4 This is a quick'n'dirty tool to convert git logs to GNU ChangeLog
7 The tool invokes 'git log' internally unless you pipe a log to it.
8 Thus, typically you would use it as follows:
10 ...........................................................................
11 jas@mocca:~/src/libtasn1$ git2cl > ChangeLog
12 jas@mocca:~/src/libtasn1$
13 ...........................................................................
15 If you don't want git2cl to invoke git log internally, you can use it
16 as a pipe. It needs the git log generated with --pretty --numstat and
17 --summary. You can use it as follows:
19 ...........................................................................
20 jas@mocca:~/src/libtasn1$ git log --pretty --numstat --summary | ~/src/git2cl/git2cl > ChangeLog
21 jas@mocca:~/src/libtasn1$
22 ...........................................................................
24 The output format is specified by:
26 link:http://www.gnu.org/prep/standards/html_node/Change-Logs.html[]
28 My inspiration for writing this tool was the
29 link:http://www.red-bean.com/cvs2cl/[cvs2cl] tool, which I am using in
30 several projects. Replacing it is a necessary condition for me to
31 seriously consider switching from CVS to GIT for my projects.
33 The canonical home page for git2cl is:
34 link:http://josefsson.org/git2cl/[] and its repository can be found at
35 link:http://repo.or.cz/w/git2cl.git[].
40 Luis Mondesi contributed several improvements.
45 Try talking to mailto:simon@josefsson.org[Simon Josefsson].