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441 <body class="article">
442 <div id="header">
443 <h1>My First Contribution to the Git Project</h1>
444 </div>
445 <div id="content">
446 <div class="sect1">
447 <h2 id="summary"><a class="anchor" href="#summary"></a>Summary</h2>
448 <div class="sectionbody">
449 <div class="paragraph">
450 <p>This is a tutorial demonstrating the end-to-end workflow of creating a change to
451 the Git tree, sending it for review, and making changes based on comments.</p>
452 </div>
453 <div class="sect2">
454 <h3 id="prerequisites"><a class="anchor" href="#prerequisites"></a>Prerequisites</h3>
455 <div class="paragraph">
456 <p>This tutorial assumes you&#8217;re already fairly familiar with using Git to manage
457 source code. The Git workflow steps will largely remain unexplained.</p>
458 </div>
459 </div>
460 <div class="sect2">
461 <h3 id="related-reading"><a class="anchor" href="#related-reading"></a>Related Reading</h3>
462 <div class="paragraph">
463 <p>This tutorial aims to summarize the following documents, but the reader may find
464 useful additional context:</p>
465 </div>
466 <div class="ulist">
467 <ul>
468 <li>
469 <p><code>Documentation/SubmittingPatches</code></p>
470 </li>
471 <li>
472 <p><code>Documentation/howto/new-command.txt</code></p>
473 </li>
474 </ul>
475 </div>
476 </div>
477 <div class="sect2">
478 <h3 id="getting-help"><a class="anchor" href="#getting-help"></a>Getting Help</h3>
479 <div class="paragraph">
480 <p>If you get stuck, you can seek help in the following places.</p>
481 </div>
482 <div class="sect3">
483 <h4 id="_gitvger_kernel_org"><a class="anchor" href="#_gitvger_kernel_org"></a><a href=""></a></h4>
484 <div class="paragraph">
485 <p>This is the main Git project mailing list where code reviews, version
486 announcements, design discussions, and more take place. Those interested in
487 contributing are welcome to post questions here. The Git list requires
488 plain-text-only emails and prefers inline and bottom-posting when replying to
489 mail; you will be CC&#8217;d in all replies to you. Optionally, you can subscribe to
490 the list by sending an email to &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;
491 (see <a href="" class="bare"></a> for details).
492 The <a href="">archive</a> of this mailing list is
493 available to view in a browser.</p>
494 </div>
495 </div>
496 <div class="sect3">
497 <h4 id="_git_mentoringgooglegroups_com"><a class="anchor" href="#_git_mentoringgooglegroups_com"></a><a href="!forum/git-mentoring"></a></h4>
498 <div class="paragraph">
499 <p>This mailing list is targeted to new contributors and was created as a place to
500 post questions and receive answers outside of the public eye of the main list.
501 Veteran contributors who are especially interested in helping mentor newcomers
502 are present on the list. In order to avoid search indexers, group membership is
503 required to view messages; anyone can join and no approval is required.</p>
504 </div>
505 </div>
506 <div class="sect3">
507 <h4 id="_git_devel_on_libera_chat"><a class="anchor" href="#_git_devel_on_libera_chat"></a><a href="">#git-devel</a> on Libera Chat</h4>
508 <div class="paragraph">
509 <p>This IRC channel is for conversations between Git contributors. If someone is
510 currently online and knows the answer to your question, you can receive help
511 in real time. Otherwise, you can read the
512 <a href="">scrollback</a> to see
513 whether someone answered you. IRC does not allow offline private messaging, so
514 if you try to private message someone and then log out of IRC, they cannot
515 respond to you. It&#8217;s better to ask your questions in the channel so that you
516 can be answered if you disconnect and so that others can learn from the
517 conversation.</p>
518 </div>
519 </div>
520 </div>
521 </div>
522 </div>
523 <div class="sect1">
524 <h2 id="getting-started"><a class="anchor" href="#getting-started"></a>Getting Started</h2>
525 <div class="sectionbody">
526 <div class="sect2">
527 <h3 id="cloning"><a class="anchor" href="#cloning"></a>Clone the Git Repository</h3>
528 <div class="paragraph">
529 <p>Git is mirrored in a number of locations. Clone the repository from one of them;
530 <a href="" class="bare"></a> suggests one of the best places to clone from is
531 the mirror on GitHub.</p>
532 </div>
533 <div class="listingblock">
534 <div class="content">
535 <pre>$ git clone git
536 $ cd git</pre>
537 </div>
538 </div>
539 </div>
540 <div class="sect2">
541 <h3 id="dependencies"><a class="anchor" href="#dependencies"></a>Installing Dependencies</h3>
542 <div class="paragraph">
543 <p>To build Git from source, you need to have a handful of dependencies installed
544 on your system. For a hint of what&#8217;s needed, you can take a look at
545 <code>INSTALL</code>, paying close attention to the section about Git&#8217;s dependencies on
546 external programs and libraries. That document mentions a way to "test-drive"
547 our freshly built Git without installing; that&#8217;s the method we&#8217;ll be using in
548 this tutorial.</p>
549 </div>
550 <div class="paragraph">
551 <p>Make sure that your environment has everything you need by building your brand
552 new clone of Git from the above step:</p>
553 </div>
554 <div class="listingblock">
555 <div class="content">
556 <pre>$ make</pre>
557 </div>
558 </div>
559 <div class="admonitionblock note">
560 <table>
561 <tr>
562 <td class="icon">
563 <div class="title">Note</div>
564 </td>
565 <td class="content">
566 The Git build is parallelizable. <code>-j</code># is not included above but you can
567 use it as you prefer, here and elsewhere.
568 </td>
569 </tr>
570 </table>
571 </div>
572 </div>
573 <div class="sect2">
574 <h3 id="identify-problem"><a class="anchor" href="#identify-problem"></a>Identify Problem to Solve</h3>
575 <div class="paragraph">
576 <p>In this tutorial, we will add a new command, <code>git</code> <code>psuh</code>, short for &#8220;Pony Saying
577 &#8216;Um, Hello&#8221;&#8217; - a feature which has gone unimplemented despite a high frequency
578 of invocation during users' typical daily workflow.</p>
579 </div>
580 <div class="paragraph">
581 <p>(We&#8217;ve seen some other effort in this space with the implementation of popular
582 commands such as <code>sl</code>.)</p>
583 </div>
584 </div>
585 <div class="sect2">
586 <h3 id="setup-workspace"><a class="anchor" href="#setup-workspace"></a>Set Up Your Workspace</h3>
587 <div class="paragraph">
588 <p>Let&#8217;s start by making a development branch to work on our changes. Per
589 <code>Documentation/SubmittingPatches</code>, since a brand new command is a new feature,
590 it&#8217;s fine to base your work on <code>master</code>. However, in the future for bugfixes,
591 etc., you should check that document and base it on the appropriate branch.</p>
592 </div>
593 <div class="paragraph">
594 <p>For the purposes of this document, we will base all our work on the <code>master</code>
595 branch of the upstream project. Create the <code>psuh</code> branch you will use for
596 development like so:</p>
597 </div>
598 <div class="listingblock">
599 <div class="content">
600 <pre>$ git checkout -b psuh origin/master</pre>
601 </div>
602 </div>
603 <div class="paragraph">
604 <p>We&#8217;ll make a number of commits here in order to demonstrate how to send a topic
605 with multiple patches up for review simultaneously.</p>
606 </div>
607 </div>
608 </div>
609 </div>
610 <div class="sect1">
611 <h2 id="code-it-up"><a class="anchor" href="#code-it-up"></a>Code It Up!</h2>
612 <div class="sectionbody">
613 <div class="admonitionblock note">
614 <table>
615 <tr>
616 <td class="icon">
617 <div class="title">Note</div>
618 </td>
619 <td class="content">
620 A reference implementation can be found at
621 <a href="" class="bare"></a>.
622 </td>
623 </tr>
624 </table>
625 </div>
626 <div class="sect2">
627 <h3 id="add-new-command"><a class="anchor" href="#add-new-command"></a>Adding a New Command</h3>
628 <div class="paragraph">
629 <p>Lots of the subcommands are written as builtins, which means they are
630 implemented in C and compiled into the main <code>git</code> executable. Implementing the
631 very simple <code>psuh</code> command as a built-in will demonstrate the structure of the
632 codebase, the internal API, and the process of working together as a contributor
633 with the reviewers and maintainer to integrate this change into the system.</p>
634 </div>
635 <div class="paragraph">
636 <p>Built-in subcommands are typically implemented in a function named "cmd_"
637 followed by the name of the subcommand, in a source file named after the
638 subcommand and contained within <code>builtin/</code>. So it makes sense to implement your
639 command in <code>builtin/psuh.c</code>. Create that file, and within it, write the entry
640 point for your command in a function matching the style and signature:</p>
641 </div>
642 <div class="listingblock">
643 <div class="content">
644 <pre>int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)</pre>
645 </div>
646 </div>
647 <div class="paragraph">
648 <p>We&#8217;ll also need to add the declaration of psuh; open up <code>builtin.h</code>, find the
649 declaration for <code>cmd_pull</code>, and add a new line for <code>psuh</code> immediately before it,
650 in order to keep the declarations alphabetically sorted:</p>
651 </div>
652 <div class="listingblock">
653 <div class="content">
654 <pre>int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix);</pre>
655 </div>
656 </div>
657 <div class="paragraph">
658 <p>Be sure to #include "builtin.<code>h</code>" in your <code>psuh.c</code>. You&#8217;ll also need to
659 #include "gettext.<code>h</code>" to use functions related to printing output text.</p>
660 </div>
661 <div class="paragraph">
662 <p>Go ahead and add some throwaway printf to the <code>cmd_psuh</code> function. This is a
663 decent starting point as we can now add build rules and register the command.</p>
664 </div>
665 <div class="admonitionblock note">
666 <table>
667 <tr>
668 <td class="icon">
669 <div class="title">Note</div>
670 </td>
671 <td class="content">
672 Your throwaway text, as well as much of the text you will be adding over
673 the course of this tutorial, is user-facing. That means it needs to be
674 localizable. Take a look at <code>po/README</code> under "Marking strings for translation".
675 Throughout the tutorial, we will mark strings for translation as necessary; you
676 should also do so when writing your user-facing commands in the future.
677 </td>
678 </tr>
679 </table>
680 </div>
681 <div class="listingblock">
682 <div class="content">
683 <pre>int cmd_psuh(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix)
685 printf(_("Pony saying hello goes here.\n"));
686 return 0;
687 }</pre>
688 </div>
689 </div>
690 <div class="paragraph">
691 <p>Let&#8217;s try to build it. Open <code>Makefile</code>, find where <code>builtin/pull.o</code> is added
692 to <code>BUILTIN_OBJS</code>, and add <code>builtin/psuh.o</code> in the same way next to it in
693 alphabetical order. Once you&#8217;ve done so, move to the top-level directory and
694 build simply with <code>make</code>. Also add the <code>DEVELOPER=1</code> variable to turn on
695 some additional warnings:</p>
696 </div>
697 <div class="listingblock">
698 <div class="content">
699 <pre>$ echo DEVELOPER=1 &gt;config.mak
700 $ make</pre>
701 </div>
702 </div>
703 <div class="admonitionblock note">
704 <table>
705 <tr>
706 <td class="icon">
707 <div class="title">Note</div>
708 </td>
709 <td class="content">
710 When you are developing the Git project, it&#8217;s preferred that you use the
711 <code>DEVELOPER</code> flag; if there&#8217;s some reason it doesn&#8217;t work for you, you can turn
712 it off, but it&#8217;s a good idea to mention the problem to the mailing list.
713 </td>
714 </tr>
715 </table>
716 </div>
717 <div class="paragraph">
718 <p>Great, now your new command builds happily on its own. But nobody invokes it.
719 Let&#8217;s change that.</p>
720 </div>
721 <div class="paragraph">
722 <p>The list of commands lives in <code>git.c</code>. We can register a new command by adding
723 a <code>cmd_struct</code> to the <code>commands</code>[] array. <code>struct</code> <code>cmd_struct</code> takes a string
724 with the command name, a function pointer to the command implementation, and a
725 setup option flag. For now, let&#8217;s keep mimicking <code>push</code>. Find the line where
726 <code>cmd_push</code> is registered, copy it, and modify it for <code>cmd_psuh</code>, placing the new
727 line in alphabetical order (immediately before <code>cmd_pull</code>).</p>
728 </div>
729 <div class="paragraph">
730 <p>The options are documented in <code>builtin.h</code> under "Adding a new built-in." Since
731 we hope to print some data about the user&#8217;s current workspace context later,
732 we need a Git directory, so choose <code>RUN_SETUP</code> as your only option.</p>
733 </div>
734 <div class="paragraph">
735 <p>Go ahead and build again. You should see a clean build, so let&#8217;s kick the tires
736 and see if it works. There&#8217;s a binary you can use to test with in the
737 <code>bin-wrappers</code> directory.</p>
738 </div>
739 <div class="listingblock">
740 <div class="content">
741 <pre>$ ./bin-wrappers/git psuh</pre>
742 </div>
743 </div>
744 <div class="paragraph">
745 <p>Check it out! You&#8217;ve got a command! Nice work! Let&#8217;s commit this.</p>
746 </div>
747 <div class="paragraph">
748 <p><code>git</code> <code>status</code> reveals modified <code>Makefile</code>, <code>builtin.h</code>, and <code>git.c</code> as well as
749 untracked <code>builtin/psuh.c</code> and <code>git-psuh</code>. First, let&#8217;s take care of the binary,
750 which should be ignored. Open .<code>gitignore</code> in your editor, find <code>/git-pull</code>, and
751 add an entry for your new command in alphabetical order:</p>
752 </div>
753 <div class="listingblock">
754 <div class="content">
755 <pre>...
756 /git-prune-packed
757 /git-psuh
758 /git-pull
759 /git-push
760 /git-quiltimport
761 /git-range-diff
762 ...</pre>
763 </div>
764 </div>
765 <div class="paragraph">
766 <p>Checking <code>git</code> <code>status</code> again should show that <code>git-psuh</code> has been removed from
767 the untracked list and .<code>gitignore</code> has been added to the modified list. Now we
768 can stage and commit:</p>
769 </div>
770 <div class="listingblock">
771 <div class="content">
772 <pre>$ git add Makefile builtin.h builtin/psuh.c git.c .gitignore
773 $ git commit -s</pre>
774 </div>
775 </div>
776 <div class="paragraph">
777 <p>You will be presented with your editor in order to write a commit message. Start
778 the commit with a 50-column or less subject line, including the name of the
779 component you&#8217;re working on, followed by a blank line (always required) and then
780 the body of your commit message, which should provide the bulk of the context.
781 Remember to be explicit and provide the "Why" of your change, especially if it
782 couldn&#8217;t easily be understood from your diff. When editing your commit message,
783 don&#8217;t remove the <code>Signed-off-by</code> trailer which was added by <code>-s</code> above.</p>
784 </div>
785 <div class="listingblock">
786 <div class="content">
787 <pre>psuh: add a built-in by popular demand
789 Internal metrics indicate this is a command many users expect to be
790 present. So here's an implementation to help drive customer
791 satisfaction and engagement: a pony which doubtfully greets the user,
792 or, a Pony Saying "Um, Hello" (PSUH).
794 This commit message is intentionally formatted to 72 columns per line,
795 starts with a single line as "commit message subject" that is written as
796 if to command the codebase to do something (add this, teach a command
797 that). The body of the message is designed to add information about the
798 commit that is not readily deduced from reading the associated diff,
799 such as answering the question "why?".
801 Signed-off-by: A U Thor &lt;;</pre>
802 </div>
803 </div>
804 <div class="paragraph">
805 <p>Go ahead and inspect your new commit with <code>git</code> <code>show</code>. "psuh:" indicates you
806 have modified mainly the <code>psuh</code> command. The subject line gives readers an idea
807 of what you&#8217;ve changed. The sign-off line (<code>-s</code>) indicates that you agree to
808 the Developer&#8217;s Certificate of Origin 1.1 (see the
809 <code>Documentation/SubmittingPatches</code> [[dco]] header).</p>
810 </div>
811 <div class="paragraph">
812 <p>For the remainder of the tutorial, the subject line only will be listed for the
813 sake of brevity. However, fully-fleshed example commit messages are available
814 on the reference implementation linked at the top of this document.</p>
815 </div>
816 </div>
817 <div class="sect2">
818 <h3 id="implementation"><a class="anchor" href="#implementation"></a>Implementation</h3>
819 <div class="paragraph">
820 <p>It&#8217;s probably useful to do at least something besides printing out a string.
821 Let&#8217;s start by having a look at everything we get.</p>
822 </div>
823 <div class="paragraph">
824 <p>Modify your <code>cmd_psuh</code> implementation to dump the args you&#8217;re passed, keeping
825 existing <code>printf</code>() calls in place:</p>
826 </div>
827 <div class="listingblock">
828 <div class="content">
829 <pre> int i;
833 printf(Q_("Your args (there is %d):\n",
834 "Your args (there are %d):\n",
835 argc),
836 argc);
837 for (i = 0; i &lt; argc; i++)
838 printf("%d: %s\n", i, argv[i]);
840 printf(_("Your current working directory:\n&lt;top-level&gt;%s%s\n"),
841 prefix ? "/" : "", prefix ? prefix : "");</pre>
842 </div>
843 </div>
844 <div class="paragraph">
845 <p>Build and try it. As you may expect, there&#8217;s pretty much just whatever we give
846 on the command line, including the name of our command. (If <code>prefix</code> is empty
847 for you, try <code>cd</code> <code>Documentation/</code> &amp;&amp; <code>..</code><code>/bin-wrappers/git</code> <code>psuh</code>). That&#8217;s not so
848 helpful. So what other context can we get?</p>
849 </div>
850 <div class="paragraph">
851 <p>Add a line to #include "config.<code>h</code>". Then, add the following bits to the
852 function body:</p>
853 </div>
854 <div class="listingblock">
855 <div class="content">
856 <pre> const char *cfg_name;
860 git_config(git_default_config, NULL);
861 if (git_config_get_string_tmp("", &amp;cfg_name) &gt; 0)
862 printf(_("No name is found in config\n"));
863 else
864 printf(_("Your name: %s\n"), cfg_name);</pre>
865 </div>
866 </div>
867 <div class="paragraph">
868 <p><code>git_config</code>() will grab the configuration from config files known to Git and
869 apply standard precedence rules. <code>git_config_get_string_tmp</code>() will look up
870 a specific key ("") and give you the value. There are a number of
871 single-key lookup functions like this one; you can see them all (and more info
872 about how to use <code>git_config</code>()) in <code>Documentation/technical/api-config.txt</code>.</p>
873 </div>
874 <div class="paragraph">
875 <p>You should see that the name printed matches the one you see when you run:</p>
876 </div>
877 <div class="listingblock">
878 <div class="content">
879 <pre>$ git config --get</pre>
880 </div>
881 </div>
882 <div class="paragraph">
883 <p>Great! Now we know how to check for values in the Git config. Let&#8217;s commit this
884 too, so we don&#8217;t lose our progress.</p>
885 </div>
886 <div class="listingblock">
887 <div class="content">
888 <pre>$ git add builtin/psuh.c
889 $ git commit -sm "psuh: show parameters &amp; config opts"</pre>
890 </div>
891 </div>
892 <div class="admonitionblock note">
893 <table>
894 <tr>
895 <td class="icon">
896 <div class="title">Note</div>
897 </td>
898 <td class="content">
899 Again, the above is for sake of brevity in this tutorial. In a real change
900 you should not use <code>-m</code> but instead use the editor to write a meaningful
901 message.
902 </td>
903 </tr>
904 </table>
905 </div>
906 <div class="paragraph">
907 <p>Still, it&#8217;d be nice to know what the user&#8217;s working context is like. Let&#8217;s see
908 if we can print the name of the user&#8217;s current branch. We can mimic the
909 <code>git</code> <code>status</code> implementation; the printer is located in <code>wt-status.c</code> and we can
910 see that the branch is held in a <code>struct</code> <code>wt_status</code>.</p>
911 </div>
912 <div class="paragraph">
913 <p><code>wt_status_print</code>() gets invoked by <code>cmd_status</code>() in <code>builtin/commit.c</code>.
914 Looking at that implementation we see the status config being populated like so:</p>
915 </div>
916 <div class="listingblock">
917 <div class="content">
918 <pre>status_init_config(&amp;s, git_status_config);</pre>
919 </div>
920 </div>
921 <div class="paragraph">
922 <p>But as we drill down, we can find that <code>status_init_config</code>() wraps a call
923 to <code>git_config</code>(). Let&#8217;s modify the code we wrote in the previous commit.</p>
924 </div>
925 <div class="paragraph">
926 <p>Be sure to include the header to allow you to use <code>struct</code> <code>wt_status</code>:</p>
927 </div>
928 <div class="listingblock">
929 <div class="content">
930 <pre>#include "wt-status.h"</pre>
931 </div>
932 </div>
933 <div class="paragraph">
934 <p>Then modify your <code>cmd_psuh</code> implementation to declare your <code>struct</code> <code>wt_status</code>,
935 prepare it, and print its contents:</p>
936 </div>
937 <div class="listingblock">
938 <div class="content">
939 <pre> struct wt_status status;
943 wt_status_prepare(the_repository, &amp;status);
944 git_config(git_default_config, &amp;status);
948 printf(_("Your current branch: %s\n"), status.branch);</pre>
949 </div>
950 </div>
951 <div class="paragraph">
952 <p>Run it again. Check it out - here&#8217;s the (verbose) name of your current branch!</p>
953 </div>
954 <div class="paragraph">
955 <p>Let&#8217;s commit this as well.</p>
956 </div>
957 <div class="listingblock">
958 <div class="content">
959 <pre>$ git add builtin/psuh.c
960 $ git commit -sm "psuh: print the current branch"</pre>
961 </div>
962 </div>
963 <div class="paragraph">
964 <p>Now let&#8217;s see if we can get some info about a specific commit.</p>
965 </div>
966 <div class="paragraph">
967 <p>Luckily, there are some helpers for us here. <code>commit.h</code> has a function called
968 <code>lookup_commit_reference_by_name</code> to which we can simply provide a hardcoded
969 string; <code>pretty.h</code> has an extremely handy <code>pp_commit_easy</code>() call which doesn&#8217;t
970 require a full format object to be passed.</p>
971 </div>
972 <div class="paragraph">
973 <p>Add the following includes:</p>
974 </div>
975 <div class="listingblock">
976 <div class="content">
977 <pre>#include "commit.h"
978 #include "pretty.h"</pre>
979 </div>
980 </div>
981 <div class="paragraph">
982 <p>Then, add the following lines within your implementation of <code>cmd_psuh</code>() near
983 the declarations and the logic, respectively.</p>
984 </div>
985 <div class="listingblock">
986 <div class="content">
987 <pre> struct commit *c = NULL;
988 struct strbuf commitline = STRBUF_INIT;
992 c = lookup_commit_reference_by_name("origin/master");
994 if (c != NULL) {
995 pp_commit_easy(CMIT_FMT_ONELINE, c, &amp;commitline);
996 printf(_("Current commit: %s\n"), commitline.buf);
997 }</pre>
998 </div>
999 </div>
1000 <div class="paragraph">
1001 <p>The <code>struct</code> <code>strbuf</code> provides some safety belts to your basic <code>char</code>*, one of
1002 which is a length member to prevent buffer overruns. It needs to be initialized
1003 nicely with <code>STRBUF_INIT</code>. Keep it in mind when you need to pass around <code>char</code>*.</p>
1004 </div>
1005 <div class="paragraph">
1006 <p><code>lookup_commit_reference_by_name</code> resolves the name you pass it, so you can play
1007 with the value there and see what kind of things you can come up with.</p>
1008 </div>
1009 <div class="paragraph">
1010 <p><code>pp_commit_easy</code> is a convenience wrapper in <code>pretty.h</code> that takes a single
1011 format enum shorthand, rather than an entire format struct. It then
1012 pretty-prints the commit according to that shorthand. These are similar to the
1013 formats available with <code>--pretty=FOO</code> in many Git commands.</p>
1014 </div>
1015 <div class="paragraph">
1016 <p>Build it and run, and if you&#8217;re using the same name in the example, you should
1017 see the subject line of the most recent commit in <code>origin/master</code> that you know
1018 about. Neat! Let&#8217;s commit that as well.</p>
1019 </div>
1020 <div class="listingblock">
1021 <div class="content">
1022 <pre>$ git add builtin/psuh.c
1023 $ git commit -sm "psuh: display the top of origin/master"</pre>
1024 </div>
1025 </div>
1026 </div>
1027 <div class="sect2">
1028 <h3 id="add-documentation"><a class="anchor" href="#add-documentation"></a>Adding Documentation</h3>
1029 <div class="paragraph">
1030 <p>Awesome! You&#8217;ve got a fantastic new command that you&#8217;re ready to share with the
1031 community. But hang on just a minute - this isn&#8217;t very user-friendly. Run the
1032 following:</p>
1033 </div>
1034 <div class="listingblock">
1035 <div class="content">
1036 <pre>$ ./bin-wrappers/git help psuh</pre>
1037 </div>
1038 </div>
1039 <div class="paragraph">
1040 <p>Your new command is undocumented! Let&#8217;s fix that.</p>
1041 </div>
1042 <div class="paragraph">
1043 <p>Take a look at <code>Documentation/git-</code>*.<code>txt</code>. These are the manpages for the
1044 subcommands that Git knows about. You can open these up and take a look to get
1045 acquainted with the format, but then go ahead and make a new file
1046 <code>Documentation/git-psuh.txt</code>. Like with most of the documentation in the Git
1047 project, help pages are written with AsciiDoc (see CodingGuidelines, "Writing
1048 Documentation" section). Use the following template to fill out your own
1049 manpage:</p>
1050 </div>
1051 <div class="listingblock">
1052 <div class="content">
1053 <pre>git-psuh(1)
1054 ===========
1056 NAME
1057 ----
1058 git-psuh - Delight users' typo with a shy horse
1062 --------
1063 [verse]
1064 'git-psuh [&lt;arg&gt;...]'
1067 -----------
1071 ------------------
1075 ------
1080 Part of the linkgit:git[1] suite</pre>
1081 </div>
1082 </div>
1083 <div class="paragraph">
1084 <p>The most important pieces of this to note are the file header, underlined by =,
1085 the NAME section, and the SYNOPSIS, which would normally contain the grammar if
1086 your command took arguments. Try to use well-established manpage headers so your
1087 documentation is consistent with other Git and UNIX manpages; this makes life
1088 easier for your user, who can skip to the section they know contains the
1089 information they need.</p>
1090 </div>
1091 <div class="admonitionblock note">
1092 <table>
1093 <tr>
1094 <td class="icon">
1095 <div class="title">Note</div>
1096 </td>
1097 <td class="content">
1098 Before trying to build the docs, make sure you have the package <code>asciidoc</code>
1099 installed.
1100 </td>
1101 </tr>
1102 </table>
1103 </div>
1104 <div class="paragraph">
1105 <p>Now that you&#8217;ve written your manpage, you&#8217;ll need to build it explicitly. We
1106 convert your AsciiDoc to troff which is man-readable like so:</p>
1107 </div>
1108 <div class="listingblock">
1109 <div class="content">
1110 <pre>$ make all doc
1111 $ man Documentation/git-psuh.1</pre>
1112 </div>
1113 </div>
1114 <div class="paragraph">
1115 <p>or</p>
1116 </div>
1117 <div class="listingblock">
1118 <div class="content">
1119 <pre>$ make -C Documentation/ git-psuh.1
1120 $ man Documentation/git-psuh.1</pre>
1121 </div>
1122 </div>
1123 <div class="paragraph">
1124 <p>While this isn&#8217;t as satisfying as running through <code>git</code> <code>help</code>, you can at least
1125 check that your help page looks right.</p>
1126 </div>
1127 <div class="paragraph">
1128 <p>You can also check that the documentation coverage is good (that is, the project
1129 sees that your command has been implemented as well as documented) by running
1130 <code>make</code> <code>check-docs</code> from the top-level.</p>
1131 </div>
1132 <div class="paragraph">
1133 <p>Go ahead and commit your new documentation change.</p>
1134 </div>
1135 </div>
1136 <div class="sect2">
1137 <h3 id="add-usage"><a class="anchor" href="#add-usage"></a>Adding Usage Text</h3>
1138 <div class="paragraph">
1139 <p>Try and run .<code>/bin-wrappers/git</code> <code>psuh</code> <code>-h</code>. Your command should crash at the end.
1140 That&#8217;s because <code>-h</code> is a special case which your command should handle by
1141 printing usage.</p>
1142 </div>
1143 <div class="paragraph">
1144 <p>Take a look at <code>Documentation/technical/api-parse-options.txt</code>. This is a handy
1145 tool for pulling out options you need to be able to handle, and it takes a
1146 usage string.</p>
1147 </div>
1148 <div class="paragraph">
1149 <p>In order to use it, we&#8217;ll need to prepare a NULL-terminated array of usage
1150 strings and a <code>builtin_psuh_options</code> array.</p>
1151 </div>
1152 <div class="paragraph">
1153 <p>Add a line to #include "parse-options.<code>h</code>".</p>
1154 </div>
1155 <div class="paragraph">
1156 <p>At global scope, add your array of usage strings:</p>
1157 </div>
1158 <div class="listingblock">
1159 <div class="content">
1160 <pre>static const char * const psuh_usage[] = {
1161 N_("git psuh [&lt;arg&gt;...]"),
1162 NULL,
1163 };</pre>
1164 </div>
1165 </div>
1166 <div class="paragraph">
1167 <p>Then, within your <code>cmd_psuh</code>() implementation, we can declare and populate our
1168 <code>option</code> struct. Ours is pretty boring but you can add more to it if you want to
1169 explore <code>parse_options</code>() in more detail:</p>
1170 </div>
1171 <div class="listingblock">
1172 <div class="content">
1173 <pre> struct option options[] = {
1174 OPT_END()
1175 };</pre>
1176 </div>
1177 </div>
1178 <div class="paragraph">
1179 <p>Finally, before you print your args and prefix, add the call to
1180 <code>parse-options</code>():</p>
1181 </div>
1182 <div class="listingblock">
1183 <div class="content">
1184 <pre> argc = parse_options(argc, argv, prefix, options, psuh_usage, 0);</pre>
1185 </div>
1186 </div>
1187 <div class="paragraph">
1188 <p>This call will modify your <code>argv</code> parameter. It will strip the options you
1189 specified in <code>options</code> from <code>argv</code> and the locations pointed to from <code>options</code>
1190 entries will be updated. Be sure to replace your <code>argc</code> with the result from
1191 <code>parse_options</code>(), or you will be confused if you try to parse <code>argv</code> later.</p>
1192 </div>
1193 <div class="paragraph">
1194 <p>It&#8217;s worth noting the special argument <code>--</code>. As you may be aware, many Unix
1195 commands use <code>--</code> to indicate "end of named parameters" - all parameters after
1196 the <code>--</code> are interpreted merely as positional arguments. (This can be handy if
1197 you want to pass as a parameter something which would usually be interpreted as
1198 a flag.) <code>parse_options</code>() will terminate parsing when it reaches <code>--</code> and give
1199 you the rest of the options afterwards, untouched.</p>
1200 </div>
1201 <div class="paragraph">
1202 <p>Now that you have a usage hint, you can teach Git how to show it in the general
1203 command list shown by <code>git</code> <code>help</code> <code>git</code> or <code>git</code> <code>help</code> <code>-a</code>, which is generated from
1204 <code>command-list.txt</code>. Find the line for <em>git-pull</em> so you can add your <em>git-psuh</em>
1205 line above it in alphabetical order. Now, we can add some attributes about the
1206 command which impacts where it shows up in the aforementioned help commands. The
1207 top of <code>command-list.txt</code> shares some information about what each attribute
1208 means; in those help pages, the commands are sorted according to these
1209 attributes. <code>git</code> <code>psuh</code> is user-facing, or porcelain - so we will mark it as
1210 "mainporcelain". For "mainporcelain" commands, the comments at the top of
1211 <code>command-list.txt</code> indicate we can also optionally add an attribute from another
1212 list; since <code>git</code> <code>psuh</code> shows some information about the user&#8217;s workspace but
1213 doesn&#8217;t modify anything, let&#8217;s mark it as "info". Make sure to keep your
1214 attributes in the same style as the rest of <code>command-list.txt</code> using spaces to
1215 align and delineate them:</p>
1216 </div>
1217 <div class="listingblock">
1218 <div class="content">
1219 <pre>git-prune-packed plumbingmanipulators
1220 git-psuh mainporcelain info
1221 git-pull mainporcelain remote
1222 git-push mainporcelain remote</pre>
1223 </div>
1224 </div>
1225 <div class="paragraph">
1226 <p>Build again. Now, when you run with <code>-h</code>, you should see your usage printed and
1227 your command terminated before anything else interesting happens. Great!</p>
1228 </div>
1229 <div class="paragraph">
1230 <p>Go ahead and commit this one, too.</p>
1231 </div>
1232 </div>
1233 </div>
1234 </div>
1235 <div class="sect1">
1236 <h2 id="testing"><a class="anchor" href="#testing"></a>Testing</h2>
1237 <div class="sectionbody">
1238 <div class="paragraph">
1239 <p>It&#8217;s important to test your code - even for a little toy command like this one.
1240 Moreover, your patch won&#8217;t be accepted into the Git tree without tests. Your
1241 tests should:</p>
1242 </div>
1243 <div class="ulist">
1244 <ul>
1245 <li>
1246 <p>Illustrate the current behavior of the feature</p>
1247 </li>
1248 <li>
1249 <p>Prove the current behavior matches the expected behavior</p>
1250 </li>
1251 <li>
1252 <p>Ensure the externally-visible behavior isn&#8217;t broken in later changes</p>
1253 </li>
1254 </ul>
1255 </div>
1256 <div class="paragraph">
1257 <p>So let&#8217;s write some tests.</p>
1258 </div>
1259 <div class="paragraph">
1260 <p>Related reading: <code>t/README</code></p>
1261 </div>
1262 <div class="sect2">
1263 <h3 id="overview-test-structure"><a class="anchor" href="#overview-test-structure"></a>Overview of Testing Structure</h3>
1264 <div class="paragraph">
1265 <p>The tests in Git live in <code>t/</code> and are named with a 4-digit decimal number using
1266 the schema shown in the Naming Tests section of <code>t/README</code>.</p>
1267 </div>
1268 </div>
1269 <div class="sect2">
1270 <h3 id="write-new-test"><a class="anchor" href="#write-new-test"></a>Writing Your Test</h3>
1271 <div class="paragraph">
1272 <p>Since this a toy command, let&#8217;s go ahead and name the test with t9999. However,
1273 as many of the family/subcmd combinations are full, best practice seems to be
1274 to find a command close enough to the one you&#8217;ve added and share its naming
1275 space.</p>
1276 </div>
1277 <div class="paragraph">
1278 <p>Create a new file <code>t/</code>. Begin with the header as so (see
1279 "Writing Tests" and "Source <em></em>" in <code>t/README</code>):</p>
1280 </div>
1281 <div class="listingblock">
1282 <div class="content">
1283 <pre>#!/bin/sh
1285 test_description='git-psuh test
1287 This test runs git-psuh and makes sure it does not crash.'
1289 . ./</pre>
1290 </div>
1291 </div>
1292 <div class="paragraph">
1293 <p>Tests are framed inside of a <code>test_expect_success</code> in order to output TAP
1294 formatted results. Let&#8217;s make sure that <code>git</code> <code>psuh</code> doesn&#8217;t exit poorly and does
1295 mention the right animal somewhere:</p>
1296 </div>
1297 <div class="listingblock">
1298 <div class="content">
1299 <pre>test_expect_success 'runs correctly with no args and good output' '
1300 git psuh &gt;actual &amp;&amp;
1301 grep Pony actual
1302 '</pre>
1303 </div>
1304 </div>
1305 <div class="paragraph">
1306 <p>Indicate that you&#8217;ve run everything you wanted by adding the following at the
1307 bottom of your script:</p>
1308 </div>
1309 <div class="listingblock">
1310 <div class="content">
1311 <pre>test_done</pre>
1312 </div>
1313 </div>
1314 <div class="paragraph">
1315 <p>Make sure you mark your test script executable:</p>
1316 </div>
1317 <div class="listingblock">
1318 <div class="content">
1319 <pre>$ chmod +x t/</pre>
1320 </div>
1321 </div>
1322 <div class="paragraph">
1323 <p>You can get an idea of whether you created your new test script successfully
1324 by running <code>make</code> <code>-C</code> <code>t</code> <code>test-lint</code>, which will check for things like test number
1325 uniqueness, executable bit, and so on.</p>
1326 </div>
1327 </div>
1328 <div class="sect2">
1329 <h3 id="local-test"><a class="anchor" href="#local-test"></a>Running Locally</h3>
1330 <div class="paragraph">
1331 <p>Let&#8217;s try and run locally:</p>
1332 </div>
1333 <div class="listingblock">
1334 <div class="content">
1335 <pre>$ make
1336 $ cd t/ &amp;&amp; prove</pre>
1337 </div>
1338 </div>
1339 <div class="paragraph">
1340 <p>You can run the full test suite and ensure <code>git-psuh</code> didn&#8217;t break anything:</p>
1341 </div>
1342 <div class="listingblock">
1343 <div class="content">
1344 <pre>$ cd t/
1345 $ prove -j$(nproc) --shuffle t[0-9]*.sh</pre>
1346 </div>
1347 </div>
1348 <div class="admonitionblock note">
1349 <table>
1350 <tr>
1351 <td class="icon">
1352 <div class="title">Note</div>
1353 </td>
1354 <td class="content">
1355 You can also do this with <code>make</code> <code>test</code> or use any testing harness which can
1356 speak TAP. <code>prove</code> can run concurrently. <code>shuffle</code> randomizes the order the
1357 tests are run in, which makes them resilient against unwanted inter-test
1358 dependencies. <code>prove</code> also makes the output nicer.
1359 </td>
1360 </tr>
1361 </table>
1362 </div>
1363 <div class="paragraph">
1364 <p>Go ahead and commit this change, as well.</p>
1365 </div>
1366 </div>
1367 </div>
1368 </div>
1369 <div class="sect1">
1370 <h2 id="ready-to-share"><a class="anchor" href="#ready-to-share"></a>Getting Ready to Share: Anatomy of a Patch Series</h2>
1371 <div class="sectionbody">
1372 <div class="paragraph">
1373 <p>You may have noticed already that the Git project performs its code reviews via
1374 emailed patches, which are then applied by the maintainer when they are ready
1375 and approved by the community. The Git project does not accept contributions from
1376 pull requests, and the patches emailed for review need to be formatted a
1377 specific way.</p>
1378 </div>
1379 <div class="paragraph">
1380 <p>Before taking a look at how to convert your commits into emailed patches,
1381 let&#8217;s analyze what the end result, a "patch series", looks like. Here is an
1382 <a href="">example</a> of the summary view for a patch series on the web interface of
1383 the <a href="">Git mailing list archive</a>:</p>
1384 </div>
1385 <div class="listingblock">
1386 <div class="content">
1387 <pre>2022-02-18 18:40 [PATCH 0/3] libify reflog John Cai via GitGitGadget
1388 2022-02-18 18:40 ` [PATCH 1/3] reflog: libify delete reflog function and helpers John Cai via GitGitGadget
1389 2022-02-18 19:10 ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason [this message]
1390 2022-02-18 19:39 ` Taylor Blau
1391 2022-02-18 19:48 ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
1392 2022-02-18 19:35 ` Taylor Blau
1393 2022-02-21 1:43 ` John Cai
1394 2022-02-21 1:50 ` Taylor Blau
1395 2022-02-23 19:50 ` John Cai
1396 2022-02-18 20:00 ` // other replies elided
1397 2022-02-18 18:40 ` [PATCH 2/3] reflog: call reflog_delete from reflog.c John Cai via GitGitGadget
1398 2022-02-18 19:15 ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
1399 2022-02-18 20:26 ` Junio C Hamano
1400 2022-02-18 18:40 ` [PATCH 3/3] stash: call reflog_delete from reflog.c John Cai via GitGitGadget
1401 2022-02-18 19:20 ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
1402 2022-02-19 0:21 ` Taylor Blau
1403 2022-02-22 2:36 ` John Cai
1404 2022-02-22 10:51 ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
1405 2022-02-18 19:29 ` [PATCH 0/3] libify reflog Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
1406 2022-02-22 18:30 ` [PATCH v2 0/3] libify reflog John Cai via GitGitGadget
1407 2022-02-22 18:30 ` [PATCH v2 1/3] stash: add test to ensure reflog --rewrite --updatref behavior John Cai via GitGitGadget
1408 2022-02-23 8:54 ` Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
1409 2022-02-23 21:27 ` Junio C Hamano
1410 // continued</pre>
1411 </div>
1412 </div>
1413 <div class="paragraph">
1414 <p>We can note a few things:</p>
1415 </div>
1416 <div class="ulist">
1417 <ul>
1418 <li>
1419 <p>Each commit is sent as a separate email, with the commit message title as
1420 subject, prefixed with "[PATCH <em>i</em>/<em>n</em>]" for the <em>i</em>-th commit of an
1421 <em>n</em>-commit series.</p>
1422 </li>
1423 <li>
1424 <p>Each patch is sent as a reply to an introductory email called the <em>cover
1425 letter</em> of the series, prefixed "[PATCH 0/<em>n</em>]".</p>
1426 </li>
1427 <li>
1428 <p>Subsequent iterations of the patch series are labelled "PATCH v2", "PATCH
1429 v3", etc. in place of "PATCH". For example, "[PATCH v2 1/3]" would be the first of
1430 three patches in the second iteration. Each iteration is sent with a new cover
1431 letter (like "[PATCH v2 0/3]" above), itself a reply to the cover letter of the
1432 previous iteration (more on that below).</p>
1433 </li>
1434 </ul>
1435 </div>
1436 <div class="admonitionblock note">
1437 <table>
1438 <tr>
1439 <td class="icon">
1440 <div class="title">Note</div>
1441 </td>
1442 <td class="content">
1443 A single-patch topic is sent with "[PATCH]", "[PATCH v2]", etc. without
1444 <em>i</em>/<em>n</em> numbering (in the above thread overview, no single-patch topic appears,
1445 though).
1446 </td>
1447 </tr>
1448 </table>
1449 </div>
1450 <div class="sect2">
1451 <h3 id="cover-letter"><a class="anchor" href="#cover-letter"></a>The cover letter</h3>
1452 <div class="paragraph">
1453 <p>In addition to an email per patch, the Git community also expects your patches
1454 to come with a cover letter. This is an important component of change
1455 submission as it explains to the community from a high level what you&#8217;re trying
1456 to do, and why, in a way that&#8217;s more apparent than just looking at your
1457 patches.</p>
1458 </div>
1459 <div class="paragraph">
1460 <p>The title of your cover letter should be something which succinctly covers the
1461 purpose of your entire topic branch. It&#8217;s often in the imperative mood, just
1462 like our commit message titles. Here is how we&#8217;ll title our series:</p>
1463 </div>
1464 <hr/>
1465 <div class="paragraph">
1466 <p>Add the <em>psuh</em> command
1467 ---</p>
1468 </div>
1469 <div class="paragraph">
1470 <p>The body of the cover letter is used to give additional context to reviewers.
1471 Be sure to explain anything your patches don&#8217;t make clear on their own, but
1472 remember that since the cover letter is not recorded in the commit history,
1473 anything that might be useful to future readers of the repository&#8217;s history
1474 should also be in your commit messages.</p>
1475 </div>
1476 <div class="paragraph">
1477 <p>Here&#8217;s an example body for <code>psuh</code>:</p>
1478 </div>
1479 <div class="listingblock">
1480 <div class="content">
1481 <pre>Our internal metrics indicate widespread interest in the command
1482 git-psuh - that is, many users are trying to use it, but finding it is
1483 unavailable, using some unknown workaround instead.
1485 The following handful of patches add the psuh command and implement some
1486 handy features on top of it.
1488 This patchset is part of the MyFirstContribution tutorial and should not
1489 be merged.</pre>
1490 </div>
1491 </div>
1492 <div class="paragraph">
1493 <p>At this point the tutorial diverges, in order to demonstrate two
1494 different methods of formatting your patchset and getting it reviewed.</p>
1495 </div>
1496 <div class="paragraph">
1497 <p>The first method to be covered is GitGitGadget, which is useful for those
1498 already familiar with GitHub&#8217;s common pull request workflow. This method
1499 requires a GitHub account.</p>
1500 </div>
1501 <div class="paragraph">
1502 <p>The second method to be covered is <code>git</code> <code>send-email</code>, which can give slightly
1503 more fine-grained control over the emails to be sent. This method requires some
1504 setup which can change depending on your system and will not be covered in this
1505 tutorial.</p>
1506 </div>
1507 <div class="paragraph">
1508 <p>Regardless of which method you choose, your engagement with reviewers will be
1509 the same; the review process will be covered after the sections on GitGitGadget
1510 and <code>git</code> <code>send-email</code>.</p>
1511 </div>
1512 </div>
1513 </div>
1514 </div>
1515 <div class="sect1">
1516 <h2 id="howto-ggg"><a class="anchor" href="#howto-ggg"></a>Sending Patches via GitGitGadget</h2>
1517 <div class="sectionbody">
1518 <div class="paragraph">
1519 <p>One option for sending patches is to follow a typical pull request workflow and
1520 send your patches out via GitGitGadget. GitGitGadget is a tool created by
1521 Johannes Schindelin to make life as a Git contributor easier for those used to
1522 the GitHub PR workflow. It allows contributors to open pull requests against its
1523 mirror of the Git project, and does some magic to turn the PR into a set of
1524 emails and send them out for you. It also runs the Git continuous integration
1525 suite for you. It&#8217;s documented at <a href="" class="bare"></a>.</p>
1526 </div>
1527 <div class="sect2">
1528 <h3 id="create-fork"><a class="anchor" href="#create-fork"></a>Forking <code>git/git</code> on GitHub</h3>
1529 <div class="paragraph">
1530 <p>Before you can send your patch off to be reviewed using GitGitGadget, you will
1531 need to fork the Git project and upload your changes. First thing - make sure
1532 you have a GitHub account.</p>
1533 </div>
1534 <div class="paragraph">
1535 <p>Head to the <a href="">GitHub mirror</a> and look for the Fork
1536 button. Place your fork wherever you deem appropriate and create it.</p>
1537 </div>
1538 </div>
1539 <div class="sect2">
1540 <h3 id="upload-to-fork"><a class="anchor" href="#upload-to-fork"></a>Uploading to Your Own Fork</h3>
1541 <div class="paragraph">
1542 <p>To upload your branch to your own fork, you&#8217;ll need to add the new fork as a
1543 remote. You can use <code>git</code> <code>remote</code> <code>-v</code> to show the remotes you have added already.
1544 From your new fork&#8217;s page on GitHub, you can press "Clone or download" to get
1545 the URL; then you need to run the following to add, replacing your own URL and
1546 remote name for the examples provided:</p>
1547 </div>
1548 <div class="listingblock">
1549 <div class="content">
1550 <pre>$ git remote add remotename</pre>
1551 </div>
1552 </div>
1553 <div class="paragraph">
1554 <p>or to use the HTTPS URL:</p>
1555 </div>
1556 <div class="listingblock">
1557 <div class="content">
1558 <pre>$ git remote add remotename</pre>
1559 </div>
1560 </div>
1561 <div class="paragraph">
1562 <p>Run <code>git</code> <code>remote</code> <code>-v</code> again and you should see the new remote showing up.
1563 <code>git</code> <code>fetch</code> <code>remotename</code> (with the real name of your remote replaced) in order to
1564 get ready to push.</p>
1565 </div>
1566 <div class="paragraph">
1567 <p>Next, double-check that you&#8217;ve been doing all your development in a new branch
1568 by running <code>git</code> <code>branch</code>. If you didn&#8217;t, now is a good time to move your new
1569 commits to their own branch.</p>
1570 </div>
1571 <div class="paragraph">
1572 <p>As mentioned briefly at the beginning of this document, we are basing our work
1573 on <code>master</code>, so go ahead and update as shown below, or using your preferred
1574 workflow.</p>
1575 </div>
1576 <div class="listingblock">
1577 <div class="content">
1578 <pre>$ git checkout master
1579 $ git pull -r
1580 $ git rebase master psuh</pre>
1581 </div>
1582 </div>
1583 <div class="paragraph">
1584 <p>Finally, you&#8217;re ready to push your new topic branch! (Due to our branch and
1585 command name choices, be careful when you type the command below.)</p>
1586 </div>
1587 <div class="listingblock">
1588 <div class="content">
1589 <pre>$ git push remotename psuh</pre>
1590 </div>
1591 </div>
1592 <div class="paragraph">
1593 <p>Now you should be able to go and check out your newly created branch on GitHub.</p>
1594 </div>
1595 </div>
1596 <div class="sect2">
1597 <h3 id="send-pr-ggg"><a class="anchor" href="#send-pr-ggg"></a>Sending a PR to GitGitGadget</h3>
1598 <div class="paragraph">
1599 <p>In order to have your code tested and formatted for review, you need to start by
1600 opening a Pull Request against <code>gitgitgadget/git</code>. Head to
1601 <a href="" class="bare"></a> and open a PR either with the "New pull
1602 request" button or the convenient "Compare &amp; pull request" button that may
1603 appear with the name of your newly pushed branch.</p>
1604 </div>
1605 <div class="paragraph">
1606 <p>Review the PR&#8217;s title and description, as they&#8217;re used by GitGitGadget
1607 respectively as the subject and body of the cover letter for your change. Refer
1608 to <a href="#cover-letter">"The cover letter"</a> above for advice on how to title your
1609 submission and what content to include in the description.</p>
1610 </div>
1611 <div class="admonitionblock note">
1612 <table>
1613 <tr>
1614 <td class="icon">
1615 <div class="title">Note</div>
1616 </td>
1617 <td class="content">
1618 For single-patch contributions, your commit message should already be
1619 meaningful and explain at a high level the purpose (what is happening and why)
1620 of your patch, so you usually do not need any additional context. In that case,
1621 remove the PR description that GitHub automatically generates from your commit
1622 message (your PR description should be empty). If you do need to supply even
1623 more context, you can do so in that space and it will be appended to the email
1624 that GitGitGadget will send, between the three-dash line and the diffstat
1625 (see <a href="#single-patch">Bonus Chapter: One-Patch Changes</a> for how this looks once
1626 submitted).
1627 </td>
1628 </tr>
1629 </table>
1630 </div>
1631 <div class="paragraph">
1632 <p>When you&#8217;re happy, submit your pull request.</p>
1633 </div>
1634 </div>
1635 <div class="sect2">
1636 <h3 id="run-ci-ggg"><a class="anchor" href="#run-ci-ggg"></a>Running CI and Getting Ready to Send</h3>
1637 <div class="paragraph">
1638 <p>If it&#8217;s your first time using GitGitGadget (which is likely, as you&#8217;re using
1639 this tutorial) then someone will need to give you permission to use the tool.
1640 As mentioned in the GitGitGadget documentation, you just need someone who
1641 already uses it to comment on your PR with <code>/allow</code> <em>&lt;username&gt;</em>. GitGitGadget
1642 will automatically run your PRs through the CI even without the permission given
1643 but you will not be able to <code>/submit</code> your changes until someone allows you to
1644 use the tool.</p>
1645 </div>
1646 <div class="admonitionblock note">
1647 <table>
1648 <tr>
1649 <td class="icon">
1650 <div class="title">Note</div>
1651 </td>
1652 <td class="content">
1653 You can typically find someone who can <code>/allow</code> you on GitGitGadget by
1654 either examining recent pull requests where someone has been granted <code>/allow</code>
1655 (<a href=";q=is%3Apr+is%3Aopen+%22%2Fallow%22">Search:
1656 is:pr is:open "/allow"</a>), in which case both the author and the person who
1657 granted the <code>/allow</code> can now <code>/allow</code> you, or by inquiring on the
1658 <a href="">#git-devel</a> IRC channel on Libera Chat
1659 linking your pull request and asking for someone to <code>/allow</code> you.
1660 </td>
1661 </tr>
1662 </table>
1663 </div>
1664 <div class="paragraph">
1665 <p>If the CI fails, you can update your changes with <code>git</code> <code>rebase</code> <code>-i</code> and push your
1666 branch again:</p>
1667 </div>
1668 <div class="listingblock">
1669 <div class="content">
1670 <pre>$ git push -f remotename psuh</pre>
1671 </div>
1672 </div>
1673 <div class="paragraph">
1674 <p>In fact, you should continue to make changes this way up until the point when
1675 your patch is accepted into <code>next</code>.</p>
1676 </div>
1677 </div>
1678 <div class="sect2">
1679 <h3 id="send-mail-ggg"><a class="anchor" href="#send-mail-ggg"></a>Sending Your Patches</h3>
1680 <div class="paragraph">
1681 <p>Now that your CI is passing and someone has granted you permission to use
1682 GitGitGadget with the <code>/allow</code> command, sending out for review is as simple as
1683 commenting on your PR with <code>/submit</code>.</p>
1684 </div>
1685 </div>
1686 <div class="sect2">
1687 <h3 id="responding-ggg"><a class="anchor" href="#responding-ggg"></a>Updating With Comments</h3>
1688 <div class="paragraph">
1689 <p>Skip ahead to <a href="#reviewing">Responding to Reviews</a> for information on how to
1690 reply to review comments you will receive on the mailing list.</p>
1691 </div>
1692 <div class="paragraph">
1693 <p>Once you have your branch again in the shape you want following all review
1694 comments, you can submit again:</p>
1695 </div>
1696 <div class="listingblock">
1697 <div class="content">
1698 <pre>$ git push -f remotename psuh</pre>
1699 </div>
1700 </div>
1701 <div class="paragraph">
1702 <p>Next, go look at your pull request against GitGitGadget; you should see the CI
1703 has been kicked off again. Now while the CI is running is a good time for you
1704 to modify your description at the top of the pull request thread; it will be
1705 used again as the cover letter. You should use this space to describe what
1706 has changed since your previous version, so that your reviewers have some idea
1707 of what they&#8217;re looking at. When the CI is done running, you can comment once
1708 more with <code>/submit</code> - GitGitGadget will automatically add a v2 mark to your
1709 changes.</p>
1710 </div>
1711 </div>
1712 </div>
1713 </div>
1714 <div class="sect1">
1715 <h2 id="howto-git-send-email"><a class="anchor" href="#howto-git-send-email"></a>Sending Patches with <code>git</code> <code>send-email</code></h2>
1716 <div class="sectionbody">
1717 <div class="paragraph">
1718 <p>If you don&#8217;t want to use GitGitGadget, you can also use Git itself to mail your
1719 patches. Some benefits of using Git this way include finer grained control of
1720 subject line (for example, being able to use the tag [RFC PATCH] in the subject)
1721 and being able to send a &#8220;dry run&#8221; mail to yourself to ensure it all looks
1722 good before going out to the list.</p>
1723 </div>
1724 <div class="sect2">
1725 <h3 id="setup-git-send-email"><a class="anchor" href="#setup-git-send-email"></a>Prerequisite: Setting Up <code>git</code> <code>send-email</code></h3>
1726 <div class="paragraph">
1727 <p>Configuration for <code>send-email</code> can vary based on your operating system and email
1728 provider, and so will not be covered in this tutorial, beyond stating that in
1729 many distributions of Linux, <code>git-send-email</code> is not packaged alongside the
1730 typical <code>git</code> install. You may need to install this additional package; there
1731 are a number of resources online to help you do so. You will also need to
1732 determine the right way to configure it to use your SMTP server; again, as this
1733 configuration can change significantly based on your system and email setup, it
1734 is out of scope for the context of this tutorial.</p>
1735 </div>
1736 </div>
1737 <div class="sect2">
1738 <h3 id="format-patch"><a class="anchor" href="#format-patch"></a>Preparing Initial Patchset</h3>
1739 <div class="paragraph">
1740 <p>Sending emails with Git is a two-part process; before you can prepare the emails
1741 themselves, you&#8217;ll need to prepare the patches. Luckily, this is pretty simple:</p>
1742 </div>
1743 <div class="listingblock">
1744 <div class="content">
1745 <pre>$ git format-patch --cover-letter -o psuh/ --base=auto psuh@{u}..psuh</pre>
1746 </div>
1747 </div>
1748 <div class="olist arabic">
1749 <ol class="arabic">
1750 <li>
1751 <p>The <code>--cover-letter</code> option tells <code>format-patch</code> to create a
1752 cover letter template for you. You will need to fill in the
1753 template before you&#8217;re ready to send - but for now, the template
1754 will be next to your other patches.</p>
1755 </li>
1756 <li>
1757 <p>The <code>-o</code> <code>psuh/</code> option tells <code>format-patch</code> to place the patch
1758 files into a directory. This is useful because <code>git</code> <code>send-email</code>
1759 can take a directory and send out all the patches from there.</p>
1760 </li>
1761 <li>
1762 <p>The <code>--base=auto</code> option tells the command to record the "base
1763 commit", on which the recipient is expected to apply the patch
1764 series. The <code>auto</code> value will cause <code>format-patch</code> to compute
1765 the base commit automatically, which is the merge base of tip
1766 commit of the remote-tracking branch and the specified revision
1767 range.</p>
1768 </li>
1769 <li>
1770 <p>The <code>psuh@</code>{u}<code>..</code><code>psuh</code> option tells <code>format-patch</code> to generate
1771 patches for the commits you created on the <code>psuh</code> branch since it
1772 forked from its upstream (which is <code>origin/master</code> if you
1773 followed the example in the "Set up your workspace" section). If
1774 you are already on the <code>psuh</code> branch, you can just say <code>@</code>{u},
1775 which means "commits on the current branch since it forked from
1776 its upstream", which is the same thing.</p>
1777 </li>
1778 </ol>
1779 </div>
1780 <div class="paragraph">
1781 <p>The command will make one patch file per commit. After you
1782 run, you can go have a look at each of the patches with your favorite text
1783 editor and make sure everything looks alright; however, it&#8217;s not recommended to
1784 make code fixups via the patch file. It&#8217;s a better idea to make the change the
1785 normal way using <code>git</code> <code>rebase</code> <code>-i</code> or by adding a new commit than by modifying a
1786 patch.</p>
1787 </div>
1788 <div class="admonitionblock note">
1789 <table>
1790 <tr>
1791 <td class="icon">
1792 <div class="title">Note</div>
1793 </td>
1794 <td class="content">
1795 Optionally, you can also use the <code>--rfc</code> flag to prefix your patch subject
1796 with &#8220;[RFC PATCH]&#8221; instead of &#8220;[PATCH]&#8221;. RFC stands for &#8220;request for
1797 comments&#8221; and indicates that while your code isn&#8217;t quite ready for submission,
1798 you&#8217;d like to begin the code review process. This can also be used when your
1799 patch is a proposal, but you aren&#8217;t sure whether the community wants to solve
1800 the problem with that approach or not - to conduct a sort of design review. You
1801 may also see on the list patches marked &#8220;WIP&#8221; - this means they are incomplete
1802 but want reviewers to look at what they have so far. You can add this flag with
1803 <code>--subject-prefix=WIP</code>.
1804 </td>
1805 </tr>
1806 </table>
1807 </div>
1808 <div class="paragraph">
1809 <p>Check and make sure that your patches and cover letter template exist in the
1810 directory you specified - you&#8217;re nearly ready to send out your review!</p>
1811 </div>
1812 </div>
1813 <div class="sect2">
1814 <h3 id="preparing-cover-letter"><a class="anchor" href="#preparing-cover-letter"></a>Preparing Email</h3>
1815 <div class="paragraph">
1816 <p>Since you invoked <code>format-patch</code> with <code>--cover-letter</code>, you&#8217;ve already got a
1817 cover letter template ready. Open it up in your favorite editor.</p>
1818 </div>
1819 <div class="paragraph">
1820 <p>You should see a number of headers present already. Check that your <code>From:</code>
1821 header is correct. Then modify your <code>Subject:</code> (see <a href="#cover-letter">above</a> for
1822 how to choose good title for your patch series):</p>
1823 </div>
1824 <div class="listingblock">
1825 <div class="content">
1826 <pre>Subject: [PATCH 0/7] Add the 'psuh' command</pre>
1827 </div>
1828 </div>
1829 <div class="paragraph">
1830 <p>Make sure you retain the &#8220;[PATCH 0/X]&#8221; part; that&#8217;s what indicates to the Git
1831 community that this email is the beginning of a patch series, and many
1832 reviewers filter their email for this type of flag.</p>
1833 </div>
1834 <div class="paragraph">
1835 <p>You&#8217;ll need to add some extra parameters when you invoke <code>git</code> <code>send-email</code> to add
1836 the cover letter.</p>
1837 </div>
1838 <div class="paragraph">
1839 <p>Next you&#8217;ll have to fill out the body of your cover letter. Again, see
1840 <a href="#cover-letter">above</a> for what content to include.</p>
1841 </div>
1842 <div class="paragraph">
1843 <p>The template created by <code>git</code> <code>format-patch</code> <code>--cover-letter</code> includes a diffstat.
1844 This gives reviewers a summary of what they&#8217;re in for when reviewing your topic.
1845 The one generated for <code>psuh</code> from the sample implementation looks like this:</p>
1846 </div>
1847 <div class="listingblock">
1848 <div class="content">
1849 <pre> Documentation/git-psuh.txt | 40 +++++++++++++++++++++
1850 Makefile | 1 +
1851 builtin.h | 1 +
1852 builtin/psuh.c | 73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1853 git.c | 1 +
1854 t/ | 12 +++++++
1855 6 files changed, 128 insertions(+)
1856 create mode 100644 Documentation/git-psuh.txt
1857 create mode 100644 builtin/psuh.c
1858 create mode 100755 t/</pre>
1859 </div>
1860 </div>
1861 <div class="paragraph">
1862 <p>Finally, the letter will include the version of Git used to generate the
1863 patches. You can leave that string alone.</p>
1864 </div>
1865 </div>
1866 <div class="sect2">
1867 <h3 id="sending-git-send-email"><a class="anchor" href="#sending-git-send-email"></a>Sending Email</h3>
1868 <div class="paragraph">
1869 <p>At this point you should have a directory <code>psuh/</code> which is filled with your
1870 patches and a cover letter. Time to mail it out! You can send it like this:</p>
1871 </div>
1872 <div class="listingblock">
1873 <div class="content">
1874 <pre>$ git send-email psuh/*.patch</pre>
1875 </div>
1876 </div>
1877 <div class="admonitionblock note">
1878 <table>
1879 <tr>
1880 <td class="icon">
1881 <div class="title">Note</div>
1882 </td>
1883 <td class="content">
1884 Check <code>git</code> <code>help</code> <code>send-email</code> for some other options which you may find
1885 valuable, such as changing the Reply-to address or adding more CC and BCC lines.
1886 </td>
1887 </tr>
1888 </table>
1889 </div>
1890 <div class="admonitionblock note">
1891 <table>
1892 <tr>
1893 <td class="icon">
1894 <div class="title">Note</div>
1895 </td>
1896 <td class="content">
1897 If you&#8217;re not sure whom to CC, running <code>contrib/contacts/git-contacts</code> can
1898 list potential reviewers. In addition, you can do <code>git</code> <code>send-email</code>
1899 <code>--cc-cmd=</code>'perl <code>contrib/contacts/git-contacts</code>' <code>feature/</code>*.<code>patch</code><sup class="footnote" id="_footnote_contrib-scripts">[<a id="_footnoteref_1" class="footnote" href="#_footnotedef_1" title="View footnote.">1</a>]</sup> to
1900 automatically pass this list of emails to <code>send-email</code>.
1901 </td>
1902 </tr>
1903 </table>
1904 </div>
1905 <div class="admonitionblock note">
1906 <table>
1907 <tr>
1908 <td class="icon">
1909 <div class="title">Note</div>
1910 </td>
1911 <td class="content">
1912 When you are sending a real patch, it will go to <a href=""></a> - but
1913 please don&#8217;t send your patchset from the tutorial to the real mailing list! For
1914 now, you can send it to yourself, to make sure you understand how it will look.
1915 </td>
1916 </tr>
1917 </table>
1918 </div>
1919 <div class="paragraph">
1920 <p>After you run the command above, you will be presented with an interactive
1921 prompt for each patch that&#8217;s about to go out. This gives you one last chance to
1922 edit or quit sending something (but again, don&#8217;t edit code this way). Once you
1923 press <code>y</code> or <code>a</code> at these prompts your emails will be sent! Congratulations!</p>
1924 </div>
1925 <div class="paragraph">
1926 <p>Awesome, now the community will drop everything and review your changes. (Just
1927 kidding - be patient!)</p>
1928 </div>
1929 </div>
1930 <div class="sect2">
1931 <h3 id="v2-git-send-email"><a class="anchor" href="#v2-git-send-email"></a>Sending v2</h3>
1932 <div class="paragraph">
1933 <p>This section will focus on how to send a v2 of your patchset. To learn what
1934 should go into v2, skip ahead to <a href="#reviewing">Responding to Reviews</a> for
1935 information on how to handle comments from reviewers.</p>
1936 </div>
1937 <div class="paragraph">
1938 <p>We&#8217;ll reuse our <code>psuh</code> topic branch for v2. Before we make any changes, we&#8217;ll
1939 mark the tip of our v1 branch for easy reference:</p>
1940 </div>
1941 <div class="listingblock">
1942 <div class="content">
1943 <pre>$ git checkout psuh
1944 $ git branch psuh-v1</pre>
1945 </div>
1946 </div>
1947 <div class="paragraph">
1948 <p>Refine your patch series by using <code>git</code> <code>rebase</code> <code>-i</code> to adjust commits based upon
1949 reviewer comments. Once the patch series is ready for submission, generate your
1950 patches again, but with some new flags:</p>
1951 </div>
1952 <div class="listingblock">
1953 <div class="content">
1954 <pre>$ git format-patch -v2 --cover-letter -o psuh/ --range-diff master..psuh-v1 master..</pre>
1955 </div>
1956 </div>
1957 <div class="paragraph">
1958 <p>The <code>--range-diff</code> <code>master</code><code>..</code><code>psuh-v1</code> parameter tells <code>format-patch</code> to include a
1959 range-diff between <code>psuh-v1</code> and <code>psuh</code> in the cover letter (see
1960 <a href="git-range-diff.html">git-range-diff(1)</a>). This helps tell reviewers about the differences
1961 between your v1 and v2 patches.</p>
1962 </div>
1963 <div class="paragraph">
1964 <p>The <code>-v2</code> parameter tells <code>format-patch</code> to output your patches
1965 as version "2". For instance, you may notice that your v2 patches are
1966 all named like <code>v2-000n-my-commit-subject.patch</code>. <code>-v2</code> will also format
1967 your patches by prefixing them with "[PATCH v2]" instead of "[PATCH]",
1968 and your range-diff will be prefaced with "Range-diff against v1".</p>
1969 </div>
1970 <div class="paragraph">
1971 <p>After you run this command, <code>format-patch</code> will output the patches to the <code>psuh/</code>
1972 directory, alongside the v1 patches. Using a single directory makes it easy to
1973 refer to the old v1 patches while proofreading the v2 patches, but you will need
1974 to be careful to send out only the v2 patches. We will use a pattern like
1975 <code>psuh/v2-</code>*.<code>patch</code> (not <code>psuh/</code>*.<code>patch</code>, which would match v1 and v2 patches).</p>
1976 </div>
1977 <div class="paragraph">
1978 <p>Edit your cover letter again. Now is a good time to mention what&#8217;s different
1979 between your last version and now, if it&#8217;s something significant. You do not
1980 need the exact same body in your second cover letter; focus on explaining to
1981 reviewers the changes you&#8217;ve made that may not be as visible.</p>
1982 </div>
1983 <div class="paragraph">
1984 <p>You will also need to go and find the Message-ID of your previous cover letter.
1985 You can either note it when you send the first series, from the output of <code>git</code>
1986 <code>send-email</code>, or you can look it up on the
1987 <a href="">mailing list</a>. Find your cover letter in the
1988 archives, click on it, then click "permalink" or "raw" to reveal the Message-ID
1989 header. It should match:</p>
1990 </div>
1991 <div class="listingblock">
1992 <div class="content">
1993 <pre>Message-ID: &lt;;</pre>
1994 </div>
1995 </div>
1996 <div class="paragraph">
1997 <p>Your Message-ID is &lt;foo.<code></code>&gt;. This example will be used
1998 below as well; make sure to replace it with the correct Message-ID for your
1999 <strong>previous cover letter</strong> - that is, if you&#8217;re sending v2, use the Message-ID
2000 from v1; if you&#8217;re sending v3, use the Message-ID from v2.</p>
2001 </div>
2002 <div class="paragraph">
2003 <p>While you&#8217;re looking at the email, you should also note who is CC&#8217;d, as it&#8217;s
2004 common practice in the mailing list to keep all CCs on a thread. You can add
2005 these CC lines directly to your cover letter with a line like so in the header
2006 (before the Subject line):</p>
2007 </div>
2008 <div class="listingblock">
2009 <div class="content">
2010 <pre>CC:, Othe R &lt;;</pre>
2011 </div>
2012 </div>
2013 <div class="paragraph">
2014 <p>Now send the emails again, paying close attention to which messages you pass in
2015 to the command:</p>
2016 </div>
2017 <div class="listingblock">
2018 <div class="content">
2019 <pre>$ git send-email
2020 --in-reply-to="&lt;;"
2021 psuh/v2-*.patch</pre>
2022 </div>
2023 </div>
2024 </div>
2025 <div class="sect2">
2026 <h3 id="single-patch"><a class="anchor" href="#single-patch"></a>Bonus Chapter: One-Patch Changes</h3>
2027 <div class="paragraph">
2028 <p>In some cases, your very small change may consist of only one patch. When that
2029 happens, you only need to send one email. Your commit message should already be
2030 meaningful and explain at a high level the purpose (what is happening and why)
2031 of your patch, but if you need to supply even more context, you can do so below
2032 the <code>---</code> in your patch. Take the example below, which was generated with <code>git</code>
2033 <code>format-patch</code> on a single commit, and then edited to add the content between
2034 the <code>---</code> and the diffstat.</p>
2035 </div>
2036 <div class="listingblock">
2037 <div class="content">
2038 <pre>From 1345bbb3f7ac74abde040c12e737204689a72723 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
2039 From: A U Thor &lt;;
2040 Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 15:11:02 -0700
2041 Subject: [PATCH] README: change the grammar
2043 I think it looks better this way. This part of the commit message will
2044 end up in the commit-log.
2046 Signed-off-by: A U Thor &lt;;
2048 Let's have a wild discussion about grammar on the mailing list. This
2049 part of my email will never end up in the commit log. Here is where I
2050 can add additional context to the mailing list about my intent, outside
2051 of the context of the commit log. This section was added after `git
2052 format-patch` was run, by editing the patch file in a text editor.
2054 | 2 +-
2055 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
2057 diff --git a/ b/
2058 index 88f126184c..38da593a60 100644
2059 --- a/
2060 +++ b/
2061 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
2062 Git - fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
2063 =========================================================
2065 -Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system with an
2066 +Git is a fast, scalable, and distributed revision control system with an
2067 unusually rich command set that provides both high-level operations
2068 and full access to internals.
2072 </div>
2073 </div>
2074 </div>
2075 </div>
2076 </div>
2077 <div class="sect1">
2078 <h2 id="now-what"><a class="anchor" href="#now-what"></a>My Patch Got Emailed - Now What?</h2>
2079 <div class="sectionbody">
2080 <div class="paragraph">
2081 <p>Please give reviewers enough time to process your initial patch before
2082 sending an updated version. That is, resist the temptation to send a new
2083 version immediately, because others may have already started reviewing
2084 your initial version.</p>
2085 </div>
2086 <div class="paragraph">
2087 <p>While waiting for review comments, you may find mistakes in your initial
2088 patch, or perhaps realize a different and better way to achieve the goal
2089 of the patch. In this case you may communicate your findings to other
2090 reviewers as follows:</p>
2091 </div>
2092 <div class="ulist">
2093 <ul>
2094 <li>
2095 <p>If the mistakes you found are minor, send a reply to your patch as if
2096 you were a reviewer and mention that you will fix them in an
2097 updated version.</p>
2098 </li>
2099 <li>
2100 <p>On the other hand, if you think you want to change the course so
2101 drastically that reviews on the initial patch would be a waste of
2102 time (for everyone involved), retract the patch immediately with
2103 a reply like "I am working on a much better approach, so please
2104 ignore this patch and wait for the updated version."</p>
2105 </li>
2106 </ul>
2107 </div>
2108 <div class="paragraph">
2109 <p>Now, the above is a good practice if you sent your initial patch
2110 prematurely without polish. But a better approach of course is to avoid
2111 sending your patch prematurely in the first place.</p>
2112 </div>
2113 <div class="paragraph">
2114 <p>Please be considerate of the time needed by reviewers to examine each
2115 new version of your patch. Rather than seeing the initial version right
2116 now (followed by several "oops, I like this version better than the
2117 previous one" patches over 2 days), reviewers would strongly prefer if a
2118 single polished version came 2 days later instead, and that version with
2119 fewer mistakes were the only one they would need to review.</p>
2120 </div>
2121 <div class="sect2">
2122 <h3 id="reviewing"><a class="anchor" href="#reviewing"></a>Responding to Reviews</h3>
2123 <div class="paragraph">
2124 <p>After a few days, you will hopefully receive a reply to your patchset with some
2125 comments. Woohoo! Now you can get back to work.</p>
2126 </div>
2127 <div class="paragraph">
2128 <p>It&#8217;s good manners to reply to each comment, notifying the reviewer that you have
2129 made the change suggested, feel the original is better, or that the comment
2130 inspired you to do something a new way which is superior to both the original
2131 and the suggested change. This way reviewers don&#8217;t need to inspect your v2 to
2132 figure out whether you implemented their comment or not.</p>
2133 </div>
2134 <div class="paragraph">
2135 <p>Reviewers may ask you about what you wrote in the patchset, either in
2136 the proposed commit log message or in the changes themselves. You
2137 should answer these questions in your response messages, but often the
2138 reason why reviewers asked these questions to understand what you meant
2139 to write is because your patchset needed clarification to be understood.</p>
2140 </div>
2141 <div class="paragraph">
2142 <p>Do not be satisfied by just answering their questions in your response
2143 and hear them say that they now understand what you wanted to say.
2144 Update your patches to clarify the points reviewers had trouble with,
2145 and prepare your v2; the words you used to explain your v1 to answer
2146 reviewers' questions may be useful thing to use. Your goal is to make
2147 your v2 clear enough so that it becomes unnecessary for you to give the
2148 same explanation to the next person who reads it.</p>
2149 </div>
2150 <div class="paragraph">
2151 <p>If you are going to push back on a comment, be polite and explain why you feel
2152 your original is better; be prepared that the reviewer may still disagree with
2153 you, and the rest of the community may weigh in on one side or the other. As
2154 with all code reviews, it&#8217;s important to keep an open mind to doing something a
2155 different way than you originally planned; other reviewers have a different
2156 perspective on the project than you do, and may be thinking of a valid side
2157 effect which had not occurred to you. It is always okay to ask for clarification
2158 if you aren&#8217;t sure why a change was suggested, or what the reviewer is asking
2159 you to do.</p>
2160 </div>
2161 <div class="paragraph">
2162 <p>Make sure your email client has a plaintext email mode and it is turned on; the
2163 Git list rejects HTML email. Please also follow the mailing list etiquette
2164 outlined in the
2165 <a href="">Maintainer&#8217;s
2166 Note</a>, which are similar to etiquette rules in most open source communities
2167 surrounding bottom-posting and inline replies.</p>
2168 </div>
2169 <div class="paragraph">
2170 <p>When you&#8217;re making changes to your code, it is cleanest - that is, the resulting
2171 commits are easiest to look at - if you use <code>git</code> <code>rebase</code> <code>-i</code> (interactive
2172 rebase). Take a look at this
2173 <a href="">overview</a>
2174 from O&#8217;Reilly. The general idea is to modify each commit which requires changes;
2175 this way, instead of having a patch A with a mistake, a patch B which was fine
2176 and required no upstream reviews in v1, and a patch C which fixes patch A for
2177 v2, you can just ship a v2 with a correct patch A and correct patch B. This is
2178 changing history, but since it&#8217;s local history which you haven&#8217;t shared with
2179 anyone, that is okay for now! (Later, it may not make sense to do this; take a
2180 look at the section below this one for some context.)</p>
2181 </div>
2182 </div>
2183 <div class="sect2">
2184 <h3 id="after-approval"><a class="anchor" href="#after-approval"></a>After Review Approval</h3>
2185 <div class="paragraph">
2186 <p>The Git project has four integration branches: <code>seen</code>, <code>next</code>, <code>master</code>, and
2187 <code>maint</code>. Your change will be placed into <code>seen</code> fairly early on by the maintainer
2188 while it is still in the review process; from there, when it is ready for wider
2189 testing, it will be merged into <code>next</code>. Plenty of early testers use <code>next</code> and
2190 may report issues. Eventually, changes in <code>next</code> will make it to <code>master</code>,
2191 which is typically considered stable. Finally, when a new release is cut,
2192 <code>maint</code> is used to base bugfixes onto. As mentioned at the beginning of this
2193 document, you can read <code>Documents/SubmittingPatches</code> for some more info about
2194 the use of the various integration branches.</p>
2195 </div>
2196 <div class="paragraph">
2197 <p>Back to now: your code has been lauded by the upstream reviewers. It is perfect.
2198 It is ready to be accepted. You don&#8217;t need to do anything else; the maintainer
2199 will merge your topic branch to <code>next</code> and life is good.</p>
2200 </div>
2201 <div class="paragraph">
2202 <p>However, if you discover it isn&#8217;t so perfect after this point, you may need to
2203 take some special steps depending on where you are in the process.</p>
2204 </div>
2205 <div class="paragraph">
2206 <p>If the maintainer has announced in the "What&#8217;s cooking in git.git" email that
2207 your topic is marked for <code>next</code> - that is, that they plan to merge it to <code>next</code>
2208 but have not yet done so - you should send an email asking the maintainer to
2209 wait a little longer: "I&#8217;ve sent v4 of my series and you marked it for <code>next</code>,
2210 but I need to change this and that - please wait for v5 before you merge it."</p>
2211 </div>
2212 <div class="paragraph">
2213 <p>If the topic has already been merged to <code>next</code>, rather than modifying your
2214 patches with <code>git</code> <code>rebase</code> <code>-i</code>, you should make further changes incrementally -
2215 that is, with another commit, based on top of the maintainer&#8217;s topic branch as
2216 detailed in <a href="" class="bare"></a>. Your work is still in the same topic
2217 but is now incremental, rather than a wholesale rewrite of the topic branch.</p>
2218 </div>
2219 <div class="paragraph">
2220 <p>The topic branches in the maintainer&#8217;s GitHub are mirrored in GitGitGadget, so
2221 if you&#8217;re sending your reviews out that way, you should be sure to open your PR
2222 against the appropriate GitGitGadget/Git branch.</p>
2223 </div>
2224 <div class="paragraph">
2225 <p>If you&#8217;re using <code>git</code> <code>send-email</code>, you can use it the same way as before, but you
2226 should generate your diffs from <em>&lt;topic&gt;</em><code>..</code><em>&lt;mybranch&gt;</em> and base your work on
2227 <em>&lt;topic&gt;</em> instead of <code>master</code>.</p>
2228 </div>
2229 </div>
2230 </div>
2231 </div>
2232 </div>
2233 <div id="footnotes">
2234 <hr/>
2235 <div class="footnote" id="_footnotedef_1">
2236 <a href="#_footnoteref_1">1</a>. Scripts under `contrib/` are not part of the core `git` binary and must be called directly. Clone the Git codebase and run `perl contrib/contacts/git-contacts`.
2237 </div>
2238 </div>
2239 <div id="footer">
2240 <div id="footer-text">
2241 Last updated 2024-05-01 10:56:52 -0700
2242 </div>
2243 </div>
2244 </body>
2245 </html>