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440 </head>
441 <body class="manpage">
442 <div id="header">
443 <h1>git-rev-parse(1) Manual Page</h1>
444 <h2 id="_name">NAME</h2>
445 <div class="sectionbody">
446 <p>git-rev-parse - Pick out and massage parameters</p>
447 </div>
448 </div>
449 <div id="content">
450 <div class="sect1">
451 <h2 id="_synopsis">SYNOPSIS</h2>
452 <div class="sectionbody">
453 <div class="verseblock">
454 <pre class="content"><em>git rev-parse</em> [&lt;options&gt;] &lt;arg&gt;&#8230;&#8203;</pre>
455 </div>
456 </div>
457 </div>
458 <div class="sect1">
459 <h2 id="_description">DESCRIPTION</h2>
460 <div class="sectionbody">
461 <div class="paragraph">
462 <p>Many Git porcelainish commands take a mixture of flags
463 (i.e. parameters that begin with a dash <em>-</em>) and parameters
464 meant for the underlying <em>git rev-list</em> command they use internally
465 and flags and parameters for the other commands they use
466 downstream of <em>git rev-list</em>. The primary purpose of this command
467 is to allow calling programs to distinguish between them. There are
468 a few other operation modes that have nothing to do with the above
469 "help parse command line options".</p>
470 </div>
471 <div class="paragraph">
472 <p>Unless otherwise specified, most of the options and operation modes
473 require you to run this command inside a git repository or a working
474 tree that is under the control of a git repository, and will give you
475 a fatal error otherwise.</p>
476 </div>
477 </div>
478 </div>
479 <div class="sect1">
480 <h2 id="_options">OPTIONS</h2>
481 <div class="sectionbody">
482 <div class="sect2">
483 <h3 id="_operation_modes">Operation Modes</h3>
484 <div class="paragraph">
485 <p>Each of these options must appear first on the command line.</p>
486 </div>
487 <div class="dlist">
488 <dl>
489 <dt class="hdlist1">--parseopt</dt>
490 <dd>
491 <p>Use <em>git rev-parse</em> in option parsing mode (see PARSEOPT section below).
492 The command in this mode can be used outside a repository or
493 a working tree controlled by a repository.</p>
494 </dd>
495 <dt class="hdlist1">--sq-quote</dt>
496 <dd>
497 <p>Use <em>git rev-parse</em> in shell quoting mode (see SQ-QUOTE
498 section below). In contrast to the <code>--sq</code> option below, this
499 mode only does quoting. Nothing else is done to command input.
500 The command in this mode can be used outside a repository or
501 a working tree controlled by a repository.</p>
502 </dd>
503 </dl>
504 </div>
505 </div>
506 <div class="sect2">
507 <h3 id="_options_for_parseopt">Options for --parseopt</h3>
508 <div class="dlist">
509 <dl>
510 <dt class="hdlist1">--keep-dashdash</dt>
511 <dd>
512 <p>Only meaningful in <code>--parseopt</code> mode. Tells the option parser to echo
513 out the first <code>--</code> met instead of skipping it.</p>
514 </dd>
515 <dt class="hdlist1">--stop-at-non-option</dt>
516 <dd>
517 <p>Only meaningful in <code>--parseopt</code> mode. Lets the option parser stop at
518 the first non-option argument. This can be used to parse sub-commands
519 that take options themselves.</p>
520 </dd>
521 <dt class="hdlist1">--stuck-long</dt>
522 <dd>
523 <p>Only meaningful in <code>--parseopt</code> mode. Output the options in their
524 long form if available, and with their arguments stuck.</p>
525 </dd>
526 </dl>
527 </div>
528 </div>
529 <div class="sect2">
530 <h3 id="_options_for_filtering">Options for Filtering</h3>
531 <div class="dlist">
532 <dl>
533 <dt class="hdlist1">--revs-only</dt>
534 <dd>
535 <p>Do not output flags and parameters not meant for
536 <em>git rev-list</em> command.</p>
537 </dd>
538 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-revs</dt>
539 <dd>
540 <p>Do not output flags and parameters meant for
541 <em>git rev-list</em> command.</p>
542 </dd>
543 <dt class="hdlist1">--flags</dt>
544 <dd>
545 <p>Do not output non-flag parameters.</p>
546 </dd>
547 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-flags</dt>
548 <dd>
549 <p>Do not output flag parameters.</p>
550 </dd>
551 </dl>
552 </div>
553 </div>
554 <div class="sect2">
555 <h3 id="_options_for_output">Options for Output</h3>
556 <div class="dlist">
557 <dl>
558 <dt class="hdlist1">--default &lt;arg&gt;</dt>
559 <dd>
560 <p>If there is no parameter given by the user, use <em>&lt;arg&gt;</em>
561 instead.</p>
562 </dd>
563 <dt class="hdlist1">--prefix &lt;arg&gt;</dt>
564 <dd>
565 <p>Behave as if <em>git rev-parse</em> was invoked from the <em>&lt;arg&gt;</em>
566 subdirectory of the working tree. Any relative filenames are
567 resolved as if they are prefixed by <em>&lt;arg&gt;</em> and will be printed
568 in that form.</p>
569 <div class="paragraph">
570 <p>This can be used to convert arguments to a command run in a subdirectory
571 so that they can still be used after moving to the top-level of the
572 repository. For example:</p>
573 </div>
574 <div class="listingblock">
575 <div class="content">
576 <pre>prefix=$(git rev-parse --show-prefix)
577 cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
578 # rev-parse provides the -- needed for 'set'
579 eval "set $(git rev-parse --sq --prefix "$prefix" -- "$@")"</pre>
580 </div>
581 </div>
582 </dd>
583 <dt class="hdlist1">--verify</dt>
584 <dd>
585 <p>Verify that exactly one parameter is provided, and that it
586 can be turned into a raw 20-byte SHA-1 that can be used to
587 access the object database. If so, emit it to the standard
588 output; otherwise, error out.</p>
589 <div class="paragraph">
590 <p>If you want to make sure that the output actually names an object in
591 your object database and/or can be used as a specific type of object
592 you require, you can add the <code>^</code>{type} peeling operator to the parameter.
593 For example, <code>git</code> <code>rev-parse</code> "$VAR^{commit}" will make sure <code>$VAR</code>
594 names an existing object that is a commit-ish (i.e. a commit, or an
595 annotated tag that points at a commit). To make sure that <code>$VAR</code>
596 names an existing object of any type, <code>git</code> <code>rev-parse</code> "$VAR^{object}"
597 can be used.</p>
598 </div>
599 <div class="paragraph">
600 <p>Note that if you are verifying a name from an untrusted source, it is
601 wise to use <code>--end-of-options</code> so that the name argument is not mistaken
602 for another option.</p>
603 </div>
604 </dd>
605 <dt class="hdlist1">-q</dt>
606 <dt class="hdlist1">--quiet</dt>
607 <dd>
608 <p>Only meaningful in <code>--verify</code> mode. Do not output an error
609 message if the first argument is not a valid object name;
610 instead exit with non-zero status silently.
611 SHA-1s for valid object names are printed to stdout on success.</p>
612 </dd>
613 <dt class="hdlist1">--sq</dt>
614 <dd>
615 <p>Usually the output is made one line per flag and
616 parameter. This option makes output a single line,
617 properly quoted for consumption by shell. Useful when
618 you expect your parameter to contain whitespaces and
619 newlines (e.g. when using pickaxe <code>-S</code> with
620 <em>git diff-*</em>). In contrast to the <code>--sq-quote</code> option,
621 the command input is still interpreted as usual.</p>
622 </dd>
623 <dt class="hdlist1">--short[=&lt;length&gt;]</dt>
624 <dd>
625 <p>Same as <code>--verify</code> but shortens the object name to a unique
626 prefix with at least <code>length</code> characters. The minimum length
627 is 4, the default is the effective value of the <code>core.abbrev</code>
628 configuration variable (see <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a>).</p>
629 </dd>
630 <dt class="hdlist1">--not</dt>
631 <dd>
632 <p>When showing object names, prefix them with <em>^</em> and
633 strip <em>^</em> prefix from the object names that already have
634 one.</p>
635 </dd>
636 <dt class="hdlist1">--abbrev-ref[=(strict|loose)]</dt>
637 <dd>
638 <p>A non-ambiguous short name of the objects name.
639 The option core.warnAmbiguousRefs is used to select the strict
640 abbreviation mode.</p>
641 </dd>
642 <dt class="hdlist1">--symbolic</dt>
643 <dd>
644 <p>Usually the object names are output in SHA-1 form (with
645 possible <em>^</em> prefix); this option makes them output in a
646 form as close to the original input as possible.</p>
647 </dd>
648 <dt class="hdlist1">--symbolic-full-name</dt>
649 <dd>
650 <p>This is similar to --symbolic, but it omits input that
651 are not refs (i.e. branch or tag names; or more
652 explicitly disambiguating "heads/master" form, when you
653 want to name the "master" branch when there is an
654 unfortunately named tag "master"), and shows them as full
655 refnames (e.g. "refs/heads/master").</p>
656 </dd>
657 <dt class="hdlist1">--output-object-format=(sha1|sha256|storage)</dt>
658 <dd>
659 <p>Allow oids to be input from any object format that the current
660 repository supports.</p>
661 <div class="literalblock">
662 <div class="content">
663 <pre>Specifying "sha1" translates if necessary and returns a sha1 oid.</pre>
664 </div>
665 </div>
666 <div class="literalblock">
667 <div class="content">
668 <pre>Specifying "sha256" translates if necessary and returns a sha256 oid.</pre>
669 </div>
670 </div>
671 <div class="literalblock">
672 <div class="content">
673 <pre>Specifying "storage" translates if necessary and returns an oid in
674 encoded in the storage hash algorithm.</pre>
675 </div>
676 </div>
677 </dd>
678 </dl>
679 </div>
680 </div>
681 <div class="sect2">
682 <h3 id="_options_for_objects">Options for Objects</h3>
683 <div class="dlist">
684 <dl>
685 <dt class="hdlist1">--all</dt>
686 <dd>
687 <p>Show all refs found in <code>refs/</code>.</p>
688 </dd>
689 <dt class="hdlist1">--branches[=&lt;pattern&gt;]</dt>
690 <dt class="hdlist1">--tags[=&lt;pattern&gt;]</dt>
691 <dt class="hdlist1">--remotes[=&lt;pattern&gt;]</dt>
692 <dd>
693 <p>Show all branches, tags, or remote-tracking branches,
694 respectively (i.e., refs found in <code>refs/heads</code>,
695 <code>refs/tags</code>, or <code>refs/remotes</code>, respectively).</p>
696 <div class="paragraph">
697 <p>If a <code>pattern</code> is given, only refs matching the given shell glob are
698 shown. If the pattern does not contain a globbing character (?,
699 *, or [), it is turned into a prefix match by appending <code>/</code>*.</p>
700 </div>
701 </dd>
702 <dt class="hdlist1">--glob=&lt;pattern&gt;</dt>
703 <dd>
704 <p>Show all refs matching the shell glob pattern <code>pattern</code>. If
705 the pattern does not start with <code>refs/</code>, this is automatically
706 prepended. If the pattern does not contain a globbing
707 character (?, *, or [), it is turned into a prefix
708 match by appending <code>/</code>*.</p>
709 </dd>
710 <dt class="hdlist1">--exclude=&lt;glob-pattern&gt;</dt>
711 <dd>
712 <p>Do not include refs matching <em>&lt;glob-pattern&gt;</em> that the next <code>--all</code>,
713 <code>--branches</code>, <code>--tags</code>, <code>--remotes</code>, or <code>--glob</code> would otherwise
714 consider. Repetitions of this option accumulate exclusion patterns
715 up to the next <code>--all</code>, <code>--branches</code>, <code>--tags</code>, <code>--remotes</code>, or
716 <code>--glob</code> option (other options or arguments do not clear
717 accumulated patterns).</p>
718 <div class="paragraph">
719 <p>The patterns given should not begin with <code>refs/heads</code>, <code>refs/tags</code>, or
720 <code>refs/remotes</code> when applied to <code>--branches</code>, <code>--tags</code>, or <code>--remotes</code>,
721 respectively, and they must begin with <code>refs/</code> when applied to <code>--glob</code>
722 or <code>--all</code>. If a trailing <em>/*</em> is intended, it must be given
723 explicitly.</p>
724 </div>
725 </dd>
726 <dt class="hdlist1">--exclude-hidden=(fetch|receive|uploadpack)</dt>
727 <dd>
728 <p>Do not include refs that would be hidden by <code>git-fetch</code>,
729 <code>git-receive-pack</code> or <code>git-upload-pack</code> by consulting the appropriate
730 <code>fetch.hideRefs</code>, <code>receive.hideRefs</code> or <code>uploadpack.hideRefs</code>
731 configuration along with <code>transfer.hideRefs</code> (see
732 <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a>). This option affects the next pseudo-ref option
733 <code>--all</code> or <code>--glob</code> and is cleared after processing them.</p>
734 </dd>
735 <dt class="hdlist1">--disambiguate=&lt;prefix&gt;</dt>
736 <dd>
737 <p>Show every object whose name begins with the given prefix.
738 The &lt;prefix&gt; must be at least 4 hexadecimal digits long to
739 avoid listing each and every object in the repository by
740 mistake.</p>
741 </dd>
742 </dl>
743 </div>
744 </div>
745 <div class="sect2">
746 <h3 id="_options_for_files">Options for Files</h3>
747 <div class="dlist">
748 <dl>
749 <dt class="hdlist1">--local-env-vars</dt>
750 <dd>
751 <p>List the GIT_* environment variables that are local to the
752 repository (e.g. GIT_DIR or GIT_WORK_TREE, but not GIT_EDITOR).
753 Only the names of the variables are listed, not their value,
754 even if they are set.</p>
755 </dd>
756 <dt class="hdlist1">--path-format=(absolute|relative)</dt>
757 <dd>
758 <p>Controls the behavior of certain other options. If specified as absolute, the
759 paths printed by those options will be absolute and canonical. If specified as
760 relative, the paths will be relative to the current working directory if that
761 is possible. The default is option specific.</p>
762 <div class="paragraph">
763 <p>This option may be specified multiple times and affects only the arguments that
764 follow it on the command line, either to the end of the command line or the next
765 instance of this option.</p>
766 </div>
767 </dd>
768 </dl>
769 </div>
770 <div class="paragraph">
771 <p>The following options are modified by <code>--path-format</code>:</p>
772 </div>
773 <div class="dlist">
774 <dl>
775 <dt class="hdlist1">--git-dir</dt>
776 <dd>
777 <p>Show <code>$GIT_DIR</code> if defined. Otherwise show the path to
778 the .git directory. The path shown, when relative, is
779 relative to the current working directory.</p>
780 <div class="paragraph">
781 <p>If <code>$GIT_DIR</code> is not defined and the current directory
782 is not detected to lie in a Git repository or work tree
783 print a message to stderr and exit with nonzero status.</p>
784 </div>
785 </dd>
786 <dt class="hdlist1">--git-common-dir</dt>
787 <dd>
788 <p>Show <code>$GIT_COMMON_DIR</code> if defined, else <code>$GIT_DIR</code>.</p>
789 </dd>
790 <dt class="hdlist1">--resolve-git-dir &lt;path&gt;</dt>
791 <dd>
792 <p>Check if &lt;path&gt; is a valid repository or a gitfile that
793 points at a valid repository, and print the location of the
794 repository. If &lt;path&gt; is a gitfile then the resolved path
795 to the real repository is printed.</p>
796 </dd>
797 <dt class="hdlist1">--git-path &lt;path&gt;</dt>
798 <dd>
799 <p>Resolve "$GIT_DIR/&lt;path&gt;" and takes other path relocation
800 variables such as $GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY,
801 $GIT_INDEX_FILE&#8230;&#8203; into account. For example, if
802 $GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY is set to /foo/bar then "git rev-parse
803 --git-path objects/abc" returns /foo/bar/abc.</p>
804 </dd>
805 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-toplevel</dt>
806 <dd>
807 <p>Show the (by default, absolute) path of the top-level directory
808 of the working tree. If there is no working tree, report an error.</p>
809 </dd>
810 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-superproject-working-tree</dt>
811 <dd>
812 <p>Show the absolute path of the root of the superproject&#8217;s
813 working tree (if exists) that uses the current repository as
814 its submodule. Outputs nothing if the current repository is
815 not used as a submodule by any project.</p>
816 </dd>
817 <dt class="hdlist1">--shared-index-path</dt>
818 <dd>
819 <p>Show the path to the shared index file in split index mode, or
820 empty if not in split-index mode.</p>
821 </dd>
822 </dl>
823 </div>
824 <div class="paragraph">
825 <p>The following options are unaffected by <code>--path-format</code>:</p>
826 </div>
827 <div class="dlist">
828 <dl>
829 <dt class="hdlist1">--absolute-git-dir</dt>
830 <dd>
831 <p>Like <code>--git-dir</code>, but its output is always the canonicalized
832 absolute path.</p>
833 </dd>
834 <dt class="hdlist1">--is-inside-git-dir</dt>
835 <dd>
836 <p>When the current working directory is below the repository
837 directory print "true", otherwise "false".</p>
838 </dd>
839 <dt class="hdlist1">--is-inside-work-tree</dt>
840 <dd>
841 <p>When the current working directory is inside the work tree of the
842 repository print "true", otherwise "false".</p>
843 </dd>
844 <dt class="hdlist1">--is-bare-repository</dt>
845 <dd>
846 <p>When the repository is bare print "true", otherwise "false".</p>
847 </dd>
848 <dt class="hdlist1">--is-shallow-repository</dt>
849 <dd>
850 <p>When the repository is shallow print "true", otherwise "false".</p>
851 </dd>
852 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-cdup</dt>
853 <dd>
854 <p>When the command is invoked from a subdirectory, show the
855 path of the top-level directory relative to the current
856 directory (typically a sequence of "../", or an empty string).</p>
857 </dd>
858 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-prefix</dt>
859 <dd>
860 <p>When the command is invoked from a subdirectory, show the
861 path of the current directory relative to the top-level
862 directory.</p>
863 </dd>
864 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-object-format[=(storage|input|output)]</dt>
865 <dd>
866 <p>Show the object format (hash algorithm) used for the repository
867 for storage inside the .<code>git</code> directory, input, or output. For
868 input, multiple algorithms may be printed, space-separated.
869 If not specified, the default is "storage".</p>
870 </dd>
871 <dt class="hdlist1">--show-ref-format</dt>
872 <dd>
873 <p>Show the reference storage format used for the repository.</p>
874 </dd>
875 </dl>
876 </div>
877 </div>
878 <div class="sect2">
879 <h3 id="_other_options">Other Options</h3>
880 <div class="dlist">
881 <dl>
882 <dt class="hdlist1">--since=&lt;datestring&gt;</dt>
883 <dt class="hdlist1">--after=&lt;datestring&gt;</dt>
884 <dd>
885 <p>Parse the date string, and output the corresponding
886 --max-age= parameter for <em>git rev-list</em>.</p>
887 </dd>
888 <dt class="hdlist1">--until=&lt;datestring&gt;</dt>
889 <dt class="hdlist1">--before=&lt;datestring&gt;</dt>
890 <dd>
891 <p>Parse the date string, and output the corresponding
892 --min-age= parameter for <em>git rev-list</em>.</p>
893 </dd>
894 <dt class="hdlist1">&lt;arg&gt;&#8230;&#8203;</dt>
895 <dd>
896 <p>Flags and parameters to be parsed.</p>
897 </dd>
898 </dl>
899 </div>
900 </div>
901 </div>
902 </div>
903 <div class="sect1">
904 <h2 id="_specifying_revisions">SPECIFYING REVISIONS</h2>
905 <div class="sectionbody">
906 <div class="paragraph">
907 <p>A revision parameter <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> typically, but not necessarily, names a
908 commit object. It uses what is called an <em>extended SHA-1</em>
909 syntax. Here are various ways to spell object names. The
910 ones listed near the end of this list name trees and
911 blobs contained in a commit.</p>
912 </div>
913 <div class="admonitionblock note">
914 <table>
915 <tr>
916 <td class="icon">
917 <div class="title">Note</div>
918 </td>
919 <td class="content">
920 This document shows the "raw" syntax as seen by git. The shell
921 and other UIs might require additional quoting to protect special
922 characters and to avoid word splitting.
923 </td>
924 </tr>
925 </table>
926 </div>
927 <div class="dlist">
928 <dl>
929 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;sha1&gt;</em>, e.g. <em>dae86e1950b1277e545cee180551750029cfe735</em>, <em>dae86e</em></dt>
930 <dd>
931 <p>The full SHA-1 object name (40-byte hexadecimal string), or
932 a leading substring that is unique within the repository.
933 E.g. dae86e1950b1277e545cee180551750029cfe735 and dae86e both
934 name the same commit object if there is no other object in
935 your repository whose object name starts with dae86e.</p>
936 </dd>
937 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;describeOutput&gt;</em>, e.g. <em>v1.7.4.2-679-g3bee7fb</em></dt>
938 <dd>
939 <p>Output from <code>git</code> <code>describe</code>; i.e. a closest tag, optionally
940 followed by a dash and a number of commits, followed by a dash, a
941 <em>g</em>, and an abbreviated object name.</p>
942 </dd>
943 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;refname&gt;</em>, e.g. <em>master</em>, <em>heads/master</em>, <em>refs/heads/master</em></dt>
944 <dd>
945 <p>A symbolic ref name. E.g. <em>master</em> typically means the commit
946 object referenced by <em>refs/heads/master</em>. If you
947 happen to have both <em>heads/master</em> and <em>tags/master</em>, you can
948 explicitly say <em>heads/master</em> to tell Git which one you mean.
949 When ambiguous, a <em>&lt;refname&gt;</em> is disambiguated by taking the
950 first match in the following rules:</p>
951 <div class="olist arabic">
952 <ol class="arabic">
953 <li>
954 <p>If <em>$GIT_DIR/&lt;refname&gt;</em> exists, that is what you mean (this is usually
955 useful only for <code>HEAD</code>, <code>FETCH_HEAD</code>, <code>ORIG_HEAD</code>, <code>MERGE_HEAD</code>,
956 <code>REBASE_HEAD</code>, <code>REVERT_HEAD</code>, <code>CHERRY_PICK_HEAD</code>, <code>BISECT_HEAD</code>
957 and <code>AUTO_MERGE</code>);</p>
958 </li>
959 <li>
960 <p>otherwise, <em>refs/&lt;refname&gt;</em> if it exists;</p>
961 </li>
962 <li>
963 <p>otherwise, <em>refs/tags/&lt;refname&gt;</em> if it exists;</p>
964 </li>
965 <li>
966 <p>otherwise, <em>refs/heads/&lt;refname&gt;</em> if it exists;</p>
967 </li>
968 <li>
969 <p>otherwise, <em>refs/remotes/&lt;refname&gt;</em> if it exists;</p>
970 </li>
971 <li>
972 <p>otherwise, <em>refs/remotes/&lt;refname&gt;/HEAD</em> if it exists.</p>
973 <div class="dlist">
974 <dl>
975 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>HEAD</code></dt>
976 <dd>
977 <p>names the commit on which you based the changes in the working tree.</p>
978 </dd>
979 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>FETCH_HEAD</code></dt>
980 <dd>
981 <p>records the branch which you fetched from a remote repository with
982 your last <code>git</code> <code>fetch</code> invocation.</p>
983 </dd>
984 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>ORIG_HEAD</code></dt>
985 <dd>
986 <p>is created by commands that move your <code>HEAD</code> in a drastic way (<code>git</code>
987 <code>am</code>, <code>git</code> <code>merge</code>, <code>git</code> <code>rebase</code>, <code>git</code> <code>reset</code>), to record the position
988 of the <code>HEAD</code> before their operation, so that you can easily change
989 the tip of the branch back to the state before you ran them.</p>
990 </dd>
991 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>MERGE_HEAD</code></dt>
992 <dd>
993 <p>records the commit(s) which you are merging into your branch when you
994 run <code>git</code> <code>merge</code>.</p>
995 </dd>
996 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>REBASE_HEAD</code></dt>
997 <dd>
998 <p>during a rebase, records the commit at which the operation is
999 currently stopped, either because of conflicts or an <code>edit</code> command in
1000 an interactive rebase.</p>
1001 </dd>
1002 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>REVERT_HEAD</code></dt>
1003 <dd>
1004 <p>records the commit which you are reverting when you run <code>git</code> <code>revert</code>.</p>
1005 </dd>
1006 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>CHERRY_PICK_HEAD</code></dt>
1007 <dd>
1008 <p>records the commit which you are cherry-picking when you run <code>git</code>
1009 <code>cherry-pick</code>.</p>
1010 </dd>
1011 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>BISECT_HEAD</code></dt>
1012 <dd>
1013 <p>records the current commit to be tested when you run <code>git</code> <code>bisect</code>
1014 <code>--no-checkout</code>.</p>
1015 </dd>
1016 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>AUTO_MERGE</code></dt>
1017 <dd>
1018 <p>records a tree object corresponding to the state the
1019 <em>ort</em> merge strategy wrote to the working tree when a merge operation
1020 resulted in conflicts.</p>
1021 </dd>
1022 </dl>
1023 </div>
1024 </li>
1025 </ol>
1026 </div>
1027 <div class="paragraph">
1028 <p>Note that any of the <em>refs/*</em> cases above may come either from
1029 the <code>$GIT_DIR/refs</code> directory or from the <code>$GIT_DIR/packed-refs</code> file.
1030 While the ref name encoding is unspecified, UTF-8 is preferred as
1031 some output processing may assume ref names in UTF-8.</p>
1032 </div>
1033 </dd>
1034 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>@</em></dt>
1035 <dd>
1036 <p><em>@</em> alone is a shortcut for <code>HEAD</code>.</p>
1037 </dd>
1038 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>[&lt;refname&gt;]@{&lt;date&gt;}</em>, e.g. <em>master@{yesterday}</em>, <em>HEAD@{5 minutes ago}</em></dt>
1039 <dd>
1040 <p>A ref followed by the suffix <em>@</em> with a date specification
1041 enclosed in a brace
1042 pair (e.g. <em>{yesterday}</em>, <em>{1 month 2 weeks 3 days 1 hour 1
1043 second ago}</em> or <em>{1979-02-26 18:30:00}</em>) specifies the value
1044 of the ref at a prior point in time. This suffix may only be
1045 used immediately following a ref name and the ref must have an
1046 existing log (<em>$GIT_DIR/logs/&lt;ref&gt;</em>). Note that this looks up the state
1047 of your <strong>local</strong> ref at a given time; e.g., what was in your local
1048 <em>master</em> branch last week. If you want to look at commits made during
1049 certain times, see <code>--since</code> and <code>--until</code>.</p>
1050 </dd>
1051 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;refname&gt;@{&lt;n&gt;}</em>, e.g. <em>master@{1}</em></dt>
1052 <dd>
1053 <p>A ref followed by the suffix <em>@</em> with an ordinal specification
1054 enclosed in a brace pair (e.g. <em>{1}</em>, <em>{15}</em>) specifies
1055 the n-th prior value of that ref. For example <em>master@{1}</em>
1056 is the immediate prior value of <em>master</em> while <em>master@{5}</em>
1057 is the 5th prior value of <em>master</em>. This suffix may only be used
1058 immediately following a ref name and the ref must have an existing
1059 log (<em>$GIT_DIR/logs/&lt;refname&gt;</em>).</p>
1060 </dd>
1061 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>@{&lt;n&gt;}</em>, e.g. <em>@{1}</em></dt>
1062 <dd>
1063 <p>You can use the <em>@</em> construct with an empty ref part to get at a
1064 reflog entry of the current branch. For example, if you are on
1065 branch <em>blabla</em> then <em>@{1}</em> means the same as <em>blabla@{1}</em>.</p>
1066 </dd>
1067 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>@{-&lt;n&gt;}</em>, e.g. <em>@{-1}</em></dt>
1068 <dd>
1069 <p>The construct <em>@{-&lt;n&gt;}</em> means the &lt;n&gt;th branch/commit checked out
1070 before the current one.</p>
1071 </dd>
1072 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>[&lt;branchname&gt;]@{upstream}</em>, e.g. <em>master@{upstream}</em>, <em>@{u}</em></dt>
1073 <dd>
1074 <p>A branch B may be set up to build on top of a branch X (configured with
1075 <code>branch.</code><em>&lt;name&gt;</em><code>.merge</code>) at a remote R (configured with
1076 <code>branch.</code><em>&lt;name&gt;</em><code>.remote</code>). B@{u} refers to the remote-tracking branch for
1077 the branch X taken from remote R, typically found at <code>refs/remotes/R/X</code>.</p>
1078 </dd>
1079 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>[&lt;branchname&gt;]@{push}</em>, e.g. <em>master@{push}</em>, <em>@{push}</em></dt>
1080 <dd>
1081 <p>The suffix <em>@{push}</em> reports the branch "where we would push to" if
1082 <code>git</code> <code>push</code> were run while <code>branchname</code> was checked out (or the current
1083 <code>HEAD</code> if no branchname is specified). Like for <em>@{upstream}</em>, we report
1084 the remote-tracking branch that corresponds to that branch at the remote.</p>
1085 <div class="paragraph">
1086 <p>Here&#8217;s an example to make it more clear:</p>
1087 </div>
1088 <div class="listingblock">
1089 <div class="content">
1090 <pre>$ git config push.default current
1091 $ git config remote.pushdefault myfork
1092 $ git switch -c mybranch origin/master
1094 $ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{upstream}
1095 refs/remotes/origin/master
1097 $ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{push}
1098 refs/remotes/myfork/mybranch</pre>
1099 </div>
1100 </div>
1101 <div class="paragraph">
1102 <p>Note in the example that we set up a triangular workflow, where we pull
1103 from one location and push to another. In a non-triangular workflow,
1104 <em>@{push}</em> is the same as <em>@{upstream}</em>, and there is no need for it.</p>
1105 </div>
1106 <div class="paragraph">
1107 <p>This suffix is also accepted when spelled in uppercase, and means the same
1108 thing no matter the case.</p>
1109 </div>
1110 </dd>
1111 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;^[&lt;n&gt;]</em>, e.g. <em>HEAD^, v1.5.1^0</em></dt>
1112 <dd>
1113 <p>A suffix <em>^</em> to a revision parameter means the first parent of
1114 that commit object. <em>^&lt;n&gt;</em> means the &lt;n&gt;th parent (i.e.
1115 <em>&lt;rev&gt;^</em>
1116 is equivalent to <em>&lt;rev&gt;^1</em>). As a special rule,
1117 <em>&lt;rev&gt;^0</em> means the commit itself and is used when <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> is the
1118 object name of a tag object that refers to a commit object.</p>
1119 </dd>
1120 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;~[&lt;n&gt;]</em>, e.g. <em>HEAD~, master~3</em></dt>
1121 <dd>
1122 <p>A suffix <em>~</em> to a revision parameter means the first parent of
1123 that commit object.
1124 A suffix <em>~&lt;n&gt;</em> to a revision parameter means the commit
1125 object that is the &lt;n&gt;th generation ancestor of the named
1126 commit object, following only the first parents. I.e. <em>&lt;rev&gt;~3</em> is
1127 equivalent to <em>&lt;rev&gt;^^^</em> which is equivalent to
1128 <em>&lt;rev&gt;^1^1^1</em>. See below for an illustration of
1129 the usage of this form.</p>
1130 </dd>
1131 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;^{&lt;type&gt;}</em>, e.g. <em>v0.99.8^{commit}</em></dt>
1132 <dd>
1133 <p>A suffix <em>^</em> followed by an object type name enclosed in
1134 brace pair means dereference the object at <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> recursively until
1135 an object of type <em>&lt;type&gt;</em> is found or the object cannot be
1136 dereferenced anymore (in which case, barf).
1137 For example, if <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> is a commit-ish, <em>&lt;rev&gt;^{commit}</em>
1138 describes the corresponding commit object.
1139 Similarly, if <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> is a tree-ish, <em>&lt;rev&gt;^{tree}</em>
1140 describes the corresponding tree object.
1141 <em>&lt;rev&gt;^0</em>
1142 is a short-hand for <em>&lt;rev&gt;^{commit}</em>.</p>
1143 <div class="paragraph">
1144 <p><em>&lt;rev&gt;^{object}</em> can be used to make sure <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> names an
1145 object that exists, without requiring <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> to be a tag, and
1146 without dereferencing <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em>; because a tag is already an object,
1147 it does not have to be dereferenced even once to get to an object.</p>
1148 </div>
1149 <div class="paragraph">
1150 <p><em>&lt;rev&gt;^{tag}</em> can be used to ensure that <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> identifies an
1151 existing tag object.</p>
1152 </div>
1153 </dd>
1154 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;^{}</em>, e.g. <em>v0.99.8^{}</em></dt>
1155 <dd>
1156 <p>A suffix <em>^</em> followed by an empty brace pair
1157 means the object could be a tag,
1158 and dereference the tag recursively until a non-tag object is
1159 found.</p>
1160 </dd>
1161 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;^{/&lt;text&gt;}</em>, e.g. <em>HEAD^{/fix nasty bug}</em></dt>
1162 <dd>
1163 <p>A suffix <em>^</em> to a revision parameter, followed by a brace
1164 pair that contains a text led by a slash,
1165 is the same as the <em>:/fix nasty bug</em> syntax below except that
1166 it returns the youngest matching commit which is reachable from
1167 the <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> before <em>^</em>.</p>
1168 </dd>
1169 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>:/&lt;text&gt;</em>, e.g. <em>:/fix nasty bug</em></dt>
1170 <dd>
1171 <p>A colon, followed by a slash, followed by a text, names
1172 a commit whose commit message matches the specified regular expression.
1173 This name returns the youngest matching commit which is
1174 reachable from any ref, including HEAD.
1175 The regular expression can match any part of the
1176 commit message. To match messages starting with a string, one can use
1177 e.g. <em>:/^foo</em>. The special sequence <em>:/!</em> is reserved for modifiers to what
1178 is matched. <em>:/!-foo</em> performs a negative match, while <em>:/!!foo</em> matches a
1179 literal <em>!</em> character, followed by <em>foo</em>. Any other sequence beginning with
1180 <em>:/!</em> is reserved for now.
1181 Depending on the given text, the shell&#8217;s word splitting rules might
1182 require additional quoting.</p>
1183 </dd>
1184 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;:&lt;path&gt;</em>, e.g. <em>HEAD:README</em>, <em>master:./README</em></dt>
1185 <dd>
1186 <p>A suffix <em>:</em> followed by a path names the blob or tree
1187 at the given path in the tree-ish object named by the part
1188 before the colon.
1189 A path starting with <em>./</em> or <em>../</em> is relative to the current working directory.
1190 The given path will be converted to be relative to the working tree&#8217;s root directory.
1191 This is most useful to address a blob or tree from a commit or tree that has
1192 the same tree structure as the working tree.</p>
1193 </dd>
1194 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>:[&lt;n&gt;:]&lt;path&gt;</em>, e.g. <em>:0:README</em>, <em>:README</em></dt>
1195 <dd>
1196 <p>A colon, optionally followed by a stage number (0 to 3) and a
1197 colon, followed by a path, names a blob object in the
1198 index at the given path. A missing stage number (and the colon
1199 that follows it) names a stage 0 entry. During a merge, stage
1200 1 is the common ancestor, stage 2 is the target branch&#8217;s version
1201 (typically the current branch), and stage 3 is the version from
1202 the branch which is being merged.</p>
1203 </dd>
1204 </dl>
1205 </div>
1206 <div class="paragraph">
1207 <p>Here is an illustration, by Jon Loeliger. Both commit nodes B
1208 and C are parents of commit node A. Parent commits are ordered
1209 left-to-right.</p>
1210 </div>
1211 <div class="literalblock">
1212 <div class="content">
1213 <pre>G H I J
1214 \ / \ /
1215 D E F
1216 \ | / \
1217 \ | / |
1218 \|/ |
1222 A</pre>
1223 </div>
1224 </div>
1225 <div class="literalblock">
1226 <div class="content">
1227 <pre>A = = A^0
1228 B = A^ = A^1 = A~1
1229 C = = A^2
1230 D = A^^ = A^1^1 = A~2
1231 E = B^2 = A^^2
1232 F = B^3 = A^^3
1233 G = A^^^ = A^1^1^1 = A~3
1234 H = D^2 = B^^2 = A^^^2 = A~2^2
1235 I = F^ = B^3^ = A^^3^
1236 J = F^2 = B^3^2 = A^^3^2</pre>
1237 </div>
1238 </div>
1239 </div>
1240 </div>
1241 <div class="sect1">
1242 <h2 id="_specifying_ranges">SPECIFYING RANGES</h2>
1243 <div class="sectionbody">
1244 <div class="paragraph">
1245 <p>History traversing commands such as <code>git</code> <code>log</code> operate on a set
1246 of commits, not just a single commit.</p>
1247 </div>
1248 <div class="paragraph">
1249 <p>For these commands,
1250 specifying a single revision, using the notation described in the
1251 previous section, means the set of commits <code>reachable</code> from the given
1252 commit.</p>
1253 </div>
1254 <div class="paragraph">
1255 <p>Specifying several revisions means the set of commits reachable from
1256 any of the given commits.</p>
1257 </div>
1258 <div class="paragraph">
1259 <p>A commit&#8217;s reachable set is the commit itself and the commits in
1260 its ancestry chain.</p>
1261 </div>
1262 <div class="paragraph">
1263 <p>There are several notations to specify a set of connected commits
1264 (called a "revision range"), illustrated below.</p>
1265 </div>
1266 <div class="sect2">
1267 <h3 id="_commit_exclusions">Commit Exclusions</h3>
1268 <div class="dlist">
1269 <dl>
1270 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>^&lt;rev&gt;</em> (caret) Notation</dt>
1271 <dd>
1272 <p>To exclude commits reachable from a commit, a prefix <em>^</em>
1273 notation is used. E.g. <em>^r1 r2</em> means commits reachable
1274 from <em>r2</em> but exclude the ones reachable from <em>r1</em> (i.e. <em>r1</em> and
1275 its ancestors).</p>
1276 </dd>
1277 </dl>
1278 </div>
1279 </div>
1280 <div class="sect2">
1281 <h3 id="_dotted_range_notations">Dotted Range Notations</h3>
1282 <div class="dlist">
1283 <dl>
1284 <dt class="hdlist1">The <em>..</em> (two-dot) Range Notation</dt>
1285 <dd>
1286 <p>The <em>^r1 r2</em> set operation appears so often that there is a shorthand
1287 for it. When you have two commits <em>r1</em> and <em>r2</em> (named according
1288 to the syntax explained in SPECIFYING REVISIONS above), you can ask
1289 for commits that are reachable from r2 excluding those that are reachable
1290 from r1 by <em>^r1 r2</em> and it can be written as <em>r1..r2</em>.</p>
1291 </dd>
1292 <dt class="hdlist1">The <em>...</em> (three-dot) Symmetric Difference Notation</dt>
1293 <dd>
1294 <p>A similar notation <em>r1...r2</em> is called symmetric difference
1295 of <em>r1</em> and <em>r2</em> and is defined as
1296 <em>r1 r2 --not $(git merge-base --all r1 r2)</em>.
1297 It is the set of commits that are reachable from either one of
1298 <em>r1</em> (left side) or <em>r2</em> (right side) but not from both.</p>
1299 </dd>
1300 </dl>
1301 </div>
1302 <div class="paragraph">
1303 <p>In these two shorthand notations, you can omit one end and let it default to HEAD.
1304 For example, <em>origin..</em> is a shorthand for <em>origin..HEAD</em> and asks "What
1305 did I do since I forked from the origin branch?" Similarly, <em>..origin</em>
1306 is a shorthand for <em>HEAD..origin</em> and asks "What did the origin do since
1307 I forked from them?" Note that <em>..</em> would mean <em>HEAD..HEAD</em> which is an
1308 empty range that is both reachable and unreachable from HEAD.</p>
1309 </div>
1310 <div class="paragraph">
1311 <p>Commands that are specifically designed to take two distinct ranges
1312 (e.g. "git range-diff R1 R2" to compare two ranges) do exist, but
1313 they are exceptions. Unless otherwise noted, all "git" commands
1314 that operate on a set of commits work on a single revision range.
1315 In other words, writing two "two-dot range notation" next to each
1316 other, e.g.</p>
1317 </div>
1318 <div class="literalblock">
1319 <div class="content">
1320 <pre>$ git log A..B C..D</pre>
1321 </div>
1322 </div>
1323 <div class="paragraph">
1324 <p>does <strong>not</strong> specify two revision ranges for most commands. Instead
1325 it will name a single connected set of commits, i.e. those that are
1326 reachable from either B or D but are reachable from neither A or C.
1327 In a linear history like this:</p>
1328 </div>
1329 <div class="literalblock">
1330 <div class="content">
1331 <pre>---A---B---o---o---C---D</pre>
1332 </div>
1333 </div>
1334 <div class="paragraph">
1335 <p>because A and B are reachable from C, the revision range specified
1336 by these two dotted ranges is a single commit D.</p>
1337 </div>
1338 </div>
1339 <div class="sect2">
1340 <h3 id="_other_rev_parent_shorthand_notations">Other &lt;rev&gt;^ Parent Shorthand Notations</h3>
1341 <div class="paragraph">
1342 <p>Three other shorthands exist, particularly useful for merge commits,
1343 for naming a set that is formed by a commit and its parent commits.</p>
1344 </div>
1345 <div class="paragraph">
1346 <p>The <em>r1^@</em> notation means all parents of <em>r1</em>.</p>
1347 </div>
1348 <div class="paragraph">
1349 <p>The <em>r1^!</em> notation includes commit <em>r1</em> but excludes all of its parents.
1350 By itself, this notation denotes the single commit <em>r1</em>.</p>
1351 </div>
1352 <div class="paragraph">
1353 <p>The <em>&lt;rev&gt;^-[&lt;n&gt;]</em> notation includes <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> but excludes the &lt;n&gt;th
1354 parent (i.e. a shorthand for <em>&lt;rev&gt;^&lt;n&gt;..&lt;rev&gt;</em>), with <em>&lt;n&gt;</em> = 1 if
1355 not given. This is typically useful for merge commits where you
1356 can just pass <em>&lt;commit&gt;^-</em> to get all the commits in the branch
1357 that was merged in merge commit <em>&lt;commit&gt;</em> (including <em>&lt;commit&gt;</em>
1358 itself).</p>
1359 </div>
1360 <div class="paragraph">
1361 <p>While <em>&lt;rev&gt;^&lt;n&gt;</em> was about specifying a single commit parent, these
1362 three notations also consider its parents. For example you can say
1363 <em>HEAD^2^@</em>, however you cannot say <em>HEAD^@^2</em>.</p>
1364 </div>
1365 </div>
1366 </div>
1367 </div>
1368 <div class="sect1">
1369 <h2 id="_revision_range_summary">Revision Range Summary</h2>
1370 <div class="sectionbody">
1371 <div class="dlist">
1372 <dl>
1373 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;</em></dt>
1374 <dd>
1375 <p>Include commits that are reachable from &lt;rev&gt; (i.e. &lt;rev&gt; and its
1376 ancestors).</p>
1377 </dd>
1378 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>^&lt;rev&gt;</em></dt>
1379 <dd>
1380 <p>Exclude commits that are reachable from &lt;rev&gt; (i.e. &lt;rev&gt; and its
1381 ancestors).</p>
1382 </dd>
1383 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev1&gt;..&lt;rev2&gt;</em></dt>
1384 <dd>
1385 <p>Include commits that are reachable from &lt;rev2&gt; but exclude
1386 those that are reachable from &lt;rev1&gt;. When either &lt;rev1&gt; or
1387 &lt;rev2&gt; is omitted, it defaults to <code>HEAD</code>.</p>
1388 </dd>
1389 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev1&gt;...&lt;rev2&gt;</em></dt>
1390 <dd>
1391 <p>Include commits that are reachable from either &lt;rev1&gt; or
1392 &lt;rev2&gt; but exclude those that are reachable from both. When
1393 either &lt;rev1&gt; or &lt;rev2&gt; is omitted, it defaults to <code>HEAD</code>.</p>
1394 </dd>
1395 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;^@</em>, e.g. <em>HEAD^@</em></dt>
1396 <dd>
1397 <p>A suffix <em>^</em> followed by an at sign is the same as listing
1398 all parents of <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> (meaning, include anything reachable from
1399 its parents, but not the commit itself).</p>
1400 </dd>
1401 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;^!</em>, e.g. <em>HEAD^!</em></dt>
1402 <dd>
1403 <p>A suffix <em>^</em> followed by an exclamation mark is the same
1404 as giving commit <em>&lt;rev&gt;</em> and all its parents prefixed with
1405 <em>^</em> to exclude them (and their ancestors).</p>
1406 </dd>
1407 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;rev&gt;^-&lt;n&gt;</em>, e.g. <em>HEAD^-, HEAD^-2</em></dt>
1408 <dd>
1409 <p>Equivalent to <em>&lt;rev&gt;^&lt;n&gt;..&lt;rev&gt;</em>, with <em>&lt;n&gt;</em> = 1 if not
1410 given.</p>
1411 </dd>
1412 </dl>
1413 </div>
1414 <div class="paragraph">
1415 <p>Here are a handful of examples using the Loeliger illustration above,
1416 with each step in the notation&#8217;s expansion and selection carefully
1417 spelt out:</p>
1418 </div>
1419 <div class="literalblock">
1420 <div class="content">
1421 <pre> Args Expanded arguments Selected commits
1422 D G H D
1423 D F G H I J D F
1424 ^G D H D
1425 ^D B E I J F B
1426 ^D B C E I J F B C
1427 C I J F C
1428 B..C = ^B C C
1429 B...C = B ^F C G H D E B C
1430 B^- = B^..B
1431 = ^B^1 B E I J F B
1432 C^@ = C^1
1433 = F I J F
1434 B^@ = B^1 B^2 B^3
1435 = D E F D G H E F I J
1436 C^! = C ^C^@
1437 = C ^C^1
1438 = C ^F C
1439 B^! = B ^B^@
1440 = B ^B^1 ^B^2 ^B^3
1441 = B ^D ^E ^F B
1442 F^! D = F ^I ^J D G H D F</pre>
1443 </div>
1444 </div>
1445 </div>
1446 </div>
1447 <div class="sect1">
1448 <h2 id="_parseopt">PARSEOPT</h2>
1449 <div class="sectionbody">
1450 <div class="paragraph">
1451 <p>In <code>--parseopt</code> mode, <em>git rev-parse</em> helps massaging options to bring to shell
1452 scripts the same facilities C builtins have. It works as an option normalizer
1453 (e.g. splits single switches aggregate values), a bit like <code>getopt</code>(<code>1</code>) does.</p>
1454 </div>
1455 <div class="paragraph">
1456 <p>It takes on the standard input the specification of the options to parse and
1457 understand, and echoes on the standard output a string suitable for <code>sh</code>(<code>1</code>) <code>eval</code>
1458 to replace the arguments with normalized ones. In case of error, it outputs
1459 usage on the standard error stream, and exits with code 129.</p>
1460 </div>
1461 <div class="paragraph">
1462 <p>Note: Make sure you quote the result when passing it to <code>eval</code>. See
1463 below for an example.</p>
1464 </div>
1465 <div class="sect2">
1466 <h3 id="_input_format">Input Format</h3>
1467 <div class="paragraph">
1468 <p><em>git rev-parse --parseopt</em> input format is fully text based. It has two parts,
1469 separated by a line that contains only <code>--</code>. The lines before the separator
1470 (should be one or more) are used for the usage.
1471 The lines after the separator describe the options.</p>
1472 </div>
1473 <div class="paragraph">
1474 <p>Each line of options has this format:</p>
1475 </div>
1476 <div class="listingblock">
1477 <div class="content">
1478 <pre>&lt;opt-spec&gt;&lt;flags&gt;*&lt;arg-hint&gt;? SP+ help LF</pre>
1479 </div>
1480 </div>
1481 <div class="dlist">
1482 <dl>
1483 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;opt-spec&gt;</em></dt>
1484 <dd>
1485 <p>its format is the short option character, then the long option name
1486 separated by a comma. Both parts are not required, though at least one
1487 is necessary. May not contain any of the <em>&lt;flags&gt;</em> characters.
1488 <code>h,help</code>, <code>dry-run</code> and <code>f</code> are examples of correct <em>&lt;opt-spec&gt;</em>.</p>
1489 </dd>
1490 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;flags&gt;</em></dt>
1491 <dd>
1492 <p><em>&lt;flags&gt;</em> are of *, <code>=</code>, ? or !.</p>
1493 <div class="ulist">
1494 <ul>
1495 <li>
1496 <p>Use <code>=</code> if the option takes an argument.</p>
1497 </li>
1498 <li>
1499 <p>Use ? to mean that the option takes an optional argument. You
1500 probably want to use the <code>--stuck-long</code> mode to be able to
1501 unambiguously parse the optional argument.</p>
1502 </li>
1503 <li>
1504 <p>Use * to mean that this option should not be listed in the usage
1505 generated for the <code>-h</code> argument. It&#8217;s shown for <code>--help-all</code> as
1506 documented in <a href="gitcli.html">gitcli(7)</a>.</p>
1507 </li>
1508 <li>
1509 <p>Use ! to not make the corresponding negated long option available.</p>
1510 </li>
1511 </ul>
1512 </div>
1513 </dd>
1514 <dt class="hdlist1"><em>&lt;arg-hint&gt;</em></dt>
1515 <dd>
1516 <p><em>&lt;arg-hint&gt;</em>, if specified, is used as a name of the argument in the
1517 help output, for options that take arguments. <em>&lt;arg-hint&gt;</em> is
1518 terminated by the first whitespace. It is customary to use a
1519 dash to separate words in a multi-word argument hint.</p>
1520 </dd>
1521 </dl>
1522 </div>
1523 <div class="paragraph">
1524 <p>The remainder of the line, after stripping the spaces, is used
1525 as the help associated with the option.</p>
1526 </div>
1527 <div class="paragraph">
1528 <p>Blank lines are ignored, and lines that don&#8217;t match this specification are used
1529 as option group headers (start the line with a space to create such
1530 lines on purpose).</p>
1531 </div>
1532 </div>
1533 <div class="sect2">
1534 <h3 id="_example">Example</h3>
1535 <div class="listingblock">
1536 <div class="content">
1537 <pre>OPTS_SPEC="\
1538 some-command [&lt;options&gt;] &lt;args&gt;...
1540 some-command does foo and bar!
1542 h,help! show the help
1544 foo some nifty option --foo
1545 bar= some cool option --bar with an argument
1546 baz=arg another cool option --baz with a named argument
1547 qux?path qux may take a path argument but has meaning by itself
1549 An option group Header
1550 C? option C with an optional argument"
1552 eval "$(echo "$OPTS_SPEC" | git rev-parse --parseopt -- "$@" || echo exit $?)"</pre>
1553 </div>
1554 </div>
1555 </div>
1556 <div class="sect2">
1557 <h3 id="_usage_text">Usage text</h3>
1558 <div class="paragraph">
1559 <p>When "$@" is <code>-h</code> or <code>--help</code> in the above example, the following
1560 usage text would be shown:</p>
1561 </div>
1562 <div class="listingblock">
1563 <div class="content">
1564 <pre>usage: some-command [&lt;options&gt;] &lt;args&gt;...
1566 some-command does foo and bar!
1568 -h, --help show the help
1569 --[no-]foo some nifty option --foo
1570 --[no-]bar ... some cool option --bar with an argument
1571 --[no-]baz &lt;arg&gt; another cool option --baz with a named argument
1572 --[no-]qux[=&lt;path&gt;] qux may take a path argument but has meaning by itself
1574 An option group Header
1575 -C[...] option C with an optional argument</pre>
1576 </div>
1577 </div>
1578 </div>
1579 </div>
1580 </div>
1581 <div class="sect1">
1582 <h2 id="_sq_quote">SQ-QUOTE</h2>
1583 <div class="sectionbody">
1584 <div class="paragraph">
1585 <p>In <code>--sq-quote</code> mode, <em>git rev-parse</em> echoes on the standard output a
1586 single line suitable for <code>sh</code>(<code>1</code>) <code>eval</code>. This line is made by
1587 normalizing the arguments following <code>--sq-quote</code>. Nothing other than
1588 quoting the arguments is done.</p>
1589 </div>
1590 <div class="paragraph">
1591 <p>If you want command input to still be interpreted as usual by
1592 <em>git rev-parse</em> before the output is shell quoted, see the <code>--sq</code>
1593 option.</p>
1594 </div>
1595 <div class="sect2">
1596 <h3 id="_example_2">Example</h3>
1597 <div class="listingblock">
1598 <div class="content">
1599 <pre>$ cat &gt; &lt;&lt;\EOF
1600 #!/bin/sh
1601 args=$(git rev-parse --sq-quote "$@") # quote user-supplied arguments
1602 command="git frotz -n24 $args" # and use it inside a handcrafted
1603 # command line
1604 eval "$command"
1607 $ sh "a b'c"</pre>
1608 </div>
1609 </div>
1610 </div>
1611 </div>
1612 </div>
1613 <div class="sect1">
1614 <h2 id="_examples">EXAMPLES</h2>
1615 <div class="sectionbody">
1616 <div class="ulist">
1617 <ul>
1618 <li>
1619 <p>Print the object name of the current commit:</p>
1620 <div class="listingblock">
1621 <div class="content">
1622 <pre>$ git rev-parse --verify HEAD</pre>
1623 </div>
1624 </div>
1625 </li>
1626 <li>
1627 <p>Print the commit object name from the revision in the $REV shell variable:</p>
1628 <div class="listingblock">
1629 <div class="content">
1630 <pre>$ git rev-parse --verify --end-of-options $REV^{commit}</pre>
1631 </div>
1632 </div>
1633 <div class="paragraph">
1634 <p>This will error out if $REV is empty or not a valid revision.</p>
1635 </div>
1636 </li>
1637 <li>
1638 <p>Similar to above:</p>
1639 <div class="listingblock">
1640 <div class="content">
1641 <pre>$ git rev-parse --default master --verify --end-of-options $REV</pre>
1642 </div>
1643 </div>
1644 <div class="paragraph">
1645 <p>but if $REV is empty, the commit object name from master will be printed.</p>
1646 </div>
1647 </li>
1648 </ul>
1649 </div>
1650 </div>
1651 </div>
1652 <div class="sect1">
1653 <h2 id="_git">GIT</h2>
1654 <div class="sectionbody">
1655 <div class="paragraph">
1656 <p>Part of the <a href="git.html">git(1)</a> suite</p>
1657 </div>
1658 </div>
1659 </div>
1660 </div>
1661 <div id="footer">
1662 <div id="footer-text">
1663 Last updated 2024-05-28 13:39:08 -0700
1664 </div>
1665 </div>
1666 </body>
1667 </html>