Put time of epoch actually into RFC2822.
[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Git / Fast.hs
1 -- |
2 -- Module : Git.Fast
3 -- Copyright : (c) 2008 Bertram Felgenhauer
4 -- License : GPL2
5 --
6 -- Maintainer : Bertram Felgenhauer <int-e@gmx.de>
7 -- Stability : experimental
8 -- Portability : ghc
9 --
10 -- Functions for applying patches to git repositories.
12 -- Use git-fast-import for importing stuff, and a Slurpy tree for tracking
13 -- commits.
15 -- This module also defines how git-darcs-import stores its metadata in the
16 -- target repository, and how patch meta information is converted.
19 {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
21 module Git.Fast (
22 Git,
23 runGit,
24 getInventory,
25 failure,
26 applyAndCommit
27 ) where
29 import Control.Monad.State.Strict (evalStateT)
30 import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO, MonadIO)
31 import Control.Monad (when, liftM2)
32 import System.Process (runProcess)
33 import System.FilePath ((</>), FilePath)
34 import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist) -- , createDirectory)
36 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory (SlurpMonad, slurp, withSlurpy)
37 import Darcs.Patch (RepoPatch, apply)
38 import Darcs.Utils (withCurrentDirectory)
39 import Darcs.IO (WriteableDirectory (..), ReadableDirectory (..))
40 import Darcs.Patch.Core (Named (..))
41 import Darcs.Patch.Info (make_filename)
42 import FastPackedString (
43 PackedString, lengthPS, takePS, dropPS, linesPS, unlinesPS,
44 nilPS, readFilePS, writeFilePS, unpackPS)
45 import FileName (fp2fn, (///), FileName)
46 import Git.Base
47 import Git.Metadata (GitInfo (..), extractGitInfo)
49 -- | location of inventory file
50 -- format:
51 -- 20051128181018-c2a52-a799f1a83580ad95053914b2171e790425b37dc6.gz :<mark>
52 inventoryFile :: FilePath
53 inventoryFile = ".git" </> "darcs-inventory"
55 -- | a file placed into each directory, so git can keep track of it.
56 directoryMarker :: FileName
57 directoryMarker = fp2fn ".git-darcs-dir"
59 -- | the branch that we create
60 branch :: FilePath
61 branch = "refs/heads/git-darcs-import"
63 -- | create a checkpoint after this many files have been touched
64 cpCount :: Int
65 cpCount = 10000
67 -- | initialise empty repository. creates empty marksFile and inventoryFile.
68 makeRepository :: IO ()
69 makeRepository = do
70 pid <- runProcess gitBinary ["init-db"]
71 Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
72 checkProcessExitCode "Failed to initialise git repo" pid
73 writeFilePS inventoryFile nilPS
74 writeFilePS marksFile nilPS
75 -- createDirectory "_darcs"
76 -- createDirectory "_darcs/prefs"
78 -- | the inventory might be ahead of git's actual commits - repair.
79 checkInventory :: IO Int
80 checkInventory = do
81 inv <- liftIO $ readFilePS inventoryFile
82 mrk <- liftIO $ readFilePS marksFile
83 let is = tail (reverse (linesPS inv))
84 is' = dropWhile (\l -> snd (splitInventoryLine l) > lastMark) is
85 ms = linesPS mrk
86 lastMark = length ms - 1
87 inv' = unlinesPS (reverse (nilPS : is'))
88 m' | null is = 1
89 | otherwise = snd (splitInventoryLine (head is'))
90 commit = unpackPS (snd (splitMarkLine (ms !! (m'-1))))
91 when (length is' < length is) $ do
92 putStrLn $ "resetting to " ++ commit
93 writeFilePS inventoryFile inv'
94 pid <- runProcess "git" ["checkout", "-f", "-q", commit]
95 Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
96 checkProcessExitCode ("failed to check out tip (" ++ commit ++ ")") pid
97 return ()
98 return m'
100 -- | parse a line from our inventory file. return darcs hash and mark
101 -- number.
102 splitInventoryLine :: PackedString -> (PackedString, Int)
103 splitInventoryLine ps = (takePS 64 ps, read . unpackPS . dropPS 66 $ ps)
105 -- | parse a line from git-fast-import's marks file. return mark number
106 -- and commit
107 splitMarkLine :: PackedString -> (Int, PackedString)
108 splitMarkLine ps =
109 let l = lengthPS ps
110 in (read . tail . unpackPS . takePS (l-41) $ ps, dropPS (l-40) ps)
112 -- | run a Git action in a repository. initialises the repository if it's fresh.
113 runGit :: Git b -- ^ pre initialisation hook, for setting options
114 -> FilePath -- ^ Root of repository
115 -> Git a -- ^ action to run on repository
116 -> IO a
117 runGit pre root act = withCurrentDirectory root $ do
118 t <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist ".git"
119 when (not t) makeRepository
120 -- read working directory
121 tr <- slurp "."
122 mrk <- if t then do
123 checkInventory
124 else
125 return 1
126 let initialise = do
127 startGitFastImport
128 when (not t) $ do
129 -- create a dummy commit at the start of the repository
130 let message = "New empty repository"
131 fastGitCommand [
132 "commit " ++ branch,
133 "mark :1",
134 "author git-darcs-import <> Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC",
135 "committer git-darcs-import <> Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC",
136 "data " ++ show (length message),
137 message]
138 finish = stopGitFastImport >> checkout branch
139 let initState = RWState { mark = mrk, tree = tr, touched = 0,
140 gitPipe = error "gitPipe", gitPid = error "gitPid",
141 verbose = 0 }
142 flip evalStateT initState $ unGit $
143 pre >> initialise >> liftM2 const act finish
145 -- | read the inventory, and return a list of pairs of
146 -- mark and darcs patch file
147 getInventory :: Git [(PackedString, Int)]
148 getInventory = liftIO $ do
149 inv <- readFilePS inventoryFile
150 return $ map splitInventoryLine (init (linesPS inv))
152 -- | apply a patch and add it to the inventory. the repository must be clean.
153 -- it's an error to apply a patch that is already in the repository.
154 applyAndCommit :: RepoPatch p => Named p -> Git ()
155 applyAndCommit (NamedP pip _ p) = do
156 m <- getMark
157 let GitInfo {
158 gitAuthor = aName,
159 gitAEmail = aEmail,
160 gitTag = aTag,
161 gitDate = aDate,
162 gitMessage = message
163 } = extractGitInfo pip
164 authorLine = aName ++ " " ++ aEmail ++ " " ++ aDate
165 case aTag of
166 Just tag -> do
167 fastGitCommand [
168 "tag " ++ tag,
169 "from :" ++ show m,
170 "tagger " ++ authorLine,
171 "data " ++ show (length message),
172 message]
173 Nothing -> do
174 fastGitCommand [
175 "commit " ++ branch,
176 "mark :" ++ show (m + 1),
177 "author " ++ authorLine,
178 "committer " ++ authorLine,
179 "data " ++ show (length message),
180 message,
181 "from :" ++ show m]
182 setMark (m+1)
183 apply [] p
184 t <- getTouched
185 when (t > cpCount) $ do
186 liftIO $ putStrLn "\nCreating checkpoint..."
188 -- this way we could restart the import process, hmm
189 stopGitFastImport
190 startGitFastImport
192 fastGitCommand ["checkpoint"]
193 setTouched 0
194 liftIO $ appendFile inventoryFile $ make_filename pip ++ " :" ++ show (m+1) ++ "\n"
195 return ()
197 -- | run an action on the working tree
198 liftSlurpMonad :: SlurpMonad a -> Git a
199 liftSlurpMonad act = do
200 t0 <- getTree
201 case withSlurpy t0 act of
202 Left msg -> failure msg
203 Right (t1, res) -> do
204 setTree t1
205 return res
207 -- read the working tree - boring
208 instance ReadableDirectory Git where
209 mInCurrentDirectory = error "Git :: mInCurrentDirectory"
210 mDoesDirectoryExist d = liftSlurpMonad $ mDoesDirectoryExist d
211 mDoesFileExist f = liftSlurpMonad $ mDoesFileExist f
212 mGetDirectoryContents = liftSlurpMonad $ mGetDirectoryContents
213 mReadFilePS f = liftSlurpMonad $ mReadFilePS f
214 mReadFilePSs f = liftSlurpMonad $ mReadFilePSs f
216 -- write to the working tree - notify the git-fast-import worker
217 instance WriteableDirectory Git where
218 mWithCurrentDirectory = error "Git :: mWithCurrentDirectory"
219 mSetFileExecutable = error "Git :: mSetFileExecutable"
220 mWriteFilePS f ps = do
221 liftSlurpMonad $ mWriteFilePS f ps
222 gitWriteFilePS f ps
223 mCreateDirectory f = do
224 liftSlurpMonad $ mCreateDirectory f
225 mWriteFilePS (f /// directoryMarker) nilPS
226 mRemoveDirectory f = do
227 mRemoveFile (f /// directoryMarker)
228 liftSlurpMonad $ mRemoveDirectory f
229 mRemoveFile f = do
230 liftSlurpMonad $ mRemoveFile f
231 gitRemoveFile f
232 mRename f1 f2 = do
233 -- some old patches have moves where the source file doesn't exist
234 exF <- mDoesFileExist f1
235 exD <- mDoesDirectoryExist f1
236 when (exF || exD) $ gitRename f1 f2
237 liftSlurpMonad $ mRename f1 f2