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441 <body class="manpage">
442 <div id="header">
443 <h1>githooks(5) Manual Page</h1>
444 <h2 id="_name">NAME</h2>
445 <div class="sectionbody">
446 <p>githooks - Hooks used by Git</p>
447 </div>
448 </div>
449 <div id="content">
450 <div class="sect1">
451 <h2 id="_synopsis">SYNOPSIS</h2>
452 <div class="sectionbody">
453 <div class="paragraph">
454 <p>$GIT_DIR/hooks/* (or `git config core.hooksPath`/*)</p>
455 </div>
456 </div>
457 </div>
458 <div class="sect1">
459 <h2 id="_description">DESCRIPTION</h2>
460 <div class="sectionbody">
461 <div class="paragraph">
462 <p>Hooks are programs you can place in a hooks directory to trigger
463 actions at certain points in git&#8217;s execution. Hooks that don&#8217;t have
464 the executable bit set are ignored.</p>
465 </div>
466 <div class="paragraph">
467 <p>By default the hooks directory is <code>$GIT_DIR/hooks</code>, but that can be
468 changed via the <code>core.hooksPath</code> configuration variable (see
469 <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a>).</p>
470 </div>
471 <div class="paragraph">
472 <p>Before Git invokes a hook, it changes its working directory to either
473 $GIT_DIR in a bare repository or the root of the working tree in a non-bare
474 repository. An exception are hooks triggered during a push (<em>pre-receive</em>,
475 <em>update</em>, <em>post-receive</em>, <em>post-update</em>, <em>push-to-checkout</em>) which are always
476 executed in $GIT_DIR.</p>
477 </div>
478 <div class="paragraph">
479 <p>Environment variables, such as <code>GIT_DIR</code>, <code>GIT_WORK_TREE</code>, etc., are exported
480 so that Git commands run by the hook can correctly locate the repository. If
481 your hook needs to invoke Git commands in a foreign repository or in a
482 different working tree of the same repository, then it should clear these
483 environment variables so they do not interfere with Git operations at the
484 foreign location. For example:</p>
485 </div>
486 <div class="listingblock">
487 <div class="content">
488 <pre>local_desc=$(git describe)
489 foreign_desc=$(unset $(git rev-parse --local-env-vars); git -C ../foreign-repo describe)</pre>
490 </div>
491 </div>
492 <div class="paragraph">
493 <p>Hooks can get their arguments via the environment, command-line
494 arguments, and stdin. See the documentation for each hook below for
495 details.</p>
496 </div>
497 <div class="paragraph">
498 <p><code>git</code> <code>init</code> may copy hooks to the new repository, depending on its
499 configuration. See the "TEMPLATE DIRECTORY" section in
500 <a href="git-init.html">git-init(1)</a> for details. When the rest of this document refers
501 to "default hooks" it&#8217;s talking about the default template shipped
502 with Git.</p>
503 </div>
504 <div class="paragraph">
505 <p>The currently supported hooks are described below.</p>
506 </div>
507 </div>
508 </div>
509 <div class="sect1">
510 <h2 id="_hooks">HOOKS</h2>
511 <div class="sectionbody">
512 <div class="sect2">
513 <h3 id="_applypatch_msg">applypatch-msg</h3>
514 <div class="paragraph">
515 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-am.html">git-am(1)</a>. It takes a single
516 parameter, the name of the file that holds the proposed commit
517 log message. Exiting with a non-zero status causes <code>git</code> <code>am</code> to abort
518 before applying the patch.</p>
519 </div>
520 <div class="paragraph">
521 <p>The hook is allowed to edit the message file in place, and can
522 be used to normalize the message into some project standard
523 format. It can also be used to refuse the commit after inspecting
524 the message file.</p>
525 </div>
526 <div class="paragraph">
527 <p>The default <em>applypatch-msg</em> hook, when enabled, runs the
528 <em>commit-msg</em> hook, if the latter is enabled.</p>
529 </div>
530 </div>
531 <div class="sect2">
532 <h3 id="_pre_applypatch">pre-applypatch</h3>
533 <div class="paragraph">
534 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-am.html">git-am(1)</a>. It takes no parameter, and is
535 invoked after the patch is applied, but before a commit is made.</p>
536 </div>
537 <div class="paragraph">
538 <p>If it exits with non-zero status, then the working tree will not be
539 committed after applying the patch.</p>
540 </div>
541 <div class="paragraph">
542 <p>It can be used to inspect the current working tree and refuse to
543 make a commit if it does not pass certain tests.</p>
544 </div>
545 <div class="paragraph">
546 <p>The default <em>pre-applypatch</em> hook, when enabled, runs the
547 <em>pre-commit</em> hook, if the latter is enabled.</p>
548 </div>
549 </div>
550 <div class="sect2">
551 <h3 id="_post_applypatch">post-applypatch</h3>
552 <div class="paragraph">
553 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-am.html">git-am(1)</a>. It takes no parameter,
554 and is invoked after the patch is applied and a commit is made.</p>
555 </div>
556 <div class="paragraph">
557 <p>This hook is meant primarily for notification, and cannot affect
558 the outcome of <code>git</code> <code>am</code>.</p>
559 </div>
560 </div>
561 <div class="sect2">
562 <h3 id="_pre_commit">pre-commit</h3>
563 <div class="paragraph">
564 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-commit.html">git-commit(1)</a>, and can be bypassed
565 with the <code>--no-verify</code> option. It takes no parameters, and is
566 invoked before obtaining the proposed commit log message and
567 making a commit. Exiting with a non-zero status from this script
568 causes the <code>git</code> <code>commit</code> command to abort before creating a commit.</p>
569 </div>
570 <div class="paragraph">
571 <p>The default <em>pre-commit</em> hook, when enabled, catches introduction
572 of lines with trailing whitespaces and aborts the commit when
573 such a line is found.</p>
574 </div>
575 <div class="paragraph">
576 <p>All the <code>git</code> <code>commit</code> hooks are invoked with the environment
577 variable <code>GIT_EDITOR=:</code> if the command will not bring up an editor
578 to modify the commit message.</p>
579 </div>
580 <div class="paragraph">
581 <p>The default <em>pre-commit</em> hook, when enabled&#8212;&#8203;and with the
582 <code>hooks.allownonascii</code> config option unset or set to false&#8212;&#8203;prevents
583 the use of non-ASCII filenames.</p>
584 </div>
585 </div>
586 <div class="sect2">
587 <h3 id="_pre_merge_commit">pre-merge-commit</h3>
588 <div class="paragraph">
589 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-merge.html">git-merge(1)</a>, and can be bypassed
590 with the <code>--no-verify</code> option. It takes no parameters, and is
591 invoked after the merge has been carried out successfully and before
592 obtaining the proposed commit log message to
593 make a commit. Exiting with a non-zero status from this script
594 causes the <code>git</code> <code>merge</code> command to abort before creating a commit.</p>
595 </div>
596 <div class="paragraph">
597 <p>The default <em>pre-merge-commit</em> hook, when enabled, runs the
598 <em>pre-commit</em> hook, if the latter is enabled.</p>
599 </div>
600 <div class="paragraph">
601 <p>This hook is invoked with the environment variable
602 <code>GIT_EDITOR=:</code> if the command will not bring up an editor
603 to modify the commit message.</p>
604 </div>
605 <div class="paragraph">
606 <p>If the merge cannot be carried out automatically, the conflicts
607 need to be resolved and the result committed separately (see
608 <a href="git-merge.html">git-merge(1)</a>). At that point, this hook will not be executed,
609 but the <em>pre-commit</em> hook will, if it is enabled.</p>
610 </div>
611 </div>
612 <div class="sect2">
613 <h3 id="_prepare_commit_msg">prepare-commit-msg</h3>
614 <div class="paragraph">
615 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-commit.html">git-commit(1)</a> right after preparing the
616 default log message, and before the editor is started.</p>
617 </div>
618 <div class="paragraph">
619 <p>It takes one to three parameters. The first is the name of the file
620 that contains the commit log message. The second is the source of the commit
621 message, and can be: <code>message</code> (if a <code>-m</code> or <code>-F</code> option was
622 given); <code>template</code> (if a <code>-t</code> option was given or the
623 configuration option <code>commit.template</code> is set); <code>merge</code> (if the
624 commit is a merge or a .<code>git/MERGE_MSG</code> file exists); <code>squash</code>
625 (if a .<code>git/SQUASH_MSG</code> file exists); or <code>commit</code>, followed by
626 a commit object name (if a <code>-c</code>, <code>-C</code> or <code>--amend</code> option was given).</p>
627 </div>
628 <div class="paragraph">
629 <p>If the exit status is non-zero, <code>git</code> <code>commit</code> will abort.</p>
630 </div>
631 <div class="paragraph">
632 <p>The purpose of the hook is to edit the message file in place, and
633 it is not suppressed by the <code>--no-verify</code> option. A non-zero exit
634 means a failure of the hook and aborts the commit. It should not
635 be used as a replacement for the pre-commit hook.</p>
636 </div>
637 <div class="paragraph">
638 <p>The sample <code>prepare-commit-msg</code> hook that comes with Git removes the
639 help message found in the commented portion of the commit template.</p>
640 </div>
641 </div>
642 <div class="sect2">
643 <h3 id="_commit_msg">commit-msg</h3>
644 <div class="paragraph">
645 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-commit.html">git-commit(1)</a> and <a href="git-merge.html">git-merge(1)</a>, and can be
646 bypassed with the <code>--no-verify</code> option. It takes a single parameter,
647 the name of the file that holds the proposed commit log message.
648 Exiting with a non-zero status causes the command to abort.</p>
649 </div>
650 <div class="paragraph">
651 <p>The hook is allowed to edit the message file in place, and can be used
652 to normalize the message into some project standard format. It
653 can also be used to refuse the commit after inspecting the message
654 file.</p>
655 </div>
656 <div class="paragraph">
657 <p>The default <em>commit-msg</em> hook, when enabled, detects duplicate
658 <code>Signed-off-by</code> trailers, and aborts the commit if one is found.</p>
659 </div>
660 </div>
661 <div class="sect2">
662 <h3 id="_post_commit">post-commit</h3>
663 <div class="paragraph">
664 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-commit.html">git-commit(1)</a>. It takes no parameters, and is
665 invoked after a commit is made.</p>
666 </div>
667 <div class="paragraph">
668 <p>This hook is meant primarily for notification, and cannot affect
669 the outcome of <code>git</code> <code>commit</code>.</p>
670 </div>
671 </div>
672 <div class="sect2">
673 <h3 id="_pre_rebase">pre-rebase</h3>
674 <div class="paragraph">
675 <p>This hook is called by <a href="git-rebase.html">git-rebase(1)</a> and can be used to prevent a
676 branch from getting rebased. The hook may be called with one or
677 two parameters. The first parameter is the upstream from which
678 the series was forked. The second parameter is the branch being
679 rebased, and is not set when rebasing the current branch.</p>
680 </div>
681 </div>
682 <div class="sect2">
683 <h3 id="_post_checkout">post-checkout</h3>
684 <div class="paragraph">
685 <p>This hook is invoked when a <a href="git-checkout.html">git-checkout(1)</a> or
686 <a href="git-switch.html">git-switch(1)</a> is run after having updated the
687 worktree. The hook is given three parameters: the ref of the previous HEAD,
688 the ref of the new HEAD (which may or may not have changed), and a flag
689 indicating whether the checkout was a branch checkout (changing branches,
690 flag=1) or a file checkout (retrieving a file from the index, flag=0).
691 This hook cannot affect the outcome of <code>git</code> <code>switch</code> or <code>git</code> <code>checkout</code>,
692 other than that the hook&#8217;s exit status becomes the exit status of
693 these two commands.</p>
694 </div>
695 <div class="paragraph">
696 <p>It is also run after <a href="git-clone.html">git-clone(1)</a>, unless the <code>--no-checkout</code> (<code>-n</code>) option is
697 used. The first parameter given to the hook is the null-ref, the second the
698 ref of the new HEAD and the flag is always 1. Likewise for <code>git</code> <code>worktree</code> <code>add</code>
699 unless <code>--no-checkout</code> is used.</p>
700 </div>
701 <div class="paragraph">
702 <p>This hook can be used to perform repository validity checks, auto-display
703 differences from the previous HEAD if different, or set working dir metadata
704 properties.</p>
705 </div>
706 </div>
707 <div class="sect2">
708 <h3 id="_post_merge">post-merge</h3>
709 <div class="paragraph">
710 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-merge.html">git-merge(1)</a>, which happens when a <code>git</code> <code>pull</code>
711 is done on a local repository. The hook takes a single parameter, a status
712 flag specifying whether or not the merge being done was a squash merge.
713 This hook cannot affect the outcome of <code>git</code> <code>merge</code> and is not executed,
714 if the merge failed due to conflicts.</p>
715 </div>
716 <div class="paragraph">
717 <p>This hook can be used in conjunction with a corresponding pre-commit hook to
718 save and restore any form of metadata associated with the working tree
719 (e.g.: permissions/ownership, ACLS, etc). See contrib/hooks/setgitperms.perl
720 for an example of how to do this.</p>
721 </div>
722 </div>
723 <div class="sect2">
724 <h3 id="_pre_push">pre-push</h3>
725 <div class="paragraph">
726 <p>This hook is called by <a href="git-push.html">git-push(1)</a> and can be used to prevent
727 a push from taking place. The hook is called with two parameters
728 which provide the name and location of the destination remote, if a
729 named remote is not being used both values will be the same.</p>
730 </div>
731 <div class="paragraph">
732 <p>Information about what is to be pushed is provided on the hook&#8217;s standard
733 input with lines of the form:</p>
734 </div>
735 <div class="literalblock">
736 <div class="content">
737 <pre>&lt;local-ref&gt; SP &lt;local-object-name&gt; SP &lt;remote-ref&gt; SP &lt;remote-object-name&gt; LF</pre>
738 </div>
739 </div>
740 <div class="paragraph">
741 <p>For instance, if the command <code>git</code> <code>push</code> <code>origin</code> <code>master:foreign</code> were run the
742 hook would receive a line like the following:</p>
743 </div>
744 <div class="literalblock">
745 <div class="content">
746 <pre>refs/heads/master 67890 refs/heads/foreign 12345</pre>
747 </div>
748 </div>
749 <div class="paragraph">
750 <p>although the full object name would be supplied. If the foreign ref does not
751 yet exist the <em>&lt;remote-object-name&gt;</em> will be the all-zeroes object name. If a
752 ref is to be deleted, the <em>&lt;local-ref&gt;</em> will be supplied as (<code>delete</code>) and the
753 <em>&lt;local-object-name&gt;</em> will be the all-zeroes object name. If the local commit
754 was specified by something other than a name which could be expanded (such as
755 <code>HEAD~</code>, or an object name) it will be supplied as it was originally given.</p>
756 </div>
757 <div class="paragraph">
758 <p>If this hook exits with a non-zero status, <code>git</code> <code>push</code> will abort without
759 pushing anything. Information about why the push is rejected may be sent
760 to the user by writing to standard error.</p>
761 </div>
762 </div>
763 <div class="sect2">
764 <h3 id="pre-receive">pre-receive</h3>
765 <div class="paragraph">
766 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-receive-pack.html">git-receive-pack(1)</a> when it reacts to
767 <code>git</code> <code>push</code> and updates reference(s) in its repository.
768 Just before starting to update refs on the remote repository, the
769 pre-receive hook is invoked. Its exit status determines the success
770 or failure of the update.</p>
771 </div>
772 <div class="paragraph">
773 <p>This hook executes once for the receive operation. It takes no
774 arguments, but for each ref to be updated it receives on standard
775 input a line of the format:</p>
776 </div>
777 <div class="literalblock">
778 <div class="content">
779 <pre>&lt;old-oid&gt; SP &lt;new-oid&gt; SP &lt;ref-name&gt; LF</pre>
780 </div>
781 </div>
782 <div class="paragraph">
783 <p>where <em>&lt;old-oid&gt;</em> is the old object name stored in the ref,
784 <em>&lt;new-oid&gt;</em> is the new object name to be stored in the ref and
785 <em>&lt;ref-name&gt;</em> is the full name of the ref.
786 When creating a new ref, <em>&lt;old-oid&gt;</em> is the all-zeroes object name.</p>
787 </div>
788 <div class="paragraph">
789 <p>If the hook exits with non-zero status, none of the refs will be
790 updated. If the hook exits with zero, updating of individual refs can
791 still be prevented by the <a href="#update"><em>update</em></a> hook.</p>
792 </div>
793 <div class="paragraph">
794 <p>Both standard output and standard error output are forwarded to
795 <code>git</code> <code>send-pack</code> on the other end, so you can simply <code>echo</code> messages
796 for the user.</p>
797 </div>
798 <div class="paragraph">
799 <p>The number of push options given on the command line of
800 <code>git</code> <code>push</code> <code>--push-option=..</code>. can be read from the environment
801 variable <code>GIT_PUSH_OPTION_COUNT</code>, and the options themselves are
802 found in <code>GIT_PUSH_OPTION_0</code>, <code>GIT_PUSH_OPTION_1</code>,&#8230;&#8203;
803 If it is negotiated to not use the push options phase, the
804 environment variables will not be set. If the client selects
805 to use push options, but doesn&#8217;t transmit any, the count variable
806 will be set to zero, <code>GIT_PUSH_OPTION_COUNT=0</code>.</p>
807 </div>
808 <div class="paragraph">
809 <p>See the section on "Quarantine Environment" in
810 <a href="git-receive-pack.html">git-receive-pack(1)</a> for some caveats.</p>
811 </div>
812 </div>
813 <div class="sect2">
814 <h3 id="update">update</h3>
815 <div class="paragraph">
816 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-receive-pack.html">git-receive-pack(1)</a> when it reacts to
817 <code>git</code> <code>push</code> and updates reference(s) in its repository.
818 Just before updating the ref on the remote repository, the update hook
819 is invoked. Its exit status determines the success or failure of
820 the ref update.</p>
821 </div>
822 <div class="paragraph">
823 <p>The hook executes once for each ref to be updated, and takes
824 three parameters:</p>
825 </div>
826 <div class="ulist">
827 <ul>
828 <li>
829 <p>the name of the ref being updated,</p>
830 </li>
831 <li>
832 <p>the old object name stored in the ref,</p>
833 </li>
834 <li>
835 <p>and the new object name to be stored in the ref.</p>
836 </li>
837 </ul>
838 </div>
839 <div class="paragraph">
840 <p>A zero exit from the update hook allows the ref to be updated.
841 Exiting with a non-zero status prevents <code>git</code> <code>receive-pack</code>
842 from updating that ref.</p>
843 </div>
844 <div class="paragraph">
845 <p>This hook can be used to prevent <em>forced</em> update on certain refs by
846 making sure that the object name is a commit object that is a
847 descendant of the commit object named by the old object name.
848 That is, to enforce a "fast-forward only" policy.</p>
849 </div>
850 <div class="paragraph">
851 <p>It could also be used to log the status. However, it
852 does not know the entire set of branches, so it would end up
853 firing one e-mail per ref when used naively, though. The
854 <a href="#post-receive"><em>post-receive</em></a> hook is more suited to that.</p>
855 </div>
856 <div class="paragraph">
857 <p>In an environment that restricts the users' access only to git
858 commands over the wire, this hook can be used to implement access
859 control without relying on filesystem ownership and group
860 membership. See <a href="git-shell.html">git-shell(1)</a> for how you might use the login
861 shell to restrict the user&#8217;s access to only git commands.</p>
862 </div>
863 <div class="paragraph">
864 <p>Both standard output and standard error output are forwarded to
865 <code>git</code> <code>send-pack</code> on the other end, so you can simply <code>echo</code> messages
866 for the user.</p>
867 </div>
868 <div class="paragraph">
869 <p>The default <em>update</em> hook, when enabled&#8212;&#8203;and with
870 <code>hooks.allowunannotated</code> config option unset or set to false&#8212;&#8203;prevents
871 unannotated tags from being pushed.</p>
872 </div>
873 </div>
874 <div class="sect2">
875 <h3 id="proc-receive">proc-receive</h3>
876 <div class="paragraph">
877 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-receive-pack.html">git-receive-pack(1)</a>. If the server has
878 set the multi-valued config variable <code>receive.procReceiveRefs</code>, and the
879 commands sent to <em>receive-pack</em> have matching reference names, these
880 commands will be executed by this hook, instead of by the internal
881 <code>execute_commands</code>() function. This hook is responsible for updating
882 the relevant references and reporting the results back to <em>receive-pack</em>.</p>
883 </div>
884 <div class="paragraph">
885 <p>This hook executes once for the receive operation. It takes no
886 arguments, but uses a pkt-line format protocol to communicate with
887 <em>receive-pack</em> to read commands, push-options and send results. In the
888 following example for the protocol, the letter <em>S</em> stands for
889 <em>receive-pack</em> and the letter <em>H</em> stands for this hook.</p>
890 </div>
891 <div class="literalblock">
892 <div class="content">
893 <pre># Version and features negotiation.
894 S: PKT-LINE(version=1\0push-options atomic...)
895 S: flush-pkt
896 H: PKT-LINE(version=1\0push-options...)
897 H: flush-pkt</pre>
898 </div>
899 </div>
900 <div class="literalblock">
901 <div class="content">
902 <pre># Send commands from server to the hook.
903 S: PKT-LINE(&lt;old-oid&gt; &lt;new-oid&gt; &lt;ref&gt;)
904 S: ... ...
905 S: flush-pkt
906 # Send push-options only if the 'push-options' feature is enabled.
907 S: PKT-LINE(push-option)
908 S: ... ...
909 S: flush-pkt</pre>
910 </div>
911 </div>
912 <div class="literalblock">
913 <div class="content">
914 <pre># Receive results from the hook.
915 # OK, run this command successfully.
916 H: PKT-LINE(ok &lt;ref&gt;)
917 # NO, I reject it.
918 H: PKT-LINE(ng &lt;ref&gt; &lt;reason&gt;)
919 # Fall through, let 'receive-pack' execute it.
920 H: PKT-LINE(ok &lt;ref&gt;)
921 H: PKT-LINE(option fall-through)
922 # OK, but has an alternate reference. The alternate reference name
923 # and other status can be given in option directives.
924 H: PKT-LINE(ok &lt;ref&gt;)
925 H: PKT-LINE(option refname &lt;refname&gt;)
926 H: PKT-LINE(option old-oid &lt;old-oid&gt;)
927 H: PKT-LINE(option new-oid &lt;new-oid&gt;)
928 H: PKT-LINE(option forced-update)
929 H: ... ...
930 H: flush-pkt</pre>
931 </div>
932 </div>
933 <div class="paragraph">
934 <p>Each command for the <em>proc-receive</em> hook may point to a pseudo-reference
935 and always has a zero-old as its old-oid, while the <em>proc-receive</em> hook
936 may update an alternate reference and the alternate reference may exist
937 already with a non-zero old-oid. For this case, this hook will use
938 "option" directives to report extended attributes for the reference given
939 by the leading "ok" directive.</p>
940 </div>
941 <div class="paragraph">
942 <p>The report of the commands of this hook should have the same order as
943 the input. The exit status of the <em>proc-receive</em> hook only determines
944 the success or failure of the group of commands sent to it, unless
945 atomic push is in use.</p>
946 </div>
947 </div>
948 <div class="sect2">
949 <h3 id="post-receive">post-receive</h3>
950 <div class="paragraph">
951 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-receive-pack.html">git-receive-pack(1)</a> when it reacts to
952 <code>git</code> <code>push</code> and updates reference(s) in its repository.
953 The hook executes on the remote repository once after all the proposed
954 ref updates are processed and if at least one ref is updated as the
955 result.</p>
956 </div>
957 <div class="paragraph">
958 <p>The hook takes no arguments. It receives one line on standard input for
959 each ref that is successfully updated following the same format as the
960 <a href="#pre-receive"><em>pre-receive</em></a> hook.</p>
961 </div>
962 <div class="paragraph">
963 <p>This hook does not affect the outcome of <code>git</code> <code>receive-pack</code>, as it
964 is called after the real work is done.</p>
965 </div>
966 <div class="paragraph">
967 <p>This supersedes the <a href="#post-update"><em>post-update</em></a> hook in that it gets
968 both old and new values of all the refs in addition to their
969 names.</p>
970 </div>
971 <div class="paragraph">
972 <p>Both standard output and standard error output are forwarded to
973 <code>git</code> <code>send-pack</code> on the other end, so you can simply <code>echo</code> messages
974 for the user.</p>
975 </div>
976 <div class="paragraph">
977 <p>The default <em>post-receive</em> hook is empty, but there is
978 a sample script <code>post-receive-email</code> provided in the <code>contrib/hooks</code>
979 directory in Git distribution, which implements sending commit
980 emails.</p>
981 </div>
982 <div class="paragraph">
983 <p>The number of push options given on the command line of
984 <code>git</code> <code>push</code> <code>--push-option=..</code>. can be read from the environment
985 variable <code>GIT_PUSH_OPTION_COUNT</code>, and the options themselves are
986 found in <code>GIT_PUSH_OPTION_0</code>, <code>GIT_PUSH_OPTION_1</code>,&#8230;&#8203;
987 If it is negotiated to not use the push options phase, the
988 environment variables will not be set. If the client selects
989 to use push options, but doesn&#8217;t transmit any, the count variable
990 will be set to zero, <code>GIT_PUSH_OPTION_COUNT=0</code>.</p>
991 </div>
992 <div class="paragraph">
993 <p>See the "post-receive" section in <a href="git-receive-pack.html">git-receive-pack(1)</a> for
994 additional details.</p>
995 </div>
996 </div>
997 <div class="sect2">
998 <h3 id="post-update">post-update</h3>
999 <div class="paragraph">
1000 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-receive-pack.html">git-receive-pack(1)</a> when it reacts to
1001 <code>git</code> <code>push</code> and updates reference(s) in its repository.
1002 It executes on the remote repository once after all the refs have
1003 been updated.</p>
1004 </div>
1005 <div class="paragraph">
1006 <p>It takes a variable number of parameters, each of which is the
1007 name of ref that was actually updated.</p>
1008 </div>
1009 <div class="paragraph">
1010 <p>This hook is meant primarily for notification, and cannot affect
1011 the outcome of <code>git</code> <code>receive-pack</code>.</p>
1012 </div>
1013 <div class="paragraph">
1014 <p>The <em>post-update</em> hook can tell what are the heads that were pushed,
1015 but it does not know what their original and updated values are,
1016 so it is a poor place to do log The
1017 <a href="#post-receive"><em>post-receive</em></a> hook does get both original and
1018 updated values of the refs. You might consider it instead if you need
1019 them.</p>
1020 </div>
1021 <div class="paragraph">
1022 <p>When enabled, the default <em>post-update</em> hook runs
1023 <code>git</code> <code>update-server-info</code> to keep the information used by dumb
1024 transports (e.g., HTTP) up to date. If you are publishing
1025 a Git repository that is accessible via HTTP, you should
1026 probably enable this hook.</p>
1027 </div>
1028 <div class="paragraph">
1029 <p>Both standard output and standard error output are forwarded to
1030 <code>git</code> <code>send-pack</code> on the other end, so you can simply <code>echo</code> messages
1031 for the user.</p>
1032 </div>
1033 </div>
1034 <div class="sect2">
1035 <h3 id="_reference_transaction">reference-transaction</h3>
1036 <div class="paragraph">
1037 <p>This hook is invoked by any Git command that performs reference
1038 updates. It executes whenever a reference transaction is prepared,
1039 committed or aborted and may thus get called multiple times. The hook
1040 also supports symbolic reference updates.</p>
1041 </div>
1042 <div class="paragraph">
1043 <p>The hook takes exactly one argument, which is the current state the
1044 given reference transaction is in:</p>
1045 </div>
1046 <div class="ulist">
1047 <ul>
1048 <li>
1049 <p>"prepared": All reference updates have been queued to the
1050 transaction and references were locked on disk.</p>
1051 </li>
1052 <li>
1053 <p>"committed": The reference transaction was committed and all
1054 references now have their respective new value.</p>
1055 </li>
1056 <li>
1057 <p>"aborted": The reference transaction was aborted, no changes
1058 were performed and the locks have been released.</p>
1059 </li>
1060 </ul>
1061 </div>
1062 <div class="paragraph">
1063 <p>For each reference update that was added to the transaction, the hook
1064 receives on standard input a line of the format:</p>
1065 </div>
1066 <div class="literalblock">
1067 <div class="content">
1068 <pre>&lt;old-value&gt; SP &lt;new-value&gt; SP &lt;ref-name&gt; LF</pre>
1069 </div>
1070 </div>
1071 <div class="paragraph">
1072 <p>where <em>&lt;old-value&gt;</em> is the old object name passed into the reference
1073 transaction, <em>&lt;new-value&gt;</em> is the new object name to be stored in the
1074 ref and <em>&lt;ref-name&gt;</em> is the full name of the ref. When force updating
1075 the reference regardless of its current value or when the reference is
1076 to be created anew, <em>&lt;old-value&gt;</em> is the all-zeroes object name. To
1077 distinguish these cases, you can inspect the current value of
1078 <em>&lt;ref-name&gt;</em> via <code>git</code> <code>rev-parse</code>.</p>
1079 </div>
1080 <div class="paragraph">
1081 <p>For symbolic reference updates the &lt;old_value&gt; and <em>&lt;new-value&gt;</em>
1082 fields could denote references instead of objects. A reference will be
1083 denoted with a <em>ref:</em> prefix, like <code>ref:</code><em>&lt;ref-target&gt;</em>.</p>
1084 </div>
1085 <div class="paragraph">
1086 <p>The exit status of the hook is ignored for any state except for the
1087 "prepared" state. In the "prepared" state, a non-zero exit status will
1088 cause the transaction to be aborted. The hook will not be called with
1089 "aborted" state in that case.</p>
1090 </div>
1091 </div>
1092 <div class="sect2">
1093 <h3 id="_push_to_checkout">push-to-checkout</h3>
1094 <div class="paragraph">
1095 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-receive-pack.html">git-receive-pack(1)</a> when it reacts to
1096 <code>git</code> <code>push</code> and updates reference(s) in its repository, and when
1097 the push tries to update the branch that is currently checked out
1098 and the <code>receive.denyCurrentBranch</code> configuration variable is set to
1099 <code>updateInstead</code>. Such a push by default is refused if the working
1100 tree and the index of the remote repository has any difference from
1101 the currently checked out commit; when both the working tree and the
1102 index match the current commit, they are updated to match the newly
1103 pushed tip of the branch. This hook is to be used to override the
1104 default behaviour.</p>
1105 </div>
1106 <div class="paragraph">
1107 <p>The hook receives the commit with which the tip of the current
1108 branch is going to be updated. It can exit with a non-zero status
1109 to refuse the push (when it does so, it must not modify the index or
1110 the working tree). Or it can make any necessary changes to the
1111 working tree and to the index to bring them to the desired state
1112 when the tip of the current branch is updated to the new commit, and
1113 exit with a zero status.</p>
1114 </div>
1115 <div class="paragraph">
1116 <p>For example, the hook can simply run <code>git</code> <code>read-tree</code> <code>-u</code> <code>-m</code> <code>HEAD</code> "$1"
1117 in order to emulate <code>git</code> <code>fetch</code> that is run in the reverse direction
1118 with <code>git</code> <code>push</code>, as the two-tree form of <code>git</code> <code>read-tree</code> <code>-u</code> <code>-m</code> is
1119 essentially the same as <code>git</code> <code>switch</code> or <code>git</code> <code>checkout</code>
1120 that switches branches while
1121 keeping the local changes in the working tree that do not interfere
1122 with the difference between the branches.</p>
1123 </div>
1124 </div>
1125 <div class="sect2">
1126 <h3 id="_pre_auto_gc">pre-auto-gc</h3>
1127 <div class="paragraph">
1128 <p>This hook is invoked by <code>git</code> <code>gc</code> <code>--auto</code> (see <a href="git-gc.html">git-gc(1)</a>). It
1129 takes no parameter, and exiting with non-zero status from this script
1130 causes the <code>git</code> <code>gc</code> <code>--auto</code> to abort.</p>
1131 </div>
1132 </div>
1133 <div class="sect2">
1134 <h3 id="_post_rewrite">post-rewrite</h3>
1135 <div class="paragraph">
1136 <p>This hook is invoked by commands that rewrite commits
1137 (<a href="git-commit.html">git-commit(1)</a> when called with <code>--amend</code> and
1138 <a href="git-rebase.html">git-rebase(1)</a>; however, full-history (re)writing tools like
1139 <a href="git-fast-import.html">git-fast-import(1)</a> or
1140 <a href="">git-filter-repo</a> typically
1141 do not call it!). Its first argument denotes the command it was
1142 invoked by: currently one of <code>amend</code> or <code>rebase</code>. Further
1143 command-dependent arguments may be passed in the future.</p>
1144 </div>
1145 <div class="paragraph">
1146 <p>The hook receives a list of the rewritten commits on stdin, in the
1147 format</p>
1148 </div>
1149 <div class="literalblock">
1150 <div class="content">
1151 <pre>&lt;old-object-name&gt; SP &lt;new-object-name&gt; [ SP &lt;extra-info&gt; ] LF</pre>
1152 </div>
1153 </div>
1154 <div class="paragraph">
1155 <p>The <em>extra-info</em> is again command-dependent. If it is empty, the
1156 preceding SP is also omitted. Currently, no commands pass any
1157 <em>extra-info</em>.</p>
1158 </div>
1159 <div class="paragraph">
1160 <p>The hook always runs after the automatic note copying (see
1161 "notes.rewrite.&lt;command&gt;" in <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a>) has happened, and
1162 thus has access to these notes.</p>
1163 </div>
1164 <div class="paragraph">
1165 <p>The following command-specific comments apply:</p>
1166 </div>
1167 <div class="dlist">
1168 <dl>
1169 <dt class="hdlist1">rebase</dt>
1170 <dd>
1171 <p>For the <em>squash</em> and <em>fixup</em> operation, all commits that were
1172 squashed are listed as being rewritten to the squashed commit.
1173 This means that there will be several lines sharing the same
1174 <em>new-object-name</em>.</p>
1175 <div class="paragraph">
1176 <p>The commits are guaranteed to be listed in the order that they were
1177 processed by rebase.</p>
1178 </div>
1179 </dd>
1180 </dl>
1181 </div>
1182 </div>
1183 <div class="sect2">
1184 <h3 id="_sendemail_validate">sendemail-validate</h3>
1185 <div class="paragraph">
1186 <p>This hook is invoked by <a href="git-send-email.html">git-send-email(1)</a>.</p>
1187 </div>
1188 <div class="paragraph">
1189 <p>It takes these command line arguments. They are,
1190 1. the name of the file which holds the contents of the email to be sent.
1191 2. The name of the file which holds the SMTP headers of the email.</p>
1192 </div>
1193 <div class="paragraph">
1194 <p>The SMTP headers are passed in the exact same way as they are passed to the
1195 user&#8217;s Mail Transport Agent (MTA). In effect, the email given to the user&#8217;s
1196 MTA, is the contents of $2 followed by the contents of $1.</p>
1197 </div>
1198 <div class="paragraph">
1199 <p>An example of a few common headers is shown below. Take notice of the
1200 capitalization and multi-line tab structure.</p>
1201 </div>
1202 <div class="literalblock">
1203 <div class="content">
1204 <pre>From: Example &lt;;
1205 To:
1206 Cc:,
1207 A &lt;;,
1208 One &lt;;,
1210 Subject: PATCH-STRING</pre>
1211 </div>
1212 </div>
1213 <div class="paragraph">
1214 <p>Exiting with a non-zero status causes <code>git</code> <code>send-email</code> to abort
1215 before sending any e-mails.</p>
1216 </div>
1217 <div class="paragraph">
1218 <p>The following environment variables are set when executing the hook.</p>
1219 </div>
1220 <div class="dlist">
1221 <dl>
1222 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>GIT_SENDEMAIL_FILE_COUNTER</code></dt>
1223 <dd>
1224 <p>A 1-based counter incremented by one for every file holding an e-mail
1225 to be sent (excluding any FIFOs). This counter does not follow the
1226 patch series counter scheme. It will always start at 1 and will end at
1228 </dd>
1229 <dt class="hdlist1"><code>GIT_SENDEMAIL_FILE_TOTAL</code></dt>
1230 <dd>
1231 <p>The total number of files that will be sent (excluding any FIFOs). This
1232 counter does not follow the patch series counter scheme. It will always
1233 be equal to the number of files being sent, whether there is a cover
1234 letter or not.</p>
1235 </dd>
1236 </dl>
1237 </div>
1238 <div class="paragraph">
1239 <p>These variables may for instance be used to validate patch series.</p>
1240 </div>
1241 <div class="paragraph">
1242 <p>The sample <code>sendemail-validate</code> hook that comes with Git checks that all sent
1243 patches (excluding the cover letter) can be applied on top of the upstream
1244 repository default branch without conflicts. Some placeholders are left for
1245 additional validation steps to be performed after all patches of a given series
1246 have been applied.</p>
1247 </div>
1248 </div>
1249 <div class="sect2">
1250 <h3 id="_fsmonitor_watchman">fsmonitor-watchman</h3>
1251 <div class="paragraph">
1252 <p>This hook is invoked when the configuration option <code>core.fsmonitor</code> is
1253 set to .<code>git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman</code> or .<code>git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchmanv2</code>
1254 depending on the version of the hook to use.</p>
1255 </div>
1256 <div class="paragraph">
1257 <p>Version 1 takes two arguments, a version (1) and the time in elapsed
1258 nanoseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970.</p>
1259 </div>
1260 <div class="paragraph">
1261 <p>Version 2 takes two arguments, a version (2) and a token that is used
1262 for identifying changes since the token. For watchman this would be
1263 a clock id. This version must output to stdout the new token followed
1264 by a NUL before the list of files.</p>
1265 </div>
1266 <div class="paragraph">
1267 <p>The hook should output to stdout the list of all files in the working
1268 directory that may have changed since the requested time. The logic
1269 should be inclusive so that it does not miss any potential changes.
1270 The paths should be relative to the root of the working directory
1271 and be separated by a single NUL.</p>
1272 </div>
1273 <div class="paragraph">
1274 <p>It is OK to include files which have not actually changed. All changes
1275 including newly-created and deleted files should be included. When
1276 files are renamed, both the old and the new name should be included.</p>
1277 </div>
1278 <div class="paragraph">
1279 <p>Git will limit what files it checks for changes as well as which
1280 directories are checked for untracked files based on the path names
1281 given.</p>
1282 </div>
1283 <div class="paragraph">
1284 <p>An optimized way to tell git "all files have changed" is to return
1285 the filename <code>/</code>.</p>
1286 </div>
1287 <div class="paragraph">
1288 <p>The exit status determines whether git will use the data from the
1289 hook to limit its search. On error, it will fall back to verifying
1290 all files and folders.</p>
1291 </div>
1292 </div>
1293 <div class="sect2">
1294 <h3 id="_p4_changelist">p4-changelist</h3>
1295 <div class="paragraph">
1296 <p>This hook is invoked by <code>git-p4</code> <code>submit</code>.</p>
1297 </div>
1298 <div class="paragraph">
1299 <p>The <code>p4-changelist</code> hook is executed after the changelist
1300 message has been edited by the user. It can be bypassed with the
1301 <code>--no-verify</code> option. It takes a single parameter, the name
1302 of the file that holds the proposed changelist text. Exiting
1303 with a non-zero status causes the command to abort.</p>
1304 </div>
1305 <div class="paragraph">
1306 <p>The hook is allowed to edit the changelist file and can be used
1307 to normalize the text into some project standard format. It can
1308 also be used to refuse the Submit after inspect the message file.</p>
1309 </div>
1310 <div class="paragraph">
1311 <p>Run <code>git-p4</code> <code>submit</code> <code>--help</code> for details.</p>
1312 </div>
1313 </div>
1314 <div class="sect2">
1315 <h3 id="_p4_prepare_changelist">p4-prepare-changelist</h3>
1316 <div class="paragraph">
1317 <p>This hook is invoked by <code>git-p4</code> <code>submit</code>.</p>
1318 </div>
1319 <div class="paragraph">
1320 <p>The <code>p4-prepare-changelist</code> hook is executed right after preparing
1321 the default changelist message and before the editor is started.
1322 It takes one parameter, the name of the file that contains the
1323 changelist text. Exiting with a non-zero status from the script
1324 will abort the process.</p>
1325 </div>
1326 <div class="paragraph">
1327 <p>The purpose of the hook is to edit the message file in place,
1328 and it is not suppressed by the <code>--no-verify</code> option. This hook
1329 is called even if <code>--prepare-p4-only</code> is set.</p>
1330 </div>
1331 <div class="paragraph">
1332 <p>Run <code>git-p4</code> <code>submit</code> <code>--help</code> for details.</p>
1333 </div>
1334 </div>
1335 <div class="sect2">
1336 <h3 id="_p4_post_changelist">p4-post-changelist</h3>
1337 <div class="paragraph">
1338 <p>This hook is invoked by <code>git-p4</code> <code>submit</code>.</p>
1339 </div>
1340 <div class="paragraph">
1341 <p>The <code>p4-post-changelist</code> hook is invoked after the submit has
1342 successfully occurred in P4. It takes no parameters and is meant
1343 primarily for notification and cannot affect the outcome of the
1344 git p4 submit action.</p>
1345 </div>
1346 <div class="paragraph">
1347 <p>Run <code>git-p4</code> <code>submit</code> <code>--help</code> for details.</p>
1348 </div>
1349 </div>
1350 <div class="sect2">
1351 <h3 id="_p4_pre_submit">p4-pre-submit</h3>
1352 <div class="paragraph">
1353 <p>This hook is invoked by <code>git-p4</code> <code>submit</code>. It takes no parameters and nothing
1354 from standard input. Exiting with non-zero status from this script prevent
1355 <code>git-p4</code> <code>submit</code> from launching. It can be bypassed with the <code>--no-verify</code>
1356 command line option. Run <code>git-p4</code> <code>submit</code> <code>--help</code> for details.</p>
1357 </div>
1358 </div>
1359 <div class="sect2">
1360 <h3 id="_post_index_change">post-index-change</h3>
1361 <div class="paragraph">
1362 <p>This hook is invoked when the index is written in read-cache.c
1363 do_write_locked_index.</p>
1364 </div>
1365 <div class="paragraph">
1366 <p>The first parameter passed to the hook is the indicator for the
1367 working directory being updated. "1" meaning working directory
1368 was updated or "0" when the working directory was not updated.</p>
1369 </div>
1370 <div class="paragraph">
1371 <p>The second parameter passed to the hook is the indicator for whether
1372 or not the index was updated and the skip-worktree bit could have
1373 changed. "1" meaning skip-worktree bits could have been updated
1374 and "0" meaning they were not.</p>
1375 </div>
1376 <div class="paragraph">
1377 <p>Only one parameter should be set to "1" when the hook runs. The hook
1378 running passing "1", "1" should not be possible.</p>
1379 </div>
1380 </div>
1381 </div>
1382 </div>
1383 <div class="sect1">
1384 <h2 id="_see_also">SEE ALSO</h2>
1385 <div class="sectionbody">
1386 <div class="paragraph">
1387 <p><a href="git-hook.html">git-hook(1)</a></p>
1388 </div>
1389 </div>
1390 </div>
1391 <div class="sect1">
1392 <h2 id="_git">GIT</h2>
1393 <div class="sectionbody">
1394 <div class="paragraph">
1395 <p>Part of the <a href="git.html">git(1)</a> suite</p>
1396 </div>
1397 </div>
1398 </div>
1399 </div>
1400 <div id="footer">
1401 <div id="footer-text">
1402 Last updated 2024-07-31 17:55:56 -0700
1403 </div>
1404 </div>
1405 </body>
1406 </html>