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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Commands / Rollback.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2004,2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \subsection{darcs rollback}
19 \begin{code}
20 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}
21 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
23 module Darcs.Commands.Rollback ( rollback ) where
25 import Control.Monad ( when, filterM )
26 import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
27 import Data.List ( sort )
28 import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
29 import System.Directory ( removeFile )
31 import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults, loggers )
32 import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag(MarkConflicts), fixSubPaths, get_author,
33 definePatches,
34 working_repo_dir, nocompress,
35 author, patchname_option, ask_long_comment,
36 leave_test_dir, notest, list_registered_files,
37 match_several_or_last, all_interactive, umask_option
39 import Darcs.RepoPath ( toFilePath )
40 import Darcs.Repository ( amInRepository, withRepoLock, ($-), applyToWorking,
41 slurp_recorded_and_unrecorded, read_repo, slurp_recorded,
42 tentativelyMergePatches, withGutsOf,
43 finalizeRepositoryChanges, sync_repo )
44 import Darcs.Patch ( summary, invert, namepatch, effect, fromPrims, sort_coalesceFL )
45 import Darcs.Ordered
46 import Darcs.Hopefully ( n2pia )
47 import Darcs.Lock ( world_readable_temp )
48 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( empty_slurpy, wait_a_moment )
49 import Darcs.Match ( first_match )
50 import Darcs.SelectChanges ( with_selected_last_changes_to_files_reversed,
51 with_selected_last_changes_to_files' )
52 import Darcs.Commands.Record ( file_exists, get_log )
53 import Darcs.Commands.Unrecord ( get_last_patches )
54 import Darcs.Utils ( clarify_errors )
55 import Darcs.Progress ( debugMessage )
56 import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed(..), unsafeUnflippedseal )
57 import IsoDate ( getIsoDateTime )
58 #include "impossible.h"
59 \end{code}
61 \begin{code}
62 rollback_description :: String
63 rollback_description =
64 "Record a new patch reversing some recorded changes."
65 \end{code}
67 \options{rollback}
69 \haskell{rollback_help} If you decide you didn't want to roll back a patch
70 after all, you can reverse its effect by obliterating the rolled-back patch.
72 Rollback can actually allow you to roll back a subset of the changes made
73 by the selected patch or patches. Many of the options available in
74 rollback behave similarly to the options for unrecord~\ref{unrecord} and
75 record~\ref{record}.
77 \begin{code}
78 rollback_help :: String
79 rollback_help =
80 "Rollback is used to undo the effects of one or more patches without actually\n"++
81 "deleting them. Instead, it creates a new patch reversing selected portions.\n"++
82 "of those changes. Unlike obliterate and unrecord (which accomplish a similar\n"++
83 "goal) rollback is perfectly safe, since it leaves in the repository a record\n"++
84 "of its changes.\n"
85 \end{code}
86 \begin{code}
87 rollback :: DarcsCommand
88 rollback = DarcsCommand {command_name = "rollback",
89 command_help = rollback_help,
90 command_description = rollback_description,
91 command_extra_args = -1,
92 command_extra_arg_help = ["[FILE or DIRECTORY]..."],
93 command_command = rollback_cmd,
94 command_prereq = amInRepository,
95 command_get_arg_possibilities = list_registered_files,
96 command_argdefaults = nodefaults,
97 command_advanced_options = [nocompress,umask_option],
98 command_basic_options = [match_several_or_last,
99 all_interactive,
100 author, patchname_option, ask_long_comment,
101 notest, leave_test_dir,
102 working_repo_dir]}
103 \end{code}
104 \begin{code}
105 rollback_cmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
106 rollback_cmd opts args = withRepoLock opts $- \repository -> do
107 let (logMessage,_,_) = loggers opts
108 rec <- if null args then return empty_slurpy
109 else slurp_recorded repository
110 files <- sort `fmap` fixSubPaths opts args
111 existing_files <- map toFilePath `fmap` filterM (file_exists rec) files
112 non_existent_files <- map toFilePath `fmap` filterM (fmap not . file_exists rec) files
113 when (not $ null existing_files) $
114 logMessage $ "Recording changes in "++unwords existing_files++":\n"
115 when (not $ null non_existent_files) $
116 logMessage $ "Non existent files or directories: "++unwords non_existent_files++"\n"
117 when ((not $ null non_existent_files) && null existing_files) $
118 fail "None of the files you specified exist!"
119 (recorded, working_dir) <- slurp_recorded_and_unrecorded repository
120 allpatches <- read_repo repository
121 let patches = if first_match opts then get_last_patches opts allpatches
122 else unsafeUnflippedseal $ headRL allpatches
123 with_selected_last_changes_to_files_reversed "rollback" opts recorded existing_files
124 (reverseRL patches) $
125 \ (_ :> ps) ->
126 do when (nullFL ps) $ do logMessage "No patches selected!"
127 exitWith ExitSuccess
128 definePatches ps
129 with_selected_last_changes_to_files' "rollback" opts working_dir
130 existing_files (sort_coalesceFL $ effect ps) $ \ (_:>ps'') ->
131 do when (nullFL ps'') $ do logMessage "No changes selected!"
132 exitWith ExitSuccess
133 let make_log = world_readable_temp "darcs-rollback"
134 newlog = Just ("", "":"rolling back:":"":lines (show $ summary ps ))
135 --tentativelyRemovePatches repository opts (mapFL_FL hopefully ps)
136 (name, my_log, logf) <- get_log opts newlog make_log $ invert ps''
137 date <- getIsoDateTime
138 my_author <- get_author opts
139 rbp <- n2pia `fmap` namepatch date name my_author my_log
140 (fromPrims $ invert ps'')
141 debugMessage "Adding rollback patch to repository."
142 Sealed pw <- tentativelyMergePatches repository "rollback" (MarkConflicts : opts)
143 NilFL (rbp :>: NilFL)
144 debugMessage "Finalizing rollback changes..."
145 withGutsOf repository $ do
146 finalizeRepositoryChanges repository
147 debugMessage "About to apply rolled-back changes to working directory."
148 -- so work will be more recent than rec:
149 revertable $ do wait_a_moment
150 applyToWorking repository opts pw
151 when (isJust logf) $ removeFile (fromJust logf)
152 sync_repo repository
153 logMessage $ "Finished rolling back."
154 where revertable x = x `clarify_errors` unlines
155 ["Error applying patch to the working directory.","",
156 "This may have left your working directory an inconsistent",
157 "but recoverable state. If you had no un-recorded changes",
158 "by using 'darcs revert' you should be able to make your",
159 "working directory consistent again."]
160 \end{code}