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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / HTTP.hs
1 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
2 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
4 module HTTP( fetchUrl, postUrl, request_url, wait_next_url ) where
6 import Darcs.Global ( debugFail )
8 #ifdef HAVE_HTTP
9 import Control.Monad ( when )
10 import Data.IORef ( newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, IORef )
11 import Network.HTTP
12 import Network.URI
13 import System.Environment ( getEnv )
14 import System.IO.Error ( ioeGetErrorString )
15 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
16 import Darcs.Global ( debugMessage )
17 import qualified Data.ByteString as B
18 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
19 #endif
21 fetchUrl :: String -> IO String
22 postUrl
23 :: String -- ^ url
24 -> String -- ^ body
25 -> String -- ^ mime type
26 -> IO () -- ^ result
28 request_url :: String -> FilePath -> a -> IO String
29 wait_next_url :: IO (String, String)
31 #ifdef HAVE_HTTP
33 headers :: [Header]
34 headers = [Header HdrUserAgent $ "darcs-HTTP/" ++ PACKAGE_VERSION]
36 fetchUrl url = case parseURI url of
37 Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid URI: " ++ url
38 Just uri -> do debugMessage $ "Fetching over HTTP: "++url
39 proxy <- getProxy
40 when (not $ null proxy) $
41 debugFail "No proxy support for HTTP package yet (try libcurl or libwww)!"
42 resp <- simpleHTTP $ Request { rqURI = uri,
43 rqMethod = GET,
44 rqHeaders = headers,
45 rqBody = "" }
46 case resp of
47 Right res@Response { rspCode = (2,0,0) } -> return (rspBody res)
48 Right Response { rspCode = (x,y,z) } ->
49 debugFail $ "HTTP " ++ show x ++ show y ++ show z ++ " error getting " ++ show uri
50 Left err -> debugFail $ show err
52 postUrl url body mime = case parseURI url of
53 Nothing -> fail $ "Invalid URI: " ++ url
54 Just uri -> do debugMessage $ "Posting to HTTP: "++url
55 proxy <- getProxy
56 when (not $ null proxy) $
57 debugFail "No proxy support for HTTP package yet (try libcurl or libwww)!"
58 resp <- simpleHTTP $ Request { rqURI = uri,
59 rqMethod = POST,
60 rqHeaders = headers ++ [Header HdrContentType mime,
61 Header HdrAccept "text/plain",
62 Header HdrContentLength
63 (show $ length body) ],
64 rqBody = body }
65 case resp of
66 Right res@Response { rspCode = (2,y,z) } -> do
67 putStrLn $ "Success 2" ++ show y ++ show z
68 putStrLn (rspBody res)
69 return ()
70 Right res@Response { rspCode = (x,y,z) } -> do
71 putStrLn $ rspBody res
72 debugFail $ "HTTP " ++ show x ++ show y ++ show z ++ " error posting to " ++ show uri
73 Left err -> debugFail $ show err
75 requestedUrl :: IORef (String, FilePath)
76 requestedUrl = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef ("", "")
78 request_url u f _ = do
79 (u', _) <- readIORef requestedUrl
80 if null u'
81 then do writeIORef requestedUrl (u, f)
82 return ""
83 else return "URL already requested"
85 wait_next_url = do
86 (u, f) <- readIORef requestedUrl
87 if null u
88 then return ("", "No URL requested")
89 else do writeIORef requestedUrl ("", "")
90 e <- (fetchUrl u >>= \s -> B.writeFile f (BC.pack s) >> return "") `catch` h
91 return (u, e)
92 where h = return . ioeGetErrorString
94 getProxy :: IO String
95 getProxy =
96 getEnv "http_proxy"
97 `catch` \_ -> getEnv "HTTP_PROXY"
98 `catch` \_ -> return ""
99 #else
101 fetchUrl _ = debugFail "Network.HTTP does not exist"
102 postUrl _ _ _ = debugFail "Cannot use http POST because darcs was not compiled with Network.HTTP."
104 request_url _ _ _ = debugFail "Network.HTTP does not exist"
105 wait_next_url = debugFail "Network.HTTP does not exist"
107 #endif