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[git-darcs-import.git] / src / unit.lhs
1 % Copyright (C) 2002-2005,2007 David Roundy
3 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
6 % any later version.
8 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 % GNU General Public License for more details.
13 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
15 % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
16 % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
18 \documentclass{report}
19 \usepackage{color}
21 \usepackage{verbatim}
22 \newenvironment{code}{\color{blue}\verbatim}{\endverbatim}
24 \begin{document}
26 % Definition of title page:
27 \title{
28 Unit Testing for darcs in Haskell
30 \author{
31 David Roundy % insert author(s) here
34 \maketitle
36 \tableofcontents % Table of Contents
38 \chapter{Introduction}
40 This is a unit testing program, which is intended to make sure that all the
41 functions of my darcs code work properly.
43 \begin{code}
44 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-deprecations -fglasgow-exts #-}
45 {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
47 module Main (main) where
48 \end{code}
50 \begin{code}
51 import Control.Monad (when)
52 import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
53 import ByteStringUtils
54 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( unpack, pack )
55 import qualified Data.ByteString as B ( empty, concat )
56 import Darcs.Patch
57 import Darcs.Patch.Test
58 import Darcs.Patch.Unit ( run_patch_unit_tests )
59 import Lcs ( shiftBoundaries )
60 import Test.QuickCheck
61 import System ( ExitCode(..), exitWith )
62 import System.IO ( hSetBuffering, stdout, BufferMode(..) )
63 import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef )
64 import Printer ( renderPS, text )
65 import Darcs.Patch.Commute
66 import Data.Array.Base
67 import Data.Array.Unboxed
68 import Control.Monad.ST
69 import Darcs.Ordered
70 import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed(Sealed), unsafeUnseal )
72 import Darcs.Email ( make_email, read_email )
73 #include "impossible.h"
74 \end{code}
76 \chapter{Main body of code}
78 \begin{code}
79 main :: IO ()
80 main = do
81 hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
82 returnval <- newIORef 0
83 patch_failures <- run_patch_unit_tests
84 if patch_failures > 0
85 then do putStrLn $ show patch_failures ++ " failures in Darcs.Patch.Unit."
86 exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
87 else putStrLn "No failures in Darcs.Patch.Unit."
88 when (unpackPSfromUTF8 (BC.pack "hello world") /= "hello world") $
89 do putStr "Problem with unpackPSfromUTF8\n"
90 putStr $ "hello world isn't '" ++
91 unpackPSfromUTF8 (BC.pack "hello world")++"'\n"
92 exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
93 when (BC.unpack (fromHex2PS $ fromPS2Hex $ BC.pack "hello world")
94 /= "hello world") $
95 do putStr "Problem with binary to hex conversion and back again\n"
96 exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
97 putStr "Checking that email can be parsed... "
98 quickCheck $ \s ->
99 unlines ("":s++["", ""]) ==
100 BC.unpack (read_email (renderPS
101 $ make_email "reponame" (Just (text "contents\n"))
102 (text $ unlines s) (Just "filename")))
103 --putStr $ test_patch
104 --exitWith ExitSuccess
105 case run_tests returnval of
106 run -> do
107 putStr ("There are a total of "++(show (length primitive_test_patches))
108 ++" primitive patches.\n")
109 putStr ("There are a total of "++
110 (show (length test_patches))++" patches.\n")
111 putStr "Checking that B.concat works... "
112 quickCheck prop_concatPS
113 putStr "Checking that hex conversion works... "
114 quickCheck prop_hex_conversion
115 putStr "Checking that show and read work right... "
116 quickCheck prop_read_show
117 run "Checking known commutes... " commute_tests
118 run "Checking known merges... " merge_tests
119 run "Checking known canons... " canonization_tests
120 check_subcommutes subcommutes_inverse "patch and inverse both commutex"
121 check_subcommutes subcommutes_nontrivial_inverse
122 "nontrivial commutes are correct"
123 check_subcommutes subcommutes_failure "inverses fail"
124 putStr "Checking that commuting by patch and its inverse is ok... "
125 quickCheck prop_commute_inverse
126 --putStr "Checking that conflict resolution is valid... "
127 --quickCheck prop_resolve_conflicts_valid
128 putStr "Checking that a patch followed by its inverse is identity... "
129 quickCheck prop_patch_and_inverse_is_identity
130 -- The following tests are "wrong" with the Conflictor code.
131 --putStr "Checking that a simple smart_merge is sufficient... "
132 --quickCheck prop_simple_smart_merge_good_enough
133 --putStr "Checking that an elegant merge is sufficient... "
134 --quickCheck prop_elegant_merge_good_enough
135 putStr "Checking that commutes are equivalent... "
136 quickCheck prop_commute_equivalency
137 putStr "Checking that merges are valid... "
138 quickCheck prop_merge_valid
139 putStr "Checking inverses being valid... "
140 quickCheck prop_inverse_valid
141 putStr "Checking other inverse being valid... "
142 quickCheck prop_other_inverse_valid
143 run "Checking merge swaps... " merge_swap_tests
144 -- The patch generator isn't smart enough to generate correct test
145 -- cases for the following: (which will be obsoleted soon, anyhow)
146 --putStr "Checking the order dependence of unravel... "
147 --quickCheck prop_unravel_order_independent
148 --putStr "Checking the unravelling of three merges... "
149 --quickCheck prop_unravel_three_merge
150 --putStr "Checking the unravelling of a merge of a sequence... "
151 --quickCheck prop_unravel_seq_merge
152 putStr "Checking inverse of inverse... "
153 quickCheck prop_inverse_composition
154 putStr "Checking the order of commutes... "
155 quickCheck prop_commute_either_order
156 putStr "Checking commutex either way... "
157 quickCheck prop_commute_either_way
158 putStr "Checking the double commutex... "
159 quickCheck prop_commute_twice
160 putStr "Checking that merges commutex and are well behaved... "
161 quickCheck prop_merge_is_commutable_and_correct
162 putStr "Checking that merges can be swapped... "
163 quickCheck prop_merge_is_swapable
164 putStr "Checking again that merges can be swapped (I'm paranoid) ... "
165 quickCheck prop_merge_is_swapable
166 run "Checking that the patch validation works... " test_check
167 run "Checking commutex/recommute... " commute_recommute_tests
168 run "Checking merge properties... " generic_merge_tests
169 run "Testing the lcs code... " show_lcs_tests
170 run "Checking primitive patch IO functions... " primitive_show_read_tests
171 run "Checking IO functions... " show_read_tests
172 run "Checking primitive commutex/recommute... "
173 primitive_commute_recommute_tests
174 trv <- readIORef returnval
175 if trv == 0
176 then exitWith ExitSuccess
177 else exitWith $ ExitFailure trv
178 \end{code}
180 \section{run\_tests}
182 run\_tests is used to run a series of tests (which return a list of strings
183 describing their failures) and then update n IORef so the program can exit
184 with an error if one of the tests failed.
186 \begin{code}
187 run_tests :: (IORef Int) -> String -> [String] -> IO ()
188 run_tests return_val s ss = do
189 putStr s
190 if null ss
191 then putStr "good.\n"
192 else do modifyIORef return_val (+1)
193 print_strings ss
194 exitWith $ ExitFailure 1
196 print_strings :: [String] -> IO ()
197 print_strings [] = return ()
198 print_strings (s:ss) = do
199 putStr s
200 print_strings ss
201 \end{code}
203 \chapter{Unit Tester}
205 The unit tester function is really just a glorified map for functions that
206 return lists, in which the lists get concatenated (where map would end up
207 with a list of lists).
209 \begin{code}
210 type PatchUnitTest p = p -> [String]
211 type TwoPatchUnitTest = Patch -> Patch -> [String]
212 unit_tester :: PatchUnitTest p -> [p] -> [String]
213 unit_tester _ [] = []
214 unit_tester thetest (p:ps) = (thetest p)++(unit_tester thetest ps)
216 parallel_pair_unit_tester :: TwoPatchUnitTest -> [(Patch:\/:Patch)] -> [String]
217 parallel_pair_unit_tester _ [] = []
218 parallel_pair_unit_tester thetest ((p1:\/:p2):ps)
219 = (thetest p1 p2)++(parallel_pair_unit_tester thetest ps)
221 pair_unit_tester :: TwoPatchUnitTest -> [(Patch:<Patch)] -> [String]
222 pair_unit_tester _ [] = []
223 pair_unit_tester thetest ((p1:<p2):ps)
224 = (thetest p1 p2)++(pair_unit_tester thetest ps)
225 \end{code}
227 \chapter{LCS}
229 Here are a few quick tests of the shiftBoundaries function.
231 \begin{code}
232 show_lcs_tests :: [String]
233 show_lcs_tests = concatMap check_known_shifts known_shifts
234 check_known_shifts :: ([Int],[Int],String,String,[Int],[Int])
235 -> [String]
236 check_known_shifts (ca, cb, sa, sb, ca', cb') = runST (
237 do ca_arr <- newListArray (0, length ca) $ toBool (0:ca)
238 cb_arr <- newListArray (0, length cb) $ toBool (0:cb)
239 let p_a = listArray (0, length sa) $ B.empty:(toPS sa)
240 p_b = listArray (0, length sb) $ B.empty:(toPS sb)
241 shiftBoundaries ca_arr cb_arr p_a 1 1
242 shiftBoundaries cb_arr ca_arr p_b 1 1
243 ca_res <- fmap (fromBool . tail) $ getElems ca_arr
244 cb_res <- fmap (fromBool . tail) $ getElems cb_arr
245 return $ if ca_res == ca' && cb_res == cb' then []
246 else ["shiftBoundaries failed on "++sa++" and "++sb++" with "
247 ++(show (ca,cb))++" expected "++(show (ca', cb'))
248 ++" got "++(show (ca_res, cb_res))++"\n"])
249 where toPS = map (\c -> if c == ' ' then B.empty else BC.pack [c])
250 toBool = map (>0)
251 fromBool = map (\b -> if b then 1 else 0)
253 known_shifts :: [([Int],[Int],String,String,[Int],[Int])]
254 known_shifts =
255 [([0,0,0],[0,1,0,1,0],"aaa","aaaaa",
256 [0,0,0],[0,0,0,1,1]),
257 ([0,1,0],[0,1,1,0],"cd ","c a ",
258 [0,1,0],[0,1,1,0]),
259 ([1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0], "fg{} if{}","dg{} ih{} if{}",
260 [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]), -- prefer empty line at end
261 ([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0], "fg{} if{}","fg{} ih{} if{}",
262 [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0]), -- prefer empty line at end
263 ([],[1,1],"","aa",[],[1,1]),
264 ([1,1],[],"aa","",[1,1],[])]
267 \end{code}
269 \chapter{Show/Read tests}
271 This test involves calling ``show'' to print a string describing a patch,
272 and then using readPatch to read it back in, and making sure the patch we
273 read in is the same as the original. Useful for making sure that I don't
274 have any stupid IO bugs.
276 \begin{code}
277 show_read_tests :: [String]
278 show_read_tests = unit_tester t_show_read test_patches ++
279 unit_tester t_show_read test_patches_named
280 primitive_show_read_tests :: [String]
281 primitive_show_read_tests = unit_tester t_show_read primitive_test_patches
282 t_show_read :: (Eq p, Show p, Patchy p) => PatchUnitTest p
283 t_show_read p =
284 case readPatch $ renderPS $ showPatch p of
285 Just (Sealed p',_) -> if p' == p then []
286 else ["Failed to read shown: "++(show p)++"\n"]
287 Nothing -> ["Failed to read at all: "++(show p)++"\n"]
289 instance MyEq p => Eq (Named p) where
290 (==) = unsafeCompare
291 \end{code}
293 \chapter{Canonization tests}
295 This is a set of known correct canonizations, to make sure that I'm
296 canonizing as I ought.
298 \begin{code}
299 canonization_tests :: [String]
300 canonization_tests = concatMap check_known_canon known_canons
301 check_known_canon :: (Patch, Patch) -> [String]
302 check_known_canon (p1,p2) =
303 if (fromPrims $ concatFL $ mapFL_FL canonize $ sort_coalesceFL $ effect p1) == p2
304 then []
305 else ["Canonization failed:\n"++show p1++"canonized is\n"
306 ++show (fromPrims $ concatFL $ mapFL_FL canonize $ sort_coalesceFL $ effect p1 :: Patch)
307 ++"which is not\n"++show p2]
308 known_canons :: [(Patch,Patch)]
309 known_canons =
310 [(quickhunk 1 "abcde" "ab", quickhunk 3 "cde" ""),
311 (quickhunk 1 "abcde" "bd", join_patches [quickhunk 1 "a" "",
312 quickhunk 2 "c" "",
313 quickhunk 3 "e" ""]),
314 (join_patches [quickhunk 4 "a" "b",
315 quickhunk 1 "c" "d"],
316 join_patches [quickhunk 1 "c" "d",
317 quickhunk 4 "a" "b"]),
318 (join_patches [quickhunk 1 "a" "",
319 quickhunk 1 "" "b"],
320 quickhunk 1 "a" "b"),
321 (join_patches [quickhunk 1 "ab" "c",
322 quickhunk 1 "cd" "e"],
323 quickhunk 1 "abd" "e"),
324 (quickhunk 1 "abcde" "cde", quickhunk 1 "ab" ""),
325 (quickhunk 1 "abcde" "acde", quickhunk 2 "b" "")]
326 quickhunk :: Int -> String -> String -> Patch
327 quickhunk l o n = fromPrim $ hunk "test" l (map (\c -> BC.pack [c]) o)
328 (map (\c -> BC.pack [c]) n)
329 \end{code}
331 \chapter{Merge/unmgerge tests}
333 It should always be true that if two patches can be unmerged, then merging
334 the resulting patches should give them back again.
335 \begin{code}
336 generic_merge_tests :: [String]
337 generic_merge_tests =
338 case take 400 [(p1:\/:p2)|
339 i <- [0..(length test_patches)-1],
340 p1<-[test_patches!!i],
341 p2<-drop i test_patches,
342 check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p2,p1]] of
343 merge_pairs -> (parallel_pair_unit_tester t_merge_either_way_valid merge_pairs) ++
344 (parallel_pair_unit_tester t_merge_swap_merge merge_pairs)
345 t_merge_either_way_valid :: TwoPatchUnitTest
346 t_merge_either_way_valid p1 p2 =
347 case join_patches [p2, quickmerge (p1:\/: p2)] of
348 combo2 ->
349 case join_patches [p1, quickmerge (p2:\/: p1)] of
350 combo1 ->
351 if not $ check_a_patch $ join_patches [combo1]
352 then ["oh my combo1 invalid:\n"++show p1++"and...\n"++show p2++show combo1]
353 else
354 if check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert combo1, combo2]
355 then []
356 else ["merge both ways invalid:\n"++show p1++"and...\n"++show p2++
357 show combo1++
358 show combo2]
359 t_merge_swap_merge :: TwoPatchUnitTest
360 t_merge_swap_merge p1 p2 =
361 if (swapp $ merge (p2:\/: p1)) == merge (p1:\/:p2)
362 then []
363 else ["Failed to swap merges:\n"++show p1++"and...\n"++show p2
364 ++"merged:\n"++show (merge (p1:\/:p2))++"\n"
365 ++"merged and swapped:\n"++show (swapp $ merge (p2:\/: p1))++"\n"]
366 where swapp (x :/\: y) = y :/\: x
368 instance Show p => Show (p :/\: p) where
369 show (x :/\: y) = show x ++ " :/\\: " ++ show y
370 instance Eq p => Eq (p :/\: p) where
371 (x :/\: y) == (x' :/\: y') = x == x' && y == y'
372 \end{code}
374 \chapter{Commute/recommute tests}
376 Here we test to see if commuting patch A and patch B and then commuting the
377 result gives us patch A and patch B again. The set of patches (A,B) is
378 chosen from the set of all pairs of test patches by selecting those which
379 commutex with one another.
381 \begin{code}
382 commute_recommute_tests :: [String]
383 commute_recommute_tests =
384 case take 200 [(p2:<p1)|
385 p1<-test_patches,
386 p2<-filter (\p->checkseq [p1,p]) test_patches,
387 commutex (p2:<p1) /= Nothing] of
388 commute_pairs -> pair_unit_tester t_commute_recommute commute_pairs
389 where checkseq ps = check_a_patch $ join_patches ps
390 primitive_commute_recommute_tests :: [String]
391 primitive_commute_recommute_tests =
392 pair_unit_tester t_commute_recommute
393 [(p1:<p2)|
394 p1<-primitive_test_patches,
395 p2<-primitive_test_patches,
396 commutex (p1:<p2) /= Nothing,
397 check_a_patch $ join_patches [p2,p1]]
398 t_commute_recommute :: TwoPatchUnitTest
399 t_commute_recommute p1 p2 =
400 if (commutex (p1:<p2) >>= commutex) == Just (p1:<p2)
401 then []
402 else ["Failed to recommute:\n"++(show p1)++(show p2)++
403 "we saw it as:\n"++show (commutex (p1:<p2))++
404 "\nAnd recommute was:\n"++show (commutex (p1:<p2) >>= commutex)
405 ++ "\n"]
406 \end{code}
408 \chapter{Commute tests}
410 Here we provide a set of known interesting commutes.
411 \begin{code}
412 commute_tests :: [String]
413 commute_tests =
414 concatMap check_known_commute known_commutes++
415 concatMap check_cant_commute known_cant_commute
416 check_known_commute :: (Patch:< Patch, Patch:< Patch) -> [String]
417 check_known_commute (p1:<p2,p2':<p1') =
418 case commutex (p1:<p2) of
419 Just (p2a:<p1a) ->
420 if (p2a:< p1a) == (p2':< p1')
421 then []
422 else ["Commute gave wrong value!\n"++show p1++"\n"++show p2
423 ++"should be\n"++show p2'++"\n"++show p1'
424 ++"but is\n"++show p2a++"\n"++show p1a]
425 Nothing -> ["Commute failed!\n"++show p1++"\n"++show p2]
427 case commutex (p2':<p1') of
428 Just (p1a:<p2a) ->
429 if (p1a:< p2a) == (p1:< p2)
430 then []
431 else ["Commute gave wrong value!\n"++show p2a++"\n"++show p1a
432 ++"should have been\n"++show p2'++"\n"++show p1']
433 Nothing -> ["Commute failed!\n"++show p2'++"\n"++show p1']
434 known_commutes :: [(Patch:<Patch,Patch:<Patch)]
435 known_commutes = [
436 (testhunk 1 [] ["A"]:<
437 testhunk 2 [] ["B"],
438 testhunk 3 [] ["B"]:<
439 testhunk 1 [] ["A"]),
440 (fromPrim (tokreplace "test" "A-Za-z_" "old" "new"):<
441 testhunk 2
442 ["hello world all that is old is good old_"]
443 ["I don't like old things"],
444 testhunk 2
445 ["hello world all that is new is good old_"]
446 ["I don't like new things"]:<
447 fromPrim (tokreplace "test" "A-Za-z_" "old" "new")),
448 (testhunk 1 ["A"] ["B"]:<
449 testhunk 2 ["C"] ["D"],
450 testhunk 2 ["C"] ["D"]:<
451 testhunk 1 ["A"] ["B"]),
452 (fromPrim (rmfile "NwNSO"):<
453 (quickmerge (fromPrim (addfile "hello"):\/:fromPrim (addfile "hello"))),
454 (quickmerge (fromPrim (addfile "hello"):\/:fromPrim (addfile "hello"))):<
455 fromPrim (rmfile "NwNSO")),
457 (quickmerge (testhunk 3 ["o"] ["n"]:\/:
458 testhunk 3 ["o"] ["v"]):<
459 testhunk 1 [] ["a"],
460 testhunk 1 [] ["a"]:<
461 quickmerge (testhunk 2 ["o"] ["n"]:\/:
462 testhunk 2 ["o"] ["v"])),
464 (testhunk 1 ["A"] []:<
465 testhunk 3 ["B"] [],
466 testhunk 2 ["B"] []:<
467 testhunk 1 ["A"] []),
469 (testhunk 1 ["A"] ["B"]:<
470 testhunk 2 ["B"] ["C"],
471 testhunk 2 ["B"] ["C"]:<
472 testhunk 1 ["A"] ["B"]),
474 (testhunk 1 ["A"] ["B"]:<
475 testhunk 3 ["B"] ["C"],
476 testhunk 3 ["B"] ["C"]:<
477 testhunk 1 ["A"] ["B"]),
479 (testhunk 1 ["A"] ["B","C"]:<
480 testhunk 2 ["B"] ["C","D"],
481 testhunk 3 ["B"] ["C","D"]:<
482 testhunk 1 ["A"] ["B","C"])]
483 where testhunk l o n = fromPrim $ hunk "test" l (map BC.pack o) (map BC.pack n)
485 check_cant_commute :: (Patch:< Patch) -> [String]
486 check_cant_commute (p1:<p2) =
487 case commutex (p1:<p2) of
488 Nothing -> []
489 _ -> [show p1 ++ "\n\n" ++ show p2 ++
490 "\nArgh, these guys shouldn't commutex!\n"]
491 known_cant_commute :: [(Patch:< Patch)]
492 known_cant_commute = [
493 (testhunk 2 ["o"] ["n"]:<
494 testhunk 1 [] ["A"]),
495 (testhunk 1 [] ["A"]:<
496 testhunk 1 ["o"] ["n"]),
497 (quickmerge (testhunk 2 ["o"] ["n"]:\/:
498 testhunk 2 ["o"] ["v"]):<
499 testhunk 1 [] ["a"]),
500 (fromPrim (hunk "test" 1 ([BC.pack "a"]) ([BC.pack "b"])):<
501 fromPrim (addfile "test"))]
502 where testhunk l o n = fromPrim $ hunk "test" l (map BC.pack o) (map BC.pack n)
503 \end{code}
505 \chapter{Merge tests}
507 Here we provide a set of known interesting merges.
508 \begin{code}
509 merge_tests :: [String]
510 merge_tests =
511 concatMap check_known_merge_equiv known_merge_equivs++
512 concatMap check_known_merge known_merges
513 check_known_merge :: (Patch:\/: Patch, Patch:< Patch) -> [String]
514 check_known_merge (p1:\/:p2,p1':<p2') =
515 case merge (p1:\/:p2) of
516 _ :/\: p1a ->
517 if (p1a:< p2) == (p1':< p2')
518 then []
519 else ["Merge gave wrong value!\n"++show p1++show p2
520 ++"I expected\n"++show p1'++show p2'
521 ++"but found instead\n"++show p1a]
522 known_merges :: [(Patch:\/:Patch,Patch:<Patch)]
523 known_merges = [
524 (testhunk 2 [BC.pack "c"] [BC.pack "d",BC.pack "e"]:\/:
525 testhunk 1 [BC.pack "x"] [BC.pack "a",BC.pack "b"],
526 testhunk 3 [BC.pack "c"] [BC.pack "d",BC.pack "e"]:<
527 testhunk 1 [BC.pack "x"] [BC.pack "a",BC.pack "b"]),
528 (testhunk 1 [BC.pack "x"] [BC.pack "a",BC.pack "b"]:\/:
529 testhunk 2 [BC.pack "c"] [BC.pack "d",BC.pack "e"],
530 testhunk 1 [BC.pack "x"] [BC.pack "a",BC.pack "b"]:<
531 testhunk 2 [BC.pack "c"] [BC.pack "d",BC.pack "e"]),
532 (testhunk 3 [BC.pack "A"] []:\/:
533 testhunk 1 [BC.pack "B"] [],
534 testhunk 2 [BC.pack "A"] []:<
535 testhunk 1 [BC.pack "B"] []),
536 (fromPrim (rmdir "./test/world"):\/:
537 fromPrim (hunk "./world" 3 [BC.pack "A"] []),
538 fromPrim (rmdir "./test/world"):<
539 fromPrim (hunk "./world" 3 [BC.pack "A"] [])),
541 (join_patches [quickhunk 1 "a" "bc",
542 quickhunk 6 "d" "ef"]:\/:
543 join_patches [quickhunk 3 "a" "bc",
544 quickhunk 8 "d" "ef"],
545 join_patches [quickhunk 1 "a" "bc",
546 quickhunk 7 "d" "ef"]:<
547 join_patches [quickhunk 3 "a" "bc",
548 quickhunk 8 "d" "ef"]),
550 (testhunk 1 [BC.pack "A"] [BC.pack "B"]:\/:
551 testhunk 2 [BC.pack "B"] [BC.pack "C"],
552 testhunk 1 [BC.pack "A"] [BC.pack "B"]:<
553 testhunk 2 [BC.pack "B"] [BC.pack "C"]),
555 (testhunk 2 [BC.pack "A"] [BC.pack "B",BC.pack "C"]:\/:
556 testhunk 1 [BC.pack "B"] [BC.pack "C",BC.pack "D"],
557 testhunk 3 [BC.pack "A"] [BC.pack "B",BC.pack "C"]:<
558 testhunk 1 [BC.pack "B"] [BC.pack "C",BC.pack "D"])]
559 where testhunk l o n = fromPrim $ hunk "test" l o n
560 check_known_merge_equiv :: (Patch:\/:Patch,Patch) -> [String]
561 check_known_merge_equiv (p1:\/: p2, pe) =
562 case quickmerge (p1:\/:p2) of
563 p1' -> if check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1, p2, p1', invert pe]
564 then []
565 else ["Oh no, merger isn't equivalent...\n"++show p1++"\n"++show p2
566 ++"in other words\n" ++ show (p1 :\/: p2)
567 ++"merges as\n" ++ show (merge $ p1 :\/: p2)
568 ++"merges to\n" ++ show (quickmerge $ p1 :\/: p2)
569 ++"which is equivalent to\n" ++ show (effect p1')
570 ++ "should all work out to\n"
571 ++ show pe]
572 known_merge_equivs :: [(Patch:\/: Patch, Patch)]
573 known_merge_equivs = [
575 -- The following tests are going to be failed by the
576 -- Conflictor code as a cleanup.
578 --(addfile "test":\/:
579 -- adddir "test",
580 -- join_patches [adddir "test",
581 -- addfile "test-conflict"]),
582 --(move "silly" "test":\/:
583 -- adddir "test",
584 -- join_patches [adddir "test",
585 -- move "silly" "test-conflict"]),
586 --(addfile "test":\/:
587 -- move "old" "test",
588 -- join_patches [addfile "test",
589 -- move "old" "test-conflict"]),
590 --(move "a" "test":\/:
591 -- move "old" "test",
592 -- join_patches [move "a" "test",
593 -- move "old" "test-conflict"]),
594 (fromPrim (hunk "test" 1 [] [BC.pack "A"]):\/:
595 fromPrim (hunk "test" 1 [] [BC.pack "B"]),
596 fromPrim (hunk "test" 1 [] [BC.pack "A", BC.pack "B"])),
597 (fromPrim (hunk "test" 1 [] [BC.pack "a"]):\/:
598 fromPrim (hunk "test" 1 [BC.pack "b"] []),
599 identity),
600 --hunk "test" 1 [] [BC.pack "v v v v v v v",
601 -- BC.pack "*************",
602 -- BC.pack "a",
603 -- BC.pack "b",
604 -- BC.pack "^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^"]),
605 (quickhunk 4 "a" "":\/:
606 quickhunk 3 "a" "",
607 quickhunk 3 "aa" ""),
608 (join_patches [quickhunk 1 "a" "bc",
609 quickhunk 6 "d" "ef"]:\/:
610 join_patches [quickhunk 3 "a" "bc",
611 quickhunk 8 "d" "ef"],
612 join_patches [quickhunk 3 "a" "bc",
613 quickhunk 8 "d" "ef",
614 quickhunk 1 "a" "bc",
615 quickhunk 7 "d" "ef"]),
616 (quickmerge (quickhunk 2 "" "bd":\/:quickhunk 2 "" "a"):\/:
617 quickmerge (quickhunk 2 "" "c":\/:quickhunk 2 "" "a"),
618 quickhunk 2 "" "abdc")
620 \end{code}
622 It also is useful to verify that it doesn't matter which order we specify
623 the patches when we merge.
625 \begin{code}
626 merge_swap_tests :: [String]
627 merge_swap_tests =
628 concat
629 [check_merge_swap p1 p2 |
630 p1<-primitive_test_patches,
631 p2<-primitive_test_patches,
632 check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1,p2]
634 check_merge_swap :: Patch -> Patch -> [String]
635 check_merge_swap p1 p2 =
636 case merge (p2:\/:p1) of
637 _ :/\: p2' ->
638 case merge (p1:\/:p2) of
639 _ :/\: p1' ->
640 case commutex (p2':<p1) of
641 Just (p1'b:<_) ->
642 if p1'b /= p1'
643 then ["Merge swapping problem with...\np1 "++
644 show p1++"merged with\np2 "++
645 show p2++"p1' is\np1' "++
646 show p1'++"p1'b is\np1'b "++
647 show p1'b
649 else []
650 Nothing -> ["Merge commuting problem with...\np1 "++
651 show p1++"merged with\np2 "++
652 show p2++"gives\np2' "++
653 show p2'++"which doesn't commutex with p1.\n"
655 \end{code}
657 \chapter{Patch test data}
659 This is where we define the set of patches which we run our tests on. This
660 should be kept up to date with as many interesting permutations of patch
661 types as possible.
663 \begin{code}
664 test_patches :: [Patch]
665 test_patches_named :: [Named Patch]
666 test_patches_addfile :: [Patch]
667 test_patches_rmfile :: [Patch]
668 test_patches_hunk :: [Patch]
669 primitive_test_patches :: [Patch]
670 test_patches_binary :: [Patch]
671 test_patches_composite_nocom :: [Patch]
672 test_patches_composite :: [Patch]
673 test_patches_two_composite_hunks :: [Patch]
674 test_patches_composite_hunks :: [Patch]
675 test_patches_composite_four_hunks :: [Patch]
676 test_patches_merged :: [Patch]
677 valid_patches :: [Patch]
679 test_patches_named = [unsafePerformIO $
680 namepatch "date is" "patch name" "David Roundy" []
681 (fromPrim $ addfile "test"),
682 unsafePerformIO $
683 namepatch "Sat Oct 19 08:31:13 EDT 2002"
684 "This is another patch" "David Roundy"
685 ["This log file has","two lines in it"]
686 (fromPrim $ rmfile "test")]
687 test_patches_addfile = map fromPrim
688 [addfile "test",adddir "test",addfile "test/test"]
689 test_patches_rmfile = map invert test_patches_addfile
690 test_patches_hunk =
691 [fromPrim $ hunk file line old new |
692 file <- ["test"],
693 line <- [1,2],
694 old <- map (map BC.pack) partials,
695 new <- map (map BC.pack) partials,
696 old /= new
698 where partials = [["A"],["B"],[],["B","B2"]]
700 primitive_test_patches = test_patches_addfile ++
701 test_patches_rmfile ++
702 test_patches_hunk ++
703 [unsafeUnseal.fst.fromJust.readPatch $
704 BC.pack "move ./test/test ./hello",
705 unsafeUnseal.fst.fromJust.readPatch $
706 BC.pack "move ./test ./hello"] ++
707 test_patches_binary
709 test_patches_binary =
710 [fromPrim $ binary "./hello"
711 (BC.pack $ "agadshhdhdsa75745457574asdgg" ++
712 "a326424677373735753246463gadshhdhdsaasdgg" ++
713 "a326424677373735753246463gadshhdhdsaasdgg" ++
714 "a326424677373735753246463gadshhdhdsaasdgg")
715 (BC.pack $ "adafjttkykrehhtrththrthrthre" ++
716 "a326424677373735753246463gadshhdhdsaasdgg" ++
717 "a326424677373735753246463gadshhdhdsaasdgg" ++
718 "a326424677373735753246463gadshhdhdsaagg"),
719 fromPrim $ binary "./hello"
720 B.empty
721 (BC.pack "adafjttkykrere")]
723 test_patches_composite_nocom =
724 take 50 [join_patches [p1,p2]|
725 p1<-primitive_test_patches,
726 p2<-filter (\p->checkseq [p1,p]) primitive_test_patches,
727 commutex (p2:<p1) == Nothing]
728 where checkseq ps = check_a_patch $ join_patches ps
730 test_patches_composite =
731 take 100 [join_patches [p1,p2]|
732 p1<-primitive_test_patches,
733 p2<-filter (\p->checkseq [p1,p]) primitive_test_patches,
734 commutex (p2:<p1) /= Nothing,
735 commutex (p2:<p1) /= Just (p1:<p2)]
736 where checkseq ps = check_a_patch $ join_patches ps
738 test_patches_two_composite_hunks =
739 take 100 [join_patches [p1,p2]|
740 p1<-test_patches_hunk,
741 p2<-filter (\p->checkseq [p1,p]) test_patches_hunk]
742 where checkseq ps = check_a_patch $ join_patches ps
744 test_patches_composite_hunks =
745 take 100 [join_patches [p1,p2,p3]|
746 p1<-test_patches_hunk,
747 p2<-filter (\p->checkseq [p1,p]) test_patches_hunk,
748 p3<-filter (\p->checkseq [p1,p2,p]) test_patches_hunk]
749 where checkseq ps = check_a_patch $ join_patches ps
751 test_patches_composite_four_hunks =
752 take 100 [join_patches [p1,p2,p3,p4]|
753 p1<-test_patches_hunk,
754 p2<-filter (\p->checkseq [p1,p]) test_patches_hunk,
755 p3<-filter (\p->checkseq [p1,p2,p]) test_patches_hunk,
756 p4<-filter (\p->checkseq [p1,p2,p3,p]) test_patches_hunk]
757 where checkseq ps = check_a_patch $ join_patches ps
759 test_patches_merged =
760 take 200
761 [joinPatches $ flattenFL p2+>+flattenFL (quickmerge (p1:\/:p2)) |
762 p1<-take 10 (drop 15 test_patches_composite_hunks)++primitive_test_patches
763 ++take 10 (drop 15 test_patches_two_composite_hunks)
764 ++ take 2 (drop 4 test_patches_composite_four_hunks),
765 p2<-take 10 test_patches_composite_hunks++primitive_test_patches
766 ++take 10 test_patches_two_composite_hunks
767 ++take 2 test_patches_composite_four_hunks,
768 check_a_patch $ join_patches [invert p1, p2],
769 commutex (p1:<p2) /= Just (p2:<p1)
772 test_patches = primitive_test_patches ++
773 test_patches_composite ++
774 test_patches_composite_nocom ++
775 test_patches_merged
776 \end{code}
778 \chapter{Check patch test}
779 Check patch is supposed to verify that a patch is valid.
781 \begin{code}
782 valid_patches = [(join_patches [quickhunk 4 "a" "b",
783 quickhunk 1 "c" "d"]),
784 (join_patches [quickhunk 1 "a" "bc",
785 quickhunk 1 "b" "d"]),
786 (join_patches [quickhunk 1 "a" "b",
787 quickhunk 1 "b" "d"])]++test_patches
789 test_check :: [String]
790 test_check = unit_tester t_test_check valid_patches
791 t_test_check :: PatchUnitTest Patch
792 t_test_check p = if check_a_patch p
793 then []
794 else ["Failed the check: "++show p++"\n"]
795 \end{code}
797 \begin{code}
798 prop_hex_conversion :: String -> Bool
799 prop_hex_conversion s =
800 fromHex2PS (fromPS2Hex $ BC.pack s) == BC.pack s
801 prop_concatPS :: [String] -> Bool
802 prop_concatPS ss = concat ss == BC.unpack (B.concat $ map BC.pack ss)
803 \end{code}
805 \begin{code}
806 check_subcommutes :: Testable a => [(String, a)] -> String -> IO ()
807 check_subcommutes [] _ = return ()
808 check_subcommutes ((n,c):r) expl =
809 do putStr $ "Checking " ++ expl ++ " for subcommute " ++ n ++ "... "
810 quickCheck c
811 check_subcommutes r expl
812 \end{code}
814 \end{document}