Find git executable at run time
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Utils.lhs
1 % Various utility functions that do not belong anywhere else.
3 \begin{code}
4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fffi #-}
5 {-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
7 module Darcs.Utils ( catchall, ortryrunning, nubsort, breakCommand,
8 clarify_errors, prettyException,
9 putStrLnError, putDocLnError,
10 withCurrentDirectory,
11 withUMask, askUser, stripCr,
12 showHexLen, add_to_error_loc,
13 maybeGetEnv, firstNotBlank, firstJustM, firstJustIO,
14 isUnsupportedOperationError, isHardwareFaultError,
15 get_viewer, edit_file, promptYorn, promptCharFancy, without_buffering,
16 formatPath ) where
18 import Prelude hiding ( catch )
19 import Control.Exception ( bracket, bracket_, catch, Exception(IOException), throwIO, try )
20 import Control.Concurrent ( newEmptyMVar, takeMVar, putMVar, forkIO )
21 #if !defined(WIN32) || __GLASGOW_HASKELL__>=609
22 import Control.Concurrent ( threadWaitRead )
23 #endif
24 import GHC.IOBase ( IOException(ioe_location),
25 IOErrorType(UnsupportedOperation, HardwareFault) )
26 import System.IO.Error ( isUserError, ioeGetErrorType, ioeGetErrorString )
28 import Darcs.SignalHandler ( catchNonSignal )
29 import Numeric ( showHex )
30 import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) )
31 import System.Environment ( getEnv )
32 import System.IO ( hFlush, hPutStrLn, stderr, stdout, stdin,
33 BufferMode ( NoBuffering ),
34 hLookAhead, hReady, hSetBuffering, hGetBuffering, hIsTerminalDevice )
35 import Data.Char ( toUpper )
36 import Darcs.RepoPath ( FilePathLike, getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory, toFilePath )
37 import Data.Maybe ( listToMaybe, isJust )
38 import Data.List ( group, sort )
39 import Control.Monad ( when )
40 import Exec ( exec_interactive )
41 import Printer ( Doc, hPutDocLn )
42 import Foreign.C.String ( CString, withCString )
43 import Foreign.C.Error ( throwErrno )
44 import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt )
46 import Darcs.Progress ( withoutProgress )
49 import System.Console.Haskeline ( runInputT, defaultSettings, getInputLine )
50 #endif
52 #ifdef WIN32
53 import System.Posix.Internals ( getEcho, setCooked, setEcho )
54 #endif
56 showHexLen :: (Integral a) => Int -> a -> String
57 showHexLen n x = let s = showHex x ""
58 in replicate (n - length s) ' ' ++ s
60 add_to_error_loc :: Exception -> String -> Exception
61 add_to_error_loc (IOException ioe) s
62 = IOException $ ioe { ioe_location = s ++ ": " ++ ioe_location ioe }
63 add_to_error_loc e _ = e
65 isUnsupportedOperationError :: IOError -> Bool
66 isUnsupportedOperationError = isUnsupportedOperationErrorType . ioeGetErrorType
68 isUnsupportedOperationErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
69 isUnsupportedOperationErrorType UnsupportedOperation = True
70 isUnsupportedOperationErrorType _ = False
72 isHardwareFaultError :: IOError -> Bool
73 isHardwareFaultError = isHardwareFaultErrorType . ioeGetErrorType
75 isHardwareFaultErrorType :: IOErrorType -> Bool
76 isHardwareFaultErrorType HardwareFault = True
77 isHardwareFaultErrorType _ = False
79 catchall :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a
80 a `catchall` b = a `catchNonSignal` (\_ -> b)
82 maybeGetEnv :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
83 maybeGetEnv s = (getEnv s >>= return.Just) `catchall` return Nothing -- err can only be isDoesNotExist
86 -- |The firstJustM returns the first Just entry in a list of monadic operations. This is close to
87 -- `listToMaybe `fmap` sequence`, but the sequence operator evaluates all monadic members of the
88 -- list before passing it along (i.e. sequence is strict). The firstJustM is lazy in that list
89 -- member monads are only evaluated up to the point where the first Just entry is obtained.
90 firstJustM :: Monad m => [m (Maybe a)] -> m (Maybe a)
91 firstJustM [] = return Nothing
92 firstJustM (e:es) = e >>= (\v -> if isJust v then return v else firstJustM es)
94 -- |The firstJustIO is a slight modification to firstJustM: the
95 -- entries in the list must be IO monad operations and the
96 -- firstJustIO will silently turn any monad call that throws an
97 -- exception into Nothing, basically causing it to be ignored.
98 firstJustIO :: [IO (Maybe a)] -> IO (Maybe a)
99 firstJustIO = firstJustM . map (\o -> o `catchall` return Nothing)
102 clarify_errors :: IO a -> String -> IO a
103 clarify_errors a e = a `catch` (\x -> fail $ unlines [prettyException x,e])
105 prettyException :: Control.Exception.Exception -> String
106 prettyException (IOException e) | isUserError e = ioeGetErrorString e
107 prettyException e = show e
109 ortryrunning :: IO ExitCode -> IO ExitCode -> IO ExitCode
110 a `ortryrunning` b = do ret <- try a
111 case ret of
112 (Right ExitSuccess) -> return ExitSuccess
113 _ -> b
115 putStrLnError :: String -> IO ()
116 putStrLnError = hPutStrLn stderr
118 putDocLnError :: Doc -> IO ()
119 putDocLnError = hPutDocLn stderr
121 withCurrentDirectory :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO a -> IO a
122 withCurrentDirectory name m =
123 bracket
124 (do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
125 when (toFilePath name /= "") (setCurrentDirectory name)
126 return cwd)
127 (\oldwd -> setCurrentDirectory oldwd `catchall` return ())
128 (const m)
130 foreign import ccall unsafe "umask.h set_umask" set_umask
131 :: CString -> IO CInt
132 foreign import ccall unsafe "umask.h reset_umask" reset_umask
133 :: CInt -> IO CInt
135 withUMask :: String -> IO a -> IO a
136 withUMask umask job =
137 do rc <-withCString umask set_umask
138 when (rc < 0) (throwErrno "Couldn't set umask")
139 bracket_
140 (return ())
141 (reset_umask rc)
144 -- withThread is used to allow ctrl-C to work even while we're waiting for
145 -- user input. The job is run in a separate thread, and any exceptions it
146 -- produces are re-thrown in the parent thread.
147 withThread :: IO a -> IO a
148 withThread j = do m <- newEmptyMVar
149 forkIO (runJob m)
150 takeMVar m >>= either throwIO return
151 where runJob m = (j >>= putMVar m . Right) `catch` (putMVar m . Left)
153 askUser :: String -> IO String
155 askUser prompt = withoutProgress $ runInputT defaultSettings (getInputLine prompt)
156 >>= maybe (error "askUser: unexpected end of input") return
158 #else
159 askUser prompt = withThread $ withoutProgress $ do putStr prompt
160 hFlush stdout
161 waitForStdin
162 #ifndef WIN32
163 getLine
164 #else
165 stripCr `fmap` getLine
166 #endif
167 #endif
169 waitForStdin :: IO ()
170 #ifdef WIN32
171 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
172 waitForStdin = threadWaitRead 0
173 #else
174 waitForStdin = return () -- threadWaitRead didn't work prior to 6.9
175 #endif
176 #else
177 waitForStdin = threadWaitRead 0
178 #endif
180 stripCr :: String -> String
181 stripCr "" = ""
182 stripCr "\r" = ""
183 stripCr (c:cs) = c : stripCr cs
185 -- |Returns Just l where l is first non-blank string in input array; Nothing if no non-blank entries
186 firstNotBlank :: [String] -> Maybe String
187 firstNotBlank = listToMaybe . filter (not . null)
190 -- Format a path for screen output,
191 -- so that the user sees where the path begins and ends.
192 -- Could (should?) also warn about unprintable characters here.
193 formatPath :: String -> String
194 formatPath path = "\"" ++ quote path ++ "\""
195 where quote "" = ""
196 quote (c:cs) = if c=='\\' || c=='"'
197 then '\\':c:quote cs
198 else c:quote cs
200 breakCommand :: String -> (String, [String])
201 breakCommand s = case words s of
202 (arg0:args) -> (arg0,args)
203 [] -> (s,[])
205 nubsort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
206 nubsort = map head . group . sort
208 \end{code}
210 \begin{code}
211 edit_file :: FilePathLike p => p -> IO ExitCode
212 edit_file ff = do
213 let f = toFilePath ff
214 ed <- get_editor
215 exec_interactive ed f
216 `ortryrunning` exec_interactive "emacs" f
217 `ortryrunning` exec_interactive "emacs -nw" f
218 `ortryrunning` exec_interactive "nano" f
219 #ifdef WIN32
220 `ortryrunning` exec_interactive "edit" f
221 #endif
222 get_editor :: IO String
223 get_editor = getEnv "DARCS_EDITOR" `catchall`
224 getEnv "DARCSEDITOR" `catchall`
225 getEnv "VISUAL" `catchall`
226 getEnv "EDITOR" `catchall` return "vi"
227 \end{code}
229 \begin{code}
230 get_viewer :: IO String
231 get_viewer = getEnv "DARCS_PAGER" `catchall`
232 getEnv "PAGER" `catchall` return "less"
233 \end{code}
235 \begin{code}
236 promptYorn :: [Char] -> IO Char
237 promptYorn p = promptCharFancy p "yn" Nothing []
239 promptCharFancy :: String -> [Char] -> Maybe Char -> [Char] -> IO Char
240 promptCharFancy p chs md help_chs =
241 do a <- withThread $ without_buffering $
242 do putStr $ p ++ " ["++ setDefault chs ++"]" ++ helpStr
243 hFlush stdout
244 waitForStdin
245 c <- getChar
246 #ifdef WIN32
247 -- We need to simulate echo
248 e <- get_raw_mode
249 when e $ putChar c
250 #endif
251 return c
252 when (a /= '\n') $ putStr "\n"
253 case () of
254 _ | a `elem` chs -> return a
255 | a == ' ' -> case md of Nothing -> tryAgain
256 Just d -> return d
257 | a `elem` help_chs -> return a
258 | otherwise -> tryAgain
259 where
260 helpStr = case help_chs of
261 [] -> ""
262 (h:_) -> ", or " ++ (h:" for help: ")
263 tryAgain = do putStrLn "Invalid response, try again!"
264 promptCharFancy p chs md help_chs
265 setDefault s = case md of Nothing -> s
266 Just d -> map (setUpper d) s
267 setUpper d c = if d == c then toUpper c else c
269 without_buffering :: IO a -> IO a
270 without_buffering job = withoutProgress $ do
271 bracket nobuf rebuf $ \_ -> job
272 where nobuf = do is_term <- hIsTerminalDevice stdin
273 bi <- hGetBuffering stdin
274 raw <- get_raw_mode
275 when is_term $ do hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering `catch` \_ -> return ()
276 set_raw_mode True
277 return (bi,raw)
278 rebuf (bi,raw) = do is_term <- hIsTerminalDevice stdin
279 #if SYS == windows
280 buffers <- hGetBuffering stdin
281 hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering `catch` \_ -> return ()
282 drop_returns
283 hSetBuffering stdin buffers `catch` \_ -> return ()
284 #else
285 drop_returns
286 #endif
287 when is_term $ do hSetBuffering stdin bi `catch` \_ -> return ()
288 set_raw_mode raw
289 drop_returns = do is_ready <- hReady stdin
290 when is_ready $
291 do waitForStdin
292 c <- hLookAhead stdin `catch` \_ -> return ' '
293 when (c == '\n') $
294 do getChar
295 drop_returns
296 \end{code}
298 Code which was in the module RawMode before. Moved here to break cyclic imports
300 \begin{code}
301 #ifdef WIN32
303 get_raw_mode :: IO Bool
304 get_raw_mode = not `fmap` getEcho 0
305 `catchall` return False -- getEcho sometimes fails when called from scripts
307 set_raw_mode :: Bool -> IO ()
308 set_raw_mode raw = (setCooked 0 normal >> setEcho 0 normal)
309 `catchall` return () -- setCooked sometimes fails when called from scripts
310 where normal = not raw
312 #else
314 get_raw_mode :: IO Bool
315 get_raw_mode = return False
317 set_raw_mode :: Bool -> IO ()
318 set_raw_mode _ = return ()
320 #endif
321 \end{code}