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441 <body class="manpage">
442 <div id="header">
443 <h1>git-replay(1) Manual Page</h1>
444 <h2 id="_name">NAME</h2>
445 <div class="sectionbody">
446 <p>git-replay - EXPERIMENTAL: Replay commits on a new base, works with bare repos too</p>
447 </div>
448 </div>
449 <div id="content">
450 <div class="sect1">
451 <h2 id="_synopsis">SYNOPSIS</h2>
452 <div class="sectionbody">
453 <div class="verseblock">
454 <pre class="content">(EXPERIMENTAL!) <em>git replay</em> ([--contained] --onto &lt;newbase&gt; | --advance &lt;branch&gt;) &lt;revision-range&gt;&#8230;&#8203;</pre>
455 </div>
456 </div>
457 </div>
458 <div class="sect1">
459 <h2 id="_description">DESCRIPTION</h2>
460 <div class="sectionbody">
461 <div class="paragraph">
462 <p>Takes ranges of commits and replays them onto a new location. Leaves
463 the working tree and the index untouched, and updates no references.
464 The output of this command is meant to be used as input to
465 <code>git</code> <code>update-ref</code> <code>--stdin</code>, which would update the relevant branches
466 (see the OUTPUT section below).</p>
467 </div>
468 <div class="paragraph">
470 </div>
471 </div>
472 </div>
473 <div class="sect1">
474 <h2 id="_options">OPTIONS</h2>
475 <div class="sectionbody">
476 <div class="dlist">
477 <dl>
478 <dt class="hdlist1">--onto &lt;newbase&gt;</dt>
479 <dd>
480 <p>Starting point at which to create the new commits. May be any
481 valid commit, and not just an existing branch name.</p>
482 <div class="paragraph">
483 <p>When <code>--onto</code> is specified, the update-ref command(s) in the output will
484 update the branch(es) in the revision range to point at the new
485 commits, similar to the way how <code>git</code> <code>rebase</code> <code>--update-refs</code> updates
486 multiple branches in the affected range.</p>
487 </div>
488 </dd>
489 <dt class="hdlist1">--advance &lt;branch&gt;</dt>
490 <dd>
491 <p>Starting point at which to create the new commits; must be a
492 branch name.</p>
493 <div class="paragraph">
494 <p>When <code>--advance</code> is specified, the update-ref command(s) in the output
495 will update the branch passed as an argument to <code>--advance</code> to point at
496 the new commits (in other words, this mimics a cherry-pick operation).</p>
497 </div>
498 </dd>
499 <dt class="hdlist1">&lt;revision-range&gt;</dt>
500 <dd>
501 <p>Range of commits to replay. More than one &lt;revision-range&gt; can
502 be passed, but in <code>--advance</code> <em>&lt;branch&gt;</em> mode, they should have
503 a single tip, so that it&#8217;s clear where &lt;branch&gt; should point
504 to. See "Specifying Ranges" in <a href="git-rev-parse.html">git-rev-parse(1)</a> and the
505 "Commit Limiting" options below.</p>
506 </dd>
507 </dl>
508 </div>
509 <div class="sect2">
510 <h3 id="_commit_limiting">Commit Limiting</h3>
511 <div class="paragraph">
512 <p>Besides specifying a range of commits that should be listed using the
513 special notations explained in the description, additional commit
514 limiting may be applied.</p>
515 </div>
516 <div class="paragraph">
517 <p>Using more options generally further limits the output (e.g.
518 <code>--since=</code><em>&lt;date1&gt;</em> limits to commits newer than <em>&lt;date1&gt;</em>, and using it
519 with <code>--grep=</code><em>&lt;pattern&gt;</em> further limits to commits whose log message
520 has a line that matches <em>&lt;pattern&gt;</em>), unless otherwise noted.</p>
521 </div>
522 <div class="paragraph">
523 <p>Note that these are applied before commit
524 ordering and formatting options, such as <code>--reverse</code>.</p>
525 </div>
526 <div class="dlist">
527 <dl>
528 <dt class="hdlist1">-&lt;number&gt;</dt>
529 <dt class="hdlist1">-n &lt;number&gt;</dt>
530 <dt class="hdlist1">--max-count=&lt;number&gt;</dt>
531 <dd>
532 <p>Limit the number of commits to output.</p>
533 </dd>
534 <dt class="hdlist1">--skip=&lt;number&gt;</dt>
535 <dd>
536 <p>Skip <em>number</em> commits before starting to show the commit output.</p>
537 </dd>
538 <dt class="hdlist1">--since=&lt;date&gt;</dt>
539 <dt class="hdlist1">--after=&lt;date&gt;</dt>
540 <dd>
541 <p>Show commits more recent than a specific date.</p>
542 </dd>
543 <dt class="hdlist1">--since-as-filter=&lt;date&gt;</dt>
544 <dd>
545 <p>Show all commits more recent than a specific date. This visits
546 all commits in the range, rather than stopping at the first commit which
547 is older than a specific date.</p>
548 </dd>
549 <dt class="hdlist1">--until=&lt;date&gt;</dt>
550 <dt class="hdlist1">--before=&lt;date&gt;</dt>
551 <dd>
552 <p>Show commits older than a specific date.</p>
553 </dd>
554 <dt class="hdlist1">--author=&lt;pattern&gt;</dt>
555 <dt class="hdlist1">--committer=&lt;pattern&gt;</dt>
556 <dd>
557 <p>Limit the commits output to ones with author/committer
558 header lines that match the specified pattern (regular
559 expression). With more than one <code>--author=</code><em>&lt;pattern&gt;</em>,
560 commits whose author matches any of the given patterns are
561 chosen (similarly for multiple <code>--committer=</code><em>&lt;pattern&gt;</em>).</p>
562 </dd>
563 <dt class="hdlist1">--grep-reflog=&lt;pattern&gt;</dt>
564 <dd>
565 <p>Limit the commits output to ones with reflog entries that
566 match the specified pattern (regular expression). With
567 more than one <code>--grep-reflog</code>, commits whose reflog message
568 matches any of the given patterns are chosen. It is an
569 error to use this option unless <code>--walk-reflogs</code> is in use.</p>
570 </dd>
571 <dt class="hdlist1">--grep=&lt;pattern&gt;</dt>
572 <dd>
573 <p>Limit the commits output to ones with a log message that
574 matches the specified pattern (regular expression). With
575 more than one <code>--grep=</code><em>&lt;pattern&gt;</em>, commits whose message
576 matches any of the given patterns are chosen (but see
577 <code>--all-match</code>).</p>
578 <div class="paragraph">
579 <p>When <code>--notes</code> is in effect, the message from the notes is
580 matched as if it were part of the log message.</p>
581 </div>
582 </dd>
583 <dt class="hdlist1">--all-match</dt>
584 <dd>
585 <p>Limit the commits output to ones that match all given <code>--grep</code>,
586 instead of ones that match at least one.</p>
587 </dd>
588 <dt class="hdlist1">--invert-grep</dt>
589 <dd>
590 <p>Limit the commits output to ones with a log message that do not
591 match the pattern specified with <code>--grep=</code><em>&lt;pattern&gt;</em>.</p>
592 </dd>
593 <dt class="hdlist1">-i</dt>
594 <dt class="hdlist1">--regexp-ignore-case</dt>
595 <dd>
596 <p>Match the regular expression limiting patterns without regard to letter
597 case.</p>
598 </dd>
599 <dt class="hdlist1">--basic-regexp</dt>
600 <dd>
601 <p>Consider the limiting patterns to be basic regular expressions;
602 this is the default.</p>
603 </dd>
604 <dt class="hdlist1">-E</dt>
605 <dt class="hdlist1">--extended-regexp</dt>
606 <dd>
607 <p>Consider the limiting patterns to be extended regular expressions
608 instead of the default basic regular expressions.</p>
609 </dd>
610 <dt class="hdlist1">-F</dt>
611 <dt class="hdlist1">--fixed-strings</dt>
612 <dd>
613 <p>Consider the limiting patterns to be fixed strings (don&#8217;t interpret
614 pattern as a regular expression).</p>
615 </dd>
616 <dt class="hdlist1">-P</dt>
617 <dt class="hdlist1">--perl-regexp</dt>
618 <dd>
619 <p>Consider the limiting patterns to be Perl-compatible regular
620 expressions.</p>
621 <div class="paragraph">
622 <p>Support for these types of regular expressions is an optional
623 compile-time dependency. If Git wasn&#8217;t compiled with support for them
624 providing this option will cause it to die.</p>
625 </div>
626 </dd>
627 <dt class="hdlist1">--remove-empty</dt>
628 <dd>
629 <p>Stop when a given path disappears from the tree.</p>
630 </dd>
631 <dt class="hdlist1">--merges</dt>
632 <dd>
633 <p>Print only merge commits. This is exactly the same as <code>--min-parents=2</code>.</p>
634 </dd>
635 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-merges</dt>
636 <dd>
637 <p>Do not print commits with more than one parent. This is
638 exactly the same as <code>--max-parents=1</code>.</p>
639 </dd>
640 <dt class="hdlist1">--min-parents=&lt;number&gt;</dt>
641 <dt class="hdlist1">--max-parents=&lt;number&gt;</dt>
642 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-min-parents</dt>
643 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-max-parents</dt>
644 <dd>
645 <p>Show only commits which have at least (or at most) that many parent
646 commits. In particular, <code>--max-parents=1</code> is the same as <code>--no-merges</code>,
647 <code>--min-parents=2</code> is the same as <code>--merges</code>. <code>--max-parents=0</code>
648 gives all root commits and <code>--min-parents=3</code> all octopus merges.</p>
649 <div class="paragraph">
650 <p><code>--no-min-parents</code> and <code>--no-max-parents</code> reset these limits (to no limit)
651 again. Equivalent forms are <code>--min-parents=0</code> (any commit has 0 or more
652 parents) and <code>--max-parents=-1</code> (negative numbers denote no upper limit).</p>
653 </div>
654 </dd>
655 <dt class="hdlist1">--first-parent</dt>
656 <dd>
657 <p>When finding commits to include, follow only the first
658 parent commit upon seeing a merge commit. This option
659 can give a better overview when viewing the evolution of
660 a particular topic branch, because merges into a topic
661 branch tend to be only about adjusting to updated upstream
662 from time to time, and this option allows you to ignore
663 the individual commits brought in to your history by such
664 a merge.</p>
665 </dd>
666 <dt class="hdlist1">--exclude-first-parent-only</dt>
667 <dd>
668 <p>When finding commits to exclude (with a <em>^</em>), follow only
669 the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit.
670 This can be used to find the set of changes in a topic branch
671 from the point where it diverged from the remote branch, given
672 that arbitrary merges can be valid topic branch changes.</p>
673 </dd>
674 <dt class="hdlist1">--not</dt>
675 <dd>
676 <p>Reverses the meaning of the <em>^</em> prefix (or lack thereof)
677 for all following revision specifiers, up to the next <code>--not</code>.
678 When used on the command line before --stdin, the revisions passed
679 through stdin will not be affected by it. Conversely, when passed
680 via standard input, the revisions passed on the command line will
681 not be affected by it.</p>
682 </dd>
683 <dt class="hdlist1">--all</dt>
684 <dd>
685 <p>Pretend as if all the refs in <code>refs/</code>, along with <code>HEAD</code>, are
686 listed on the command line as <em>&lt;commit&gt;</em>.</p>
687 </dd>
688 <dt class="hdlist1">--branches[=&lt;pattern&gt;]</dt>
689 <dd>
690 <p>Pretend as if all the refs in <code>refs/heads</code> are listed
691 on the command line as <em>&lt;commit&gt;</em>. If <em>&lt;pattern&gt;</em> is given, limit
692 branches to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks <em>?</em>,
693 <em>*</em>, or <em>[</em>, <em>/*</em> at the end is implied.</p>
694 </dd>
695 <dt class="hdlist1">--tags[=&lt;pattern&gt;]</dt>
696 <dd>
697 <p>Pretend as if all the refs in <code>refs/tags</code> are listed
698 on the command line as <em>&lt;commit&gt;</em>. If <em>&lt;pattern&gt;</em> is given, limit
699 tags to ones matching given shell glob. If pattern lacks <em>?</em>, <em>*</em>,
700 or <em>[</em>, <em>/*</em> at the end is implied.</p>
701 </dd>
702 <dt class="hdlist1">--remotes[=&lt;pattern&gt;]</dt>
703 <dd>
704 <p>Pretend as if all the refs in <code>refs/remotes</code> are listed
705 on the command line as <em>&lt;commit&gt;</em>. If <em>&lt;pattern&gt;</em> is given, limit
706 remote-tracking branches to ones matching given shell glob.
707 If pattern lacks <em>?</em>, <em>*</em>, or <em>[</em>, <em>/*</em> at the end is implied.</p>
708 </dd>
709 <dt class="hdlist1">--glob=&lt;glob-pattern&gt;</dt>
710 <dd>
711 <p>Pretend as if all the refs matching shell glob <em>&lt;glob-pattern&gt;</em>
712 are listed on the command line as <em>&lt;commit&gt;</em>. Leading <em>refs/</em>,
713 is automatically prepended if missing. If pattern lacks <em>?</em>, <em>*</em>,
714 or <em>[</em>, <em>/*</em> at the end is implied.</p>
715 </dd>
716 <dt class="hdlist1">--exclude=&lt;glob-pattern&gt;</dt>
717 <dd>
718 <p>Do not include refs matching <em>&lt;glob-pattern&gt;</em> that the next <code>--all</code>,
719 <code>--branches</code>, <code>--tags</code>, <code>--remotes</code>, or <code>--glob</code> would otherwise
720 consider. Repetitions of this option accumulate exclusion patterns
721 up to the next <code>--all</code>, <code>--branches</code>, <code>--tags</code>, <code>--remotes</code>, or
722 <code>--glob</code> option (other options or arguments do not clear
723 accumulated patterns).</p>
724 <div class="paragraph">
725 <p>The patterns given should not begin with <code>refs/heads</code>, <code>refs/tags</code>, or
726 <code>refs/remotes</code> when applied to <code>--branches</code>, <code>--tags</code>, or <code>--remotes</code>,
727 respectively, and they must begin with <code>refs/</code> when applied to <code>--glob</code>
728 or <code>--all</code>. If a trailing <em>/*</em> is intended, it must be given
729 explicitly.</p>
730 </div>
731 </dd>
732 <dt class="hdlist1">--exclude-hidden=[fetch|receive|uploadpack]</dt>
733 <dd>
734 <p>Do not include refs that would be hidden by <code>git-fetch</code>,
735 <code>git-receive-pack</code> or <code>git-upload-pack</code> by consulting the appropriate
736 <code>fetch.hideRefs</code>, <code>receive.hideRefs</code> or <code>uploadpack.hideRefs</code>
737 configuration along with <code>transfer.hideRefs</code> (see
738 <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a>). This option affects the next pseudo-ref option
739 <code>--all</code> or <code>--glob</code> and is cleared after processing them.</p>
740 </dd>
741 <dt class="hdlist1">--reflog</dt>
742 <dd>
743 <p>Pretend as if all objects mentioned by reflogs are listed on the
744 command line as <em>&lt;commit&gt;</em>.</p>
745 </dd>
746 <dt class="hdlist1">--alternate-refs</dt>
747 <dd>
748 <p>Pretend as if all objects mentioned as ref tips of alternate
749 repositories were listed on the command line. An alternate
750 repository is any repository whose object directory is specified
751 in <code>objects/info/alternates</code>. The set of included objects may
752 be modified by <code>core.alternateRefsCommand</code>, etc. See
753 <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a>.</p>
754 </dd>
755 <dt class="hdlist1">--single-worktree</dt>
756 <dd>
757 <p>By default, all working trees will be examined by the
758 following options when there are more than one (see
759 <a href="git-worktree.html">git-worktree(1)</a>): <code>--all</code>, <code>--reflog</code> and
760 <code>--indexed-objects</code>.
761 This option forces them to examine the current working tree
762 only.</p>
763 </dd>
764 <dt class="hdlist1">--ignore-missing</dt>
765 <dd>
766 <p>Upon seeing an invalid object name in the input, pretend as if
767 the bad input was not given.</p>
768 </dd>
769 <dt class="hdlist1">--bisect</dt>
770 <dd>
771 <p>Pretend as if the bad bisection ref <code>refs/bisect/bad</code>
772 was listed and as if it was followed by <code>--not</code> and the good
773 bisection refs <code>refs/bisect/good-</code>* on the command
774 line.</p>
775 </dd>
776 <dt class="hdlist1">--stdin</dt>
777 <dd>
778 <p>In addition to getting arguments from the command line, read
779 them from standard input as well. This accepts commits and
780 pseudo-options like <code>--all</code> and <code>--glob=</code>. When a <code>--</code> separator
781 is seen, the following input is treated as paths and used to
782 limit the result. Flags like <code>--not</code> which are read via standard input
783 are only respected for arguments passed in the same way and will not
784 influence any subsequent command line arguments.</p>
785 </dd>
786 <dt class="hdlist1">--cherry-mark</dt>
787 <dd>
788 <p>Like <code>--cherry-pick</code> (see below) but mark equivalent commits
789 with <code>=</code> rather than omitting them, and inequivalent ones with <code>+</code>.</p>
790 </dd>
791 <dt class="hdlist1">--cherry-pick</dt>
792 <dd>
793 <p>Omit any commit that introduces the same change as
794 another commit on the &#8220;other side&#8221; when the set of
795 commits are limited with symmetric difference.</p>
796 <div class="paragraph">
797 <p>For example, if you have two branches, <code>A</code> and <code>B</code>, a usual way
798 to list all commits on only one side of them is with
799 <code>--left-right</code> (see the example below in the description of
800 the <code>--left-right</code> option). However, it shows the commits that were
801 cherry-picked from the other branch (for example, &#8220;3rd on b&#8221; may be
802 cherry-picked from branch A). With this option, such pairs of commits are
803 excluded from the output.</p>
804 </div>
805 </dd>
806 <dt class="hdlist1">--left-only</dt>
807 <dt class="hdlist1">--right-only</dt>
808 <dd>
809 <p>List only commits on the respective side of a symmetric difference,
810 i.e. only those which would be marked &lt; resp. &gt; by
811 <code>--left-right</code>.</p>
812 <div class="paragraph">
813 <p>For example, <code>--cherry-pick</code> <code>--right-only</code> <code>A</code><code>...</code><code>B</code> omits those
814 commits from <code>B</code> which are in <code>A</code> or are patch-equivalent to a commit in
815 <code>A</code>. In other words, this lists the <code>+</code> commits from <code>git</code> <code>cherry</code> <code>A</code> <code>B</code>.
816 More precisely, <code>--cherry-pick</code> <code>--right-only</code> <code>--no-merges</code> gives the exact
817 list.</p>
818 </div>
819 </dd>
820 <dt class="hdlist1">--cherry</dt>
821 <dd>
822 <p>A synonym for <code>--right-only</code> <code>--cherry-mark</code> <code>--no-merges</code>; useful to
823 limit the output to the commits on our side and mark those that
824 have been applied to the other side of a forked history with
825 <code>git</code> <code>log</code> <code>--cherry</code> <code>upstream</code><code>...</code><code>mybranch</code>, similar to
826 <code>git</code> <code>cherry</code> <code>upstream</code> <code>mybranch</code>.</p>
827 </dd>
828 <dt class="hdlist1">-g</dt>
829 <dt class="hdlist1">--walk-reflogs</dt>
830 <dd>
831 <p>Instead of walking the commit ancestry chain, walk
832 reflog entries from the most recent one to older ones.
833 When this option is used you cannot specify commits to
834 exclude (that is, <em>^commit</em>, <em>commit1..commit2</em>,
835 and <em>commit1...commit2</em> notations cannot be used).</p>
836 <div class="paragraph">
837 <p>With <code>--pretty</code> format other than <code>oneline</code> and <code>reference</code> (for obvious reasons),
838 this causes the output to have two extra lines of information
839 taken from the reflog. The reflog designator in the output may be shown
840 as <code>ref@</code>{<em>&lt;Nth&gt;</em>} (where <em>&lt;Nth&gt;</em> is the reverse-chronological index in the
841 reflog) or as <code>ref@</code>{<em>&lt;timestamp&gt;</em>} (with the <em>&lt;timestamp&gt;</em> for that entry),
842 depending on a few rules:</p>
843 </div>
844 <div class="openblock">
845 <div class="content">
846 <div class="olist arabic">
847 <ol class="arabic">
848 <li>
849 <p>If the starting point is specified as <code>ref@</code>{<em>&lt;Nth&gt;</em>}, show the index
850 format.</p>
851 </li>
852 <li>
853 <p>If the starting point was specified as <code>ref@</code>{now}, show the
854 timestamp format.</p>
855 </li>
856 <li>
857 <p>If neither was used, but <code>--date</code> was given on the command line, show
858 the timestamp in the format requested by <code>--date</code>.</p>
859 </li>
860 <li>
861 <p>Otherwise, show the index format.</p>
862 </li>
863 </ol>
864 </div>
865 </div>
866 </div>
867 <div class="paragraph">
868 <p>Under <code>--pretty=oneline</code>, the commit message is
869 prefixed with this information on the same line.
870 This option cannot be combined with <code>--reverse</code>.
871 See also <a href="git-reflog.html">git-reflog(1)</a>.</p>
872 </div>
873 <div class="paragraph">
874 <p>Under <code>--pretty=reference</code>, this information will not be shown at all.</p>
875 </div>
876 </dd>
877 <dt class="hdlist1">--merge</dt>
878 <dd>
879 <p>Show commits touching conflicted paths in the range <code>HEAD</code><code>...</code><em>&lt;other&gt;</em>,
880 where <em>&lt;other&gt;</em> is the first existing pseudoref in <code>MERGE_HEAD</code>,
881 <code>CHERRY_PICK_HEAD</code>, <code>REVERT_HEAD</code> or <code>REBASE_HEAD</code>. Only works
882 when the index has unmerged entries. This option can be used to show
883 relevant commits when resolving conflicts from a 3-way merge.</p>
884 </dd>
885 <dt class="hdlist1">--boundary</dt>
886 <dd>
887 <p>Output excluded boundary commits. Boundary commits are
888 prefixed with <code>-</code>.</p>
889 </dd>
890 </dl>
891 </div>
892 </div>
893 <div class="sect2">
894 <h3 id="_history_simplification">History Simplification</h3>
895 <div class="paragraph">
896 <p>Sometimes you are only interested in parts of the history, for example the
897 commits modifying a particular &lt;path&gt;. But there are two parts of
898 <em>History Simplification</em>, one part is selecting the commits and the other
899 is how to do it, as there are various strategies to simplify the history.</p>
900 </div>
901 <div class="paragraph">
902 <p>The following options select the commits to be shown:</p>
903 </div>
904 <div class="dlist">
905 <dl>
906 <dt class="hdlist1">&lt;paths&gt;</dt>
907 <dd>
908 <p>Commits modifying the given &lt;paths&gt; are selected.</p>
909 </dd>
910 <dt class="hdlist1">--simplify-by-decoration</dt>
911 <dd>
912 <p>Commits that are referred by some branch or tag are selected.</p>
913 </dd>
914 </dl>
915 </div>
916 <div class="paragraph">
917 <p>Note that extra commits can be shown to give a meaningful history.</p>
918 </div>
919 <div class="paragraph">
920 <p>The following options affect the way the simplification is performed:</p>
921 </div>
922 <div class="dlist">
923 <dl>
924 <dt class="hdlist1">Default mode</dt>
925 <dd>
926 <p>Simplifies the history to the simplest history explaining the
927 final state of the tree. Simplest because it prunes some side
928 branches if the end result is the same (i.e. merging branches
929 with the same content)</p>
930 </dd>
931 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-pulls</dt>
932 <dd>
933 <p>Include all commits from the default mode, but also any merge
934 commits that are not TREESAME to the first parent but are
935 TREESAME to a later parent. This mode is helpful for showing
936 the merge commits that "first introduced" a change to a branch.</p>
937 </dd>
938 <dt class="hdlist1">--full-history</dt>
939 <dd>
940 <p>Same as the default mode, but does not prune some history.</p>
941 </dd>
942 <dt class="hdlist1">--dense</dt>
943 <dd>
944 <p>Only the selected commits are shown, plus some to have a
945 meaningful history.</p>
946 </dd>
947 <dt class="hdlist1">--sparse</dt>
948 <dd>
949 <p>All commits in the simplified history are shown.</p>
950 </dd>
951 <dt class="hdlist1">--simplify-merges</dt>
952 <dd>
953 <p>Additional option to <code>--full-history</code> to remove some needless
954 merges from the resulting history, as there are no selected
955 commits contributing to this merge.</p>
956 </dd>
957 <dt class="hdlist1">--ancestry-path[=&lt;commit&gt;]</dt>
958 <dd>
959 <p>When given a range of commits to display (e.g. <em>commit1..commit2</em>
960 or <em>commit2 ^commit1</em>), and a commit &lt;commit&gt; in that range,
961 only display commits in that range
962 that are ancestors of &lt;commit&gt;, descendants of &lt;commit&gt;, or
963 &lt;commit&gt; itself. If no commit is specified, use <em>commit1</em> (the
964 excluded part of the range) as &lt;commit&gt;. Can be passed multiple
965 times; if so, a commit is included if it is any of the commits
966 given or if it is an ancestor or descendant of one of them.</p>
967 </dd>
968 </dl>
969 </div>
970 <div class="paragraph">
971 <p>A more detailed explanation follows.</p>
972 </div>
973 <div class="paragraph">
974 <p>Suppose you specified <code>foo</code> as the &lt;paths&gt;. We shall call commits
975 that modify <code>foo</code> !TREESAME, and the rest TREESAME. (In a diff
976 filtered for <code>foo</code>, they look different and equal, respectively.)</p>
977 </div>
978 <div class="paragraph">
979 <p>In the following, we will always refer to the same example history to
980 illustrate the differences between simplification settings. We assume
981 that you are filtering for a file <code>foo</code> in this commit graph:</p>
982 </div>
983 <div class="listingblock">
984 <div class="content">
985 <pre> .-A---M---N---O---P---Q
986 / / / / / /
987 I B C D E Y
988 \ / / / / /
989 `-------------' X</pre>
990 </div>
991 </div>
992 <div class="paragraph">
993 <p>The horizontal line of history A---Q is taken to be the first parent of
994 each merge. The commits are:</p>
995 </div>
996 <div class="ulist">
997 <ul>
998 <li>
999 <p><code>I</code> is the initial commit, in which <code>foo</code> exists with contents
1000 &#8220;asdf&#8221;, and a file <code>quux</code> exists with contents &#8220;quux&#8221;. Initial
1001 commits are compared to an empty tree, so <code>I</code> is !TREESAME.</p>
1002 </li>
1003 <li>
1004 <p>In <code>A</code>, <code>foo</code> contains just &#8220;foo&#8221;.</p>
1005 </li>
1006 <li>
1007 <p><code>B</code> contains the same change as <code>A</code>. Its merge <code>M</code> is trivial and
1008 hence TREESAME to all parents.</p>
1009 </li>
1010 <li>
1011 <p><code>C</code> does not change <code>foo</code>, but its merge <code>N</code> changes it to &#8220;foobar&#8221;,
1012 so it is not TREESAME to any parent.</p>
1013 </li>
1014 <li>
1015 <p><code>D</code> sets <code>foo</code> to &#8220;baz&#8221;. Its merge <code>O</code> combines the strings from
1016 <code>N</code> and <code>D</code> to &#8220;foobarbaz&#8221;; i.e., it is not TREESAME to any parent.</p>
1017 </li>
1018 <li>
1019 <p><code>E</code> changes <code>quux</code> to &#8220;xyzzy&#8221;, and its merge <code>P</code> combines the
1020 strings to &#8220;quux xyzzy&#8221;. <code>P</code> is TREESAME to <code>O</code>, but not to <code>E</code>.</p>
1021 </li>
1022 <li>
1023 <p><code>X</code> is an independent root commit that added a new file <code>side</code>, and <code>Y</code>
1024 modified it. <code>Y</code> is TREESAME to <code>X</code>. Its merge <code>Q</code> added <code>side</code> to <code>P</code>, and
1025 <code>Q</code> is TREESAME to <code>P</code>, but not to <code>Y</code>.</p>
1026 </li>
1027 </ul>
1028 </div>
1029 <div class="paragraph">
1030 <p><code>rev-list</code> walks backwards through history, including or excluding
1031 commits based on whether <code>--full-history</code> and/or parent rewriting
1032 (via <code>--parents</code> or <code>--children</code>) are used. The following settings
1033 are available.</p>
1034 </div>
1035 <div class="dlist">
1036 <dl>
1037 <dt class="hdlist1">Default mode</dt>
1038 <dd>
1039 <p>Commits are included if they are not TREESAME to any parent
1040 (though this can be changed, see <code>--sparse</code> below). If the
1041 commit was a merge, and it was TREESAME to one parent, follow
1042 only that parent. (Even if there are several TREESAME
1043 parents, follow only one of them.) Otherwise, follow all
1044 parents.</p>
1045 <div class="paragraph">
1046 <p>This results in:</p>
1047 </div>
1048 <div class="listingblock">
1049 <div class="content">
1050 <pre> .-A---N---O
1051 / / /
1052 I---------D</pre>
1053 </div>
1054 </div>
1055 <div class="paragraph">
1056 <p>Note how the rule to only follow the TREESAME parent, if one is
1057 available, removed <code>B</code> from consideration entirely. <code>C</code> was
1058 considered via <code>N</code>, but is TREESAME. Root commits are compared to an
1059 empty tree, so <code>I</code> is !TREESAME.</p>
1060 </div>
1061 <div class="paragraph">
1062 <p>Parent/child relations are only visible with <code>--parents</code>, but that does
1063 not affect the commits selected in default mode, so we have shown the
1064 parent lines.</p>
1065 </div>
1066 </dd>
1067 <dt class="hdlist1">--full-history without parent rewriting</dt>
1068 <dd>
1069 <p>This mode differs from the default in one point: always follow
1070 all parents of a merge, even if it is TREESAME to one of them.
1071 Even if more than one side of the merge has commits that are
1072 included, this does not imply that the merge itself is! In
1073 the example, we get</p>
1074 <div class="listingblock">
1075 <div class="content">
1076 <pre> I A B N D O P Q</pre>
1077 </div>
1078 </div>
1079 <div class="paragraph">
1080 <p><code>M</code> was excluded because it is TREESAME to both parents. <code>E</code>,
1081 <code>C</code> and <code>B</code> were all walked, but only <code>B</code> was !TREESAME, so the others
1082 do not appear.</p>
1083 </div>
1084 <div class="paragraph">
1085 <p>Note that without parent rewriting, it is not really possible to talk
1086 about the parent/child relationships between the commits, so we show
1087 them disconnected.</p>
1088 </div>
1089 </dd>
1090 <dt class="hdlist1">--full-history with parent rewriting</dt>
1091 <dd>
1092 <p>Ordinary commits are only included if they are !TREESAME
1093 (though this can be changed, see <code>--sparse</code> below).</p>
1094 <div class="paragraph">
1095 <p>Merges are always included. However, their parent list is rewritten:
1096 Along each parent, prune away commits that are not included
1097 themselves. This results in</p>
1098 </div>
1099 <div class="listingblock">
1100 <div class="content">
1101 <pre> .-A---M---N---O---P---Q
1102 / / / / /
1103 I B / D /
1104 \ / / / /
1105 `-------------'</pre>
1106 </div>
1107 </div>
1108 <div class="paragraph">
1109 <p>Compare to <code>--full-history</code> without rewriting above. Note that <code>E</code>
1110 was pruned away because it is TREESAME, but the parent list of P was
1111 rewritten to contain <code>E</code>'s parent <code>I</code>. The same happened for <code>C</code> and
1112 <code>N</code>, and <code>X</code>, <code>Y</code> and <code>Q</code>.</p>
1113 </div>
1114 </dd>
1115 </dl>
1116 </div>
1117 <div class="paragraph">
1118 <p>In addition to the above settings, you can change whether TREESAME
1119 affects inclusion:</p>
1120 </div>
1121 <div class="dlist">
1122 <dl>
1123 <dt class="hdlist1">--dense</dt>
1124 <dd>
1125 <p>Commits that are walked are included if they are not TREESAME
1126 to any parent.</p>
1127 </dd>
1128 <dt class="hdlist1">--sparse</dt>
1129 <dd>
1130 <p>All commits that are walked are included.</p>
1131 <div class="paragraph">
1132 <p>Note that without <code>--full-history</code>, this still simplifies merges: if
1133 one of the parents is TREESAME, we follow only that one, so the other
1134 sides of the merge are never walked.</p>
1135 </div>
1136 </dd>
1137 <dt class="hdlist1">--simplify-merges</dt>
1138 <dd>
1139 <p>First, build a history graph in the same way that
1140 <code>--full-history</code> with parent rewriting does (see above).</p>
1141 <div class="paragraph">
1142 <p>Then simplify each commit <code>C</code> to its replacement <code>C</code>' in the final
1143 history according to the following rules:</p>
1144 </div>
1145 <div class="openblock">
1146 <div class="content">
1147 <div class="ulist">
1148 <ul>
1149 <li>
1150 <p>Set <code>C</code>' to <code>C</code>.</p>
1151 </li>
1152 <li>
1153 <p>Replace each parent <code>P</code> of <code>C</code>' with its simplification <code>P</code>'. In
1154 the process, drop parents that are ancestors of other parents or that are
1155 root commits TREESAME to an empty tree, and remove duplicates, but take care
1156 to never drop all parents that we are TREESAME to.</p>
1157 </li>
1158 <li>
1159 <p>If after this parent rewriting, <code>C</code>' is a root or merge commit (has
1160 zero or &gt;1 parents), a boundary commit, or !TREESAME, it remains.
1161 Otherwise, it is replaced with its only parent.</p>
1162 </li>
1163 </ul>
1164 </div>
1165 </div>
1166 </div>
1167 <div class="paragraph">
1168 <p>The effect of this is best shown by way of comparing to
1169 <code>--full-history</code> with parent rewriting. The example turns into:</p>
1170 </div>
1171 <div class="listingblock">
1172 <div class="content">
1173 <pre> .-A---M---N---O
1174 / / /
1175 I B D
1176 \ / /
1177 `---------'</pre>
1178 </div>
1179 </div>
1180 <div class="paragraph">
1181 <p>Note the major differences in <code>N</code>, <code>P</code>, and <code>Q</code> over <code>--full-history</code>:</p>
1182 </div>
1183 <div class="openblock">
1184 <div class="content">
1185 <div class="ulist">
1186 <ul>
1187 <li>
1188 <p><code>N</code>'s parent list had <code>I</code> removed, because it is an ancestor of the
1189 other parent <code>M</code>. Still, <code>N</code> remained because it is !TREESAME.</p>
1190 </li>
1191 <li>
1192 <p><code>P</code>'s parent list similarly had <code>I</code> removed. <code>P</code> was then
1193 removed completely, because it had one parent and is TREESAME.</p>
1194 </li>
1195 <li>
1196 <p><code>Q</code>'s parent list had <code>Y</code> simplified to <code>X</code>. <code>X</code> was then removed, because it
1197 was a TREESAME root. <code>Q</code> was then removed completely, because it had one
1198 parent and is TREESAME.</p>
1199 </li>
1200 </ul>
1201 </div>
1202 </div>
1203 </div>
1204 </dd>
1205 </dl>
1206 </div>
1207 <div class="paragraph">
1208 <p>There is another simplification mode available:</p>
1209 </div>
1210 <div class="dlist">
1211 <dl>
1212 <dt class="hdlist1">--ancestry-path[=&lt;commit&gt;]</dt>
1213 <dd>
1214 <p>Limit the displayed commits to those which are an ancestor of
1215 &lt;commit&gt;, or which are a descendant of &lt;commit&gt;, or are &lt;commit&gt;
1216 itself.</p>
1217 <div class="paragraph">
1218 <p>As an example use case, consider the following commit history:</p>
1219 </div>
1220 <div class="listingblock">
1221 <div class="content">
1222 <pre> D---E-------F
1223 / \ \
1224 B---C---G---H---I---J
1226 A-------K---------------L--M</pre>
1227 </div>
1228 </div>
1229 <div class="paragraph">
1230 <p>A regular <em>D..M</em> computes the set of commits that are ancestors of <code>M</code>,
1231 but excludes the ones that are ancestors of <code>D</code>. This is useful to see
1232 what happened to the history leading to <code>M</code> since <code>D</code>, in the sense
1233 that &#8220;what does <code>M</code> have that did not exist in <code>D</code>&#8221;. The result in this
1234 example would be all the commits, except <code>A</code> and <code>B</code> (and <code>D</code> itself,
1235 of course).</p>
1236 </div>
1237 <div class="paragraph">
1238 <p>When we want to find out what commits in <code>M</code> are contaminated with the
1239 bug introduced by <code>D</code> and need fixing, however, we might want to view
1240 only the subset of <em>D..M</em> that are actually descendants of <code>D</code>, i.e.
1241 excluding <code>C</code> and <code>K</code>. This is exactly what the <code>--ancestry-path</code>
1242 option does. Applied to the <em>D..M</em> range, it results in:</p>
1243 </div>
1244 <div class="listingblock">
1245 <div class="content">
1246 <pre> E-------F
1248 G---H---I---J
1250 L--M</pre>
1251 </div>
1252 </div>
1253 <div class="paragraph">
1254 <p>We can also use <code>--ancestry-path=D</code> instead of <code>--ancestry-path</code> which
1255 means the same thing when applied to the <em>D..M</em> range but is just more
1256 explicit.</p>
1257 </div>
1258 <div class="paragraph">
1259 <p>If we instead are interested in a given topic within this range, and all
1260 commits affected by that topic, we may only want to view the subset of
1261 <code>D</code><code>..</code><code>M</code> which contain that topic in their ancestry path. So, using
1262 <code>--ancestry-path=H</code> <code>D</code><code>..</code><code>M</code> for example would result in:</p>
1263 </div>
1264 <div class="listingblock">
1265 <div class="content">
1266 <pre> E
1268 G---H---I---J
1270 L--M</pre>
1271 </div>
1272 </div>
1273 <div class="paragraph">
1274 <p>Whereas <code>--ancestry-path=K</code> <code>D</code><code>..</code><code>M</code> would result in</p>
1275 </div>
1276 <div class="listingblock">
1277 <div class="content">
1278 <pre> K---------------L--M</pre>
1279 </div>
1280 </div>
1281 </dd>
1282 </dl>
1283 </div>
1284 <div class="paragraph">
1285 <p>Before discussing another option, <code>--show-pulls</code>, we need to
1286 create a new example history.</p>
1287 </div>
1288 <div class="paragraph">
1289 <p>A common problem users face when looking at simplified history is that a
1290 commit they know changed a file somehow does not appear in the file&#8217;s
1291 simplified history. Let&#8217;s demonstrate a new example and show how options
1292 such as <code>--full-history</code> and <code>--simplify-merges</code> works in that case:</p>
1293 </div>
1294 <div class="listingblock">
1295 <div class="content">
1296 <pre> .-A---M-----C--N---O---P
1297 / / \ \ \/ / /
1298 I B \ R-'`-Z' /
1299 \ / \/ /
1300 \ / /\ /
1301 `---X--' `---Y--'</pre>
1302 </div>
1303 </div>
1304 <div class="paragraph">
1305 <p>For this example, suppose <code>I</code> created <code>file.txt</code> which was modified by
1306 <code>A</code>, <code>B</code>, and <code>X</code> in different ways. The single-parent commits <code>C</code>, <code>Z</code>,
1307 and <code>Y</code> do not change <code>file.txt</code>. The merge commit <code>M</code> was created by
1308 resolving the merge conflict to include both changes from <code>A</code> and <code>B</code>
1309 and hence is not TREESAME to either. The merge commit <code>R</code>, however, was
1310 created by ignoring the contents of <code>file.txt</code> at <code>M</code> and taking only
1311 the contents of <code>file.txt</code> at <code>X</code>. Hence, <code>R</code> is TREESAME to <code>X</code> but not
1312 <code>M</code>. Finally, the natural merge resolution to create <code>N</code> is to take the
1313 contents of <code>file.txt</code> at <code>R</code>, so <code>N</code> is TREESAME to <code>R</code> but not <code>C</code>.
1314 The merge commits <code>O</code> and <code>P</code> are TREESAME to their first parents, but
1315 not to their second parents, <code>Z</code> and <code>Y</code> respectively.</p>
1316 </div>
1317 <div class="paragraph">
1318 <p>When using the default mode, <code>N</code> and <code>R</code> both have a TREESAME parent, so
1319 those edges are walked and the others are ignored. The resulting history
1320 graph is:</p>
1321 </div>
1322 <div class="listingblock">
1323 <div class="content">
1324 <pre> I---X</pre>
1325 </div>
1326 </div>
1327 <div class="paragraph">
1328 <p>When using <code>--full-history</code>, Git walks every edge. This will discover
1329 the commits <code>A</code> and <code>B</code> and the merge <code>M</code>, but also will reveal the
1330 merge commits <code>O</code> and <code>P</code>. With parent rewriting, the resulting graph is:</p>
1331 </div>
1332 <div class="listingblock">
1333 <div class="content">
1334 <pre> .-A---M--------N---O---P
1335 / / \ \ \/ / /
1336 I B \ R-'`--' /
1337 \ / \/ /
1338 \ / /\ /
1339 `---X--' `------'</pre>
1340 </div>
1341 </div>
1342 <div class="paragraph">
1343 <p>Here, the merge commits <code>O</code> and <code>P</code> contribute extra noise, as they did
1344 not actually contribute a change to <code>file.txt</code>. They only merged a topic
1345 that was based on an older version of <code>file.txt</code>. This is a common
1346 issue in repositories using a workflow where many contributors work in
1347 parallel and merge their topic branches along a single trunk: many
1348 unrelated merges appear in the <code>--full-history</code> results.</p>
1349 </div>
1350 <div class="paragraph">
1351 <p>When using the <code>--simplify-merges</code> option, the commits <code>O</code> and <code>P</code>
1352 disappear from the results. This is because the rewritten second parents
1353 of <code>O</code> and <code>P</code> are reachable from their first parents. Those edges are
1354 removed and then the commits look like single-parent commits that are
1355 TREESAME to their parent. This also happens to the commit <code>N</code>, resulting
1356 in a history view as follows:</p>
1357 </div>
1358 <div class="listingblock">
1359 <div class="content">
1360 <pre> .-A---M--.
1361 / / \
1362 I B R
1363 \ / /
1364 \ / /
1365 `---X--'</pre>
1366 </div>
1367 </div>
1368 <div class="paragraph">
1369 <p>In this view, we see all of the important single-parent changes from
1370 <code>A</code>, <code>B</code>, and <code>X</code>. We also see the carefully-resolved merge <code>M</code> and the
1371 not-so-carefully-resolved merge <code>R</code>. This is usually enough information
1372 to determine why the commits <code>A</code> and <code>B</code> "disappeared" from history in
1373 the default view. However, there are a few issues with this approach.</p>
1374 </div>
1375 <div class="paragraph">
1376 <p>The first issue is performance. Unlike any previous option, the
1377 <code>--simplify-merges</code> option requires walking the entire commit history
1378 before returning a single result. This can make the option difficult to
1379 use for very large repositories.</p>
1380 </div>
1381 <div class="paragraph">
1382 <p>The second issue is one of auditing. When many contributors are working
1383 on the same repository, it is important which merge commits introduced
1384 a change into an important branch. The problematic merge <code>R</code> above is
1385 not likely to be the merge commit that was used to merge into an
1386 important branch. Instead, the merge <code>N</code> was used to merge <code>R</code> and <code>X</code>
1387 into the important branch. This commit may have information about why
1388 the change <code>X</code> came to override the changes from <code>A</code> and <code>B</code> in its
1389 commit message.</p>
1390 </div>
1391 <div class="dlist">
1392 <dl>
1393 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-pulls</dt>
1394 <dd>
1395 <p>In addition to the commits shown in the default history, show
1396 each merge commit that is not TREESAME to its first parent but
1397 is TREESAME to a later parent.</p>
1398 <div class="paragraph">
1399 <p>When a merge commit is included by <code>--show-pulls</code>, the merge is
1400 treated as if it "pulled" the change from another branch. When using
1401 <code>--show-pulls</code> on this example (and no other options) the resulting
1402 graph is:</p>
1403 </div>
1404 <div class="listingblock">
1405 <div class="content">
1406 <pre> I---X---R---N</pre>
1407 </div>
1408 </div>
1409 <div class="paragraph">
1410 <p>Here, the merge commits <code>R</code> and <code>N</code> are included because they pulled
1411 the commits <code>X</code> and <code>R</code> into the base branch, respectively. These
1412 merges are the reason the commits <code>A</code> and <code>B</code> do not appear in the
1413 default history.</p>
1414 </div>
1415 <div class="paragraph">
1416 <p>When <code>--show-pulls</code> is paired with <code>--simplify-merges</code>, the
1417 graph includes all of the necessary information:</p>
1418 </div>
1419 <div class="listingblock">
1420 <div class="content">
1421 <pre> .-A---M--. N
1422 / / \ /
1423 I B R
1424 \ / /
1425 \ / /
1426 `---X--'</pre>
1427 </div>
1428 </div>
1429 <div class="paragraph">
1430 <p>Notice that since <code>M</code> is reachable from <code>R</code>, the edge from <code>N</code> to <code>M</code>
1431 was simplified away. However, <code>N</code> still appears in the history as an
1432 important commit because it "pulled" the change <code>R</code> into the main
1433 branch.</p>
1434 </div>
1435 </dd>
1436 </dl>
1437 </div>
1438 <div class="paragraph">
1439 <p>The <code>--simplify-by-decoration</code> option allows you to view only the
1440 big picture of the topology of the history, by omitting commits
1441 that are not referenced by tags. Commits are marked as !TREESAME
1442 (in other words, kept after history simplification rules described
1443 above) if (1) they are referenced by tags, or (2) they change the
1444 contents of the paths given on the command line. All other
1445 commits are marked as TREESAME (subject to be simplified away).</p>
1446 </div>
1447 </div>
1448 <div class="sect2">
1449 <h3 id="_commit_ordering">Commit Ordering</h3>
1450 <div class="paragraph">
1451 <p>By default, the commits are shown in reverse chronological order.</p>
1452 </div>
1453 <div class="dlist">
1454 <dl>
1455 <dt class="hdlist1">--date-order</dt>
1456 <dd>
1457 <p>Show no parents before all of its children are shown, but
1458 otherwise show commits in the commit timestamp order.</p>
1459 </dd>
1460 <dt class="hdlist1">--author-date-order</dt>
1461 <dd>
1462 <p>Show no parents before all of its children are shown, but
1463 otherwise show commits in the author timestamp order.</p>
1464 </dd>
1465 <dt class="hdlist1">--topo-order</dt>
1466 <dd>
1467 <p>Show no parents before all of its children are shown, and
1468 avoid showing commits on multiple lines of history
1469 intermixed.</p>
1470 <div class="paragraph">
1471 <p>For example, in a commit history like this:</p>
1472 </div>
1473 <div class="listingblock">
1474 <div class="content">
1475 <pre> ---1----2----4----7
1477 3----5----6----8---</pre>
1478 </div>
1479 </div>
1480 <div class="paragraph">
1481 <p>where the numbers denote the order of commit timestamps, <code>git</code>
1482 <code>rev-list</code> and friends with <code>--date-order</code> show the commits in the
1483 timestamp order: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1.</p>
1484 </div>
1485 <div class="paragraph">
1486 <p>With <code>--topo-order</code>, they would show 8 6 5 3 7 4 2 1 (or 8 7 4 2 6 5
1487 3 1); some older commits are shown before newer ones in order to
1488 avoid showing the commits from two parallel development track mixed
1489 together.</p>
1490 </div>
1491 </dd>
1492 <dt class="hdlist1">--reverse</dt>
1493 <dd>
1494 <p>Output the commits chosen to be shown (see Commit Limiting
1495 section above) in reverse order. Cannot be combined with
1496 <code>--walk-reflogs</code>.</p>
1497 </dd>
1498 </dl>
1499 </div>
1500 </div>
1501 <div class="sect2">
1502 <h3 id="_object_traversal">Object Traversal</h3>
1503 <div class="paragraph">
1504 <p>These options are mostly targeted for packing of Git repositories.</p>
1505 </div>
1506 <div class="dlist">
1507 <dl>
1508 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-walk[=(sorted|unsorted)]</dt>
1509 <dd>
1510 <p>Only show the given commits, but do not traverse their ancestors.
1511 This has no effect if a range is specified. If the argument
1512 <code>unsorted</code> is given, the commits are shown in the order they were
1513 given on the command line. Otherwise (if <code>sorted</code> or no argument
1514 was given), the commits are shown in reverse chronological order
1515 by commit time.
1516 Cannot be combined with <code>--graph</code>.</p>
1517 </dd>
1518 <dt class="hdlist1">--do-walk</dt>
1519 <dd>
1520 <p>Overrides a previous <code>--no-walk</code>.</p>
1521 </dd>
1522 </dl>
1523 </div>
1524 </div>
1525 <div class="sect2">
1526 <h3 id="_commit_formatting">Commit Formatting</h3>
1527 <div class="dlist">
1528 <dl>
1529 <dt class="hdlist1">--pretty[=&lt;format&gt;]</dt>
1530 <dt class="hdlist1">--format=&lt;format&gt;</dt>
1531 <dd>
1532 <p>Pretty-print the contents of the commit logs in a given format,
1533 where <em>&lt;format&gt;</em> can be one of <em>oneline</em>, <em>short</em>, <em>medium</em>,
1534 <em>full</em>, <em>fuller</em>, <em>reference</em>, <em>email</em>, <em>raw</em>, <em>format:&lt;string&gt;</em>
1535 and <em>tformat:&lt;string&gt;</em>. When <em>&lt;format&gt;</em> is none of the above,
1536 and has <em>%placeholder</em> in it, it acts as if
1537 <em>--pretty=tformat:&lt;format&gt;</em> were given.</p>
1538 <div class="paragraph">
1539 <p>See the "PRETTY FORMATS" section for some additional details for each
1540 format. When <em>=&lt;format&gt;</em> part is omitted, it defaults to <em>medium</em>.</p>
1541 </div>
1542 <div class="paragraph">
1543 <p>Note: you can specify the default pretty format in the repository
1544 configuration (see <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a>).</p>
1545 </div>
1546 </dd>
1547 <dt class="hdlist1">--abbrev-commit</dt>
1548 <dd>
1549 <p>Instead of showing the full 40-byte hexadecimal commit object
1550 name, show a prefix that names the object uniquely.
1551 "--abbrev=&lt;n&gt;" (which also modifies diff output, if it is displayed)
1552 option can be used to specify the minimum length of the prefix.</p>
1553 <div class="paragraph">
1554 <p>This should make "--pretty=oneline" a whole lot more readable for
1555 people using 80-column terminals.</p>
1556 </div>
1557 </dd>
1558 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-abbrev-commit</dt>
1559 <dd>
1560 <p>Show the full 40-byte hexadecimal commit object name. This negates
1561 <code>--abbrev-commit</code>, either explicit or implied by other options such
1562 as "--oneline". It also overrides the <code>log.abbrevCommit</code> variable.</p>
1563 </dd>
1564 <dt class="hdlist1">--oneline</dt>
1565 <dd>
1566 <p>This is a shorthand for "--pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit"
1567 used together.</p>
1568 </dd>
1569 <dt class="hdlist1">--encoding=&lt;encoding&gt;</dt>
1570 <dd>
1571 <p>Commit objects record the character encoding used for the log message
1572 in their encoding header; this option can be used to tell the
1573 command to re-code the commit log message in the encoding
1574 preferred by the user. For non plumbing commands this
1575 defaults to UTF-8. Note that if an object claims to be encoded
1576 in <code>X</code> and we are outputting in <code>X</code>, we will output the object
1577 verbatim; this means that invalid sequences in the original
1578 commit may be copied to the output. Likewise, if iconv(3) fails
1579 to convert the commit, we will quietly output the original
1580 object verbatim.</p>
1581 </dd>
1582 <dt class="hdlist1">--expand-tabs=&lt;n&gt;</dt>
1583 <dt class="hdlist1">--expand-tabs</dt>
1584 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-expand-tabs</dt>
1585 <dd>
1586 <p>Perform a tab expansion (replace each tab with enough spaces
1587 to fill to the next display column that is a multiple of <em>&lt;n&gt;</em>)
1588 in the log message before showing it in the output.
1589 <code>--expand-tabs</code> is a short-hand for <code>--expand-tabs=8</code>, and
1590 <code>--no-expand-tabs</code> is a short-hand for <code>--expand-tabs=0</code>,
1591 which disables tab expansion.</p>
1592 <div class="paragraph">
1593 <p>By default, tabs are expanded in pretty formats that indent the log
1594 message by 4 spaces (i.e. <em>medium</em>, which is the default, <em>full</em>,
1595 and <em>fuller</em>).</p>
1596 </div>
1597 </dd>
1598 <dt class="hdlist1">--notes[=&lt;ref&gt;]</dt>
1599 <dd>
1600 <p>Show the notes (see <a href="git-notes.html">git-notes(1)</a>) that annotate the
1601 commit, when showing the commit log message. This is the default
1602 for <code>git</code> <code>log</code>, <code>git</code> <code>show</code> and <code>git</code> <code>whatchanged</code> commands when
1603 there is no <code>--pretty</code>, <code>--format</code>, or <code>--oneline</code> option given
1604 on the command line.</p>
1605 <div class="paragraph">
1606 <p>By default, the notes shown are from the notes refs listed in the
1607 <code>core.notesRef</code> and <code>notes.displayRef</code> variables (or corresponding
1608 environment overrides). See <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a> for more details.</p>
1609 </div>
1610 <div class="paragraph">
1611 <p>With an optional <em>&lt;ref&gt;</em> argument, use the ref to find the notes
1612 to display. The ref can specify the full refname when it begins
1613 with <code>refs/notes/</code>; when it begins with <code>notes/</code>, <code>refs/</code> and otherwise
1614 <code>refs/notes/</code> is prefixed to form the full name of the ref.</p>
1615 </div>
1616 <div class="paragraph">
1617 <p>Multiple --notes options can be combined to control which notes are
1618 being displayed. Examples: "--notes=foo" will show only notes from
1619 "refs/notes/foo"; "--notes=foo --notes" will show both notes from
1620 "refs/notes/foo" and from the default notes ref(s).</p>
1621 </div>
1622 </dd>
1623 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-notes</dt>
1624 <dd>
1625 <p>Do not show notes. This negates the above <code>--notes</code> option, by
1626 resetting the list of notes refs from which notes are shown.
1627 Options are parsed in the order given on the command line, so e.g.
1628 "--notes --notes=foo --no-notes --notes=bar" will only show notes
1629 from "refs/notes/bar".</p>
1630 </dd>
1631 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-notes-by-default</dt>
1632 <dd>
1633 <p>Show the default notes unless options for displaying specific
1634 notes are given.</p>
1635 </dd>
1636 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-notes[=&lt;ref&gt;]</dt>
1637 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]standard-notes</dt>
1638 <dd>
1639 <p>These options are deprecated. Use the above --notes/--no-notes
1640 options instead.</p>
1641 </dd>
1642 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-signature</dt>
1643 <dd>
1644 <p>Check the validity of a signed commit object by passing the signature
1645 to <code>gpg</code> <code>--verify</code> and show the output.</p>
1646 </dd>
1647 <dt class="hdlist1">--relative-date</dt>
1648 <dd>
1649 <p>Synonym for <code>--date=relative</code>.</p>
1650 </dd>
1651 <dt class="hdlist1">--date=&lt;format&gt;</dt>
1652 <dd>
1653 <p>Only takes effect for dates shown in human-readable format, such
1654 as when using <code>--pretty</code>. <code></code> config variable sets a default
1655 value for the log command&#8217;s <code>--date</code> option. By default, dates
1656 are shown in the original time zone (either committer&#8217;s or
1657 author&#8217;s). If <code>-local</code> is appended to the format (e.g.,
1658 <code>iso-local</code>), the user&#8217;s local time zone is used instead.</p>
1659 <div class="openblock">
1660 <div class="content">
1661 <div class="paragraph">
1662 <p><code>--date=relative</code> shows dates relative to the current time,
1663 e.g. &#8220;2 hours ago&#8221;. The <code>-local</code> option has no effect for
1664 <code>--date=relative</code>.</p>
1665 </div>
1666 <div class="paragraph">
1667 <p><code>--date=local</code> is an alias for <code>--date=default-local</code>.</p>
1668 </div>
1669 <div class="paragraph">
1670 <p><code>--date=iso</code> (or <code>--date=iso8601</code>) shows timestamps in a ISO 8601-like format.
1671 The differences to the strict ISO 8601 format are:</p>
1672 </div>
1673 <div class="ulist">
1674 <ul>
1675 <li>
1676 <p>a space instead of the <code>T</code> date/time delimiter</p>
1677 </li>
1678 <li>
1679 <p>a space between time and time zone</p>
1680 </li>
1681 <li>
1682 <p>no colon between hours and minutes of the time zone</p>
1683 </li>
1684 </ul>
1685 </div>
1686 <div class="paragraph">
1687 <p><code>--date=iso-strict</code> (or <code>--date=iso8601-strict</code>) shows timestamps in strict
1688 ISO 8601 format.</p>
1689 </div>
1690 <div class="paragraph">
1691 <p><code>--date=rfc</code> (or <code>--date=rfc2822</code>) shows timestamps in RFC 2822
1692 format, often found in email messages.</p>
1693 </div>
1694 <div class="paragraph">
1695 <p><code>--date=short</code> shows only the date, but not the time, in <code>YYYY-MM-DD</code> format.</p>
1696 </div>
1697 <div class="paragraph">
1698 <p><code>--date=raw</code> shows the date as seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01
1699 00:00:00 UTC), followed by a space, and then the timezone as an offset
1700 from UTC (a <code>+</code> or <code>-</code> with four digits; the first two are hours, and
1701 the second two are minutes). I.e., as if the timestamp were formatted
1702 with <code>strftime</code>("%s %z")).
1703 Note that the <code>-local</code> option does not affect the seconds-since-epoch
1704 value (which is always measured in UTC), but does switch the accompanying
1705 timezone value.</p>
1706 </div>
1707 <div class="paragraph">
1708 <p><code>--date=human</code> shows the timezone if the timezone does not match the
1709 current time-zone, and doesn&#8217;t print the whole date if that matches
1710 (ie skip printing year for dates that are "this year", but also skip
1711 the whole date itself if it&#8217;s in the last few days and we can just say
1712 what weekday it was). For older dates the hour and minute is also
1713 omitted.</p>
1714 </div>
1715 <div class="paragraph">
1716 <p><code>--date=unix</code> shows the date as a Unix epoch timestamp (seconds since
1717 1970). As with <code>--raw</code>, this is always in UTC and therefore <code>-local</code>
1718 has no effect.</p>
1719 </div>
1720 <div class="paragraph">
1721 <p><code>--date=format:..</code>. feeds the format ... to your system <code>strftime</code>,
1722 except for %s, %z, and %Z, which are handled internally.
1723 Use <code>--date=format:</code>%c to show the date in your system locale&#8217;s
1724 preferred format. See the <code>strftime</code> manual for a complete list of
1725 format placeholders. When using <code>-local</code>, the correct syntax is
1726 <code>--date=format-local:..</code>..</p>
1727 </div>
1728 <div class="paragraph">
1729 <p><code>--date=default</code> is the default format, and is based on ctime(3)
1730 output. It shows a single line with three-letter day of the week,
1731 three-letter month, day-of-month, hour-minute-seconds in "HH:MM:SS"
1732 format, followed by 4-digit year, plus timezone information, unless
1733 the local time zone is used, e.g. <code>Thu</code> <code>Jan</code> <code>1</code> <code>00:00:00</code> <code>1970</code> <code>+0000</code>.</p>
1734 </div>
1735 </div>
1736 </div>
1737 </dd>
1738 <dt class="hdlist1">--parents</dt>
1739 <dd>
1740 <p>Print also the parents of the commit (in the form "commit parent&#8230;&#8203;").
1741 Also enables parent rewriting, see <em>History Simplification</em> above.</p>
1742 </dd>
1743 <dt class="hdlist1">--children</dt>
1744 <dd>
1745 <p>Print also the children of the commit (in the form "commit child&#8230;&#8203;").
1746 Also enables parent rewriting, see <em>History Simplification</em> above.</p>
1747 </dd>
1748 <dt class="hdlist1">--left-right</dt>
1749 <dd>
1750 <p>Mark which side of a symmetric difference a commit is reachable from.
1751 Commits from the left side are prefixed with &lt; and those from
1752 the right with &gt;. If combined with <code>--boundary</code>, those
1753 commits are prefixed with <code>-</code>.</p>
1754 <div class="paragraph">
1755 <p>For example, if you have this topology:</p>
1756 </div>
1757 <div class="listingblock">
1758 <div class="content">
1759 <pre> y---b---b branch B
1760 / \ /
1762 / / \
1763 o---x---a---a branch A</pre>
1764 </div>
1765 </div>
1766 <div class="paragraph">
1767 <p>you would get an output like this:</p>
1768 </div>
1769 <div class="listingblock">
1770 <div class="content">
1771 <pre> $ git rev-list --left-right --boundary --pretty=oneline A...B
1773 &gt;bbbbbbb... 3rd on b
1774 &gt;bbbbbbb... 2nd on b
1775 &lt;aaaaaaa... 3rd on a
1776 &lt;aaaaaaa... 2nd on a
1777 -yyyyyyy... 1st on b
1778 -xxxxxxx... 1st on a</pre>
1779 </div>
1780 </div>
1781 </dd>
1782 <dt class="hdlist1">--graph</dt>
1783 <dd>
1784 <p>Draw a text-based graphical representation of the commit history
1785 on the left hand side of the output. This may cause extra lines
1786 to be printed in between commits, in order for the graph history
1787 to be drawn properly.
1788 Cannot be combined with <code>--no-walk</code>.</p>
1789 <div class="paragraph">
1790 <p>This enables parent rewriting, see <em>History Simplification</em> above.</p>
1791 </div>
1792 <div class="paragraph">
1793 <p>This implies the <code>--topo-order</code> option by default, but the
1794 <code>--date-order</code> option may also be specified.</p>
1795 </div>
1796 </dd>
1797 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-linear-break[=&lt;barrier&gt;]</dt>
1798 <dd>
1799 <p>When --graph is not used, all history branches are flattened
1800 which can make it hard to see that the two consecutive commits
1801 do not belong to a linear branch. This option puts a barrier
1802 in between them in that case. If <em>&lt;barrier&gt;</em> is specified, it
1803 is the string that will be shown instead of the default one.</p>
1804 </dd>
1805 </dl>
1806 </div>
1807 </div>
1808 </div>
1809 </div>
1810 <div class="sect1">
1811 <h2 id="_output">OUTPUT</h2>
1812 <div class="sectionbody">
1813 <div class="paragraph">
1814 <p>When there are no conflicts, the output of this command is usable as
1815 input to <code>git</code> <code>update-ref</code> <code>--stdin</code>. It is of the form:</p>
1816 </div>
1817 <div class="literalblock">
1818 <div class="content">
1819 <pre>update refs/heads/branch1 ${NEW_branch1_HASH} ${OLD_branch1_HASH}
1820 update refs/heads/branch2 ${NEW_branch2_HASH} ${OLD_branch2_HASH}
1821 update refs/heads/branch3 ${NEW_branch3_HASH} ${OLD_branch3_HASH}</pre>
1822 </div>
1823 </div>
1824 <div class="paragraph">
1825 <p>where the number of refs updated depends on the arguments passed and
1826 the shape of the history being replayed. When using <code>--advance</code>, the
1827 number of refs updated is always one, but for <code>--onto</code>, it can be one
1828 or more (rebasing multiple branches simultaneously is supported).</p>
1829 </div>
1830 </div>
1831 </div>
1832 <div class="sect1">
1833 <h2 id="_exit_status">EXIT STATUS</h2>
1834 <div class="sectionbody">
1835 <div class="paragraph">
1836 <p>For a successful, non-conflicted replay, the exit status is 0. When
1837 the replay has conflicts, the exit status is 1. If the replay is not
1838 able to complete (or start) due to some kind of error, the exit status
1839 is something other than 0 or 1.</p>
1840 </div>
1841 </div>
1842 </div>
1843 <div class="sect1">
1844 <h2 id="_examples">EXAMPLES</h2>
1845 <div class="sectionbody">
1846 <div class="paragraph">
1847 <p>To simply rebase <code>mybranch</code> onto <code>target</code>:</p>
1848 </div>
1849 <div class="listingblock">
1850 <div class="content">
1851 <pre>$ git replay --onto target origin/main..mybranch
1852 update refs/heads/mybranch ${NEW_mybranch_HASH} ${OLD_mybranch_HASH}</pre>
1853 </div>
1854 </div>
1855 <div class="paragraph">
1856 <p>To cherry-pick the commits from mybranch onto target:</p>
1857 </div>
1858 <div class="listingblock">
1859 <div class="content">
1860 <pre>$ git replay --advance target origin/main..mybranch
1861 update refs/heads/target ${NEW_target_HASH} ${OLD_target_HASH}</pre>
1862 </div>
1863 </div>
1864 <div class="paragraph">
1865 <p>Note that the first two examples replay the exact same commits and on
1866 top of the exact same new base, they only differ in that the first
1867 provides instructions to make mybranch point at the new commits and
1868 the second provides instructions to make target point at them.</p>
1869 </div>
1870 <div class="paragraph">
1871 <p>What if you have a stack of branches, one depending upon another, and
1872 you&#8217;d really like to rebase the whole set?</p>
1873 </div>
1874 <div class="listingblock">
1875 <div class="content">
1876 <pre>$ git replay --contained --onto origin/main origin/main..tipbranch
1877 update refs/heads/branch1 ${NEW_branch1_HASH} ${OLD_branch1_HASH}
1878 update refs/heads/branch2 ${NEW_branch2_HASH} ${OLD_branch2_HASH}
1879 update refs/heads/tipbranch ${NEW_tipbranch_HASH} ${OLD_tipbranch_HASH}</pre>
1880 </div>
1881 </div>
1882 <div class="paragraph">
1883 <p>When calling <code>git</code> <code>replay</code>, one does not need to specify a range of
1884 commits to replay using the syntax <code>A</code><code>..</code><code>B</code>; any range expression will
1885 do:</p>
1886 </div>
1887 <div class="listingblock">
1888 <div class="content">
1889 <pre>$ git replay --onto origin/main ^base branch1 branch2 branch3
1890 update refs/heads/branch1 ${NEW_branch1_HASH} ${OLD_branch1_HASH}
1891 update refs/heads/branch2 ${NEW_branch2_HASH} ${OLD_branch2_HASH}
1892 update refs/heads/branch3 ${NEW_branch3_HASH} ${OLD_branch3_HASH}</pre>
1893 </div>
1894 </div>
1895 <div class="paragraph">
1896 <p>This will simultaneously rebase <code>branch1</code>, <code>branch2</code>, and <code>branch3</code>,
1897 all commits they have since <code>base</code>, playing them on top of
1898 <code>origin/main</code>. These three branches may have commits on top of <code>base</code>
1899 that they have in common, but that does not need to be the case.</p>
1900 </div>
1901 </div>
1902 </div>
1903 <div class="sect1">
1904 <h2 id="_git">GIT</h2>
1905 <div class="sectionbody">
1906 <div class="paragraph">
1907 <p>Part of the <a href="git.html">git(1)</a> suite</p>
1908 </div>
1909 </div>
1910 </div>
1911 </div>
1912 <div id="footer">
1913 <div id="footer-text">
1914 Last updated 2024-04-23 14:40:04 -0700
1915 </div>
1916 </div>
1917 </body>
1918 </html>