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441 <body class="article">
442 <div id="header">
443 <h1>How to maintain Git</h1>
444 <div class="details">
445 <span id="revdate">2024-12-06</span>
446 </div>
447 </div>
448 <div id="content">
449 <div class="sect1">
450 <h2 id="_activities">Activities</h2>
451 <div class="sectionbody">
452 <div class="paragraph">
453 <p>The maintainer&#8217;s Git time is spent on three activities.</p>
454 </div>
455 <div class="ulist">
456 <ul>
457 <li>
458 <p>Communication (45%)</p>
459 <div class="literalblock">
460 <div class="content">
461 <pre>Mailing list discussions on general design, fielding user
462 questions, diagnosing bug reports; reviewing, commenting on,
463 suggesting alternatives to, and rejecting patches.</pre>
464 </div>
465 </div>
466 </li>
467 <li>
468 <p>Integration (50%)</p>
469 <div class="literalblock">
470 <div class="content">
471 <pre>Applying new patches from the contributors while spotting and
472 correcting minor mistakes, shuffling the integration and
473 testing branches, pushing the results out, cutting the
474 releases, and making announcements.</pre>
475 </div>
476 </div>
477 </li>
478 <li>
479 <p>Own development (5%)</p>
480 <div class="literalblock">
481 <div class="content">
482 <pre>Scratching my own itch and sending proposed patch series out.</pre>
483 </div>
484 </div>
485 </li>
486 </ul>
487 </div>
488 </div>
489 </div>
490 <div class="sect1">
491 <h2 id="_the_policy">The Policy</h2>
492 <div class="sectionbody">
493 <div class="paragraph">
494 <p>The policy on Integration is informally mentioned in "A Note
495 from the maintainer" message, which is periodically posted to
496 the mailing list after each feature release is made:</p>
497 </div>
498 <div class="ulist">
499 <ul>
500 <li>
501 <p>Feature releases are numbered as vX.Y.0 and are meant to
502 contain bugfixes and enhancements in any area, including
503 functionality, performance and usability, without regression.</p>
504 </li>
505 <li>
506 <p>Maintenance releases are numbered as vX.Y.Z (0 &lt; Z) and are meant
507 to contain only bugfixes for the corresponding vX.Y.0 feature
508 release and earlier maintenance releases vX.Y.W (W &lt; Z).</p>
509 </li>
510 <li>
511 <p>The <em>master</em> branch is used to prepare for the next feature
512 release. In other words, at some point, the tip of <em>master</em>
513 branch is tagged as vX.(Y+1).0, when vX.Y.0 is the latest
514 feature release.</p>
515 </li>
516 <li>
517 <p><em>maint</em> branch is used to prepare for the next maintenance
518 release. After the feature release vX.Y.0 is made, the tip
519 of <em>maint</em> branch is set to that release, and bugfixes will
520 accumulate on the branch, and at some point, the tip of the
521 branch is tagged with vX.Y.1, vX.Y.2, and so on.</p>
522 </li>
523 <li>
524 <p><em>next</em> branch is used to publish changes (both enhancements
525 and fixes) that (1) have worthwhile goal, (2) are in a fairly
526 good shape suitable for everyday use, (3) but have not yet
527 demonstrated to be regression free. Reviews from contributors on
528 the mailing list help to make the determination. After a topic
529 is merged to <em>next</em>, it is tested for at least 7 calendar days
530 before getting merged to <em>master</em>.</p>
531 </li>
532 <li>
533 <p><em>seen</em> branch is used to publish other proposed changes that do
534 not yet pass the criteria set for <em>next</em> (see above), but there
535 is no promise that <em>seen</em> will contain everything. A topic that
536 had no reviewer reaction may not be picked up.</p>
537 </li>
538 <li>
539 <p>A new topic will first get merged to <em>seen</em>, unless it is
540 trivially correct and clearly urgent, in which case it may be
541 directly merged to <em>next</em> or even to <em>master</em>.</p>
542 </li>
543 <li>
544 <p>If a topic that was picked up to <em>seen</em> becomes and stays
545 inactive for 3 calendar weeks without having seen a clear
546 consensus that it is good enough to be moved to <em>next</em>, the
547 topic may be discarded from <em>seen</em>. Interested parties are
548 still free to revive the topic. For the purpose of this
549 guideline, the definition of being "inactive" is that nobody
550 has discussed the topic, no new iteration of the topic was
551 posted, and no responses to the review comments were given.</p>
552 </li>
553 <li>
554 <p>The tips of <em>master</em> and <em>maint</em> branches will not be rewound to
555 allow people to build their own customization on top of them.
556 Early in a new development cycle, <em>next</em> is rewound to the tip of
557 <em>master</em> once, but otherwise it will not be rewound until the end
558 of the cycle.</p>
559 </li>
560 <li>
561 <p>Usually <em>master</em> contains all of <em>maint</em> and <em>next</em> contains all
562 of <em>master</em>. <em>seen</em> contains all the topics merged to <em>next</em>, but
563 is rebuilt directly on <em>master</em>.</p>
564 </li>
565 <li>
566 <p>The tip of <em>master</em> is meant to be more stable than any
567 tagged releases, and the users are encouraged to follow it.</p>
568 </li>
569 <li>
570 <p>The <em>next</em> branch is where new action takes place, and the
571 users are encouraged to test it so that regressions and bugs
572 are found before new topics are merged to <em>master</em>.</p>
573 </li>
574 <li>
575 <p>When a problem is found in a topic in <em>next</em>, the topic is marked
576 not to be merged to <em>master</em>. Follow-up patches are discussed on
577 the mailing list and applied to the topic after being reviewed and
578 then the topic is merged (again) to <em>next</em>. After going through
579 the usual testing in <em>next</em>, the entire (fixed) topic is merged
580 to <em>master</em>.</p>
581 </li>
582 <li>
583 <p>One release cycle for a feature release is expected to last for
584 eight to ten weeks. A few "release candidate" releases are
585 expected to be tagged about a week apart before the final
586 release, and a "preview" release is tagged about a week before
587 the first release candidate gets tagged.</p>
588 </li>
589 <li>
590 <p>After the preview release is tagged, topics that were well
591 reviewed may be merged to <em>master</em> before spending the usual 7
592 calendar days in <em>next</em>, with the expectation that any bugs in
593 them can be caught and fixed in the release candidates before
594 the final release.</p>
595 </li>
596 <li>
597 <p>After the first release candidate is tagged, the contributors are
598 strongly encouraged to focus on finding and fixing new regressions
599 introduced during the cycle, over addressing old bugs and any new
600 features. Topics stop getting merged down from <em>next</em> to <em>master</em>,
601 and new topics stop getting merged to <em>next</em>. Unless they are fixes
602 to new regressions in the cycle, that is.</p>
603 </li>
604 <li>
605 <p>Soon after a feature release is made, the tip of <em>maint</em> gets
606 fast-forwarded to point at the release. Topics that have been
607 kept in <em>next</em> are merged down to <em>master</em> and a new development
608 cycle starts.</p>
609 </li>
610 </ul>
611 </div>
612 <div class="paragraph">
613 <p>Note that before v1.9.0 release, the version numbers used to be
614 structured slightly differently. vX.Y.Z were feature releases while
615 vX.Y.Z.W were maintenance releases for vX.Y.Z.</p>
616 </div>
617 <div class="paragraph">
618 <p>Because most of the lines of code in Git are written by individual
619 contributors, and contributions come in the form of e-mailed patches
620 published on the mailing list, the project maintains a mapping from
621 individual commits to the Message-Id of the e-mail that resulted in
622 the commit, to help tracking the origin of the changes. The notes
623 in "refs/notes/amlog" are used for this purpose, and are published
624 along with the broken-out branches to the maintainer&#8217;s repository.</p>
625 </div>
626 </div>
627 </div>
628 <div class="sect1">
629 <h2 id="_a_typical_git_day">A Typical Git Day</h2>
630 <div class="sectionbody">
631 <div class="paragraph">
632 <p>A typical Git day for the maintainer implements the above policy
633 by doing the following:</p>
634 </div>
635 <div class="ulist">
636 <ul>
637 <li>
638 <p>Scan mailing list. Respond with review comments, suggestions
639 etc. Kibitz. Collect potentially usable patches from the
640 mailing list. Patches about a single topic go to one mailbox (I
641 read my mail in Gnus, and type \C-o to save/append messages in
642 files in mbox format).</p>
643 </li>
644 <li>
645 <p>Write his own patches to address issues raised on the list but
646 nobody has stepped up to solve. Send it out just like other
647 contributors do, and pick them up just like patches from other
648 contributors (see above).</p>
649 </li>
650 <li>
651 <p>Review the patches in the saved mailboxes. Edit proposed log
652 message for typofixes and clarifications, and add Acks
653 collected from the list. Edit patch to incorporate "Oops,
654 that should have been like this" fixes from the discussion.</p>
655 </li>
656 <li>
657 <p>Classify the collected patches and handle <em>master</em> and
658 <em>maint</em> updates:</p>
659 </li>
660 <li>
661 <p>Obviously correct fixes that pertain to the tip of <em>maint</em>
662 are directly applied to <em>maint</em>.</p>
663 </li>
664 <li>
665 <p>Obviously correct fixes that pertain to the tip of <em>master</em>
666 are directly applied to <em>master</em>.</p>
667 </li>
668 <li>
669 <p>Other topics are not handled in this step.</p>
670 <div class="literalblock">
671 <div class="content">
672 <pre>This step is done with "git am".</pre>
673 </div>
674 </div>
675 <div class="literalblock">
676 <div class="content">
677 <pre>$ git checkout master ;# or "git checkout maint"
678 $ git am -sc3 mailbox
679 $ make test</pre>
680 </div>
681 </div>
682 <div class="literalblock">
683 <div class="content">
684 <pre>In practice, almost no patch directly goes to 'master' or
685 'maint'.</pre>
686 </div>
687 </div>
688 <div class="literalblock">
689 <div class="content">
690 <pre>Applying the e-mailed patches using "git am" automatically records
691 the mappings from 'Message-Id' to the applied commit in the "amlog"
692 notes. Periodically check that this is working with "git show -s
693 --notes=amlog $commit".</pre>
694 </div>
695 </div>
696 <div class="literalblock">
697 <div class="content">
698 <pre>This mapping is maintained with the aid of the "post-applypatch"
699 hook found in the 'todo' branch. That hook should be installed
700 before applying patches. It is also helpful to carry forward any
701 relevant amlog entries when rebasing, so the following config may
702 be useful:</pre>
703 </div>
704 </div>
705 <div class="literalblock">
706 <div class="content">
707 <pre> [notes]
708 rewriteRef = refs/notes/amlog</pre>
709 </div>
710 </div>
711 <div class="literalblock">
712 <div class="content">
713 <pre>Avoid "cherry-pick", as it does not propagate notes by design. Use
714 either "git commit --amend" or "git rebase" to make corrections to
715 an existing commit, even for a single-patch topic.</pre>
716 </div>
717 </div>
718 <div class="literalblock">
719 <div class="content">
720 <pre>Make sure that a push refspec for 'refs/notes/amlog' is in the
721 remote configuration for publishing repositories. A few sample
722 configurations look like the following:</pre>
723 </div>
724 </div>
725 <div class="literalblock">
726 <div class="content">
727 <pre> [remote "github"]
728 url =
729 pushurl =
730 mirror</pre>
731 </div>
732 </div>
733 <div class="literalblock">
734 <div class="content">
735 <pre> [remote "github2"]
736 url =
737 fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/github2/*
738 pushurl =
739 push = refs/heads/maint:refs/heads/maint
740 push = refs/heads/master:refs/heads/master
741 push = refs/heads/next:refs/heads/next
742 push = +refs/heads/seen:refs/heads/seen
743 push = +refs/notes/amlog</pre>
744 </div>
745 </div>
746 </li>
747 <li>
748 <p>Review the last issue of "What&#8217;s cooking" message, review the
749 topics ready for merging (topic&#8594;master and topic&#8594;maint). Use
750 "Meta/cook -w" script (where Meta/ contains a checkout of the
751 <em>todo</em> branch) to aid this step.</p>
752 <div class="literalblock">
753 <div class="content">
754 <pre>And perform the merge. Use "Meta/Reintegrate -e" script (see
755 later) to aid this step.</pre>
756 </div>
757 </div>
758 <div class="literalblock">
759 <div class="content">
760 <pre>$ Meta/cook -w last-issue-of-whats-cooking.mbox</pre>
761 </div>
762 </div>
763 <div class="literalblock">
764 <div class="content">
765 <pre>$ git checkout master ;# or "git checkout maint"
766 $ echo ai/topic | Meta/Reintegrate -e ;# "git merge ai/topic"
767 $ git log -p ORIG_HEAD.. ;# final review
768 $ git diff ORIG_HEAD.. ;# final review
769 $ make test ;# final review</pre>
770 </div>
771 </div>
772 <div class="literalblock">
773 <div class="content">
774 <pre>If the tip of 'master' is updated, also generate the preformatted
775 documentation and push the out result to git-htmldocs and
776 git-manpages repositories.</pre>
777 </div>
778 </div>
779 </li>
780 <li>
781 <p>Handle the remaining patches:</p>
782 </li>
783 <li>
784 <p>Anything unobvious that is applicable to <em>master</em> (in other
785 words, does not depend on anything that is still in <em>next</em>
786 and not in <em>master</em>) is applied to a new topic branch that
787 is forked from the tip of <em>master</em> (or the last feature release,
788 which is a bit older than <em>master</em>). This includes both
789 enhancements and unobvious fixes to <em>master</em>. A topic
790 branch is named as ai/topic where "ai" is two-letter string
791 named after author&#8217;s initial and "topic" is a descriptive name
792 of the topic (in other words, "what&#8217;s the series is about").</p>
793 </li>
794 <li>
795 <p>An unobvious fix meant for <em>maint</em> is applied to a new
796 topic branch that is forked from the tip of <em>maint</em> (or the
797 oldest and still relevant maintenance branch). The
798 topic may be named as ai/maint-topic.</p>
799 </li>
800 <li>
801 <p>Changes that pertain to an existing topic are applied to
802 the branch, but:</p>
803 </li>
804 <li>
805 <p>obviously correct ones are applied first;</p>
806 </li>
807 <li>
808 <p>questionable ones are discarded or applied to near the tip;</p>
809 </li>
810 <li>
811 <p>Replacement patches to an existing topic are accepted only
812 for commits not in <em>next</em>.</p>
813 <div class="literalblock">
814 <div class="content">
815 <pre>The initial round is done with:</pre>
816 </div>
817 </div>
818 <div class="literalblock">
819 <div class="content">
820 <pre>$ git checkout ai/topic ;# or "git checkout -b ai/topic master"
821 $ git am -sc3 --whitespace=warn mailbox</pre>
822 </div>
823 </div>
824 <div class="literalblock">
825 <div class="content">
826 <pre>and replacing an existing topic with subsequent round is done with:</pre>
827 </div>
828 </div>
829 <div class="literalblock">
830 <div class="content">
831 <pre>$ git checkout ;# try to reapply to the same base
832 $ git am -sc3 --whitespace=warn mailbox</pre>
833 </div>
834 </div>
835 <div class="literalblock">
836 <div class="content">
837 <pre>to prepare the new round on a detached HEAD, and then</pre>
838 </div>
839 </div>
840 <div class="literalblock">
841 <div class="content">
842 <pre>$ git range-diff @{-1}...
843 $ git diff @{-1}</pre>
844 </div>
845 </div>
846 <div class="literalblock">
847 <div class="content">
848 <pre>to double check what changed since the last round, and finally</pre>
849 </div>
850 </div>
851 <div class="literalblock">
852 <div class="content">
853 <pre>$ git checkout -B @{-1}</pre>
854 </div>
855 </div>
856 <div class="literalblock">
857 <div class="content">
858 <pre>to conclude (the last step is why a topic already in 'next' is
859 not replaced but updated incrementally).</pre>
860 </div>
861 </div>
862 <div class="literalblock">
863 <div class="content">
864 <pre>Whether it is the initial round or a subsequent round, the topic
865 may not build even in isolation, or may break the build when
866 merged to integration branches due to bugs. There may already
867 be obvious and trivial improvements suggested on the list. The
868 maintainer often adds an extra commit, with "SQUASH???" in its
869 title, to fix things up, before publishing the integration
870 branches to make it usable by other developers for testing.
871 These changes are what the maintainer is not 100% committed to
872 (trivial typofixes etc. are often squashed directly into the
873 patches that need fixing, without being applied as a separate
874 "SQUASH???" commit), so that they can be removed easily as needed.
875 The expectation is that the original author will make corrections
876 in a reroll.</pre>
877 </div>
878 </div>
879 </li>
880 <li>
881 <p>By now, new topic branches are created and existing topic
882 branches are updated. The integration branches <em>next</em>, <em>jch</em>,
883 and <em>seen</em> need to be updated to contain them.</p>
884 </li>
885 <li>
886 <p>If there are topics that have been merged to <em>master</em> and should
887 be merged to <em>maint</em>, merge them to <em>maint</em>, and update the
888 release notes to the next maintenance release.</p>
889 </li>
890 <li>
891 <p>Review the latest issue of "What&#8217;s cooking" again. Are topics
892 that have been sufficiently long in <em>next</em> ready to be merged to
893 <em>master</em>? Are topics we saw earlier and are in <em>seen</em> now got
894 positive reviews and are ready to be merged to <em>next</em>?</p>
895 </li>
896 <li>
897 <p>If there are topics that have been cooking in <em>next</em> long enough
898 and should be merged to <em>master</em>, merge them to <em>master</em>, and
899 update the release notes to the next feature release.</p>
900 </li>
901 <li>
902 <p>If there were patches directly made on <em>maint</em>, merge <em>maint</em> to
903 <em>master</em>; make sure that the result is what you want.</p>
904 <div class="literalblock">
905 <div class="content">
906 <pre>$ git checkout master
907 $ git merge -m "Sync with 'maint'" --no-log maint
908 $ git log -p --first-parent ORIG_HEAD..
909 $ make test</pre>
910 </div>
911 </div>
912 </li>
913 <li>
914 <p>Prepare to update the <em>jch</em> branch, which is used to represent
915 somewhere between <em>master</em> and <em>seen</em> and often is slightly ahead
916 of <em>next</em>, and the <em>seen</em> branch, which is used to hold the rest.</p>
917 <div class="literalblock">
918 <div class="content">
919 <pre>$ Meta/Reintegrate master..jch &gt;Meta/</pre>
920 </div>
921 </div>
922 <div class="literalblock">
923 <div class="content">
924 <pre>The result is a script that lists topics to be merged in order to
925 rebuild the current 'jch'. Do the same for 'seen'.</pre>
926 </div>
927 </div>
928 </li>
929 <li>
930 <p>Review the Meta/ and Meta/ scripts. The
931 former should have a line <em><mark>#</mark> match next</em>---the idea is that
932 merging the topics listed before the line on top of <em>master</em>
933 should result in a tree identical to that of <em>next</em>.</p>
934 </li>
935 <li>
936 <p>As newly created topics are usually merged near the tip of
937 <em>seen</em>, add them to the end of the Meta/ script.
938 Among the topics that were in <em>seen</em>, there may be ones that
939 are not quite ready for <em>next</em> but are getting there. Move
940 them from Meta/ to the end of Meta/
941 The expectation is that you&#8217;d use <em>jch</em> as your daily driver
942 as the first guinea pig, so you should choose carefully.</p>
943 </li>
944 <li>
945 <p>Now we are ready to start rebuilding <em>jch</em> and merging topics to
946 <em>next</em>. For each branch whose tip is not merged to <em>next</em>, one
947 of three things can happen:</p>
948 </li>
949 <li>
950 <p>The commits are all next-worthy; merge the topic to next;</p>
951 </li>
952 <li>
953 <p>The new parts are of mixed quality, but earlier ones are
954 next-worthy; merge the early parts to next;</p>
955 </li>
956 <li>
957 <p>Nothing is next-worthy; do not do anything.</p>
958 <div class="literalblock">
959 <div class="content">
960 <pre>This step is aided with Meta/ script created earlier.
961 If a topic that was already in 'next' gained a patch, the script
962 would list it as "ai/topic~1". To include the new patch to the
963 updated 'next', drop the "~1" part; to keep it excluded, do not
964 touch the line.</pre>
965 </div>
966 </div>
967 <div class="literalblock">
968 <div class="content">
969 <pre>If a topic that was not in 'next' should be merged to 'next', add
970 it before the '### match next' line. Then:</pre>
971 </div>
972 </div>
973 <div class="literalblock">
974 <div class="content">
975 <pre>$ git checkout --detach master
976 $ sh Meta/ -c1</pre>
977 </div>
978 </div>
979 <div class="literalblock">
980 <div class="content">
981 <pre>to rebuild the 'jch' branch from scratch. "-c1" tells the script
982 to stop merging at the first line that begins with '###'
983 (i.e. the "### match next" line you added earlier).</pre>
984 </div>
985 </div>
986 <div class="literalblock">
987 <div class="content">
988 <pre>At this point, build-test the result. It may reveal semantic
989 conflicts (e.g. a topic renamed a variable, another added a new
990 reference to the variable under its old name), in which case
991 prepare an appropriate merge-fix first (see appendix), and
992 rebuild the 'jch' branch from scratch, starting at the tip of
993 'master', this time without using "-c1" to merge all topics.</pre>
994 </div>
995 </div>
996 <div class="literalblock">
997 <div class="content">
998 <pre>Then do the same to 'next'.</pre>
999 </div>
1000 </div>
1001 <div class="literalblock">
1002 <div class="content">
1003 <pre>$ git checkout next
1004 $ sh Meta/ -c1 -e</pre>
1005 </div>
1006 </div>
1007 <div class="literalblock">
1008 <div class="content">
1009 <pre>The "-e" option allows the merge message that comes from the
1010 history of the topic and the comments in the "What's cooking" to
1011 be edited. The resulting tree should match 'jch^{/^### match next'}'
1012 as the same set of topics are merged on 'master'; otherwise there
1013 is a mismerge. Investigate why and do not proceed until the mismerge
1014 is found and rectified.</pre>
1015 </div>
1016 </div>
1017 <div class="literalblock">
1018 <div class="content">
1019 <pre>If 'master' was updated before you started redoing 'next', then</pre>
1020 </div>
1021 </div>
1022 <div class="literalblock">
1023 <div class="content">
1024 <pre>$ git diff 'jch^{/^### match next}' next</pre>
1025 </div>
1026 </div>
1027 <div class="literalblock">
1028 <div class="content">
1029 <pre>would show differences that went into 'master' (which 'jch' has,
1030 but 'next' does not yet---often it is updates to the release
1031 notes). Merge 'master' back to 'next' if that is the case.</pre>
1032 </div>
1033 </div>
1034 <div class="literalblock">
1035 <div class="content">
1036 <pre>$ git merge -m "Sync with 'master'" --no-log master</pre>
1037 </div>
1038 </div>
1039 <div class="literalblock">
1040 <div class="content">
1041 <pre>When all is well, clean up the script with</pre>
1042 </div>
1043 </div>
1044 <div class="literalblock">
1045 <div class="content">
1046 <pre>$ sh Meta/ -u</pre>
1047 </div>
1048 </div>
1049 <div class="literalblock">
1050 <div class="content">
1051 <pre>This removes topics listed in the script that have already been
1052 merged to 'master'. This may lose '### match next' marker;
1053 add it again to the appropriate place when it happens.</pre>
1054 </div>
1055 </div>
1056 </li>
1057 <li>
1058 <p>Rebuild <em>seen</em> on top of <em>jch</em>.</p>
1059 <div class="literalblock">
1060 <div class="content">
1061 <pre>$ git checkout -B seen jch
1062 $ sh Meta/</pre>
1063 </div>
1064 </div>
1065 <div class="literalblock">
1066 <div class="content">
1067 <pre>When all is well, clean up the script with</pre>
1068 </div>
1069 </div>
1070 <div class="literalblock">
1071 <div class="content">
1072 <pre>$ sh Meta/ -u</pre>
1073 </div>
1074 </div>
1075 <div class="literalblock">
1076 <div class="content">
1077 <pre>Double check by running</pre>
1078 </div>
1079 </div>
1080 <div class="literalblock">
1081 <div class="content">
1082 <pre>$ git branch --no-merged seen '??/*'</pre>
1083 </div>
1084 </div>
1085 <div class="literalblock">
1086 <div class="content">
1087 <pre>to see there is no unexpected leftover topics.</pre>
1088 </div>
1089 </div>
1090 <div class="literalblock">
1091 <div class="content">
1092 <pre>At this point, build-test the result for semantic conflicts, and
1093 if there are, prepare an appropriate merge-fix first (see
1094 appendix), and rebuild the 'seen' branch from scratch, starting at
1095 the tip of 'jch'.</pre>
1096 </div>
1097 </div>
1098 </li>
1099 <li>
1100 <p>Update "What&#8217;s cooking" message to review the updates to
1101 existing topics, newly added topics and graduated topics.</p>
1102 <div class="literalblock">
1103 <div class="content">
1104 <pre>This step is helped with Meta/cook script.</pre>
1105 </div>
1106 </div>
1107 <div class="literalblock">
1108 <div class="content">
1109 <pre>$ Meta/cook</pre>
1110 </div>
1111 </div>
1112 <div class="literalblock">
1113 <div class="content">
1114 <pre>This script inspects the history between master..seen, finds tips
1115 of topic branches, compares what it found with the current
1116 contents in Meta/whats-cooking.txt, and updates that file.
1117 Topics not listed in the file but are found in master..seen are
1118 added to the "New topics" section, topics listed in the file that
1119 are no longer found in master..seen are moved to the "Graduated to
1120 master" section, and topics whose commits changed their states
1121 (e.g. used to be only in 'seen', now merged to 'next') are updated
1122 with change markers "&lt;&lt;" and "&gt;&gt;".</pre>
1123 </div>
1124 </div>
1125 <div class="literalblock">
1126 <div class="content">
1127 <pre>Look for lines enclosed in "&lt;&lt;" and "&gt;&gt;"; they hold contents from
1128 old file that are replaced by this integration round. After
1129 verifying them, remove the old part. Review the description for
1130 each topic and update its doneness and plan as needed. To review
1131 the updated plan, run</pre>
1132 </div>
1133 </div>
1134 <div class="literalblock">
1135 <div class="content">
1136 <pre>$ Meta/cook -w</pre>
1137 </div>
1138 </div>
1139 <div class="literalblock">
1140 <div class="content">
1141 <pre>which will pick up comments given to the topics, such as "Will
1142 merge to 'next'", etc. (see Meta/cook script to learn what kind
1143 of phrases are supported).</pre>
1144 </div>
1145 </div>
1146 </li>
1147 <li>
1148 <p>Compile, test and install all four (five) integration branches;
1149 Meta/Dothem script may aid this step.</p>
1150 </li>
1151 <li>
1152 <p>Format documentation if the <em>master</em> branch was updated;
1153 Meta/ script may aid this step.</p>
1154 </li>
1155 <li>
1156 <p>Push the integration branches out to public places; Meta/pushall
1157 script may aid this step.</p>
1158 </li>
1159 </ul>
1160 </div>
1161 </div>
1162 </div>
1163 <div class="sect1">
1164 <h2 id="_observations">Observations</h2>
1165 <div class="sectionbody">
1166 <div class="paragraph">
1167 <p>Some observations to be made.</p>
1168 </div>
1169 <div class="ulist">
1170 <ul>
1171 <li>
1172 <p>Each topic is tested individually, and also together with other
1173 topics cooking first in <em>seen</em>, then in <em>jch</em> and then in <em>next</em>.
1174 Until it matures, no part of it is merged to <em>master</em>.</p>
1175 </li>
1176 <li>
1177 <p>A topic already in <em>next</em> can get fixes while still in
1178 <em>next</em>. Such a topic will have many merges to <em>next</em> (in
1179 other words, "git log --first-parent next" will show many
1180 "Merge branch <em>ai/topic</em> to next" for the same topic.</p>
1181 </li>
1182 <li>
1183 <p>An unobvious fix for <em>maint</em> is cooked in <em>next</em> and then
1184 merged to <em>master</em> to make extra sure it is Ok and then
1185 merged to <em>maint</em>.</p>
1186 </li>
1187 <li>
1188 <p>Even when <em>next</em> becomes empty (in other words, all topics
1189 prove stable and are merged to <em>master</em> and "git diff master
1190 next" shows empty), it has tons of merge commits that will
1191 never be in <em>master</em>.</p>
1192 </li>
1193 <li>
1194 <p>In principle, "git log --first-parent" should
1195 show nothing but merges (in practice, there are fixup commits
1196 and reverts that are not merges).</p>
1197 </li>
1198 <li>
1199 <p>Commits near the tip of a topic branch that are not in <em>next</em>
1200 are fair game to be discarded, replaced or rewritten.
1201 Commits already merged to <em>next</em> will not be.</p>
1202 </li>
1203 <li>
1204 <p>Being in the <em>next</em> branch is not a guarantee for a topic to
1205 be included in the next feature release. Being in the
1206 <em>master</em> branch typically is.</p>
1207 </li>
1208 <li>
1209 <p>Due to the nature of "SQUASH???" fix-ups, if the original author
1210 agrees with the suggested changes, it is OK to squash them to
1211 appropriate patches in the next round (when the suggested change
1212 is small enough, the author should not even bother with
1213 "Helped-by"). It is also OK to drop them from the next round
1214 when the original author does not agree with the suggestion, but
1215 the author is expected to say why somewhere in the discussion.</p>
1216 </li>
1217 </ul>
1218 </div>
1219 </div>
1220 </div>
1221 <div class="sect1">
1222 <h2 id="_appendix">Appendix</h2>
1223 <div class="sectionbody">
1224 <div class="sect2">
1225 <h3 id="_preparing_a_merge_fix">Preparing a "merge-fix"</h3>
1226 <div class="paragraph">
1227 <p>A merge of two topics may not textually conflict but still have
1228 conflict at the semantic level. A classic example is for one topic
1229 to rename a variable and all its uses, while another topic adds a
1230 new use of the variable under its old name. When these two topics
1231 are merged together, the reference to the variable newly added by
1232 the latter topic will still use the old name in the result.</p>
1233 </div>
1234 <div class="paragraph">
1235 <p>The Meta/Reintegrate script that is used by redo-jch and redo-seen
1236 scripts implements a crude but usable way to work around this issue.
1237 When the script merges branch $X, it checks if "refs/merge-fix/$X"
1238 exists, and if so, the effect of it is squashed into the result of
1239 the mechanical merge. In other words,</p>
1240 </div>
1241 <div class="literalblock">
1242 <div class="content">
1243 <pre>$ echo $X | Meta/Reintegrate</pre>
1244 </div>
1245 </div>
1246 <div class="paragraph">
1247 <p>is roughly equivalent to this sequence:</p>
1248 </div>
1249 <div class="literalblock">
1250 <div class="content">
1251 <pre>$ git merge --rerere-autoupdate $X
1252 $ git commit
1253 $ git cherry-pick -n refs/merge-fix/$X
1254 $ git commit --amend</pre>
1255 </div>
1256 </div>
1257 <div class="paragraph">
1258 <p>The goal of this "prepare a merge-fix" step is to come up with a
1259 commit that can be squashed into a result of mechanical merge to
1260 correct semantic conflicts.</p>
1261 </div>
1262 <div class="paragraph">
1263 <p>After finding that the result of merging branch "ai/topic" to an
1264 integration branch had such a semantic conflict, say seen~4, check the
1265 problematic merge out on a detached HEAD, edit the working tree to
1266 fix the semantic conflict, and make a separate commit to record the
1267 fix-up:</p>
1268 </div>
1269 <div class="literalblock">
1270 <div class="content">
1271 <pre>$ git checkout seen~4
1272 $ git show -s --pretty=%s ;# double check
1273 Merge branch 'ai/topic' to seen
1274 $ edit
1275 $ git commit -m 'merge-fix/ai/topic' -a</pre>
1276 </div>
1277 </div>
1278 <div class="paragraph">
1279 <p>Then make a reference "refs/merge-fix/ai/topic" to point at this
1280 result:</p>
1281 </div>
1282 <div class="literalblock">
1283 <div class="content">
1284 <pre>$ git update-ref refs/merge-fix/ai/topic HEAD</pre>
1285 </div>
1286 </div>
1287 <div class="paragraph">
1288 <p>Then double check the result by asking Meta/Reintegrate to redo the
1289 merge:</p>
1290 </div>
1291 <div class="literalblock">
1292 <div class="content">
1293 <pre>$ git checkout seen~5 ;# the parent of the problem merge
1294 $ echo ai/topic | Meta/Reintegrate
1295 $ git diff seen~4</pre>
1296 </div>
1297 </div>
1298 <div class="paragraph">
1299 <p>This time, because you prepared refs/merge-fix/ai/topic, the
1300 resulting merge should have been tweaked to include the fix for the
1301 semantic conflict.</p>
1302 </div>
1303 <div class="paragraph">
1304 <p>Note that this assumes that the order in which conflicting branches
1305 are merged does not change. If the reason why merging ai/topic
1306 branch needs this merge-fix is because another branch merged earlier
1307 to the integration branch changed the underlying assumption ai/topic
1308 branch made (e.g. ai/topic branch added a site to refer to a
1309 variable, while the other branch renamed that variable and adjusted
1310 existing use sites), and if you changed redo-jch (or redo-seen) script
1311 to merge ai/topic branch before the other branch, then the above
1312 merge-fix should not be applied while merging ai/topic, but should
1313 instead be applied while merging the other branch. You would need
1314 to move the fix to apply to the other branch, perhaps like this:</p>
1315 </div>
1316 <div class="literalblock">
1317 <div class="content">
1318 <pre>$ mf=refs/merge-fix
1319 $ git update-ref $mf/$the_other_branch $mf/ai/topic
1320 $ git update-ref -d $mf/ai/topic</pre>
1321 </div>
1322 </div>
1323 </div>
1324 </div>
1325 </div>
1326 </div>
1327 <div id="footer">
1328 <div id="footer-text">
1329 Last updated 2024-12-06 15:11:00 +0900
1330 </div>
1331 </div>
1332 </body>
1333 </html>