3 A brief list of topics I want to cover, vaguely in order:
5 \item TODO: Is Git appropriate for a particular situation? (hint: yes)
6 \item TODO: setting up Git on your computer
7 \item 3-datastorage - using Git to store data and create a history
8 \item 4-tothepast - going back and inspecting that history, also, how commits have a unique name that verifies both the attached revision and the entire history
9 \item 5-workingwithpatches
10 \item 6-alternatetimelines - branches
11 \item 7-tothefuture - rebasing
12 \item 8-thestagingarea
14 \item 10-collaboration
19 \item TODO: public hosting
21 \item TODO: establishing blame
22 \item TODO: submodules
23 \item TODO: data recovery