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441 <body class="manpage">
442 <div id="header">
443 <h1>git-pack-objects(1) Manual Page</h1>
444 <h2 id="_name">NAME</h2>
445 <div class="sectionbody">
446 <p>git-pack-objects - Create a packed archive of objects</p>
447 </div>
448 </div>
449 <div id="content">
450 <div class="sect1">
451 <h2 id="_synopsis">SYNOPSIS</h2>
452 <div class="sectionbody">
453 <div class="verseblock">
454 <pre class="content"><em>git pack-objects</em> [-q | --progress | --all-progress] [--all-progress-implied]
455 [--no-reuse-delta] [--delta-base-offset] [--non-empty]
456 [--local] [--incremental] [--window=&lt;n&gt;] [--depth=&lt;n&gt;]
457 [--revs [--unpacked | --all]] [--keep-pack=&lt;pack-name&gt;]
458 [--cruft] [--cruft-expiration=&lt;time&gt;]
459 [--stdout [--filter=&lt;filter-spec&gt;] | &lt;base-name&gt;]
460 [--shallow] [--keep-true-parents] [--[no-]sparse] &lt; &lt;object-list&gt;</pre>
461 </div>
462 </div>
463 </div>
464 <div class="sect1">
465 <h2 id="_description">DESCRIPTION</h2>
466 <div class="sectionbody">
467 <div class="paragraph">
468 <p>Reads list of objects from the standard input, and writes either one or
469 more packed archives with the specified base-name to disk, or a packed
470 archive to the standard output.</p>
471 </div>
472 <div class="paragraph">
473 <p>A packed archive is an efficient way to transfer a set of objects
474 between two repositories as well as an access efficient archival
475 format. In a packed archive, an object is either stored as a
476 compressed whole or as a difference from some other object.
477 The latter is often called a delta.</p>
478 </div>
479 <div class="paragraph">
480 <p>The packed archive format (.pack) is designed to be self-contained
481 so that it can be unpacked without any further information. Therefore,
482 each object that a delta depends upon must be present within the pack.</p>
483 </div>
484 <div class="paragraph">
485 <p>A pack index file (.idx) is generated for fast, random access to the
486 objects in the pack. Placing both the index file (.idx) and the packed
487 archive (.pack) in the pack/ subdirectory of $GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY (or
488 any of the directories on $GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES)
489 enables Git to read from the pack archive.</p>
490 </div>
491 <div class="paragraph">
492 <p>The <em>git unpack-objects</em> command can read the packed archive and
493 expand the objects contained in the pack into "one-file
494 one-object" format; this is typically done by the smart-pull
495 commands when a pack is created on-the-fly for efficient network
496 transport by their peers.</p>
497 </div>
498 </div>
499 </div>
500 <div class="sect1">
501 <h2 id="_options">OPTIONS</h2>
502 <div class="sectionbody">
503 <div class="dlist">
504 <dl>
505 <dt class="hdlist1">base-name</dt>
506 <dd>
507 <p>Write into pairs of files (.pack and .idx), using
508 &lt;base-name&gt; to determine the name of the created file.
509 When this option is used, the two files in a pair are written in
510 &lt;base-name&gt;-&lt;SHA-1&gt;.{pack,idx} files. &lt;SHA-1&gt; is a hash
511 based on the pack content and is written to the standard
512 output of the command.</p>
513 </dd>
514 <dt class="hdlist1">--stdout</dt>
515 <dd>
516 <p>Write the pack contents (what would have been written to
517 .pack file) out to the standard output.</p>
518 </dd>
519 <dt class="hdlist1">--revs</dt>
520 <dd>
521 <p>Read the revision arguments from the standard input, instead of
522 individual object names. The revision arguments are processed
523 the same way as <em>git rev-list</em> with the <code>--objects</code> flag
524 uses its <code>commit</code> arguments to build the list of objects it
525 outputs. The objects on the resulting list are packed.
526 Besides revisions, <code>--not</code> or <code>--shallow &lt;SHA-1&gt;</code> lines are
527 also accepted.</p>
528 </dd>
529 <dt class="hdlist1">--unpacked</dt>
530 <dd>
531 <p>This implies <code>--revs</code>. When processing the list of
532 revision arguments read from the standard input, limit
533 the objects packed to those that are not already packed.</p>
534 </dd>
535 <dt class="hdlist1">--all</dt>
536 <dd>
537 <p>This implies <code>--revs</code>. In addition to the list of
538 revision arguments read from the standard input, pretend
539 as if all refs under <code>refs/</code> are specified to be
540 included.</p>
541 </dd>
542 <dt class="hdlist1">--include-tag</dt>
543 <dd>
544 <p>Include unasked-for annotated tags if the object they
545 reference was included in the resulting packfile. This
546 can be useful to send new tags to native Git clients.</p>
547 </dd>
548 <dt class="hdlist1">--stdin-packs</dt>
549 <dd>
550 <p>Read the basenames of packfiles (e.g., <code>pack-1234abcd.pack</code>)
551 from the standard input, instead of object names or revision
552 arguments. The resulting pack contains all objects listed in the
553 included packs (those not beginning with <code>^</code>), excluding any
554 objects listed in the excluded packs (beginning with <code>^</code>).</p>
555 <div class="paragraph">
556 <p>Incompatible with <code>--revs</code>, or options that imply <code>--revs</code> (such as
557 <code>--all</code>), with the exception of <code>--unpacked</code>, which is compatible.</p>
558 </div>
559 </dd>
560 <dt class="hdlist1">--cruft</dt>
561 <dd>
562 <p>Packs unreachable objects into a separate "cruft" pack, denoted
563 by the existence of a <code>.mtimes</code> file. Typically used by <code>git
564 repack --cruft</code>. Callers provide a list of pack names and
565 indicate which packs will remain in the repository, along with
566 which packs will be deleted (indicated by the <code>-</code> prefix). The
567 contents of the cruft pack are all objects not contained in the
568 surviving packs which have not exceeded the grace period (see
569 <code>--cruft-expiration</code> below), or which have exceeded the grace
570 period, but are reachable from an other object which hasn&#8217;t.</p>
571 <div class="paragraph">
572 <p>When the input lists a pack containing all reachable objects (and lists
573 all other packs as pending deletion), the corresponding cruft pack will
574 contain all unreachable objects (with mtime newer than the
575 <code>--cruft-expiration</code>) along with any unreachable objects whose mtime is
576 older than the <code>--cruft-expiration</code>, but are reachable from an
577 unreachable object whose mtime is newer than the <code>--cruft-expiration</code>).</p>
578 </div>
579 <div class="paragraph">
580 <p>Incompatible with <code>--unpack-unreachable</code>, <code>--keep-unreachable</code>,
581 <code>--pack-loose-unreachable</code>, <code>--stdin-packs</code>, as well as any other
582 options which imply <code>--revs</code>.</p>
583 </div>
584 </dd>
585 <dt class="hdlist1">--cruft-expiration=&lt;approxidate&gt;</dt>
586 <dd>
587 <p>If specified, objects are eliminated from the cruft pack if they
588 have an mtime older than <code>&lt;approxidate&gt;</code>. If unspecified (and
589 given <code>--cruft</code>), then no objects are eliminated.</p>
590 </dd>
591 <dt class="hdlist1">--window=&lt;n&gt;</dt>
592 <dt class="hdlist1">--depth=&lt;n&gt;</dt>
593 <dd>
594 <p>These two options affect how the objects contained in
595 the pack are stored using delta compression. The
596 objects are first internally sorted by type, size and
597 optionally names and compared against the other objects
598 within --window to see if using delta compression saves
599 space. --depth limits the maximum delta depth; making
600 it too deep affects the performance on the unpacker
601 side, because delta data needs to be applied that many
602 times to get to the necessary object.</p>
603 <div class="paragraph">
604 <p>The default value for --window is 10 and --depth is 50. The maximum
605 depth is 4095.</p>
606 </div>
607 </dd>
608 <dt class="hdlist1">--window-memory=&lt;n&gt;</dt>
609 <dd>
610 <p>This option provides an additional limit on top of <code>--window</code>;
611 the window size will dynamically scale down so as to not take
612 up more than <em>&lt;n&gt;</em> bytes in memory. This is useful in
613 repositories with a mix of large and small objects to not run
614 out of memory with a large window, but still be able to take
615 advantage of the large window for the smaller objects. The
616 size can be suffixed with "k", "m", or "g".
617 <code>--window-memory=0</code> makes memory usage unlimited. The default
618 is taken from the <code>pack.windowMemory</code> configuration variable.</p>
619 </dd>
620 <dt class="hdlist1">--max-pack-size=&lt;n&gt;</dt>
621 <dd>
622 <p>In unusual scenarios, you may not be able to create files
623 larger than a certain size on your filesystem, and this option
624 can be used to tell the command to split the output packfile
625 into multiple independent packfiles, each not larger than the
626 given size. The size can be suffixed with
627 "k", "m", or "g". The minimum size allowed is limited to 1 MiB.
628 The default is unlimited, unless the config variable
629 <code>pack.packSizeLimit</code> is set. Note that this option may result in
630 a larger and slower repository; see the discussion in
631 <code>pack.packSizeLimit</code>.</p>
632 </dd>
633 <dt class="hdlist1">--honor-pack-keep</dt>
634 <dd>
635 <p>This flag causes an object already in a local pack that
636 has a .keep file to be ignored, even if it would have
637 otherwise been packed.</p>
638 </dd>
639 <dt class="hdlist1">--keep-pack=&lt;pack-name&gt;</dt>
640 <dd>
641 <p>This flag causes an object already in the given pack to be
642 ignored, even if it would have otherwise been
643 packed. <code>&lt;pack-name&gt;</code> is the pack file name without
644 leading directory (e.g. <code>pack-123.pack</code>). The option could be
645 specified multiple times to keep multiple packs.</p>
646 </dd>
647 <dt class="hdlist1">--incremental</dt>
648 <dd>
649 <p>This flag causes an object already in a pack to be ignored
650 even if it would have otherwise been packed.</p>
651 </dd>
652 <dt class="hdlist1">--local</dt>
653 <dd>
654 <p>This flag causes an object that is borrowed from an alternate
655 object store to be ignored even if it would have otherwise been
656 packed.</p>
657 </dd>
658 <dt class="hdlist1">--non-empty</dt>
659 <dd>
660 <p>Only create a packed archive if it would contain at
661 least one object.</p>
662 </dd>
663 <dt class="hdlist1">--progress</dt>
664 <dd>
665 <p>Progress status is reported on the standard error stream
666 by default when it is attached to a terminal, unless -q
667 is specified. This flag forces progress status even if
668 the standard error stream is not directed to a terminal.</p>
669 </dd>
670 <dt class="hdlist1">--all-progress</dt>
671 <dd>
672 <p>When --stdout is specified then progress report is
673 displayed during the object count and compression phases
674 but inhibited during the write-out phase. The reason is
675 that in some cases the output stream is directly linked
676 to another command which may wish to display progress
677 status of its own as it processes incoming pack data.
678 This flag is like --progress except that it forces progress
679 report for the write-out phase as well even if --stdout is
680 used.</p>
681 </dd>
682 <dt class="hdlist1">--all-progress-implied</dt>
683 <dd>
684 <p>This is used to imply --all-progress whenever progress display
685 is activated. Unlike --all-progress this flag doesn&#8217;t actually
686 force any progress display by itself.</p>
687 </dd>
688 <dt class="hdlist1">-q</dt>
689 <dd>
690 <p>This flag makes the command not to report its progress
691 on the standard error stream.</p>
692 </dd>
693 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-reuse-delta</dt>
694 <dd>
695 <p>When creating a packed archive in a repository that
696 has existing packs, the command reuses existing deltas.
697 This sometimes results in a slightly suboptimal pack.
698 This flag tells the command not to reuse existing deltas
699 but compute them from scratch.</p>
700 </dd>
701 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-reuse-object</dt>
702 <dd>
703 <p>This flag tells the command not to reuse existing object data at all,
704 including non deltified object, forcing recompression of everything.
705 This implies --no-reuse-delta. Useful only in the obscure case where
706 wholesale enforcement of a different compression level on the
707 packed data is desired.</p>
708 </dd>
709 <dt class="hdlist1">--compression=&lt;n&gt;</dt>
710 <dd>
711 <p>Specifies compression level for newly-compressed data in the
712 generated pack. If not specified, pack compression level is
713 determined first by pack.compression, then by core.compression,
714 and defaults to -1, the zlib default, if neither is set.
715 Add --no-reuse-object if you want to force a uniform compression
716 level on all data no matter the source.</p>
717 </dd>
718 <dt class="hdlist1">--[no-]sparse</dt>
719 <dd>
720 <p>Toggle the "sparse" algorithm to determine which objects to include in
721 the pack, when combined with the "--revs" option. This algorithm
722 only walks trees that appear in paths that introduce new objects.
723 This can have significant performance benefits when computing
724 a pack to send a small change. However, it is possible that extra
725 objects are added to the pack-file if the included commits contain
726 certain types of direct renames. If this option is not included,
727 it defaults to the value of <code>pack.useSparse</code>, which is true unless
728 otherwise specified.</p>
729 </dd>
730 <dt class="hdlist1">--thin</dt>
731 <dd>
732 <p>Create a "thin" pack by omitting the common objects between a
733 sender and a receiver in order to reduce network transfer. This
734 option only makes sense in conjunction with --stdout.</p>
735 <div class="paragraph">
736 <p>Note: A thin pack violates the packed archive format by omitting
737 required objects and is thus unusable by Git without making it
738 self-contained. Use <code>git index-pack --fix-thin</code>
739 (see <a href="git-index-pack.html">git-index-pack(1)</a>) to restore the self-contained property.</p>
740 </div>
741 </dd>
742 <dt class="hdlist1">--shallow</dt>
743 <dd>
744 <p>Optimize a pack that will be provided to a client with a shallow
745 repository. This option, combined with --thin, can result in a
746 smaller pack at the cost of speed.</p>
747 </dd>
748 <dt class="hdlist1">--delta-base-offset</dt>
749 <dd>
750 <p>A packed archive can express the base object of a delta as
751 either a 20-byte object name or as an offset in the
752 stream, but ancient versions of Git don&#8217;t understand the
753 latter. By default, <em>git pack-objects</em> only uses the
754 former format for better compatibility. This option
755 allows the command to use the latter format for
756 compactness. Depending on the average delta chain
757 length, this option typically shrinks the resulting
758 packfile by 3-5 per-cent.</p>
759 <div class="paragraph">
760 <p>Note: Porcelain commands such as <code>git gc</code> (see <a href="git-gc.html">git-gc(1)</a>),
761 <code>git repack</code> (see <a href="git-repack.html">git-repack(1)</a>) pass this option by default
762 in modern Git when they put objects in your repository into pack files.
763 So does <code>git bundle</code> (see <a href="git-bundle.html">git-bundle(1)</a>) when it creates a bundle.</p>
764 </div>
765 </dd>
766 <dt class="hdlist1">--threads=&lt;n&gt;</dt>
767 <dd>
768 <p>Specifies the number of threads to spawn when searching for best
769 delta matches. This requires that pack-objects be compiled with
770 pthreads otherwise this option is ignored with a warning.
771 This is meant to reduce packing time on multiprocessor machines.
772 The required amount of memory for the delta search window is
773 however multiplied by the number of threads.
774 Specifying 0 will cause Git to auto-detect the number of CPU&#8217;s
775 and set the number of threads accordingly.</p>
776 </dd>
777 <dt class="hdlist1">--index-version=&lt;version&gt;[,&lt;offset&gt;]</dt>
778 <dd>
779 <p>This is intended to be used by the test suite only. It allows
780 to force the version for the generated pack index, and to force
781 64-bit index entries on objects located above the given offset.</p>
782 </dd>
783 <dt class="hdlist1">--keep-true-parents</dt>
784 <dd>
785 <p>With this option, parents that are hidden by grafts are packed
786 nevertheless.</p>
787 </dd>
788 <dt class="hdlist1">--filter=&lt;filter-spec&gt;</dt>
789 <dd>
790 <p>Omits certain objects (usually blobs) from the resulting
791 packfile. See <a href="git-rev-list.html">git-rev-list(1)</a> for valid
792 <code>&lt;filter-spec&gt;</code> forms.</p>
793 </dd>
794 <dt class="hdlist1">--no-filter</dt>
795 <dd>
796 <p>Turns off any previous <code>--filter=</code> argument.</p>
797 </dd>
798 <dt class="hdlist1">--missing=&lt;missing-action&gt;</dt>
799 <dd>
800 <p>A debug option to help with future "partial clone" development.
801 This option specifies how missing objects are handled.</p>
802 <div class="paragraph">
803 <p>The form <em>--missing=error</em> requests that pack-objects stop with an error if
804 a missing object is encountered. If the repository is a partial clone, an
805 attempt to fetch missing objects will be made before declaring them missing.
806 This is the default action.</p>
807 </div>
808 <div class="paragraph">
809 <p>The form <em>--missing=allow-any</em> will allow object traversal to continue
810 if a missing object is encountered. No fetch of a missing object will occur.
811 Missing objects will silently be omitted from the results.</p>
812 </div>
813 <div class="paragraph">
814 <p>The form <em>--missing=allow-promisor</em> is like <em>allow-any</em>, but will only
815 allow object traversal to continue for EXPECTED promisor missing objects.
816 No fetch of a missing object will occur. An unexpected missing object will
817 raise an error.</p>
818 </div>
819 </dd>
820 <dt class="hdlist1">--exclude-promisor-objects</dt>
821 <dd>
822 <p>Omit objects that are known to be in the promisor remote. (This
823 option has the purpose of operating only on locally created objects,
824 so that when we repack, we still maintain a distinction between
825 locally created objects [without .promisor] and objects from the
826 promisor remote [with .promisor].) This is used with partial clone.</p>
827 </dd>
828 <dt class="hdlist1">--keep-unreachable</dt>
829 <dd>
830 <p>Objects unreachable from the refs in packs named with
831 --unpacked= option are added to the resulting pack, in
832 addition to the reachable objects that are not in packs marked
833 with *.keep files. This implies <code>--revs</code>.</p>
834 </dd>
835 <dt class="hdlist1">--pack-loose-unreachable</dt>
836 <dd>
837 <p>Pack unreachable loose objects (and their loose counterparts
838 removed). This implies <code>--revs</code>.</p>
839 </dd>
840 <dt class="hdlist1">--unpack-unreachable</dt>
841 <dd>
842 <p>Keep unreachable objects in loose form. This implies <code>--revs</code>.</p>
843 </dd>
844 <dt class="hdlist1">--delta-islands</dt>
845 <dd>
846 <p>Restrict delta matches based on "islands". See DELTA ISLANDS
847 below.</p>
848 </dd>
849 </dl>
850 </div>
851 </div>
852 </div>
853 <div class="sect1">
854 <h2 id="_delta_islands">DELTA ISLANDS</h2>
855 <div class="sectionbody">
856 <div class="paragraph">
857 <p>When possible, <code>pack-objects</code> tries to reuse existing on-disk deltas to
858 avoid having to search for new ones on the fly. This is an important
859 optimization for serving fetches, because it means the server can avoid
860 inflating most objects at all and just send the bytes directly from
861 disk. This optimization can&#8217;t work when an object is stored as a delta
862 against a base which the receiver does not have (and which we are not
863 already sending). In that case the server "breaks" the delta and has to
864 find a new one, which has a high CPU cost. Therefore it&#8217;s important for
865 performance that the set of objects in on-disk delta relationships match
866 what a client would fetch.</p>
867 </div>
868 <div class="paragraph">
869 <p>In a normal repository, this tends to work automatically. The objects
870 are mostly reachable from the branches and tags, and that&#8217;s what clients
871 fetch. Any deltas we find on the server are likely to be between objects
872 the client has or will have.</p>
873 </div>
874 <div class="paragraph">
875 <p>But in some repository setups, you may have several related but separate
876 groups of ref tips, with clients tending to fetch those groups
877 independently. For example, imagine that you are hosting several "forks"
878 of a repository in a single shared object store, and letting clients
879 view them as separate repositories through <code>GIT_NAMESPACE</code> or separate
880 repos using the alternates mechanism. A naive repack may find that the
881 optimal delta for an object is against a base that is only found in
882 another fork. But when a client fetches, they will not have the base
883 object, and we&#8217;ll have to find a new delta on the fly.</p>
884 </div>
885 <div class="paragraph">
886 <p>A similar situation may exist if you have many refs outside of
887 <code>refs/heads/</code> and <code>refs/tags/</code> that point to related objects (e.g.,
888 <code>refs/pull</code> or <code>refs/changes</code> used by some hosting providers). By
889 default, clients fetch only heads and tags, and deltas against objects
890 found only in those other groups cannot be sent as-is.</p>
891 </div>
892 <div class="paragraph">
893 <p>Delta islands solve this problem by allowing you to group your refs into
894 distinct "islands". Pack-objects computes which objects are reachable
895 from which islands, and refuses to make a delta from an object <code>A</code>
896 against a base which is not present in all of <code>A</code>'s islands. This
897 results in slightly larger packs (because we miss some delta
898 opportunities), but guarantees that a fetch of one island will not have
899 to recompute deltas on the fly due to crossing island boundaries.</p>
900 </div>
901 <div class="paragraph">
902 <p>When repacking with delta islands the delta window tends to get
903 clogged with candidates that are forbidden by the config. Repacking
904 with a big --window helps (and doesn&#8217;t take as long as it otherwise
905 might because we can reject some object pairs based on islands before
906 doing any computation on the content).</p>
907 </div>
908 <div class="paragraph">
909 <p>Islands are configured via the <code>pack.island</code> option, which can be
910 specified multiple times. Each value is a left-anchored regular
911 expressions matching refnames. For example:</p>
912 </div>
913 <div class="listingblock">
914 <div class="content">
915 <pre>[pack]
916 island = refs/heads/
917 island = refs/tags/</pre>
918 </div>
919 </div>
920 <div class="paragraph">
921 <p>puts heads and tags into an island (whose name is the empty string; see
922 below for more on naming). Any refs which do not match those regular
923 expressions (e.g., <code>refs/pull/123</code>) is not in any island. Any object
924 which is reachable only from <code>refs/pull/</code> (but not heads or tags) is
925 therefore not a candidate to be used as a base for <code>refs/heads/</code>.</p>
926 </div>
927 <div class="paragraph">
928 <p>Refs are grouped into islands based on their "names", and two regexes
929 that produce the same name are considered to be in the same
930 island. The names are computed from the regexes by concatenating any
931 capture groups from the regex, with a <em>-</em> dash in between. (And if
932 there are no capture groups, then the name is the empty string, as in
933 the above example.) This allows you to create arbitrary numbers of
934 islands. Only up to 14 such capture groups are supported though.</p>
935 </div>
936 <div class="paragraph">
937 <p>For example, imagine you store the refs for each fork in
938 <code>refs/virtual/ID</code>, where <code>ID</code> is a numeric identifier. You might then
939 configure:</p>
940 </div>
941 <div class="listingblock">
942 <div class="content">
943 <pre>[pack]
944 island = refs/virtual/([0-9]+)/heads/
945 island = refs/virtual/([0-9]+)/tags/
946 island = refs/virtual/([0-9]+)/(pull)/</pre>
947 </div>
948 </div>
949 <div class="paragraph">
950 <p>That puts the heads and tags for each fork in their own island (named
951 "1234" or similar), and the pull refs for each go into their own
952 "1234-pull".</p>
953 </div>
954 <div class="paragraph">
955 <p>Note that we pick a single island for each regex to go into, using "last
956 one wins" ordering (which allows repo-specific config to take precedence
957 over user-wide config, and so forth).</p>
958 </div>
959 </div>
960 </div>
961 <div class="sect1">
962 <h2 id="_configuration">CONFIGURATION</h2>
963 <div class="sectionbody">
964 <div class="paragraph">
965 <p>Various configuration variables affect packing, see
966 <a href="git-config.html">git-config(1)</a> (search for "pack" and "delta").</p>
967 </div>
968 <div class="paragraph">
969 <p>Notably, delta compression is not used on objects larger than the
970 <code>core.bigFileThreshold</code> configuration variable and on files with the
971 attribute <code>delta</code> set to false.</p>
972 </div>
973 </div>
974 </div>
975 <div class="sect1">
976 <h2 id="_see_also">SEE ALSO</h2>
977 <div class="sectionbody">
978 <div class="paragraph">
979 <p><a href="git-rev-list.html">git-rev-list(1)</a>
980 <a href="git-repack.html">git-repack(1)</a>
981 <a href="git-prune-packed.html">git-prune-packed(1)</a></p>
982 </div>
983 </div>
984 </div>
985 <div class="sect1">
986 <h2 id="_git">GIT</h2>
987 <div class="sectionbody">
988 <div class="paragraph">
989 <p>Part of the <a href="git.html">git(1)</a> suite</p>
990 </div>
991 </div>
992 </div>
993 </div>
994 <div id="footer">
995 <div id="footer-text">
996 Last updated 2023-10-10 11:55:22 -0700
997 </div>
998 </div>
999 </body>
1000 </html>