,String)] -> HashedIO r q ()
223 speculate c = do cac <- gets cache
224 mapM_ (\(_,_,z) -> lift $ speculateFileUsingCache cac HashedPristineDir z) c
225 peekroot :: HashedIO r p Bool
226 peekroot = do HashDir _ c _ h <- get
227 lift $ peekInCache c HashedPristineDir h
229 writeroot :: [(ObjType, FileName, String)] -> HashedIO r p ()
230 writeroot c = do h <- writedir c
231 modify $ \hd -> hd { rootHash = h }
233 data ObjType = F | D deriving Eq
235 geta :: ObjType -> FileName -> [(ObjType, FileName, String)] -> Maybe String
236 geta o f c = do (o',h) <- getany f c
237 if o == o' then Just h else Nothing
239 getany :: FileName -> [(ObjType, FileName, String)] -> Maybe (ObjType,String)
240 getany _ [] = Nothing
241 getany f ((o,f',h):_) | f == f' = Just (o,h)
242 getany f (_:r) = getany f r
244 seta :: ObjType -> FileName -> String -> [(ObjType, FileName, String)] -> [(ObjType, FileName, String)]
245 seta o f h [] = [(o,f,h)]
246 seta o f h ((_,f',_):r) | f == f' = (o,f,h):r
247 seta o f h (x:xs) = x : seta o f h xs
249 readdir :: String -> HashedIO r p [(ObjType, FileName, String)]
250 readdir hash = (parsed . linesPS) `fmap` readhash hash
251 where parsed (t:n:h:rest) | t == dir = (D, niceps2fn n, BC.unpack h) : parsed rest
252 | t == file = (F, niceps2fn n, BC.unpack h) : parsed rest
255 dir = BC.pack "directory:"
257 file = BC.pack "file:"
260 writedir :: [(ObjType, FileName, String)] -> HashedIO r p String
261 writedir c = writeHashFile cps
262 where cps = unlinesPS $ concatMap (\ (o,d,h) -> [showO o,fn2niceps d,BC.pack h]) c++[B.empty]
266 writeHashFile :: B.ByteString -> HashedIO r p String
267 writeHashFile ps = do c <- gets cache
268 compr <- gets compress
269 lift $ writeFileUsingCache c compr HashedPristineDir ps
271 -- |Create a Slurpy representing the pristine content determined by the
272 -- supplied root hash (which uniquely determines the pristine tree)
273 slurpHashedPristine :: Cache -> Compression -> String -> IO Slurpy
274 slurpHashedPristine c compr h = fst `fmap` runStateT slh
275 (HashDir { permissions = RO, cache = c,
276 compress = compr, rootHash = h })
278 slh :: HashedIO r p Slurpy
279 slh = do c <- readroot
280 hroot <- gets rootHash
281 lift $ beginTedious k
282 safeInterleave $ SlurpDir rootdir (Just hroot) `fmap` mapM sl c
283 where sl (F,n,h) = do ps <- safeInterleave $ readTediousHash k h
285 let len = if length h == 75 then read (take 10 h)
287 return $ SlurpFile n (Just h, t, len) ps
288 sl (D,n,h) = inh h $ do c <- readroot
289 lift $ tediousSize k (length c)
290 lift $ finishedOneIO k h
291 SlurpDir n (Just h) `fmap` mapM sl c
292 k = "Reading pristine"
297 -- |Write contents of a Slurpy into hashed pristine. Only files that have not
298 -- not yet been hashed (that is, the hash corresponding to their content is
299 -- already present in hashed pristine) will be written out, so it is efficient
300 -- to use this function to update existing pristine cache. Note that the
301 -- pristine root hash will *not* be updated. You need to do that manually.
302 writeHashedPristine :: Cache -> Compression -> Slurpy -> IO String
303 writeHashedPristine c compr sl =
305 h <- fst `fmap` runStateT (hsl sl)
306 (HashDir { permissions = RW, cache = c,
307 compress = compr, rootHash = sha1PS B.empty })
310 where hsl (SlurpDir _ (Just h) _) = return h
311 hsl (SlurpDir _ Nothing ss) = do lift $ tediousSize k (length ss)
312 mapM hs ss >>= writedir
313 hsl (SlurpFile _ (Just h,_,_) _) = return h
314 hsl (SlurpFile _ _ x) = writeHashFile x
315 hs (SlurpDir d (Just h) _) = progress k $ return (D, d, h)
316 hs s@(SlurpDir d Nothing _) = do h <- hsl s
317 lift $ finishedOneIO k h
319 hs (SlurpFile f (Just h,_,_) _) = progress k $ return (F, f, h)
320 hs s@(SlurpFile f _ _) = do h <- hsl s
321 lift $ finishedOneIO k h
323 k = "Writing pristine"
325 grab :: FileName -> Slurpy -> Maybe Slurpy
326 grab _ (SlurpFile _ _ _) = Nothing
327 grab fn (SlurpDir _ _ ss) = g ss where g [] = Nothing
328 g (s@(SlurpDir fn' _ _):_) | fn' == fn = Just s
329 g (s@(SlurpFile fn' _ _):_) | fn' == fn = Just s
332 -- |Update timestamps on pristine files to match those in the working directory
333 -- (which is passed to this function in form of a Slurpy). It needed for the
334 -- mtime-based unsafeDiff optimisation to work efficiently.
335 syncHashedPristine :: Cache -> Slurpy -> String -> IO ()
336 syncHashedPristine c s r = do runStateT sh $ HashDir { permissions=RW, cache=c,
337 compress=compression [], rootHash=r }
339 where sh = do cc <- readroot
340 lift $ tediousSize k (length cc)
342 sh' (D,n,h) = case progress k $ grab n s of
343 Just s' -> lift $ syncHashedPristine c s' h
345 sh' (F,n,h) = case progress k $ grab n s of
346 Just (SlurpFile _ (_,t',l) x) ->
347 do t <- lift $ findFileMtimeUsingCache c HashedPristineDir h
348 when (t' /= undefined_time && t' /= t) $
350 when (B.length ps == fromIntegral l && ps == x) $
351 lift $ setFileMtimeUsingCache c HashedPristineDir h t'
353 k = "Synchronizing pristine"
355 copyHashed :: String -> Cache -> Compression -> String -> IO ()
356 copyHashed k c compr z = do runStateT cph $ HashDir { permissions = RO, cache = c,
357 compress = compr, rootHash = z }
359 where cph = do cc <- readroot
360 lift $ tediousSize k (length cc)
362 cp (F,n,h) = do ps <- readhash h
363 lift $ finishedOneIO k (fn2fp n)
364 lift $ writeAtomicFilePS (fn2fp n) ps
365 cp (D,n,h) = do lift $ createDirectoryIfMissing False (fn2fp n)
366 lift $ finishedOneIO k (fn2fp n)
367 lift $ withCurrentDirectory (fn2fp n) $ copyHashed k c compr h
369 copyPartialsHashed :: FilePathLike fp =>
370 Cache -> Compression -> String -> [fp] -> IO ()
371 copyPartialsHashed c compr root = mapM_ (copyPartialHashed c compr root)
373 copyPartialHashed :: FilePathLike fp => Cache -> Compression -> String -> fp -> IO ()
374 copyPartialHashed c compr root ff =
375 do createDirectoryIfMissing True (basename $ toFilePath ff)
376 runStateT (cp $ fp2fn $ toFilePath ff) $
377 HashDir { permissions = RO, cache = c,
378 compress=compr, rootHash = root }
380 where basename = reverse . dropWhile ('/' /=) . dropWhile ('/' ==) . reverse
381 cp f = do mt <- identifyThing f
383 Just (D,h) -> do lift $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (fn2fp f)
384 lift $ withCurrentDirectory (fn2fp f) $ copyHashed "" c compr h
385 Just (F,h) -> do ps <- readhash h
386 lift $ writeAtomicFilePS (fn2fp f) ps
389 -- Seems to list all hashes reachable from "root".
390 listHashedContents :: String -> Cache -> String -> IO [String]
391 listHashedContents k c root =
394 x <- fst `fmap` runStateT (lhc (D,fp2fn ".",root)) (HashDir RO c NoCompression root)
397 where lhc :: (ObjType, FileName, String) -> HashedIO r a [String]
398 lhc (D,dname,d) = do xs <- inh d $ readroot
399 lift $ finishedOneIO k (fn2fp dname)
400 lift $ tediousSize k (length $ filter (\(x,_,_) -> x == D) xs)
402 return (d:concat hcxs)
403 lhc (F,_,h) = return [h]
405 clean_hashdir :: Cache -> HashedDir -> [String] -> IO ()
406 clean_hashdir c dir_ hashroots =
407 do -- we'll remove obsolete bits of "dir"
408 debugMessage $ "Cleaning out " ++ (hashedDir dir_) ++ "..."
409 let hashdir = darcsdir ++ "/" ++ (hashedDir dir_) ++ "/"
410 hs <- concat `fmap` (mapM (listHashedContents "cleaning up..." c) hashroots)
411 fs <- filter okayHash `fmap` getDirectoryContents hashdir
412 mapM_ (removeFileMayNotExist . (hashdir++)) (fs \\ hs)
413 -- and also clean out any global caches.
414 debugMessage "Cleaning out any global caches..."
415 cleanCachesWithHint c dir_ (fs \\ hs)