Fix wrong person being unbanned when unbanning a Matrix user
[gitter.git] / .gitlab-ci.yml
1 stages:
2   - docker_images
3   - build_unit_test
4   - pre_deploy
5   - deploy
6   - security
8 variables:
9   DOCKER_VERSION: '19.03.0'
10   # We don't use the default CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE variable because the security release process on needs to target the registry.
11   #
14 ##############
15 # Conditions #
16 ##############
17 .if-merge-request: &if-merge-request
20 .if-develop-branch: &if-develop-branch
21   if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "develop"'
23 .if-master-branch: &if-master-branch
24   if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"'
26 .if-release-branch: &if-release-branch
27   if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^release\/.*$/'
29 .if-hotfix-branch: &if-hotfix-branch
30   if: '$CI_COMMIT_BRANCH =~ /^hotfix\/.*$/'
32 .if-mr-source-renovate-branch: &if-mr-source-renovate-branch
33   if: '$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_NAME =~ /^renovate\/.*$/'
35 .if-tag: &if-tag
36   if: '$CI_COMMIT_TAG'
38 .if-not-canonical-project: &if-not-canonical-project
39   # Allow for use on:
40   #  -
41   #  -
42   if: '$CI_PROJECT_PATH != "gitterHQ/webapp" && $CI_PROJECT_PATH != "gitlab/gitter/webapp"'
44 .if-schedule: &if-schedule
45   if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'
47 workflow:
48   rules:
49     # For merge requests, create a pipeline.
50     - <<: *if-merge-request
51     # For `develop` branch, create a pipeline (this includes on schedules, pushes, merges, etc.).
52     - <<: *if-develop-branch
53     # For `master` branch, create a pipeline (this includes on schedules, pushes, merges, etc.).
54     - <<: *if-master-branch
55     # For `release/*` branch, create a pipeline.
56     - <<: *if-release-branch
57     # For tags, create a pipeline.
58     - <<: *if-tag
60 default:
61   tags:
62     - gitlab-org
64 .use-docker-in-docker:
65   image: docker:${DOCKER_VERSION}
66   services:
67     - docker:${DOCKER_VERSION}-dind
68   variables:
69     DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay2
70     DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
72   tags:
73     # See for tag descriptions
74     - gitlab-org-docker
76 #########
77 # Rules #
78 #########
79 .rules:staging:
80   rules:
81     # Don't run this job for forks since it should only be run from the canonical project.
82     - <<: *if-not-canonical-project
83       when: never
84     - <<: *if-release-branch
85     - <<: *if-hotfix-branch
87 .webapp_variables: &webapp_variables
90   NEO4J_AUTH: none
92   SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH: /data/gitlab-ci-homeserver.yaml
94 .webapp_services:
95   - &webapp_service_mongo
96     name: $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/mongo:latest
97     alias: mongo
98   - &webapp_service_redis
99     name: redis:3.0.3
100     alias: redis
101   - &webapp_service_elasticsearch
102     name: $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/elasticsearch:latest
103     alias: elasticsearch
104   - &webapp_service_neo4j
105     name: neo4j:2.3
106     alias: neo4j
107   - &webapp_service_synapse
108     name: $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/synapse:latest
109     alias: synapse
111 .node_job:
112   image: $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest
113   before_script:
114     - node --version
115     - npm --version
116     - npm config set prefer-offline true
117     - npm config set cache ./npm_cache
118     # Only copy the cache from the Docker container if the cache from GitLab CI is not in place
119     - '[[ -d ./npm_cache ]] || mv /npm_cache ./npm_cache'
120     # Install the npm dependencies from scratch to avoid the `graceful-fs` problem from multiple npm installs.
121     # (old gulp 3 dependency problem with Node.js v14)
122     # Otherwise, it will throw `ReferenceError: primordials is not defined`.
123     # See
124     #
125     # We're trying to make this fast by using npm cache.
126     - npm ci
127   # Cache modules in between jobs
128   # Based on
129   cache:
130     # CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG is the branch or tag name in lowercase
131     key: ${CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG}
132     paths:
133       - ./npm_cache
135 validate:
136   extends: .node_job
137   stage: build_unit_test
138   script:
139     - "echo 'TODO: Skip validation for now because we have new eslint failures'"
140     - make validate
141     # TODO: This should be part of `make validate` -> `gulpfile-linter`
142     # but the prettier API doesn't easily allow glob checking and I want
143     # to re-use the scripts that GitLab has,
144     - npm run prettier -- --check "**/*.{js,vue}"
146 .test_job:
147   extends: .node_job
148   variables:
149     <<: *webapp_variables
150     NODE_ENV: test-docker
151   stage: build_unit_test
152   services:
153     - *webapp_service_mongo
154     - *webapp_service_redis
155     - *webapp_service_elasticsearch
156     - *webapp_service_neo4j
157     - *webapp_service_synapse
158   script:
159     - make ci-test
161 test:
162   extends:
163     - .test_job
164   rules:
165     - when: always
166   retry: 1
168 test_e2e:
169   extends: .test_job
170   variables:
171     <<: *webapp_variables
174     NODE_ENV: test-docker
175     # "fake" dbus address to prevent errors
176     #
177     # via
178     # #oom-chrome-cypress
179     DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS: /dev/null
180   tags:
181     # Run the on Gitter internal runner so our Cypress video doesn't have gaps/freezing,
182     # see
183     # Maybe in the future, Cypress will detect and give a warning when this happens,
184     # see
185     - internal
186   rules:
187     # Don't run this job for forks since it uses the 'internal' runner.
188     - <<: *if-not-canonical-project
189       when: never
190     - <<: *if-mr-source-renovate-branch
191     - when: manual
192       allow_failure: true
193   script:
194     # install Chromebrowser
195     # via
196     # We are using Chrome because of OOM issues #oom-chrome-cypress, see
197     - apt-get install -y wget gnupg
198     - wget -q -O - | apt-key add -
199     - echo "deb stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list
200     - apt-get update -q -y
201     - apt-get install -y dbus-x11 google-chrome-stable
202     - rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
203     # Cypress dependencies
204     - apt-get update -q -y
205     - apt-get --yes install libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libnotify-dev libgconf-2-4 libnss3 libxss1 libasound2 libxtst6 xauth xvfb
206     # Create `output/assets/js/vue-ssr-server-bundle.json`
207     - npm run task-js
208     # Start the server and wait for it to come up
209     - mkdir -p logs
210     - npm start > logs/server-output.txt 2>&1 & node test/e2e/support/wait-for-server.js http://localhost:5000
211     # Run the tests
212     # We are using Chrome because of OOM issues #oom-chrome-cypress, see
213     - npm run test-e2e-run -- --browser chrome --headless
214   artifacts:
215     when: always
216     paths:
217       - logs
218       - test/e2e/videos
219       - test/e2e/screenshots
220       - cypress/logs
221     expire_in: 1 day
222   retry: 2
224 package:
225   extends: .node_job
226   stage: build_unit_test
227   script:
228     # While testing the deploment, you can use cached artifacts instead of packaging every time which is slow
229     #- (apt-get update && apt-get install unzip && curl -Ls -o && unzip || (make package)
230     - make package
231   artifacts:
232     paths:
233       - output/app.tar.gz
234       - output/assets.tar.gz
235       - output/app/ASSET_TAG
236       - output/app/GIT_COMMIT
237       - output/app/VERSION
238     expire_in: 1 week
240 mobile-asset-build:
241   extends: .node_job
242   stage: build_unit_test
243   rules:
244     - <<: *if-master-branch
245   variables:
246     NODE_ENV: prod
247     stats__cube__enabled: 'false'
248     stats__statsd__enabled: 'false'
249   script:
250     - npm run task-js
251     - npm run build-android-assets
252     - npm run build-ios-assets
253   artifacts:
254     paths:
255       - output/android/www
256       - output/ios/www
258 .distribute_job:
259   image: $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/deploy-build-image:latest
260   stage: pre_deploy
261   dependencies:
262     - package
263   script:
264     - make upload-to-s3
266 distribute_beta:
267   extends: .distribute_job
268   rules:
269     # Don't run this job for forks since it should only be run from the canonical project.
270     - <<: *if-not-canonical-project
271       when: never
272     - <<: *if-develop-branch
273   variables:
274     DIST_S3_URL: s3://gitter-deployments/gitter-webapp/beta
276 distribute_beta_staging:
277   extends: .distribute_job
278   rules:
279     # Don't run this job for forks since it should only be run from the canonical project.
280     - <<: *if-not-canonical-project
281       when: never
282     - when: always
283   variables:
284     DIST_S3_URL: s3://gitter-deployments/gitter-webapp/beta-staging
286 distribute_staging:
287   extends:
288     - .distribute_job
289     - .rules:staging
290   variables:
291     DIST_S3_URL: s3://gitter-deployments/gitter-webapp/staging
293 distribute_prod:
294   extends: .distribute_job
295   rules:
296     # Don't run this job for forks since it should only be run from the canonical project.
297     - <<: *if-not-canonical-project
298       when: never
299     - <<: *if-tag
300   variables:
301     DIST_S3_URL: s3://gitter-deployments/gitter-webapp/prod
303 containerize:
304   extends: .use-docker-in-docker
305   stage: deploy
306   dependencies:
307     - package
308   allow_failure: true
309   script:
310     - ls -la output
311     - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN
312     - docker build -t $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/app:$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG -f Dockerfile-app-base .
315 deploy-build-image:
316   extends: .use-docker-in-docker
317   stage: docker_images
318   rules:
319     - <<: *if-schedule
320   script:
321     - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN
322     - docker build -t $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/deploy-build-image:latest scripts/docker/deploy-build-image/
323     - docker push $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/deploy-build-image:latest
325 .deploy_job:
326   stage: deploy
327   image: $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/deploy-build-image:latest
328   variables:
329     GIT_STRATEGY: none
330   before_script:
331     # run ssh-agent
332     - eval $(ssh-agent -s)
333     # add ssh key stored in SSH_PRIVATE_KEY variable to the agent store
334     - ssh-add <(echo "$DEPLOY_KEY_ANSIBLE_REPO")
335     - ssh-add <(echo "$INTERNAL_GITTER_NETWORK_SSH_KEY")
336     - mkdir -p ~/.ssh
337     - echo -e "Host *\n\tStrictHostKeyChecking no\n\n" > ~/.ssh/config
338     # Make the infra tools available (like Ansible)
339     - git clone
340     - ANSIBLE_DIR=$(cd gitter-infrastructure/ansible && pwd) && echo $ANSIBLE_DIR
341     - mkdir -p /root && echo "$ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASS" > /root/.vault_pass
342   tags:
343     - internal # This has to be within the Gitter network
345 deploy_beta:
346   extends: .deploy_job
347   dependencies:
348     - distribute_beta
349   rules:
350     # Don't run this job for forks since it uses the 'internal' runner.
351     - <<: *if-not-canonical-project
352       when: never
353     - <<: *if-develop-branch
354   script:
355     - cd $ANSIBLE_DIR && ansible-playbook -i beta --vault-password-file "/root/.vault_pass" playbooks/gitter/webapp-deploy.yml
356   environment:
357     name: beta
358     url:
360 deploy_beta_staging:
361   extends: .deploy_job
362   dependencies:
363     - distribute_beta_staging
364   rules:
365     # Don't run this job for forks since it uses the 'internal' runner.
366     - <<: *if-not-canonical-project
367       when: never
368     - when: manual
369       allow_failure: true
370   script:
371     - cd $ANSIBLE_DIR && ansible-playbook -i beta --vault-password-file "/root/.vault_pass" playbooks/gitter/webapp-staging-deploy.yml
372   environment:
373     name: beta_staging
374     url:
376 deploy_staging:
377   extends:
378     - .deploy_job
379     - .rules:staging
380   dependencies:
381     - distribute_staging
382   script:
383     - cd $ANSIBLE_DIR && ansible-playbook -i prod --vault-password-file "/root/.vault_pass" playbooks/gitter/webapp-staging-deploy.yml
384   environment:
385     name: staging
386     url:
388 deploy_prod:
389   extends: .deploy_job
390   dependencies:
391     - distribute_prod
392   rules:
393     # Don't run this job for forks since it uses the 'internal' runner.
394     - <<: *if-not-canonical-project
395       when: never
396     - <<: *if-tag
397       when: manual
398   script:
399     - cd $ANSIBLE_DIR && ansible-playbook -i prod --vault-password-file "/root/.vault_pass" playbooks/gitter/webapp-deploy.yml
400   environment:
401     name: prod
402     url:
404 docker-base:
405   extends: .use-docker-in-docker
406   stage: docker_images
407   rules:
408     - <<: *if-schedule
409   script:
410     - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN
411     - docker build -t $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest .
412     - docker push $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest
414 mongo-base:
415   extends: .use-docker-in-docker
416   stage: docker_images
417   rules:
418     - <<: *if-schedule
419   script:
420     - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN
421     - docker build -t $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/mongo:latest scripts/docker/mongo-image/
422     - docker push $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/mongo:latest
424 elasticsearch-base:
425   extends: .use-docker-in-docker
426   stage: docker_images
427   rules:
428     - <<: *if-schedule
429   script:
430     - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN
431     - docker build -t $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/elasticsearch:latest scripts/docker/elasticsearch-image/
432     - docker push $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/elasticsearch:latest
434 synapse-base:
435   extends: .use-docker-in-docker
436   stage: docker_images
437   rules:
438     - <<: *if-schedule
439   script:
440     - docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p $CI_JOB_TOKEN
441     - docker build -t $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/synapse:latest scripts/docker/matrix/synapse/
442     - docker push $GITTER_CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/synapse:latest
444 renovate:
445   extends: .use-docker-in-docker
446   stage: docker_images
447   rules:
448     - <<: *if-schedule
449       allow_failure: true
450   variables:
451     # GitLab access token with api access
453     # GitHub access token for getting release notes of package updates,
454     #
456     RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE: renovate-config.js
457   script:
458     - docker run -e GITLAB_TOKEN="$RENOVATE_GITLAB_TOKEN" -e GITHUB_COM_TOKEN="$RENOVATE_GITHUB_TOKEN" -v $PWD/renovate.json:/usr/src/app/renovate.json -v $PWD/renovate-config.js:/usr/src/app/config.js renovate/renovate:13 gitterHQ/webapp
460 # Security reports
461 # =========================================================
462 include:
463   - template: Security/SAST.gitlab-ci.yml
464   - template: Security/DAST.gitlab-ci.yml
465   - template: Security/Dependency-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
466   - template: Security/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
467   - template: Security/Secret-Detection.gitlab-ci.yml
469 dependency_scanning:
470   stage: security
471   variables:
472     SECURE_LOG_LEVEL: debug
474 gemnasium-dependency_scanning:
475   rules:
476     - when: always
478 container_scanning:
479   stage: security
480   rules:
481     - when: always
482   variables:
483     DOCKERFILE_PATH: Dockerfile-app-base
484     GIT_STRATEGY: fetch
488 sast:
489   stage: security
490   variables:
491     SAST_EXCLUDED_PATHS: '/test/**,**/*-test.js,/scripts,/build-scripts'
494 nodejs-scan-sast:
495   rules:
496     - when: always
498 semgrep-sast:
499   rules:
500     - when: always
502 dast:
503   stage: security
504   rules:
505     - when: always
506   dependencies:
507     - containerize
508   variables:
509     <<: *webapp_variables
510     NODE_ENV: test-docker
511     DAST_WEBSITE: http://webapp-server:5000/
512     # Pass-through webapp secrets from our project-level secret variables
513     web__sessionSecret: '${web__sessionSecret}'
514     web__statePassphrase: '${web__statePassphrase}'
515     ws__superClientPassword: '${ws__superClientPassword}'
516     web__messageSecret: '${web__messageSecret}'
517     email__unsubscribeNotificationsSecret: '${email__unsubscribeNotificationsSecret}'
518     integrations__secret: '${integrations__secret}'
519     github__statePassphrase: '${github__statePassphrase}'
520     twitteroauth__consumer_key: '${twitteroauth__consumer_key}'
521     twitteroauth__consumer_secret: '${twitteroauth__consumer_secret}'
522     gitlaboauth__client_id: '${gitlaboauth__client_id}'
523     gitlaboauth__client_secret: '${gitlaboauth__client_secret}'
524     gitlab__public_token_pool: '${gitlab__public_token_pool}'
525     github__client_id: '${github__client_id}'
526     github__client_secret: '${github__client_secret}'
527     github__user_client_id: '${github__user_client_id}'
528     github__user_client_secret: '${github__user_client_secret}'
529     github__anonymous_app__client_id: '${github__anonymous_app__client_id}'
530     github__anonymous_app__client_secret: '${github__anonymous_app__client_secret}'
531     tokens__anonymousPassword: '${tokens__anonymousPassword}'
532   before_script:
533     # Used to communicate with the other services and share the other hostnames we can connect to
534     # See
535     - cp /etc/hosts "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/"
536   services:
538       alias: webapp-server
539       # Used to communicate with the other services and share the other hostnames we can connect to
540       # See
541       entrypoint:
542         [
543           '/bin/sh',
544           '-c',
545           'while [ ! -f /$CI_PROJECT_DIR/hosts ]; do sleep 1; done && cat /$CI_PROJECT_DIR/hosts > /etc/hosts && node web.js',
546         ]
547     - *webapp_service_mongo
548     - *webapp_service_redis
549     - *webapp_service_elasticsearch
550     - *webapp_service_neo4j
551     - *webapp_service_synapse
553 .secret-analyzer:
554   extends: .use-docker-in-docker
555   stage: security
557 secret_detection:
558   rules:
559     - when: always