Gitter migration: Setup redirects (rollout pt. 3)
[gitter.git] / config / config.test-docker.json
2   "web": {
3     "homeurl": "/",
4     "domain": "localhost",
5     "baseserver": "localhost",
6     "baseport": "5000",
7     "basepath": "http://localhost:5000",
8     "apiBasePath": "http://localhost:5000/api"
9   },
10   "ws": {
11     "fayeUrl": "http://localhost:5000/bayeux",
12     "startFayeInPrimaryApp": true,
13     "fayePerMessageDeflate": true,
14     "disableLegacyEndpoint": true
15   },
16   "express": {
17     "viewCache": false,
18     "showStack": true
19   },
20   "cdn": {
21     "use": false,
22     "hosts": ["localhost:5001"]
23   },
24   "mongo": {
25     "onlyUsePrimary": true,
26     "connection": {
27       "hosts": ["mongo:27017"],
28       "database": "gitter",
29       "options": {}
30     },
31     "profileSlowQueries": true,
32     "logQueries": false,
33     "noAutoIndex": true
34   },
35   "matrix": {
36     "bridge": {
37       "homeserverUrl": "http://synapse:8008",
38       "serverName": "",
39       "applicationServiceUrl": "http://localhost:9000",
40       "applicationServicePort": 9000,
41       "matrixBridgeMxidLocalpart": "gitter-badger",
42       "gitterBridgeBackingUsername": "gitter-badger",
43       "gitterBridgeProfileUsername": "gitter-badger",
44       "testSynapseRegistrationSharedSecret": "n9SkRshHAtx=A&bJFh_Rb1Ee;N~BE+x1y@T=b7jqT#5Cwe@K0r"
45     }
46   },
47   "virtualUsers": {
48     "approvedClientKeyMap": {
49       "matrix-bridge-dev": "matrix"
50     }
51   },
52   "logging": {
53     "logToFile": false,
54     "level": "info",
55     "colorize": false,
56     "prettyPrint": true,
57     "access": false,
58     "loggingFormat": "dev",
59     "logStaticAccess": false,
60     "logEmailContents": false
61   },
62   "presence": {
63     "prefix": "tpr"
64   },
65   "irc": {
66     "clientKey": "irc-dev"
67   },
68   "redis": "redis://redis?db=1",
69   "redis_nopersist": "redis://redis?db=1",
70   "redis_caching": "redis://redis",
71   "redis_faye": "redis://redis?db=2",
72   "elasticsearch": {
73     "comment": "Override with GITTER_ES_ENDPOINT (comma separated)",
74     "hosts": ["http://elasticsearch:9200"]
75   },
76   "test": {
77     "exposeInBrowserTests": true,
78     "exposeDataForTestingPurposes": true,
79     "wsPort": 5006
80   },
81   "gitlaboauth": {
82     "consumer_key": "",
83     "consumer_secret": ""
84   },
85   "twitteroauth": {
86     "consumer_key": "",
87     "consumer_secret": ""
88   },
89   "linkedinoauth2": {
90     "client_id": "",
91     "client_secret": ""
92   },
93   "googleoauth2": {
94     "client_id": "",
95     "client_secret": ""
96   },
97   "github": {
98     "client_id": "",
99     "client_secret": "",
100     "user_client_id": "",
101     "user_client_secret": "",
102     "caching": true,
103     "fast-repo-description-cache-timeout": 60,
104     "anonymous_app": {
105       "client_id": "",
106       "client_secret": ""
107     },
108     "foreverAgent": true
109   },
110   "neo4j": {
111     "comment": "Override with GITTER_NEO4J_ENDPOINT",
112     "endpoint": "http://neo4j:7474"
113   },
114   "resque": {
115     "namespace": "resque-test",
116     "queuePrefix": "test"
117   },
118   "tokens": {
119     "anonymousPassword": "abc123"
120   }