3 Various features on Gitter are hidden behind a feature toggle. It is best to [enable Next](./faq.md#what-is-gitter-next) when using these features.
5 Some features are experimental and it is best not to just enable everything as they could easily break some things as they are developed.
8 ## Using Gitter in your browser?
10 Simply visit [next.gitter.im](http://next.gitter.im/) and make sure the big giant Next switch is enabled, then find the left-menu toggle further down the screen and enable it. Refresh Gitter and you should be good to go.
12 ![](https://i.imgur.com/Z4S0KX3.png)
15 ## Windows or Linux App
17 If you use Gitter on Windows or Linux, it's a little fiddlier than that. Click on the Gitter menu in the top-bar and make sure Gitter Next is enabled. Then click on Developer Tools which will bring up a window and select the Console tab. Find the select box that defaults to <top frame> at the top of the console and change the value to mainframe. Once that's done, paste the following code into the console and press Enter.
20 document.cookie = 'fflip=' + encodeURIComponent('j:' + JSON.stringify({ 'some-feature-toggle': true })) + ';path=/;expires=' + new Date(Date.now() + 31536000000).toUTCString();
27 Make sure Enable Developer Tools is enabled from the Gitter menu in the top bar. Right click anywhere in the application and choose Inspect Element. This will bring up a web console, just paste the following code snippet into the console and press Enter. The app will refresh after a second or so.
30 document.cookie = 'fflip=' + encodeURIComponent('j:' + JSON.stringify({ 'some-feature-toggle': true })) + ';path=/;expires=' + new Date(Date.now() + 31536000000).toUTCString();