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441 <body class="manpage">
442 <div id="header">
443 <h1>git-send-email(1) Manual Page</h1>
444 <h2 id="_name">NAME</h2>
445 <div class="sectionbody">
446 <p>git-send-email - Send a collection of patches as emails</p>
447 </div>
448 </div>
449 <div id="content">
450 <div class="sect1">
451 <h2 id="_synopsis">SYNOPSIS</h2>
452 <div class="sectionbody">
453 <div class="verseblock">
454 <pre class="content"><em>git send-email</em> [&lt;options&gt;] (&lt;file&gt;|&lt;directory&gt;)&#8230;&#8203;
455 <em>git send-email</em> [&lt;options&gt;] &lt;format-patch-options&gt;
456 <em>git send-email</em> --dump-aliases
457 <em>git send-email</em> --translate-aliases</pre>
458 </div>
459 </div>
460 </div>
461 <div class="sect1">
462 <h2 id="_description">DESCRIPTION</h2>
463 <div class="sectionbody">
464 <div class="paragraph">
465 <p>Takes the patches given on the command line and emails them out.
466 Patches can be specified as files, directories (which will send all
467 files in the directory), or directly as a revision list. In the
468 last case, any format accepted by <a href="git-format-patch.html">git-format-patch(1)</a> can
469 be passed to git send-email, as well as options understood by
470 <a href="git-format-patch.html">git-format-patch(1)</a>.</p>
471 </div>
472 <div class="paragraph">
473 <p>The header of the email is configurable via command-line options. If not
474 specified on the command line, the user will be prompted with a ReadLine
475 enabled interface to provide the necessary information.</p>
476 </div>
477 <div class="paragraph">
478 <p>There are two formats accepted for patch files:</p>
479 </div>
480 <div class="olist arabic">
481 <ol class="arabic">
482 <li>
483 <p>mbox format files</p>
484 <div class="paragraph">
485 <p>This is what <a href="git-format-patch.html">git-format-patch(1)</a> generates. Most headers and MIME
486 formatting are ignored.</p>
487 </div>
488 </li>
489 <li>
490 <p>The original format used by Greg Kroah-Hartman&#8217;s <em></em>
491 script</p>
492 <div class="paragraph">
493 <p>This format expects the first line of the file to contain the "Cc:" value
494 and the "Subject:" of the message as the second line.</p>
495 </div>
496 </li>
497 </ol>
498 </div>
499 </div>
500 </div>
501 <div class="sect1">
502 <h2 id="_options">OPTIONS</h2>
503 <div class="sectionbody">
504 <div class="sect2">
505 <h3 id="_composing">Composing</h3>
506 <div class="dlist">
507 <dl>
508 <dt class="hdlist1">--annotate</dt>
509 <dd>
510 <p>Review and edit each patch you&#8217;re about to send. Default is the value
511 of <code>sendemail.annotate</code>. See the CONFIGURATION section for
512 <code>sendemail.multiEdit</code>.</p>
513 </dd>
514 <dt class="hdlist1">--bcc=&lt;address&gt;,&#8230;&#8203;</dt>
515 <dd>
516 <p>Specify a "Bcc:" value for each email. Default is the value of
517 <code>sendemail.bcc</code>.</p>
518 <div class="paragraph">
519 <p>This option may be specified multiple times.</p>
520 </div>
521 </dd>
522 <dt class="hdlist1">--cc=&lt;address&gt;,&#8230;&#8203;</dt>
523 <dd>
524 <p>Specify a starting "Cc:" value for each email.
525 Default is the value of <code></code>.</p>
526 <div class="paragraph">
527 <p>This option may be specified multiple times.</p>
528 </div>
529 </dd>
530 <dt class="hdlist1">--compose</dt>
531 <dd>
532 <p>Invoke a text editor (see GIT_EDITOR in <a href="git-var.html">git-var(1)</a>)
533 to edit an introductory message for the patch series.</p>
534 <div class="paragraph">
535 <p>When <code>--compose</code> is used, git send-email will use the From, To, Cc, Bcc,
536 Subject, Reply-To, and In-Reply-To headers specified in the message. If
537 the body of the message (what you type after the headers and a blank
538 line) only contains blank (or Git: prefixed) lines, the summary won&#8217;t be
539 sent, but the headers mentioned above will be used unless they are
540 removed.</p>
541 </div>
542 <div class="paragraph">
543 <p>Missing From or In-Reply-To headers will be prompted for.</p>
544 </div>
545 <div class="paragraph">
546 <p>See the CONFIGURATION section for <code>sendemail.multiEdit</code>.</p>
547 </div>
548 </dd>
549 <dt class="hdlist1">--from=&lt;address&gt;</dt>
550 <dd>
551 <p>Specify the sender of the emails. If not specified on the command line,
552 the value of the <code>sendemail.from</code> configuration option is used. If
553 neither the command-line option nor <code>sendemail.from</code> are set, then the
554 user will be prompted for the value. The default for the prompt will be
555 the value of GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT, or GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT if that is not
556 set, as returned by "git var -l".</p>
557 </dd>
558 <dt class="hdlist1">--reply-to=&lt;address&gt;</dt>
559 <dd>
560 <p>Specify the address where replies from recipients should go to.
561 Use this if replies to messages should go to another address than what
562 is specified with the --from parameter.</p>
563 </dd>
564 <dt class="hdlist1">--in-reply-to=&lt;identifier&gt;</dt>
565 <dd>
566 <p>Make the first mail (or all the mails with <code>--no-thread</code>) appear as a
567 reply to the given Message-ID, which avoids breaking threads to
568 provide a new patch series.
569 The second and subsequent emails will be sent as replies according to
570 the <code>--</code>[<code>no-</code>]<code>chain-reply-to</code> setting.</p>
571 <div class="paragraph">
572 <p>So for example when <code>--thread</code> and <code>--no-chain-reply-to</code> are specified, the
573 second and subsequent patches will be replies to the first one like in the
574 illustration below where [<code>PATCH</code> <code>v2</code> <code>0/3</code>] is in reply to [<code>PATCH</code> <code>0/2</code>]:</p>
575 </div>
576 <div class="literalblock">
577 <div class="content">
578 <pre>[PATCH 0/2] Here is what I did...
579 [PATCH 1/2] Clean up and tests
580 [PATCH 2/2] Implementation
581 [PATCH v2 0/3] Here is a reroll
582 [PATCH v2 1/3] Clean up
583 [PATCH v2 2/3] New tests
584 [PATCH v2 3/3] Implementation</pre>
585 </div>
586 </div>
587 <div class="paragraph">
588 <p>Only necessary if --compose is also set. If --compose
589 is not set, this will be prompted for.</p>
590 </div>
591 </dd>
592 <dt class="hdlist1">--subject=&lt;string&gt;</dt>
593 <dd>
594 <p>Specify the initial subject of the email thread.
595 Only necessary if --compose is also set. If --compose
596 is not set, this will be prompted for.</p>
597 </dd>
598 <dt class="hdlist1">--to=&lt;address&gt;,&#8230;&#8203;</dt>
599 <dd>
600 <p>Specify the primary recipient of the emails generated. Generally, this
601 will be the upstream maintainer of the project involved. Default is the
602 value of the <code></code> configuration value; if that is unspecified,
603 and --to-cmd is not specified, this will be prompted for.</p>
604 <div class="paragraph">
605 <p>This option may be specified multiple times.</p>
606 </div>
607 </dd>
608 <dt class="hdlist1">--8bit-encoding=&lt;encoding&gt;</dt>
609 <dd>
610 <p>When encountering a non-ASCII message or subject that does not
611 declare its encoding, add headers/quoting to indicate it is
612 encoded in &lt;encoding&gt;. Default is the value of the
613 <em>sendemail.assume8bitEncoding</em>; if that is unspecified, this
614 will be prompted for if any non-ASCII files are encountered.</p>
615 <div class="paragraph">
616 <p>Note that no attempts whatsoever are made to validate the encoding.</p>
617 </div>
618 </dd>
619 <dt class="hdlist1">--compose-encoding=&lt;encoding&gt;</dt>
620 <dd>
621 <p>Specify encoding of compose message. Default is the value of the
622 <em>sendemail.composeEncoding</em>; if that is unspecified, UTF-8 is assumed.</p>
623 </dd>
624 <dt class="hdlist1">--transfer-encoding=(7bit|8bit|quoted-printable|base64|auto)</dt>
625 <dd>
626 <p>Specify the transfer encoding to be used to send the message over SMTP.
627 7bit will fail upon encountering a non-ASCII message. quoted-printable
628 can be useful when the repository contains files that contain carriage
629 returns, but makes the raw patch email file (as saved from a MUA) much
630 harder to inspect manually. base64 is even more fool proof, but also
631 even more opaque. auto will use 8bit when possible, and quoted-printable
632 otherwise.</p>
633 <div class="paragraph">
634 <p>Default is the value of the <code>sendemail.transferEncoding</code> configuration
635 value; if that is unspecified, default to <code>auto</code>.</p>
636 </div>
637 </dd>
638 <dt class="hdlist1">--xmailer</dt>
639 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-xmailer</dt>
640 <dd>
641 <p>Add (or prevent adding) the "X-Mailer:" header. By default,
642 the header is added, but it can be turned off by setting the
643 <code>sendemail.xmailer</code> configuration variable to <code>false</code>.</p>
644 </dd>
645 </dl>
646 </div>
647 </div>
648 <div class="sect2">
649 <h3 id="_sending">Sending</h3>
650 <div class="dlist">
651 <dl>
652 <dt class="hdlist1">--envelope-sender=&lt;address&gt;</dt>
653 <dd>
654 <p>Specify the envelope sender used to send the emails.
655 This is useful if your default address is not the address that is
656 subscribed to a list. In order to use the <em>From</em> address, set the
657 value to "auto". If you use the sendmail binary, you must have
658 suitable privileges for the -f parameter. Default is the value of the
659 <code>sendemail.envelopeSender</code> configuration variable; if that is
660 unspecified, choosing the envelope sender is left to your MTA.</p>
661 </dd>
662 <dt class="hdlist1">--sendmail-cmd=&lt;command&gt;</dt>
663 <dd>
664 <p>Specify a command to run to send the email. The command should
665 be sendmail-like; specifically, it must support the <code>-i</code> option.
666 The command will be executed in the shell if necessary. Default
667 is the value of <code>sendemail.sendmailCmd</code>. If unspecified, and if
668 --smtp-server is also unspecified, git-send-email will search
669 for <code>sendmail</code> in <code>/usr/sbin</code>, <code>/usr/lib</code> and $PATH.</p>
670 </dd>
671 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-encryption=&lt;encryption&gt;</dt>
672 <dd>
673 <p>Specify in what way encrypting begins for the SMTP connection.
674 Valid values are <em>ssl</em> and <em>tls</em>. Any other value reverts to plain
675 (unencrypted) SMTP, which defaults to port 25.
676 Despite the names, both values will use the same newer version of TLS,
677 but for historic reasons have these names. <em>ssl</em> refers to "implicit"
678 encryption (sometimes called SMTPS), that uses port 465 by default.
679 <em>tls</em> refers to "explicit" encryption (often known as STARTTLS),
680 that uses port 25 by default. Other ports might be used by the SMTP
681 server, which are not the default. Commonly found alternative port for
682 <em>tls</em> and unencrypted is 587. You need to check your provider&#8217;s
683 documentation or your server configuration to make sure
684 for your own case. Default is the value of <code>sendemail.smtpEncryption</code>.</p>
685 </dd>
686 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-domain=&lt;FQDN&gt;</dt>
687 <dd>
688 <p>Specifies the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) used in the
689 HELO/EHLO command to the SMTP server. Some servers require the
690 FQDN to match your IP address. If not set, git send-email attempts
691 to determine your FQDN automatically. Default is the value of
692 <code>sendemail.smtpDomain</code>.</p>
693 </dd>
694 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-auth=&lt;mechanisms&gt;</dt>
695 <dd>
696 <p>Whitespace-separated list of allowed SMTP-AUTH mechanisms. This setting
697 forces using only the listed mechanisms. Example:</p>
698 <div class="listingblock">
699 <div class="content">
700 <pre>$ git send-email --smtp-auth="PLAIN LOGIN GSSAPI" ...</pre>
701 </div>
702 </div>
703 <div class="paragraph">
704 <p>If at least one of the specified mechanisms matches the ones advertised by the
705 SMTP server and if it is supported by the utilized SASL library, the mechanism
706 is used for authentication. If neither <em>sendemail.smtpAuth</em> nor <code>--smtp-auth</code>
707 is specified, all mechanisms supported by the SASL library can be used. The
708 special value <em>none</em> maybe specified to completely disable authentication
709 independently of <code>--smtp-user</code></p>
710 </div>
711 </dd>
712 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-pass[=&lt;password&gt;]</dt>
713 <dd>
714 <p>Password for SMTP-AUTH. The argument is optional: If no
715 argument is specified, then the empty string is used as
716 the password. Default is the value of <code>sendemail.smtpPass</code>,
717 however <code>--smtp-pass</code> always overrides this value.</p>
718 <div class="paragraph">
719 <p>Furthermore, passwords need not be specified in configuration files
720 or on the command line. If a username has been specified (with
721 <code>--smtp-user</code> or a <code>sendemail.smtpUser</code>), but no password has been
722 specified (with <code>--smtp-pass</code> or <code>sendemail.smtpPass</code>), then
723 a password is obtained using <em>git-credential</em>.</p>
724 </div>
725 </dd>
726 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-smtp-auth</dt>
727 <dd>
728 <p>Disable SMTP authentication. Short hand for <code>--smtp-auth=none</code></p>
729 </dd>
730 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-server=&lt;host&gt;</dt>
731 <dd>
732 <p>If set, specifies the outgoing SMTP server to use (e.g.
733 <code></code> or a raw IP address). If unspecified, and if
734 <code>--sendmail-cmd</code> is also unspecified, the default is to search
735 for <code>sendmail</code> in <code>/usr/sbin</code>, <code>/usr/lib</code> and $PATH if such a
736 program is available, falling back to <code>localhost</code> otherwise.</p>
737 <div class="paragraph">
738 <p>For backward compatibility, this option can also specify a full pathname
739 of a sendmail-like program instead; the program must support the <code>-i</code>
740 option. This method does not support passing arguments or using plain
741 command names. For those use cases, consider using <code>--sendmail-cmd</code>
742 instead.</p>
743 </div>
744 </dd>
745 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-server-port=&lt;port&gt;</dt>
746 <dd>
747 <p>Specifies a port different from the default port (SMTP
748 servers typically listen to smtp port 25, but may also listen to
749 submission port 587, or the common SSL smtp port 465);
750 symbolic port names (e.g. "submission" instead of 587)
751 are also accepted. The port can also be set with the
752 <code>sendemail.smtpServerPort</code> configuration variable.</p>
753 </dd>
754 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-server-option=&lt;option&gt;</dt>
755 <dd>
756 <p>If set, specifies the outgoing SMTP server option to use.
757 Default value can be specified by the <code>sendemail.smtpServerOption</code>
758 configuration option.</p>
759 <div class="paragraph">
760 <p>The --smtp-server-option option must be repeated for each option you want
761 to pass to the server. Likewise, different lines in the configuration files
762 must be used for each option.</p>
763 </div>
764 </dd>
765 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-ssl</dt>
766 <dd>
767 <p>Legacy alias for <em>--smtp-encryption ssl</em>.</p>
768 </dd>
769 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-ssl-cert-path</dt>
770 <dd>
771 <p>Path to a store of trusted CA certificates for SMTP SSL/TLS
772 certificate validation (either a directory that has been processed
773 by <em>c_rehash</em>, or a single file containing one or more PEM format
774 certificates concatenated together: see verify(1) -CAfile and
775 -CApath for more information on these). Set it to an empty string
776 to disable certificate verification. Defaults to the value of the
777 <code>sendemail.smtpSSLCertPath</code> configuration variable, if set, or the
778 backing SSL library&#8217;s compiled-in default otherwise (which should
779 be the best choice on most platforms).</p>
780 </dd>
781 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-user=&lt;user&gt;</dt>
782 <dd>
783 <p>Username for SMTP-AUTH. Default is the value of <code>sendemail.smtpUser</code>;
784 if a username is not specified (with <code>--smtp-user</code> or <code>sendemail.smtpUser</code>),
785 then authentication is not attempted.</p>
786 </dd>
787 <dt class="hdlist1">--smtp-debug=(0|1)</dt>
788 <dd>
789 <p>Enable (1) or disable (0) debug output. If enabled, SMTP
790 commands and replies will be printed. Useful to debug TLS
791 connection and authentication problems.</p>
792 </dd>
793 <dt class="hdlist1">--batch-size=&lt;num&gt;</dt>
794 <dd>
795 <p>Some email servers (e.g. limit the number emails to be
796 sent per session (connection) and this will lead to a failure when
797 sending many messages. With this option, send-email will disconnect after
798 sending $&lt;num&gt; messages and wait for a few seconds (see --relogin-delay)
799 and reconnect, to work around such a limit. You may want to
800 use some form of credential helper to avoid having to retype
801 your password every time this happens. Defaults to the
802 <code>sendemail.smtpBatchSize</code> configuration variable.</p>
803 </dd>
804 <dt class="hdlist1">--relogin-delay=&lt;int&gt;</dt>
805 <dd>
806 <p>Waiting $&lt;int&gt; seconds before reconnecting to SMTP server. Used together
807 with --batch-size option. Defaults to the <code>sendemail.smtpReloginDelay</code>
808 configuration variable.</p>
809 </dd>
810 </dl>
811 </div>
812 </div>
813 <div class="sect2">
814 <h3 id="_automating">Automating</h3>
815 <div class="dlist">
816 <dl>
817 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-to</dt>
818 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-cc</dt>
819 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-bcc</dt>
820 <dd>
821 <p>Clears any list of "To:", "Cc:", "Bcc:" addresses previously
822 set via config.</p>
823 </dd>
824 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-identity</dt>
825 <dd>
826 <p>Clears the previously read value of <code>sendemail.identity</code> set
827 via config, if any.</p>
828 </dd>
829 <dt class="hdlist1">--to-cmd=&lt;command&gt;</dt>
830 <dd>
831 <p>Specify a command to execute once per patch file which
832 should generate patch file specific "To:" entries.
833 Output of this command must be single email address per line.
834 Default is the value of <em>sendemail.toCmd</em> configuration value.</p>
835 </dd>
836 <dt class="hdlist1">--cc-cmd=&lt;command&gt;</dt>
837 <dd>
838 <p>Specify a command to execute once per patch file which
839 should generate patch file specific "Cc:" entries.
840 Output of this command must be single email address per line.
841 Default is the value of <code>sendemail.ccCmd</code> configuration value.</p>
842 </dd>
843 <dt class="hdlist1">--header-cmd=&lt;command&gt;</dt>
844 <dd>
845 <p>Specify a command that is executed once per outgoing message
846 and output RFC 2822 style header lines to be inserted into
847 them. When the <code>sendemail.headerCmd</code> configuration variable is
848 set, its value is always used. When --header-cmd is provided
849 at the command line, its value takes precedence over the
850 <code>sendemail.headerCmd</code> configuration variable.</p>
851 </dd>
852 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-header-cmd</dt>
853 <dd>
854 <p>Disable any header command in use.</p>
855 </dd>
856 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]chain-reply-to</dt>
857 <dd>
858 <p>If this is set, each email will be sent as a reply to the previous
859 email sent. If disabled with "--no-chain-reply-to", all emails after
860 the first will be sent as replies to the first email sent. When using
861 this, it is recommended that the first file given be an overview of the
862 entire patch series. Disabled by default, but the <code>sendemail.chainReplyTo</code>
863 configuration variable can be used to enable it.</p>
864 </dd>
865 <dt class="hdlist1">--identity=&lt;identity&gt;</dt>
866 <dd>
867 <p>A configuration identity. When given, causes values in the
868 <em>sendemail.&lt;identity&gt;</em> subsection to take precedence over
869 values in the <em>sendemail</em> section. The default identity is
870 the value of <code>sendemail.identity</code>.</p>
871 </dd>
872 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]signed-off-by-cc</dt>
873 <dd>
874 <p>If this is set, add emails found in the <code>Signed-off-by</code> trailer or Cc: lines to the
875 cc list. Default is the value of <code>sendemail.signedOffByCc</code> configuration
876 value; if that is unspecified, default to --signed-off-by-cc.</p>
877 </dd>
878 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]cc-cover</dt>
879 <dd>
880 <p>If this is set, emails found in Cc: headers in the first patch of
881 the series (typically the cover letter) are added to the cc list
882 for each email set. Default is the value of <em>sendemail.ccCover</em>
883 configuration value; if that is unspecified, default to --no-cc-cover.</p>
884 </dd>
885 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]to-cover</dt>
886 <dd>
887 <p>If this is set, emails found in To: headers in the first patch of
888 the series (typically the cover letter) are added to the to list
889 for each email set. Default is the value of <em>sendemail.toCover</em>
890 configuration value; if that is unspecified, default to --no-to-cover.</p>
891 </dd>
892 <dt class="hdlist1">--suppress-cc=&lt;category&gt;</dt>
893 <dd>
894 <p>Specify an additional category of recipients to suppress the
895 auto-cc of:</p>
896 <div class="openblock">
897 <div class="content">
898 <div class="ulist">
899 <ul>
900 <li>
901 <p><em>author</em> will avoid including the patch author.</p>
902 </li>
903 <li>
904 <p><em>self</em> will avoid including the sender.</p>
905 </li>
906 <li>
907 <p><em>cc</em> will avoid including anyone mentioned in Cc lines in the patch header
908 except for self (use <em>self</em> for that).</p>
909 </li>
910 <li>
911 <p><em>bodycc</em> will avoid including anyone mentioned in Cc lines in the
912 patch body (commit message) except for self (use <em>self</em> for that).</p>
913 </li>
914 <li>
915 <p><em>sob</em> will avoid including anyone mentioned in the Signed-off-by trailers except
916 for self (use <em>self</em> for that).</p>
917 </li>
918 <li>
919 <p><em>misc-by</em> will avoid including anyone mentioned in Acked-by,
920 Reviewed-by, Tested-by and other "-by" lines in the patch body,
921 except Signed-off-by (use <em>sob</em> for that).</p>
922 </li>
923 <li>
924 <p><em>cccmd</em> will avoid running the --cc-cmd.</p>
925 </li>
926 <li>
927 <p><em>body</em> is equivalent to <em>sob</em> + <em>bodycc</em> + <em>misc-by</em>.</p>
928 </li>
929 <li>
930 <p><em>all</em> will suppress all auto cc values.</p>
931 </li>
932 </ul>
933 </div>
934 </div>
935 </div>
936 <div class="paragraph">
937 <p>Default is the value of <code>sendemail.suppressCc</code> configuration value; if
938 that is unspecified, default to <em>self</em> if --suppress-from is
939 specified, as well as <em>body</em> if --no-signed-off-cc is specified.</p>
940 </div>
941 </dd>
942 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]suppress-from</dt>
943 <dd>
944 <p>If this is set, do not add the From: address to the cc: list.
945 Default is the value of <code>sendemail.suppressFrom</code> configuration
946 value; if that is unspecified, default to --no-suppress-from.</p>
947 </dd>
948 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]thread</dt>
949 <dd>
950 <p>If this is set, the In-Reply-To and References headers will be
951 added to each email sent. Whether each mail refers to the
952 previous email (<code>deep</code> threading per <em>git format-patch</em>
953 wording) or to the first email (<code>shallow</code> threading) is
954 governed by "--[no-]chain-reply-to".</p>
955 <div class="paragraph">
956 <p>If disabled with "--no-thread", those headers will not be added
957 (unless specified with --in-reply-to). Default is the value of the
958 <code>sendemail.thread</code> configuration value; if that is unspecified,
959 default to --thread.</p>
960 </div>
961 <div class="paragraph">
962 <p>It is up to the user to ensure that no In-Reply-To header already
963 exists when <em>git send-email</em> is asked to add it (especially note that
964 <em>git format-patch</em> can be configured to do the threading itself).
965 Failure to do so may not produce the expected result in the
966 recipient&#8217;s MUA.</p>
967 </div>
968 </dd>
969 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]mailmap</dt>
970 <dd>
971 <p>Use the mailmap file (see <a href="gitmailmap.html">gitmailmap(5)</a>) to map all
972 addresses to their canonical real name and email address. Additional
973 mailmap data specific to git-send-email may be provided using the
974 <code>sendemail.mailmap.file</code> or <code>sendemail.mailmap.blob</code> configuration
975 values. Defaults to <code>sendemail.mailmap</code>.</p>
976 </dd>
977 </dl>
978 </div>
979 </div>
980 <div class="sect2">
981 <h3 id="_administering">Administering</h3>
982 <div class="dlist">
983 <dl>
984 <dt class="hdlist1">--confirm=&lt;mode&gt;</dt>
985 <dd>
986 <p>Confirm just before sending:</p>
987 <div class="openblock">
988 <div class="content">
989 <div class="ulist">
990 <ul>
991 <li>
992 <p><em>always</em> will always confirm before sending</p>
993 </li>
994 <li>
995 <p><em>never</em> will never confirm before sending</p>
996 </li>
997 <li>
998 <p><em>cc</em> will confirm before sending when send-email has automatically
999 added addresses from the patch to the Cc list</p>
1000 </li>
1001 <li>
1002 <p><em>compose</em> will confirm before sending the first message when using --compose.</p>
1003 </li>
1004 <li>
1005 <p><em>auto</em> is equivalent to <em>cc</em> + <em>compose</em></p>
1006 </li>
1007 </ul>
1008 </div>
1009 </div>
1010 </div>
1011 <div class="paragraph">
1012 <p>Default is the value of <code>sendemail.confirm</code> configuration value; if that
1013 is unspecified, default to <em>auto</em> unless any of the suppress options
1014 have been specified, in which case default to <em>compose</em>.</p>
1015 </div>
1016 </dd>
1017 <dt class="hdlist1">--dry-run</dt>
1018 <dd>
1019 <p>Do everything except actually send the emails.</p>
1020 </dd>
1021 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]format-patch</dt>
1022 <dd>
1023 <p>When an argument may be understood either as a reference or as a file name,
1024 choose to understand it as a format-patch argument (<code>--format-patch</code>)
1025 or as a file name (<code>--no-format-patch</code>). By default, when such a conflict
1026 occurs, git send-email will fail.</p>
1027 </dd>
1028 <dt class="hdlist1">--quiet</dt>
1029 <dd>
1030 <p>Make git-send-email less verbose. One line per email should be
1031 all that is output.</p>
1032 </dd>
1033 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]validate</dt>
1034 <dd>
1035 <p>Perform sanity checks on patches.
1036 Currently, validation means the following:</p>
1037 <div class="openblock">
1038 <div class="content">
1039 <div class="ulist">
1040 <ul>
1041 <li>
1042 <p>Invoke the sendemail-validate hook if present (see <a href="githooks.html">githooks(5)</a>).</p>
1043 </li>
1044 <li>
1045 <p>Warn of patches that contain lines longer than
1046 998 characters unless a suitable transfer encoding
1047 (<em>auto</em>, <em>base64</em>, or <em>quoted-printable</em>) is used;
1048 this is due to SMTP limits as described by
1049 <a href="" class="bare"></a>.</p>
1050 </li>
1051 </ul>
1052 </div>
1053 </div>
1054 </div>
1055 <div class="paragraph">
1056 <p>Default is the value of <code>sendemail.validate</code>; if this is not set,
1057 default to <code>--validate</code>.</p>
1058 </div>
1059 </dd>
1060 <dt class="hdlist1">--force</dt>
1061 <dd>
1062 <p>Send emails even if safety checks would prevent it.</p>
1063 </dd>
1064 </dl>
1065 </div>
1066 </div>
1067 <div class="sect2">
1068 <h3 id="_information">Information</h3>
1069 <div class="dlist">
1070 <dl>
1071 <dt class="hdlist1">--dump-aliases</dt>
1072 <dd>
1073 <p>Instead of the normal operation, dump the shorthand alias names from
1074 the configured alias file(s), one per line in alphabetical order. Note
1075 that this only includes the alias name and not its expanded email addresses.
1076 See <em>sendemail.aliasesFile</em> for more information about aliases.</p>
1077 </dd>
1078 <dt class="hdlist1">--translate-aliases</dt>
1079 <dd>
1080 <p>Instead of the normal operation, read from standard input and
1081 interpret each line as an email alias. Translate it according to the
1082 configured alias file(s). Output each translated name and email
1083 address to standard output, one per line. See <em>sendemail.aliasFile</em>
1084 for more information about aliases.</p>
1085 </dd>
1086 </dl>
1087 </div>
1088 </div>
1089 </div>
1090 </div>
1091 <div class="sect1">
1092 <h2 id="_configuration">CONFIGURATION</h2>
1093 <div class="sectionbody">
1094 <div class="paragraph">
1095 <p>Everything below this line in this section is selectively included
1096 from the <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a> documentation. The content is the same
1097 as what&#8217;s found there:</p>
1098 </div>
1099 <div class="dlist">
1100 <dl>
1101 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.identity</dt>
1102 <dd>
1103 <p>A configuration identity. When given, causes values in the
1104 <em>sendemail.&lt;identity&gt;</em> subsection to take precedence over
1105 values in the <em>sendemail</em> section. The default identity is
1106 the value of <code>sendemail.identity</code>.</p>
1107 </dd>
1108 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpEncryption</dt>
1109 <dd>
1110 <p>See <a href="git-send-email.html">git-send-email(1)</a> for description. Note that this
1111 setting is not subject to the <em>identity</em> mechanism.</p>
1112 </dd>
1113 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpSSLCertPath</dt>
1114 <dd>
1115 <p>Path to ca-certificates (either a directory or a single file).
1116 Set it to an empty string to disable certificate verification.</p>
1117 </dd>
1118 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.&lt;identity&gt;.*</dt>
1119 <dd>
1120 <p>Identity-specific versions of the <em>sendemail.*</em> parameters
1121 found below, taking precedence over those when this
1122 identity is selected, through either the command-line or
1123 <code>sendemail.identity</code>.</p>
1124 </dd>
1125 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.multiEdit</dt>
1126 <dd>
1127 <p>If true (default), a single editor instance will be spawned to edit
1128 files you have to edit (patches when <code>--annotate</code> is used, and the
1129 summary when <code>--compose</code> is used). If false, files will be edited one
1130 after the other, spawning a new editor each time.</p>
1131 </dd>
1132 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.confirm</dt>
1133 <dd>
1134 <p>Sets the default for whether to confirm before sending. Must be
1135 one of <em>always</em>, <em>never</em>, <em>cc</em>, <em>compose</em>, or <em>auto</em>. See <code>--confirm</code>
1136 in the <a href="git-send-email.html">git-send-email(1)</a> documentation for the meaning of these
1137 values.</p>
1138 </dd>
1139 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.mailmap</dt>
1140 <dd>
1141 <p>If true, makes <a href="git-send-email.html">git-send-email(1)</a> assume <code>--mailmap</code>,
1142 otherwise assume <code>--no-mailmap</code>. False by default.</p>
1143 </dd>
1144 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.mailmap.file</dt>
1145 <dd>
1146 <p>The location of a <a href="git-send-email.html">git-send-email(1)</a> specific augmenting
1147 mailmap file. The default mailmap and <code>mailmap.file</code> are loaded
1148 first. Thus, entries in this file take precedence over entries in
1149 the default mailmap locations. See <a href="gitmailmap.html">gitmailmap(5)</a>.</p>
1150 </dd>
1151 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.mailmap.blob</dt>
1152 <dd>
1153 <p>Like <code>sendemail.mailmap.file</code>, but consider the value as a reference
1154 to a blob in the repository. Entries in <code>sendemail.mailmap.file</code>
1155 take precedence over entries here. See <a href="gitmailmap.html">gitmailmap(5)</a>.</p>
1156 </dd>
1157 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.aliasesFile</dt>
1158 <dd>
1159 <p>To avoid typing long email addresses, point this to one or more
1160 email aliases files. You must also supply <code>sendemail.aliasFileType</code>.</p>
1161 </dd>
1162 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.aliasFileType</dt>
1163 <dd>
1164 <p>Format of the file(s) specified in sendemail.aliasesFile. Must be
1165 one of <em>mutt</em>, <em>mailrc</em>, <em>pine</em>, <em>elm</em>, <em>gnus</em>, or <em>sendmail</em>.</p>
1166 <div class="paragraph">
1167 <p>What an alias file in each format looks like can be found in
1168 the documentation of the email program of the same name. The
1169 differences and limitations from the standard formats are
1170 described below:</p>
1171 </div>
1172 <div class="openblock">
1173 <div class="content">
1174 <div class="dlist">
1175 <dl>
1176 <dt class="hdlist1">sendmail</dt>
1177 <dd>
1178 <div class="ulist">
1179 <ul>
1180 <li>
1181 <p>Quoted aliases and quoted addresses are not supported: lines that
1182 contain a " symbol are ignored.</p>
1183 </li>
1184 <li>
1185 <p>Redirection to a file (<code>/path/name</code>) or pipe (|<code>command</code>) is not
1186 supported.</p>
1187 </li>
1188 <li>
1189 <p>File inclusion (<code>:include:</code> <code>/path/name</code>) is not supported.</p>
1190 </li>
1191 <li>
1192 <p>Warnings are printed on the standard error output for any
1193 explicitly unsupported constructs, and any other lines that are not
1194 recognized by the parser.</p>
1195 </li>
1196 </ul>
1197 </div>
1198 </dd>
1199 </dl>
1200 </div>
1201 </div>
1202 </div>
1203 </dd>
1204 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.annotate</dt>
1205 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.bcc</dt>
1206 <dt class="hdlist1"></dt>
1207 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.ccCmd</dt>
1208 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.chainReplyTo</dt>
1209 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.envelopeSender</dt>
1210 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.from</dt>
1211 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.headerCmd</dt>
1212 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.signedOffByCc</dt>
1213 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpPass</dt>
1214 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.suppressCc</dt>
1215 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.suppressFrom</dt>
1216 <dt class="hdlist1"></dt>
1217 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.toCmd</dt>
1218 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpDomain</dt>
1219 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpServer</dt>
1220 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpServerPort</dt>
1221 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpServerOption</dt>
1222 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpUser</dt>
1223 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.thread</dt>
1224 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.transferEncoding</dt>
1225 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.validate</dt>
1226 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.xmailer</dt>
1227 <dd>
1228 <p>These configuration variables all provide a default for
1229 <a href="git-send-email.html">git-send-email(1)</a> command-line options. See its
1230 documentation for details.</p>
1231 </dd>
1232 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.signedOffCc (deprecated)</dt>
1233 <dd>
1234 <p>Deprecated alias for <code>sendemail.signedOffByCc</code>.</p>
1235 </dd>
1236 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpBatchSize</dt>
1237 <dd>
1238 <p>Number of messages to be sent per connection, after that a relogin
1239 will happen. If the value is 0 or undefined, send all messages in
1240 one connection.
1241 See also the <code>--batch-size</code> option of <a href="git-send-email.html">git-send-email(1)</a>.</p>
1242 </dd>
1243 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.smtpReloginDelay</dt>
1244 <dd>
1245 <p>Seconds to wait before reconnecting to the smtp server.
1246 See also the <code>--relogin-delay</code> option of <a href="git-send-email.html">git-send-email(1)</a>.</p>
1247 </dd>
1248 <dt class="hdlist1">sendemail.forbidSendmailVariables</dt>
1249 <dd>
1250 <p>To avoid common misconfiguration mistakes, <a href="git-send-email.html">git-send-email(1)</a>
1251 will abort with a warning if any configuration options for "sendmail"
1252 exist. Set this variable to bypass the check.</p>
1253 </dd>
1254 </dl>
1255 </div>
1256 </div>
1257 </div>
1258 <div class="sect1">
1259 <h2 id="_examples">EXAMPLES</h2>
1260 <div class="sectionbody">
1261 <div class="sect2">
1262 <h3 id="_use_gmail_as_the_smtp_server">Use gmail as the smtp server</h3>
1263 <div class="paragraph">
1264 <p>To use <em>git send-email</em> to send your patches through the GMail SMTP server,
1265 edit ~/.gitconfig to specify your account settings:</p>
1266 </div>
1267 <div class="listingblock">
1268 <div class="content">
1269 <pre>[sendemail]
1270 smtpEncryption = tls
1271 smtpServer =
1272 smtpUser =
1273 smtpServerPort = 587</pre>
1274 </div>
1275 </div>
1276 <div class="paragraph">
1277 <p>If you have multi-factor authentication set up on your Gmail account, you can
1278 generate an app-specific password for use with <em>git send-email</em>. Visit
1279 <a href="" class="bare"></a> to create it.</p>
1280 </div>
1281 <div class="paragraph">
1282 <p>Once your commits are ready to be sent to the mailing list, run the
1283 following commands:</p>
1284 </div>
1285 <div class="literalblock">
1286 <div class="content">
1287 <pre>$ git format-patch --cover-letter -M origin/master -o outgoing/
1288 $ edit outgoing/0000-*
1289 $ git send-email outgoing/*</pre>
1290 </div>
1291 </div>
1292 <div class="paragraph">
1293 <p>The first time you run it, you will be prompted for your credentials. Enter the
1294 app-specific or your regular password as appropriate. If you have credential
1295 helper configured (see <a href="git-credential.html">git-credential(1)</a>), the password will be saved in
1296 the credential store so you won&#8217;t have to type it the next time.</p>
1297 </div>
1298 <div class="paragraph">
1299 <p>Note: the following core Perl modules that may be installed with your
1300 distribution of Perl are required:
1301 MIME::Base64, MIME::QuotedPrint, Net::Domain and Net::SMTP.
1302 These additional Perl modules are also required:
1303 Authen::SASL and Mail::Address.</p>
1304 </div>
1305 </div>
1306 </div>
1307 </div>
1308 <div class="sect1">
1309 <h2 id="_see_also">SEE ALSO</h2>
1310 <div class="sectionbody">
1311 <div class="paragraph">
1312 <p><a href="git-format-patch.html">git-format-patch(1)</a>, <a href="git-imap-send.html">git-imap-send(1)</a>, mbox(5)</p>
1313 </div>
1314 </div>
1315 </div>
1316 <div class="sect1">
1317 <h2 id="_git">GIT</h2>
1318 <div class="sectionbody">
1319 <div class="paragraph">
1320 <p>Part of the <a href="git.html">git(1)</a> suite</p>
1321 </div>
1322 </div>
1323 </div>
1324 </div>
1325 <div id="footer">
1326 <div id="footer-text">
1327 Last updated 2024-09-26 09:33:33 -0700
1328 </div>
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