Follow upstream changes -- Bytestring updates
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Git / Base.hs
1 -- |
2 -- Module : Git.Base
3 -- Copyright : (c) 2008 Bertram Felgenhauer
4 -- License : GPL2
5 --
6 -- Maintainer : Bertram Felgenhauer <>
7 -- Stability : experimental
8 -- Portability : ghc
9 --
10 -- Git monad. Handles state, and executing the git-fast-import program
13 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
15 module Git.Base (
16 Git (unGit),
17 RWState (..),
18 failure,
19 fastGitCommand,
20 startGitFastImport,
21 stopGitFastImport,
22 gitWriteFilePS,
23 gitRemoveFile,
24 gitRename,
25 checkout,
26 gitBinary,
27 marksFile,
28 modifyVerbose,
29 getVerbose,
30 getTouched,
31 setTouched,
32 getMark,
33 setMark,
34 getTree,
35 setTree,
36 checkProcessExitCode,
37 ) where
39 import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, gets, modify)
40 import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO, liftIO)
41 import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, when)
42 import System.Exit (exitFailure, ExitCode (..))
43 import System.IO (Handle, hPutStr, hClose, hPutStrLn, stderr)
44 import System.Process (ProcessHandle, runProcess, waitForProcess)
45 import System.Posix (createPipe, setFdOption, fdToHandle, FdOption (..))
46 import System.FilePath ((</>), FilePath)
48 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory (Slurpy)
49 import Darcs.Patch.FileName (FileName, fn2fp)
50 import qualified Data.ByteString as B
52 -- | path to git executable
53 gitBinary :: FilePath
54 gitBinary = "/usr/bin/git"
56 -- | file that maps marks to git commits (created by git-fast-import)
57 marksFile :: FilePath
58 marksFile = ".git" </> "darcs-marks"
60 data RWState = RWState {
61 gitPipe :: Handle, -- ^ pipe to git-fast-import
62 gitPid :: ProcessHandle, -- ^ process handle of git-fast-import
63 tree :: !Slurpy, -- ^ current working tree
64 mark :: !Int, -- ^ mark of latest commit
65 touched :: !Int, -- ^ count modified files
66 verbose :: !Int -- ^ be verbose
69 -- | Git monad
70 newtype Git a = Git { unGit :: StateT RWState IO a }
71 deriving (Monad, MonadPlus, MonadIO, Functor)
73 -- | pass some commands to git-fast-import
74 fastGitCommand :: [String] -> Git ()
75 fastGitCommand cmd = do
76 v <- getVerbose
77 when (v > 1) $ liftIO $ print cmd
78 h <- getGitPipe
79 liftIO $ hPutStr h $ unlines cmd
81 -- | start git-fast-import
82 -- git-fast-import must be running for 'fastGitCommand' to work
83 startGitFastImport :: Git ()
84 startGitFastImport = do
85 v <- getVerbose
86 (iw, pid) <- liftIO $ do
87 -- set up pipe
88 (irFd, iwFd) <- createPipe
89 setFdOption iwFd CloseOnExec True
90 ir <- fdToHandle irFd
91 iw <- fdToHandle iwFd
92 -- fdToHandle sets O_NONBLOCK, which confuses git
93 setFdOption irFd NonBlockingRead False
94 -- run git-fast-import
95 pid <- runProcess gitBinary
96 (["fast-import",
97 "--date-format=rfc2822",
98 "--active-branches=1",
99 "--force",
100 "--import-marks=" ++ marksFile,
101 "--export-marks=" ++ marksFile] ++
102 ["--quiet" | v == 0])
103 Nothing Nothing (Just ir) Nothing Nothing
104 return (iw, pid)
105 Git $ modify (\s -> s { gitPid = pid, gitPipe = iw })
107 -- | stop git-darcs-import
108 stopGitFastImport :: Git ()
109 stopGitFastImport = do
110 h <- getGitPipe
111 git <- getGitPid
112 liftIO $ do
113 hClose h
114 checkProcessExitCode "git-fast-import failed." git
116 -- | check out final tree
117 checkout :: String -> Git ExitCode
118 checkout branch = liftIO $ do
119 pid <- runProcess gitBinary ["checkout", "-f", "-q", branch]
120 Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
121 waitForProcess pid
123 -- | abort due to some error
124 failure :: String -> Git a
125 failure msg = do
126 liftIO $ putStrLn msg
127 stopGitFastImport
128 liftIO $ exitFailure
130 gitWriteFilePS :: FileName -> B.ByteString -> Git ()
131 gitWriteFilePS f ps = do
132 fastGitCommand ["M 644 inline " ++ quoteFN f,
133 "data " ++ show (B.length ps)]
134 h <- getGitPipe
135 liftIO $ B.hPut h ps
136 incTouched
138 gitRemoveFile :: FileName -> Git ()
139 gitRemoveFile f = fastGitCommand ["D " ++ quoteFN f]
141 gitRename :: FileName -> FileName -> Git ()
142 gitRename f1 f2 = fastGitCommand ["R " ++ quoteFN f1 ++ " " ++ quoteFN f2]
144 -- FIXME:
145 -- should quote \", \\, \ and \n at least
146 quoteFN :: FileName -> String
147 quoteFN f = case fn2fp f of
148 '.' : '/' : f' -> f'
149 f' -> f'
151 -- fixme: this doesn't belong here
152 -- | wait for a process that is expected to terminate successfully
153 -- print a message and abort if it fails.
154 checkProcessExitCode :: String -> ProcessHandle -> IO ()
155 checkProcessExitCode msg pid = do
156 ec <- waitForProcess pid
157 case ec of
158 ExitSuccess -> return ()
159 ExitFailure c -> do
160 hPutStrLn stderr $ msg ++ " (exit code " ++ show c ++ ")"
161 exitFailure
163 -- trivial setters and getters for our state
164 -- | modify verbosity level
165 modifyVerbose :: (Int -> Int) -> Git ()
166 modifyVerbose f = Git $ modify (\s -> s { verbose = f (verbose s) })
168 -- | get verbosity level
169 getVerbose :: Git Int
170 getVerbose = Git $ gets verbose
172 -- | get pipe to git-fast-import process
173 getGitPipe :: Git Handle
174 getGitPipe = Git $ gets gitPipe
176 -- | get pid of git-fast-import process
177 getGitPid :: Git ProcessHandle
178 getGitPid = Git $ gets gitPid
180 -- | get current mark (see Git.Fast)
181 getMark :: Git Int
182 getMark = Git $ gets mark
184 -- | set current mark (see Git.Fast)
185 setMark :: Int -> Git ()
186 setMark m = Git $ modify (\s -> s { mark = m })
188 -- | get number of touched files (see Git.Fast)
189 getTouched :: Git Int
190 getTouched = Git $ gets touched
192 -- | set number of touched files (see Git.Fast)
193 setTouched :: Int -> Git ()
194 setTouched t = Git $ modify (\s -> s { touched = t })
196 -- | increment number of touched files (see Git.Fast)
197 incTouched :: Git ()
198 incTouched = Git $ modify (\s -> s { touched = touched s + 1 })
200 -- | get current repo contents (see Git.Fast)
201 getTree :: Git Slurpy
202 getTree = Git $ gets tree
204 -- | set current repo contents (see Git.Fast)
205 setTree :: Slurpy -> Git ()
206 setTree t = Git $ modify (\s -> s { tree = t })