Merge branch 'darcs' into master
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / RunCommand.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2005 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \begin{code}
19 module Darcs.RunCommand ( run_the_command ) where
21 import Control.Exception ( throwIO, Exception ( ExitException ) )
22 import Control.Monad ( unless, when )
23 import System.Console.GetOpt( ArgOrder( Permute, RequireOrder ),
24 OptDescr( Option ),
25 getOpt )
26 import System.Exit ( ExitCode ( ExitSuccess ), exitWith )
28 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag(..),
29 help,
30 option_from_darcsoption,
31 list_options )
32 import Darcs.ArgumentDefaults ( get_default_flags )
33 import Darcs.Commands ( CommandArgs( CommandOnly, SuperCommandOnly, SuperCommandSub ),
34 DarcsCommand,
35 command_name,
36 command_command,
37 command_prereq,
38 command_extra_arg_help,
39 command_extra_args,
40 command_argdefaults,
41 command_get_arg_possibilities,
42 command_options, command_alloptions,
43 disambiguate_commands,
44 get_command_help, get_command_mini_help,
45 get_subcommands,
46 extract_commands,
47 super_name,
48 subusage, chomp_newline )
49 import Darcs.Commands.Help ( command_control_list )
50 import Darcs.External ( viewDoc )
51 import Darcs.Global ( setDebugMode, setSshControlMasterDisabled,
52 setTimingsMode, setVerboseMode )
53 import Darcs.Match ( checkMatchSyntax )
54 import Darcs.Progress ( setProgressMode )
55 import Darcs.RepoPath ( getCurrentDirectory )
56 import Darcs.SignalHandler ( catchNonSignal )
57 import Darcs.Test ( run_posthook, run_prehook )
58 import Darcs.Utils ( formatPath )
59 import Printer ( text )
60 import URL ( setDebugHTTP, setHTTPPipelining )
62 run_the_command :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
63 run_the_command cmd args =
64 either fail rtc $ disambiguate_commands command_control_list cmd args
65 where
66 rtc (CommandOnly c, as) = run_command Nothing c as
67 rtc (SuperCommandOnly c, as) = run_raw_supercommand c as
68 rtc (SuperCommandSub c s, as) = run_command (Just c) s as
69 \end{code}
71 \begin{comment}
73 This is the actual heavy lifter code, which is responsible for parsing the
74 arguments and then running the command itself.
76 \end{comment}
77 \begin{code}
78 run_command :: Maybe DarcsCommand -> DarcsCommand -> [String] -> IO ()
80 run_command _ _ args -- Check for "dangerous" typoes...
81 | "-all" `elem` args = -- -all indicates --all --look-for-adds!
82 fail $ "Are you sure you didn't mean -" ++ "-all rather than -all?"
83 run_command msuper cmd args = do
84 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
85 let options = opts1 ++ opts2
86 (opts1, opts2) = command_options cwd cmd
87 case getOpt Permute
88 (option_from_darcsoption cwd list_options++options) args of
89 (opts,extra,[])
90 | Help `elem` opts -> viewDoc $ text $ get_command_help msuper cmd
91 | ListOptions `elem` opts -> do
92 setProgressMode False
93 command_prereq cmd opts
94 file_args <- command_get_arg_possibilities cmd
95 putStrLn $ get_options_options (opts1++opts2) ++ unlines file_args
96 | otherwise -> consider_running msuper cmd (addVerboseIfDebug opts) extra
97 (_,_,ermsgs) -> do fail $ chomp_newline(unlines ermsgs)
98 where addVerboseIfDebug opts | DebugVerbose `elem` opts = Debug:Verbose:opts
99 | otherwise = opts
101 consider_running :: Maybe DarcsCommand -> DarcsCommand
102 -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
103 consider_running msuper cmd opts old_extra = do
104 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
105 location <- command_prereq cmd opts
106 case location of
107 Left complaint -> fail $ "Unable to " ++
108 formatPath ("darcs " ++ super_name msuper ++ command_name cmd) ++
109 " here.\n\n" ++ complaint
110 Right () -> do
111 specops <- add_command_defaults cmd opts
112 extra <- (command_argdefaults cmd) specops cwd old_extra
113 when (Disable `elem` specops) $
114 fail $ "Command "++command_name cmd++" disabled with --disable option!"
115 if command_extra_args cmd < 0
116 then runWithHooks specops extra
117 else if length extra > command_extra_args cmd
118 then fail $ "Bad argument: `"++unwords extra++"'\n"++
119 get_command_mini_help msuper cmd
120 else if length extra < command_extra_args cmd
121 then fail $ "Missing argument: " ++
122 nth_arg (length extra + 1) ++
123 "\n" ++ get_command_mini_help msuper cmd
124 else runWithHooks specops extra
125 where nth_arg n = nth_of n (command_extra_arg_help cmd)
126 nth_of 1 (h:_) = h
127 nth_of n (_:hs) = nth_of (n-1) hs
128 nth_of _ [] = "UNDOCUMENTED"
129 runWithHooks os ex = do
130 here <- getCurrentDirectory
131 checkMatchSyntax os
132 -- set any global variables
133 when (Timings `elem` os) setTimingsMode
134 when (Debug `elem` os) setDebugMode
135 when (DebugHTTP `elem` os) setDebugHTTP
136 when (Verbose `elem` os) setVerboseMode
137 when (Quiet `elem` os) $ setProgressMode False
138 when (HTTPPipelining `elem` os) $ setHTTPPipelining True
139 when (NoHTTPPipelining `elem` os) $ setHTTPPipelining False
140 unless (SSHControlMaster `elem` os) setSshControlMasterDisabled
141 -- actually run the command and its hooks
142 preHookExitCode <- run_prehook os here
143 if preHookExitCode /= ExitSuccess
144 then exitWith preHookExitCode
145 else do let fixFlag = FixFilePath here cwd
146 (command_command cmd) (fixFlag : os) ex
147 `catchNonSignal`
148 (\e -> case e of
149 ExitException ExitSuccess -> return ()
150 _ -> throwIO e)
151 postHookExitCode <- run_posthook os here
153 exitWith postHookExitCode
155 add_command_defaults :: DarcsCommand -> [DarcsFlag] -> IO [DarcsFlag]
156 add_command_defaults cmd already = do
157 let (opts1, opts2) = command_alloptions cmd
158 defaults <- get_default_flags (command_name cmd) (opts1 ++ opts2) already
159 return $ already ++ defaults
161 get_options_options :: [OptDescr DarcsFlag] -> String
162 get_options_options [] = ""
163 get_options_options (o:os) =
164 get_long_option o ++"\n"++ get_options_options os
166 get_long_option :: OptDescr DarcsFlag -> String
167 get_long_option (Option _ [] _ _) = ""
168 get_long_option (Option a (o:os) b c) = "--"++o++
169 get_long_option (Option a os b c)
170 \end{code}
172 \begin{code}
173 run_raw_supercommand :: DarcsCommand -> [String] -> IO ()
174 run_raw_supercommand super [] =
175 fail $ "Command '"++ command_name super ++"' requires subcommand!\n\n"
176 ++ subusage super
177 run_raw_supercommand super args = do
178 cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
179 case getOpt RequireOrder
180 (option_from_darcsoption cwd help++
181 option_from_darcsoption cwd list_options) args of
182 (opts,_,[])
183 | Help `elem` opts ->
184 viewDoc $ text $ get_command_help Nothing super
185 | ListOptions `elem` opts -> do
186 putStrLn "--help"
187 mapM_ (putStrLn . command_name) (extract_commands $ get_subcommands super)
188 | otherwise ->
189 if Disable `elem` opts
190 then fail $ "Command " ++ (command_name super) ++
191 " disabled with --disable option!"
192 else fail $ "Invalid subcommand!\n\n" ++ subusage super
193 (_,_,ermsgs) -> do fail $ chomp_newline(unlines ermsgs)
194 \end{code}