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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Commands / AmendRecord.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2004,2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \subsection{darcs amend-record}
19 \begin{code}
20 module Darcs.Commands.AmendRecord ( amendrecord ) where
21 import Data.List ( sort )
22 import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
23 import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..), exitWith )
24 import Control.Monad ( when )
26 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag(Author, LogFile, PatchName,
27 EditLongComment, PromptLongComment) )
28 import Darcs.Lock ( world_readable_temp )
29 import Darcs.RepoPath ( toFilePath )
30 import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, n2pia, hopefully, info )
31 import Darcs.Repository ( withRepoLock, ($-), withGutsOf,
32 get_unrecorded, get_unrecorded_unsorted, slurp_recorded,
33 tentativelyRemovePatches, tentativelyAddPatch, finalizeRepositoryChanges,
34 sync_repo, amInRepository,
36 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, description, Prim, fromPrims,
37 infopatch, getdeps, adddeps, effect,
38 sort_coalesceFL,
39 canonize )
40 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( pi_author, pi_name, pi_log,
41 PatchInfo, patchinfo, is_inverted, invert_name,
43 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..), (:>)(..), (+>+),
44 nullFL, mapFL_FL, concatFL )
45 import Darcs.SelectChanges ( with_selected_changes_to_files',
46 with_selected_patch_from_repo )
47 import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults )
48 import Darcs.Commands.Record ( get_date, get_log )
49 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag ( Test, NoTest, All ),
50 areFileArgs, fixSubPaths, defineChanges,
51 all_interactive, ignoretimes,
52 ask_long_comment, author, patchname_option,
53 leave_test_dir, nocompress, lookforadds,
54 working_repo_dir,
55 match_one_nontag, umask_option,
56 notest, list_registered_files,
57 get_easy_author, set_scripts_executable
59 import Darcs.Utils ( askUser )
60 import Printer ( putDocLn )
61 \end{code}
62 \begin{code}
63 amendrecord_description :: String
64 amendrecord_description =
65 "Replace a patch with a better version before it leaves your repository."
66 \end{code}
68 \options{amend-record}
70 \haskell{amend-record_help}
71 If you provide one or more files or directories as additional arguments to
72 amend-record, you will only be prompted to changes in those files or
73 directories.
75 The old version of the patch is lost and the new patch will include both the
76 old and the new changes. This is mostly the same as unrecording the old patch,
77 fixing the changes and recording a new patch with the same name and
78 description.
80 \verb!amend-record! will modify the date of the recorded patch.
81 \begin{code}
82 amendrecord_help :: String
83 amendrecord_help =
84 "Amend-record is used to replace a patch with a newer version with additional\n"++
85 "changes.\n\n"++
86 "WARNINGS: You should ONLY use amend-record on patches which only exist in a\n"++
87 "single repository! Also, running amend-record while another user is pulling\n"++
88 "from the same repository may cause repository corruption.\n"
89 \end{code}
90 \begin{code}
91 amendrecord :: DarcsCommand
92 amendrecord = DarcsCommand {command_name = "amend-record",
93 command_help = amendrecord_help,
94 command_description = amendrecord_description,
95 command_extra_args = -1,
96 command_extra_arg_help = ["[FILE or DIRECTORY]..."],
97 command_command = amendrecord_cmd,
98 command_prereq = amInRepository,
99 command_get_arg_possibilities = list_registered_files,
100 command_argdefaults = nodefaults,
101 command_advanced_options = [nocompress, ignoretimes, umask_option,
102 set_scripts_executable],
103 command_basic_options = [match_one_nontag,
104 notest,
105 leave_test_dir,
106 all_interactive,
107 author, patchname_option, ask_long_comment,
108 lookforadds,
109 working_repo_dir]}
110 \end{code}
111 \begin{code}
112 amendrecord_cmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
113 amendrecord_cmd origopts args =
114 let opts = if NoTest `elem` origopts then origopts else Test:origopts
115 edit_metadata = has_edit_metadata opts in
116 withRepoLock opts $- \repository -> do
117 files <- sort `fmap` fixSubPaths opts args
118 when (areFileArgs files) $
119 putStrLn $ "Amending changes in "++unwords (map show files)++":\n"
120 with_selected_patch_from_repo "amend" repository opts $ \ (_ :> oldp) -> do
121 ch <- if All `elem` opts
122 then get_unrecorded_unsorted repository
123 else get_unrecorded repository
124 case ch of
125 NilFL | not edit_metadata -> putStrLn "No changes!"
126 _ -> do
127 date <- get_date opts
128 s <- slurp_recorded repository
129 with_selected_changes_to_files' "add" (filter (==All) opts)
130 s (map toFilePath files) ch $ \ (chs:>_) ->
131 if (nullFL chs && not edit_metadata)
132 then putStrLn "You don't want to record anything!"
133 else do
134 let old_pinf = info oldp
135 prior = (pi_name old_pinf, pi_log old_pinf)
136 make_log = world_readable_temp "darcs-amend-record"
137 old_author = pi_author old_pinf
138 author_here <- get_easy_author
139 case author_here of
140 Nothing -> return ()
141 Just ah -> let edit_author = isJust (get_author opts)
142 in if (edit_author || ah == old_author)
143 then return ()
144 else do yorn <- askUser $ "You're not "++old_author
145 ++"! Amend anyway? "
146 case yorn of ('y':_) -> return ()
147 _ -> exitWith $ ExitSuccess
148 (new_name, new_log, _) <- get_log opts (Just prior) make_log chs
149 let new_author = case get_author opts of
150 Just a -> a
151 Nothing -> pi_author old_pinf
152 maybe_invert = if is_inverted old_pinf then invert_name else id
153 new_pinf <- maybe_invert `fmap` patchinfo date new_name
154 new_author new_log
155 let newp = fixp oldp chs new_pinf
156 defineChanges newp
157 withGutsOf repository $ do
158 tentativelyRemovePatches repository opts (hopefully oldp :>: NilFL)
159 tentativelyAddPatch repository opts newp
160 finalizeRepositoryChanges repository
161 sync_repo repository
162 putStrLn "Finished amending patch:"
163 putDocLn $ description newp
165 has_edit_metadata :: [DarcsFlag] -> Bool
166 has_edit_metadata (Author _:_) = True
167 has_edit_metadata (LogFile _:_) = True
168 has_edit_metadata (PatchName _:_) = True
169 has_edit_metadata (EditLongComment:_) = True
170 has_edit_metadata (PromptLongComment:_) = True
171 has_edit_metadata (_:fs) = has_edit_metadata fs
172 has_edit_metadata [] = False
174 get_author :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe String
175 get_author (Author a:_) = Just a
176 get_author (_:as) = get_author as
177 get_author [] = Nothing
178 \end{code}
180 If you configure darcs to run a test suite, darcs will run this test on the
181 amended repository to make sure it is valid. Darcs first creates a pristine
182 copy of the source tree (in a temporary directory), then it runs the test,
183 using its return value to decide if the amended change is valid. If the
184 \verb!--set-scripts-executable! flag is passed to amend-record, darcs will set
185 scripts executable in the temporary test directory before running the test.
187 \begin{code}
188 fixp :: RepoPatch p => PatchInfoAnd p -> FL Prim -> PatchInfo -> PatchInfoAnd p
189 fixp oldp chs new_pinf =
190 let pdeps = getdeps $ hopefully oldp
191 oldchs = effect oldp
192 infodepspatch pinfo deps p = adddeps (infopatch pinfo p) deps
193 in n2pia $ infodepspatch new_pinf pdeps $ fromPrims $ sort_coalesceFL $
194 concatFL $
195 mapFL_FL canonize $ oldchs +>+ chs
196 \end{code}