3 # repo_url: https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite-doc
10 - overview: overview.mkd
11 - concepts, conventions, terminology: concepts.mkd
14 - (unix/ssh experts) quick install and setup: quick_install.mkd
15 - normal ssh mode install and setup: install.mkd
16 - (if all else fails) fool-proof, step-by-step, install and setup: fool_proof_setup.mkd
17 - HTTP mode install: http.mkd
18 - migrating from v2: migr.mkd
22 - basic administration: basic-admin.mkd
23 - the "conf" file (part 1): conf.mkd
24 - the "conf" file (part 2): conf-2.mkd
25 - the "rc" file: rc.mkd
26 - your users' view: user.mkd
29 - setting git-config values: git-config.mkd
30 - gitolite options: options.mkd
31 - ad hoc user-created ("wild") repos: wild.mkd
32 - virtual refs (part 1): vref.mkd
33 - virtual refs (part 2): vref-2.mkd
34 - delegation of admin duties: deleg.mkd
35 - gitweb and git-daemon: gitweb-daemon.mkd
36 - mirroring: mirroring.mkd
39 - core and "non-core" gitolite: non-core.mkd
40 - writing your own non-core code: dev-notes.mkd
41 - gitolite triggers: triggers.mkd
42 - list of non-core programs shipped with gitolite: list-non-core.mkd
44 - (quick! how do I...) the cookbook: cookbook.mkd
47 - emergency!!: emergencies.mkd
50 - how gitolite uses ssh: glssh.mkd
51 - ssh troubleshooting: sts.mkd
52 - regular expressions: regex.mkd
55 - miscellaneous features: odds-and-ends.mkd
56 - using git namespaces: namespaces.mkd
57 - locking binary files: locking.mkd
58 - testing gitolite: testing.mkd
59 - packaging gitolite: package.mkd
60 - more about gitolite:
61 - gitolite files & directories: files.mkd
62 - the 3.3 format rc file: rc-33.mkd
63 - performance: perf.mkd
65 - Using both ssh and http: contrib/ssh-and-http.mkd
66 - Putty and Msysgit: contrib/putty.mkd
67 - Self-service key management: contrib/sskm.mkd
68 - User key management: contrib/ukm.mkd
69 - Emacs major mode: contrib/README-emacs.mkd