Gitter migration: Point people to (rollout pt. 1)
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53           <h1>{{ __ "Where communities thrive"}}</h1>
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106             <span class="gitter-element-news-link-text">
107                 Latest news<br />
108                 Gitter has migrated to Matrix
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114         <p>
115           {{ __ "Gitter is a chat and networking platform that helps to manage, grow and connect communities through messaging, content and discovery." }}
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118         <div class="intro-panel-cta-button-block">
119           <a class="button-caribbean signup intro-panel-button"
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121             {{ __ "Sign-in to start talking" }}
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135         <ul class="mini-features-list">
136           <li>
137             <h2>{{ __ "Built on Matrix" }}</h2>
138             <span>{{{ __ "<a %s></a> is an open network for secure, decentralized communication. There is a variety of clients are available. <a %s>Learn more</a>" "href='' target='_blank'" "href='' target='_blank'" }}}</span>
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141           <li>
142             <h2>{{ __ "Simple to start"}}</h2>
143             <span>{{ __ "Sign-in with GitHub/GitLab/Twitter and start chatting, with End-to-End Encrypted messaging."}}</span>
144           </li>
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147             <h2>{{ __ "Markdown and LaTeX" }}</h2>
148             <span>{{ __ "Format your messages just like with your other favorite developer tools." }}</span>
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158         <h1 class="trusted-by-heading">{{ __ "Trusted by"}}</h1>
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163               <img class="trusted-by-list-item-logo" src="{{cdn 'images/home/logos/trusted-by-airbnb.png'}}"
164                 alt="AirBnB">
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206       <div class="wrap">
207         <h1 class="matrix-primary-heading">
208           {{ __ "Matrix native"}}
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211         <div class="matrix-native-panel-content">
212           <div class="matrix-native-panel-content-description">
213             <p class="matrix-description-paragraph">
214               Chat that always works and your content is made to last.
215             </p>
216             <p class="matrix-description-paragraph">
217               Available however you want to access Gitter. Just connect your favorite Matrix client to the <code></code> homeserver.
218             </p>
219             <p class="matrix-description-paragraph">
220               Internals you'll want to see, it's just JSON, make it yours.
221             </p>
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223               <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more</a>
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237               <path d="M440.984 5.15076V180.849H427.914V185.064H446V0.935791H427.914V5.15076H440.984Z" fill="white"/>
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253         <h1>{{ __ "Get Gitter"}}</h1>
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260         <div class="quotes">
261           <blockquote>
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263               <img src="{{cdn 'images/home/testimonial-chrisvnicholson.jpg' }}">
264             </div>
266             <cite><b>Chris Nicholson</b><span class="no-small">, Deeplearning4j</span>:</cite>
267             <p>We have an engineering team and open source community distributed over several continents, but the
268               conversation lives in one place - and that's Gitter.</p>
269           </blockquote>
271           <blockquote>
272             <div class="testimonial-image-wrapper">
273               <img src="{{cdn 'images/home/testimonial-dreadknight.jpg' }}">
274             </div>
276             <cite><b>Valentin Anastase</b><span class="no-small">, Freezing Moon</span>:</cite>
277             <p>Other communication solutions for the projects I’ve been involved in were far from ideal. Switching to
278               Gitter was one of the best decisions I've made and there's no going back now.</p>
279           </blockquote>
281           <blockquote>
282             <div class="testimonial-image-wrapper">
283               <img src="{{cdn 'images/home/testimonial-ttmc.jpg' }}">
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286             <cite><b>Troy McConaghy</b><span class="no-small">, BigchainDB developer</span>:</cite>
287             <p>Gitter is the main way people contact us to ask questions about BigchainDB. I guess it just feels more
288               open, immediate and personal.</p>
289           </blockquote>
291           <blockquote>
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293               <img src="{{cdn 'images/home/testimonial-krishnasrinivas.jpg' }}">
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296             <cite><b>Krishna Srinivas</b><span class="no-small">, Minio</span>:</cite>
297             <p>Gitter is the IRC of the post-IRC era. It has helped us at Minio build and connect with our community
298               really well.</p>
299           </blockquote>
301           <blockquote>
302             <div class="testimonial-image-wrapper">
303               <img src="{{cdn 'images/home/samccone.jpeg'}}">
304             </div>
306             <cite><b>Sam Saccone</b><span class="no-small">, Marionette.js Lead</span>:</cite>
307             <p>Gitter has helped to bring the Marionette community together, turning it into a thriving collaborative
308               environment that has been exceedingly beneficial to both our endusers and maintainers.</p>
309           </blockquote>
311           <blockquote>
312             <div class="testimonial-image-wrapper">
313               <img src="{{cdn 'images/home/diasdavid.jpeg'}}">
314             </div>
316             <cite><b>David Dias</b><span class="no-small">, LXJS Conference Organiser</span>:</cite>
317             <p>Gitter was an essential tool, not only for organising LXJS but to create a thriving community amongst our
318               attendees before, during and even after the conference.</p>
319           </blockquote>
321           <blockquote>
322             <div class="testimonial-image-wrapper">
323               <img src="{{cdn 'images/home/doge.jpeg'}}">
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326             <cite><b>Doge</b><span class="no-small">, Chief Woofing Officer</span>:</cite>
327             <p>Wow chat. Much awesome.</p>
328           </blockquote>
330         </div>
332         <h1>{{ __ "Loved by our users" }}</h1>
333         <p>{{ __ "Gitter is nothing without the people using it day in and day out." }}</p>
334         <p>
335           {{{ __ "We need updated quotes! If you love Gitter, Tweet us <a %s>@gitchat</a> with what Gitter means to you or your community." "href='' target='_blank'" "@gitchat" }}}<br><br>
336         </p>
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