Initial Import
[glAntsMech.git] / octanemech / src / HUnit / HUnitLang.lhs
1 HUnitLang98.lhs -- HUnit language support, generic Haskell 98 variant
3 Note: The Haskell system you use needs to find this file when looking
4 for module `HUnitLang`.
6 $Id: HUnitLang98.lhs,v 1.2 2002/02/14 19:27:56 heringto Exp $
8 > module HUnitLang
9 > (
10 > Assertion,
11 > assertFailure,
12 > performTestCase
13 > )
14 > where
17 When adapting this module for other Haskell language systems, change
18 the imports and the implementations but not the interfaces.
22 Imports
23 -------
25 > import List (isPrefixOf)
26 > import IO (ioeGetErrorString, try)
30 Interfaces
31 ----------
33 An assertion is an `IO` computation with trivial result.
35 > type Assertion = IO ()
37 `assertFailure` signals an assertion failure with a given message.
39 > assertFailure :: String -> Assertion
41 `performTestCase` performs a single test case. The meaning of the
42 result is as follows:
43 Nothing test case success
44 Just (True, msg) test case failure with the given message
45 Just (False, msg) test case error with the given message
47 > performTestCase :: Assertion -> IO (Maybe (Bool, String))
50 Implementations
51 ---------------
53 > hunitPrefix = "HUnit:"
55 > hugsPrefix = "IO Error: User error\nReason: "
56 > nhc98Prefix = "I/O error (user-defined), call to function `userError':\n "
57 > -- GHC prepends no prefix to the user-supplied string.
59 > assertFailure msg = ioError (userError (hunitPrefix ++ msg))
61 > performTestCase action = do r <- try action
62 > case r of Right () -> return Nothing
63 > Left e -> return (Just (decode e))
64 > where
65 > decode e = let s0 = ioeGetErrorString e
66 > (_, s1) = dropPrefix hugsPrefix s0
67 > (_, s2) = dropPrefix nhc98Prefix s1
68 > in dropPrefix hunitPrefix s2
69 > dropPrefix pref str = if pref `isPrefixOf` str
70 > then (True, drop (length pref) str)
71 > else (False, str)