6 # run from gitolite-doc as "./mkdoc"
8 # this file is needed for my greps to work without too many errors, but should
9 # NOT be present when running mkdoc. So we delete it here and put it back
10 # later (it's just an empty file anyway).
11 unlink "html/deleted.html";
13 # my $OUTDIR = "/tmp/doc2";
14 my $OUTDIR = "$ENV{HOME}/data/gits/sitaramc.github.com/gitolite";
16 system("rm $OUTDIR/*.html");
17 system("rm -rf $OUTDIR/images");
18 system("mkdir $OUTDIR/images");
21 # collect names of all markdown files
22 my @mkd = `find . -name "*.mkd" | sort`;
25 # if arguments were supplied, save them, else pretend all markdown files were supplied as arguments
27 @argv = @mkd unless @argv;
33 # first round runs through all markdown files, @mkd
36 unless ( $seen{$ARGV}++ ) {
37 # on each change of file, compute the base name...
38 $base = ( $ARGV =~ m
) ?
$1 : '' );
39 # ...and add linkref to the file
40 $linkrefs{TITLE
} .= "\[$base\]: $base.html\n";
43 # now add linkrefs for everything else
44 if ( /^#+ .* \{#(\S+)( .*?)?\}/ or /^#+ #(\S+) / ) { # XXX last clause is transition code
45 $linkrefs{$base} .= "\[$1\]: $base.html\#$1\n";
49 # second round runs through markdown files supplied as arguments
53 m
) or die "bad mkd file: '$_'";
55 next if $base eq 'gitolite'; # single page stuff needs different treatment
57 open( my $mdp, "|-", "cat $_ - > pdh.temp") or die $!;
58 print $mdp "\n" . linkrefs_except
60 system("pdh -t html-N -i pdh.temp -o $OUTDIR/$base.html" ) and warn "WARNING: '$base.html' was not created";
61 print STDERR
"\r \r" . scalar(@argv);
67 rename "sidebar-toc", $$;
68 system("touch sidebar-toc; pdh -t html-N -i gitolite.mkd -o $OUTDIR/gitolite.html");
69 rename $$, "sidebar-toc";
71 # send manually created HTML pages and images
72 system("cp -d html/*.html $OUTDIR");
73 system("cp images/* $OUTDIR/images");
75 # put the empty file back
76 _print
("html/deleted.html", "");
78 # bloody github doesn't like symlinks...
81 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
85 return join " ", map { $_ eq $base ?
'' : $linkrefs{$_} } keys %linkrefs;
88 sub convert_symlinks
89 chdir $OUTDIR or die $!;
91 print STDERR
"in: " . `pwd`;
93 for my $l (`find . -name "*.html" -type l`) {
96 # crude, but effective...
103 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
106 open( my $fh, $_[0], $_[1] ) or die "open $_[1] failed: $!\n";
111 my ( $file, @text ) = @_;
112 my $fh = _open
( ">", "$file.$$" );
114 close($fh) or die "close $file failed: $! at ", (caller)[1], " line ", (caller)[2], "\n";
115 my $oldmode = ( ( stat $file )[2] );
116 rename "$file.$$", $file;
117 chmod $oldmode, $file if $oldmode;
121 return unless defined wantarray;
122 local $/ = undef unless wantarray;
123 my $fh = _open
( "<", $_[0] );