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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / Darcs / Repository / Cache.lhs
1 \begin{code}
2 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fglasgow-exts #-}
3 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
5 #include "gadts.h"
7 module Darcs.Repository.Cache (
8 cacheHash, okayHash, takeHash,
9 Cache(..), CacheType(..), CacheLoc(..), WritableOrNot(..),
10 HashedDir(..), hashedDir,
11 unionCaches, cleanCaches, cleanCachesWithHint,
12 fetchFileUsingCache, speculateFileUsingCache, writeFileUsingCache,
13 findFileMtimeUsingCache, setFileMtimeUsingCache, peekInCache,
14 repo2cache
15 ) where
17 import Control.Monad ( liftM, when, guard )
18 import Data.List ( nub )
19 import Data.Maybe ( listToMaybe )
20 import System.Directory ( removeFile, doesFileExist, getDirectoryContents )
21 import System.Posix ( setFileTimes )
22 import System.Posix.Files ( linkCount, modificationTime, getSymbolicLinkStatus )
23 import System.Posix.Types ( EpochTime )
24 import System.IO ( hPutStrLn, stderr )
26 import Crypt.SHA256 ( sha256sum )
28 import ByteStringUtils ( gzWriteFilePS, linesPS )
29 import qualified Data.ByteString as B (length, drop, ByteString )
30 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack)
32 import SHA1 ( sha1PS )
33 import System.Posix.Files ( createLink )
34 import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing )
36 import Darcs.External ( gzFetchFilePS, fetchFilePS, speculateFileOrUrl, copyFileOrUrl,
37 Cachable( Cachable ) )
38 import Darcs.Flags ( Compression( .. ) )
39 import Darcs.Global ( darcsdir )
40 import Darcs.Lock ( writeAtomicFilePS, gzWriteAtomicFilePS )
41 import Darcs.Progress ( progressList, debugMessage, debugFail )
42 import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( undefined_time )
43 import Darcs.URL ( is_file )
44 import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory, catchall )
46 \end{code}
48 \begin{code}
49 data HashedDir = HashedPristineDir | HashedPatchesDir | HashedInventoriesDir
50 hashedDir :: HashedDir -> String
51 hashedDir HashedPristineDir = "pristine.hashed"
52 hashedDir HashedPatchesDir = "patches"
53 hashedDir HashedInventoriesDir = "inventories"
55 data WritableOrNot = Writable | NotWritable deriving ( Show )
56 data CacheType = Repo | Directory deriving ( Eq, Show )
57 data CacheLoc = Cache !CacheType !WritableOrNot !String
58 newtype Cache = Ca [CacheLoc] -- abstract type for hiding cache
60 instance Eq CacheLoc where
61 (Cache Repo _ a) == (Cache Repo _ b) = a == b
62 (Cache Directory _ a) == (Cache Directory _ b) = a == b
63 _ == _ = False
64 instance Show CacheLoc where
65 show (Cache Repo Writable a) = "thisrepo:" ++ a
66 show (Cache Repo NotWritable a) = "repo:" ++ a
67 show (Cache Directory Writable a) = "cache:" ++ a
68 show (Cache Directory NotWritable a) = "readonly:" ++ a
69 instance Show Cache where
70 show (Ca cs) = unlines $ map show cs
72 unionCaches :: Cache -> Cache -> Cache
73 unionCaches (Ca a) (Ca b) = Ca (nub (a++b))
75 repo2cache :: String -> Cache
76 repo2cache r = Ca [Cache Repo NotWritable r]
78 -- This function computes the cache hash (i.e. filename) of a packed string.
79 cacheHash :: B.ByteString -> String
80 cacheHash ps = case show (B.length ps) of
81 x | l > 10 -> sha256sum ps
82 | otherwise -> take (10-l) (repeat '0') ++ x ++'-':sha256sum ps
83 where l = length x
85 okayHash :: String -> Bool
86 okayHash s = length s == 40 || length s == 64 || length s == 75
88 takeHash :: B.ByteString -> Maybe (String, B.ByteString)
89 takeHash ps = do h <- listToMaybe $ linesPS ps
90 let v = BC.unpack h
91 guard $ okayHash v
92 Just (v, B.drop (B.length h) ps)
94 checkHash :: String -> B.ByteString -> Bool
95 checkHash h s | length h == 40 = sha1PS s == h
96 | length h == 64 = sha256sum s == h
97 | length h == 75 = B.length s == read (take 10 h) && sha256sum s == drop 11 h
98 | otherwise = False
101 findFileMtimeUsingCache :: Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO EpochTime
102 findFileMtimeUsingCache (Ca cache) subdir f = mt cache
103 where mt [] = return undefined_time
104 mt (Cache Repo Writable r:_) = (modificationTime `fmap`
105 getSymbolicLinkStatus (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++(hashedDir subdir)++"/"++f))
106 `catchall` return undefined_time
107 mt (_:cs) = mt cs
109 setFileMtimeUsingCache :: Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> EpochTime -> IO ()
110 setFileMtimeUsingCache (Ca cache) subdir f t = st cache
111 where st [] = return ()
112 st (Cache Repo Writable r:_) = setFileTimes (r++"/"++darcsdir++"/"++(hashedDir subdir)++"/"++f) t t
113 `catchall` return ()
114 st (_:cs) = st cs
116 fetchFileUsingCache :: Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO (String, B.ByteString)
117 fetchFileUsingCache = fetchFileUsingCachePrivate Anywhere
119 writable :: CacheLoc -> Bool
120 writable (Cache _ NotWritable _) = False
121 writable (Cache _ Writable _) = True
123 hashedFilePath :: CacheLoc -> HashedDir -> String -> String
124 hashedFilePath (Cache Directory _ d) s f = d ++ "/" ++ (hashedDir s) ++ "/" ++ f
125 hashedFilePath (Cache Repo _ r) s f =
126 r ++ "/"++darcsdir++"/" ++ (hashedDir s) ++ "/" ++ f
128 peekInCache :: Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO Bool
129 peekInCache (Ca cache) subdir f = cacheHasIt cache `catchall` return False
130 where cacheHasIt [] = return False
131 cacheHasIt (c:cs) | not $ writable c = cacheHasIt cs
132 | otherwise = do ex <- doesFileExist $ fn c
133 if ex then return True
134 else cacheHasIt cs
135 fn c = hashedFilePath c subdir f
137 -- |Note that the file is likely to be useful soon: pipelined downloads will
138 -- add it to the (low-priority) queue, for the rest it is a noop.
139 speculateFileUsingCache :: Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO ()
140 speculateFileUsingCache c sd h = do debugMessage $ "Speculating on "++h
141 copyFileUsingCache OnlySpeculate c sd h
143 data OrOnlySpeculate = ActuallyCopy | OnlySpeculate deriving ( Eq )
145 copyFileUsingCache :: OrOnlySpeculate -> Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO ()
146 copyFileUsingCache oos (Ca cache) subdir f =
147 do debugMessage $ "I'm doing copyFileUsingCache on "++(hashedDir subdir)++"/"++f
148 Just stickItHere <- cacheLoc cache
149 createDirectoryIfMissing False (reverse $ dropWhile (/='/') $ reverse stickItHere)
150 sfuc cache stickItHere
151 `catchall` return ()
152 where cacheLoc [] = return Nothing
153 cacheLoc (c:cs) | not $ writable c = cacheLoc cs
154 | otherwise =
155 do ex <- doesFileExist $ fn c
156 if ex then fail "Bug in darcs: This exception should be caught in speculateFileUsingCache"
157 else do othercache <- cacheLoc cs
158 case othercache of Just x -> return $ Just x
159 Nothing -> return $ Just (fn c)
160 sfuc [] _ = return ()
161 sfuc (c:cs) out | not $ writable c =
162 if oos == OnlySpeculate
163 then speculateFileOrUrl (fn c) out
164 else copyFileOrUrl [] (fn c) out Cachable
165 | otherwise = sfuc cs out
166 fn c = hashedFilePath c subdir f
169 data FromWhere = LocalOnly | Anywhere deriving ( Eq )
171 fetchFileUsingCachePrivate :: FromWhere -> Cache -> HashedDir -> String -> IO (String, B.ByteString)
172 fetchFileUsingCachePrivate fromWhere (Ca cache) subdir f =
173 do when (fromWhere == Anywhere) $ copyFileUsingCache ActuallyCopy (Ca cache) subdir f
174 ffuc cache
175 `catchall` debugFail ("Couldn't fetch `"++f++"'\nin subdir "++(hashedDir subdir)++
176 " from sources:\n\n"++show (Ca cache))
177 where ffuc (c:cs)
178 | not (writable c) && (Anywhere == fromWhere || is_file (fn c)) =
179 do debugMessage $ "In fetchFileUsingCachePrivate I'm going manually"
180 debugMessage $ " getting "++f
181 debugMessage $ " from " ++ fn c
182 x <- gzFetchFilePS (fn c) Cachable
183 if not $ checkHash f x
184 then do x' <- fetchFilePS (fn c) Cachable
185 when (not $ checkHash f x') $
186 do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Hash failure in " ++ fn c
187 fail $ "Hash failure in " ++ fn c
188 return (fn c, x')
189 else return (fn c, x) -- FIXME: create links in caches
190 `catchall` ffuc cs
192 | writable c =
193 do x1 <- gzFetchFilePS (fn c) Cachable
194 x <- if not $ checkHash f x1
195 then do x2 <- fetchFilePS (fn c) Cachable
196 when (not $ checkHash f x2) $
197 do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Hash failure in " ++ fn c
198 removeFile $ fn c
199 fail $ "Hash failure in " ++ fn c
200 return x2
201 else return x1
202 mapM_ (tryLinking (fn c)) cs
203 return (fn c, x)
204 `catchall` do (fname,x) <- ffuc cs
205 do createCache c subdir
206 createLink fname (fn c)
207 return (fn c, x)
208 `catchall`
209 do gzWriteFilePS (fn c) x `catchall` return ()
210 return (fname,x)
211 | otherwise = ffuc cs
213 ffuc [] = debugFail $ "No sources from which to fetch file `"++f++"'\n"++ show (Ca cache)
215 tryLinking ff c@(Cache Directory Writable d) =
216 do createDirectoryIfMissing False (d++"/"++(hashedDir subdir))
217 createLink ff (fn c)
218 `catchall` return ()
219 tryLinking _ _ = return ()
220 fn c = hashedFilePath c subdir f
222 createCache :: CacheLoc -> HashedDir -> IO ()
223 createCache (Cache Directory _ d) subdir =
224 createDirectoryIfMissing True (d ++ "/" ++ (hashedDir subdir))
225 createCache _ _ = return ()
227 write :: Compression -> String -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
228 write NoCompression = writeAtomicFilePS
229 write GzipCompression = gzWriteAtomicFilePS
231 writeFileUsingCache :: Cache -> Compression -> HashedDir -> B.ByteString -> IO String
232 writeFileUsingCache (Ca cache) compr subdir ps =
233 (fetchFileUsingCachePrivate LocalOnly (Ca cache) subdir hash >> return hash) `catchall`
234 wfuc cache `catchall`
235 debugFail ("Couldn't write `"++hash++"'\nin subdir "++(hashedDir subdir)++" to sources:\n\n"++
236 show (Ca cache))
237 where hash = cacheHash ps
238 wfuc (c:cs) | not $ writable c = wfuc cs
239 | otherwise = do createCache c subdir
240 write compr (fn c) ps -- FIXME: create links in caches
241 return hash
242 wfuc [] = debugFail $ "No location to write file `" ++ (hashedDir subdir) ++"/"++hash ++ "'"
243 fn c = hashedFilePath c subdir hash
245 cleanCaches :: Cache -> HashedDir -> IO ()
246 cleanCaches c d = cleanCachesWithHint' c d Nothing
248 cleanCachesWithHint :: Cache -> HashedDir -> [String] -> IO ()
249 cleanCachesWithHint c d h = cleanCachesWithHint' c d (Just h)
251 cleanCachesWithHint' :: Cache -> HashedDir -> Maybe [String] -> IO ()
252 cleanCachesWithHint' (Ca cs) subdir hint = mapM_ cleanCache cs
253 where cleanCache (Cache Directory Writable d) =
254 (withCurrentDirectory (d++"/"++(hashedDir subdir)) $
255 do fs' <- getDirectoryContents "."
256 let fs = case hint of
257 Just h -> h
258 Nothing -> fs'
259 mapM_ clean $ progressList ("Cleaning cache "++d++"/"++(hashedDir subdir)) $
260 filter okayHash fs) `catchall` return ()
261 cleanCache _ = return ()
262 clean f = do lc <- linkCount `liftM` getSymbolicLinkStatus f
263 when (lc < 2) $ removeFile f
264 `catchall` return ()
266 \end{code}