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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Repository / Checkpoint.lhs
2 % Copyright (C) 2002-2005 David Roundy
4 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
7 % any later version.
9 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 % GNU General Public License for more details.
14 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
16 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
17 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19 \chapter{Checkpoints}
20 \label{checkpoints}
22 There should be a discussion of checkpoints here.
24 \begin{code}
25 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
26 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
28 #include "gadts.h"
30 module Darcs.Repository.Checkpoint ( get_checkpoint, get_checkpoint_by_default,
31 identify_checkpoint,
32 write_checkpoint, write_recorded_checkpoint,
33 write_checkpoint_patch,
34 ) where
36 import System.Directory ( setCurrentDirectory, createDirectoryIfMissing )
37 import Workaround ( getCurrentDirectory )
38 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafeInterleaveIO )
39 import Data.Maybe ( listToMaybe, catMaybes )
40 import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, hopefully, info )
41 import qualified Data.ByteString as B ( null, empty, ByteString )
43 import Darcs.Lock ( withTempDir, writeDocBinFile )
44 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( Slurpy, empty_slurpy, mmap_slurp, )
45 import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, Patch, Named, Prim, invertRL, patch2patchinfo,
46 apply_to_slurpy, patchcontents,
47 effect, fromPrims,
48 is_setpref, infopatch,
49 readPatch,
50 gzWritePatch
52 import Darcs.Ordered ( RL(..), FL(..), EqCheck(IsEq,NotEq),
53 (+>+), filterFL, unsafeCoerceP,
54 mapRL, mapFL_FL, mapRL_RL, reverseRL, concatRL, concatFL )
55 import Darcs.Repository.Internal ( Repository(..), read_repo, slurp_recorded, withRecorded )
56 import Darcs.Repository.ApplyPatches ( apply_patches )
57 import Darcs.Patch.Info ( PatchInfo, make_filename, readPatchInfo,
58 showPatchInfo
60 import Darcs.Diff ( unsafeDiff )
61 import Darcs.External ( gzFetchFilePS, fetchFilePS, Cachable(..) )
62 import Darcs.Flags ( DarcsFlag(LookForAdds, Partial, Complete ) )
63 import Darcs.Patch.Depends ( get_patches_beyond_tag, get_patches_in_tag )
64 import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( filetype_function )
65 import Darcs.Utils ( catchall )
66 import Darcs.FilePathUtils ( absolute_dir )
67 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
68 import Printer ( Doc, ($$), empty )
69 #include "impossible.h"
70 import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed(Sealed), FlippedSeal(..), Sealed2(Sealed2), seal, seal2 )
71 import Control.Monad ( liftM )
72 \end{code}
74 \begin{code}
75 read_patch_ids :: B.ByteString -> [PatchInfo]
76 read_patch_ids inv | B.null inv = []
77 read_patch_ids inv = case readPatchInfo inv of
78 Just (pinfo,r) -> pinfo : read_patch_ids r
79 Nothing -> []
80 \end{code}
82 \begin{code}
83 read_checkpoints :: String -> IO [(PatchInfo, Maybe Slurpy)]
84 read_checkpoints d = do
85 realdir <- absolute_dir d
86 pistr <- fetchFilePS (realdir++"/"++darcsdir++"/checkpoints/inventory") Uncachable
87 `catchall` return B.empty
88 pis <- return $ reverse $ read_patch_ids pistr
89 slurpies <- sequence $ map (fetch_checkpoint realdir) pis
90 return $ zip pis slurpies
91 where fetch_checkpoint r pinfo =
92 unsafeInterleaveIO $ do
93 pstr <- gzFetchFilePS
94 (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/checkpoints/"++make_filename pinfo) Cachable
95 case fst `fmap` (readPatch pstr :: Maybe (Sealed (Named Patch C(x)), B.ByteString)) of
96 Nothing -> return Nothing
97 Just (Sealed p) -> return $ apply_to_slurpy p empty_slurpy
99 get_checkpoint :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> IO (Maybe (Sealed (Named p C(x))))
100 get_checkpoint repository@(Repo _ opts _ _) = if Partial `elem` opts
101 then get_check_internal repository
102 else return Nothing
104 get_checkpoint_by_default :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> IO (Maybe (Sealed (Named p C(x))))
105 get_checkpoint_by_default repository@(Repo _ opts _ _) = if Complete `elem` opts
106 then return Nothing
107 else get_check_internal repository
109 identify_checkpoint :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> IO (Maybe PatchInfo)
110 identify_checkpoint repository@(Repo r _ _ _) = do
111 pis <- (map sp2i . catMaybes . mapRL lastRL) `liftM` read_repo repository
112 pistr <- fetchFilePS (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/checkpoints/inventory") Uncachable
113 `catchall` return B.empty
114 return $ listToMaybe $ filter (`elem` pis) $ reverse $ read_patch_ids pistr
115 where lastRL :: RL a C(x y) -> Maybe (Sealed2 a)
116 lastRL as = do Sealed ps <- headFL (reverseRL as)
117 return $ seal2 ps
118 headFL :: FL a C(x y) -> Maybe (Sealed (a C(x)))
119 headFL (x:>:_) = Just $ seal x
120 headFL NilFL = Nothing
121 sp2i :: Sealed2 (PatchInfoAnd p) -> PatchInfo
122 sp2i (Sealed2 p) = info p
124 get_check_internal :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> IO (Maybe (Sealed (Named p C(x))))
125 get_check_internal repository@(Repo r _ _ _) = do
126 mc <- identify_checkpoint repository
127 case mc of
128 Nothing -> return Nothing
129 Just pinfo -> do ps <- gzFetchFilePS
130 (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/checkpoints/"++make_filename pinfo) Cachable
131 return $ case readPatch ps of
132 Just (p, _) -> Just p
133 Nothing -> Nothing
135 format_inv :: [PatchInfo] -> Doc
136 format_inv [] = empty
137 format_inv (pinfo:ps) = showPatchInfo pinfo
138 $$ format_inv ps
140 write_recorded_checkpoint :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> PatchInfo -> IO ()
141 write_recorded_checkpoint r@(Repo _ _ _ _) pinfo = do
142 Sealed ps <- (seal . mapFL_FL hopefully.reverseRL.concatRL) `liftM` read_repo r
143 ftf <- filetype_function
144 s <- slurp_recorded r
145 write_checkpoint_patch $ infopatch pinfo
146 (fromPrims $ changepps ps +>+ unsafeDiff [LookForAdds] ftf empty_slurpy s :: Patch C(() y))
147 where changeps = filterFL is_setprefFL .
148 effect . patchcontents
149 changepps = concatFL . mapFL_FL changeps
151 is_setprefFL :: Prim C(x y) -> EqCheck C(x y)
152 is_setprefFL p | is_setpref p = unsafeCoerceP IsEq
153 | otherwise = NotEq
155 write_checkpoint :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> PatchInfo -> IO ()
156 write_checkpoint repo@(Repo _ _ _ _) pinfo = do
157 repodir <- getCurrentDirectory
158 Sealed pit <- get_patches_in_tag pinfo `liftM` read_repo repo
159 let ps = (reverseRL.mapRL_RL hopefully.concatRL) pit
160 ftf <- filetype_function
161 with_tag repo pinfo $ do
162 s <- mmap_slurp "."
163 setCurrentDirectory repodir
164 write_checkpoint_patch $ infopatch pinfo $
165 (fromPrims $ changepps ps +>+ unsafeDiff [LookForAdds] ftf empty_slurpy s :: Patch C(() y))
166 where changeps = filterFL is_setprefFL .
167 effect . patchcontents
168 changepps = concatFL . mapFL_FL changeps
170 write_checkpoint_patch :: RepoPatch p => Named p C(x y) -> IO ()
171 write_checkpoint_patch p =
172 do createDirectoryIfMissing False (darcsdir++"/checkpoints")
173 gzWritePatch (darcsdir++"/checkpoints/"++make_filename (patch2patchinfo p)) p
174 cpi <- (map fst) `fmap` read_checkpoints "."
175 writeDocBinFile (darcsdir++"/checkpoints/inventory")
176 $ format_inv $ reverse $ patch2patchinfo p:cpi
178 with_tag :: RepoPatch p => Repository p C(r u t) -> PatchInfo -> (IO ()) -> IO ()
179 with_tag r pinfo job = do
180 ps <- read_repo r
181 case get_patches_beyond_tag pinfo ps of
182 FlippedSeal (extras :<: NilRL) -> withRecorded r (withTempDir "checkpoint") $ \_ -> do
183 apply_patches [] $ invertRL extras
185 _ -> bug "with_tag"
186 \end{code}
188 The \verb!_darcs! directory also contains a directory called
189 ``\verb!prefs!'', which is described in Chapter~\ref{configuring}.
191 \begin{comment}
192 \section{Getting interesting info on change history}
194 One can query the repository for the entire markup history of a file. This
195 provides a data structure which contains a history of \emph{all} the
196 revisions ever made on a given file.
198 \end{comment}