Follow upstream changes -- Bytestring updates
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Git / Metadata.hs
1 -- |
2 -- Module : Git.Metadata
3 -- Copyright : (c) 2008 Bertram Felgenhauer
4 -- License : GPL2
5 --
6 -- Maintainer : Bertram Felgenhauer <>
7 -- Stability : experimental
8 -- Portability : ghc
9 --
10 -- convert from darcs to git metadata
12 module Git.Metadata (
13 extractGitInfo,
14 GitInfo (..),
15 ) where
17 import Darcs.Patch.Info (
18 PatchInfo, pi_author, pi_name, pi_tag, pi_date, pi_log, make_filename)
19 import System.Time (calendarTimeToString)
21 data GitInfo = GitInfo {
22 gitAuthor :: String, -- author name
23 gitAEmail :: String, -- author email
24 gitTag :: Maybe String, -- tag name (Nothing for normal patches)
25 gitDate :: String, -- patch date
26 gitMessage :: String -- patch name and message
29 extractGitInfo :: PatchInfo -> GitInfo
30 extractGitInfo pip = GitInfo {
31 gitAuthor = fst (extractAuthor pip),
32 gitAEmail = snd (extractAuthor pip),
33 gitTag = extractTag pip,
34 gitDate = extractDate pip,
35 gitMessage = extractMessage pip
38 -- split "Foo <bar@what>" into "Foo" and "bar@what".
39 -- (dirty implementation - can be improved, but mostly works)
40 extractAuthor :: PatchInfo -> (String, String)
41 extractAuthor pip = let
42 m = pi_author pip
43 ms = words (filter (/= '\'') m)
44 (name, email) = span (\word -> head word /= '<') ms
46 if null email && length name == 1 && '@' `elem` head name then ("", "<" ++ head name ++ ">") else
47 (if null name then "nobody" else unwords name, if null email then "<>" else unwords email)
49 -- derive a tag name from a tag message. basically filter allowed characters.
50 extractTag :: PatchInfo -> Maybe String
51 extractTag = fmap (concatMap tagChar) . pi_tag where
52 tagChar c | '0' <= c && c <= '9' ||
53 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' ||
54 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' ||
55 c `elem` validChars = c : []
56 tagChar ' ' = "_"
57 tagChar _ = ""
58 validChars = ".<>-"
60 extractDate :: PatchInfo -> String
61 extractDate = calendarTimeToString . pi_date
63 extractMessage :: PatchInfo -> String
64 extractMessage pip = unlines
65 (pi_name pip : "" : pi_log pip ++ ["", make_filename pip])