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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Patch / Properties.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \documentclass{article}
19 %\usepackage{color}
21 \usepackage{verbatim}
22 \usepackage{html}
23 \usepackage{fancyvrb}
24 \newenvironment{code}{\comment}{\endcomment}
25 % \newenvironment{code}{\color{blue}\verbatim}{\endverbatim}
27 \newcommand{\commutes}{\longleftrightarrow}
29 \begin{document}
31 \begin{code}
32 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
33 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fno-warn-deprecations -fno-warn-orphans -fglasgow-exts #-}
35 #include "gadts.h"
37 module Darcs.Patch.Properties ( recommute, commute_inverses, permutivity, partial_permutivity,
38 identity_commutes, inverse_doesnt_commute,
39 patch_and_inverse_commute, merge_either_way,
40 show_read,
41 merge_commute, merge_consistent, merge_arguments_consistent,
42 join_inverses, join_commute ) where
44 import Control.Monad ( msum, mplus )
45 import Darcs.Show ( Show2(..) )
46 import Darcs.Patch.Patchy
47 import Darcs.Patch.Prim
48 import Darcs.Patch ()
49 import Darcs.Patch.Read ( readPatch )
50 import Darcs.Ordered
51 import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed(Sealed) )
52 import Printer ( Doc, renderPS, redText, greenText, ($$) )
53 --import Darcs.ColorPrinter ( traceDoc )
54 \end{code}
56 \section{Patch properties}
58 Darcs is built on a hierarchy of patch types. At the lowest level are
59 ``primitive'' patches, and from these building blocks, a whole hierarchy of
60 patch types are built. Each of these patch types must support a number of
61 functions, which must obey a number of laws.
63 \subsection{Properties of identity}
65 \newtheorem{prp}{Property}
67 \begin{prp}[Identity commutes trivially]
68 The identity patch must commute with any patch without modifying said patch.
69 \end{prp}
71 \begin{code}
72 identity_commutes :: forall p C(x y). Patchy p => p C(x y) -> Maybe Doc
73 identity_commutes p = case commute (p :> identity) of
74 Nothing -> Just $ redText "identity_commutes failed:" $$ showPatch p
75 Just (i :> p') | IsEq <- i =\/= identity,
76 IsEq <- p' =\/= p ->
77 checkRightIdentity $ commute $ identity :> p
78 Just _ -> Just $ greenText "identity_commutes"
79 where checkRightIdentity :: Maybe ((p :> p) C(x y)) -> Maybe Doc
80 checkRightIdentity Nothing = Just $ redText "identity_commutes failed 2:" $$ showPatch p
81 checkRightIdentity (Just (p2 :> i2)) | IsEq <- i2 =\/= identity,
82 IsEq <- p2 =\/= p = Nothing
83 checkRightIdentity (Just _) = Just $ greenText "identity_commutes 2"
84 \end{code}
86 \begin{prp}[Inverse doesn't commute]
87 A patch and its inverse will always commute, unless that patch is an
88 identity patch (or an identity-like patch that has no effect).
89 \end{prp}
91 \begin{code}
92 inverse_doesnt_commute :: Patchy p => p C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
93 inverse_doesnt_commute p | IsEq <- sloppyIdentity p = Nothing
94 | otherwise = do p' :> _ <- commute (invert p :> p)
95 Just $ redText "inverse_doesnt_commute" $$ showPatch p'
96 \end{code}
98 \subsection{Commute properties}
100 \begin{prp}[Recommute]
101 $AB \commutes B'A'$ if and only if $B'A' \commutes AB$
102 \end{prp}
104 \begin{code}
105 recommute :: Patchy p => (FORALL(x y) ((p :> p) C(x y) -> Maybe ((p :> p) C(x y))))
106 -> (p :> p) C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
107 recommute c (x :> y) =
108 case c (x :> y) of
109 Nothing -> Nothing
110 Just (y' :> x') ->
111 case c (y' :> x') of
112 Nothing -> Just (redText "failed" $$ showPatch y' $$ redText ":>" $$ showPatch x')
113 Just (x'' :> y'') ->
114 case y'' =/\= y of
115 NotEq -> Just (redText "y'' =/\\= y failed, where x" $$ showPatch x $$
116 redText ":> y" $$ showPatch y $$
117 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y' $$
118 redText ":> x'" $$ showPatch x' $$
119 redText "x''" $$ showPatch x'' $$
120 redText ":> y''" $$ showPatch y'')
121 IsEq -> case x'' =/\= x of
122 NotEq -> Just (redText "x'' /= x" $$ showPatch x'' $$ redText ":>" $$ showPatch y'')
123 IsEq -> Nothing
124 \end{code}
126 \begin{prp}[Commute inverses]
127 $AB \commutes B'A'$ if and only if $B^{-1}A^{-1} \commutes A'^{-1}B'^{-1}$
128 \end{prp}
130 \begin{code}
131 commute_inverses :: Patchy p => (FORALL(x y) (p :> p) C(x y) -> Maybe ((p :> p) C(x y)))
132 -> (p :> p) C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
133 commute_inverses c (x :> y) =
134 case c (x :> y) of
135 Nothing -> Nothing
136 Just (y' :> x') ->
137 case c (invert y :> invert x) of
138 Nothing -> Just $ redText "second commute failed" $$
139 redText "x" $$ showPatch x $$ redText "y" $$ showPatch y $$
140 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y' $$ redText "x'" $$ showPatch x'
141 Just (ix' :> iy') ->
142 case invert ix' =/\= x' of
143 NotEq -> Just $ redText "invert ix' /= x'" $$
144 redText "x" $$ showPatch x $$
145 redText "y" $$ showPatch y $$
146 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y' $$
147 redText "x'" $$ showPatch x' $$
148 redText "ix'" $$ showPatch ix' $$
149 redText "iy'" $$ showPatch iy' $$
150 redText "invert ix'" $$ showPatch (invert ix') $$
151 redText "invert iy'" $$ showPatch (invert iy')
152 IsEq -> case y' =\/= invert iy' of
153 NotEq -> Just $ redText "y' /= invert iy'" $$ showPatch iy' $$ showPatch y'
154 IsEq -> Nothing
155 \end{code}
157 \begin{prp}[Patch and inverse]
158 If $AB \commutes B'A'$ then $A^{-1}B' \commutes BA'^{-1}$
159 \end{prp}
161 This property is only true of primitive patches.
163 \begin{code}
164 patch_and_inverse_commute :: Patchy p =>
165 (FORALL(x y) (p :> p) C(x y) -> Maybe ((p :> p) C(x y)))
166 -> (p :> p) C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
167 patch_and_inverse_commute c (x :> y) =
168 do y' :> x' <- c (x :> y)
169 case c (invert x :> y') of
170 Nothing -> Just (redText "failure in patch_and_inverse_commute")
171 Just (y'' :> ix') ->
172 case y'' =\/= y of
173 NotEq -> Just (redText "y'' /= y" $$
174 redText "x" $$ showPatch x $$
175 redText "y" $$ showPatch y $$
176 redText "x'" $$ showPatch x' $$
177 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y' $$
178 redText "y''" $$ showPatch y'' $$
179 redText ":> x'" $$ showPatch x')
180 IsEq -> case x' =\/= invert ix' of
181 NotEq -> Just (redText "x' /= invert ix'" $$
182 redText "y''" $$ showPatch y'' $$
183 redText ":> x'" $$ showPatch x' $$
184 redText "invert x" $$ showPatch (invert x) $$
185 redText ":> y" $$ showPatch y $$
186 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y' $$
187 redText "ix'" $$ showPatch ix')
188 IsEq -> Nothing
189 \end{code}
191 \begin{prp}[Permutivity]
192 (to be added...)
193 \end{prp}
195 \begin{code}
196 permutivity :: Patchy p => (FORALL(x y) (p :> p) C(x y) -> Maybe ((p :> p) C(x y)))
197 -> (p :> p :> p) C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
198 permutivity c (x:>y:>z) =
199 do y1 :> x1 <- c (x :> y)
200 z2 :> y2 <- --traceDoc (greenText "first commuted") $
201 c (y :> z)
202 z3 :> x3 <- --traceDoc (greenText "second commuted") $
203 c (x :> z2)
204 case c (x1 :> z) of
205 Nothing -> Just $ redText "permutivity1"
206 Just (z4 :> x4) ->
207 --traceDoc (greenText "third commuted" $$
208 -- greenText "about to commute" $$
209 -- greenText "y1" $$ showPatch y1 $$
210 -- greenText "z4" $$ showPatch z4) $
211 case c (y1 :> z4) of
212 Nothing -> Just $ redText "permutivity2"
213 Just (z3_ :> y4)
214 | IsEq <- z3_ =\/= z3 ->
215 --traceDoc (greenText "passed z3") $ error "foobar test" $
216 case c (y4 :> x4) of
217 Nothing -> Just $ redText "permutivity5: input was" $$
218 redText "x" $$ showPatch x $$
219 redText "y" $$ showPatch y $$
220 redText "z" $$ showPatch z $$
221 redText "z3" $$ showPatch z3 $$
222 redText "failed commute of" $$
223 redText "y4" $$ showPatch y4 $$
224 redText "x4" $$ showPatch x4 $$
225 redText "whereas commute of x and y give" $$
226 redText "y1" $$ showPatch y1 $$
227 redText "x1" $$ showPatch x1
228 Just (x3_ :> y2_)
229 | NotEq <- x3_ =\/= x3 -> Just $ redText "permutivity6"
230 | NotEq <- y2_ =/\= y2 -> Just $ redText "permutivity7"
231 | otherwise -> Nothing
232 | otherwise ->
233 Just $ redText "permutivity failed" $$
234 redText "z3" $$ showPatch z3 $$
235 redText "z3_" $$ showPatch z3_
237 partial_permutivity :: Patchy p => (FORALL(x y) (p :> p) C(x y) -> Maybe ((p :> p) C(x y)))
238 -> (p :> p :> p) C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
239 partial_permutivity c (xx:>yy:>zz) = pp (xx:>yy:>zz) `mplus` pp (invert zz:>invert yy:>invert xx)
240 where pp (x:>y:>z) = do z1 :> y1 <- c (y :> z)
241 _ :> x1 <- c (x :> z1)
242 case c (x :> y) of
243 Just _ -> Nothing -- this is covered by full permutivity test above
244 Nothing ->
245 case c (x1 :> y1) of
246 Nothing -> Nothing
247 Just _ -> Just $ greenText "partial_permutivity error" $$
248 greenText "x" $$ showPatch x $$
249 greenText "y" $$ showPatch y $$
250 greenText "z" $$ showPatch z
252 \end{code}
254 \begin{code}
255 merge_arguments_consistent :: Patchy p =>
256 (FORALL(x y) p C(x y) -> Maybe Doc)
257 -> (p :\/: p) C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
258 merge_arguments_consistent is_consistent (x :\/: y) =
259 msum [(\z -> redText "merge_arguments_consistent x" $$ showPatch x $$ z) `fmap` is_consistent x,
260 (\z -> redText "merge_arguments_consistent y" $$ showPatch y $$ z) `fmap` is_consistent y]
262 merge_consistent :: Patchy p =>
263 (FORALL(x y) p C(x y) -> Maybe Doc)
264 -> (p :\/: p) C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
265 merge_consistent is_consistent (x :\/: y) =
266 case merge (x :\/: y) of
267 y' :/\: x' ->
268 msum [(\z -> redText "merge_consistent x" $$ showPatch x $$ z) `fmap` is_consistent x,
269 (\z -> redText "merge_consistent y" $$ showPatch y $$ z) `fmap` is_consistent y,
270 (\z -> redText "merge_consistent x'" $$ showPatch x' $$ z $$
271 redText "where x' comes from x" $$ showPatch x $$
272 redText "and y" $$ showPatch y) `fmap` is_consistent x',
273 (\z -> redText "merge_consistent y'" $$ showPatch y' $$ z) `fmap` is_consistent y']
275 merge_either_way :: Patchy p => (p :\/: p) C(x y) -> Maybe Doc
276 merge_either_way (x :\/: y) =
277 case merge (x :\/: y) of
278 y' :/\: x' -> case merge (y :\/: x) of
279 x'' :/\: y'' | IsEq <- x'' =\/= x',
280 IsEq <- y'' =\/= y' -> Nothing
281 | otherwise -> Just $ redText "merge_either_way bug"
283 merge_commute :: Patchy p => (p :\/: p) C(x y) -> Maybe Doc
284 merge_commute (x :\/: y) =
285 case merge (x :\/: y) of
286 y' :/\: x' ->
287 case commute (x :> y') of
288 Nothing -> Just $ redText "merge_commute 1" $$
289 redText "x" $$ showPatch x $$
290 redText "y" $$ showPatch y $$
291 redText "x'" $$ showPatch x' $$
292 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y'
293 Just (y_ :> x'_)
294 | IsEq <- y_ =\/= y,
295 IsEq <- x'_ =\/= x' ->
296 case commute (y :> x') of
297 Nothing -> Just $ redText "merge_commute 2 failed" $$
298 redText "x" $$ showPatch x $$
299 redText "y" $$ showPatch y $$
300 redText "x'" $$ showPatch x' $$
301 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y'
302 Just (x_ :> y'_)
303 | IsEq <- x_ =\/= x,
304 IsEq <- y'_ =\/= y' -> Nothing
305 | otherwise -> Just $ redText "merge_commute 3" $$
306 redText "x" $$ showPatch x $$
307 redText "y" $$ showPatch y $$
308 redText "x'" $$ showPatch x' $$
309 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y' $$
310 redText "x_" $$ showPatch x_ $$
311 redText "y'_" $$ showPatch y'_
312 | otherwise -> Just $ redText "merge_commute 4" $$
313 redText "x" $$ showPatch x $$
314 redText "y" $$ showPatch y $$
315 redText "x'" $$ showPatch x' $$
316 redText "y'" $$ showPatch y' $$
317 redText "x'_" $$ showPatch x'_ $$
318 redText "y_" $$ showPatch y_
320 \end{code}
322 \begin{code}
323 join_inverses :: (FORALL(x y) (Prim :> Prim) C(x y) -> Maybe (Prim C(x y)))
324 -> Prim C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
325 join_inverses j p = case j (invert p :> p) of
326 Just Identity -> Nothing
327 Just p' -> Just $ redText "join_inverses gave just" $$ showPatch p'
328 Nothing -> Just $ redText "join_inverses failed"
330 join_commute :: (FORALL(x y) (Prim :> Prim) C(x y) -> Maybe (Prim C(x y)))
331 -> (Prim :> Prim :> Prim) C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
332 join_commute j (a :> b :> c) =
333 do x <- j (b :> c)
334 case commuteFL (a :> b :>: c :>: NilFL) of
335 Right (b' :>: c' :>: NilFL :> a') ->
336 case commute (a :> x) of
337 Nothing -> Just $ greenText "join_commute 1"
338 Just (x' :> a'') ->
339 case a'' =/\= a' of
340 NotEq -> Just $ greenText "join_commute 3"
341 IsEq -> case j (b' :> c') of
342 Nothing -> Just $ greenText "join_commute 4"
343 Just x'' -> case x' =\/= x'' of
344 NotEq -> Just $ greenText "join_commute 5"
345 IsEq -> Nothing
346 _ -> Nothing
347 \end{code}
350 \begin{code}
351 show_read :: (Show2 p, Patchy p) => p C(a b) -> Maybe Doc
352 show_read p = let ps = renderPS (showPatch p)
353 in case readPatch ps of
354 Nothing -> Just (redText "unable to read " $$ showPatch p)
355 Just (Sealed p',_) | IsEq <- p' =\/= p -> Nothing
356 | otherwise -> Just $ redText "trouble reading patch p" $$
357 showPatch p $$
358 redText "reads as p'" $$
359 showPatch p' $$
360 redText "aka" $$
361 greenText (show2 p) $$
362 redText "and" $$
363 greenText (show2 p')
364 \end{code}
366 \end{document}