1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2004 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \subsection{darcs send}
20 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
23 module Darcs.Commands.Send ( send ) where
24 import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode( ExitSuccess ) )
25 import System.IO.Error ( ioeGetErrorString )
26 import System.IO ( hClose )
27 import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
28 import Data.Maybe ( isJust, isNothing )
30 import Autoconf ( have_HTTP )
31 import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..) )
32 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag( EditDescription, LogFile, RmLogFile,
33 Target, OutputAutoName, Output, Context,
34 DryRun, Verbose, Quiet, Unified
36 fixUrl, definePatches,
37 get_cc, get_author, working_repo_dir,
38 edit_description, logfile, rmlogfile,
39 sign, get_subject, deps_sel,
40 match_several, set_default, output_auto_name,
41 output, cc, subject, target, author, sendmail_cmd,
42 remote_repo, network_options,
43 all_interactive, get_sendmail_cmd,
44 print_dry_run_message_and_exit,
45 summary, allow_unrelated_repos,
46 from_opt, dry_run, send_to_context,
48 import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, hopefully, info )
49 import Darcs.Repository ( PatchSet, Repository,
50 amInRepository, identifyRepositoryFor, withRepoReadLock, ($-),
51 read_repo, slurp_recorded, prefsUrl, checkUnrelatedRepos )
52 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, description, apply_to_slurpy, invert )
53 import Darcs.Ordered ( FL(..), RL(..), (:>)(..), (:\/:)(..), unsafeUnRL,
54 mapRL_RL, mapFL, mapRL, reverseRL, mapFL_FL, lengthFL, nullFL )
55 import Darcs.Patch.Bundle ( make_bundle, scan_context )
56 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( just_name )
57 import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( defaultrepo, set_defaultrepo, get_preflist )
58 import Darcs.External ( signString, sendEmailDoc, fetchFilePS, Cachable(..), generateEmail )
59 import ByteStringUtils ( mmapFilePS )
60 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack)
61 import Darcs.Lock ( withOpenTemp, writeDocBinFile, readDocBinFile, world_readable_temp, removeFileMayNotExist )
62 import Darcs.SelectChanges ( with_selected_changes )
63 import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( get_common_and_uncommon )
64 import Darcs.Utils ( askUser, catchall, edit_file, formatPath )
65 import Darcs.Progress ( debugMessage )
66 import Darcs.Email ( make_email )
67 import Printer ( Doc, vsep, vcat, text, ($$), putDocLn, putDoc )
68 import UglyFileName ( patch_filename )
69 import Darcs.RepoPath ( toFilePath, AbsolutePath, AbsolutePathOrStd,
70 getCurrentDirectory, makeAbsoluteOrStd, useAbsoluteOrStd )
71 import HTTP ( postUrl )
72 #include "impossible.h"
75 send_description :: String
77 "Send by email a bundle of one or more patches."
86 "Send is used to prepare a bundle of patches that can be applied to a target\n"++
87 "repository. Send accepts the URL of the repository as an argument. When\n"++
88 "called without an argument, send will use the most recent repository that\n"++
89 "was either pushed to, pulled from or sent to. By default, the patch bundle\n"++
90 "is sent by email, although you may save it to a file.\n"
93 Do not confuse the \verb!--author! options with the return address
94 that \verb!darcs send! will set for your patch bundle.
96 For example, if you have two email addresses A and B:
99 \verb!--author A! but your machine is configured to send mail from
100 address B by default, then the return address on your message will be B.
102 \item If you use \verb!--from A! and your mail client supports setting the
103 From: address arbitrarily (some non-Unix-like mail clients, especially,
104 may not support this), then the return address will be A; if it does
105 not support this, then the return address will be B.
107 \item If you supply neither \verb!--from! nor \verb!--author!, then the return
111 In addition, unless you specify the sendmail command with
112 \verb!--sendmail-command!, darcs sends email using the default email
113 command on your computer. This default command is determined by the
114 \verb!configure! script. Thus, on some non-Unix-like OSes,
115 \verb!--from! is likely to not work at all.
119 send = DarcsCommand {command_name = "send",
120 command_help = send_help,
121 command_description = send_description,
122 command_extra_args = 1,
123 command_extra_arg_help = ["[REPOSITORY]"],
124 command_command = send_cmd,
125 command_prereq = amInRepository,
126 command_get_arg_possibilities = get_preflist "repos",
127 command_argdefaults = defaultrepo,
128 command_advanced_options = [logfile, rmlogfile,
132 command_basic_options = [match_several, deps_sel,
136 output,output_auto_name,sign]
139 set_default, working_repo_dir,
141 allow_unrelated_repos]}
144 send_cmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
145 send_cmd input_opts [""] = send_cmd input_opts []
146 send_cmd input_opts [unfixedrepodir] = withRepoReadLock input_opts $- \repository -> do
147 context_ps <- the_context input_opts
149 Just them -> send_to_them repository input_opts [] "CONTEXT" them
151 repodir <- fixUrl input_opts unfixedrepodir
152 -- Test to make sure we aren't trying to push to the current repo
153 here <- getCurrentDirectory
154 when (repodir == toFilePath here) $
155 fail ("Can't send to current repository! Did you mean send -"++"-context?")
156 repo <- identifyRepositoryFor repository repodir
157 them <- read_repo repo
158 old_default <- get_preflist "defaultrepo"
159 set_defaultrepo repodir input_opts
160 when (old_default == [repodir] && not (Quiet `elem` input_opts)) $
161 putStrLn $ "Creating patch to "++formatPath repodir++"..."
162 wtds <- decide_on_behavior input_opts repo
163 send_to_them repository input_opts wtds repodir them
164 where the_context [] = return Nothing
165 the_context (Context foo:_)
166 = (Just . scan_context )`fmap` mmapFilePS (toFilePath foo)
167 the_context (_:fs) = the_context fs
168 send_cmd _ _ = impossible
170 send_to_them :: RepoPatch p => Repository p -> [DarcsFlag] -> [WhatToDo] -> String -> PatchSet p -> IO ()
171 send_to_them repo opts wtds their_name them = do
172 let am_verbose = Verbose `elem` opts
173 am_quiet = Quiet `elem` opts
174 putVerbose s = when am_verbose $ putDocLn s
175 putInfo s = when (not am_quiet) $ putStrLn s
176 patch_desc p = just_name $ info p
177 make_fname tbs = patch_filename $ patch_desc $ headFL tbs
179 headFL _ = impossible
181 case get_common_and_uncommon (us, them) of
182 (common, us' :\/: _) -> do
183 checkUnrelatedRepos opts common us them
185 NilRL:<:NilRL -> do putInfo "No recorded local changes to send!"
187 _ -> putVerbose $ text "We have the following patches to send:"
188 $$ (vcat $ mapRL description $ head $ unsafeUnRL us')
189 s <- slurp_recorded repo
190 let our_ps = reverseRL $ head $ unsafeUnRL us'
191 with_selected_changes "send" opts s our_ps $
192 \ (to_be_sent :> _) -> do
193 print_dry_run_message_and_exit "send" opts to_be_sent
194 when (nullFL to_be_sent) $ do
195 putInfo "You don't want to send any patches, and that's fine with me!"
197 definePatches to_be_sent
198 bundle <- signString opts $ make_bundle (Unified:opts)
199 (fromJust $ apply_to_slurpy
201 mapRL_RL hopefully $ head $ unsafeUnRL us') s)
202 common (mapFL_FL hopefully to_be_sent)
203 let outname = get_output opts (make_fname to_be_sent)
205 Just fname -> do (d,f) <- get_description opts to_be_sent
206 let putabs a = do writeDocBinFile a (d $$ bundle)
207 putStrLn $ "Wrote patch to " ++ toFilePath a ++ "."
208 putstd = putDoc (d $$ bundle)
209 useAbsoluteOrStd putabs putstd fname
213 auto_subject (p:>:NilFL) = "darcs patch: " ++ trim (patch_desc p) 57
214 auto_subject (p:>:ps) = "darcs patch: " ++ trim (patch_desc p) 43 ++
215 " (and " ++ show (lengthFL ps) ++ " more)"
216 auto_subject _ = error "Tried to get a name from empty patch list."
217 trim st n = if length st <= n then st
218 else take (n-3) st ++ "..."
220 thetargets <- get_targets wtds
221 from <- get_author opts
222 let thesubject = case get_subject opts of
223 Nothing -> auto_subject to_be_sent
225 (mailcontents, mailfile) <- get_description opts to_be_sent
226 let body = make_email their_name (Just mailcontents) bundle
227 (Just $ make_fname to_be_sent)
228 contentAndBundle = Just (mailcontents, bundle)
231 sm_cmd <- get_sendmail_cmd opts
232 (sendEmailDoc from (lt [t | SendMail t <- thetargets]) (thesubject) (get_cc opts)
233 sm_cmd contentAndBundle body >>
234 putInfo ("Successfully sent patch bundle to: "++lt [ t | SendMail t <- thetargets ]++"."))
235 `catch` \e -> let msg = "Email body left in " in
236 do when (isJust mailfile) $
237 putStrLn $ msg++(fromJust mailfile)++"."
238 fail $ ioeGetErrorString e
239 when (null [ p | Post p <- thetargets]) sendmail
240 nbody <- withOpenTemp $ \ (fh,fn) -> do
241 generateEmail fh from (lt [t | SendMail t <- thetargets]) thesubject (get_cc opts) body
244 forM_ [ p | Post p <- thetargets]
246 putInfo $ "Posting patch to " ++ url
247 postUrl url (BC.unpack nbody) "message/rfc822")
248 `catch` const sendmail
251 where cleanup (Just mailfile) = when (isNothing (get_fileopt opts) || (RmLogFile `elem` opts)) $
252 removeFileMayNotExist mailfile
253 cleanup Nothing = return ()
256 lt (t:ts) = t++" , "++lt ts
265 The \verb!--output!, \verb!--output-auto-name!, and \verb!--to! flags determine
266 what darcs does with the patch bundle after creating it. If you provide an
267 \verb!--output! argument, the patch bundle is saved to that file. If you
268 specify \verb!--output-auto-name!, the patch bundle is saved to a file with an
269 automatically generated name. If you give one or more \verb!--to! arguments,
270 the bundle of patches is sent to those locations. The locations may either be email
271 addresses or urls that the patch should be submitted to via HTTP.
273 If you don't provide any of these options, darcs will look at the contents of
274 the \verb!_darcs/prefs/email! file in the target repository (if it exists), and
275 send the patch by email to that address. In this case, you may use the
276 \verb!--cc! option to specify additional recipients without overriding the
277 default repository email address.
279 If \texttt{\_darcs/prefs/post} exists in the target repository, darcs will
280 upload to the URL contained in that file, which may either be a
281 \texttt{mailto:} URL, or an \texttt{http://} URL. In the latter case, the
282 patch is posted to that URL.
284 If there is no email address associated with the repository, darcs will
285 prompt you for an email address.
291 Use the \verb!--subject! flag to set the subject of the e-mail to be sent.
292 If you don't provide a subject on the command line, darcs will make one up
293 based on names of the patches in the patch bundle.
298 forM_ :: (Monad m) => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m ()
302 = Post String -- ^ POST the patch via HTTP
303 | SendMail String -- ^ send patch via email
306 decide_on_behavior :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> Repository p -> IO [WhatToDo]
307 decide_on_behavior opts the_remote_repo =
310 if isJust $ get_output opts ""
313 do wtds <- check_post
314 unless (null wtds) $ announce_recipients wtds
316 ts -> do announce_recipients ts
318 where the_targets = collect_targets opts
319 check_post | have_HTTP =
320 do p <- ((readPost . BC.unpack) `fmap`
321 fetchFilePS (prefsUrl the_remote_repo++"/post")
322 (MaxAge 600)) `catchall` return []
323 emails <- who_to_email
325 | otherwise = who_to_email
327 do email <- (BC.unpack `fmap`
328 fetchFilePS (prefsUrl the_remote_repo++"/email")
331 if '@' `elem` email then return . map SendMail $ lines email
333 readPost p = map pp (lines p) where
334 pp ('m':'a':'i':'l':'t':'o':':':s) = SendMail s
336 putInfoLn s = unless (Quiet `elem` opts) $ putStrLn s
337 announce_recipients emails =
338 let pn (SendMail s) = s
340 in if DryRun `elem` opts
341 then putInfoLn $ "Patch bundle would be sent to: "++unwords (map pn emails)
342 else when (null the_targets) $
343 putInfoLn $ "Patch bundle will be sent to: "++unwords (map pn emails)
347 get_output :: [DarcsFlag] -> FilePath -> Maybe AbsolutePathOrStd
348 get_output (Output a:_) _ = return a
349 get_output (OutputAutoName a:_) f = return $ makeAbsoluteOrStd a f
350 get_output (_:flags) f = get_output flags f
351 get_output [] _ = Nothing
355 get_targets :: [WhatToDo] -> IO [WhatToDo]
356 get_targets [] = do fmap ((:[]) . SendMail) $ askUser "What is the target email address? "
357 get_targets wtds = return wtds
359 collect_targets :: [DarcsFlag] -> [WhatToDo]
360 collect_targets flags = [ f t | Target t <- flags ] where
361 f url@('h':'t':'t':'p':':':_) = Post url
368 --matches, --patches, --tags, --no-deps
371 The \verb!--patches!, \verb!--matches!, \verb!--tags!, and \verb!--no-deps!
372 options can be used to select which patches to send, as described in
373 subsection~\ref{selecting}.
379 If you want to include a description or explanation along with the bundle
380 of patches, you need to specify the \verb!--edit-description! flag, which
381 will cause darcs to open up an editor with which you can compose a message
382 to go along with your patches.
388 If you want to use a command different from the default one for sending email,
389 you need to specify a command line with the \verb!--sendmail-command! option. The
390 command line can contain some format specifiers which are replaced by the actual
391 values. Accepted format specifiers are \verb!%s! for subject, \verb!%t! for to,
392 \verb!%c! for cc, \verb!%b! for the body of the mail, \verb!%f! for from, \verb!%a!
393 for the patch bundle and the same specifiers in uppercase for the URL-encoded values.
394 Additionally you can add \verb!%<! to the end of the command line if the command
395 expects the complete email message on standard input. E.g.\ the command lines for evolution
396 and msmtp look like this:
399 evolution "mailto:%T?subject=%S&attach=%A&cc=%C&body=%B"
404 get_description :: RepoPatch p => [DarcsFlag] -> FL (PatchInfoAnd p) -> IO (Doc, Maybe String)
405 get_description opts patches =
407 Just f -> do file <- f
408 when (EditDescription `elem` opts) $ do
409 when (isNothing $ get_fileopt opts) $
410 writeDocBinFile file patchdesc
411 debugMessage $ "About to edit file " ++ file
414 doc <- readDocBinFile file
415 return (doc, Just file)
416 Nothing -> return (patchdesc, Nothing)
417 where patchdesc = vsep $ mapFL description patches
418 get_filename = case get_fileopt opts of
419 Just f -> Just $ return $ toFilePath f
420 Nothing -> if EditDescription `elem` opts
423 tempfile = world_readable_temp "darcs-temp-mail"
425 get_fileopt :: [DarcsFlag] -> Maybe AbsolutePath
426 get_fileopt (LogFile f:_) = Just f
427 get_fileopt (_:flags) = get_fileopt flags
428 get_fileopt [] = Nothing